A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Selecting the right study sample essay examples

Calculating the required sample size is determined by the precision, variability and confidence level the research. Calculating the sample size using Raosoft sample calculator is done by filling in the percentage margin of error, confidence level, total population and the expected percentage of response distribution. 5 and confidence level of 95 percent where the actual β†’

Changing age structure – implications for marketing organizations

The increase in ageing population is an important trend in many parts of the world, especially in developed countries , resulting mainly from the decline of fertility and increase in life expectancies. According to United Nations , the aged population in the developed world is increasing rapidly and the number of old people β†’

Causes and effects of a youthful population

When a country has a high number of children, it is said to have a youthful population. In the future it will be harder to find employment and accommodation with even more of a strain on food resources, infrastructure and the health service, which is already struggling.

Case study on natural law worldview on population and contraception issues

In order to promote life, people are then expected to defend life and enhance their own health and that of the offspring. The Natural Law's approach to issues The natural law view on contraception implies that there should be a certain way that must be used to approach the population issues. As much as β†’

Pharmacy practice essay

I would like to apply to Rosalind Franklin University's College of Pharmacy as studying with you will enable me to pursue my dream career in Pharmaceuticals. I originally became interested in Pharmacy because of the direct effects it has on the lives of people in the community. I have adored my job as a β†’

Development is confined within city areas

I am Najmus Sakib from EEE Dept.the topic of my presentation is, the Development of Bangladesh which is confined within only in city areas especially in Dhaka city. So it's quite proved that development is occurring only in city areas especially in Dhaka, not in the rural areas.

Essay on compare and contrast an outpost of progress with the oustation

The setting is Africa, far from the coast, and Conrad describes it in a very negative way: the heat is oppressive and the station seems to Carlier and Kayerts very isolated and alien " the impenetrable bush...seemed to cut off the station from the rest of the world".. The ' station', of which Kayerts is β†’

Suicide rates article review examples

' Suicide Rates Rise Sharply in U.S.' Life is generally considered to be the greatest gift to all of mankind. However, the value of the same life is put under scrutiny when incidences of individuals taking their own lives are observed to be on the rise.

Research paper on wilson & jungner criteria for screening arterial hypertension among adults in the

These differences may help to justify the use of Wilson and Jungner criteria for screening arterial hypertension at a national level among adults in Maltese. Introduction Hypertension is a disorder in which the heart's pumping power is weaker than normal and that the heart has become more of elastic causing ventricular hypertrophy. Notably, from β†’

Terorism essay

This paper intends to explore the causes of terrorism, the conditions that have led to the rise of terrorism in recent years, and the precautionary measures that governments are undertaking to stop and prevent terrorism within their territories. Therefore terrorism has been used over the recent years to send messages to states that any actions β†’


The first is the belief in the separation of the Church and State. Embroiled in the democratic process to listen to the voices of the people but driven to demonstrate the separation of Church and State, the current Aquino government is challenged to respect the principles of religious freedom.

Example of argumentative essay on richer should pay more taxes

In this regard, the country should put a maximum amount of tax that the rich should pay as taxes. Therefore, the Internal Revenue Service should enforce laws for the rich entities to pay their fair share without debates. Secondly, the gap between the rich and the poor is rising very fast.

Free research paper on research designs

It is also the questions that a researcher aims to answer through the findings of the research. The null hypothesis is a theoretical statement that is unproven but is used by the researcher as a basis of carrying out the research.

