A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Essay on lord of the flies literary analysis

Bash him in! " One of the first examples of the loss of innocence and emergence of a savageculturebetween the boys is demonstrated in this quote; the initial loss occurring during the killing of the pig, the emergence of savagery in the reenactment of the hunt. One of the first, larger violent section of the →

The main characters in wuthering heights and their resemblance to children

Linton, suspecting something, followed; and when I attempted to call them, she pulled me back, slammed the door to, and locked it".She had no notion of the danger of the situation, or the severity of the consequences. Her obstinacy is another sign of her immaturity, as well as her inability to see the consequences of →

Animal farm: its parallels to european history

Jones and his men's' attempt at " rabbitting" parallels Czar Nicholas II's attempt to maintain law and order in Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution, as the rabbits of the farm represent the lower social classes of Russia, who begin to start waves of violence throughout the cities before the revolution. In the beginning, the pigs →

Jane eyre marriage quotes

I believe he is of mine; I am sure he is, I feel akin to him, I understand the language of his countenance and movements: though rank and wealth sever us widely, I have something in my brain and heart, in my blood and nerves, that assimilates me mentally to him.[...] I must, then, repeat →

Lord of the flies

The boys begin to reenact the killing of the pig by tormenting one of their peers." Piggy and Ralph, under the threat of the sky, found themselves eager to take a place in this demented but partly secure society. Piggy and Ralph recognize the evil that is coming out in every one of the boys →

Heathcliff: victim or villain?

Heathcliff's manipulative and vengeful actions are truly those of a villain. Heathcliff as a Victim: Nelly's unwillingness to acknowledge Heathcliff's presence to Catherine in a crucial time allowed him to overhear the hurtful things that she was saying. If Nelly had tried to stop Heathcliff from running away, he →

“jane eyre” book review sample

She finds it difficult to distinguish reality from her dreams. In chapter 26, Jane and Rochester are set to be wed when the wedding is interrupted by Mason who proclaims that the wedding cannot take place because Rochester is already married to Bertha. Bertha is representative of the fears Jane →

Esl e culminating activity

In many ways, since Friar Lawrence is the only one who knows everything and kept the secret relationship between Romeo and Juliet, he is most responsible for Romeo and Juliet's death. His bad choices such as secretly married the couple, made up the plan for Romeo and Juliet to escape, and arrived the tomb late →

Common theme between books compare and contrast essay

The use of propaganda ensures a constant feeding of the people with lies that in turn shape their thinking. The use of ' Telescreens' to enhance the propaganda is effective in that the citizens are kept aware that the authorities are scrutinizing them." You had to live did live, from habit that became instinct in →

Romeo and juliet character description essay

I do not approve the nurse decision being helpful about Romeo and Juliet's relationship. Currently, I have not read that much in the play of Romeo and Juliet. That's why the nurse made an impact because she abetted Juliet into marrying Romeo.

Hamlet: revenge or scruples?

Hamlet would suffer in the eyes of the people if he were to murder Claudius, the reigning king, and claim his motive was the words of a ghost. This is a time when Claudius's image has been tarnished and the people may be suspicious of him in connection to the death of King Hamlet.

Reflection essay on wuthering heights

He is currently visiting Yorkshire and is therefore staying at Thurshcross Grange his landlord is Mr Heathcliff who lives at Wuthering Heights. Mr Lockwood pays a visit to him and hisfamilywhere he comes across Joseph, the servant and Cathy whom is the daughter-in-law of Mr Healthcliff. We discover who Cathy actually is →

Shakespeare was undoubtedly a figure of subversiveness english literature essay

9) Consequently the issue of gender, in particular the status of women and women as the inferior gender is subtly yet profoundly highlighted throughout Shakespeare's plays.' Shakespeare's contribution to the debate on women is his perception of the artificiality of gender.' p. 118) Gender is a performance and Shakespeare uses a variety of →

Lady macbeth, an honoured hostess and a fiend-like queen

By the end of this tragedy she has nothing to live for, is riddled with guilt and has lost all sanity. At the opening of the play the audience see how fervent her hunger for power and status is when she summons evil spirits; " Fill me from the crown to the →

Good vs. evil divine justice in king lear

Edmund is the invalid son of the Earl of Gloucester and his betrayal runs deep in the play. In the play divine justice is seen in the battle between Edgar and Edmund.

