A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Analysis ”mother tongue” by amy tan essay sample

Tan's life was hard for her to become the aspiring writer she wanted to be. And even though English was not Amy's first language, in the long run it changed her understanding of the English language.

Contrastive there is also an appropriate idiom

CONTRASTIVE ANALYSISOF IDIOMS 6Idioms formed with the colour redThe conceptual meaning of the colour red in Oxford OnlineEnglish Dictionary is ? Both English and Frenchare rich in idiomatic expressions containing colours and the most common onesare those formed with black, white and red. From this analysis we can concludethat colours are of great importance β†’

History of english language

ISL Linguistic Date: 12 January 2013 History of the English Language Indo-European LanguageFamilyTree World Englishes History of the English Language Source: http://www.danshort.com/ie/timeline.htm The figure below shows the timeline of the history of the English language.* The earliest known residents of the British Isles were the Celts, who spoke Celtic languages a separate branch of β†’

ο»Ώreflection on differences between written and spoken discourse essay sample

On the other hand, when speaking, the listener is present and can give immediate feedback to what is being said. Still, it is a good start to set the differences between spoken and written discourses relying on the factors of time and audience as established on the previous paragraph, as they are more evident in β†’

Good pragmatism essay example

In the article An Introduction to Classic American Pragmatism, the main aspects of pragmatism are examined. The author, Raymond Pfeiffer, Professor of Philosophy, argues that every person understands pragmatism differently, though in common language, the term " pragmatism" conveys the inclination for the practical. As a philosophical term, it was created by a Charles β†’

To what extent can language shape our beliefs?

So if we believe in something, that has a meaning in dictionary, can we know what we believe in? But if we look at artists, how can they express themselves? He just makes an image and he can tell everybody else, what they believe that love is. But, if β†’

Isu analysis – the jade peony essay sample

One of the themes of the Jade Peony was the difficulty that the early Chinese immigrants had to face when they came to Canada in the late 1800s. The Chinese created their own small town over the sea and out in the middle of a strange country, to produce the next generation and β†’

Dialectical theory

It is how the parties engaged in a relationship respond to tensions that shapes the way parties will handle tensions. For a husband and wife in a marriage or a boyfriend and girl friend in a love affair, the knowledge of the underlying assumptions of the dialectic theory is fundamental. The partners may therefore have β†’

Types of slang

For example, the word " LOL" which is the abbreviation of " Laugh Out Loud" is often used by Internet users to express their feeling. The forth type of minor slang group is slang of the army and police which includes a series of terminologies in the armed forces. For example, the word " commodore" β†’

The social-functional, social conflict and symbolic interaction theories of education essay

The Social-Functional, Social Conflict and Symbolic Interaction Theories of EducationThe ultimate goal of education is the effective participation of an individual in social situations. This may be connected to education in the sense that the conflict theory " sees the purpose of education as maintaining social inequality and preserving the power of those who β†’

Value of codeswitching in an interaction


Learning a second language

Unconsciously, they learn to recognize contexts and begin acquiring finediscriminationin their use of a language. This means that for a second language learner, the best way to learn is through immersion in the language. The " sink or swim" concept is so very true in the learning of a second language, the language must be β†’

Patrick henry speech to virginia convention essay sample

In the " Speech to the Virginia Convention" by Patrick Henry there were a lot of things that made his speech very persuasive. Here he is that a big struggle will be coming very soon. A superior example of a metaphor that Patrick utilizes in his speech is when he is talking β†’

English: the language of global business

One of the primary benefits of learning English is that it is often considered the language of global business. For anyone interested in traveling to countries in which English is the primary or common language, it is often essential to understand and speak it.