Republic of the philippines

5 or a difference of one child because of the lack of information and absence of access to family planning. Accordingly, this bill seeks to provide the enabling environment for couples and individuals to enjoy the basic right to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children and to have the information, β†’

Essay on protest movements in jordan

In this sense, countries such as Jordan and Morocco have also experienced protests although these have been on a much smaller scale than those seen in other Arab countries and the countries' respective leaders have been quick to implement political reforms to assuage their respective populations. Key events in Jordan β†’

Essay on the great migration

The Great Migration of the Afro-Americans is a mass migration of about 6 million people from agricultural southern states to the industrial cities of the North, North-East and West of the United States, which took place in the period from the 1910s to the 1970s. During this period more than 5 million of the β†’

Free hypothesis essay example

A research question is a broad statement that includes all the variables that are to be considered in the study, while the hypothesis is a statement that details the specific relationship expected to be observed while examining the variables in a specific study. While formulating a hypothesis, a researcher has to consider the values that β†’

Evidence of religion existence (america) essay sample

Introduction Although the early thinkers predicted that the by science and technology will replace religion, there are sufficient grounds to disapprove that prediction. Religion is still alive and well because a research by Princeton-NJ in America on the importance of religion in the respondents' lives indicated that, 69% of the adults in America β†’

Study sampling scope term paper

The whole idea behind the exercise will be to study and calculate the impact of positive and negative situations on emotions according to the age. This study will be based on the interpretation of positive and negative emotions, which are introduced by means of images and to different age groups β†’

Example of essay on inspiring speech

Other diseases such as infantile meningitis, rubella, mumps, measles, hepatitis, polio, have all been nearly eradicated. Vaccines have been so successful that there is a growing movement of individuals across the political spectrum that believe vaccines have no benefit, or even worse, cause harm to individuals. Fools that insist that vaccinations are harmful do not β†’

Report on indirect and specific deterrence

What this means is that the action of an individual results from careful consideration of the benefits and costs. Therefore, the basic premise of the theory is that an increase in the cost of crime leads to a decrease in the number of persons committing crime.

Special populationson the young gifted child books

The " good, bad, and ugly " about each of the different features of talented kids are shared, along with ways to assist promote the development of the kid. This resource is effectual because it puts parents and instructors on the same page together and encourages them to work together for the benefit of the β†’

La linea by anna jaramillo book review

La Linea comes as a help to the readers to allow them think about the issue from the side of the immigrants. The author expressly identifies the reason and applies it in relation to Miguel's parents' dreams of illegally immigrating to the California to achieve the " American dream".

Nation state and transnationalism course work

The state of Israel formed in 1948 to give the Jewish people a homeland after the horrors of the Holocaust is an example of a nation state because it fits the above characteristics. The culture that is promoted is one of tolerance due to the diversity of the races in the country. The characteristics of β†’

Population growth and it effects

This essay will discuss the current size of the population, how does it effect the economic development, the impact on the standard of living and also focus on population growth as the contemporary concern by highlighting the past and present trends. The fertility and mortality are the reason behind the change in the size of β†’

Table of contents

0 Introduction " In the geographical area, India is the seventh largest country in the world with approximately 1. Due to the problems that faced by the government of India, this give an opportunities to the government of India to grow another higher stage where increase in the fields of production, development, manufacturing and research.

Example of essay on solving proportions

We can make a conclusion, that the total bear population can be estimated in 2500 bears. - Problem #10 Simple equations involving X & Y. y-1x+3=-34 Solution Here we also must use the proportion method. Use cross multiplying: 4y-1=-3x+3 Simplifying: 4y-4=-3x-9 Add 4 to both sides: β†’

Free essay about two-child policy should not be enforced

Depending on their situation, many nations are considering implementing or are debating on why, when and how to implement the two child policy. This essay tries to examine both the views- favoring the implementation of the policy and not favoring the implementation, analyzes the pros and cons and tries to find the common ground linking β†’

Nursing literature review sample

At the rise of the global pandemic, tuberculosis has infected almost one-third of the world population with more than eight million diagnosed of the disease every year and an average of two million deaths every year. Identification of the Problem Relocation from third world to first world countries more and more determines the severity β†’

Free essay on us history- reform and idealism to conservatism

Notably, there are various reasons that precipitated the shift of Americans from idealism to conservatism. Reasons from the shift from idealism to conservatism As previously connotes herein, there are various reasons that precipitated the shift of America from idealism to conservatism in the year 1970 to 1980. This occurs as one of the contributory β†’

