A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Art 101 mod 3 slp

Michel Seuphor, a historian of French Art describes it as any art that is only differentiable as a " deliberate disorder" as against the principles of harmony and order of composition in other art works. The origins of abstract art are traced back to America and Europe at the end of World War 2. Some β†’

Creativity in dance

Creativity in dance From a young age, I was privileged to grow up in a family that recognized the value and importance of getting a quality education. I believe it is necessary for one to have the foundation of a strong education in order to succeed and excel at whatever he/she chooses to pursue.

Essay on art and architecture: museum paper

It hovers on its legs that act as a protective asset and a cage to a sac of eggs. The formal elements of the sculpture are its grayish color and magnificent size. What was the intention of the artist? The artist intended to portray her mother with metaphors such as β†’

Team project

Mass media plays a very important role in depicting and spreading the message of popular culture far and wide. Popular culture comes into being as a result of the interplay of a variety of factors and sources. The influence of popular culture on arts reached its peak as the pop art movement during the 1960s β†’

What is our art for? essay

The painting-The Effects of Good and bad Government in Town by Ambrogio Lorenzetti compares the effluence of prosperity and the devastation of war. It proclaims and emphasizes on peace and what man can lose to a dreaded disease called war. The bold depiction of nature and the emotional turmoil felt by the person is painted β†’

Influences of hip hop on today’s generation: rising deviance essay

In seeing how much rap and hip-hop artists romanticize the use of drugs, it is safe to presume that teens and young adults indulge in the use of drugs as a means of " fitting in" with the trends of society. Violence is another prominent subject within rap music. According to Kubrin, " Through the β†’

Comparing the three davids essay

This study seeks to explore the various emotions and attitude on David depicted by the different artists. Donato di Niccol di Betto Bardi statue of David Donatello began working on his sculptor in the beginning of the 15th Century creating a 5 feet sculpture of a nude David save β†’

A comparative analysis of two artists: joy hester and frida kahlo

In exploring the impact World War II had on Australian communities, Hester furthered the stark and shocking images by using minimal ink in her work. Frida Kahlo demonstrated the many sufferings in her life through her surreal and emotional artwork. Both Kahlo and Hester use the visual medium as a means of opening windows in β†’

Free art should be non-political. do you agree or disagree essay sample

There has been increased debate and dialogue among artists and lovers of art work regarding the themes and information that artists should focus on in the art, in the sense that art has the power to impact and change the society positively. However, this paper presents the position that art β†’

Free essay on definition/division and classification assignment

She is a Christian and strongly supports the rights of the gay community in the society. The female artist is known to be in the pop genre; this came in with the soundtrack for Hannah Montana and was considered as the biggest and upbeat pop in the country. Miley Cyrus tends to be very artistic β†’

Harlem renaissance

The early years of the Harlem renaissance were characterized by the migration of large number of African Americans to the urban centers such as Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia, Washington. It is the collection of Dr Meredith F Sirmans and it shows the enthusiasm of the jazz, which is a musical form developed during 1920's by β†’

Influence of european dress culture on african dress culture

Africans were not used to the modern clothing, and they have come because of their interaction with the western cultures. However, the Africans exposure to Western culture has made them adopt the western dressing style.

Free research paper about an analysis of jackson pollocks black and white (no. 20) and his impact on abstract

Among the many Abstract Expressionists who made significant contributions to the movement, Jackson Pollock was one. Jackson Pollock was one of the remarkable artists of the Modern Art era. Pollock's artworks from 1947 to 1950 became his best-known works that completed what was known in Abstract Expressionism as the " Drip Period" (Jackson Pollock; Biography β†’

Standing in the shoes of a renaissance maste

Increase in distance between the object and the viewer leads to decrease in the contrast between the background and the object. The saturation of the object colors also diminishes; the objects color move towards resembling the color of the background, which is mostly light blue. The image illustrates Ariel perspective in various ways.

Graphic descriptions of womanhood in the epic of gilgamesh

This essay will look at the more graphic descriptions of women in the epic, namely the images of appearance, sex, and birth, to suggest some ideas about a lot of women in ancient Mesopotamia. In Tablet I, Enkidu is said to have " a full head of hair like a woman" a description which, as β†’

The crucible essay

The Salem Witch Trials were among some of the most horrendous, irrational, and imprudent, events of the 17th century. In reality, the true Salem Witch Trials were somewhat different than those portrayed in The Crucible. In the book, Tituba takes the girls along into the woods to perform spells and rituals.