Peculiarities of shakesperean composition and stylistic devices english literature essay

Besides, the division of the characters to the positive/negative ones, the passivity of the characters and the dynamics of the plot also represent the structural similarity of " Prometheus Unbound" and the last Shakespeare's plays. The final monologues of the characters are the important peculiarity of the composition of romantic plays of Shakespeare and, correspondingly, →

Macbeth diary

I know she has the idea regarding the procedure that I will use to ascend to power. We will wait till the King goes to sleep and I will have to stab him on the chest.

The use of religious imagery in romeo and juliet

It underlines the purity of Romeo and Juliet's love by associating it with a pure feeling such as religion, and it creates an escape from their damnation according to Christian values by creating the religion of love. In the Christian faith, which was ubiquitous in Shakespeare's England, suicide is against God's will, and therefore punishable →

Animal farm creative text response

Jones gets kicked off the farm and the animals decide to take over the land. They re-named the farm Animal farm and two pigs Napoleon and Snowball decide to take over. They taught the animals many new things including reading and writing.Mr. Napoleon decides he wants to take charge so he takes nine dogs to →

King lear: the seeds of tragedy are sewn in act 1 scene 1

Aristotle's theory of a tragic flaw is designed to allow the audience to engage with the hero, regardless of the character's higher status or power. This view also suggests that a tragedy is a play which causes pity and fear amongst the audience for the tragic hero; in Shakespearean tragedies the Hero's flaw is often →

Role opportunities for nurses in community care in elderly

Role opportunities for nurses in Community Care in elderly Community nurses focus on - Health promotion - Disease prevention - Wellness (Westley & Fletcher, 2004 cited in Stanhope & Lancaster, 2004). Community & Public Health Nursing...St.

Breast cancer

The third major lifestyle related risk factor has been found to be the use of oral contraceptive, where premenopausal breast cancer is said to be the most likely in this situation. This means that the onset of breast cancer with the use of oral contraceptive is very high as compared to the rate of onset →

Free research paper on adaptive immunity response

B Cells are the main cells involved in the formation of antibodies that flow in blood plasma and even the lymph fluids, where they bind specially to the alien antigens. Bacteria or virus enter the body through the mouth and the nose and are filtered in the tonsils.

The nurse self disclosure nursing essay

Accidental nurse self-disclosure may be a facial expression the nurse gives to the patient. Nurse self-disclosure shows the patient and their family that the nurse is unable act in a professional way.

Health implications and identifying

The health problems that they experience will not stop as a result of lack of awareness of the health impact of trafficking and the sensitivity of the subject. Health care workers, such as nurses fail to understand the signs and impact of human trafficking on the health of the victims.

Ethics, moral dilemmas, and the law

Ethics, Moral Dilemmas, and the Law in Nursing Ethics, Moral Dilemmas, and the Law in Nursing Regardless of the areas in which nurses do practice their nursing roles, they are faced with ethical dilemmas. In applying any of these, nurses should do so to protect the lives of their patients and discharge their duties in →


This paper will provide primary education in respect to the development of this infection and treatment. Etiology Candida is a common type of fungus responsible for infections in various sections of the body including the skin. Symptoms of skin infections include intense itching, red growing skin rash on skin folds and pimple-like infections of →

Statistical data and questions

In the 2012 Point in Time Homeless Count and Census in Dallas, 22% of the total homeless population comprised children of the ages 17 and younger unaccompanied by a parent or guardian. And they are getting younger and are staying on the street longer". The highest percentage of the homeless teens is run away cases →


Working in a telemetry step-down unit caring for patients discharged from critical care areas or those that need a higher level of care a number of factors facilitate and inhibit research utilization and evidence-based practice that have been stipulated below. Staffing is a major factor hindering the research utilization and evidence-based practice in my workplace. →

Lutheran school of nursing application

No High School or GED School School School School School City and State City and State City and State City and State City and State City and State Dates Attended Dates Attended Dates Attended Dates Attended Dates Attended Dates Attended No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Degree Degree Degree Degree Degree Have you ever →

