A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Infectious disease research paper examples

As such the bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis is responsible for initiation of inflammatory responses. Mode of transmission of tuberculosis The main route of transmission of tuberculosis is via the air. As such, overcrowding results in limited flow of air, hence in case an individual living within the overcrowded radius has the disease, it will predispose β†’

Memorandum case study essay sample

He seems to be the only source of income in his house for his wife has no education beyond high-school and is a stay at home mother. It is very likely that if Jerry receives the heart transplant that he will live 10-15 years longer. It is crucial that he receives a heart transplant β†’

Sample essay on ethical contexts

Therefore, when I recount the events that took place when were out in Texas helping a community that was in a wildfire prone zone, you will believe me when I say that what I made the best decision given the situation. I had just joined the team at the center of Preparedness and Recovery in β†’

10: peer pressure

A large part of the reason peer pressure comes under scrutiny is that one of the groups most likely to begin smoking - young teenagers - is also one of the most susceptible to peer pressure. For nonsmokers who lack that social bond in their lives, that connection can be enough to drive them through β†’

Sample essay on the use of props in hedda gabler and the importance of being earnest

The use of props in the two plays, Hedda Gabler and The Importance of Being Earnest, categorically places the plays in high ranks about the message, characterization, and plot for the plays. Some of the props have great semblance while others have varying differences. The paper explores the use of props β†’

The effects of addicting to cyber social networks

First of all, we will next to our far away people we usually connected to, but we will be far with the people around us. As we know that if we addict to something, in this case social networks, we will not be able to be separated with our gadgets.

Drug abuse essay sample

A growing number of people in today's society are worried that drug use and abuse warrants grave public concern, and that there needs to be change in the approach to deal with and stop it. More recently the concern is forwarded to the rise in the consumption of the club drugs, such as MDMA, β†’


Given the limitations of previous research, and particularly the paucity of research undertaken within inpatient psychiatric settings, a study was undertaken to examine the readiness to quit, quitting behaviors, and reasons for quitting among a diagnostically heterogeneous sample of smoking patients in a large public inpatient psychiatric hospital in New South Wales, Australia, β†’

The growing incidence of drug overdose in the u. s.

The growing incidence of drug overdose in the U.S. None of them suggests how to control this growing incidence of drug overdose in the U.S.in a single tight loop.

Smoking causing health problems

For years a lot of college students die from smoking cigarettes. We want our presentation to also encourage and explain the importance of a person health.

Good example of essay on similarity in themes

The paper will focus n Merchant of Venice as the comedy and Macbeth as the tragedy. The paper aims to explore how this theme emerges through the different genres. In the tragedy , the theme of appearance v.reality manifests itself in various forms.

Expect the unexpected

Expect the Unexpected The Merchant of Venice Dramatic irony is when the words and actions of the characters in a novel have a different meaning for the reader then they do for the characters, this is the result of the reader having a superior knowledge than the characters themselves. Therefore, William Shakespeare introduces " β†’

A midsummer night’s dream – sparkling romantic farce

In strictest sense, there is no real climax, as the conflicts of the play are all resolved swiftly by magical means in Act 1V the moment of greatest tension is probably the quarrel between the lovers in Act 111, scene 11. The tone of the story is romantic and reassuring Tone. Resources https://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/msnd/section1/

Example of history of visual effects literature review

According to Black , " Mass visual culture was inaugurated in the nineteenth century with the advent of a range of technologies, including the kaleidoscope, the daguerreotype, the photograph, and the cinema. According to Seale , " But, more to the point is the actual frequency and significance of such visual effects in β†’


Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince Hamlet exacts on his uncle Claudius for murdering King Hamlet, Claudius's brother and Prince Hamlet's father, and then succeeding to the throne and taking as his wife Gertrude, the old king's widow and Prince Hamlet's mother. Some critics like to think that the β†’


He knows that if he kills the king he will be able to take over the king's place and this is what he would like to happen. He started it because the three witches convinced him that he will become 'Thane of Glamis', ' Thane of Cawdor' and 'king hereafter'.