Clear and simple as the truth in dressing

Writing is more of just writing but is a connection between the concept of writing and the concept of the mind. Kegaan's war tragedy is written as a stylistic output of the written story in the mind of the writer that it becomes more concrete and tangible.

Popular musicfolk music is a genre that

Very simple melody to blend with the quick finger picking on the guitar. The stripped back feel is also to draw more attention to the stories and messages protrayed through the songs. With the voice at the centre of the track recorder the guitar is quieter and more in the background the song.

The with his β€˜theatre of cruelty’ which

He was a big believer in symbols and thought a lot of thepiece did not have to be obvious to the audience. He was shocked by the horror of war and started to question the politicalside of it. Later-on in his playwriting career, his plays criticized theinjustices and inequalities of society.

Directorial collage and casting

She finally gets lost in the street as she looks for something that she cannot even remember. Sometimes, we can choose to let other people to fight for our rights, like the people airing their problems and opinions to the governor to be at times we choose to sit in the back seat and readily β†’

Mijn schatje modern artist essay sample

I think that the title of the piece, ' Blu' is the name of the doll in the work, but it could also represent the ' blue-ness' of the piece as there is a constant wash of blue, blue could also represent sadness and loneliness, which is also present in the piece through the dolls β†’

Film review-pressure(horace ove 1975)

One of the strongest points of the movie is that " it is a political, but not a propagandist film, posing questions and offering alternative ways of answering then without prescribing solutions". Indeed, the intensity of the problems that are being described in it is rather high and the directors show that everyone has their β†’

Sontag believes movies

As the movie serves a vehicle that takes one to reflect with vivid imagination and pertinent emotion at depth, the act of kidnapping, as Sontag puts it to be the principal role assumed by the film, is sustained. On the other hand, Norma's observation that movies lost art during the arrival of the talkies in β†’

Music psychology essay

Cognitive psychological studies of such topics as auditory representation and coding, melodic perception and skilled musical performancePsychometric analysis of music ability and its developmentDevelopment studies of the acquisition of music skills; Social psychological investigation of the aesthetic and affective aspects of music listening; Behavioral analysis of the learning of music;' Applied' studies in the fields β†’

Free essay on spanish music

The difference between the Spanish songs and the English were songs were not very many, but a few that existed could be easily seen. Some of the English songs were very long and outdid the ones from Spanish and found in the same gender. Another factor that is evident in the Spanish songs is the β†’

M.c. to return to southern europe. he returned

He is the youngest of his five brothers and was raised by hismother and father, Sarah Escher and George Escher. In the middle of August he proposed to her. On August 28he went to Zurich to meet the family, they decided to marry and live in Italy.

Modern and contemporary style

In this context, the sculptors and pictures portray the complex concept of art and the blend of creativity and innovation when it comes to presentation. In respect of this master piece, the ability of the sculptor to bring out the best of art is open to all.

Discussion 4

Having trained in Milan under Simone Peteranzo, Caravaggio contributed heavily to the Baroque style that resulted as an evolution of the Mannerism style of artistry and is said to have clearly defined the meaning of " chiaroscuro" in paintings. Chiaroscuro, although already in existence prior to the coming of Caravaggio, became more noticeable during his β†’

Tom hoffman

Tom Hoffman's Drawings At first glance, Tom Hoffman's drawings are expressive, sentimental, and commonplace. His drawings are perhaps one of the best sketches, emotive drawings, and life drawings. His sketches clearly express his immediate thoughts and sentiments.

