A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Extracts from ‘great expectations

Dickens used his own experiences as a boy to help him write sympathetically of being a young child, his family had no money and got transferred from city to city until he was ten years old, his father was also sent to prison for six months over debt. He based the character Pip in remembrance →

The motif of doubles in a tale of two cities

The Motif of Doubles in A Tale of Two Cities Charles Dickens uses the motif of doubles throughout his novel, A Tale of Two Cities. The first paragraph is contrasting the good and the bad in all circumstances to come in the future of the novel.

Sea as a major symbol in the awakening

Unfortunately, Edna had to come to a realization for the limitations in her life. The sea abled Edna for the discovery of her desires and freedom within her female role as a mother and wife. She was able to emerge through a state of spiritual awareness within the sea in which the body of water →

Society’s condemnation: bigger thomas

In Book one of the novel Native Son, Wright uses the symbolism and juxtaposition in order to suggest that when one is confined societal norms it perpetuates immense fear and causes one to be violent in response to such confines. To begin Wright uses the symbols of a rat, a gun and Mrs. Wright includes →

Spherical panorama

Because we represent our image mosaics using a set of transforms, there are no singularity problems such as those existing at the top and bottom of cylindrical or spherical maps. Our algorithm is fast and robust because it directly recovers 3D rotations instead of general 8 parameter planar perspective transforms. We also →

The priory of sion revealed: dan brown’s secret society a secret no more

Dan Brown's bestselling novel " The Da Vinci Code" rocked not just the literature community, but the entire world that up to this day, his bestselling book has been the topic of much criticism and debate. What made his book one of the most controversial books of the →

Johnny cade

Throughout the novel he is the main catalysis of most of the major events in the novel, through his small acts of courage, he leads both himself and Ponyboy into a whirlwind of adventure including murder, death and heroism making him one of the most loved character of the novel. Throughout the novel Johnny craves →

Joseph conrad: life and works

Which is all to state that it is no longer astounding that such a commonly perused work ought to be the concern of a lot of controversies. This 1899 novel by Joseph Conrad is showing how the author is struggling with his acceptance with having a bigoted viewpoint and encompasses colonialism by nature with stories →

Symbolism in a farewell to arms research paper

General Purpose: To analyze Specific purpose: To analyze for my audience the use of symbolism in Ernest Hemingway's novel A Farewell to Arms Central idea: The novel contains many instances of symbolism; the symbolism primarily corresponds to Hemingway's feelings about war and the people who are in wars. I. There is a →

How does steinbeck create the theme of insecurity in the novel?

Write about: Why some characters feel insecure How language contributes to a sense of the characters' insecurity How the settings contribute to a sense of insecurity Other features which create a sense of insecurity You must: Explore how Steinbeck creates a sense of insecurity through the presentation of insecure characters, eg →

“the dark horror: dark imagery in heart of darkness”

Through Marlow's journey into the darkness of the Congo, Conrad's use of light and dark imagery as well as symbolism indicate that he is also on a journey into the deepest recesses of the darkness of his soul. This infestation of evil is illustrated through the destruction of Kurtz's " white" moral fortitude and the →

Analysis of mother to son and the house on mango street

In the poem " Mother to Son", the speaker admits that her life has been difficult, but despite the hardships, she does not give up. In the novel, The House on Mango Street, Esperanza grows up in a poor neighborhood but refuses to be limited by her surroundings.

”1984” by george orwell vs ”fahrenheit 451” by ray bradbury essay sample

Both novels have many examples of comparison throughout the novel, although they are not identical, the examples found provide perfect evidence of similar ideas. For starters both of these Novels follow the plot of a main character that rebels against a higher party for something he believes in. Both of the main characters pretend →

Coping with uncertainty: fear of death argumentative essay samples

The story constantly challenges each character's mind with the uncertainty of reality due to fears that each of them have; the fear of death is a persistent idea through out the novel. Everyday, he fear the future and is preoccupied with the concept of death that he failed to appreciate the brighter side of life.