The merchant of venice essay examples

The words " and they lived happily ever after" could almost be inserted here. The great difference between the written play as it would have been presented in Shakespeare's day and the 1973 TV movie version comes from the setting and costuming. It is the concept that an English garden has a somewhat timely element, β†’

Macbeth and body paragraph

Compare/contrast important aspects of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's initial reactions to the prophecies of the witches and the idea of murdering Duncan. Body Paragraph 2: Compare/contrast important aspects of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's behavior and character just prior to, and during, the murder of Duncan.

The tempest: a critical analysis

It is his last have fun with full authorship, and it seems that the playwright wants to bid farewell to his art with an unique statement about the true function of the author. In it he reveals us how the author is in complete control of the world he creates, and that he is able β†’

Shakespeare in the park ( as you like it ) essay sample

The play takes place on the fourth day of October. John Lee Beatty a character in the play serves to make over the setting of the play from the watchtower and the barred timber walls of the Court scenes to a vivid picture of the Forest of Arden exhibited by thicket of green grass. The β†’

A problem of fixing the parole system for juveniles

According to Ryan Haggerty, a Chicago Tribune reporter, " More than half of the people released from the state's Department of Juvenile Justice facilities are later incarcerated again in the juvenile system, according to the study by the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission". Spreading awareness about the juvenile justice system in Chicago is important because β†’

Identity theft

If unusual activity appears on a person's account it should be reported to the credit card or billing company immediately so that if the consumer is a victim of identity theft the card will be reported as such and the next time the thief uses the card there will exist a paper trail by which β†’

When a crime is committed

The most time will be spent on who are the perpetrators are, but a considerable amount of time will be spent on what crimes the perpetrator or perpetrators committed due to the severity of the situation; for example, burglary is larceny if a car is involved in some places. Finding out who could be the β†’

Chapter 1

The increase in the number of cameras in ordinary surveillance systems overloaded both the human operators and the storage devices with high volumes of data and made it infeasible to ensure proper monitoring of sensitive areas for long times. The second box demonstrates the possible specific Process of the system which is the, installation of β†’

Criminology theories-differential association and strain theory

This definition of criminology is also a useful way to categorize the theories. Theories of law breaking are the most common and essential in the field of Criminology. The main theories highlighted in this paper are Differential Association Theory and Strain Theory. These theories are explained and scrutinized in β†’

Sin and salvation: a spiritual rebirth

In Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky manifests the evil and goodness of Raskolnikov, depicting the need for him to change the need for the confession of his sin. As Christ came to fulfill the law, so must Raskolnikov also abide to the morals of humanity and accept the punishment of his crime; Raskolnikov cannot live a β†’

Police powers argumentative essay

The police are a part of an executive arm of government and so are separate from the legislature who makes the laws and the courts that make enforceable legal decisions and judgements. The responsibility that police have is the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order, but most β†’

Jails and prisons

Individuals housed in a jail have been sentenced for less than a year and receive minimal service and programs due to the transient nature of the facility. A Jail also houses a wide variety of individuals; not all there for punishment. Violence is a dominant subculture in jails and prisons.

Criminal without actually committing a crime?

Staples makes it a priority in his writing to convey to the audience that he is educated by using very professional diction. This significantly impacts the essay because it allows the reader to draw the conclusion that no matter where Staples goes he is faced with adversity because of his appearance.

Insanity vs cleverness

To begin, insanity and cleverness are proven by the characters in a variety of ways. In " The Tell-Tale Heart" the narrator displays insanity by the characters desire to eliminate the eye, due to his mental instability. With precession and caution he knew exactly how he anted to proceed with this madness.

Serial killer research

A serial killer is a person who attacks and kills victims one by one in a series of incidents. Some characteristics of a serial killer is that they have a minimum of three to four victims, usually with a " cooling off period" in between. The worst part of a psychopathic serial β†’

An analysis of the impact of corporate crime on the education sector

Or worse, they seek to survive with a life of crime. White collar crime is different from " street" or low income crime in that it is being conducted by a person who is well respected and is usually wealthy. They may even be able to convince many of us to fight alongside them even β†’

Good john wayne gacy essay example

Having been found guilty on thirty-three counts of murder, he remains to be the person to have had the highest number of murders in the United States of America. The sheer numbers of body counts that have been found and linked to John Wayne begs one to wonder at type person who he was.