Good essay about batman

The animated characters in the film such as Scarface, Scarecrow, Batman Returns, the Penguin, and The Joker have successfully brought the character of Batman to life, made possible by making him appear more realistic through cumulative approaches to events and actions. In the episode titled ' Batman Returns,' Batman is →

Why fat people are funny in hollywood

Chow to laugh hysterically and simultaneously slip " it's funny because he's fat" out of his mouth. Clearly in the scene, the overweight character, Zach Galifianakis, is the butt of the joke as he is punched very hard in the stomach and then laughed at for his stupidity and weight. →

The departed/internal affairs film comparison

The similarities between these two crime/drama/thrillers are great. In The Departed, director Martin Scorsese takes the story into his own style of storytelling, but the adaptation of the screenplay originally written by director Siu Fai Mak and Felix Chong is almost identical to the screenplay by William Monahan adapted for The Departed. There is an →

Billy elliot directed by stephen deadly

Dancing is shown from the beginning of the film to the end, but he does not realize this in the beginning because he was so caught up in what his father wanted and theirfamilytradition than for what he wanted for himself. The idea of persevering in following our dreams Is worth learning about →

The black swan: portrayal of the cost of fame

Mitchell achieves this by creating a tale that takes place in Cold War England in 1982, told through the eyes of Jason, a thirteen year-old who's slowly grasping the concept of adulthood and defining it through his quirky, innocent voice in the constantly changing village of Worcestershire in a course of a year. Innocence: a →

The artificial accents in hollywood tv programs and movies

This exemplified behind-the-scenes aspect of performed accents occurs often in the series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. " Chardee macdennis 2: electric boogaloo" is an episode of the series in which all main characters use accents as part of a challenge in a drinking game. It is useful to understand the context of the series and →

What is a monster? are we monsters? are humans monsters?

Although Beowulf is seen a deviant God-sent savior by the people of Heorot and Hrothgar, he is not exempt from the equivalence of humanistic flaws in the natural world. Through the use of many parallels between the characters of Beowulf representing monsters and the natural world humans, the reader is left questioning what it is →

Word count: 1539

This investigation seeks to evaluate the role that the public opinion of the United States played in The Vietnam War and The Spanish-American War. Not only will the actions of the government be examined but also the effect that the opinion had on the soldiers fighting the war.

The 2016 u.s presidential election critical thinking sample

The 2016 presidential election in the United States marks the 58th quadrennial elections since the declaration of independence and it will be held on 8th November 2016(David, " The 2016 Election, Already Upon Us). The election is expected to be a tight race between the republicans and the democrats. During the recent elections held →

Rising cost of college tuition in us argumentative essay sample

Therefore some colleges are forced to improve on their facilities but this also comes with a corresponding increase in the amount of fees being offered for the facilities since this is the main source of funding for the institutions. Posible Solutions to the Problem of Rising Cost of College Education With the rising cost →

Literature review on a century ends and new millennium begins part 3

All it takes, though, is the return of his grandmother's regalia for him to feel a sense of belonging: " I knew that solitary yellow bead was part of me. All that it takes is the act of kindness by the pawnbroker to return this tradition to him, to allow him →

The economy of venezuela

The part of the year with the lowest unemployment rate tends to be November and December, with the percentage skyrocketing in January, which is the highest point of unemployment all year.The definition of unemployment in Venezuela is a little bit different than in the U.S. Between April 2011 and March 2013, the highest unemployment rate →

The salem witchcraft trials research paper

However, this appalling occurrence was in the history of the people of Salem; it was not an isolated incident. During the 16th and seventeenth century, people in the New England colony were highly religious. The latter was a highly influential elder in the community. One year later, the leaders requested Parris to move to their →

Yolanda belo research paper sample

These boards are, the American College of Nurse Midwives, American Nurses Association, Council on Certification of Nurse Anaesthetists and the Council for Re Certification of Nurse Anaesthetics. 3) APRN nurses also need to take a written examination prior to certification. 4) APRN nurses also need to have completed a formal nursing speciality program before certification. →

