A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Health care provider

Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Health for All in the 21st Century: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1698153/ National Center for Biotechnology Information.. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Healthcare access as a right, not a privilege: a construct of Western thought: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17391522 Department of Menaged Health Care.. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/2/williams-is-health-care-a-right-and-whose-responsi/

Annotated bibliography example: food day october 24, 2012 essay sample

I think this is a great source; it gives me a lot of information about the topic, and has many links I am able to click on. They use a lot of facts that are backed up, so it would be useful to use this site and the article in it.

Health care system evolution

Between the GreatDepressionthrough July 1965 health care had numerous debates in this country. In the 1930s a third-party payer health insurance was introduced including Blue Cross and Blue Shield and others to cover the cost of care in the event of illness or accidents. In 1976 formed the Health Care Financing Administration which is a →

Questionnaire kaye final

What are the tasks that you usually do as a nurse? 3. What are the demands of the Standardized Language in your field? 2.

Health and social care or children and young people’s settings essay sample

There are a number of ways in which health and social care services work together: Multi-disciplinary services or teams including health and social care professionals, such as community mental health teams or child and adolescent mental health services. Partnership agreed that they would work together to: Develop commitment to, and ownership of the strategic →

Nursing and patient care: it’s all about love

The basic form of love is the capacity to share and understand the sorrow, pain and joy of others Love is both the heart and unifying force of caring. Nurses' expressions of love towards patients can independently expedite the recovery process of the patient, since a suffering patient is more in need of, and →

Economic history and evolution of health care economics

In today's society health care and medicine has become one of the life savers for patients with health care issues. More and more new technologies, research, development of new procedures and medications have taken over a major change in health care industry while comparing to back in 1940's when there →

Handle information in health and social care settings essay sample

1 Identify the legislation that relates to the recording, storage and sharing of information in health and social care. The main piece of legislation that relates to the recording, storage and sharing of information in health and social care is the Data Protection Act 1998.

A randomized controlled trial of an enhanced balance program to improve mobility and reduce falls in elderly patients

However, the conventional balance training which have walking as a primary balance training does not appear to have much effect to prevent fall risk. The bright side, the enhanced therapy has the components of all conventional therapy but also with additional balance exercises, which might provide and improvement and enhance the therapy with the present →

Supervisory questions essay sample

According to the text, it is always going to be important for the supervisor to be visible and available to the employees of the work environment. The significance of a supervisor's visibility and availability is that the employees need to be able to get to the supervisor in a reasonable amount of time when they →

Icn position analysis

If national nurses associations and healthcare leaders followed the position statement guidelines and truly advocated and took seriously this matter, there are a number of guidelines to reduce the hazards of shift work. This issue is of critical importance to the health and well- being of nurses, patient care, and improving the professional image nurses →

Case management of frail – elderly stroke survivors

Mary's Community Nursing Network Model is a hospital to community approach, across the- continuum of care, and is the model best suited to address the needs of the patient population and their families of frail elderly stroke survivors who choose to return home for rehabilitation Assessment In the assessment phase, the nurse will →

Example of evolving practice of nursing and patient care delivery models term paper

On the other hand, the Accountable care organizations, which are the new system of health care, focus on coordinating care across the whole continuum of health care. This will help in the reduction of the fragmented care hence the control of costs as well as the outcome improvement.

Health care innovation

One of the biggest reasons for this is health care innovation. Not only has the progress of technology and medicine raised this number, but insurance has a lot to do with this also.

Scenario essay on radiotherapy and patient satisfaction

As stated in a ' Patient Safety and Quality handbook', ' the major concern about disruptive behaviors is frequent occurrences and the negative impact they can have on patient care.' It puts patient on risk that Alison failed to report it, as he has not receive any disciplinary action for his behavior. This also shows →

Historical overview of us govt’s role in long term healthcare

The Feds are not funding the services that have to be provided to these people and yet Government - either elected official or civil servant - is doing nothing to strengthen enforcement of the laws to remove those that are here illegally or to strengthen the borders and immigration process to keep illegal immigrants out.

