A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Studying abroad helps improve language skills

If you want to get the hang of a foreign language while studying abroad, do not hesitate to make local friends. Your language skills may not be good enough to speak with them comfortably in the native language, but you will still pick up quite a bit of phrases and vocabulary words →

Linguistics and language teaching.

Generally, English educated Malaysians of all ethnic andfamilylanguage background speak and move alike. However, with the implementation of the national language policy of Bahasa Malaysia as the national language of Malaysia and as the language of instruction, (except in the cases of Chinese or Tamil medium primary schools), the status of English →

How does the writer of this text use language and grammar?

This is done by paying attention to his audience which is the readers of the Metro, which are public transport users. The use of puns provides amusement to his audience and by placing this pun at the beginning of this article it makes the reader intrigued to read on.

Finally, new languages and techniques. learning french

A lot of the military experts came from france, so the students who learned french could later translate what these experts were saying. In addition, they could translate texts into turkish and arabic and teach others in Egypt. Thus, more sick people could be attended to and saved from death. A school for midwives, which →

Phonetics and phonology essay sample

In this paper I concentrate mostly on the articulation of speech sounds in the English language, with little mention of their acoustic and auditory characteristics. Phonology is the study of sound system of a language, the general properties displayed by this system; it studies how sounds function in relation to each other, the way →

Implementing hypnoteaching to improve listening ability

It is the real impact of the way to face the globalization era. In this case, a Teacher has a very significant role to introduce English to the students until consult them to master it.

Jared potts

It has been proven that students' grades have gone up because of studying or knowing a second language." Studying another language can improve your skills and grades in math and English, and can improve your entrance exam scores." When you learn another language, you also learn a lot about your own native language. →

Sport in school essay

It is also my belief that it students should have the right to choose whether or not we do sport/PE, because we are allowed to choose the subjects that are more important, so why are we not allowed to choose whether or not we do sport? And it is not only the actual time you →

Cognitive effect of bilingualism: enhancement by stimulation

Through the mechanism of stimulation and enhancement, the correlation between bilingualism and cognition could be explained. From previous research by Liquan Liu in 2017, it is possible to find benefits of bilingualism in cognitive development. By comparing bilingual and monolingual brain, it is possible to see the difference in brain development. Moreover, if learning a →

Communications ii

The Mexicans defined it as the action of hitting someone in the head or as to a punch. And as for the Filipinos, the term defines a variety of things that include way of living, the way of speaking, mannerism, and even the fashion sense that a person holds.

Improving listening skill

Listening in the Classroom is not the same as real-life listening but is as realistic a simulation of real-life listening as possible. Listening activities should be training students and preparing them for effective functioning outside the classroom. Long response activities: Students can engage in answering questions verbally about a listening text, taking →

Second language acquisition essay sample

According to Swain,...producing the target language may be the trigger that forces the learner to pay attention to the means of expression needed in order to successfully convey his or her own intended meaning. In Swain's view, learners need not only input, but output: they need to use language in order to →

String mathematician and computer pioneer george boole

String -The string data type can hold multiple characters as a sentence or wordlike " Hello" and a string needs the quotation marks around the wordso that the program knows that that is the word to be used string is generallyunderstood as a data type and is oftenimplemented as an array data structure ofbytes →

Organizational language

It functions on the basis of words which is unique verbal symbols which correspond to all the objects or ideas which the speakers of that language need to communicate to one another. The rules for using a language are followed by all members of the linguistic community, for all wish to be understood.

New helps in finding suspicious words in

These are words such as: and, the, of, it, as, may, that, a, an, of, off, etc. Stemmer strengthNumber of words per conflation categoryis that the average size of the teams of words converted to a stem word.

Analysing sentences essay sample

AC) - (AC Children sometimes invent games they can entertain themselves) (so that they are free of adult interference RC). - a coordinating conjunction a conjunction set between words, expressions, provisos, or sentences of equivalent rank - a subordinating conjunction a conjunction that presents a subordinate proviso, e.g., despite the fact that, in light of →

Be able to support individuals to use the toilet

When the individual is sitting on the toilet cover his/her private area with for example towel to respect their dignity.4. Ask if they the individual needs some privacy, if it is save to live the individual by him/herself on the toilet inform that you are going to wait outside the toilet and →

Essay on biological basis of nutrition

In fact, it will require more relevant data to expound on the claim that CVD risks have a greater probability to be influenced by identified nutrients that are being used as substitute for saturated fat. Even though there was an inverse relation of saturated fat with stroke risk that was the subject of the study, →

Free report on obesity

Preventive measures for children in young ages are appropriate as this will help them maintain a healthy weight as they grow old. On the other hand, Daniels, et al.assert that obesity in children may lead to the impairment of one's health with diseases such as type 2 diabetes and hypertension →

Savage 1

Savage 1 Trisha Savage English 015 Professor Lynn Petko February 12, 2013 Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity in American is a growing disease that has become an epidemic with lasting psychological effects, because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activity, genetics, and parental control. Poor eating habits and food choices also play a →

Parents need to get their children active in sports

Children's sport provides emotional benefits." While there are many benefits to being involved in sports, one of the most important contributions that sports makes to youth development is in the area of social and emotional development". I want parents to know the benefits of getting children active in sports.