Manifesto and purism

Task: Manifesto and Purism According to Caws , a manifesto is commensurate to the deceleration of principles, which typify an organization or movement. This is partly attributable to its difficulty in defining the elemental nature of divergent objects and their role within the societal constraints. A critical facet of Purism manifesto is designated by β†’

Soul man

The intention was to make the people realize how stereotypical the society had become and to motivate the people to think out of the box but when it was turned into a comedy, the essence of it was lost, and as a result of which the desired impact was not created on the minds of β†’

Three essential elements of the baroque style in arts

Three Essential Elements of the Baroque Style in Arts The baroque spirit defined the characteristics of the arts in the 17th C in Europe and as such, was a style that developed in the European region as well as its colonies. Therefore, some of the essential elements that characterized the baroque period included β†’

Mystery images

That is may be the way significant or respected people dress in that community. Mystery image two shows the combination of modern technology and traditional building. The choice of either traditional or modern buildings or to merge the two is optional. Mystery image 3 is compared to picture on page 27, fig 1 labeled' nature β†’

Visual & art

This is evident both in the statement found below the portrait and the entire image depicting a militia combatant while in the battlefield. This is to induce and assert the aspect of tension expressed by the statement appearing below the portrait.

Theatre assignment

The setting of this movie in the wilderness brings out the rugged terrain and the environment of a farm where the bride is not used to. The performance is done in a open space so as to show the vastness of the farm.

Origins he was included for incorporating illusion in

Op was designed to provoke sensations in the spectator bytricking the human eye. Illusion is common to art, but Op exploited thecapability of the viewer to complete images in their mind by effecting thenormal perceptual process. He applied the term cinetic art notkinetic art. Cinetic art referred to the illusion of movement.

Example of essay on louis vierne: sonata in b minor

The melody is very pronounced as is the articulation of the beat which demonstrates a certain clarity and this was definitely brought out by Matsumo in her fiendishly effective playing. The concluding Allegro molto was also quite effective with the tempo whipping up proceedings and once again I was very impressed by Matsumo's technical prowess β†’

Analysis of dear white people movie

The president of the house is black but he is dating a white girl who is the daughter of the school's president. Later on he loses his presidency in the house and another black student who is the main character of the movie becomes the new president of the house.


A view of the painting creates a feeling and thought of desert-scape that inherently gives the sense of safety and satisfaction of being within the landscape generated by the art. The painting depicts an unbearable moment of quietness with significantly no observable movements amongst the elements. The event significantly marked a social phenomenon that resulted β†’

Psyche (2010) by donald lipski

Lipski has set up public arts everywhere the country, each a reflection of the site and the people who infiltrate it. Psyche Psyche is inactive in the " knuckle" domain joining the old with the new building up. Retrieved from: http://www.culturenow.org/entry & permalink= 07865 & seo= Psyche-the-butterfly_Donald-Lipski-State-of-Colorado-Public-Art-and-Auraria-Higher-Education-Center-

Nicola pisano and the pisa pulpit essay

The five faces of the pulpit divide the life of Christ into five scenes; the Nativity, the Annunciation, the Annunciation to the Shepherds are put together in the first relief, the Adoration of the Magi, the Presentation, the Crucifixion and the Last Judgment. The opening two panels are mainly inspired by late Roman sculpture, defined β†’

Journal 4

The man painted in the middle of these paths is representing all the races in the world and possibly religions. Part B: Rivera's work of art seemed to be representing the cultural wars that exist today. His style of painting can best be termed as New Realism since it is far from representing the academic β†’

Film analysis paper

And Oliver Reed and Richard Harris are the other significant actors in the film. The film Gladiator is interconnected with the Roman power and ruling strategies and the life style of the people placed and different categories. Gladiator: Witchcraft, Propaganda, and the Rise of the World Hero.

Describe this pic

6 November Wooden Art Sculpture The photo chosen was of an art piece of a sculpture of a man made of wood. While it is not a work of art that I would ever place in my home, it is truly a piece that makes you stop and just look at it in awe.

Jean-michel basquiat and his artistic journey

His mother instilled a love for art in him by taking him to art museums in Manhattan and made him a junior member of the Brooklyn Museum of Art. At the age of seventeen, Basquiat dropped out of high school therefor getting kicked out his household by his father, which forced him to stay with β†’

Lavventura by michelangelo antonioni

Anna returns to a rural extreme of Italy, at the boundary between earth and sea, and her disappearance there causes hardly any impact to the environment or to the characters in the film. The great achievement of L'avventura was to capture the mood of a particular time in Italy.