Proposal for pacifica crime course work

Among the issues, which will be addressed, include the impact of the crime rates in the youth population, the impact on the country resources, the impact on the economy, and the impact on the political system. The main questions, which will guide this proposal, include: What is the extent to which the economy of the β†’

Good example of report on demographics of the district

The major professions of the district's people include industrial production, transportation and fishing. Reduction of the Sports Program It has been noted with great concerns that there has been significant reduction in conducting sports related programs in the district due to over emphasis placed on routine curricular activities and study classes in

Example of essay on on health information systems

Should be very user-friendly. - System design in Modular Style and depending upon capacity, can be easily increased by addition of modules, and - Data Input is possible only at a few service locations called entry points, by data input officers. B) Decision types that are made possible by β†’

Example of any thing essay

Scranton, Pennsylvania, is the quaint small city in the northeastern part of the state where the television series The Office is set to take place. There is a large collection that commemorates the founding and development of the city throughout the years in both paint and photographic forms. The landscape of the area is β†’

Homework creative writing examples

The formal training in the field of Education is quintessential to enhance the capability of an individual to pursue his or her journey in the path of imparting knowledge and teaching the students. Thus, in the field of Humanities it is of utmost importance to know more about the respective cultures and spread the knowledge.

Life in a big city

They are constantly keeping abreast with the developments in the world and even the government takes care to see that the big cities begin to look like any other big city in the world. Distances are long and to keep any appointment in a big city is difficult.

Negotiation skills essay example

The distributive negotiaons were particularly very interesting as they applied the game theory which is a win-lose or lose-lose situations.the resources in the distributive negotiaons are limited.the interagative deals invovled transforming a fixed resource into something that was valued differently.the goals of negotiaons were also a very important area inorder to understand what the whole β†’

Action plan health insurance disparities essay examples

Children's health insurance, access to care, and health status: new findings. Pathways to Access: Health Insurance, the health care delivery system, and racial/ethnic disparities, 1996-1999.

Business plan on economics

After civilization, this has not changed much and leaders still adhere to the past expectations In conclusion, china has a very healthy business environment since religion dominated in numerous running of activities in the society. This in turn raises the GDP of a nation and livelihood as well.

Human impact on the environment – problems caused by population growth

The planet obviously can only hold a certain number of people, most species never reach their maximum numbers but they have a peak, then the numbers start to decline. Activities that have changed the landscape Industrial and domestic waste has to be disposed of, and as the population is increasing the waste is becoming β†’

Good personal statement on why i want to be a civil affairs specailist (army 38b)

Instead of simply being a tourist in the countries I visited, I made an active effort to understand the nuances of the peoples that I had the good fortune to come into contact with. The ability to recognize that nations are not homogenous units and that the needs and desires of different populations must be β†’

Language endangerment critical thinking sample

These dominant languages are among the reasons why low variety language speakers in China think that they cannot retain their original languages. As speakers of low variety language in China, the best way to overcome language endangerment is by having a positive attitude about language endangerment. After understanding the causes of endangerment, the regional language β†’

Free essay on patient care delivery models and nursing practice

In 2008, over 65% of employees in the medical field were in social and health care assistance industries. The ACO's impact in the field of nursing will be positive as it will provide many opportunities for nurses who will seemingly become not only providers of care but also managers of β†’

Example of political science critical thinking

Even after gaining the independence from colonization, the country stills lacks the motivation of developing its economy ahead due to the natives lack of experience. Nonetheless, the country gains from the results of the continuing rate of modernization experienced worldwide. Those who became weak they were perceived to be valueless thus to do away with β†’

Alternative hypothesis essay

Alternative hypothesis An alternative hypothesis is a statement or assertion that the parameter of the population differs from the value expressed by the null hypothesis. Generally, hypothesis is a statement or assertion about the parameter of a population. The null hypothesis (a statement that the parameter of the population like the β†’

Why did the population of the uk rise dramatically between 1760 and 1870

I am going to explain how each of these factors had a part in the change of population. Firstly I will discuss birth rate, and how it caused the surge of population changes. Firstly, Age and Sex of the Population was one factor which caused a change in the population. Many historians believe that this β†’

Saving the enviornment

That is the only possible reason I can think of to explain the rapid rates of species loss, which is second only to the wipe out of the dinosaurs, millions of years before our time. There are just too many issues to fix, and at the heart of them is human overpopulation.