Situational rhetoric obamas 2004 democrats convention speech essay examples

In relation to Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic Convention in Denver in the year 2004, Obama emphasized the values that America stood for in order to respond to the situation that at hand. The point here was to a reaffirm the traditional values that America stood for these values as Obama described them as →

Example of essay on 2012 congressional elections

Before looking into the 113th congress in details and the impacts the 2012 elections had on the congress' activities and implementation of its roles, it should be necessary to note the fact that the chief role that the congress has (taking into account its two houses-the house of representatives and the Senate), is legislation, which →

The great society

With the support of the people and Congress, President Johnson attempted to introduce as many new laws as possible. The Great Society achieved some success although President Johnson was short of money due to the cost of the Vietnam War.

Definition of foreign policy research paper examples

The constitution of the US divided the power of foreign policy formulation between the congress and the president. Foreign policy analysis is the study of the formulation and implementation of such strategies. One of the emerging trends in foreign policy formulation is the incorporation of policies that relate state to non-state participants.

The failure of vignelli’s map for new york subway system 

It aims to illustrate how Vignelli's minimal map design was a disembodied relative of the complexed New York cityscape. The Subway System During the 1970s Was a LabyrinthThe subway system of New York City was at its lowest ebb during the 1970s. It was no doubt that the diagram map style was more appropriate in →

Progressive movement term paper examples

On the other hand, many black American women's clubs affiliated with the National Association of Colored Women engaged in ensuring that the government addressed the needs and welfare of African Americans. Another important organization was The National Congress of Mothers (later the Parent Teacher Association) instituted in 1897 to address the needs of →

By: paul

In this paper it will be proven that the federalist approach to how the " City on a Hill" idea should be put into action was superior to the ways of the anti-federalists because of three things that they did: 1. Finally, the federalists protected all the things that they gave to the people.

The domestic policies that help the american citizens

Eligibility for WIC varies widely and changes with how many people are in the household and the total household income. Eligible people for this program are people that are unemployed and looking for a job, people that will be called back to their job within the period of 6 weeks, and people who are in →

A hurricane is a type of severe tropical storm that forms in the

A hurricane is a type of severe tropical storm that forms in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Devastating two of the main cities in the United States, New Jersey and New York.

Native americans in the united states and patrick

Buchanan makes the point that America 400 years ago was not based around democracy, equality and diversity, so why should we value that in the present? In 1957 the Queen visited Jamestown, Virginia. In his concluding thoughts, Buchanan remarks that America Is a changing nation specially in the areas of diversity, democracy and →

The social making of gender article review essay example

In this section of the article she first makes reference to a quote from the legendary first Black South African President, Nelson Mandela, to confirm that racism and oppression are the same; prison is a microcosm of the whole and fighting inside is comparable to the struggle outside. She then embraces an exposition into how →

Native american education essay

Due to poverty, low wages paid to the teachers and difference in language and culture, it has been difficult to retain the teachers in schools that provide education to Native Americans. There has always been a great success in elementary schools that enroll the Native Americans, whose culture and language →

Dominance of us sitcoms in canada and globally

Media policies and regulations play the most important role in the dominance of US sitcoms in Canada and globally. In conclusion, constructive media policies have enabled the US sitcoms to dominate in Canada and globally.

World war ii dbq

Therefore, both the inflexibility of Wilson and strength of the opposition forces led to the defeat of the Treaty of Versailles. The League was the epitome of Wilson's idealistic values, it would be the main approach to attain the peace between neighboring nations that he guaranteed.

