A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Evaluate the regulation of care provision essay sample

And all health care providers who have main contact with the children or young person, will need to undergo a Criminal Records Bureau and the setting will need to be inspected by the local authority and also by the Office for Standards in Education. Health and social care Level 3 book 2 BTEC →

Why support the kidney care quality and improvement act

And, it could cost an insurmountable amount ofmoneywhen someone goes to dialysis three times a week for the rest of his or her life Indeed, there is an immediate need to improve the government's program that provides dialysis care for those with kidney failure. Thus, the problem of health care dollars →

Competency adn vs. bsn

So what is the difference in the level of education and competency of the graduating nurse from an ADN or BSN program? Especially when all RN's regardless of educational level are taught and promise to uphold the definition of nursing set forth by the American Nurse Association, " Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization →

Solution to the opioid crisis

On the flip side, there are those who think that people are being enabled to use opioids by giving them Naloxone and a simpler solution would just to be arrest those who are selling and using opioids when they should not be. In order to combat the opioid epidemic, the people of this country need →

Some approaches to yoga by french ayurveda specialist kiran vyas

With a yoga dedicated to sight, Kiran Vyas, yoga master, French specialist in ayurveda, and author of the book Yoga of the Eyes, proposes to take care of it as it should be. Overall approach Always in demand, " even at night since eyeballs move when we dream, the eyes do not have time to →

Development of brazil is investing in health care.

The targeted investments in Brazil are in favor of programs directed tohealth, educationand improvement of public services. Another benefit is the social inclusion through participatory stimuli, as well as Increased productivity and economic stability Granola, Jorgensen & Roach, 201 1 With the definition of unilateralism that primary education becomes an education for all, →

The effects of a radiographer – led discharge service introduction

It was noted, however, that 32% of the 1760 examinations met the criteria for a radiographer-led discharge, but the lack of management plans from the clinician side prevented their inclusion in the pilot study. In terms of time efficiency, the journey for a patient under radiographer-led discharge from time of arrival to discharge took 52 →

Advantages of a revamped medical call centre

In an age where easy accessibility, quality of service, and overall cost of medical services are elements that patients factor-in while picking a healthcare facility, establishing a healthcare call-centre that is better than its traditional version is the need of the hour. Utilizing this human tendency to gather honest feedback that can help you →

Healthcare delivery system essay sample

The characteristics of healthcare delivery system on the availability of health education services are quite complex and mired in controversy (Harrington, Estes & Crawford 2004). School health education, on the other hand, is not as intense and elaborate as it is in some other developed countries. The lack of a direct link between the →

post lab questions essay sample

It is advisable to mark the TLC plate with a pencil instead of a pen because the ink from the pen might move up the plate along with the substances being separated which would contaminate and spoil the substances being examined. The developing solvent level at the bottom of the developing chamber was to →

Joy jenkins

Joy Jenkins Changing of the periodic table Today, the periodic table organizes the elements in horizontal rows, or periods, by order of increasing atomic number. The next milestone in the development of the periodic table was set by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev, who is generally acknowledged as the " father" of the modern →

Pre-lab-tyrone hayes discussion on atrazine

This pertains to the non-functionality of some of the body organs and growth irregularity. What was the part of the video that was most intriguing to you? The most intriguing part of the video was the scientific manner in which the toxic effects of atrazine and DES were related in rats to humans. Support your →

Gas and colors!

In What a gas! you will visually see that a gas is produced from the chemical reaction. By combining these two experiments, you will show that not only is a gas produced, but the reaction results in a change in pH.

Chemical process control an introduction to theory and practice

The second design question is " How do we select the best values for the adjustable parameters of the feedback controller chosen?" This is known as the Controller Tuning Problem. Tuning for some overshooting on startup: This method is a variation of the continuous cycling method.

Enzyme function lab essay sample

The reaction lasted about 10 minutes. 4.a) The hydrogen peroxide is used up and the manganese dioxide remains unchanged. Part two Title: Enzyme Function Purpose: To observe the role of enzymes in chemical reactions and to determine the kinds of cells that contain more of the enzyme catalase. →

Lead trial

It is found in the earth's crust as an ore together with their metals like copper and zinc. Exposure to lead can lead to the damage of the nerves. It can ultimately lead to death of the infant. Sampling methods In order to find the lead levels in humans, sampling is carried out.