Personal opinion essay sample

Japan-UK 150 is a series of events in celebration of 150 years of friendship between the two countries being conducted in the UK. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the two cultures and to gain an absorbing insight into traditions and cultures of the two worlds. These presentations bring out β†’

Jasper johns target with plaster casts

Johns believed that abstract expressionism void the real meaning from the art objects and thus preferred to express his work through Dadaism the integration of both the medium and the visual art to understand its meaning. Hence, it challenges the viewers to redefine the stereotypical representation of the arts and look at it in a β†’

Psychology at the movies: the film awakenings with robin williams

The visual field of the floor tiles has created two visions that helped Lucy to gently stride near the window. Question 3 Music is a pivotal therapy for patients to nullify the outcome of the disease. The implementation of music improved the response to stimuli. Question 4 The role of music for the β†’

Tears of the black tiger: a critical analysis

There is the opposition from the girl's family and a band of bandits to threaten the lives of the altruistic hero and his beloved. Admittedly, the film is a go back to the Thai action movies of the 1960s. However, the drama is so high that one forgets the campy side of the film, and β†’

Zhang xin

On the other hand, green symbolizes perseverance and healing. Zhang use of these colors on his artwork symbolizes the unity of the human beings which he relates with history. The dark colors on the painting reflect painter's idea of preventing access to the past and by incorporating such colors and war materials such as armor, β†’

Graphic design impact on fashion

The crucial developments of graphic design in the bigger area of fashion are well articulated and the reader can really appreciate what design is doing to fashion. It is appropriate as it looks also at the plight of women in the field of design and fashion. Rick Poynor." No More Rules: Graphic Design and Postmodernism".

When harry met sally

The attitude and behavior of Sally were positive, and she was of the opinion that gender discrimination is not required for friendship. The experiences faced by the two were bad, and the climax of the movie came forward when the expressions of both were communicating that they had fallen in a friendship.

The differences between classical and modern theater

Modern Theater Though the drama in the ical times appears similar with those of the modern plays; the classical theater as compared to the modern are quite different. While the modern theaters are unnecessarily complex, the classical theaters were just so simple with a great influence on any performance that was conducted on it.

The biography of andy warhol

In which he did, he was the first member of his family to go beyond high school. During his college days, he was casual drop the ' a' in his name to make it sound cooler.

Example of research paper on the invisible dragon

What he calls " intellectual temper tantrums" is an introduction of earlier essay's context. In a new essay " American beauty" , is the conclusion of the volume with a historical argument that rouses to the inherent democratic nature that attends to beauty." He writes with a verve that is very rare in most serious β†’

Through well known painter of native american imagery.

The main aspect i want to take from his work is the cultural guilt caused by becoming a dominant culture and how this affects the people within the culture, the ways we try to preserve these subjugated ways of life and how that trickles down into mainstream life, through curios and tourism and the salvage β†’

Women in mildred pierce and sunset boulevard

Women in Mildred Pierce and Sunset Boulevard In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the entire world was recovering from the devastating effect of the Second World War. The implication is that Mildred's painful and heartfelt efforts can never be enough for the new generation of younger women, and this is played for maximum cruelty: β†’

Reading response

It may be that, Andy tried to compare a man with art may be to try to show that it is a man's thing. In this case therefore, art and gender are intersect in such a way that, the same way art can be anything a person considers it to be, gender is also determined β†’

The art deco

After 1925, designs were mostly influenced by the changes in art and innovations in the period between the two wars. Architecture, graphics and paint also incorporated art deco. Mathematical geometric shapes formed the basis of the structure of most Art Deco design patterns.

Kara walker: artist

MacArthur Foundation in 1997 wherein the record shows that she is the youngest recipient of the said genius grant at the age of 27; her representation in Sao Paolo Biennial in Brazil in 2002; and this year's inclusion of her name as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World Entertainment and Artists β†’

Art & architecture essays example

However, these time periods have many similarities as well as differences. The social and cultural similarities between the Northern European Renaissance and The Italian Renaissance are that both of them have chosen the religious figures and stories of Christianity as their basic artistic premise. However, the training for any specialty was lengthy and involved sequential β†’

Interrogating the denver art museum

The experience with the exhibit imposed a great challenge to the traditional forms of art museum exhibit design and was loved by a good number of visitors. The experience with the exhibit imposed a great challenge to the traditional forms of art museum exhibit design and was loved by a good number of visitors.