Free critical thinking about afro-american studies

The foundation of African American Studies is based on the study of the non-violent struggle of the black community. Political, Social, and Economic Conditions that led to the Birth of African American Studies Historically, the Black Americans have faced immense discrimination in public and private space. There were a number of small groups →

Mlk why we couldn’t wait book reviews examples

King wrote about that time in these words "" In the summer of 1963 a need and a time and a circumstance and the mood of a people came together".. King pointed to this when he stated that the " milestone of the centennial of emancipation gave the Negro a reason to act a reason →

Research paper on congestion pricing for parking in san francisco

The new idea to be implemented here include: the mode of programming the parking meter whereby time is used as a variable when calculating the amount of parking fee to be charged. The congestion parking is also likely to induce more public transit and hence a reduction in the amount of air pollution which is →

The american indian education essay examples

The world wars, especially World War One, also had a great influence to the migration of Indians into the country. During the periods that this unit has been taught in universities and colleges, there has been a significant acceptance of the Indians into the American societies unlike it was in the past. It goes beyond →

Health care system of taiwan and the united states

HealthCare Systems of Taiwan and the United States Health care is one of the most essential foundations for any citizenship in any country since whether it is effective or not, it definitely affects the standard of living and the life expectancy of a country. First of all, Taiwan and the United States →

World history study guide

Lecompton Constitution - was the second of four proposed constitutions for the state of Kansas (it was preceded by the Topeka Constitution and was followed by the Leavenworth and Wyandotte). He organized the famous Army of the Potomac and served briefly as the general-in-chief of the Union Army.

Simulacra and simulation article review sample

Summary of the article/introduction Baudrillard mentions that postmodern simulacra and simulation are no longer a question of imitation but rather an analysis of how images of the real are substituting for the real. This result to a free floating the idea of society and the world that supersedes concrete reality in its outcomes.

The panic of 1819: the first major u.s. depression essay

It was so-called the Panic of 1819, and there were several main reasons for the crisis: First of all, the ordinary Americans suffered from the crisis. That is why many banks filed for the bankruptcy. And finally, the farmers suffered from the crisis due to the decrease of the prices for the agricultural products and →

Example of essay on the current american political system

The primary goal of the country should be revitalizing the culture of democracy. Another problem is the representation of people in the senate. This violates the culture of democracy which states that everyone has the freedom of voting candidates of their choice. The current political process in America imposes barriers to third parties.

Example of reasoned essay argumentative essay

Therefore, by language she means culture and that when she was in the Native American culture, she behaved as they expected her to and for the Christian culture she behaved different. This allows one to communicate their purpose and intentions to the people of that culture, as Zitkala-Sa was able to do.

Good example of essay on paper 5

Some of the dwarfs are holding flags that have been labeled with the names of different lands overseas including the Philippines, Cuba, and Porto Rico. The artifact indicates the superiority of the United States over some other lands located overseas. The white man who is wearing an outfit that resembles →

What were the important reasons for the peace movement

The young people of America were obviously the future, so they had to be taught about this war. At that time students were extremely easy to influence so this was helping to turn the screw against the war and started more anti-war movements. The sixties were a time of laying back and chilling out.

Dawes severalty act essay sample

The first reason that necessitated the act was the need to divide this land so that personal ownership of land was possible. It required the Indians who qualified to own land to choose the land of their choice within the following 2 years and after this, land would be distributed by the secretary of the →

Biography of “mark twain” essay

He spent a lot of nights in New York City and especially in the public library to improve his general education which he did not have a lot. He even lived in Wien, where his daughter Clara took piano lessons. Samuel died 1910 as a celebrated person who achieved a lot in his life and →

Research paper on the evolutions of technology in the dental/dental hygiene profession

In the same year, the American Society of Dental Surgeon became the first dental organization. Next year, the state of Alabama enacted the first dental practice act, thereby regulating the profession in the U.S. Further, in the year 1846, William Morton for the first time successfully demonstrated the use of ether anesthesia for dental surgery.

Give me liberty

The Commissioner of Indian Affairs who launched an " Indian New Deal" that ended a policy of forced assimilation and allowed Indians unprecedented cultural autonomy, and who secured the passage of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, was = John Collier.4. The effort undertaken on the part of the federal government to supply cheap electrical →

Why we fight

It is easy to stay in a war and let it linger. We are all immigrants who want to preserve our liberty, way of life, and freedom.

The events of 9/11 in new york city & the global war on terrorism

The 19 hijackers flew the plane into the buildings and the impact left a gaping, burning hole near the 80th floor of the 110-story World Trade Centre skyscraper. As for The Pentagon, the plane crashed into the west side of the building and killed a total of hundred of civilians.

