A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Practicing curiosity

The most interesting lesson I learnt from it is about the dedications and commitments put by Daniel in his music career. As a pianist, he acknowledges his disapproval for the band wagon and instead, adopting and subscribing to his own school of thought.

Video response

Video Response: Running Fence al Affiliation Video Response: Running Fence What far reaching results did the Running Fence Project have on the local community? The Running Fence Project reportedly undertaken by Christo and Jean-Claude in 1976 apparently energized the local community in such a way that it enhanced the aesthetic value of the landscape where →

Journal of korean melodrama christmas in august (1998)

Number] Christmas in August Christmas in August is a 1998 Korean film directed by Heo Jin-ho whichwon the hearts of the audience as well as the critics. This is a strong point in the film itself.

Informative speech insomnia

I am going to tell you three ways to help put your insomnia to rest. One of the ways to relieve insomnia is to reduce your stress.


However, the classical and monumental nature of Seurat's Sunday on La Grande Jatte painting received support from various artists and viewers. Discussion 2 Sleuth discusses Van Gogh paintings, his life, and presumed madness in the art. In addition, Gogh's nature of painting the Venus, moon, and landscape in his art shows how he viewed →

Identity in korean contemporary art

Answer Q).using concrete examples, please discuss the issue of identity as presented in Korean contemporary art Contemporary Art: According to dictionary the meaning of literal meaning of contemporary art is the modern art but generally it includes the art from the World War II till the present or modern art Uniqueness in art, particularly →

Romeo and juliet vs daylight essay

The first example of this is that both are required to leave their loves when the sun rises. When Romeo and Juliet wake up and see the sun rising, Romeo says, " jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops". The sun coming up is a sign to Romeo that he will have to →

Piet mondrians work and his insistence on primary colors

Piet Mondrian's work and His Insistence on Primary Colors Introduction Piet Mondrian was born in 1872 in the Netherlands and was an early proponent of the De Stijl movement, which came to found a form of art known as neo-plasticism. Even the sparseness of the title Composition speaks to the nature of →

If indie writers and filmmakers and show them

It requires ahuge amount of inspiration, discipline, consistency and commitment to mention afew. However, the benefits that come with being an independent writer orfilmmaker are immense as it will put you right in the career you are passionateabout, get you massive media attention and give you an avenue to impact thelives of a lot of →

Analysis of brokeback mountain

The adaptation of any story into a film is of a very difficult and challenging task and if the story is the masterpiece then it is a Herculean task for the entire team involved in the film making the process. Proulx in the entire story insists the readers accept this story as a love story →

Michelangelo di lodovico buonarroti simoni

He was a marvel of his time.." He was celebrated as the greatest artist ever because of his great work in the areas of sculpting, painting, drafter, architecture, andpoetry". His drawingcareerlasted over seventy years, and he was able to change his style to fit the period of time.

Example of the national endowment for the arts essay

These events are beneficial to the neighboring and high schools in attendance in developing their artists as well as entertain them. References: National Endowment for the Arts 2013 Spring Grant Announcement. Retrieved from http://www.nea.gov/news/news13/ArtWorksMarch2013CouncilByDiscipline.pdf National Endowment for the Arts 2013 Art Works Research Grants.

Portfolio of chinese contemporary artist cai guo-qiang

It is about the pain and bliss of aggressive explosions - celebratory fire-works versus deadly car bombs. " I want to believe" significance comes from modernity, secularism and human kind." I want to believe" shows the truth of the era and also increase the awareness." I want to believe" is the creation and →

Good sociology article review example

Later his expectations crossing the seventh sky, he declared that people who want to see the sculpture near the bank of a lake need to pay his desired amount. He was declared as false artist. In the case of sprayer of Zurich, we see the clandestine graffiti transmutation into an artwork & the night reveller →

Portraits from 1480-1560 – beauty and power

Through the use of portraits painted centuries ago, it is possible to draw a conclusion in regard to how both men and women were expected to behave. In his argument, Leonardo is right to state that the paintings had power over the mind of men.

