A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Marketing essays examples

Measuring advertising audience Advertising is the paid mass media content deliberated to convince and allure the audiences of readers, viewers or listener to promote the adoption of goods, services and ideas. Advertising on the television means running a TV commercial, which is of 15 and 60 seconds in length, and includes sponsors, product β†’

Chinese advertising industry: a market study assignment

However, for the purpose of this assignment we will aim to look at the growing Internet market as a source for and of advertising potential. We have chosen this specific sector of the industry as it in our opinion, poses the most potential for growth. McDougall, the CEO of one of the most β†’

Difference between goods and services assignment

Difference between Goods & Services There are various differences between goods and services but they can be classified on the basis of the following heads: 1) On the basis of Characteristics 2) On the basis of Offering 1)On the basis of Characteristics The goods and services, on the basis of characteristics they have, can be β†’

The credit card and related advantages marketing essay

This research work is objected to understand the impact of mismanagement of credit cards on the impulse buying behavior of the consumer. The data then analyzed to conclude how the mismanagement of credit card actually impact on the impulse buying behavior of consumer. Introduction: The impulse buying is a kind of personality trait; in this β†’

Coupons essay

Since most people are now shopping online and the internet is one of the biggest domains for using coupons, coupons can therefore be arguably being described as the best online. Also, the case for coupons can also be argued in the sense that coupons promote an additional bonus for shoppers. For instance, one can take β†’

Strategic context of brand extension marketing essay

Moreover, according to Porter who is the pioneer of the five forces model allowing the assessment of the potential of a market, also argues that brand extensions are an effective tool in the reduction of entry barriers of a new competitive market. Therefore, brand extension is bringing more clarity to the meaning of β†’

Porsche marketing analysis

In addition Propose is considered to be a piece of clothing, the thing that owner wears and is seen in.. So buyer of the new Propose models could search for specific necessities in the vehicle before purchasing it, and may take more time in decision making process, with a risk of choosing competitors β†’

Data mining versus data base marketing

Tracking the source of the data provided by the third party vendor would provide a clear understanding about the scope and depth of data mining. Hence data mining in this instance is related to the task of extraction of data based on certain criteria whereas data base marketing refers to usage of data to communicate β†’

Retailers perception towards rs footwear brand: empirical study on agartala

By understanding the purchaser, we will have the capacity to settle on a more educated choice as to which technique to utilize. Types of retailer: Purchasers today can looks for merchandise and ventures at store retailers, non-store retailer's associations. Retailer store writes go through satisfies of development and decay that we can consider as the β†’

Executive summary

The product focuses on the needs of the professionals and the students , but the group did not close the opportunities to sell more the product so they are promoting it not just as a two in one energy drink but also as a perfect refreshment to relieve you thirst. This product is made β†’

6 content marketing tips for non-sexy industries

Bu, if you are willing to get creative and invest in the right strategies, you will soon discover that your " boring" industry can be sexy, too. In traditionally non-sexy industries, one of the best tools for making your products interesting is content marketing. Leverage the tips mentioned in this article and begin developing a β†’

Udevice sales data analysis research papers example

As shown in figure 2, female buyers were more concentrated below the age of 32 and above the age of 64, while male customers were concentrated between ages 28 and 44 as well above age 56. See figure 4 and Appendix B. Figure 4: No discernible difference between US and European Markets Device Colour β†’

Economics essays example

The US Economy, on the other hand, continued to flourish- it saw huge capital investments, a new range of entrepreneurs and a market that had no boundaries. Just because of globalization, the world saw largest era of Human Migration and in particular the global prosperity was termed as " Asian Miracle" as with almost every β†’

Examine the view that marketing theory and concepts

This assignment will be looking at the marketing theory and marketing concepts which are portrayed in the traditional marketing literature, and how they have limited application in guiding small business marketing practice. Marketing plays a vital role not only In developing, producing, and selling products or services, but also in guiding recruiting labors β†’

Critical thinking on degree planning

I am aware that to be good in managing and successfully running a fashion company, I will need some quality know how in business management. I have an eye for fashion details and creativity. By acquiring a degree in Business Management in Fashion Merchandiser, I will be able to manage and run my company successfully.