Requirement of assamese language essay sample

That cannot say as their fault, but at a same time, to making children's interest towards also Assamese or any other their mother tongue is not the responsibility of parents? I came across through a survey on the different book stalls especially in Guwahati, and I found that in last few years the interest β†’

Teenagers and technology are destroying our beautiful english language

It is part of our essential human nature and it is what make us what we are and who we are. However, due to the emergence of technology and the way how teenagers use language may affect our beautiful english language but will not destroy our beautiful English language. All these interactions β†’

Cultural gaps in linguistic communication with

The first aim of this paper is to examine some of the problems that are caused by cultural differences on the basis of linguistic communication, i.e., the verbal means of contact between the source language culture and target language culture. When trying to carry out the same meaning in interpreting a text from a source β†’


Education' comes from a Latin word. One of the important things about education is to give people an interest in knowledge and an ability to learn - or strategies or techniques for learning - and a knowledge of how to find out about things they want to know. People going to school and β†’

Languages of love

That Is the reason why Words of affirmation speaks to my heart as well. Lastly, my most cherished of all the love languages is Quality time.

Slang in modern english

A great amount of American slangs take advantage of the euphony to achieve the aim of being easily to be understood and remembered and to get the purposes of being readable and vivid. Originality Slang is the diction that results from the favorite game among the young and lively of playing with words and β†’

A study of najdi arabic & arabic language (saudi arabia)

Arabic is treated as a biggest member of the Semitic branch and it is some what same as Hebrew and Aramaic. Arabic is studied widely in the Islamic world. The Arabic used in Qur'an is treated as the perfect Arabic and is a stander for written form of Arabic. β†’

Argument response against dual language education

I would like to think I have a very good grasp of the English language; I am constantly being commended on my superior verbalcommunicationskills. The sad part is I never got below C+ in any of my written assignments due to my extraordinary level of content.

Body language critical essay

That is Body language and it can help you in relationships, in business, and it is crucial to our daily life. We practice non-verbalcommunicationevery day, when we interact with someone else. Some of us are natural in it, some of us need to sit, read and learn about it, but the truth β†’

Junot diaz’s “drown” – used language

He is able to let readers see things from the perspective of the narrator, a man who struggles to stay in touch with the culture of his native land. The next stories in the book focus on the life of immigrants as they have settled in the United States. In the story, " Edison, New β†’

The building blocks of language essay sample

To produce language, one must build words using phonemes and morphemes, and then string those words into sentences using the rules of grammar; syntax and semantics. The first building block is a phoneme. Function morphemes add a little additional meaning to the word. The final building block of language is grammar.

Acquiring the human language-playing the language game

Explain the ambiguity of the question asked by Jill de Villiers to both children and graduate students: " When did the boy say he hurt himself?" Why is this question ambiguous and why is it interesting to note that this question is ambiguous? Question was " When did the boy say he hurt himself?" and β†’

Language development multi-disciplinary

The articles selected for this purpose have one theme in common: they offer tips and suggestions, and also the roadmap for applications within a children learning environment. Transduction: Having worked in the field of cognitive development among children, Jean Piaget, a famous Swiss development psychologist, has described " transduction" as the first β†’

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The Future Of English As The Global Language Is Assured is the second language for many countries over the world. Besides, they expect that their children published this no readsno comments Add to your reading list Call Center Industry In The Us pose a communication barrier since the agents often do not speak English as β†’

Certainty and doubt

The intelligence to have a certain amount of doubt regarding everything is truly a blessing to have. From the creation of the light bulb and the telephone, to the discovery of the new world, these well-known men of action had begun their journey based on their individual doubts. Due to their doubts, β†’

Japanese language

That is because the foundation of the language is so important that if you screw up in the beginning, it will drag you down when you move forward to the intermediate or advanced classes. Conclusion If you can follow some of the tips I mentioned above, I believethey will help you a lot on learning β†’

Dissertation proposal on speech shortage in schools

Because of the reported shortage in available tools for assessment, and a lack of norming data for the development of language in children from diverse linguistic backgrounds, the quality of services provided was likely to suffer. A 2012 study of 128 SLPs who attended a seminar about linguistic and cultural diversity β†’

Trail of tears

The purpose of this chapter is to discuss the cause and effects of " Indian Removal" during Jackson's terms, ultimately creating the " Trail of Tears." As early as the colonial period Indian removal was evident, Brown claims. This can be compared to the Trail of Tears , because neither Chiang nor Mao would accept β†’


The idea put forth in this essay is to prove that the brain of a bilingual person is agile and nimble. This work is a recompilation of the advantages of being bilingual.

