A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Softening of the stereotypes

To combat stereotypes and expectations for women at the time, Chopin wrote The Awakening in the mindset of Edna Pontellier, who disregards what society expects of her. Pontellier's actions; she also represents the stereotypes of the femme fatale and the New Woman.

To kill a mockingbird draft

The other possible mockingbird could be Arhur ' boo'radley, because he did not do anything wrong in the novel and helped Jem and Scout during the fire and when mr Ewell wanted to stab them, he saved Jem. In the small village there are told stories about Arthur who are totally nonsense. →

A mother’s unconditional love

This portrays that she has no affection for Estella and the only possible love she feels for her is selfish because she is the one who will enact Miss Havisham's revenge. In her essay, Raphael argues that this craving for retribution consumes her to a point where she is not able to understand her surroundings: →

“the things they carried” analysis essay sample

ThesisA concentrated emotional impact on the reader is achieved through a " pre-established design" of the elements which help O'Brien skillfully portrays casualties of war-time underlining the evolution of characters, their emotional state, caused by sufferings and enormous psychological burden carried by soldiers. The descriptive style of O'Brien reflects unique psychological struggles of the →

Pygmalion: social class and liza

Significance of Title: The significance of the title, "Pygmalion" is in Greek mythology, The town Cyprus Pygmalion was a king who deeply fell in love with the statue of Aphrodite. In contrast to Shaw's play, " Pygmalion" professor Higgins the scientist of phonetics is a Pygmalion and a convent garden flower girl Eliza is a →

The themes of abuse in “purple hibiscus” and “goodnight mr. tom”

Due a nature of it being intended to be a part of children's literature it's most probable that the book is written in this format as if the story is being told by someone else as you would narrate a story to a child but with very mature themes. Purple hibiscuses are symbolic in the →

Hazel grace lancaster (character analysis) research paper

For Hazel, it is her first love and she experiences the stomach-churning, adoring insanity for Augustus. In this sense, Hazel's love for Augustus makes her learn that it is not right to consider death as the omnipresent and inevitable finality.

Bakhtin’s heteroglossia and its place creative writing

Thus, the impact of Bakhtin's linguistic concept of heteroglossia on the modern stylistic analysis of novelistic prose and philosophy of discourse is hard to underestimate. Stratification of the language in the novel is likened to the social stratification of the real world, and Bakthin's heteroglossia is definitely a highlight of his literary theory.

First and partly autobiographical novel by irish writer james joyce

In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the character of Dante Riordan can be likened to the figure of the devouring, consuming female which is seen in her outburst at the dinner table. Joyce employs this thought into A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, using the idea of →

The adventures of huckleberry finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a novel written by Mark Twain, is an important literary work because of it's use of satire. The verbal irony of this is how Tom is stating what he believes to be ransoming, but not actually knowing what it is to ransom.

Fahrenheit 451

Montag begins in the novel as a conformist who does not really think for himself but throughout the novel with the help of mentors he begins to think for himself and does not just conform to society. This push lead to Montag burning Beatty, which is the start of his vendetta.

The binary of orientalism in heart of darkness

In other words, by virtue of the narrator s nature, the kind of basic distinction between East and West ? manifests itself not only in the physical experience of Marlow s journey, but also the style of thought ? in and through which the journey is told. According to Said s →

Character analysis: mrs. dalloway

We discover that like Clarissa she has married, and she is the mother to five sons, this is a fate that both of them considered to be a catastrophe during the summer at Bourton. Although she is everything that Clarissa truly does not want to be at the same time she is exactly what Clarissa →

The protagonist of the novel the hunger games essay sample

The protagonist of the novel is nominated as one of the players, which set off the events and forces her to grow from a teenager to an adult fast. Thus her role in the family changed directly from a child to an adult she is the one making sure the family has enough to eat →

Lumination: the conquest of mankind’s darkness

During the hunt, the " burning wreckage of the island" signals a nearby naval ship and prompts the boys' rescue. Jack, the antithesis of Ralph, overindulges in the " brilliant world of hunting," ignoring the signal fire and the construction of shelters.