Chapter 1

1 Physical Characteristics The locality of Managopaya, Banate is located at the western part of Visayas and lies at 4th district of the Province of Iloilo. 15 percent of the total land area of the Municipality of Banate.

Historical profile on frank w. notestein and guttmacher

He was a member of the American Eugenics Society, the American Philosophical Society, the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Statistical Institute, the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, the Population Association of America, and the Century Association. Notestein and Guttmacher Institute and their major contributions to the development of demography.

New american mosaic: are we becoming a universal nation essay example

The issues involved in the text reading from the book are aimed at the explaining the transformation in the American nationality composition through the globalization and establishment of relationships. Well, this has happened because the country possesses both multiethnic and multinational attributes. In an essay from the reading, " America: The Multinational Society," Ishmael β†’

History of economic thought essay samples

It is very scarcely and crucial to mention that a stationary situation of both population and capital would reject the stationary state of the human improvement. The worker will provide accrual labour to the industry for the production of goods and services.

Population dynamics in india

Section 2 reviews theoretical and empirical literature on the effect of demographics on labor supply, savings, and economic growth and explores the application of the models and results in this literature to understanding and forecasting economic growth in India. As a result of the asynchronous nature of the changes in mortality and fertility, the rate β†’

Good example of mathematics paper report

The aim of the paper studied is to bring to light this usefulness, introduce some practical applications of the same, and to examine the behavioral spectrum of such systems. For r > 2, the stable point varies, and may change to a repellor. A deeper analysis of this model shows what exactly happens in the β†’

Good conclusions essay example

Chapter 6 Introduction Discussion - Brief about the ageing problem and problem statement - Policy to protect elderly, compare to Oman - Finding of the elderly health condition? - Finding of health care needs for elderly, is adequate and accessible in Oman? - Human resources ( shortage qualification skills training ) - Other services provide β†’

Advantage of big city

The advantages of living in a large city Many years ago, everyone lived in villages, and the number of people who lived in large cities was low. Developed transportation, great educational institutions and modern entertainment are among the benefits of living in a large city.

Example of essay on impressions from some articles

It is important to understand that some of the key things that have changed include the fact that man has been in apposition to access better health care and sanitation thereby minimizing incidences of loss of life in today's society. One thing that is essential to understand is that the increased ability of man to β†’

Importance of water

IMPACT OF POPULATION EXPLOSION ON ENVIRONMENT Abstract: The present paper examined the relationship of population to the environment and with growing population, poverty and urbanization the environment is degrading. The study reveals that the country's population growth is imposing an increasing burden on the country's limited and continually degrading natural resource base.

Inappropriate use of statistics essay sample

The use of statistics and its interpretations must be done correctly and precisely as its inappropriate use may put the outcome of its use in jeopardy even if it is done unintentionally. An example of the inappropriate use of statistics is when it is used for sample surveys because the result can be misleading although β†’

Essay on the future of capitalism

The market solution deals with the supply and demand to settle the preferences and individual interests in the economy. Mass unemployment is a major challenge that the presidential candidates must address in their economic platform. The resources are also allocated in a free and fair manner to promote equal distribution of wealth.