A strong genetic disorder of autism

69% of the monozygotic twins and 0% of the dizygotic twins were concordant for autism from the new sample, concordance rates in the original sample were 36% in MZ pairs and 0% in DZ pairs. This was the most important feature as parents and professionals thought the twins were fraternal based →

Lots of problems faced by people in sunway medical center

This is the best way for Sunway Medical Center to provide their services online with application. Availability The Sunway Medical Center should add these new features and services in his current online application. Sunway Medical Center will be the first Medical Center in the world, who introducing these features and services through online application. →

Good multi-disciplinary working is key to providing high quality patient care.

Introduction This work aims to establish a meaning of inter-professional, multi-disciplinary, multi-agency and collaborative working and evaluate its success orfailurein the provision of good quality patient care. This transition in service delivery requires health and social care agencies to work collaboratively, and in partnership with the patient/service user. Currently there are a plethora →

Paediatric dentists for kids dental care

Paediatric dentists remain calm and friendly throughout the examination and make the parents and the kid understand the importance of dental hygiene. They make use of photographs, videos and placards to ensure that kids do not just learn from them but enjoy at the same time. This is basically where the knowledge and expertise of →

Research paper on behavioral health telemedicine

It eliminates the distance barrier in the provision of medical services. Advantages of telemedicine include the provision of health care to locations that are not easily accessible to the care giver. Telemedicine also facilitates the consultation of patients in the comfort of their homes. The Burden of Mental Illness The United States and France →

Health level 7

The mission of HL7 is " To provide standards for the exchange, management and integration of data that support clinical patient care and the management, delivery and evaluation of healthcare services. HL7 standard organization mission is for the exchange standard management and data that supports clinical patient care and the management delivery of health care →

The impact of the affordable care act on north carolina essay sample

The problem is the organization of the American health system and the effects of rejecting the Medicaid expansion. One of the leading causes of bankruptcy in the U.S.is the inability to pay health care bills for the uninsured population. Under the current Medicaid eligibility rules, North Carolina's rules eliminate childless adults from enrolling in →

Health care and change

The effectiveness of change will be determined by the Proper communication between the organization and the staff: The staff and the leaders will communicate effectively about the change; they will discuss how the change has affected them positively and negatively, The saying goes that " Once man understands an idea; he can identify with it, →

Regular skin conditions that require specialist attention

Most ladies will encounter obscuring of the skin around their mouth and nose every once in a while, however in the event that the shading keeps on obscuring, it may be a great opportunity to see a specialist. In case you are doing that, yet the issue still does not leave, at that point see →

Education plan nur 405

The first step in this process is a nursing assessment: the process of collecting data to identify the needs and problems of an individual patient and family. A critique will be provided for the family to fill out as to what was helpful education, and what topics they would like more information about.

The dutch health care system

The Dutch Healthcare reforms and in particular the ' Health insurance act' of 2006 is the subject of this paper. Rationale for Choice The choice of Netherlands as the country of study was due to the fact that the country was consistently among the top three nations in the European heath consumer index. Since →

Health and care level 2

Reasons to communicate: -To express needs -To share and exchange ideas -To give and receive information and instructions -To socialise and share experiences -To build relationship To reassure -To express feelings and emotions -To understand and to be understood 1. 1Show how to find out an individual's communication and language needs, wishes and preferences.

Preparation for professional practice.?

Applying management and leadership theory to practice, I will explain the reasons for my actions and will identify my strengths and weaknesses in terms of my leadership and management skills used whilst on placement. Adhering to theNursingand Midwifery Council Code of Professional Conduct and general good confidentiality prudence, all names and →

The evolution of health care

EHR has helped to reorganize the workflow of providers and it helps to generate a complete record of a clinic visit and provide the patient with a summary of their visit for the day. With the creation of electronic medical records the patient's personal and health care information is saved in the computer.