Human relations essay sample

Among the qualities listed on the Human Relations Scale, the most important one for building new relationships is A.self-confidence.B.a sense of humor.C.self-honesty.D.consideration. 3. In general, becoming a good listener is difficult for most of us because A.not-listening is a habit most of us develop during childhood.B.most of us are talkers, not listeners.C.most people have β†’

Language learning fundamental way to broaden one’s horizon

In fact, without having a common language as a means of communication, the struggle of it would be noticeable everywhere in our lives. According to Collins Dictionary for the definition " English as a foreign language" is: " the practice and theory of learning and teaching English for use in countries where it is not β†’

Differences in the way language is used

Numerous articles have dwelt on the topic of language especially in its importance and the ways it is used. The succeeding paragraphs will discuss the different usage of language based upon some of the written accounts that have given specific attention in this topic. A person perceived a particular color β†’

Language and power

At the dawn of civilization when man had yet to discover a language to communicate among themselves, the exchange of ideas and feelings hardly remained withdrawn. The sign language born out of gestures came to fill in the hiatus for a given period of time. When the same man takes his subordinate in the office β†’

University of phoenix material

In the middle column, define the five verbal rules that create the verbal code in a minimum of two sentences for each rule. In the last column, provide an example from both American culture and an international culture for each of the five rules of verbal codes.

Analysis of mtv networks: the arabian challenge essay sample

To compensate for the different culture and local tastes, MTV needed to be fully aware of all the differences between each Arabian demographic and other markets around the globe that MTV had already entered. " Experts felt that one of the biggest challenges faced by MTV while launching MTV Arabia was the prevalent culture in β†’

Personal educational goals essay

Later I transferred to United State of America for a three and a half years course at South Dakota School of mines and Technology. Being a photographer, I purchased all my lenses and camera from Japan.

How effectively does pavel ivanov use language to persuade his/her audience?

The film review about the movie 'I now pronounce you Chuck ; Larry' written by Pavel Ivanov is well suited to its audience who the writer describes as the 'Adam Sandler crowd', although Ivanov does indicate that audiences who get pleasure from comical films, would probably enjoy the blatant crude humour in this movie β†’

Cameroonian slang

Although it is the African country with the largest number of languages after Nigeria, according to Ethnologue data , Cameroon, with its 279 local languages and two official languages is the theatre of a language conflict due both to the ' rivalry' between local languages and the dominance of the two official languages. In β†’

ο»Ώwhy learning foreign language is important? essay sample

In my experience, the most of the time that I spent for learning English was not effective. It was all the same and I did not see any result so I decided to move to a new school which offers good English program when I was in 7th grade.

What is lost in translation from one language to another

This essay is going to analyse what is lost in translation from one language to another and why it is lost. Anything that can be said in one language can be said in another, unless the form is an essential element of the message" says Eugene Nadi in his book " The Theory and Practice β†’

There on a different level. this is not

If not thousands, there are hundreds of plugins you can add to your site to upgrade it, design it, add some bling, and make it easy for your readers to navigate and so much more. Get out of your path to talk to, and get to know, your audience on a different level. This is β†’

Spa 127 exam study guide

Be able to define or at least recognize the definition of the following: * Articulation- Refers to speech sound production * Speech- Vocalized form of human communication.* Fluency- refers to the forward flow of speech * Optimum and habitual pitch * MLU - - measure of linguistic productivity in children * Apraxia- motor speech β†’

Phonology and english classes

Besides, I do not know very well why, but English had mom kind of attractive power over me and I never got bored during the English classes. At present I am in my second year at university. To master the language fluently is what I want In the future.

Prominence of language essay

The Prominence of Language I believe that of all possible human qualities, the one that wields the most power is the ability to use, understand and communicate effectively through language. Many of t speak proper English and creating a language of their own made the of something bigger.

Bilingual education and the cycle of native language

Plus, they argue that in an increasingly global society, schools, far from discouraging native-language retention, should work to help students maintain their native tongues, even as they also teach them English. Complicating the debate is the range of programs that, by some people" s definition, fall under the umbrella of bilingual education. For instance, they β†’


Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics as langue and parole. It's the system of a language, the ideal form of a language, the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by people of a particular country.