American fashion in 1980’s through today

This is not to say that celebrity promotes all fashion trends. The beginning of 1980s marked a beginning of new fashion trend for both women and men. In 2010s and beyond men fashion trend of early 2000s seem to be repeated.

Movie review

In other words, the fact that she was able to retain her place which she later rejected shows that she did not want accept the unfair actions of the senior management with regard to ordinary employees just like her. As for the second movie, I think that the ending reflects the personal evolution of the β†’

Cubism and the 20th century modern art art essay

Tonic scope and lighting was no longer to a great extent relied on but the representation of natural and bogus textures made a batch of cubist art works appear haptic even though the surface of the canvas remained level. But, as more boundaries were crossed and the classical manners of representation seemed but a distant β†’

Chinese history and political science

It is an artistic work that has existed over the years and has been used in various states to symbolize various things. The Chinese landscape painting is a painting that is most treasured and is kept at high regards by the people of China since it represents a lot. Chinese landscape paintings are painted with β†’

Caravaggio’s contributions to the development of the baroque style essay example

It is due to this that his contributions were forgotten until 20th century that his contribution to the development of Baroque style among other Western art. Baroque is an Italian style that was developed in the Mannerist era and Caravaggio is considered as the pioneer of this style. The picture β†’


The two pieces of art to be discussed in this paper are the Temple of Athena and The Arch of Constantine, both of which are three-dimensional works of art. The Temple of Nike Athena.

Leonardo da vinci in our life

The " Mona Lisa" painting is a good example of his work which contributed to the development of art in the Renaissance. Leonardo dad Vinci is one the most prominent individualists lived in the Renaissance era and contributed a vast amount of scientific discoveries and beautiful works of art which are genius and timeless.

Youtube video and comic pages summary

In other words, we need to be able to look at something and see two of the three: a word, a reasonable image of reality, or a picture of some sort. 150-word summary of Youtube video The video from Center for Media & Social Impact titled " Fair Use is Your Friend - Remix β†’

Find a good website containing information about louis xiv, the sun king as a dancer. (middle ages and renaissance)

of the Visual Arts and Film Studies of the Concerned January Louis XIV, the Sun King as a Dancer Source Website Louis XIV and the Birth of Classical Ballet. 1 January 2013. http://californiaballet.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/louis-xiv-and-the-birth-of-classical-ballet/.Web. Summary The given website elaborates on the contribution of Louis XIV, the Sun King of France to the fine art of β†’

Nude descending a staircase versus mystery and melancholy of the street

The lines are effective in showing motion because of the ease to detect from the painting that the movement rotated in an anticlockwise direction, which is from the upper left to the lower right corner. Similarly, Melancholy and Mystery of a Street painting focus on contours because of the great color use. In the painting β†’

Annie hall

At an instance, the coverage is two-thirds of the screen. Besides the innovative techniques applied in the film, there are instances of realism applied by the directors and that reveals postmodernism. The ordered nature of the storyline that is characteristic of many films is defied in the movie.

The for album divide as best pop

The nominees for Best Pop Vocal Album were: Kaleidoscope EP ColdplayLust for Life Lana Del ReyEvolve Imagine DragonsRainbow KeshaJoanne Lady Gaga& Ed SheeranEd Sheeran was the only male nominee in the category of Best Pop Solo Performance and was able to win it. He also won the award for his album Divide as β†’

Urban studies

From the book, it is evident that Mumbai is a place of festering grievance and ambient envy despite the fact that its citizens are full of hope and ambition. These chapters are simple, and despite the deeper rooted possibilities of what they might be trying to convey, they are a typical case prototype. The chapters β†’

Good essay about the paintingthe raft of meduca

Even without a slightest knowledge on the background of the depicted story, it is possible to feel the desperate and pessimistic mood and emotions conveyed through the painting. However, only knowing the pre-story and the governmental impact on the tragedy is it possible to embrace the message conveyed in the painting, since Gericault, as a β†’

Visual analysis

The little clouds encircling the bottle and the words also give an appealing view that wins the attention of a person easily. The advertisement is in the most appropriate color palette. It is only fair to say that the paint convinces a person to take the drink and get the energy.

