A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Beowulf succeeds

One example of gender roles in Beowulf is when the Beowulf poet uses the peaceweaver as one of the major roles of women. Another example of gender roles in Beowulf is when the Beowulf poet uses the Geatish Warrior, Beowulf, is a brave, self-sufficient and superhuman strength.

Summary of romeo and juliet essay

If Romeo would have waited for a little bit he would have saw that she was alive and he would not have killed himself, because Juliet drank a poison that made her sleep she could not tell Romeo that she was still alive or that she faked her own death because she did not want →

Macbeth greed

They planted the seed of evil in Macbeth's head that grew to dominate his mind. But it was Macbeth who made the choices that determined his fate. Macbeth's downfall was planned by the weird sisters, but it was Macbeth's own free will that lead him to it. The three witches called the weird sisters are →

The problems preventing solar energy manufacturing adoption in india

For the reason that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe the Japanese government has approached solar energy with power, and it has set targets for 28 GW and 53 GW for 2020 and 2030, respectively. Germany Germany has been among the leaders in manufacturing of photovoltaic power for years and turned into one of the first international →

Boys’ behavior in the lord of the flies by william golding

In the Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the boys behavior is affected by the way they were raised.reasoning, Piggy's aunt led him to being proper, Ralph's dad is a commander in the navy, and Jack likely had a poor relationship with his parents. For Piggy growing up with a proper and respectful surrounding →

Diary entries – macbeth

I am not sure if I believe what they have told me. I am the one who is to be king.

Killing of duncan essay sample

There are many consequences for Macbeth over the murder of the king one of which is the effect of this crime on his soul. At first before the killing of Duncan Macbeth was uncertain about the deed that was to be done he questioned himself and thought about the consequences of his actions which turn →

Romeo and juliet and love

Romeo and Juliet suggest many things about love, however, the three most important implications is the love is fake (based on looks; does not really like who they are), love is a cause of violence, and love is a passionate, romantic force that can overpower someone. Love is the source of the two most spiteful →

Foils in hamlet

Hamlet and Horatio, Hamlet and Fortinbras, Hamlet and Claudius and Hamlet and Laertes are all have more or less some qualities that are opposite. Claudius uses him to reach his goal of getting rid of Hamlet and he is being taking advantage by Claudius without noticing.

The importance of three in the poem

In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the prevalence of the number three exists as a juxtaposition to Sir Gawain's imperfection to emphasize the contrast between perfection and imperfection. First, a close examination of what the number three meant when this poem was written offers a new insight into the meaning of the number. Since →

The heroic values of beowulf

The three sources used in this essay consist of an excerpt from a book titled ' Heroic Identity in the World of Beowulf' by Scott Gwara, a journal article titled ' Friends and friendship in heroic epics: with a focus on Beowulf, Chanson de Roland, the Nibelungenlied, and Njal's Saga' by Albrecht Classen, and an →

One voice speaking out against child english literature essay

I started keeping a diary and would enter when my stepfather was watching me because I could not deal with the emotional stress of all the secret abuse. I have to overcome the bumps in the road and rely on my faith to get me through.

Macbeth character essay

Macbeth's ambition seems to take control of him as he continuously orders the witches to inform him of the prophecies in the lines " Stay, you imperfect speakers! Macbeth's guilt and wickedness is also embodied in the ghost of Banquo which appears to torture Macbeth at the banquet he has organised for the succession of →

Hamlet essay: deception

Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark and the protagonist of the play, performs many deceptive acts that all leads up to his death. After he has conferred with the ghost who claims to be his father's spirit, old King Hamlet, he is shocked when he finds out the truth about his tragic death. In Hamlet, Hamlet →

Feminist criticism theory in the novel “harry potter” by j.k. rowling

The analysis As I mention above, I will challenge the representation of women as ' other', as ' lack', and as part of ' nature' through these Harry Potter novels. The main characters of this story, well, of course, is a man called " Harry". She had practice some simple spell and →

The use of imagery in shakespeare’s macbeth

In Macbeth Shakespeare uses the blood imagery to show the guilt. The first ignoble killing by Macbeth was the killing of what was supposed to be his friend Duncan.