Eats, shoots and leaves

Not only do we use it constantly, but is appears as well on the television, the internet, etc.therefore appropriate spelling and grammar is significantly important. Even though I give the impression of being a stickler, I, in fact, am a slacker. Maintaining proper English is crucial thus I try to write with as much concern β†’

English grammar proficiency essay sample

The last box is the implication of the identified level of English proficiency to the English Instruction of the fourth-year students in the Public Secondary Schools in West District, Tanauan Division SY 2013-2014. Statement of the Problem The major thrust of this study is to determine the English Grammar Proficiency of fourth-year students β†’

The role of nutrition health deviations essay samples

The primary focus of the paper is to discuss three main aspects of good nutrition namely 1) Recommended Dietary Allowances, 2) Nutritional assessment is to identify clients at risk for malnutrition and 3) Health and disease risks related to malnutrition. Recommended Dietary Allowances Most Americans today are aware that β†’

The active lifestyle essay sample

For most adults, leisure-time physical activity provides a balance to the demands of family and work. Being an active individual leads to a life that is reasonably longer and of higher quality than the lives of those who do not know the meaning of exercise.

Free research proposal on project topic and feasibility paper

Childhood Obesity Following the American Psychological Association's Guidelines Cindy Contreras Purpose of Statement The purpose of this project is to determine the effect of physical activity, dietary patterns, and family/environmental factors on children with the overall outcome of obesity. The most important independent variable in this relationship is physical activity, β†’

Tv: the plug-in drug

Has television done ANYTHING to improve the lives of people in America? In " The Worst Years of Our Lives, " Ehrenreich is right to call the world inside the black box " eerie and unnatural"; it was never intended to be anything else.

To what extent should the nhs care for and treat patients with diseases related to obesity

Even though the NHS has been around a significant amount of time, there was a time before it where only the rich could afford healthcare and the poor were left to suffer, resulting in a high death rate amongst the lower class citizens; henceforth the NHS was founded on the grounds of giving free healthcare β†’

Junk food should be banned from elementary and middle schools research paper

Children in this age group tend to eat a lot of junk food in school and outside of school causing health problems (Lytton, " Why is there so much unhealthy food in schools?", Fooducate.com). Junk foods are very greasy and overly salty. There should also be replacement of healthy foods instead of junk foods in β†’

Grade v pupils of mauban south district essay sample

Furthermore, the finding of the study will serve as an essential source of information regarding the health of the pupils. Statement of the Problem The study aimed to know the effect of nutritional status on the academic performance of the pupils. There is no significant relationship between the academic performance and the nutritional β†’

Free essay on drafting a research problem

This paper aims at assessing the relationship between one's weight and opportunity advancement or rather the level of income. Statement of the Problem Body weight and income relationship differ from one cultural setting to the other. The studies below highlight some of the studies that attempt to explain the relationship between income and weight. β†’

Current events: obesity

Obesity: An American Epidemic Americans are well aware of the fact that the United States has one of the world's highest rates of obesity and that the country has gained the worldwide stereotype of being overweight. Many people like to blame the obesity epidemic on politics and the media, saying that the only epidemic β†’

Childhood obesity: the factors that play a part

This means that a child has the best opportunities when everyone in the community plays a role in providing and caring for the child with regards to the health of a child, parents, caregivers, educators, and the government all play roles in the healthy upbringing of a child. Of all the causes of childhood obesity, β†’

Weight loss and use of a low carbohydrate diet research papers examples

As well as recommends lorcaserin and the phentermine-topiramate combination as viable, evidence-based treatments that have been approved by the Food and Drugs Administration for use in achieving sustainable weight loss. Weight Loss Obesity is a serious health problem that affects people in virtually all parts of the world, necessitating weight loss among obese people. β†’

Research paper on healthy eating

In addition, all of the sources are properly cited and referenced. Since the information presented in this article is based on the results of the author's research, which are supported by the findings of previous research, the information in this article can be considered authoritative and reliable. The article also describes the specific foods that β†’

Exam 4 study guide

Discuss the importance of some weight gain during pregnancy.the blood volumes increase 50% the placenta develops in order to allow nutrients to be delivered to fetus and produce hormones that orchestrate other changes in the mothers body the amount of fat increase to provide engery needed late in pregenacy the uterus enlarges mucles and ligaments β†’

Compare and contrast essay essay sample

Therefore, researchers from intelligence, personality, and weight show different impacts from nature and nurture. First, different people have different intelligence. Nature and nurture have different ways to influent children. Finally, people's weight is related with nature and nurture factors.