Yet, , and depended on jewish researchers for

They were disavowed by the Lutheran Church building MO Synod in 1983 and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in 1994. The conclusion of the Middle Historic timeframe procured little adjustment Hebrew ' situation in Europe , and the Catholic Reclamation reestablished unfriendly to Jewish depiction and braced the course of action of ghettoized shutting β†’

Discussing an artwork

The painting's magic is apparent where Botticelli created a relationship between green of the sea and Venus paleness. The slow descent of the pink flowers reveals that the air around Venus is still and warm.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: the difference between art and non-art essay

The Court decided that the NEA was within its rights to turn down grant applicants on the basis of decency - this did not constitute a violation of their freedom of speech. Although it is helpful to understand the restrictions and qualifications that the legal system places on art and artists, it does not help β†’

Deerfield massacre response

Asa music fanatic, the protagonist is featured in a lonely room in which he records his music and dances to the tunes. The lighting technique was appropriate and realistic because, a part from suiting each of the scenes, it managed to manipulate the moods of the audience based on what the actors were doing. In β†’

The core by john amiel

So, a team of six top-notch professionals was sent to the center of the earth in a specially designed vehicle named ' Virgil' to initiate commencement of the rotation. The movie raises certain questions among the industry which might be stated as below: The voyage of the six top referred professionals (which included scientists, astronauts, β†’

American history x

Some of these issues include racism, discrimination of minority groups, intolerance, the issue of illegal immigration and the role of correctional facilities. He laments on the fact that the federal government has to spend a colossal sum of money on the services of people who have no right to be in the country.

The learn. the galway arts festival takes place

Themission statement of the idea, in its most basic form is to promote Irish art, to increase career opportunities for Irish artists and to also cement andstrengthen Ireland's global profile and reputation through the arts. There areseven actions in this policy. This act not only ensures effective promotion but italso means the ability to track β†’

Art history and visual culture critical thinking examples

Question 1 The Renaissance is the period of the emergence of the individual artist and of art becoming more and more realistic. The vivid colors of the painting and the treatment of light and shadow emphasize the surface and texture of the different objects and individuals, a traditional skill of the Northern artists. β†’

Examples (camera shots, camera angles, transition)

This transition easily brings out the contrast between the boys black color and a majority of the white students in the class. The next scene is of a naughty boy trying to intimidate the new boy. This is also done to bring out the comparison of the class demography.

Political and art

Summary and Reflection According to John Frohnmayer's article " Censorship and its Progeny", the First Amendment's acknowledgement of the freedom of conscience requires the public to protect anyone who speaks against the flag as they are given the right of speech. Judgment against such speech in different countries was harsh to the extent that individuals β†’

Dorothea lange: life, biography, photos

The main reason I choose her was because, she was a women and I thought I could probable wright better about her for that reason. Dorthea was born in 1895 and died in 1965. Her first independent work was taking pictures of native American's in the southwest with her first husband Maynard Dixon. In the β†’

Dance history

His ballet dance is presented as one of the initial moves that avant-garde composers, writers, and painters join forces in creating a ballet. The revelation in this case is that Cunningham is both a great collaborator and a terrific partner in dancing. Cunningham also emphasizes on the loosening of the spine of a dancer. Hodsons β†’

Joseph beuys

When all classroom subjects are interlinked with the art and design curriculum, it helps students to become succesful learners in all the disciplines. The purpose of this paper is to highlight how art and design is not restricted to the art room, all subjects in the curriculum involve some aspect of creativity, and why this β†’

Classical music concert review

Since the very early days of this band in which, Leopold Stokowski used to stand over the podium, the dark and luscious string melody has been the fundamental identity of the Philadelphia Orchestra. This reminded the audience of the masks and marble of the Greek tragedy.

Baroque and rococo

This research paper compares the Baroque and Rococo art styles in the renaissance periods. Baroque art style in the renaissance period was inspired by the idealism while Rococo art style was inspired by the 18th Century political changes in France. Additionally, Baroque was the uttermost synonymous art style with the Counter-Catholic Church Reformation art of β†’

Resident evil

In her role, Alice, manages to play a masculine role through her violent action of killing, fighting and shooting zombies throughout the film. In addition, a feminine touch is given to Alice in Resident evil through the depiction of her being a beautiful woman, and in addition, always being in a tight sexy outfit.