Harry potter and the philospher’s stone

I sat down with Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and read it from cover to cover and was smitten by a small skinny untidy haired boy with glasses and the ability to get into all sorts of trouble. Next up to read is Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Comparative study of wuthering heights, translations, and i’m no scared

When I address the cultural context of a text I refer to the worlds of the texts, the circumstances which face the plots and the characters of the texts. Coming to grips with the general norm of the society with in each texts and how the characters behave enables me to enjoy each text all →

Hamlet, prince of denmark essay sample

Now, young Fortinbras wants to lead his soldiers into Poland and asking for permission. Gertrude believes his father's dying and our quick marriage is the cause of Hamlet's " distemper". Polonius believes that Ophelia's rejection to Hamlet by sending the letter back and not allowing him to visit her is the cause of →

“lord of the flies” by william golding analysis

They could even be in danger or need some type of help and not have any one to rely on or to help them try to get out of danger. Now, imagine trying to survive on a deserted island in a group, it will be much more beneficial. Which is a main part of surviving →

King lear hamartia

Tragedy does not only mean death or calamity, but in fact, it refers to a series of steps which leads to the downfall of the tragic hero and eventually to his tragic death. Lear, the main character in King Lear was affirmed as the tragic hero because the play meets all the requirements of a →

How shakespeare makes act 1 scene 5 dramatic for the audience

The play is a dramatic portrayal of Macbeth, a brave soldier who is tempted by 'the weird sisters' and urged by his wife to murder his way to the throne. However, as soon as Macbeth meets the witches, everything changes-he hears great predictions, but they lead him to evil actions. From the very start of →

Hamlet’s sanity answered through freudian theories

Although Sigmund Freud lived centuries after William Shakespeare wrote his play Hamlet, Freudian theories can also be applied to the main character Hamlet and explain his sometime erratic behaviour. Through his theories of the Oedipal Complex, transference psychology, and the defence mechanisms, Hamlet's behaviour can be better understood, and therefore help answer the question of →

Wuthering heights

The hysterical Catherine believes that she is back at Wuthering Heights with Heathcliff and Joseph, and then proceeds to enter a petrified state on the notion that the room is haunted and tells Nelly she in fact is scared of being alone, which goes to show she is scared in her own home. The most →

Beauty and the ugly

The story, a Disney classic, loved by everyone, is about a young woman named Belle who runs off after not wanting to marry a man obsessed with her and runs into the beast, who then grudgingly takes her in. Eventually the beast becomes more comfortable with her, but does not let her roam some parts →

Hamlet as a tragic hero

The downfall of the hero in a tragedy should not be, however, caused by an external force such as a higher power, whether in the form of gods, fate or even society; it should be the result of an action or lack of action carried out by the hero. Finally, the hero must achieve a →


Argument 1: Romeo and Juliet met by fate It is not merely a coincidence that Romeo and Juliet meet in the first place. Argument 3: Romeo and Juliet's fate: death It is also a result of fate that flaws agonize Friar Lawrence's plan which eventually leads to Romeo and Juliet's utmost and dire demise.

Anglo-saxon culture

By surveying the overall plot, we can have a birds eye view of what inspired this epic poem and how it was relevant to the time, as well as if it can still be relevant in the twenty-first century; furthermore, this will depend on the values reflected in the text of Beowulf. Anglo-Saxons were people →

An analysis of william shakespeare’s hamlet

This changes Polonius's mood and concern about his son towards his daughter Ophelia and how he was the reason for Hamlet's insanity, Polonius shows that he is very concerned and feels that he is to blame for what is going on. Polonius and Ophelia believe that the reason for Hamlets behavior is because Ophelia rejected →

Drama macbeth: shakespeare’s play and wells’ film essay (book review)

However, the play communicates the meaning of the text in a better way as compared to the film by Orson Wells. In the film adaptation, perhaps Orson tries to embolden Macbeth because he is a man and men are supposed to show courage and boldness. However, this perception defeats the essence of the play.

On heathcliff’s revenge

It is also a realistic story of the relations between the oppressor and the oppressed and of spiritual values, which are embodied in the characters, especially in the hero Heathcliff. Heathcliff is the hero of the novel, the word " Heathcliff" is made up of " heath" and " cliff", means " areas of flat →

Gaining wisdom through suffering

King Lear was foolish in the beginning of the play, but in the end he gained wisdom from his mistakes. Next, Lear gained wisdom through insanity and the cruelness of his to eldest daughters.