Good name essay example

But the history of literature has time and again reiterated the fact that, there are novels in every genre, that deserves a high place in terms of literary merit and Richard Matheson's " I Am legend", is an example to this fact. First published in 1954, this novel is single handedly responsible for the popularity →

Reflection essay on argumentative essay

One major advantage of reading a novel rather than watching a movie Is that you get a much better view of how each character feels and their thoughts. For example, In the novel, The Outsiders, the narrator gives readers tremendous Insight Into pony's emotions, feelings, and thoughts. In addition to the written literary →

Jane eyre essay examples

However, this paper will focus on the fifth chapter of the novel to discuss the most important issues related to lifestyle, rules, and customs of Victorian England. In chapter 5 of Jane Eyre, we see the heroine of the same name arriving at Lowood, the school for girls. Despite that, Jane Eyre was quite surprised →

Oral presentation i’m not scared

Discuss the five main settings- Aqua Traverse, the valley and farmhouse, Filippo's hiding place, Melichetti's farm, the Gravina. Setting: The main setting of the novel was Acqua Traverse, but the main setting of the whole novel was Filippos hiding spot.

Literary analysis of the passage with “heart of darkness”

Through constructing a complex tale based on opposites: civilised versus savagery, a core of faith and belief versus hollowness, self-restraint and its lack, Joseph Conrad reveals that behind the rhetoric of civilisation lies an ironic hypocrisy in the colonial conquest's claim to be the agent of progress. Pointedly, Marlow's journey up-river acts to undermine the →

Warren coombs

Warren Coombs Henry Higgins English 10th 3rd October 2nd 2012 The Effect of Censorship on the Community and People in the Novel " Fahrenheit 451" The Novel Fahrenheit 451 exploited censorship and all the negative thing that can occur when a society is censored. Towards the middle of the novel, the fire fighter, Montag →

Final solutions

But if we go through the literature written on the tragedy of partition particularly in the form of novel, one can find that the issues before and after partition have been discoursed in a such a manner that one feels with that unfortunate lot of people who passed though the trauma of the partition. The →

Fictional novels by john boyne essay sample

Liesel develops a close relationship with Max the fleeing Jew while Bruno becomes closer with Schmuel the Jew on the other side of the fence. However, as the text progresses, Liesel starts to discover her own inner strength and becomes more exposed to the harsh realities of war as opposed to Bruno who remains; childlike →

Example of essay on layer cake book and film review

Jimmy prince who is a linchpin in the story assign the narrator the task of recovering the stolen drugs and also locate the missing daughter of an affluent associate. Later the narrator encounters Sidney who is part of the crew holding the pills and who is also a member of →

Oryx and crake margaret atwood literature review examples

A Critical Paper Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood was first published in 2003; the novel is a dystopian vision of world in the not-too-distant future in which humanity has been almost destroyed through a combination of careless and self-centred scientific practices and moral corruption. Ultimately, then the novel is less a futuristic →

Gender roles— the oppression against women

The subjugation of women, by means of the men in the Afghan nation, is portrayed through the historical background of the country itself and the individual and intimate lives of both protagonists. Giving the story a historical context does not only give the reader a stronger understanding of the setting, but also sets a path →

Free name research paper example

This essay aims at scrutinizing the characterization of Dantes, and explores how Dumas has conveyed the theme of justice in this story. The novel is set in the post-Napoleonic period during the rule of Louis Philippe, and Dumas has paid careful attention to the historical details presented in the novel. The imprisonment and the trial →

Greed in “the pearl” by john steinbeck essay sample

The doctor also turns out to be greedy after the news that Kino got the pearl. There are three characters in the story who turn out to be greedy after the main character, Kino finds " the pearl of the world", the priest, the doctor and Kino.