Poverty in new york city

The cause of poverty in the United States is a plethora of things, Such as the economy getting worse so jobs and factories had to make budget cuts so many people lost their job because Of the worsening economy. This is not the only reason though there is also people who have →

Rambos of the road a response essay

He laments the aggression and lack of kindness and patience that many drivers now display and the title of the essay refers mockingly to the series of Rambo films, full of extreme and macho violence which seems to be influencing the matter of driving etiquette. The title of the essay ' Rambos of the Road' →

Too many witnesses, not enough action essay

The authors cite several emergency situations and argue that " the megalopolis in which we live makes closeness difficult and leads to the alienation of the individual from the group. " Psychological withdrawal, apathy and indifference of the witnesses to an emergency are then cited as factors underlying inaction. Experiments that studied the willingness of witnesses →

Why i`m proud to be an american

America the Great I am proud to live in America, the land of the free, home of the brave. We have the freedom to vote, practice the religion of our choice, speak freely, and freely share our thoughts or ideas throught the press.

Moral changes critical thinking

Fundamental Truth: he is the head of the Superhero Alliance and chairs the meetings. The Imprinter: he is a strong, upstanding hero who represents the ability to stand by your morals and make the right decision without changing who you are for anybody.

Good example of sociology literature review

HIV/AIDS infection is increasing among baby boomers Research questions What are the reasons why HIV/AIDS infection rates are increasing among baby boomers? What is the influence of American culture on baby boomers that is leading to an increased rate of HIV/AIDS infections among this generation? What is the average age of the →

Journal 8

The black slaves were not seen as equal to the whites, and they were considered a fraction of human beings. They were however not right, and the people had to fight so that they could be abolished.

Latisha this world and endure such terrifying conditions?

In her narrative," Incident in the Life of a Slave Girl", Jacobs exhibits herself as a blackslave woman whose indomitable spirit as a mother helps her to fight to prepare, and protect her children during slavery. Being prepared for slavery is animpossibility, how can you prepare anyone, especially your child, to come intothis world and →

Buddy cianci documentary movie reviews examples

Movie review-" Buddy: The rise and fall of America's most notorious mayor" The film, " Buddy: The rise and fall of America's most notorious mayor" features the story of a contradictory and very determined former Mayor of Providence Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci. Buddy: The Rise and Fall of America's Most Notorious Mayor.

Still disease is increasing age. the 6th leading

The testing showed that she was indeed experiencing early stages ofAlzheimer's disease. It was found that she had a genetic link to the diseaseand her children have a chance of forming the disease when they were older. The cause of this disease is unknown but it is identified to have a genetic tieand can be →

Example of middle-class sensibility in the bigamist and high noon. term paper

- The Bigamist As the American middle class of the 1950's went, The Bigamist is one of the few movies that typify the post war middle class sensibility in the country. This may hold true to the American middle class in general, though in the context of The Bigamist, one

The battle of the chosin reservoir case study examples

This campaign at last succeeded in removing the X corps but the people of china did not achieve the objective of isolating and destroying the 1st Division, but instead they had a deliberate and a retrogressive movement that had become the most in storied movement in the lore of Marine →

The progressive era history essay

The Progressive era in the United States which lasted from 1890 to 1920 was known for two things, namely that it was a period of progressive social movement and change that sought to reform many aspects of the country such as the government and economy. It was also known as the era of Prohibition →

The worst hard time by timothy egan

In his book, Egan critically examines the origin and the consequences of the Dust Bowl. The white settler drove out the Native Americans who were nomads and later drove out the others from their homestead and began to grow crops by clearing the prairie grasses The clearing of the prairie grass was the beginning of →

American democracy’ history: turner’s thesis essay

The interaction with the people at the frontier resulted in the adoption of moderate culture, democracy, and violence towards the people of color. In his analysis of Turner's article, Ridge observed that American democracy was never brought in the country, but instead, it developed in the forests; and every time the locals interacted with the →

Life of samuel d jackson

This assignment consists of a written synopsis of a scholarly biography or biographies of a notable figure in American history, and an oral presentation of the work. In your synopsis, please be certain to explain the most important observations made by the author concerning the contributions of the historic figure to →