Acetic acid: molecular formula and molecular weight

Also known as: ethanoic acid, Glacial acetic acid, Ethylic acid, Vinegar acid, Acetic acid, glacial, Methanecarboxylic acid, Acetasol, Essigsaeure Molecular Formula: C2H4O2 Molecular Weight: 60. 05196 Acetic acid is a weak acid which is probably most famous for being the primary acid in vinegar.

Acid-base titration lab

45| Final Volume of NaOH | 11. 53| Average Volume of NaOH = /3 = 9.

Molar mass of a volatile gas – lab report example

Molar Mass of a Volatile Gas Chemistry Lab Report 08 April Molar Mass of a Volatile Gas Objective The main objective of this experiment was to determine the molar mass of a volatile gas using the ideal gas equation. Materials and Apparatus Volatile liquid A pair of goggles A beaker →

Infrared spectroscopy structural determination – lab report example

Infrared spectroscopy structural determination Infrared spectroscopy structural determination Infrared spectroscopy is the spectroscopy that ideally, handles the infrared zone of the electromagnetic spectrum, which usually comprises of light that has lengthy wavelengths and generally has very short frequencies. The path length determines the can be used to determine the concentration of the compound →

Aaron wong

The appearance and reactions of the elements in a triad were similar to each other. He arranged all the elements into a table in order of relative atomic mass.

Pyrolytic graphite

Pyrolytic Graphite Pyrolytic Graphite Pyrolytic Graphite is formed by decomposition of a hydrocarbon gas in a chemical vapor deposition furnace at very high temperature. The figure below shows a prylotic graphite. Because of its low particulates and chemical resistance to gases which are fluorine-based, it is used to solve problems in semi-conductor and plasma etching →

Natural and common ph indicators experiment essay sample

Some other natural indicators include: Carrots, cherries, grapes, hydrangea, onions, poppy petals, rhubarbs, thyme and tulip petals. Aim To investigate the uses of various common and natural indicators in acidic, neutral and basic solutions. Part A: COMMON INDICATORS Equipment 0. I have learnt to wash my test →

Chemistry and uses of carbohydrates

Today chemistry of carbohydtaes is better known, the generic term is still in use. A carbohydrate is a polyhydroxy aldehyde/ketone, with the empirical formula CnH2nOn. Figure 1: Glucose to Fructose Isomerization On the basis of molecular size or the number of polyhydroxy aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketone units, carbohydrates are classified as follows : →

Answering questions concerning biochemistry

Digestion continues in the duodenum by the enzyme maltase, which breaks the maltose into glucose, and absorption of the monosaccharide glucose happens in the small intestines. The sucrose is broken down into glucose and fructose in the duodenum by enzyme sucrase, and the monosaccharides are absorbed in the ileum..

Anomalies of water

Water's high cohesion and high surface tension (its property of " sticking together" strongly, forming droplets and making watersurface resist being stretched or broken). It is certainly not all liquids that have the kind of high cohesion and high surface tension that water has. What this means is that without the stretching property of water, →

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Dividing both the numerator and the denominator under the logarithm by the initial concentration of the weak acid [acid]o, one obtains pH = pKa + log.What is the pH at the point in the titration of phenol, C6H5OH, where f = 0. 0163 g of H2 is produced, the number of moles of H2 is →

Acid in soda

Next, the tip of the buret was placed over the top of the soda solution. Using the volume of NaOH and the molarity of NaOH, the number of moles was found.

Carbon dioxide and industrialization modernization

Increasing the number of employed people in the labor force means increase in the economy. It is harmful for our body to take in the chemicals instead of the trees that should be taking it in. As what I have noted, industrialization can also harm the animals around us.