Modern day piracy in somalia

Although it is not broadcast on the news for the world to see, pirates are very common in different parts of the world. The Definition of Piracy With saying that, modern pirates have changed gradually over time, but their activities and behavior are almost still the same In terms of defining piracy β†’

Crime and wheel conspiracy

Rudy did what he was asked, because Rudy did this he was involved in a wheel conspiracy because he is technically considered the " middle-man". He is the one that is doing the crime but there is an agreement between him and Ron who is in charge of the operation and he is protecting Ron β†’

Plea bargaining

Plea bargaining is defined as the process of negotiating an agreement among the defendant, the prosecutor, and the court as to an appropriate plea and associated sentence in a given case. In cases involving a plea the judge is able to dispose of a case quickly and move on to the next.

The β€œbroken windows” theory and its application in today’s society

The " Broken Windows" Theory and its Application in Today's Society The " broken windows" theory as explained in the article; which holds that physical detoriation and an increase in unrepaired buildings leads to increased concerns for personal safety of residents and a rise in the crime rates, is an applicable theory for the β†’

No heros no villians essay sample

James Richardson was the accused in the case of the deceased NY Police Officer John Skagen. At that point Skagen was at the bottom of the stairs he raised his gun aimed and fired a single shot with hit James Richardson in the shoulder blade he still kept running.

Aileen wuornos: life in hitchhiking across america that turn her life around essay sample

Her biological mother, Diane Wuornos, was a teenager at the time of Aileen's birth and her biological father, Leo Dale Pittman, was considered to be a schizophrenic and was a convicted child molester. All of the men, with the exception of Siems, were found with multiple gunshots (The case of Aileen Wuornos, 2012). There β†’

O.j. simpsonΒ΄s crime and the media

On a YouTube video, BuzzFeed suggest that the scientific evidence showed that the blood found out in the glove is a mixture of OJ, Nicole, and Ronald together, his friend who accompanied him to McDonalds said he did not have that cut on his finger at that time, the fiber analysis of hair β†’

Police career research paper essay sample

Their responsibilities include not only preserving the peace, preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also directing traffic, community relations work, and controlling crowds at public events. Law enforcement officers are a part of our communities to protect and serve us from danger and to β†’

Comparative perspective on organized crime

The increase in business transactions and a demand for protection of property after the end of feudalism Sicily is thought to have led to the emergence of the Mafia society. The major repercussion of this problem concerning criminal groups is a decline in the Russian economy whereby foreign investment is stifled due to extortion by β†’

Motion to suppress qrant or denial

Page Number: 60. Richard Bamberger, Publication Year: 1972, Justice Is the Crime: Pretrial Delay in Felony Cases. 1994)stressing the importance of " immediacy" requirement). See, e.g., U.S.v.

Managers and workers

They do not have initiative and in some cases, they may know what to do but they are not allowed to initiate any action on their own without such initiative originating from the manager. In many organizations where empowerment is set aside, absolute power is in the hands of the mangers. It β†’

How the desktop affects ergonomics

Normally, attention is focused on office chairs, but the desk is also a very important element that we must take into account when designing an ergonomically correct office. Today we are going to focus on the desk to discover how the desk affects the ergonomics of our position. But it is always good to know β†’

Changes and improvement in recruitment and training

Changes and Improvement in Recruitment and Training of Business Company: With a reference to 7-Eleven Corporation Abstract Purpose - This essay aims to account for the ways in which recruitment and training deeds are changing with an instance of 7-Eleven Corporation and to point out the reasons for the main changes and β†’

The main enablers of a successful synchromodal system

When the service demand is made, the supply of services can be composed and proposed based on these preferences and the attributes of the available modes of transport. A first shift in the mindset is related to the aspect of " mode-free booking", which means that shippers should not be concerned with the mode selection β†’