Symbolism in ”madame bovary” by gustave flaubert essay sample

At a young age, she harbors idealistic romantic illusions, longs for sophistication, sensuality, and passion, and descends into fits of extreme boredom and depression when her life fails to match the romantic novels she treasures. Emma's bourgeois aspirations set her up to later be disappointed by Charles' unpolished boorish behavior." But it was above →

The rapid metamorphosis of the mexican government

However, the three most influential developments that resulted from the revolution itself were the inclusion of Article 3 in the Constitution of 1917, the connection of Mexico to the United States, and formation of the National Revolutionary Party in 1929. The inclusion of Article 3 in the Constitution of 1917 was one of the most →

“pride and prejudice”: lady catherine and elizabeth bennet

In Jane Austen's novel, Pride and Prejudice, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet are absolute opposites. Elizabeth is a realistic and masterful character, which makes all her qualities of strength and independence intensify and create an ideal stability between her emotions and what is reality. Her passion and overwhelming capability to stand her →

The role of balls and gossip in 18th century england

Frequently, the entire substance of Jane's letter was a description of a ball she had just attended, a ball she was going to attend, a ball her sister might go to, and references to balls in which her sister's name was mentioned. In summary, Austen's letters to her sister provide a window into the world →

Huck finn notes

Twain exposes the hypocrisy of slavery and demonstrates how racism hurts the oppressors as much as the oppressed 1. The Mississippi River- the ultimate symbol of freedom for Huck and Jim A.

”the celestine prophecy” by james redfield essay sample

He is being pursued by the Church and the Peruvian government in his journey to discover the nine insights. Eventually, the narrator succeeds in learning and understanding the nine insights in the manuscript. He returns to the United States and is positive that he will reveal the tenth insight out in the public soon.

Isolation in “lord of the flies” vs. the movie “castaway” essay sample

Isolation in " Lord of the Flies" vs.the movie " Castaway" Essay Sample Throughout the novel Lord of the Flies and the film " Castaway" one of the main themes is most certainly seen as isolation, both social and physical. Positive being that whoever is in the position of isolation, which in →

Blueback novel essay

It is evident in the novel Blueback, by Tim Winton , the construction of characters are what Winton uses to communicate the ideas that Abel is passionate about the sea, Abel fights for what he believes in and that Abel is loyal to his friends andfamily. It is found in the novel, Blueback that →

Modern world: things fall apart

The missionaries begun telling the people of the villages about the new religion " We have been sent by this great God to ask you to leave your wicked ways and false gods and turn to Him so that you may be saved when you die". The missionaries started to have the people of the →

Main character in kate chopin’s the awakening

She is the only person at the hotel who is not a Creole, and she is embarrassed by the Creole society's openness on subjects such as sex and childbirth. The article speaks of early in the book, when Edna is still reluctant to reveal her true wants and desires. This detail in her character is →

Analysis of the novel the broken boot

Caister thanks him for the lobster and says to himself that he's an amateur, but a nice man. Bryce-Green then asks Caister what he thinks of the state of the drama.

Best of humanity essay sample

He is overall a very good person and I think he is one of the few that even during the final solution; he treated everybody with the same respect. He is a kind boy and does not understand that he and Shmuel both are a part of the final solution of the holocaust.

Example of critique of kim essay

This makes the book one of the controversial books to analyze. The background upon which the storyline of the novel is set reveals a great deal of historical events drawing a very vivid picture of India, religion, superstition and aspects of war. Actually, the book was set in a war torn background where the physical →

The representation of violence and social order essay examples

In fact by the time the novel was dissolved by the British Parliament had dissolved the East India Company as of June 1, 1874. This paper suggests that there are many parallels between the North and South and The Sign of the Four that address the social issues of violence and social order. The hypothesis →

Colonialism and imperialism in joseph conrad’s heart of darkness

While Marlow is waiting for the Doctor to begin his physical, he notices a map of Africa, color-coded with the nations who have conquered the lands. Those empire has caused the most damage and committed the most cruel actions to the land and the people. The deeper into the Congo, the less humanity they have. →

Characters in chinua achebe’s books

Okonkwo saw clearly the high esteem in which he would be held, and saw himself taking the highest title in the land. When Okonkwo was exiled, he had a hard time because he had to start a new life while he already became old and not as strong as before. In this →

Example of palestine graphic novel book review

Joe has used his vast knowledge of narration to express the suffering Palestine undergoes in the hand of Israel. Joe as a character in the novel engages some Israel in an interview of the relationship between Israel and Palestine.