Sources and sinks of carbon dioxide environmental sciences essay

They obtain their C derived from organic compounds but obtain energy from the oxidization of their substrate. Carbon returns to the ambiance by: Respiration Combustion Decomposition In order to to the full understand the Mauritius C rhythm, we need to place the natural beginnings, the anthropogenetic beginnings and the sinks of CO2. →

Grignard reagent

8 The tendency of the halide substituents in the RMgX and MgX2 species present in ethereal solution at equilibrium to form bridges between magnesium atoms, Mg-X-Mg, in a Lewis base/Lewis acid type interaction further complicates the nature of the Grignard reagent in ethereal solvents. In a very thorough study of the association →

Organic synthesis of aspirin chemistry formal lab essay sample

Theoretical Yield = # of moles of limiting reagent X Of aspirinMolecular weight of aspirin 4. H2SO4 *Ethanol: C2H5OH *Acetic Acid: C2H4O2 *Acetylsalicylic Acid: C9H8O4 Procedures: Followed the procedures listed in the University of Winnipeg, Department of Chemistry Laboratory Manual, →

Natural/treated water

The elimination of any of the above conditions will result to no corrosion. Water corrosion Water corrosion is one of the common types of corrosion. Therefore, a more comprehensive process has to be developed to limit or eliminate water corrosion. Treatment process The major factor in preventing water corrosion is to prevent the →

Lab report: titration lab

The procedure: The first part of the laboratory experiment will be the preparation of the reactants and the choice of an indicator. You will need to prepare the analyte, a solution of NaOH, of a chosen concentration and volume and prepare a solution of HCl, the titrant, accordingly.

Chemical kinetics, a clock reaction

The reaction rate is an expression of the speed of each reaction in respect of the concentration of each solution and the temperature at which the reaction takes place. 33 x 10-5 / t | Reactant Concentration [I-] | [BrO3] | [H+] | Temp | 1 | 135 | 2.

Lab rebort

Through the application of this formula, the original temperature of heated water was obtained by calculating the difference in cold water temperature, hot water temperature and the final temperature. During this calculation, it was considered that the hot water temperature would be the summation of the cold and mixed water.

Cutting down the brazilian rainforest is wrong

Not only does leave the soil sterile and cut the land used for crops' life in half, but it also eliminates the opportunity for new medicines to be found, new plants to use for treatment in the medical field, and petroleum substitutes to be collected and used, just to name a few. Cutting Down the →

Boyle’s law – solutions

0 L of a gas at a pressure of 1. If I blow up this balloon with 3 moles of oxygen gas at a pressure of 1 atmosphere, what is the temperature of the balloon?

Hostile mint case study

When the organizers of the complaint began to fear that they were the investigation targets instead of the complaints, 32 of the women decided to take the matter to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Later, she would say in a statement given to the main office of the U.S.

Concentration of sulfur dioxide in wine and time periods

Sulfur Dioxide, which is added to manyfoodproducts including wine because it acts as a redundant, is Well known as a poisonous and allergenic substance , making it a somewhat harmful ingredient. The purpose of this experiment Is to determine how the amount of sulfur dioxide In white wine Is affected by the →

Yeast and different carbohydrate substrates essay sample

The structure of the substrate must compliment the shape of the active site to produce optimum results "" i.e.high reaction rate. This will be the study's variable and so the unit of carbohydrate will remain the same but the type and the structure of carbohydrate substrate used will vary. The concept being that the →

Carbon dioxide emissions

Write a sentence that compares the results to the hypothesis.4. In conclusion, in the fact that if all the Arctic Ice melts the worlds sea level would rise.

Quantitative analysis of salicylates by visible spectroscopy

Introduction: The purpose of this lab was to learn how to use a spectrophotometer to measure the amount of light absorbed by different concentrations of salicylic acid, compare those concentrations to our unknown sample and to use the data collected to compile a graph showing the levels of absorbance of the different concentrations. Methods →

Transport across the fermentation tank engineering essay

Mass transportation is enhanced by agitation from the headspace to the majority of the liquid ; it creates less anaerobioticenvironment for agitation, farther decelerating down the agitation clip and upseting the ecological equilibrium. The chief intent of agitation usually are intermixing of two mixable liquids, fade outing solids in liquids, scattering a gas in →