Recruitment policy vs recruitment process

Internal consistency may be analyzed for each of the two variables of espoused theory and theory-in-use, as a description of how internally consistent the theories and the assumptions of the theories are. RECRUITMENT POLICY AND RECRUITMENT DECISION ASSUMPTIONS The espoused theory in the case of an organization's recruitment activities is represented by the recruitment policy, β†’

Working weeks

I would define this key strategic issue in two particular contexts; the first of which being how the generic working week is structured, and the second being the average amount of normal weekly hours a full time worker must work to maintain a livelihood. Companies would gain two extra hours a day of an individual's β†’

Ergonomic workstation

Be at the same distance from your eyes as the display screen to avoid frequent changes of focus and you should be able you to look from one to the other without moving your neck or back. CHAIR ADJUSTMENTS Contrary to popular belief, sitting, which most people believe is relaxing, is hard on the back. β†’

Collectivism in my big fat greek wedding

The father offersmoneyto Thia Voula for her travel agents business; this shows how they help each other within the community. Tula asks to her boyfriend, if he went on holiday with his cousins, and he says no, she is shocked as she has 27 close cousins which they travel and do everything together." Greeks marry β†’

Turning work in on time (work ethic)

Doing more than is expected on the job is a good way to show that you have and know how to utilize goodtime managementskills and do not waste valuable time attending to personal issues not related to what is expected. Excuses are not accepted by anyone who expects something done a certain way, and the β†’

The contemporary workplace

Outline The aim of this essay is present the reader with an analysis of the concept of pleasure with particular reference to how it relates to the workplace. It will be shown that pleasure is of significance in the contemporary workplace, and that it is both a product and a producer of control and discipline β†’


Picture Graphs are also used to represent the answers to questions. There Were no bars graphs introduced in this excerpt from the book. In doing further research though found that circle graphs are beginning to be introduced in the fifth grade.

Featured skills and endorsements. recommendations, and interests

So as every section worked on so far, these sections which mark the latter part of your profile is vital as the rest, to shape an interesting representation of who you are to whosoever reads your profile. Let's look at each of these three sections, with this mindset. Featured Skills and Endorsements Hammered on from β†’

Harrassment at work

Singh of the problem and other associates of the company have informed Mr. Also, the company should place a harassment policy immediately and give all the employees training and inform them of the new policy.Mr.

My work experience critique essay

I often find that a lot of the clothes on sale in T. K Maxx is a good store to browse in if you have the time, and you might just find a good deal here.

Biblical and secular perspectives on the causes of dysfunctional turnover

The other strategy is the provision of growth opportunities. This is because the more the employees feel that they have the ability to grow and even become more marketable then the more they are likely to stay. The other strategy is the motivation of the troops; this can be done through the β†’

Personal skills development and team work analysis

Furthermore, this undertaking will show and measure how I interacted with my co-workers and demo my sentiment in what I would make if I look back on the important undertaking and why I would make that. This portion shows how I have developed my accomplishments over the class through my personal portfolio This portion β†’

The federal minimum wage

Even though many states already increase their minimum wage many people living in the United States claim that the federal minimum wage is entirely too low. The preponderance of evidence suggests that increasing the federal minimum wage would have little effect onpovertyand would in time reduce job security and increase unemployment. In fact, one of β†’

Challenges are opportunities or obstacles?

Foolish and weak are those people who flee away from the challenges and hurdles because there is no way someone can avoid them forever as they are part of our life. Only those can survive who master the art of handling and facing challenges and embrace them. The obstacles and hurdles that we face are β†’

Essay on collective work

In this plinth, it means that the workers have a lot of energy to provide quality services to the industry. Also, most of the employees can engage most of their times in ensuring that the output is of high quality. They share with the administration their views that can help improve the performance of the β†’

Ap bio work

What is the atomic number of helium? Here is a list of the types of bonds and interactions discussed in this section.