Wisdom teeth: what they look like & other things to know

Damaged wisdom teeth must be removed on time otherwise it may cause the following: 1) Pain 2) Trapping of food 3) Infection of gums 4) Dental decay 5) May cause disturbance to a nearby tooth 6) May cause complications in the medication of other teeth. If they erupt properly and →

The effectiveness of crossfit and hift practices

High intensity functional training uses functional exercises often combined with aerobic exercises to create a high-intensity, whole-body training session that challenges multiple systems in the body at once. One study to date has assessed the oxidative stress that is generated by a popular session of HIFT, derived from CrossFit, by comparing 20 minutes of →

Case study; management of a pressure sore

The paper goes on to evaluate the assessment tools used and the care plan that was implemented for the patient , the essay then discusses the impact of the pressure ulcer on the patient and his wife and concludes with a reflection on the validity and reliability of the assessment tools used. Nice guidelines for →

The need for time and resources to support effective workflows in in healthcare sector

According to Sotomayor's article, " Clinical nurse leaders; Fulfilling the promise of the role," nurses need to be at the forefront of workflow advancement. Sotomayor's research supports the notion that nurses need to be at the forefront of designing health care systems and the way that nurses work. Along with the research →

Healthcare reform

No one person or company is safe when it comes to the burdens of the rising costs and decreasing quality of care in our current health care system." Per-person health care expenditures in the United States have risen 6. People need to look at our health care system and recognize that this is a time →

Measurable objectives/strategies to meet goals.

My strategy in accomplishing these goals is to enroll with the program and submit an application/ packet for the admission for a Physician Assistance school next year at the University of Texas, Texas. Moreover, I will seek to understand, for understanding is the key to finding value, which ensures respect, decisions and fulfillments →

The devil’s snare

The Devil's Snare: The Salem Witchcraft Crisis of 1692 By Mary Beth Norton In the Devil's Snare is a book about the Salem Witchcraft Crisis of 1692 in which the towns people accused women and men of using witchcraft to cause unexplained happenings throughout the town. To protect the community the judges of the →

Health and social care persuasive essay

1 Anatomy and physiology of the human body in relation to the importance of correct moving and positioning Key term Anatomy the physical structure of the body Physiology the normal functions of the body If, as part of you role as a care worker, you are required to assist people to move or help to →

Brain drain in africa – migration in the health sector

Moreover, it will be critically discussed which of the concept brain drain or brain gain is prominent in the African health sector and will show some possible strategies to overcome the serious under-supply of health workers in the region. The African health sector: Some important facts and trends Mass migration of health workers has a →

A descriptive cross-sectional hospital-based survey carried out on the patients

METHODOLOGY The design for the current study was a descriptive cross-sectional hospital-based survey carried out on the patients visiting the outpatient department. The study protocol was cleared through the Institutional Ethics Committee of the institute. Hence, there was less than minimal risk to the participants. All new patients attending dentistry OPD in the →

Indonesia and pakistan healthcare systems health and social care essay

The wellness of a state is defined by the wellness and nutritionary position of the two chief groups of the society ; mother and kid. The just distribution of work force has been a challenge for the authorities of both states and one of the greatest grounds of the high mortality rates. Table 1.

Health and social care unit 1 p2,

Step one- an idea occurs Have you idea of what you are going to communicate -Who you are going to communicate with, for example if they are older or younger than you and if so how much are they, or a work colleague -What the person on the recovering end should do with the information →

Good example of essay on medical administrative assistant: ethics and balance

This is not true for all people, of course there are unhealthy people in the healthcare field as well as healthy individuals, but there are resources available for the mental, emotional, and physical health of everyone in the office when working in a healthcare related profession. If patient filing is disrupted, then the entire flow →

Orem’s theory and nursing practice

Another major strength of Orem's theory is it's advocacy for the use of the Nursing Process. One of the most obvious limitations of Orem's theory is that throughout her work, it can be said that a limited recognition of an individual's emotional needs is present within the theory.

Terri schiavo

In summary, I do not believe that the patient's right to choose was being respected to the extent possible in ethics and in law. This is reflected in the absence of compliance with several of the principles for proxy decisions. The survival of patients in a persistent vegetative state is, to some →

Taking concrete actions for health promotion, the case study of aadhna george russo

It helps us to focus on nurturing the causes of good health, changing the conditions and environment in which people live, work, and play, and making the healthy choices the easy choices. For medication purposes, educate her the side effects of the drugs, contraindications, teaching her what to do if the side effects may occur, →

Developing a shared vision essay sample

Having a shortage of our nursing staff in our department can reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of care that we give to our patients due to the ratio of nurse to patient. This occurs due to the added stress of caring for too many patients at one time and not having the time that it →