Catalase lab report

If the speed is surpassed, bonds begin to break and the enzyme becomes less effective. The purpose of this lab is to test the effects of different variables mixed with the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and yeast, yeast being the catalase. Another variable that was tested was the temperature of the water →

Eco-friendly textile production

The goal of this paper is to identify eco friendly textile production and social responsibility by producers, as well as how the products are used, handled and discarded. Eco friendly products The company has resolved to make jeans that have as little impact on the environment as they possibly can make. The materials used →

Radioactive decay essay sample

Therefore, the atom will become an atom of the succeeding higher element in the periodic table as demonstrated by the following reaction: While alpha and beta decay may constitute the breaking apart of atoms, they are not the same as nuclear fission. One example reaction of nucleogenesis is the following fusion of Hydrogen and →


Then zinc is used to remove the bromine atoms. Debromination Debromination is the opposite of the bromination because it involves the removal of the bromine atoms from the organic molecule. The Stereochemical Course of the Addition of Halogens to Cholesterol".


The effective nuclear charge is a.equal to the suns of the charges of the protons in the nucleus b.equal to the suns of the charges of the protons in the nucleus minus the sum of the electrons in the Outer shell c.lest than tire sum of the charges of the protons in the nucleus due →

Principles of fire behavior

Combustion is the chemical process that takes place when two or more combustible fuels react in the presence of an oxidizer and Fire is usually the visible sign of the combustion process. Though Fire and combustion are typically the same scientifically, there exist some conventional differences between them. Conventionally, fire is not usually →

Observations of chemical changes essay sample

Carefully blot up with paper towels any of the remaining chemicals in the well plates, or poured the chemical mixtures down the sink and flush with a lot of water. Washed my hand with soap and water. Conclusion: The Observation Of Chemical Changes was helpful to know the chemicals and its reaction.

Chemistry investigatory project essay sample

As such, they are identified as regenerated cellulose fibers. MANUFACTURING PROCESS While there are many variations in the manufacturing process that exploit the versatility of the fiber, the following is a description of the procedure that is used in making regular or viscose rayon. Regardless of whether wood pulp or cotton →

Hong kong diploma of secondary education examination

The teacher can take note whether there is a filter funnel on top of the burette when the titration is carried out; there is a white tile beneath the conical flask when the titration is carried out; there is air space between the tap and the tip of the →

Categories of carbon steel their compositions engineering essay

Some of the chief non merger welding techniques are ; Cold welding: In this procedure the dyer's rocket is achieved by the force per unit area and little lift in temperature due to cold working. For the welding procedure this is a critical in order to keep a changeless discharge and weld articulation.

Case study of producing acidic oxide: sulfur dioxide

The concentrated ore is now predominantly CuFeS2 and is roasted in air with the following effects - 2CuFeS2 + 3O2 ' 2CuS + 2FeO + 2SO2 This is the first time sulfur dioxide is produced in the extraction process. A more common effect on society and the environment is it dissolving →

Classification and division of nanomaterial structures

There is a large number of new chances that could be realized by down-sizing currently existing structures into the nanometer scale , or by making new types of nanostructures. 0D nanostructures In the past decades, significant progress has been made in the field of 0D nanomaterials and nanostructures and a rich variety of →

Good example of report on methods

It is in this regard that water quality monitoring is very essential. The most direct measure of the integrity of a water body is through the assessment of biological indicators that are present within the river system. The results of these relational studies also served as a basis for the standardization of an ideal water →

Clean technology for green environment

We will be finding the average brightness of the solar bottle bulb and compare the results to the regular light bulb. Our hypothesis, if we build a solar bottle bulb and compare the brightness to a regular bulb, then the solar bottle bulb will be brighter at times when the sun is out because the →

Fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster essay sample

Among the biggest impact of the calamity involved the destruction of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster that resulted to the release of radioactive materials into the waters and grounds of Japan. 18) includes: - Treating the contaminated water and filters and equipment wastes. - Construction of storage and disposal facilities that could house the secondary wastes, and →