Good two replies to two co-students’ essay example

A lot of car advertisements do try to equate the relationship between the person and the car and the emotional connection between two members of a romantic relationship. Whether the Cadenza would actually do this is a matter of debate, but it is the predominant theme of the advertisement.

Coke burn india

We are also looking at ramping up distribution in other cities" Kamlesh Sharma, GM, Public Affairs & Communication, Coca Cola India " RedBull has consciously adopted a strategy of steering away from conventional media and chose to associate itself with extreme sports and youth centric activities to create a buzz in the market.

Internet marketing

Customer today has a varying need with some needing more human interaction for customer interaction while others may value price and variety of selection. The gap in customer experience is more likely to be a result of technology bumps. Customers who know what to buy and are familiar with the product, will be less affected β†’

The marketing principles

The Marketing principles I will present are; Understanding the customer's needs: 'if you can speak the customers language you can understand their needs better" Book: Marketing plans 1996, It is very important that companies have the knowledge of customer's needs, as it is a key to a company. And if β†’

Coca-cola – the concept of marketing

Because it has such a long history of customizing is products to the localculture, the company is in the best position of developing a product that takes into account cultural and social considerations in Botswana. The product is intended for the third world where customers simply do not have the money to pay for the β†’

Using social media marketing techniques

I have also included tweets which hopefully promote your business business as it is a potion pharmacy which you run. The last online profile I will make for you as a business group is an actual website.

Four simple ways to find customers

If you stop and think about the price you are paying to bring in added shoppers in terms of time ormoney, you can start to make better decisions about how and where to put those resources. The practice is especially important for new business owners who tend to not only have more limited means, but β†’

Essay on how the company started and how it has changed

In addition to these, American Eagle Outfitters also deal in sofas at the back of the stores. By March 2010, the American Eagle Outfitters extended to open the first of its stores in the Middle East in Dubai UAE.

Marketing ps

Firstly is the " Marketing Mir aspect, specifically the 4 As framework - Product, Pricing, Placing & Promotion. The 4 As Is one of the best known frameworks for a marketing plan, of which the aim Is ultimately to fulfill a basic racketing purpose ? To me, a market survey is extremely useful β†’

Target market

Target Market Introduction After a business enterprise has segmented its market and define its target market, the position of the brand would be set to be achieved. This could be the whole target market or a portion of it. Communications Platform in marketing refers to the tool of delivering the message to the target audience.

Case study

Case Study: Burger King Burger King's Advertising Tactics Burger King has successfully used unconventional marketing tactics to catch the attention of the consumers. The ' Subservient Chicken', ' Whopper Freak Out' and the ' Whopper Sacrifice' campaigns, albeit controversial, have been able to strike the right chord with Burger King's target market. The other successful β†’

The core marketing strategy: market penetration

The market penetration approach will allow the mosque to better promote itself to the existing market place, whilst allowing the mosque to maximise its output and gain new members of the congregation within the same market. As the mosque currently has no intention of spreading its range geographically, or going into new markets as this β†’

Finance task 3 business plan sample

Then the breakeven volume for reconditioning versus outsourcing is 25 units, and then the breakeven volume for buying new equipment versus outsourcing is 80 units. The focus here is on the outsourcing opportunity, which shows that there would not be any initial or fixed costs, and the variable cost would only be $3 million which β†’

Market segmentation

Market segmentation refers to classifying prospective consumers according to their characteristics to identify their needs for a particular product. Segmenting is crucial and is applied by many businesses not only to meet the needs of their consumers but also to ensure continued provision of quality products and services to keep their customers. In this way, β†’

Market environment

There were a number of changes in the market environment of the British motor industry between the wars. The influence of the United States and the weakening of the trade unions led to a productive and motivated work force. This increased productivity and with the corresponding increase in pent-up demand from the war, resulting in β†’