Vincent van gogh

Gogh was the son of a pastor, and was raised in a very conservative and religious environment. He brightened his work with the use of intense colors, and thus developed a unique style of art that gained him immense recognition and praise in Arles in the year 1888. Gogh made most of the best-known pieces →

Social commentary

Importance of Natural Beauties and Human Effects on them The natural beauties include all the green plants, trees, rivers, mountains and every other thing, which contribute to provide the life for the living organisms. The disposal or the waste material of the people destroys the natural lands and the greenery of any place.

Journal one

I believe that art has the power of opening a person's mind and widening their imagination. This always allows the person to have fascinating thoughts that enable reading deeply in to another person's art. This piece of art will mean something to the viewers and it will express the artist's feelings.

Cover letter

I have a long standing interest in drawing and I believe that I possess the skills required for this post. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further, my application with you and to this end, I have attached my curriculum vitae to further acquaint you with the specifics of my background.

Postmodern art – late 20th century style

Postmodern Art The Encyclopedia of Art defines postmodern art as " a late 20th Century style and conceptual theory in the arts and architecture, characterized by a general distrust of ideologies as well as a rather wouldifficult' relationship with what constitutes art" [EncND]. The website OnPostmodernism stressed that " postmodernist art is characterized →

Review on two paintings of monet

The House seen from the Roses Garden The House seen from the Roses Garden Claude Monet was among the founders of French Impressionist paintings. The subject of both of these paintings is Monet's house in Giverny. The first painting is the view of his house from the rose garden.

Film and social change in china

Film and Social Change in Chaina Thesis This article examines the changes in the film industry in China that have been brought about by the social changes that have taken place in China. Method Research on this article has been conducted on various analytical bases. They have then related the content →

Kevin as the chartres cathedral is located

The cathedral was completed in 1220. Artist: Gislebertus is the artist that sculpted the the figures on each portal of the church. It supported the building by transferring the weight of the roof away from the walls and onto the flying buttress surrounding the edifice.

Andy warhol

At the age of 8, Warhol was diagnosed with Chorea a rare and sometimes fatal disease of the nervous system that left him sick for several months. It was during these months, while Warhol was sick in bed, that his mother, herself a skillful artist, gave him his first drawing lessons. By using →

The office season 5-episode 12: the prince family

The notion of hurting the Prince is disturbing him so much because it is Michael's wish to have such family and for the first time, he can empathize with their demands. The use of ethos is clear in episode twelve, the office in that it is possible to observe that Michael developed a guilty feeling →

Community college of denver

Psyche by Donald Lipski Once entering the lobby of new Auraria Scientific Building, one can see a huge butterfly slowly fluttering under the ceiling and shimmering in the light with gradations of yellow and red colors. This is Psyche an installation created in July 2010 by artist Donald Lipski together with technical support team of →

Free essay on examples of steichens photographs

Nicephore's knowledge of photography was crucial as it influenced the later photograhers who ventured into the fill of photography. The History of Photography: From 1839 to the Present.


The states were the ones in control of markets and distribution of wealth to the needy areas. Their trade systems did rely on the extensive slave trade and tributes while the basis of wealth was heavily dependable upon the exploitation of other people. The decline of the empire did end after the influence of the →

Good article review on art document review

Through her silence and stillness she was able to translate the fluidity of art into masterpieces. The colors she used draws people into the sincerity of the story she is trying to share with her audience.

Visual language: reading symbols and narratives

Given below are the earlier versions of the Starbucks logo. Earlier Versions of Starbucks Logo The first version of the companys logo was brown in color. In this logo, the company removed the words of Starbucks and Coffee by spreading the mermaid all over the logo.