Chapter one: the dark lord reigns

Fleur Delacour and Bill Weasly were getting married at the and of the week so there was a lot of stress One day before the Delacours arrived called Ron to Harry just to go to the attic. Harry looked up and to his surprise was the sword of Gryffindor at the bottom of the lake.

Romeo and juliet- reason and passion

Through these definitions, I think that the statement is largely true, as we see that the characters tend to be driven by their passion and emotions rather than reason and logic. Secondly, another example in the play as to how man tends to be driven more by passion than by reason is in Juliet's proposal →

Hamlet by william shakespeare explicatory essay

The play has a setting in Denmark and tells the story of Hamlet who is planning to revenge against his uncle Claudius. The former believes that the later killed his father, King Hamlet. Among the characters in this play include Claudius, hamlet, Gertrude, Polonius, Ophelia, Horatio, Laertes, Voltimand, Rosencrantz, Osric, ghost of Hamlet's father, Barnardo →

Play hamlet vs. mel gibson’s movie version

Some of the scenes had actually also been modified. For instance, In Act 2, Scene 1, the director has Polonius spy on Ophelia and Hamlet, and this is how he finds out of Hamlet's weird go to with his child and Hamlet's insanity. I feel this effect was achieved through the director's technique of shifting →

Power struggle in wuthering heights

As a result of the want to move up in the social class, We take a closer look at just how greedy and depressed certain characters get. Owing to his low social status, Emily Bronte shows how Heathcliff is in some way related to Animals. Heathcliff struggles to fit in the new status and world, →

Example of jane eyre essay

This is what gave her the right in the end to have the choice and then announce in that simple sentence " Reader, I married him". Charlotte Bronte uses a blend of three writing styles, the Bildungsroman, the romantic novel and the gothic novel. According to Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language, a Bildungsroman →

Macbeth- act 1 journal for lady macbeth

When I heard the news that the thane of Glamis fell really ill, I agreed to marry Macbeth under one condition that he would poison his father and inherit the position as the thane of Glamis, and of course Macbeth was easy to convince, since he was madly in love with me. →

Romeo and juliet. no one’s tragedy

The death of the young couple is tragic but their death enriches and touches the lives of those who survive the violence unleashed into the society by the bitterness and vengeful circumstances surrounding them. Therefore, the death of Romeo and Juliet is tragic, but with it, peace and reconciliation come to all touched by the →

The rebellion

The Rebellion Old Major, the old boar on the Manor Farm, calls the animals on the farm for a meeting, where he compares the humans to parasites and teaches the animals a revolutionary song, 'Beasts of England'. Napoleon's rule Napoleon enacts changes to the governance structure of the farm, replacing meetings with a committee →

Wuthering heights – a complex novel by emily brontë

Emily Bront uses specific literary devices to help create a complex and intriguing plot; She uses flashbacks, symbolism, and irony, to Contribute to the many different themes of the novel. First, Emily Bront uses flashbacks in Wuthering Heights to contribute to the themes of the novel. From the beginning of the story he is a →

Hamlet’s infatuation with death

We start to learn that Hamlet has a bizarre fascination with death when, every other scene, he is talking about how everyone will end up in the ground one way or another." To be or not to be that is the question" , is where it all starts off. From this famous speech to →

Dear friend – a letter about animal farm

Dear friend! We have just read " Animal Farm" in class." Animal farm", or " Animal Farm: A Fairy Story" as the original title was, was a little manuscript which was published right after the Second World War byGeorge Orwell, ever heard of him? It was a book that was originally placed in the →

Macbeth- act 5

For what are the Doctor and Gentlewoman waiting to see? Lady Macbeth to sleepwalk Why is Lady Macbeth running her hands? to wash the blood off of her hands what is she carrying? a taper What is a taper? a light or a candle Who is taking notes? the doctor →

Jane eyre

Because the novel's protagonist, Jane Eyre, is depicted as being a person of moral fortitude and integrity, the abuse she suffers during the early part of the novel at the hands of her adoptive family instills within her a deep desire for independence, escape and personal freedom. The abuse that Jane suffers →

Hamlet tragic flaw

However, Hamlet's outbursts of aggression at certain instances of the play shows that Hamlet's other tragic flaw is his tendency to take rash actions - the polar opposite of indecisiveness. This could be seen as a reason for his downfall as if he had had the courage to take action at that moment, perhaps the →

Malcolm’s description of lady macbeth as a “fiend – like queen” essay sample

Lady Macbeth bears no resemblance to that description or to that role; in fact, she is clearly the more dominant partner in the marriage and she is very much in control of her husband who regards her as his " dearest partner of greatness". She is the very epitomy of the play's central theme, stated →

Harry potter and the sorcerers stone

Draco is Harry's archenemy at Hogwarts he is in Harry's class and shares a strong dislike with Harry. Albus Dumbledore is the elder Headmaster at Hogwarts and is the most powerful wizard in the world.