How does steinbeck present loneliness and isolation in the novel?

An example of Steinbeck using the setting to demonstrate the loneliness in the book is Steinbeck's description of Soledad is key to the portrayal of the ranch as being basically in the middle of nowhere. The significance of the ranch being in the middle of nowhere is that the theme of loneliness and isolation runs →

Abel magwitch

Dickens then emphasizes how helpless Pip is." After each question he tilted me over a little more, so as to give me a greater sense of helplessness and danger." This creates more sympathy for Pip. You hear? " this creates sympathy for Pip as he gets ordered what to do and has no choice in →

Essay on the stranger and the great gatsby essay sample

Fitzgerald and The Outsider by Albert Camus, the backdrop of events during the writing of the novels as well as the personal histories of the authors have noticeable effects. The setting of the novel in the 1920's directly influences the theme of the corruption of the American Dream, the theme of increased hedonism and moral →

Conrad’s africa; a key to heart of darkness

The first-hand experience is that of Charlie Marlow, who is inspired to tell his story by the London skyline, as he describes it as " also...one of the dark places of the earth,". Marlow cannot understand what is meant by the drums, and thereby is missing the essence of the jungle; the heart beat of →

Grapes of wrath book review example

The book dates back to the period of Great Depression in America, which started in the year 1929 due to the crash of the stock market and lasted until the beginning of the Second World War. He undergoes one of the most prominent transformations in the novel as he gets rid of the philosophy of →

A man with power

He was the strongest in the village and many knew him as tough, strong, and basically fearless. This is who Okonkwo was before the British came to the tribe seeking for converts to Christianity. First, when the missionaries showed up the Ibo people took them as a joke.

Morality and deeper moral meaning

What is the deeper moral meaning of his claim It is said that [Robin Hood] fought against the looting rulers and returned the loot to those who had been robbed, but that is not the meaning of the legend which has survived. He is remembered, not as a champion of property, but →

The definition of a true inspiration

Cervantes was unsuccesful in portraying his thoughts and feelings on the corruption of the goverment and his life as a soldier. He is happy with the welcome he receives from the woman and compares Dulsinea, his old crush, to the beauty of the prostitutes in the hotel.

Love and marriage in pride and prejudice

This rather unromantic view of marriage is heavily parodied by Austen, and she gives us with a very parable-like story of matrimony, presenting the reader with more than several marriages and courtships, and showing her readers that the only way to marry is for love. In order to protect the reputation and dignity of the →

Parental and child relationships in great expectations

Although they live in the same house and belong to the same family, Pip was aware that his sister was hugely superior to him and he ' had no hope of deliverance through his all powerful sister'. It is evident that although she acts as a motherly figure towards him, →

Love is essays examples

Some say " Love is Life," " Love is blind," " Love is Goodness," " Love is cruel". Love is Life: An act of appreciation which makes life worth living is Love. Kurt Vonnegutis is known to be an extremist about love, in his book " The Sirens of Titan" commented " A purpose of →

Sure fire by jack higgins report example

Higgins uses the symbolism of optimism and pessimism to connect with the real life and bring a in depth resemblance of the real world. The book is action packed and full of adventure with twists and turns meant to amaze the reader.

Rat kiley in the things they carried

This shows just how much of a toll the Vietnam war can take on a man and the lengths he will go to in order to leave that hell. This is an example of Rat being unable to cope with his best friend's death and the pressures that war puts on you.