Answer questions

Groupon promise assures top quality services and aims at providing them with top quality delivery in timely manner. Groupon Live events, Groupon vouchers and Groupon Gateways trips are few of the promises and incentives offered by the company based on which the consumers are attracted towards the services and offers. In case of cancelation of β†’

Ford ka essay sample

The most critical selection criterion for market segmentation is to consider the methodology's effectiveness in identifying distinctly groups of customers with a preference for Ford Ka. Whilst the psychographic segmentation seems to be the most appropriate method to define customer groups and to develop advertising creativity ; the cost of media spending could be β†’

Aquarius advertising agency: case study

Goals Aquarius strives to be a respected agency in the advertising industry. They try to achieve this by being responsive to changes in the industry, flexible with clients, innovative, and efficient. As a result, the group dealing with common services will generally have more standardized and consistent requests to the liaison.

Digital advertising vs print advertising

But if the same ad appears on a website the visitor can click it and come straight to the website and get the full information about the product or service. The immediacy of the feedback is very high in case of internet advertising. Much of the unemployed are desperate and willing to give information to β†’

Case study example

Signode Case Study The decision on pricing of their products involves a conflict between their requirements to increase or maintain profit margins and to win customers so as satisfy their needs for the generation of as much capital as they can. Their past experience indicates that the substitute products and price increases led to β†’

Essay on definitions and roles of financial concepts

It helps to form a significant success of the financial markets because they are easily traded. - Stock It is a security instrument issued by an organization that shows the possession right in the property of the organization and the method to be used to share the profits after payment of organization obligations. It plays β†’

Secondary brand associations: purveyor beware

Petty points this out by noting that "[] roughly half the U.S.states" recognize the right of a celebrity to control their name and likeness when used in product promotion. The legal requirements for branding and promoting a product often lie in the ability of the consumer to discern fact from fiction. Processes that have become β†’

Free financial analysis essay example

Since the employer is concerned regarding the performance of the market over the next two months and plans to use three-month futures contract on the S&P 500 to hedge the risk that evaluation must consider financial exposure as well as projected performance rates. Financial exposure is the amount of money at risk in an investment. β†’

Economic and monetary union of europe 1761

In the mid of the eighties the European countries recognized that in the long run the national economies alone won" t be able to compete against countries like the US, Japan and the new industrial centers in East Asia. The biggest advantage of the European integration is the unique chance of causing significant economic growth β†’

Value chain for carrefour company

The company uses current technologies and innovations to strengthen its operations. Services Carrefour seeks to offer the best range of products and services to its customers. Carrefour's operations seek to meet the requirements of its customers. Procurement and human resource Carrefour uses Electronic Data Interchange system for procurement of its products.


At the end of the seven week period you are required to give a poster presentation of no more than twenty minutes that will provide a week-by-week reawaken of the process and performance of the 'simulated' company. For example the group would feedback the on how decisions were taken, the information used to β†’

Marketing management: morrisons

From just a stall, the company has progressed to become a huge company being one of the modern success stories of the country. The company went public in 1967 but still the Morrison'sfamilyowns a reputable share of 15. The company has challenged the economic climate and is consistently rising in the market β†’

Zara brand

In this way, they are able to shorten the lifespan of their products leading to a greater success in meeting the preferences of customers Designs that do not sell for a week are withdrawn, orders cancelled and a new design developed the production of Zara products is therefore customer driven.. Zara positions itself in different β†’

Why do you want to study engineering

I tried my best to learn about new culture and languages as soon as possible, and though it was really tough thing for me to do, I succeeded rather soon. So as I adapted, I became more independent and I started thinking about what I would do in the future.

Importance of introductions

The purpose of introduction is to introduce the reader to the content of the writing. The introduction should give the reader a reason to continue reading the writing. Additionally, an introduction informs the reader about the content of the reading as well as the context in which it is written.