Maternal health care utilization health and social care essay

All of the above facts formed the footing and principle for the demand of the research reported in this article. The intent of this research The chief intent of this research was to garner grounds that would be used to rede the Government of China on how best to better proviso of maternal wellness →

Healthcare ecosystems critique essay

An additional standard is the Formulary and Benefit standard that provides information to the prescriber to consider the most appropriate drug choice for the patient, such as insurance limitations on coverage, costs to the patient, and any alternative generic medications on the formulary. There are a few more standards that the NCPDP →

Health care terms worksheet essay sample

Ambulatory Care When a patient's stay at the hospital or clinic, from the time of registration, to discharge, on the same day. Mental Health relates to the mental and emotional state of a person.

Differences in roles among rns, lvns, and uaps

In hospitals, they are expected to perform the following tasks: Provide bedside care for hospital in-patients; Monitor all aspects of patient care, including diet and physical activity; Administer treatment and give medications to patients under the direction of physicians;

Lead and manage a team within a health care and social care setting

Effective communication is an important feature of an effective team performance, it enable the definition of the problem or overall goal to every members of the team, it also enable communication that define roles and responsibilities of every member and methods of operation, feedback, support and reassessment of team and individual tasks or needs.

Dental x-ray tech

This is what is known as an intra-oral dental x-ray, because the film is placed inside the mouth. A Pandora x-ray: A Pandora x-ray is an x-ray that captures a persons' complete upper and lower teeth; jaw-line; eye-socket's; and face-plate of the person. An Clausal x-ray: An Clausal x-ray is a large x-ray →

The outstanding abilities of those with savant syndrome

How could someone with seemingly no practice in a field excel beyond any of their peers and how are these patients able to break the typical idea of human learning is something that must be understood to truly deepen humanities knowledge of the brain. Savant syndrome is described as a rare condition in which persons →

Essay on health care policy

Because of this they have started to institute within their area ofresponsibilityvarious governmental programs and policies that would be useful in stopping this pandemic from spreading in their country. This paper aims to present a comprehensive plan of action on creating a governmental policy that aims to curb the spread of HIV →

The various government roles in health care

In this new report MGI finds that the United States spends approximately $480 billion more onhealthcare than other OECD countries and that additional spending is not explained by a higher disease burden; the research shows that the US population is not significantly sicker than the other countries studied

Free research paper about drug assisted intubation

However, as a means to rescue more lives whenever need for emergency arises, these individuals are found to have a better skill and understanding on the same other than transporting the victims only. As defined by the National Association of Emergency Medical Service Physicians, other than transporting the injured to the facilities for further care →

Mobile computing and social networking

Monitoring Patient Vital Signs via Mobile Computing Versus In-Patient Visits The Internet provides an opportunity to the public and healthcare professionals to access medical and health information, improve the efficiency and effective, timely healthcare. Typically, a nurses and clinicians would oversee and be responsible for the taking and recording of the vitals manually documenting them →

The working poor and healthcare

Due to the expectations created by our society, we have a tendency to judge others based on the clothes they wear or the cars they drive, and we automatically assume that those who cannot afford these luxuries are either uneducated, unskilled or a combination of both. We completely disregard the fact that →

Example of essay on challenges and security issues

With the rise of the need to automate business processes, there has been the need to have ways in which the organizations will make use of information systems in their business processes in order to achieve efficiency and reliability. The use of information systems in this organization is done in order to have better patient →

Example of essay on health care policies and operations leader

Owing to the different demands that have been posed by different generations, there has been a shift both in the mode of access to health care as well as in health care policies and programs initiated. The upshot of this health care delivery mechanism was an increase in health care →

Health care trends

Other areas that must be monitored for the future survival of health care facilities are the changes in the way that health care is delivered as well as the modification and expansion of information technology. The mission of Joint Commission Resources is to continuously improve the safety and quality of health care in →

Essential skills for higher education and healthcare: a reflection

In addition, I have to achieve the competencies required by the Nursing and Midwifery Council's code of conduct. Feelings I am excited in my new role as a student nurse. I also feel that I need to develop skills on how to deliver patient-centred care this is holistic. Analysis and Evaluation →

Effects of socialism on health care system thesis proposal sample

The occurrence of such a situation can be seen as one of the failures of sociality influx into medicine. Most of the children who reside in this place are abandoned because the social healthcare system m cannot provide them with the essential healthcare that they require. It is hoped that the number of disabled children →

Nursing philosophy

I think of the words of Jesus and the Bible when taking care of patients; " And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them". My theory is parallel to Watson's view of the three elements of unity: mind, body, and soul.