Heart of darkness response paper

The Road to Self Discovery Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad, is a short novel about Marlow, a pensive sailor, and his journey up the Congo River to meet an idealist named Kurtz. The notion of a change in character was first introduced at the start of the novel when Marlow visits a doctor →

Postmodern representations of truth essay sample

This particular idea of truth in postmodernism is reflected in the novels Neuromancer by William Gibson, The Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon, White Noise by Don DeLillo, and Kingston's own The Woman Warrior. William Gibson's 1984 novel Neuromancer is thought to be one of the foremost novels to originate the cyberpunk genre of →

Civilisation and savagery in an isolated setting essay sample

Wells and William Golding diversely explore the struggle between civilisation and savagery in an isolated setting, through their novels: The Island of Doctor Moreau and Lord of the Flies. Contrastingly, Golding employs characterisation and metaphorical imagery, to present a rapid process of devolution from boys to beastly savages and utilises powerful symbols and biblical allusions, →

Good essay on the role of hucksters and con men in huckleberry finn

After the audience of the first show realized that, it was horrible and not what they expected, they attracted other people in the show to be fooled the same way they did. This indicates that people in this society are not in the best fit of the frame of mind to realize that they are →

Ethan frome zeena film vs novel

However, the movie is different from the novel because Zeena is shown through different angles, perspectives; the emphasis of her character is much more exaggerated throughout the film, and the transition in her characteristics is much more evident. Another difference between the movie and book is the characteristics of Zeena is far more exaggerated in →

Critques in don quixote

The most common translation, that has been give the most praise, is that of Edith Grossman. She is able to captivate and bring to life the character of Don Quixote in a way that had never been previously done before.

Tim o’brien

During his time in the institution, he was elected and served as the president of the student's union in college. Contrary to his criticisms against war, Tim O'Brien was recruited into United States Army and then sent to Vietnam where he served for two years. His mythical work, the things they curried of 1990, →

The importance of places in birdsong.

The description of the different corridors and how they are connected also helps to show the future in the war as it can be linked to the tunnelers in part 2 of the novel ' he stood for a moment disorientated' In part 1 the description of the nature and the surroundings help to make →

Gang violence critical thinking examples

The novel also tries and explains the process in which an individual changes to a responsible member of the society. In the novel the rule of law has no impact to the society.

Feminist and new historical approach to the things they carried

While the feminist critic focuses primarily on O'Brien's lack of female representation throughout the story, the New Historical critic would seek to interpret the motives behind the writing of the story and the setting in which it is placed. As applied to " The Things They Carried," these two approaches present a better understanding of →

Heart of darkness: plot overview

These stories give the narrator a sense of King and Country so-to-speak as in these explorers promoted the growth and knowledge of Great Britain. Also, one of the main points is that Marlow believes that civilizing and enlightening the African people and their culture is a fruitless effort. Kurtz is believed to be a magical →

Nicholas sparks: the lucky one essay sample

In the beginning of June 1994, Sparks began writing the Notebook, which is his most known book to date. When he finished in 1995, Sparks was discovered by literary agent Theresa Parks and was offered a one million dollar movie rights contract. He decides to keep the picture in his back pocket.

Rhetorical views of khaled hosseini in the kite runner essays examples

The Kite Runner is a novel written by Khaled Hosseini that revolves around themes of revenge and redemption, with the setting involving two childhood friends, Amir and Hassan, and their exploits from childhood to adulthood that involves their home nation, Afghanistan, being torn by war under the attempted invasion by the former Soviet Union →

Things fall apart

At first, it was just his fear of becoming an ' agbala' like his father, and then it escalated on to killing his adopted son, Ikemefuna, to his exile to Mbanta, the arrival of the Christians and the white men, and ending with his devastating death. He might have caused an influence on his family →

The brief wondrous life of oscar wao: when love ties into violence

Beli has experienced the violence when she decided to love the gangster and when Abelard experiences it when he protected his own daughter because of love. Since Beli fell in love with the gangster, she starts to see the effects when she went to the car dealership and it ended in violence.