Holding the sculpture is more interesting; feeling the smooth texture and the rhythmic curves made on the upper part of the body. The artistic objectives intended by the artist are brought out clearly and excellently in the choice of color. Considering that the sculptures have a small size and almost similar to a vase, implies →

A formal analysis of statue of liberty by andy warhol

The image that appears twelve times in the painting is the Statue of Liberty facing forward from her legs up. One can see most of the statue, including the torch, and the horizon behind her. The original image of the statue appears that it was not painted, though it contrast between the →

American beauty

The setting of the work is suburb to so show the intrigues of social adventure that is infiltrating the well of families. The flow of this film exhibits the various needs of different characters. This he tries out in the form of dating a friend to her daughter a twist that infuriate the wife more →

Free classification of music essay example

By classifying according to genre, there is no need to search through a music list and choose songs, which is time consuming. The second system of classification is by artist. Classifying music according to mood is a very popular method of choosing music.

Good example of art essay

Many a times the paintings are reminiscent of rural motifs involving the rural landscape, the rural home and the family or even the humble rural vegetables like the potatoes. The entire alley was the canvass of the artists who painted retro, fusion and amalgamated motifs all across the walls giving →


However, I would like to suggest that he is innocent of all the accusations. With all the unresolved mysteries surrounding this matter, I would like to categorically state that Father Flynn is not guilty as alleged, but is just a victim of circumstantial evidence.

The capacity of the fourier transformation

However, under the same noise value, image 27 has a better quality of filtered square wave than image 24. Under these values, the filtered square wave of image 30 is better than that of image 27 although where it defines poor quality, some noise, and a clear edge.

Networking 2

The orbits for the satellites should be contradictory to that of the moon so as to defy the interference that the moon causes to them as a result of the lunar gravitational pull. 3. Another alternative device that can be used in place of the hub is the switch. Bibliography Higbie, C...

Culture of artifacts from camera obscura to camera

In the article, " Photography's Huge Impact On Our View Of The Vietnam War" the author mentioning the power of the camera as follows, " The errors of the past need to be kept alive by historians, in order to prevent the same mistakes from happening again". A camera has stopped the Vietnam War, a →

Buffer overflow & rootkits

Another reason is the failure of individuals to update their existing protections that render them non-functional. Someone can design a program that can detect a rootkit. A rootkit describes stealthy software that makes it hard to detect the existence of certain programs in a computer.

Cis206 research assigment

As a matter of fact, the execute command is needed on a directory to access the files within. To read the names of files in a directory using read(), users cannot list the contents of the directory but can access files. The shell is a crucial element to UNIX in development as stated earlier and →

Information systems architecture

Efficient functioning requires comprehensive and accurate details about a patient. Utilization of information structure design results in distinction that information technology safety is of main significance to the current community. The architecture is the definition of the plan and details of a computerized structure.

Answer question

To implement the Enterprise Resource Planning system. Question 3 and 4 Answer : The initial cost of the project was estimated at $37 million to acquire the software and to pay for the implementation process of the system. In these two phases, the entire system is analysed and the requirements specifications are done.


Given such a scenario, I can communicate with the device in the car to give me the right direction.devices can also talk to me about the general issues of the environment I would be driving. These devices can sense if the terrain is good for my car and they can inform me the appropriate road →

Unit 1 lab assignemnt

The design of DHCP options involves definition of settings to establish the boundaries of a given DHCP configuration. Server options apply the options to all scopes defined while scope options apply to a single scope (It Essentials: Pc Hardware and Software Companion Guide 53). In addition to the DHCP configuration, there exist advanced settings.

Conclusion for the thesis

Gain The term ' gain' in an antenna refers to the strength of the radiation of the antenna. In case the antenna's circuit is able to carry a load of 50 ohm, the antenna needs to have an ' impedance' of at least 50 ohms in order to maximize its results. For my paper, →

Cricket game’s gadget and umpires

With so much at stake it is third umpire who decides not only whether the fielder has taken the catch cleanly or not or whether the ball has sailed over the ropes for a six but also things like stumping and run outs which earlier were left to the umpires in the middle. →

Introduction to operating systems

The elementary function provided by the operating system is that of interface for interaction between the hardware and software, since both are equally important for the suitable working of a computer system. Role of drivers: For the hardware that is connected to the system, specific softwares are needed which allow recognition by the operating system. →

Week 4 class discussions

The break-even point will be: MY RESPONSE I do agree to the above post of the student has well explained the breakeven analysis technique. A variable can be named and used within the program , which is referred to as a local variable.