Leading a healthy lifestyle

I feel glory to have a chance of lifetime standing here to address a speech to all of you. First and foremost, a balanced diet is important for the continuing healthy of our body as well as gives the green light for our body to imbibe nutrients evenly and expend energy on our daily routine.

Childhood obesity prevention

As we address Childhood obesity, we need to look at preventative measures and strategies to ensure that we control and recognize the symptoms and indicators associated with Childhood obesity. If we can get society to think differently about childhood obesity and get this epidemic center stage for a while then we can get the backing β†’

Essay on nutrition article critique

List three important facts that the author uses to support the main idea. a) The fact that by removing the restrictions on the production of the subject enzyme, it was produced continuously, altering the hypermetabolic rate of the test animals; b) The enzyme is only produced in muscle tissue in obese subjects or in muscle β†’

Internationalization of higher education: towards its comprehensive conceptualization in ukraine

Being objectively affected by the process of globalization, Ukrainian academic institutions gain the impetus to design the international educational environment, responsive to the needs of time, and therefore persistently move towards the understanding of the concept of internationalization and its adequate practical application. The paper provides a conceptual outline of internationalization of Ukrainian higher education, β†’


Genetics accounts for approximately 25 percent to 40 percent to childhood obesity.Although genetics is a significant factor, diet and lifestyle also play an important role in the increase of childhood obesity.. The remedy to obesity in children involves many changes including lifestyle, exercise, and diet.

Positive and negative effects of bariatric surgery research paper sample

Laparoscopy benefits the patient by minimizing wounds and reducing postoperative pain. Each of the mentioned procedures has its pros and cons considering that every surgery carries the risk of death and that bariatric surgery patients often surfer from heart disease and diabetes. Other than the initial high cost of the procedure, the economics seem to β†’

Michele noel

I am asking for your support to put the pressure on schools to serve healthier and more nutritious lunches to students in order to reduce the childhood obesity in our children. Childhood obesity can potentially ruin the health of an entire generation; therefore, school lunches need to be healthy and nutritious.

Forming habits to prevent obesity

You have to improve your nutritional and physical habits to prevent obesity. You are more likely to live a healthy adulthood if you eat right and stay in shape. A high level of physical activity helps you to lose calories and if you do so regularly you can prevent obesity. Some β†’

Example of research paper on obesity in middle school

The obese students fear being in the company of the rest of the students, and, therefore, they fail to enjoy their childhood moments. It adds to the poor grades in the schools as most of the times the obese students are ever teased by others in the learning institutions. Obesity has a tendency to increase β†’

Weight bearing exercises benefits and risks research paper example

Similarly, a study by Etherington et al confirmed that long-term weight-bearing exercise to be an important factor in the regulation of bone mass and fracture prevention. Another study by Mueller et al assessed the effects of weight-bearing exercise and non-weight-bearing exercises for diabetic individuals with peripheral neuropathy. Observational studies focusing on PA and fracture risk β†’

Obesity in children

The student discovered the causes of middle childhood obesity, the effect of obesity on a child's health, psychosocial, and cognitive development, and ways to counteract obesity in middle childhood. Effect of Obesity on Children's Health, Psychosocial, and Cognitive Development According to " Overweight And Obesity" , one in three children in the United States β†’

Installing and upgrading windows and learning input/output essay examples

Introduction Windows installation is an important activity of system maintenance and upgrades, however one single mistake can create a lot of troubles and may result in data loss or even OS failure, hence it is important to ensure that the hardware configuration is according to the requirements and all the necessary components are β†’

What is xenadrine?

Xenadrine Xenadrine is one of the more popular and controversial dietary supplements on the market today. Cytodyne Technologies were able to produce a product that gives the same results as the original without the risk of ephedrine.