William shakespeare utilizes different events

Now and again love is portrayed in the terms of religion, as in the fourteen lines when Romeo and Juliet initially meet. But in its extreme passion, the love that Romeo and Juliet experience also appears so exquisitely beautiful that few would want, or be able, to resist its power.

Harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone

Right from the first page of " Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (or " Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" for those reading in the UK) Rowling proves that she knows a thing or two about the kind of magic that brings stories to life. Literally rescued from the Dursley's and taken under the →

Squealer in animal farm

His manipulation of language is key to grasping the trust of animals under their leader Napoleon's reign. Squealer is a very convincing actor to the animals and his persuasion used to justify Napoleon's actions overcomes their doubts, " he could turn black into white". He redefines his words to prevent the animals →

Gnomeo and juliet vs romeo and juliet

In the original play, the language expressed to one another is very complex, surreal, and passionate; however, in the animated remake, " Gnomeo and Juliet," the language is simplified, childlike, and displays a more innocent theme. The setting is also significantly different. In " Gnomeo and Juliet," the conflict is also displayed by two families.

The unenslaved self: feminist enlightenment in jane eyre

This example heightens the metaphor to a physical level: Rochester's treatment of Jane as a sexual slave is likened to the physical act of preying upon her. The final evolution of the metaphor is Jane's realization that she is a naturally free woman- not a slave.

The monumental sculpture from the hourloupe cycle english literature essay

It was in 1918 when Dubuffet moved to Paris where he studied at the Acad mie Julian, but in comparison to the intellectuals at the art academy, Dubuffet had come to think of himself as a savage. Due to the lack of features that were present in the Art critic Michel Tapie and his earlier →

Animal farm essay

Using fear, force, and intimidation, Napoleon is able to oppress the voices of the animals. When Farmer Jones is ousted, the attitudes of the animals on the farm are desperate because they need someone to guide them.

Poor fate of ophelia

However unfortunately, Hamlet never had a thing for her this whole time. Due to Hamlet, who did told her that she should go to a nunnery because that is the best thing for her rather than getting married, she was honestly hurt by such harshly said words. But when Hamlet screamed at the top of →

Macbeth – notes on elements of the gothic in the play

An Elizabethan audience would have been genuinely terrified by the events on stage as they believed that witches did exist, murder by witchcraft was made punishable in 1563 thus demonstrating that people during this era believed witches were real and had magical powers. The theme of equivocation is used by Shakespeare to highlight the →

The way 9 11 impacted the american society english literature essay

He writes about it with casual grace, describing, for example, the cricket batsman's array of potential strokes: " the glance, the hook, the cut, the sweep, the cover drive, the pull and all those other offspring of technique conceived to send the cricket ball rolling and rolling, as if by magic, to the far-off edge →

Free research proposal on research question

An example of the author's creativity is when she vividly presents a world filled with magic and she also introduces a wizards and witches school. Background: I am particularly interested in this research question given that I have read some of the books by the said author, and I noted that the styles, themes and →

Compare and contrast the characters of malcolm and banquo essay sample

As a King's son and rightful heir to the throne, he is in the line with the forces of natural order. Not only does Malcolm value bravery, he values loyalty too. He is loyal, honourable and brave but not particularly intelligent; he dies innocent; in spite of his remaining believes for the witches prophecies, →

Someone i admire

To sum up, Hermione is my inspiration because she is so intelligent and good. She accepts her status as a Muggle-born witch, and states in Deathly Hallows that she is " a Mudblood and proud of it" Hermione is an exceptionally talented young witch.

Children of brave new world and 1984

The children in both Brave New World and 1984 are taught their belief systems by their government, but the children who live in 1984 are much more of a danger to those living in their society. In the Brave New World the children are brainwashed from the moment they are able to comprehend speech.