Why gaining community service experience is important before graduating high school

Therefore community service is very important for students to do, before they are able to graduate. In life its important in the future for students to have people in their lives that care about them and people they can rely on and go to when they need help or someone to talk to because life β†’

China – geert hofstede

Power distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. At 80 China sits in the higher rankings of PDI i.e.a society that believes that inequalities amongst people are acceptable. The extent to which β†’

Social regulation in the workplace

It has been argued that the concern issues with regard to adult females in the workplace is a accepted issue and thatgender equalityrepresents an of import societal duty, the consensus is that it is good policy to put to the promotion of adult females in the workplace. The Council indicates that gender equality needs to β†’

Work-life balance in american culture

There are countless ways to change a method so that it would be less of a hinder for work, and being open to change is one of the solutions. Again waking up late to work, again papers scattered all over the kitchen table from last night's procrastination, trying to stuff everything in the bag, then β†’

The value of human capital

The strategic resource that is the pillar of knowledge management is education. The education has helped many organizations in gaining a competitive advantage over the others. The top management is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that knowledge is used in a way that will bring productiveness. The performance of an organization is related to β†’

Labor unions narrative essay

By conducting the operations to establish their own unions, the NLRB was expected to safeguard the interest of the workers.. The employers are also expected to follow the labor law which is controlled by the federal and the state governments. The main duty of the NLRB is to maintain the cordial relationship between the workers β†’


This has caused a distinctive effect on the workforce causing them to face the age differences. The HR knows the older generation of the past consequently will sway the future of various organizations. Meanwhile workers and jobs are always transforming so organizations realize that they have diversity and the skill to maintain a balanced workforce β†’

Racism in the work place

The settlement also requires the company to institute a range of policies and programs to promote diversity among its workforce and to prevent discrimination based on race or gender. The settlement agreement also contains provisions related to the recruitment, hiring, job assignment, training, and promotion of Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister, and Abercrombie Kids employees.

Migrant workers in uk

This essay, hence, critically examines the history of migration and current policies, the ways in which migratory workers have been exploited, wellness and safety hazards they face and legal protections that have been put in topographic point. History of migration and migration policies The history of migration into and out of the UK is β†’

Understand the work of the ream

2 The class teacher's purpose and objective is for the running of their class and making sure that the national curriculum is delivered and delegate duties to the TAs that are in their class. 3 My role in the class is to help the class teacher.

Reflective report on group work

In this stage, the individuals start to know the other members of the group and the group is uncertain of the prospective tasks and there are no rules for the group work leading to a lack of focus and interest. At the norming stage a clearer guideline was given, individuals had the chance to choose β†’

Work in front of the kids

Summary The article " Co-Teaching: How to Make This Marriage Work in Front of the Kids" by Kohler-Evans discusses the implications and effects of co-teaching on children, and provides co-teaching lessons for teachers whoa re willing to improve class performance. The information provided in the paper has improved and broadened my knowledge of co-teaching and β†’

Officer recruitment and selection

The next topic we are going to discuss is the major components of the training process and thecareerdevelopment programs for officers who work at the agency. The first topic were going to discuss is elements associated with the police recruitment and selection process at the agency.

A report on child labor

Not only that, but when they work in the export-manufacturing sector of the economy their labor can fuel future growth of the economy, preventing their children or grandchildren from having to work in factories. This is not to say that we should do nothing to help child laborers, but rather that we should focus our β†’

How the gig economy is changing work for women

In fact, according to , in the last decade, the number of women in the gig economy has outgrown that of their male counterparts. Related: That's becausetechnologyand rise of the gig economy has offered new options for working women who crave more balance in their lives. There's , for women in tech and , a β†’

Working students

Schools, though invested in fostering good academic habits for the same reason, are also often influenced by concerns about the school's reputation and the possibility of monetary aid from government institutions, which can hinge on the overall academic performance of the school. State and federal departments of education are charged with improving β†’

Ability to work essay sample

My work was to gather personal information on clients of the company. Many of the clients were not willing to provide this data; but with patience and understanding on my part, I was successful in retrieving this information. By understanding their problems and helping them to the best of my ability, they were successful β†’