Characterization and motivation in uglies by scott westerfield

This is an example of direct characterization because the author directly states the character trait for the reader. This is a direct characterization, because the author directly states the character trait for the reader.

Noir film and the literature essay examples

James Bond a major character in the film plays a major role; his portrayal is considered the best because of the abstract that he shows.it was unique, as shown in the casino royal of that of a typical hero in the noir film as an hero, the noir heroes are alienate from the society and →

Edna’s swim: the first step in her “awakening”

Chopin's description of the event is a metaphor for Edna's awakening as well as a foreshadowing of the consequences of her self-discovery. Edna's learning to swim is such an important event in the novel because she has accomplished something without outside help and solely for her own enjoyment. The other characters cannot accept that Edna →

“obasan” by joy kogawa essay sample

This paper aims to explore the circumstances of Naomi's identity as a Japanese Canadian during times of war and discrimination and how it affected her search for identity and reason The novel combined documented history and a collection of personal experiences to better explain the situation that the Japanese Canadians had to experience. →

The issue of social injustice in jungle by upton sinclair

Sinclair was a leading " muckraker," a group of early twentieth-century American journalists and writers who sought to initiate reforms by exposing social and political excesses and abuses, and variously admired and excoriated by critics, the novel is responsible for bringing to light the appalling working and sanitary conditions of Chicago's slaughterhouses. The Jungle is →

Masculinity: slavery in the united states

He began to let the thought of fear of failure and of weakness to control his life through the novel. He was motivated to teach himself how to read and write because he did not want to be a slave for the rest of his life.

Analysis of “things fall apart”

He was so accustomed to his old life that when the new ideas began to weave into his life he could not cope with it. When he lost his titles, and was exiled he lost the chance he had to be a high rank, he never recovered.

Chinua achebe’s portrayal of pre-colonial africa:

All of which contribute to the demise of the main character, Okonkwo, the Ibo religion, and ultimately, the Ibos' autonomy. The events of the past couple of days have brought leaders from all of the clan's nine tribes to a meeting the morning after Okonkwo and the other egwuwu are released.

“story truth” and “happening truth” in the things they carried

During the entire work there are two different " truths", which are " story truth" and " happening truth"." Happening truth" is the actual events that happen, and is the foundation or time line on which the story is built on." Story truth" is the molding or re-shaping of the " happening truth" that allows →

Is chinua achebe correct in asserting that heart of darkness is essentially a racist novel

The racism presented by Conrad in the novel is evident through his manipulation of perspective and dehumanisation of the native Africans as discussed in Achebe's essay. Joseph Conrad manipulates the perspective of the reader and the attitude they have towards the natives and Europeans alike through the bestowal of human expression to →

Good essay on analytical of the adventures of huckleberry finn

Twain who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn clearly shows these current issues in the society hence making it a modern novel. In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the characters Tom, Jim, and Huck battle for their opportunity at the outset of the book. In spite of the fact that throughout their adventures, →

Feminist literary criticism in english literature

The aim of this paper is to express Feminist Literary Criticism in English Literature, as critical analysis of literary works based on feminist perspective, as well as to uncover the latent dynamics in a novel relevant to women's interior role in society. Feminist Literary Criticism rejects patriarchal norms in literature that →

Primo levi

In 'If this is a Man' one is brought on a Journey of what it was like physically and mentally to endure time in Auschwitz. Everybody has heard about the horrendous and horrible occurrence that was the holocaust, however, Primo Levi s one of the very few survivors that had the ability of →

Great expectations

She regards him as a toy for her pleasure, and does not think of his opinions, but commands him to do her bidding. The reader is again made to wonder whether Miss Havisham really is a danger to others or a threat to herself." I sometimes have sick fancies," she says." And I have a →

Significance of the characters in the journey to the west essay samples

Therefore, this paper will focus on the significance of the main characters in the novel " The Journey to the West". Notwithstanding, characterization will be discussed based on the novel, " The Journey to the West". The character plays a significant role throughout the novel and that is why he is characterized among the main →