Backpack tourism annotated bibliography example

In their opinion, this form of tourism is gaining prominence because of the benefits it offers both to the backpackers themselves, host governments and the local populations. This benefits the local producers. Conclusively, these youth are beneficial to the host countries in that they positively contribute to the development of β†’

Bilingualism and biculturalism in australia essay example

The integration of the migrants in the Australian cultural diversity is a complex process especially because of the large diversity of migrants. The results of the study indicated that the students speak mixed, Arabic and English at home, while they prefer writing in English.

Essay on majority rule with respect for minority rights

The relationship between the concept of majority rule and the aspect of the rights of the minorities can therefore be observed to be of a contradictory nature. The concept of majority rule and minority rule is provided for in the first amendment of the United States Constitution.

Specific population and advocate role

Ways to Assist with Problem The advocate can assist the teen in many ways. The advocate must understand that the client has a chemical imbalance in the brain. The advocate's job is to help the teen connect with different resources in the community.

Example of policy proposal for improving education in rural peru research paper

The country is surrounded by Ecuador and Colombia in the North, Brazil and Bolivia in the East, and Chile in the South on the landward sides, while the Pacific Ocean takes up the Western border of the country. This region makes up around 11 per cent of the geographical territory3. The Highlands: The Highlands comprise β†’

Population density research paper

According to the latest data from the world population clock, the current human population in the world is around 6. These limiting factors are the carrying capacity of the environment and thus reduced or increased carrying capacity would lead to an S-curve type of population growth. Current US and World Population Growth Rates. Currently, the β†’

Fitzroy river turtle (r leukops) literature review

The water flow from the Mount Morgan Mine enters the Fitzroy from the Dee River." The Dee River flows into the Don River and then into the Dawson River before it reaches the Fitzroy River. To help the local population use the full available the Queensland Government established a web site to manage and monitor β†’

Sample report on global business

The GDP increased from $19486 per capita in 2009 to $2358922 per capita in 2013. The recovery of the Russian economy from the 2008 crisis is a positive signal for the economy in gaining foreign investments. Market Demographics: The average figures of OECD suggest that the there is a healthy employment and labor market in β†’

September 2004

Simply stated, the demographic dividend occurs when a falling birth rate changes the age distribution, 1 so that fewer investments are needed to meet the needs of the youngest age groups and resources are released for investment in economic development and family welfare. 1 The demographic module in the POLICY Project's SPECTRUM Suite of Models β†’

Example of research paper on interconnection of social problems

These links are strengthened by the fact that poverty causes deprivation of basic and luxurious needs and this in turn breeds the temptation to commit crime hence victimizing the concerned parties in the process. Race, poverty, and punishment: the impact of criminal sanctions on racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic inequality.

Demographic transition

The demographic transition model seeks to explain the transformation of countries from having high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates. Factors driving this transition model in developing country are medical practice, technology, agricultural productivity and distribution, culture and nature of the economy Thomas Malthus theory was based on the assumption that β†’

Good example of essay on summarize and response

The second assumption about making the world greener is made complex by the fact that it is hard to believe that the technology could be employed to make the environment greener. Global economies need to identify the most appropriate policy that will take into consideration the development agendas of both the developed and underdeveloped economies.

The problem of obesity across the globe essay sample

Obesity is becoming a major problem across the globe because it is devastating the lives and pockets of millions of people because they are spending a lot on it and it tends to reduce the productivity of many and, hence, threatening their economic security. This problem seems to cut across the globe. A section of β†’

Free research paper on economic growth in egypt and india during the past three decades

Nevertheless, out of the near collapse came the rise of major transformations such as from the socialist orientation to a capital structure altering the structure of the country's economy pivoting it towards economic success. Despite the saddening statistics in the unemployment levels of the country's economy, human development in Egypt reveals a promising population with β†’

Example of report on managing in a global economy

Algeria seemed the best location for the said project and this paper gives a detail research on the country. Background information of Algeria Algeria is a country found in the Northern part of Africa. The highest point of the country is Mount Tahat which is in the Sahara, since 85% of the country is β†’