Apple computer 2002

This project attempts to study the strategies adopted by Apple Inc to achieve a competitive position in the international market. Problems faced by Apple Inc The company has a history of remarkable growth. He became the CEO when the condition of the company was in a very dismal state.

It425-1403a-01 : systems analysis, design and integration

By including management of risks during the development of systems, institutions can balance the need for protecting important assets and information with costs associated to security control and mitigation plans as the system is developed. The very first phase in SDLC models is initiation. The sunset phase involves the disposal of the system on completion →

Learning management system

Educational and industrial applications are the most common classes of learning management systems. The educational learning management systems allow education institutions to manage several online courses with the use of an interface and set of resources. They also create and publish course calendars, and allow interactions and discussion forums. In the business organizations, the learning →

Electronic commerce & prosper.com

Electronic Commerce: The Case Study of Prosper.com Introduction Prosper.com follows a to business model and devoid from the traditional lending/ borrowing business model, since customers lend or borrow amongst themselves without the involvement of any intermediary or broker such as the bank, thereby lowering the overall transaction cost. This essay spells out the impact the →

U4 discussion

The factors that influence VLAN to the clients include the ability of VLAN to meet the requirements of wide range of users and provide better security. Moreover, the use VLANs to boost security, enhance network performance and increase flexibility.. Advantages of VLAN The VLAN offer large number of advantages.

Network security

Ad Type the global configuration mode and line configuration mode commands that are required to secure the vty lines 0 through 15 to use the local username admin with the encrypted password adminpass for remote telnet or ssh logins to the Cisco router. a) Secure line 0 through 15 Switch #line vty →

3 tools to uncover your competitor’s keywords

By spying on your top competitors and uncovering their targeted keywords. In this post, I am going to share with you three easy-to-use tools that can help you do exactly that with just a few clicks. 3 tools to uncover your competitor's keywords. Before I share the tools with you, it's important to know which →

Cis 331

Towing of the ice will increase the amount of fresh water in the city. 8 What are the parameters of the problem?

Network design paper

40 172.31.16. 45 172.31.16.

A career in information technology

It not only deals in the area of computer networks, but it also deals in the area of mobile devices. This is the reason which has given more opportunities to the IT program holders and is also increasing the demand of IT software engineers to boost their careers up.

Cloud computing energy efficiency

As a result, companies have been moving their operations such as emails, word processing and spreadsheets as well as CRM to the cloud in order to server energy [5]. Generally, the concerns regarding the environmental impacts as well as the energy needs of data centers such as the cloud has been growing with the exponential →

The android operating system information technology essay

The Google Glasses can use a 4G cell connection to pull in information from Google's mountain of data and display info about the real world in augmented reality on the lens in front of your eye. Through the built-in camera on the glasses, Google will be able to stream images to its rack computers and →

Second reading report

Among the proponents of social service, Robert Coles, John Fitzgerald, and Mother Teresa argue in different views but accomplish the same goal that human beings are bound to community service. Robert Coles, in the article " The Call of Service" illustrates how humanity has a responsibility for community service using the beliefs of Tessie's grandmother, →

Information systems in organizations – case study

The system also contributes to very high annual net sales of up to $3billion as stated in the study and an approximate of two billion shares daily. Information systems can also create a link to private groups who have its members trading among themselves. This in the long term results to satisfied and loyal customers. →

Goal management of secure information system

I firmly believe that I have a combination of qualities that will enable me succeed in the program which evident my deep interest in Information Technology. I am a self-motivated person who is guided by set principles pertaining any program or institution that I am based in. I have had a number of work experiences →

4b: instructions for new hire

The writer must directly report to the Manager of the writers' team about the status of the tasks on a daily and weekly basis. Responsibilities a. You will incorporate the changes and send the document to the project manager for a technical review. 4.