Mary shelleys frankenstein term paper sample

In addition, Shelley's story seeks to demonstrate how the adoption of modern technology within society has the ability to lead to unnatural consequences that would have negative effects to both the survival and the comfort of mankind. Analysis Motifs of Knowledge in Novel First, it is important to look at how Shelley brings →

The hunger games essay sample

Is there a clear representation of Good and Evil in the novel? The Hunger Games is set in a dystopian future for North America, a world called Panem. What do you think the novel is trying to say about today's perceptions of beauty?

Saving grace by lee smith

The first person narrative technique brings out the feel of the novel perfectly. Florida Grace Shepherd, the protagonist of the story, vividly recounts her younger days in a melancholy tone which reverberates with lack of self-pity. Right from the fictional beginning, the heroine of the story Florida Grace Shepherd feels the need to be saved: →

Review on the novel “dracula” by bram stoker

The use of vampirism represented the use and addiction of drugs, the idea of sexual freedom, the criticism of humans and the complexity of the human mind that is reflected in the nature of the vampires. The human brain is an organ that is constantly under study as there is no definite answer as of →

Fahrenheit 451

The reason that these houses along with the books are burned is because the government of this society does not want its people to read books. Ray Bradbury chose the title, Fahrenheit 451 for this novel because he says, that is the temperature at which books burn.

The vanity of the pursuit of justice in billy budd

In Billy Budd, Sailor the flawed omniscience of the narrator is shared by Captain Vere, emphasizing the limitations of narration, which Melville argues produce a negative effect on the passage of justice. If a reader were to examine the cover of Billy Budd, Sailor he would soon find the subtitle, ' An Inside Narrative' housed →

Pip’s unrealistic expectations in dickens’ great expectations

When his visits to the Satis House cease and he is apprenticed to Joe, Pip becomes even more deeply ashamed of his position in society because he believes that it will ruin his hopes of Estella loving him. As the arrogant and ungrateful Pip continues to believe that Miss Havisham has chosen him to be →

Novel technologies in industry development

This type of predictions helps to optimize equipment and lessen the downtime for the organization. In addition to the earlier preventive measures, the use of predictive maintenance is called Reliability-Centered-Maintenance. So the integration of predictive analytics will lead to the industry easier, they can accurately and consistently predict the future. For example, the managers want →

Okonkw’s insecurity

Okonkwo hides all his emotions under a mask because he associates any form of emotion, such as compassion and love, to being feminine. Okonkwo tries to hide his emotions from his daughter Ezinma. Another example of how Okonkwo tries to hide how he feels is when he kills his " son" Ikemefuna.

Essay on ceremony

Religion, as well as maintaining tradition, is seen to play an important role in the culture of Pueblos as the glue that holds them as a race. The novel shows three of the most significant and important figures in Pueblo mythology. This change is seen as confusion for most cultures, and Tayo is the bridge →

How does hardy present the character of tess in the first three chapters

The tragic trajectory of the novel is evident from the introduction of Tess as a victim of her social circumstances and gender. Hardy does this to illustrate to the reader the diversities of Tess's character and to highlight the underlying notion that Tess is vulnerable. This also reinforces the mixture of elements →

Things fall apart: inevitable changes

This can only further accentuate the idea that the changing of the Ibo tribe was inevitable, and that it was not due to Okonkwo's actions or the arrival of the missionaries. The Ibo tribe is an example of a group unwilling to adjust and collapsing because of that reluctance.

The elements that made alice in wonderland a special story

During the literature or creative writing about rescuing in the book Alice in the Wonder created by Lewis Carroll is much more than an adventure. During the book as described by shmoop " Alice visits the Duchess and rescues a baby, Alice is captured by a Red Knight and rescued by a White Knight". After →

Charles dickens’s “great expectations” and the monsters

In Great Expectations, there's a clear difference between the goals and meanings of Joe's life and Pip's life, as highlighted at the end of Chapter 9. Havisham's house in hopes of Pip's rise in social status, Pip returns home and is overwhelmed by the difference in his life and Mrs.