A on green certified leed building: the uc davis brewery, winery, and case study sample

In 1998, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design was launched, a system for encouraging businesses to develop buildings that were sustainable, cost efficient, with reduced energy consumption and lowered harmful toxics to the local and global environment. It is in this endeavor that the LEED is used to encourage businesses to go ' green' →

Bayou farewell essay example

Tidwell's book explores the alarming losses of natural resources in the wide delta lands of the Mississippi river. An overview of the region The coast is not only vital to the region but also to other parts of the nation. The cultural process of adoption, impact as well as →

Hurricane sandy essay examples

As the water evaporates from the ocean, the saturated air rises leading to the condensation of water vapor. Hurricane sandy hit the coast of northeast America and was classified as a category 1 storm. To this end, this aims to look in detail the phenomenal Hurricane Katrina. In this perspective, →

Global warming satirical essay

The environment warming up, the ocean levels rising, and the increase in carbon dioxide are all benefits to the environment, economy, and society in general. With the temperatures on the rise, the icebergs and polar ice caps will be melting.

Water molecule

TM Water Is Essential To Life Term paper Water is Essential to Life Water is Essential for Life Water is the most important substance in our evolution and our daily lives. Without water, life as we know it would not have been possible.... Water is Essential for Life Water is →

Water and bubble

You might think that it is the surface tension of the water that holds the skin of a bubble together. Actually, the surface tension of water is too strong to make a bubble. Now it can act more like the skin of a balloon, stretching out nice and thin, trapping air inside →

Good report on diffusion through the cell membrane

However, the cell was rigid due to movement of water molecules from the solution in the beaker through the cell membrane of the dialysis tube to the solution inside the cell. At the beginning of the experiment the solution in the beaker was yellow in color (This signified the presence of iodine). This is because →

Global environmental issues research paper

A lot of land is needed for cattle ranching especially because the demand for beef for export is high which means that the amount of deforestation is large to make enough room. In order to increase profits slavery is used in the slaughterhouses which prepare the cattle for meat us and processing of the leather.

Laboratory techniques and measurements essay sample

Use a thermometer to measure the temperature of the water in the beaker using Celsius units. The mass of the paper will add to the mass of the object to be measured, so the mass must be eliminated by taring the scale to set the scale to zero.

New invention

One of the key elements that this machine can do, is it can cleanse and purify any amount of water, meaning, it will be able to filter masses of water such as beaches and rivers. Clearly, the invention of this machine will aid our nation in a push for a better world.

Aquifer essay

Hydrogeology is the term which is used to refer to the study and utilization of such water bodies for the purposeful use by human beings. Basing on kind of aquifer in question; whether a permeable rock, sand based aquifer or a gravel one, it is essentially necessary to evaluate them in order to determine the →

Acids and alkalis lab report

Hypothesis: The strongest alkali will need the smallest amount of an acid to cancel out and the weakest will need more acid. 15 minutes until rings of white salt were formed.| Analysis: The weakest acid needed the most alkali to be made into salt and the strongest needed the least.

Hydracoach: the intelligent water bottle essay sample

The results are often catastrophic. In the case of proper hydration a man or woman relies on that subtle feeling of discomfort that is usually felt in the mouth and throat a signal that is interpreted as thirst and therefore the need to rehydrate. In simpler terms this bottle is equipped with a computer →

Good example of research paper on a possible new way to satisfy both sides

Like any other use of technology or technological enhancement, sonar testing has its advantages and drawbacks as will be seen in the ensuing discussion. Thesis statement The use of navy sonar testing is very sacrosanct because of the gains accrued from it, despite the staggering pitfalls that accompany it; →

Free essay on karl marx

The film depicts a director and an executive producer who embark on a journey to shoot a film about Columbus's conquest of the Americas, upon choosing the film location in Bolivia. Marx predicted that the presence of a gap between the rich and poor in society ultimately leads to a revolution.