Rajiv gandhi vidyutikaran yojana and blackboard- cleaning

My data related to blackboards includes all schools in rural and urban India.' can substantiate my conclusion with different surveys and datas prepared by govt.and non-govt.agencies that still in rural area more than half of the schools have negligible basic infrastructure. As far s Mid-day meal scheme is concerned I have worked on β†’

Introduction to how pcs work

Roberts called his computer the Altair 8800 and sold the unassembled kits for $395. Popular Electronics ran a story about the kid in its January 1975 issue, and to the surprise of just about everyone, the kits became an instant hit and the era of the personal computer began [source: The Computer History Project]. There β†’

Recruitment and selection persuasive essay

Those types of legislation being: Constitutional law Human Rightslaw Employment Equity legislation and Labour law/employment standards and related legislation Constitutional law as a whole is the supreme law of Canada and has precedence over all other legal means; it consists of a series of Acts and orders passed since 1867 by β†’

Workplace ethics essay

These topics include; development work ethic attitudes and behaviors preferences for managerial interaction and employment core personal and workplace values and characteristics, generational recruitment and retention approaches, and necessary employment preferences. Discovering methods to boost productivity in associates can be a challenge contingent on the type and magnitude of an establishment. There are many features β†’

Job description of operation officer in a bank

This therefore asserts that for one to fit in the financial organizations one have to be equipped with set skills on system operations as well as other professional requirements such as the ability to comprehend documents and information, actively monitoring and assessing the organization's operations to make timely corrective actions to the systems, critical thinking β†’

My pursuit of a master’s in social work

My tumultuous childhood experiences helped garner a passion within me to help children who are deprived and facing adversity in an area of their life, so they can succeed as they matriculate into the realm of academia and adulthood. I have chosen to pursue a Master's in Social Work because my passion lies in helping β†’

Organization & work

Hakanen, J., Bakker, A.B. and Schaufeli, W.B., " Burnout and work engagement among teachers", The Journal of School Psychology, Vol. Saks M.A., , " Antecedents and Consequences of employee engagement", Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 21, pp.

A moral evaluation of child labor in the philippines

By this, Philippines is very vulnerable to any forms of child exploitation. Similarly, one of the most evident forms of child exploitation in the Philippines is the child labor. Child Labor The innocence of the child simply makes the child as a child.

Albatross anchor proposal

Question One Based on the information presented in the scenario/case studydiscuss Albatross Anchor's competitiveness in relation to (please address all items in the below list and provide support for your conclusions): 1. Cost a) Cost or Production: The first issue that needs to be addressed is; how much of the fabricating of the anchors could β†’

A problem of oppression in united states

Often times, the words and ideas offered by oppressed people are the most valuable to the advancement of a society, but the world as a whole is not willing to listen to a new perspective or idea. This neglection between the oppressor and the oppressed impedes quick change in society, but the selfless actions taken β†’

Describe how your own work must be influenced

Maybe look at how the special educational needs code of practice impacts on what you do or who you contact in your setting. What does your job contract list as its minimium standards for duties and responsibilities that you are expected to work with, perform to & where wanted beyond in your β†’

Gender roles in the work of john ford

Before diving into the work of Ford and how he gave significance to women in the West, it is important to discuss further he attitudes that Western film, and all of Hollywood in the early 2 years, had towards female characters. All of these story and character dynamics are to be expected when examining a β†’

Importance of teamwork

The systems analyst usually has to evaluate and study the organizationalcultureof the client, he has to assess and understand the preferences of the team members of the client and review the current circumstances of the client organization. This is important for the systems analyst to liaison widely with the external or internal β†’

Low-wage workers

The truth is I do not want to be a low-wage worker but I do not have a choice. If you want to know the answer, just look at me now. I was hired because I was referred by a friend who used to work for the company I am working for at present.

Negotiating a salary increase

The key to successful salary increase is to convince the employer that the company cannot afford to do without the services the person who is asking for a pay raise is providing. The services that person provides should not be easily replaceable. The negotiation for a salary increase starts the first day the person starts β†’