Teacher faculty meeting

English Teacher Faculty Meeting Competency and quality of education system is one of the key factors ensuring development of the nation, training of professional of high level that would be able to contribute to well-being of the country. As such children need to be taught equally, yet require special approach, the teachers made an attempt β†’

Transcripy them precisely word by word

From here to pacific like that there is less fish, there is a lot of percent less fish, I would say the reason, the bigger reason we got is the sewage outside. Now the north beach has not really changed much, it's still a little more agricultural, but we like to out come here and β†’

Summarize chopin’s the story of an hour

of A Summary of The Story of an Hour, by Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour, is the story of Mrs. In the beginning of the story, Mrs.

Email letter

In addition, they also have luminaries in the industry as guest speakers which could provide valuable insights into the future of the industry. I am more elated to know that our company will sponsor four engineers to attend the course. It will also tremendously boost my professional development. I hope that you will approve my β†’

Living in the dorm is noisy

The noise that they create varies and could range from simple conversation to playing loud music that could shatter the eardrums of everybody in the dormitory. There are also loud people in the dorm who cannot seem to keep their peace making the entire dormitory a noisy place.

Frederick douglass and martin luther king, jr

He used the Christian body to stand against the segregation and discrimination that the black people were subjected to. His hope was that their understanding of the Bible would instill courage in them to stand against slavery.

Expanded definition

Expanded Definition Assignment: Capitalism Capitalism is " an economic system in which the means of production anddistribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market". The earliest form of capitalism is mercantilism which is " the distribution of goods to realize a β†’

Individual topic proposal paper for the final project: improving advisory program for umd international students and conclusion

The advisory program would be more helpful if it displayed proper organization and relevance to the lives of all students for whom it is meant. Audience/customer: The director and officials of UMD international program. Purpose: Improve and increase organization in the advisory programs. Make guide books that display the resources that will aid in the β†’

Ice paper

Of concern is the fact that America consumes up to a quarter of the total oil used across the globe. By doing this, it will take the " energy generated by wind and using it to replace a significant percentage of the natural gas that is now being used to fuel our power plants".

Hold it against me by britney spears

This paper will discuss the song by identifying the genre, the criteria used to classify the song under the genre the instrumentation used in the song and described whether or not, digitally- generated effect is at work in the music. The sound of bass is what is mostly heard in the song, it seems to β†’

Assignment example

The main point of Suze Orman's " How to Take Control of Your Credit Cards" is that people have the means to get themselves out of even the worst credit card debt. While credit cards do have their good points, they seem to be more misleading and damaging than anything of benefit.

Comparative error analysis of public and private high school students

As regard's high school education, the pros and cons alike spark ranging debate amongst different stakeholders from parents to students and administrators. Hypothesis: There will be a statistically significant difference in academic success rates of students who attend well funded private schools as opposed to students who attend public schools that are under-funded. Independent Variable: β†’

All men are created equal

In Twilight: Los Angeles, Anna Deavere Smith draws upon the issue of suppression as she tries to give voice to scores of real life characters in their quest for equality. Presented in a mosaic set of the violent aftermath of the trial, verdict and acquittals of the police officers charged with beating motorist Rodney King β†’

Week 4 journal

But, one thing that is usually left unnoticed by most of the people is that students still need books for their studies and those books which we call textbooks are not cheap and in the reach of every student now. When students will not get the required information from an authentic source, their lack of β†’

The price of freedom

The exams were one week away, and the fact that the examination was the last of my final year of campus gave more momentum to the party mood. The girls on the dance floor were also friendly, and the music groove was captivating. As the music went on to play, my new cell phone rang, β†’

What makes a fine story

It also makes the story to be lively. Tonal variation That is a change in tone with respect to the event. The importance of a character in the story is for the audience to relate to them.