James brock

He was growing more and more fearful of overpopulation and the birth rate of the less educated compared to the cerebrally gifted around the publication of Brave New World. The people of the world-state described in the novel are all members of a certain social class arranged by looks, height, and intelligence.


These relationships are very important to the plot as we determine whether they support each other. In ' Macbeth' we first know of the matrimonial relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth when Macbeth is talking to Duncan and accepts to be the harbinger and writes a letter to inform his wife of →

Brave new world theme statement essay

To control the happiness, the people of the World State issue the people under their control to partake in the consumption of Soma." Soma may make you loose a few years in time, but think of the enormous, immeasurable durations it can give you out of time".Unfortunately for the controllers, drugs are not →

Decrypted lifestory of hamlet

The relevance of Hamlet to the monarchy in England and other European powers is evident throughout the text and portrays a clear opinion on the disloyal and vindictive tendencies of Europe's monarchs. Shakespeare's motives behind writing in this cryptic allegorical manner are revealed through his political and religious views. It is evident that Shakespeare is →

Summary of a walk to remember english literature essay

As a class president, not only does he have a responsibility to decorate the gym for the homecoming dance, but he also has to attend the event with a date. In addition to that, Jamie also want to make this year to be special for orphans too, so she and Landon have a plan on →

The view that the witches are solely responsible for macbeth

People enjoyed the plays because they could be used to criticise people in power, and also the audience enjoyed the words and word games that the writers of the play used. One of Shakespeare's most famous plays is the story of Macbeth. The witches were seen as very evil beings in the middle ages and →

Fate in romeo and juliet

The morning following the ball, Romeo visits Friar Lawrence to tell of his engagement to Juliet and to ask for the friar's advice. The friar is at first skeptical of Romeo's infatuation with Juliet, but then he realizes that the love between Romeo and Juliet presents an opportunity to end the quarrel between the two →

Foolishness in shakepeare’s king lear

Early on, the readers glean the foolishness of the king as he bequeaths his riches and his kingdom to his deceitful daughters. Thus, we see that only a foolish man would do such actions for naturally, his daughters, who want the material things will give him the accolades he so desperately wants to hear.

Observant heroism of albany

Albany does not lack the characteristic or even the accomplishment of heroic deeds, yet his role as the hero is downplayed in favour of Edgar, and it appears that the common perception is that he is an insignificant character in the play. This statement is evident in heroic qualities, including his constant attempt to be →

Enduring love

This is not entirely foreign from the symbolism of the baldric; the protection offered by the green garment becomes proof against the Lady's fidelity to her husband and a sign of her love for Sir Gawain. This scene is an allegory for the end of love which is physically played out in Sir →

Discuss the fatal flaws in the characters of othello and macbeth

Brave Macbeth" and " Valiant Othello" are both noticeable heroes at the start of the play complying with the classical definitions of a tragic hero as presented by Aristotle who where the hero should be readily evident at the start of the play but the fact that Shakespeare creates these two overwhelmingly perfect characters demonstrates →

Aldous huxley and drugs

You wont find any illegal drugs in the Brave New World of Huxley because all the drugs they take are ordered by the government. The upper classes can mainly choose on their own how much and how often they need to take soma to flee to the world they would like to be in. In →

The connections in shakespeare’s

Over the course of the years, all through society, the job of guardians in life is to be the parental figures and defenders of their youngsters, while the job of youngsters is to regard their folks and offer back to them when the two youngsters and guardians become more seasoned. King Lear and Gloucester →

Darkness dominates macbeth

By using this, before the play has even started people would think it was dramatic and dark. The witches themselves are not the supernatural beings; they just gained their powers by selling their souls to the Prince of Darkness , that's what the characters in the play believe, as well as the audience of →

Protagonist in wuthering heights

Furthermore the name Heathcliff is a name of a deceased son of Mr Earnshaw, therefore Heathcliff is seen as an inferior character who is deprived of a sense of identity. Similarly in Shakespeare's ' Othello' the protagonist is a black military man, but unlike Heathcliff he is considered to be a noble →

The passage from charlotte bronte’s “jane eyre”

I will be looking closely at the relevance of this passage to the structure of the novel overall, paying close attention to the narrative devices used. The novel is a fictional autobiography comprising a first-person narrative, which allows the reader to see events and characters through Jane's eyes, and therefore increases the →