Software testing and its types information technology essay

We cover unit testing, integration testing, smoke testing, system testing, regression testing, user acceptance testing, performance testing, scalability testing, compatibility testing, data conversion testing, security testing and usability testing. KEYWORDS : Software testing, unit testing, integration testing, smoke testing, system testing, regression testing, user acceptance testing, performance testing, scalability testing, compatibility testing, data conversion testing, →

Second life – a surrogate or an alternative to real life

She was able to sell some of her music and add to her personal life something that is not often done in ' just a game'. I could continue on but there are so many different ways that companies could use a program such as " Second Life" to promote and sell their products.

Are the frameworks and principles of information security management

However, the efficient and optimistic communication between the IT executive accountable for information security management and the Chief Executive Officer is compulsory to attain incorporation and responsibility. There is an awful need for security framework intended for information safety as well as security management that is designed on the instruction of ISO 17799 →

Describe how networking skills can improve project success

What are those benefits? The cost of becoming a member in one of the professional associations is always a much appreciated and more benefiting option as compared to joining one of the free networking websites. Free networking websites like LinkedIn cannot ask for a proper appraisal of such nuances because it only allows the individuals →

System construction and working principle information technology essay

The remote home security system sighted in this work associate the utility of WSN and GSM. By combinative of wireless sensor network and GSM technology, this work outlines a low-power utilization remote home guarding staging and intimation system that can detect the theft, leaking of raw gas and fire, and send alarm message to →

Executive summary for the automated banking system

Their approach of investing in technology is a wise choice in the digital age because more and more people are shifting to online e-banking system. Their idea is not original because there are other banks which have installed cameras in their ATM outlets. If I were an executive, I would read into their business plan →

Document information

Ergonomics, Reports and Correspondence Ergonomics The passage of time has evidently changed the processes and modes of almost everything in the world. On the contrary, Adams stated that it is advised to rest the arms on a surface to ensure less fatigue on them. The typewriter was a lower machine than a computer →

Ethics, pirated software and spyware

Computer Sciences and Information Technology Ethics, Pirated Software, and Spyware What are ethics, and how do ethics apply to business? Ethics can be defined as the principles that govern a groups or an individual's actions in any given situation. Lack of ethical behavior and corporate social responsibility, can damage the firm's reputation and cause a →

Website design and development

The intended aim of the website is to promote the latest information technology products and computer hardware that would facilitate to grow and enhance businesses. The idea of the website is to provide information, guidance, and provision of latest hardware and information technology services to the people or companies.

Potential forensic techniques for investigating insider attacks

Attacks done by inside users has proven to be more costly and harmful than the attacks done by outsiders as the inside users have more information about the internal processes of the organization and they also have an access to various resources of the organization. This is because the accuracy of IDS to detect attacks →

Evocative object

The book breaks down the secrets of ancient beginnings of holiday customs and provides a guide in dealing with the stress and phobias surrounding them. Shomade, Alexeem." The Fear Factor". Holiday Folklore, Phobias and Fun.1992.Book. Shomade, Alexeem." The Fear Factor".

Hci design project: interface design description

Therefore, the effectiveness of these devices is dependent on the ability to communicate with the users in a user friendly, convenient and effective way. The interface will have sections for item details and the necessary description that is crucial for the customer to make a decision.

Economic concern in pride and prejudice

For example, the Bennets are middle class and they are made to know it by their economic and social superiors - the Bingleys and Darcys. Bennet and the rest of the sisters after the event of Mr.