Youth restiveness and unemployment in nigeria essay sample

After a period of years, the Nigerian government intervened and the Amnesty program was created to help deliver some of the promises which government had made to the youths in those areas. The baton was soon handed over to the Eastern Nigeria. This is definitely not the total number of graduates but it is β†’

Free term paper on medical ethics: vaccinations for children of undocumented immigrants

The goals of the vaccination program are to reduce the spread of communicable diseases in high-risk populations, and to reduce the long-term need for care in these same populations. In addition, the program will seek to reduce morbidity and mortality, improve socioeconomic status by improving overall health within the community, decrease β†’

Global study article review examples

History has evidence of many environmentalists who have offered good research theories and have over expressed the need to save the environment by discussing the various scientific issues that are harmful for the humans and the environment. The study of global studies include considering the major aspects that contribute to the environment, a few of β†’

African americans and european americans essay example

African Americans and European Americans Two of the components of the diverse, multi-cultural population of the United States are the African Americans and the European Americans. Most the European Americans where most American whites belong came to the United States in the 1600's as traders whom most came because of the industrialization.

Human population essay

The current increase in population is due to high fertility rate. This means that by 2050 the world population will be over 9 billion. Technology has been used to alter nature to meet human wants and needs.

My country essay essay sample

The name of my country is the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, commonly shortened to Myanmar. Myanmar is full of attractive and interesting places the whole country.

Adolescent osteosarcoma research paper

The reported cases of osteosarcoma represent one percent of the reported cancers in the United States with a peak frequency of 4. One of the most significant realities is the high incidence of patients' relapse and ensuing death from the disease after the onset of treatment as exemplified in a nation-wide population-based study β†’

Specific problems with spatial assimilation theory essay sample

The theory provides the idea that the suburb areas are a white neighborhood entirely. Instead of reducing the issue of race, the theory tends to aggravate the situation. In addition, another problem that Wright, Ellis, and Parks have with the spatial assimilation theory is the use of whiteness as an β†’

Genre analysis for letters essay

The letters are addressed to the editors of the corresponding newspapers. The writer perhaps believes that that the editor and indeed the readers are residents of the locality and should therefore be in a positions to know what these acronyms connotes. Both letters also show concern on the parts of the writers.

Research paper on the affordable care act and african americans

Political settings and the influence of organized groupings such as the American Medical Association and the American Association of Labor Legislation have played a major role in the evolution of the concept of the right to health. Historical Background In 1793, a yellow fever epidemic forced the central government to impose quarantine on cases β†’

Essay on molecules of life: dietary fad

Reaction to the report included the collapse of the then multi-million oat bran industry, underscoring the potential implications of research findings. The Research Findings Moreover, the study was conducted on 20 healthy individuals. Furthermore, based on the distribution of cholesterol levels in the group, it is possible that the actual levels of the blood β†’

Good essay on charles darwin and the theory of natural selection

Darwin's father quietly took Charles to an Anglican church where he was baptized, in 1809, although they used to attend the Unitarian chapel together with their mother and the other siblings. In 1827, he made his own presentation to the Plinian Society on the findings of black spores that were being been in the oyster β†’

Free pico beside report essay example

The patients suffer from different health problems and are in need of quality care and responsibility from the nurses. I: Intervention: The best intervention for the patients is to use the Bedside report that entails the transfer of nurse's responsibility, their accountability and authority for one's patients from one nurse to the other. In this β†’

Research paper on hispanic groups

Among the sub-groups in the Hispanic group include Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Central and South Americans. So as to understand the Hispanic community, it is necessary to first understand some of these groups which will help in showing the similarities and contrasts within the Hispanic ethnic category. Mexican Americans β†’

ο»Ώfeeding the world in 2050 essay sample

To meet the food requirement, as the world population goes up to 9 billion, food production should be increased by 70 percent. If we do not do anything to solve this problem, it will result a serious disaster because the biggest worrisome is the infectious disease which might occur when it gets worse and β†’