Critique of mary worley’s article: fat and happy

She believes that people should not be ashamed of their bodies, or try to change them to fit in with the crowd. She discusses a new outlook on body image and believes that we all should create " a new relationship with our bodies, one that does not involve self-loathing". Worley explains that society feels β†’

Good case study on medicine: 75 year old overweight male presents

With regards to aging and unassociated with any other disease process numbness in both legs at age 75 accompanied by obesity could signal nerve damage linked to poor circulation in the extremities. Blood vessels and heart muscles tend to age with age. Besides, this disease is associated with the aging process since it is caused β†’

Problem of obesity in alameda county

Piedmont Unified School District has the lowest rate of students being overweight compared to San Leandro Unified School District." The highest levels of obesity in Alameda county are Pacific Islanders , following Hispanics , American Indians , and African Americans compared to the levels of obesity of Asians β†’

Effects of diet pills

The usage of unregulated diet pills is a problem in the United States; the risks involved with taking them should be understood and recognized. I will talk about the dangers of diet pills, followed by America's obsession with weight and ' quick' fix diets and finally, what can be done to regulate and monitor the β†’

0013-7227/01/$03.00/0 printed in u.s.a.

The potential significance of ghrelin in the etiology of obesity and cachexia as well as in the regulation of growth processes is the subject of ongoing discussions. Ghrelin and Energy Balance The first published evidence for the involvement of ghrelin in the regulation of appetite was provided by Ghigo and co-workers.

Free article review on global trends in childhood obesity

De Onis, Blossner & Borghi in the study on the global trends in child obesity have assessed the extent of this problem from a global dimension and the article is reviewed and is presented below. Health policy issue The article deals with the issue on childhood obesity, β†’

Example of essay on health effect of eating meat

Meat occurs as one of the diets often consumed by populations in various parts of the globe. Thesis statement Although meat consumption has a positive effect on an individual's health, its consumption should be monitored because it can also have a damaging influence on an individual's health status. II. For example, vitamin D helps β†’

How to raise children nowadays essays examples

Parents are doing everything to ensure the safety and the healthy future for their children. Some of the ways for parents to discourage their children to try or use these habits are practicing their parental guidance and ensuring that their children are living in a healthy and friendly environment (Brown, Catalano, Fleming, Haggerty, Abbott, 2005). β†’

Government controlled diet

A government controlled diet may affect overweight people by not being able to be in control of their food choices, they will have a lack of privacy, and the diet may not accommodate everyone. It is in the people's best interest for the government to have a say in American diets.

Annotated bibliography

Patricia Anderson and Kristin Butcher document trends in children's obesity and examine the possible underlying causes of the obesity epidemic. In particular, they examine changes in the food market, in the built environment, in schools and child care settings, and in the role of parents - paying attention to the timing of these changes.

Homework should be reduced essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to show readers what less homework causes and how it could be modified. Homework is like a resource you need, it's necessary, but should be reduced in order to be use for studying. The main cause of stress, would be homework, because it takes to much focus and β†’

Five minute persuasive speech topics

Once the listener becomes interested in the topic, outline the problem or the need of the issue and anticipate any counter-arguments. In the last minute of the speech, provide a call to action.

Childhood obesity and parental influences

It is hypothesized that these children overeat as a means of finding comfort and, therefore, become obese in the process (Parsons, Power, Logan, & Summerbell, 1999). Parental influence on child Childhood Obesity and Parental Influence physical activity is transmitted through role modeling and belief in the child's ability (Bois, Sarrazin, Brustad, Trouilloud, & Cury, 2005). β†’

Aerobic exercise: a powerful fitnes workout

The benefits of aerobic exercise are powerful, and aerobic exercise should be a part of your fitness workout. As you can see, the benefits of aerobic exercise are impressive way to keep in good shape and helps out with your health.

How losing weight changed my life

I have better self-esteem, am more energized, and have found a career to enter that best fits my interests. Seeing the results I have received from my hard-work and effort through a proper diet has made me want to learn more about it.

Compare/contrast macronutrients

There are good and there are also bad carbohydrates and it is up to us to choose which ones to digest as part of a healthy diet. It is up to the consumer to decide to include Carbs in their diet or accept the potential risks of cutting them out completely.