Narrative voice in pride and prejudice

Through these characters the technique of " showing" is used, which involved direct speech and " telling" where the narrator describes what is happening, what the characters are saying and how they are feeling. The " showing" technique allows the reader to see what the characters are saying to each other, so in this passage, →

Literary analysis: beloved research papers examples

The plot of the novel is based on the effects, consequences and the results of the Civil War. The main character in the novel, Sethe is a former slave and she underwent cruel times under her master. She manages to escape but the escape was not smooth as she lost one →

Humor in chosen places, timeless people and running in the family

Marshall writes that the locals could be on the verge of acquiring power since a local black man and one other mullato elite are part of the governing circle. It is humorous somewhat ironical that two people are the ones that may bring some sense of power ownership in the entire island. She is the →

Themes of the wheel of time series

During the current Third Age, the countries of the Westlands continent play a central role in the struggle between the Light and the Ba'alzamon, the Dark One. The vast majority of the world believes in the religion revolving around the Wheel of Time, the Light, and the Shadow.

Mayor of casterbridge

The primary element of irony embraces also the main theme of the story, that life is a sum product of consequences of one's personal choices and that of simple destiny. Certainly, Michael Henchard's fate is an outcome of his behavior towards his family and friends but it is also evident that Henchard's fate was not →

Example of book review of ‘the outsiders’ by s.e hinton

She therefore decided to write the book basing her arguments and facts to the prevailing circumstances and the issues revolved around the rivalry of the two groups. The novels starts with a character, Ponyboy who is a Greaser being jumped by a group of Socs just after leaving a movie theatre. →

Kafka’s stories “metamorphosis and a hunger artist” research paper

One of the reasons why Franz Kafka is considered one of the 20th century's most prominent writers is that the reading of his masterpieces leaves very few doubts as to the fact that, while pursuing a literary career, he remained thoroughly aware of what used to account for the major discursive issue of the →

Cuckoo and people: good cuckoo people: institute, the good

He takes great risk of being discovered and never able to escape from the hospital to hold a farewell party to say goodbye to the other inmates and wait for Billy and Candy to have sex. Although McMurphy is so wild and risky which makes him seem crazy, the novel also represents the characteristic of →

Style as character insight: the use of irony and free indirect discourse in jane austen’s major works term paper

This paper endeavors to critically analyze the stylistic devices Jane Austen employs in her work to recreate the social psychology of the 19th century British upper classes for the reader. The paper favors the devices of irony and free indirect discourse as the main stylistic choices Jane Austen applies to give the reader insight and →

Market analysis of the damosa – mamay road area essay sample

There are few supporting elements in the immediate neighborhood to support full-service hotel development.* Access characteristics of the sites are fair for potential hotel development.* The hotel should have approximately 6, 000 square feet of function space. Site #3: Left side entrance area to Diamond Avenue The following bullets summarize our findings →

Purple hibiscus book review sample

The author has observed these things in the Nigerian society and the same is reflected in the examples produced by her in the novel from beginning to the end. This paper discusses the novel Purple Hibiscus, other related aspects and also discusses the ending of the novel. The author presents a true picture of the →

How i am legend was adapted for the big screen essay

However, it is either ending which truly sets the written and film versions apart: The novel, I Am Legend, was adapted for the big screen through altering its ending to make it more appealing to mainstream audiences - in the novel, Neville's character is introverted to encourage the view of him as the monster whereas →

Parenting in pride and prejudice

The happiness and feelings of the children did not matter to the parents as we can see in Pride and Prejudice. Mr. We could say that the Mr.and Mrs.

The forty rules of love essay

Shams and Rumi becomes very close, and when Sham shares the invigorating " the rules of love," Rumi transforms to a rebel mystic. She discloses the defects of the society and the beauty behind a wrecked person.

An analysis of oracle night by paul auster

Segment A of Oracle night was a very interesting segment, it was like an introductory segment where we got introduced to the main characters, and to Austers style of writing. In conclusion, segment A was a good introductory segment that introduced us to the characters, setting, and some of the themes.