Struggle between opposing forces english literature essay

It often can symbolize the emotional state of characters. Tension An equilibrium of the serious and the ironic in a poem or a harmony of opponent tendencies in a literary text. Tone A very vague critical term designating the mood or atmosphere of a work; writer's mood or moral view. A metonymic saying →

A taming by a shrew?: levels of satire in chaucer’s wife of bath

But though Chaucer uses her both as a satiric lens and as an object of fun, she is indifferent; though she does use satire, her goal is not to be a satirist but to control her husbands. Her fourth is guilty of many crimes she accused the others of, but Alice's response to her lustful →

Hamlet book survey

Who is the first character to see the ghost? Marcellus How is Claudius related to Hamlet before marrying Gertrude? He is the brother of Hamlet's father, and therefore Hamlet's uncle What does Laertes warn Ophelia against? Falling in love with Hamlet Who does the ghost beckon the second time he appears →

Macbeth vs holden essay sample

He is also aware his remembrance will be for wrong doings rather than positive enforcement.(Quote: Macbeth: " Accurs d be that tongue that tells me so, For it hath cowed my better part of man! And be these juggling fiends no more believed, That palter with us in a double sense, That keep the →

Lena raced through the meadow english literature essay

The motorbike she was riding was old, however well maintained, despite its age it was clearly apparent that it had been looked after by someone who knew what they were doing, the sprocket was smoothly polished, and the chrome exhaust pipe glistened in the sunlight, as did the spokes on the inside of the wheels. →

Chapter 24 rita skeeter’s scoop

You do not think a skrewt -?" " Oh he has not been attacked, Potter, if that's what you are thinking," said Malfoy softly." No, he's just too ashamed to show his big, ugly face". " What d'you mean?" said Harry sharply. Malfoy put his hand inside the pocket of his robes and pulled out a folded →

Hamlet questions and answers

He is asking " who's there?" It is because he's not sure what is there by judging the shadow he saw and it is at night causing the visibility becomes very low as well. Horatio was with Bernardo and Marcellus because they have both seen the ghost of King Hamlet, and Horatio has come to →

Who is edgar allan poe english literature essay

Edgar Allan Poe has been labeled as " a model for all time" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and so will begin the analysis to see how influenced the now famous modern day horror writer has been influenced by him. 1st Paragraph Naming the choices of the books for each Author Out of Edgar →

Beowulf the hero

Beowulf is named after the hero Beowulf who was the main character, Beowulf was declared a hero after he fought three battles to become a hero; he fought Grendel, Grendels mom, and finally a dragon. The first battle he fought to become to become a hero was Grendel. He became a hero after defeating Grendel →

To thine own self be true essay sample

Daily, we make decisions to questions like, " How are you?" We respond with the obligatory " fine" or " great" or with a truthful five minute description of all our aches and pains, both mental and physical. Constantly society dictates, " Good people do not tell lies", but day in and day out →

‘as soon as the macbeths become accomplices in regicide, their relationship irretrievably falls apart.’ discuss to what extend do you agree that the physical horror of king duncan’s death kills the macbeth’s marriage.

In Shakespeare's Macbeth, King Duncan's death caused a great turmoil in the minds of the Macbeths and left no space for love, hence, their relationship began to crumble, as they reacted to the murder in different ways: Lady Macbeth, entering insanity, and Macbeth, thirsting for more power. Immediately when she received the letter from →

The relationship between symbolism and theme in lord of the flies

As a result of this detailed, striking image, the reader becomes aware of the great evil and darkness represented by the Lord of the Flies, and when Simon begins to converse with the seemingly inanimate, devil-like object, the source of that wickedness is revealed. In the imaginations of many of the boys, the beast is →

Letter to shakespeare

You decide to write him a letter telling him about the success of his play, " Macbeth", in the 21st century and this play is still being read and performed and filmed. Dear William Shakespeare, I am writing to you from the 21st century as we have developed a →

Why the deaths of romeo and juliet should not be a surprise

Page one Why the Deaths ofRomeo and Julietshould not be a Surprise Romeo and Juliet both end up dying in Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet. The deaths of Romeo and Juliet should not be a surprise because there is a lot of foreshadowing preparing us; for this twist in the plot.