Letters to alice – letter 5 analysis

Are like children; they tend to misconstrue lack of reproof as a lack of interest, as indifference" Jane Austen vs today Writers such as Jane Austen were more original with their writing and drew from personal experiences and by " reading aloud, listening to the sightings and coughings of her audience" Where as today many →

What is the significance of chapter one of ‘great expectations’? essay sample

This emphasises not only how cold, scared and insignificant he is, but his naivety and lack of confidence are also defined and thus the reader's sympathy is instinctively invoked for this character. Dickens has shown Pip to be judgmental of the convict in the initial chapter, when he narrates, ' When the church came →

Free a good man is hard to find research paper sample

The misfit, as he is known in the novel, is a character that keeps the audience guessing if he really is the culprit or not till the very end of the novel. The main character, the misfit, is shown as a person suffering from many psychological problems trying to seek →

Critical analysis on “the wars” by timothy findley essay sample

It is the moaning of the world, it is the martyred creation, wild with anguish, filled with terror, and groaning". " The ammonia in their urine would turn the chlorine into harmless crystals that could not be breathed".These help support the fact that novels about World War I can not only be well in detail →

Good example of research paper on salman rushdie

He has also mentor many young novelists in the course of his life (British Council Literature, 2011). Main stories Midnight's Children Salman Rushdie breakthrough in the literate work came through this book and won the Booker prize in 1981. In 1993, it won the prize/award of bookers of bookers as the best →

A novel perspective

In accordance to evidence law, we try to establish credibility of the personalities involved such as the offender, the victim, and the witnesses to see who is telling the truth. While most aspects of the characterization could lead one to believe that Connie is to be blamed for her fate, the plot of the story, →

Illuminating the darkness

" Now this is the Law of the Jungle as old and as true as the sky/And the Wolf that will keep it may prosper, but the Wolf that will break it must die".~Rudyard Kipling, " The Law of the Jungle" [i]In his novel " The Invisible Man" Ralph Ellison presents, from a 1950s perspective, →

“to kill a mockingbird” movie review

" To Kill A Mockingbird" Movie Review Based on the book by Harper Lee, the black and white film " To Kill A Mockingbird" was a very entertaining spectacle." To Kill A Mockingbird", written through Scout's perspective, is essentially about Scout , Jem and their father Atticus Finch living in the racially divided →

Paradise of the blind

It is favorable to the men, and unfair to the women, who are considered to be lesser beings. She does this as Chinh is the man of the family-the heir, and so she believes she is lower to him, and is selfless.

Pride and prejudice by jane austen essay

This essay contains the analysis of the novel, including the summary, description of the main characters and themes, personal opinion about the narrative, and conclusion that summarizes the main points of the essay. The story begins with the conversation of two characters, Mr. Thus, the prejudice of Elizabeth and pride of Mr.

Character analysis of robert lebrun

Eventually his affectionate nature catches the attention of Mrs. Edna Pontellier, triggering her to go through a series of epiphanies or so-called awakenings where she begins the struggle between the woman her society expects her to be and the independent, self-governing woman she craves. Robert, sifting his way in between dynamic and →

Call me by your name’ by luca guadagnino

It's like sin does not exist in this films language. Although the pace of the film may seem slow at first, Guadagnino is patient with his pacing and establishing the characters and setting and it works flawlessly. From the plaintive soundtrack to the visual beauty, it's as if this film is unreal. ' Call Me by →

Estancia high school comp/lit ii

Example of alliteration: " Caring cats cascade off" 3.allusion an allusion is a reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art; writers often make allusions to the Bible, William Shakespeare's plays, Roman and Greek mythology, and major historical events or battles; when speaking, a person can make an allusion to →

Question 1’s answer:

Of course, a central element of imperialism is the way in which the white man assumes a natural sense of superiority and clearly believes that everything associated with the indigenous natives is " bad". Things Fall Apart analyzes the destruction of African culture by the appearance of the white man in terms of the destruction →