True freedom in toni morrison’s beloved

He was now able to truly free himself from the grasp of slavery and claim ownership of his identity. Just as Paul D achieved the ownership of his freedom, Baby Suggs' experience with the community helped her achieve real freedom. There is hope for Sethe and with the help of Paul D and the community, →

“band of brothers”: difference between fact and fiction

The novel also seems to suggest that the US was majorly responsible when it came to aiding the allies in World War 2 when a more fair and accurate analysis could be stated as a combined effort instead of a sole country, which is quite relevant to a quote from Joseph Stalin stating: " Britain →

Edna’s awakening in the awakening novel

Throughout this novella, Edna Pontellier makes an attempt to discover herself in many distinct aspects of her own being. She grows cold and distant to her husband and children as she focuses on herself completely. Although Edna seems to be quick to push Robert away at the beginning of the story, she begins to grow →

Okonkwo and sonjara

Okonkwo is a tragic hero in the typical sense: although he is a superior character, his tragic flaw, the equation of manliness with rashness, anger, violence, and arrogance brings about his own destruction. Okonkwo, the main protagonist of the novel, expresses many stereotypicalpersonalitytraits of a hero. The narrator states, " At an early age he →

The theme of marriage in pride and prejudice

Immediately from the outset of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice the theme of marriage is presented, " It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife" and the question of whether this is indeed the →

Free essay about the frankenstein application

Ultimately, it is this uncontrolled thirst of knowledge that leads Victor Frankenstein to creating a hostile creature that turns out to be not only the source of his own ruination but also the cause of the death of his loved ones. Victor Frankenstein's struggle and suffering serves as an example to Walton, who makes up →

Analysis of power in fahrenheit 451

Bradbury uses the introduction of Faber and Clarisse into Guy Montag's life to symbolize that in order to free one's self from the destructive constraints of society and gain power over it; one must submit themselves to guidance and care. This scheming ultimately leads to the killing of Beatty and the placing of the book →

Example of hesses siddhartha and its impact on culture and society research paper

As the novelist Hermann Hesse was an admirer of peace and self-realization, he put all the ingredients in his character Siddhartha and made him the true follower of Buddha. The novel Siddhartha is the evidence of Hesse's interest in the Eastern studies, his visit to India was quite disappointing but he describes Siddhartha " an →

Pride and prejudice volume i character analysis

The pride and prejudice referred to in the title of this Jane Austin novel prepare the reader for the character flaws of the main characters, Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. He submits to Darcy's objections about the marriage, and because of this, many call Mr.

The other side of happiness

The hopeful addition is important in emphasizing the moral message in each story, which lies in how the central characters are able to find gratification in their defeat. The transformations of the characters in each work culminate in their respective downfalls, which come with other positive repercussions for themselves. Thus, Endo implies that even though →

Never let you go essays example

The author has been very effective in portraying aspects of the clones that are images of the nature of the normal humans but have been subjected to servitude for them. The novel show the complexity of the society with a social setting depicting advancement in technologies that are helpful in combating chronic diseases such as →

Is elizabeth bennet the ‘perfect heroine’?

Darcy after he has snubbed her at the ball shows her to be proud; " I could easily forgive his pride, if he had not mortified mine". She is determined; "". . Darcy at the start of the book for having ' vanity and pride'; here →

Rachel robinson

Although June is dead through the entire novel her memory lives on as her family and friends recall memories they shared with June and even some of their own memories throughout the novel." June will figure throughout the novel as a touchstone for the other characters" June's death affected all of the characters →

Pale horse pale rider essay sample

She is in a relationship with Adam who she takes to the shows she is reviewing. Miranda gets sick because of the influenza epidemic and is hospitalized. In the beginning of the story she is told a lot of stories and poems, about the past and about the lives of the elder generation, by her →

Literature review on the tale of genji

The first two parts revolve around the rise, fall and death of Genji, the primary hero of the novel. Theme : Although love, lust, and the interaction of male and female characters is a central theme of Shikibu's novel, particularly Genji's love life, the different themes of affection, family bonds, →

V.s. naipaul: travelogues, truth, and the new novel

This was the hardest task of all and the most important, in view of that conscientious rendering of truth in thought and fact which has always been my aim.In the early part of his writing life, Naipaul confuses Conrad's " conscientious rendering of truth" with the compulsion for his own voice to dominate the narrative. →