Various government roles in health care

Important Roles The government which consists of federal, state, and local combined has many important roles in the U. The government basically controls the health industry with rules and regulations.

Investigatory project on mouthwash

An example is the Star Apple that contains essential oils found to be efficient in neutralizing mouth conditions and in freshening breath. Scope and Delimitation of the study This study only tested the feasibility of Star Apple leaves as mouthwash.

Pathology and contemporary treatment alternatives

The basis for treatment, anatomy and physiology of the respiratory tract and pathology of asthma in patients are all discussed in greater detail below. Normal Lung Function and Respiratory System The human body has two lungs located on either side of the chest. During the process of creating energy water and carbon dioxide are →

Free quick response codes can save your life research paper sample

The paper supports the significance of adopting this technology by considering that QR codes can save a life. QR AND HEALTH CARE The Quick Response codes highlight a modern technology that is profoundly infiltrating in the corporate world and other institutions. Accordingly, QR codes in healthcare attract ethical concerns, as sensitive patients' →

Windshield survey: overview

A windshield survey and internet research provides information on the people, the land, and the health of those living in this small community. A large park is located in the eastern part of the town.

Tenet healthcare scandal

Nevertheless, a number of hanges in the management of the company following the appointment of Jeffry Barbakow as the chief executive in 1993 contributed to the recovery of the company. California Nurse,. Tenet Healthcare: the seamy side of a dysfunctional system.

Having my ear surgery

One of the times that I was most proud of was the time that I had my ear surgery done on December 19. After the surgery I went to the recovery room and stayed there for more than an hour and during that time I had some stuff to eat and then after that →

Good health care administrator essay example

Document 1 The health care organization has both advantages and disadvantages as with the case of other organizations. Providers' advantages include obtaining patients' history and having the ability to send the patients to the required specialists helps a lot since, patients' problems get to be solved at the lowest level.

Regional health information organizations research paper

Regional health information organization is a one of the varieties of health information exchange that brings together stockholders in healthcare within defined demographic place and is used to govern the exchange of health information amongst them. Independent databases are connected to exchange and share information. Centralized architecture is an approach to RHIO →

Disparities in healthcare

For this purpose, and the overall lower cost and efficiency, this study would overall incur a lower cost and data can be collected much faster than an experimental design. To prove that ethnic minorities are discriminated against more than Caucasians, I will pull much of y data from different studies that all come →

Good example of essay on healthcare information system

The MPI is the most significant resource in the healthcare facility; it linked tracking patients, people, or member activities in the organization or enterprise, and in the patient care settings. Education Module for Health Record Practice: Module 2 - Patient Identification, Registration and the Master Patient Index.

Credentialing and recredentialing essays example

This paper focuses on the credentialing and recredentialing process in the health sector and how it influences the quality of services offered by health organizations. Credentialing and recredentialing of healthcare organizations ensures professionalism is upheld in the health sector and quality services are accorded to patients. This ensures that health care givers uphold professionalism and →

Indian pharmaceutical company “cipla limited”

Marketing itself Perhaps the biggest change in the company? s strategy is the jettisoning of its focus on volumeled growth and a shift to an inorganic, profitability-focused one. In July, Cipla announced the hiring of Frank Peters to head its respiratory business and the European Union region.