Quest for infinite love argumentative essay

What follows are uniquely intimate and personal experiences that bring them to an understanding of salvation and the healing love of God. Seeking Salvation in ' The River' and ' Danny Gospel' For Christians, salvation is a product of constant striving for a boundless and divine source of love. For him, →

Groundwater recharge in urban areas

To get rid of water scarcity evaluation of artificial potential groundwater recharge zone could aid in proper advancement and implementation of groundwater and surface water resources. Moreover, the main advantages of the RWA include adequate utilization of available natural resources, increasing current supply acceptability, reducing contaminated loads of water body, reducing load of sewage network, →

Omar amirallays flood in baath land movie review examples

The film opens with the scene of a boat on Lake Assad, and a man speaks about how the houses of the people he knew since childhood are now drowned under the water, but that they still recall where their old homes are located. In contrast to this man's reflections, much of the film focuses →

The key concepts of diversity

The classifying of the four criteria in minority groups are the race, ethnicity, religion, and the gender. It can or it is usually the people that meet more than one of the groups into this that have the way of hardest times of dealing with things in the country or something that comes to mind.

“in defense of prejudice” by jonathan rauch essay sample

Rauch brings to the reader's attention that one cannot have both the first amendment and a prejudice/racist free world. He says, " Where there is genuine freedom of expression there will be racist expression," also stating that " If you want to believe in intellectual freedom and the progress of knowledge and the advancement →

Black lives matter

Black Lives Matteris a social movement that focuses on the protesting against the violation of rights in the African-American community. They prefer a united group instead of a figure of power who that takes away the main focus of the movement.

Black, white: the cultural collision

In " Dutchman", Lula stereotypes Clay, a twenty-year old man who is a representative of the form of assimilation practiced by many African Americans, a pursuit of white values and culture. Lula feels that since Clay's ancestor was a slave, the common occupation of a black man in history for the African American culture, that →

Gerardo rodriguez cruz

Victor did not know what to do because he liked Howard a lot that did not want Howard to get in trouble for getting around bad dirty people. The stereotype that Howard said cause this to happen.

Free annotation for jeffrey sharlet’s article “fierce debate divides scholars of the 1994 rwandan genocide” essay sample

At the same time, by this the author of the article emphasizes the complexity and ambiguity of the issue of Rwandan Genocide in 1994 as well. Sharlet states: " The steps by which Rwanda proceeded from such hope to such horror are many and complex Scholars from a range of disciplines and political backgrounds have →

Slavery and racism argumentative essay

Brilliantly, he orchestrated the plan to deceive Delano and hide from him the current situation in the ship. However, he is convicted of rebellion and sentenced to a cruel death in the end. Indeed, it is the institution of slavery that caused the slaves to rebel.

Ethnicity: oppression and racism essay

Ironically, the womenfolk adore men who offer useless support. Some of the instances that can be compared to the bars of the cage include scenarios where the people who are oppressed assume that nothing is happening, and participate in their oppression either directly or indirectly. Since the society accepts these conditions and are not rebellious, →

Discrimination elimination

Say No to Racism By: Kailee Ramsell There are many reasons why the International day for the elimination of Racial Discrimination is an important day for us to recognize. If you are a victim or a witness of racist behavior you have the strength to stop it.

Essay on appropriate business policies

This is because it judges the morality of an act based on the action's adherence to a rule. In the course of learning, I identified workplace safety issues like keeping the work area clean, retrieval of items above the shoulder using stools or ladders, using the right objects and tools for the job, ensuring machines →

Neither black nor white

They never thought of themselves as whites or as blacks, one parent that was white and one black to create a whole new identity. It is clear that there is only speculation as to the relationship between appearance and racial identity among bi-racial individuals. So we expect that it is appearance, not skin color, which →

Essay on rousseaus origin of inequality

Rousseau is very cynical of the civil society and believes that it's a trick played on the weak by the powerful so as to maintain their wealth and power. He traces the evolution of man socially from the state of nature to the current modern society. According to Rousseau, the social contract which led to →

Sample argumentative essay on anderson should not go to jail

In this paper, I will argue that Anderson should not be forced to serve his thirteen year prison sentence because it is a violation of his due process rights as guaranteed by the sixth and fourteenth amendments of the United States Constitution. Although the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution does not guarantee a →