Novel rebecca

For example, he uses the setting descriptions of the narrator's dream from the beginning of the novel to create the scenery, visuals, and the enactment of the dream in the movie. The dream in the movie sounds exactly like the dream in the novel, but you can actually see it instead of imagining it. This →

Good name book review example

' Instructor's Name' Sin and Redemption in Khaled Hosseini's " The Kite Runner" ' Kite Runner', written by Khaled Hosseini, chronicles the life of Amir, who is a troubled young boy, always trying to measure up to his father's expectation. But the theme which resonates throughout the novel is that of sin and redemption. The central →

Metamorphosis essay

His family, however, was more worried about themselves instead of trying to help Gregor, much like most people react in our society."...his hand against his open mouth and backing away slowly as if repelled by an invisible force" both the clerk's and his family's reaction are a representation of society, when people are →

Steinbecks present and development of the character curly

We are made extremely aware that she is not respected on the ranch when the men refer to her as " jailbait", " tramp", " tart", " bitch" and at one point is even referred to as a " loo loo", lulu also being the name of the dog on the ranch which could again →

The quiet america essay example

However, it was difficult to understand this since he was in the country pretending to be helping the people who were suffering from the war. Pyle seems to have the motive of helping Phuong in the novel. For example, his intention of saving Phuong seemed that he intended to help the Vietnamese who were suffering →

The development of dunstan ramsay in fifth business

Ramsay, Diana Marfleet, and Liesl Vitzliputzli to help mold, change, and fortify Dunstan into the person he is at the end of the story. By applying the Jungian theory of individuation and the ideas of character by Perrine, we are able to follow the development of Dunstan as he goes through life. The first character →

Human characteristics

He just wanted to seek revenge and he thought it would help his relationship because he would feel better after the other man was out of the picture." But that was just how things were, he would just have to get used to it; especially as he had to make a real mental effort to →

The awakening, the story of an hour and desiree’s baby

The Awakening: The novel was titled " The Awakening," because the main character Edna Pontellier goes through a series of liberations that cause her to " awaken" or become aware of her The Story of an Hour: The title refers to the actual duration of the story. Kate Chopin died of →

One flew over the cuckoo nest

The movie is a good example of Total Institution. In the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo? s Nest the patients were removed from society and, the Head Nurse made them change the way that they went upon everything they did in life. The patients imagined that they appeared to be inferior →

Free essay on blithedale romanceand from puritanism to postmodernism

The hero of the novel is Miles Coverdale, who is desirous of improving the life standards of the community through agrarian lifestyle. Hawthorne describes in the preface of the novel about his memories of the farmhouse and works as " an available foothold between fiction and reality".

Good example of themes in things fall apart critical thinking

The novel presents the traditional ways of life of the clan of Igbo at a time when they were faced with the dilemma of embracing chance that was brought by the European colonialists and missionaries. The theme of varying interpretation of masculinity starts with the relationship of Okonkwo with his →

Example of book review on the big sleep: use of symbolism

The Big Sleep is a cornucopia of symbolisms that represent loneliness and sorrow, chivalry, honesty, and integrity, and duality of personality. One of the major symbols used in the novel is the use of changing weather in the story, which is a representation of human emotions as depicted by the characters. For instance, as Chandler →

The birth-mark and the minister’s black veil literature review examples

The use of the birth mark and the veil are significant in the creation of the plots. This paper will review the use of the literary technique of symbolism as used in both the novels. The significance and the influence of the plot device on the plot of the novels will also be analyzed. The →

White fang book review

This explains why people treat animals differently, which is all depending on how the animals treat humans. Event 2 Situation in Novel: In the novel, the White Fang's mother did not tell the White Fang after she had guessed that his father had suffered from the accident.(The White Fang is the name of the →

“pride and prejudice” by jane austen essay sample

I will be glad to have the library to myself as soon as may be". Mr Bennet's character develops and he realises the mistake he made in ignoring the needs of his family: " It had been my own doing and I ought to feel it". He therefore becomes more attentive: " No →