Persuasive outline/speech/presentation – walmart on twitter

For the retail giant Wal-Mart, Twitter offers the best options for interacting with millions of consumers around the world. With branches in 51 countries and millions of customers the best way to communicate on new stock arrivals and amazing discounts offered by Wal-Mart is through Twitter. In addition, it is also important for a company β†’

Critical writing questions

Article critique The works of Davis Harding demonstrates to us on how the life of the affects her narration. The 1972 republication of Life in the Iron Mills by the Feminist Press brought a resurgence of attention in Davis and her works. My feminist literary critic examines Daviss later on works and reassessing the input β†’

A long way gone ‘ishmael beah and allegory of the cave plato’s

In this article, I will use the two texts, Allegory of the Cave by Plato and A long Way Gone' by Ishmael Beah to justify the statement ' can childhood ever be lost beyond recovery?' The childhood ages are characterized by innocence of the mind and soul. Relating the redemption of the lost childhood feelings β†’


This paper persuades the reader that immigration to U.S.is beneficial, both for the immigrants and the country. First of all, U.S.is a country which provides protection to its citizens much more than any other country. So, the new comers feel secure and protected. Immigration to U.S.is relatively harder than immigration to any other country.

Reflection paper

I have noticed that when they find that they have guessed my ethnic origin wrong, they tend to be sorry and respectfully ask me where I belong. Yes, I do trick people about my origin just for fun. I like to experience how people would deal me if they thought that I was from a β†’

An insight you gained from a literacy event in school

It provided me with an in-sight to the significance of reading in general and reading History books in particular. The literacy event was organized by a research team. After that, we had a tea break and the event was over. This literacy event provided me with an in-sight to the importance of reading out of β†’


Question one Jacques a member of the Cousteau informed the camera crew that the Antarctic is made up of a large extent of low temperature water on the planet just like the sun which is a source of heat for the entire planet and plays a crucial role in the regulation of climate. A building β†’

Informational interview

Apart from having to cope up with the pressure of competition, the Operations manager cited that the ever changing technology and modes of business management is another challenge that compels managers to keep updating their modes of operations from time to time. The Interview process was a success; it provided me with a platform to β†’

Growing up

In his journey he experience freedom to indulge in drugs and sex in Amsterdam also in Berlin he finds himself in a position where he has to struggle with issues of integrity and ethics. He later joins the choir mainly because of his attraction to a girl in the choir.

English functional and corpus based analysis english language essay

It-clefts consists of the pronoun it = grammatical subject followed by a form of the verb to be (that agrees in number with pronoun) and optionally accompanied by the negator not or an adverb such as only [X] it-clause followed by some constituent X- the specially focused element, which may be: a noun β†’

Online education as an agent of transformation

Online Education as an Agent of Transformation In the advent of technology, educational developers have strived to integrate it into the learning environment. Online learning programs have been established in the education sector to enable many people to acquire education in the comfort of the homes in their remote locations.

Who am i

I was surprised to learn that she had a twin sister called Hilda Rodrigues. This was another interesting piece of information I had never thought I had relatives outside United States. She continued to tell m how my ancestors ended up in United States.

Francis bacon’s about revenge

In the very beginning Bacon states what he finds most offensive about the idea of revenge that more than the ' law offending' act of crime, revenge ' putteth the [very] law out of office.' For Bacon then, a world without laws is the ultimate hell. So much so that even when describing the few β†’

Reflection paper on the capstone

After much effort, research and forethought I came to the conclusion and thus derived the thesis that I did. I believe that to catch the attention of an audience, especially a reader, and to make them read into what one has written, it is vital that what is being written is something they can relate β†’

Literary analyses

Their opinion is so important that they have a responsibility to learn about the world. Her argument is that everyone has their own experiences and these are important to understand.

Week9 journal entry

Therefore, it is of great importance to assess how much the educational sector gives opportunities for creativity to the students. This is in spite of the fact that there are numerous employment opportunities without individuals to fill because the correct and competitive skills have not been taught.

The absolutely true diary of a part-time indian question

Relationship between Arnold and Rowdy In the story the absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian, that is summary, speaks about a young Indians boy as he struggles to fit in the society and school system in the USA among the whites. The story is basically told from the perspective of Arnold being the narrator β†’

Textbook analysis

The consistency is also important for introducing the reader to a synopsis of the content in the new unit. This creates an idea of the flow of the content in that unit and the reader is able to prepare accordingly. The front pages of each unit contain collages that have several similarities.