Health care and faith diversity

The Art Institutes Religious Facts) Religion Facts.com.(Is this acitation, a bit confusing? ) Basically the Islamic religion believes that all illness is caused from the heart and until the heart is right, one cannot be healed. The heart becomes right by asking forforgivenessfrom Allah, Another important aspect of this religion in health →

Problems in accessing health care health and social care essay

Choices are made within a web of traditional and allopathic options that besides encompasses sensed costs, geographical and climatic restraints, and the clip of twenty-four hours, the type of unwellness, cultural and spiritual concerns and opportunity. The state with a NMR 33 per 1000 unrecorded births has the 3rd highest neonatal mortality in the universe →

Healthcare policy report: medicare’s new benefits catastrophic health insurance

From here the bill took what appears to be a fairly normal trek through Congress though the outcome is not always the same. During the policy formulation phase the President sent the bill to Congress for action and stated that it could not be completed until they had come up →

Healthcare utilization

Health care reform will not only affect patient coverage but will force changes within the utilization of health care as well. The changes made from health care reform have a major impact on health care by influencing the level of spending within the health care industry. The concept of universal health care would ensure that →

The summary of debi gerger’s article

Gerger states that Caries management with the use of xylitol decreases the amount of MS and raises the salivary pH level because MS is unable to metabolize xylitol and xylitol inhibits the attachment of MS to teeth. It is also said that xylitol is effective in preventing the transmission of the Mutans →

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and is used to revive heart attack victims. The practice of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation dates back to the eighteenth century, while performing chest compressions goes back to the early twentieth century. New technique tools to help improve or supports life. The mean purpose of CPR is to bring oxygen to the →

Health care market

Economical relations between government and medical institutions are characterized as relations in favor of the third party: medical institution is a manufacturer of medical services, and the government is the buyer, whereas population of country uses those services (in case the citizens are insured, they can use medical service). In relation to →

Ge healthcare india

The enormous market potential and General Electric's successful low-cost operations fitted well with the aggressive sales strategy that the corporation had established. Solely on a business point of view, GE Healthcare India had tremendous growth potentials in the still developing market, but the social side of ultrasound machines was threatening to kill →

Health care reform

3% of its GDP for healthcare compared to the average 9% of others in the first world. Not a few hospitals have complained that the rising number of uninsured they serve is leading to greater financial struggles to maintain operations. The greater national spending can be attributed to the more →

Free report about concept paper

Each state has their own ways of promoting this concept and the rules to include people in this scheme do not vary to a great extent from state to state. Overview of the Concept - New Medicaid Scheme: The new Obama care Medicaid expansion scheme works at providing a better health care for all those →

Drug monitoring program

The research showed that in states where a drug program was in place the supply of illegally obtained pharmaceuticals and the likelihood of abuse was significantly reduced. The study also showed that if law enforcement, rather thanhealthoriented officials, were the ones to monitor the information there was a greater chance of success in reducing pharmaceutical →

Essay on public health

The recent Ebola outbreak in west Africa and the first ever transmission of the virus in the united states soil have raised a lot of questions on how CDC handled the outbreak. Each outbreak presents a new challenge to the medical field and virologists due to the virus mutation; the current outbreak was not the →

Organizational responsibility and current health care issues essay sample

We will examine the [pic]types of fraud, waste, abuse, the[pic] involvement [pic]of the[pic] federal government in prevention, the roles of healthcare organizations and employees, and the protection for whistle-blowers and consequences for those involved in fraud, waste, and abuse. Fraud, waste and abuse can be described as the intentional deception to get an unauthorized →

Good example of central venous line essay

The manner of offering medication depends on the willingness of the patient and the family of the patient and the political and the legal issues behind the form of medication. Central Venous Line is a type of medication that can be used in balancing the fluid within a patient. According to Badzek et al., poor →

Kraske or jackknife position

Arms are usually positioned over the head for turning. Anesthesia Factors One of the most common concerns about the prone jack knife position is the safety of the airway during anesthesia. It was found to be an important factor in determining the patient position and type of anesthesia →

Paramedicine can take the stress off the shoulders of hospitals, physicians, even home health agency

This paper analyzes the benefits and costs to the community, the nearby hospital, the physician in the neighboring town, and also addresses the views of the home health agency, advocating acceptance. In this case analysis, an initiative has been introduced in my community to implement a community paramedicine program. This paper will analyze the benefits →

Euthanasia, assisted suicide, and suicide – should it be allowed?

Active euthanasia is not an option due to obvious legal reasons, so the doctor would opt to withhold treatment so as to fasten the death of such a patient. None is superior over the other, as many are prone to believe. Doctors are faced with three options when it comes to the life of a →