”montana 1948”by larry watson essay sample

Despite the sordid nature of his uncle's crimes, and the effect they have on the Hayden family, David brings to mind a memory of his parents who are strong enough to withstand the pressures exerted by Frank's crimes, Julian's rage and the fact that they have dishonoured the Hayden name. Julian is the epitome →

The representation of masculinity in “the awakening” by kate chopin essay

The author of this novel, Kate Chopin, was brought up in an intellectual environment and was aware of the marital problems that were experienced during the Victorian period.' The Awakening' is a novel that is written in the Victorian society which is patriarchal. This is a very strict society that has prejudiced conventions that →

A tale of two cities quotes & explanation

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it →

Factors, which caused the process of degradation in “the lord of flies”

No one is completely innocent and everyone has the ability to turn violent, this is demonstrated in this novel. In the Lord of the Flies, the boys started off by adopting civil rules and creating civility amongst themselves. In Lord of the Flies, the boys' descent to savagery was a gradual process, which was influenced →

Rivki eckstein

Throughout his life, Okonkwo does everything he can to never show signs of his father, who was known for his laziness and weakness. He had no patience with his father" Okonkwo did not want to be like his father because his father was not what Okonkwo thought was a man, he had feminine →

Review on the book “the heart of darkness”

I detected some important detail in the way in which the main character carries out his feat, that he is a character who is very clear about what he wants and finds himself with a series of circumstances which are adapted so that he can continue his story, from the simple fact of earning the →

“a hot thing” as a catachresis in beloved

In her utilization of the phrase " a hot thing" , which Morrison draws from Sethe's understanding of characteristics, she describes the feeling that occurs after the loss of a human identity. The context of this quote also makes it clear that Sethe is talking about injustices that robbed people to whom she was close →

Allegory in ”the pearl” by john steinbeck essay sample

When Kino throws the great treasure back into the sea, the message seems to be that the poop Indian does not have a chance. The Pearl can also be interpreted as an allegory of the soul. In The Pearl Coyotito can be identified with Kino's " pearl of great value". One can establish →

The problem of perspective: director’s interpretation of the novel

This is one of the key stylistic methods of the novel; as the reader is unable to witness the events first-hand, he/she is forced to trust or adopt the opinions and perspectives of the narrators and the characters in those scenes. While this might seem the safest way to experience Jane Austen without the danger →

Character of elizabeth in pride and prejudice

There are many incidences in the story that show Elizabeth's dislike for Darcy because of his pride starting with their encounter at the ball, Wickham's opinions and accusations of Darcy, and her refusal of his proposal; however, Elizabeth begins to see a new side of Darcy and could not think of living a life without →

Book review: fangirl by rainbow rowell

I sense that I will never discover another book I cherish as much as Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl, and I am crushed that I have completed it. My class was loaded up with genuine essayists; publishable scholars. Tom was not partial to the primary story I turned in, and I did not merit for him →

Good book review about ella cara delorias waterlily

This paper will analyze the major subjects of the book and investigate the author's writing style and tendency to focus on certain specific features and themes that create the plot of Waterlily. Despite that the story of Waterlily is mostly about the life of South Dakota, the novel has not much in common with the →

”anthem” by ayn rand essay sample

Aside from being caught and severely punished for the three hours of the night that Equality 7-2521 and International 4-8818 spent in the tunnel from the Unmentionable Time, describe two other dangers they faced. Chapter 2: 1. Of the entire range of feelings possible to humans (joy, anger, embarrassment, jealousy, etc)., explain why fear →

Sample book review on history of brazil

As it can be seen from the scene, when three young boys decided to follow the footsteps of criminals during the robbery in motel, for majority of people their historical and social background plays crucial role when they had become gangsters. The second novel Samba by Alma Guillermoprieto touches the issues of social injustice and →

Semiconductor laser case study examples

The basic design of a semiconductor laser relies on the construction of a double heterostructure, in which an amplifier layer is sandwiched between two resonator layers, so that light is confined in the amplifier layer and gets amplified.. In this process, the wafer is passed underneath the molten of a material, and the →