Chap 10

We will never jeopardize this most treasured business goal (Crandall, William, John and John 153). The food contamination arose from the mishandling of a critical ingredient, turmeric powder, by the supplier. Members of the organization waste a lot of printing paper by printing unclaimed jobs that strain the company resources and dirty the working environment β†’

Writing consultation assignment

There is a variety of bats on the market and one of my objectives for the session was to determine how this topic could be covered in a short, four-page paper. J: Princeton University Press.

The contextualization of the parables english language essay

It should be kept in mind that the aim of the researcher is not to question if the parables of Christ are applicable to the Pakistani Context and situation but to see how these parables can be contextualized according to the Pakistani context, especially in the context of the Pakistani Christians. Furthermore the next part β†’


On the other hand, the other thing that I did not expect to see is some form of discrimination against my friend and I. However, in spite of that, the tutors are good to my friend and me.

1990 dial soap vintage ad-rough daft

This three are, however, critical to a website's design, and must make a reflection of the customer so that the customer will be interested, in what the website is advertising. This paper discusses the website of an advertising agency to find out what effects the company has employed in the website to make it attractive β†’

Critique a piece of string

Your full full October 13, A Piece of String The theme of the story, A Piece of String, was based on the concept that a person cannot get the respect of people once he/she is accused of doing something wrong. When Hauchecome was preparing to roll it up, he saw Maitre Malandain, his rival, observing β†’

Martin luther king, jr

One of these African American protestors was Martin Luther King Jr.who believed in nonviolent protests in order to attain civil rights and for this purpose he delivered a speech recognized as the I Have A Dream. In this speech he used various methods of persuasion in order to persuade the government to provide the African β†’

Thank you letter

The technically written mails help to provide accurate, concise and grammatically free information so that it not only makes sense but also facilitates the seniors to diagnose and resolve the issue efficiently and timely. The interview has also helped to emphasize that the technical writing is an art, especially in Communication Focal Point. Moreover, the β†’

English skills

However, the extent of expertise of the writers in the subject does not reflect in the paper. The ideas are arranged in the form of points.

Song of hummingbird

Some of the aspects scholars cite to have enabled this icon to be distinguishable was his wisdom and territory he managed to instill order. This is because of his controversial nature coupled with fine and critical judgeme4nts concerning the future though the emergency of Spanish was somehow tricky to him.

Champion of the world by maya angelou chapter 19

In the event of the fight, Louis almost loses the fight but at the end of the fight he manages to win the fight. The fully crouched bodies in the store listening attentively to the prize fight indicate the coincidental placing of individuals with a common goal. The reason behind the occurrence of the story β†’


In relation to my life, I have observed that people in general, me included, tend to follow and abide by laws just as seriously as the law enforcing agencies are serious about implementing laws and holding the criminals accountable. In my homeland, I have never passed a traffic interchange at a Red signal. Occasionally, I β†’

Swachcoin as the right system for effective waste management

Along these lines, the need of quickening the inevitable delinking process by the presentation of approaches, at all phases of waste generation and transfer has become of great concern. The principal goal of this awesome undertaking is to make a decentralized waste administration community. Swachcoin has come to change the world's point of view towards β†’

The ability of yeast to ferment sugar molecules

The starch had a rare bubble with no noticeable change in the phenol red solution. At the final check in of 40 minutes both the glucose and sucrose had fermented most of the yeast and slowed down on bubbling. The rate of fermentation in sucrose was second to glucose and Starch was β†’

Broadband at bell labs in 1970, is

INTROLINK: https://www.elprocus. com/gsm-architecture-features-working/ A GSM network consists of thefollowing components: The Mobile Station The Base Station Subsystem The Network Switching Subsystem The Operation SupportSubsystem MOBILE STATION: MSby the radio transceiver, display and digital signal processor and SIM cardsand other physical devices. The functionof the BSC is to allocate β†’

Risk factors of energy industry

The expiration, elimination or reduction of these rebates, credits and incentives would adversely impact your business. If the Internal Revenue Service or the Treasury Department makes additional determinations that the fair market value of your solar energy systems is materially low your than what you have claimed, you may have to pay significant amounts to β†’