Healthy eating and obesity literature review sample

They further argue that schools have an opportunity of creating policies that could prevent obesity through promoting a healthy eating and physical activity environment, which could lead to a reduction of obesity cases in the country. On the other hand, Veugelers, and Fitzgerald , in their study, focused on the impact that school

Causes and solutions of obesity

According to research mitochondria is believed to be the source where obesity begins." My clinical work and research with patients with immune disorders, chronic fatigue, chemical sensitivity and obesity have led me to the conclusion that the primary site of catabolic maladaptation, and the obesity that it causes, is in the mitochondria.". It can also →

Free essay on obesity: an issue facing america

It claimed the ' determination of the extent to which the 2007 definitions of severe and morbid obesity affects different groups of American Children and Adolescents' to be its primary objective. 5 : 322-9.

The cause and effects of childhood obesity essay sample

The damaging effects on a child's physical and mental health are two of the main aspects that are associated with childhood obesity. A poor diet and lack of exercise or physical activities are two of the hugest factors that contribute to childhood obesity. With the lifestyles of modern families, a home cooked →

Chris goodman

Childhood obesity is a major problem and needs to be fixed because it causes major health issues for the child in the future. Childhood obesity is a major problem and needs to be fixed because it causes major health issues for the child in the future.

Obesity as a major health issue

We are extremely engaged in the long-standing issue of malnutrition and hunger in our country that we also forgot about the increasing rates of obesity. As indicated by Asia Roundtable on Food Innovation for Improved Nutrition , " Among the six countries studied, the Philippines has the second-lowest obesity and overweight prevalence at 5. →

Parental influence on childhood obesity

Prevention of childhood obesity is solely the responsibility of the parents. According to the Institute of Medicine Committee on Prevention of Obesity in Children and Youth, Hispanic, Native-American and African-American children have a higher prevalence of childhood obesity.

The psychological effects of childhood obesity

According to data released by the Centers for Disease Controle and Prevention in 2006 " Globally, 22 million children under the age of 5 years are overweight." There are many ways to determine obesity in a child however for the purposes of this paper it will refer to children between the ages of →

Fad diets and how they are harmful to your health essay sample

Sure, you might lose a few pounds however most of the weight loss on these plans comes from water, not fat. Fad diets are an unhealthy way to lose weight. Most fad diets will not give a teen all the nutrients they need to grow.

Essay on diet analysis and comparison

However, they require a larger intake of proteins and this also consistent to the one in my diet which is about the same figure. The other improvement relates to the fluid intake which is very lacking in my diet and to cater for this, I would ensure that there is more fluids like →

The problem of obesity in the film “supersize me” by morgan spurlock

Supersize Me is a film by Morgan Spurlock, that emphasizes the message of the danger and effects of McDonald's and their effects on people's health. He also includes songs that make fun of fast food places like McDonald's to make the it more entertaining. Spurlock persuades the audience to believe that fast food is →

Free research paper on obesity in the united states

Obesity can be stopped and prevented with knowing the factors, the risks and how to prevent it. The factors that cause obesity can be classified into two categories. These are only a few of the risks posed by obesity. The third limb of this essay concerns how to prevent obesity.

Advantages and disadvantages of a vegetarian diet essay sample

It is healthy way of life, but it results in loss of vital minerals and food components. A vegetarian diet has many pros, chief among them a reduction of risk of contracting diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular complications, obesity and diabetes. Lamley, while refuting claims that vegetarians are less prone to the risk of →

Child obesity

To begin with, in point of fact the reason of obesity are not difficult to understand. As we have seen, there are number of ways to reduce obesity. One of the most effective method is that society , school andfamilyshould takeresponsibilityfor educating about mentalhealthof healthy life style for children so as to →

Causes of american obesity

The fact about obesity in the United States is that it is one of the highest in the world, and has been on the increase since the late 1990s. This is to mean that individuals with the genetic inclinations to obesity can only be helped through advising them to get married to partners who do →

Attention members:

An international review of multiple studies revealed that adding exercise to a weight-loss diet not only raised the good cholesterol but also increased the benefits of the weight-loss program and reduced triglycerides and blood pressure.* It reduces your heart rate Every 60 seconds, the average couch potato's heart beats 70 to 75 times. Whether it's →

Speech on sleep

The average person needs at least seven to nine hours of sleep every night but Many people do not get the sleep they need because their schedules do not allow adequate time for it and they do not know the negative effects lack of sleep can have on their health and functioning. Lack of sleep →

The effects of junk food

The high levels of fat and sodium in junk food can cause high blood pressure or hypertension. Junk Food Can Lead to Diabetes Over time, the high levels of sugar and simple carbohydrates in junk food can lead to type 2 diabetes.

Free essay on the bmi formula

9 probably overweight BMI 30 obese Now I have to calculate W equivalents for all of BMI figures including the last compound inequality, which is showing us that a person is obese if his MBI index is from 30 to infinity. If BMI is equal to 17 weight = 102 because →

Midterm essay – childrens literature essay sample

The Uncle Remus stories help to discuss the often-sensitive topic of slavery by presenting an oft-considered offensive portrayal of African Americans; the Rip Van Winkle story discusses the evils of alcoholism and idleness; and " The Happy Prince"'s subject matter heavily involves notions of sacrifice and death. The use of dialect and odd writing and →

Free alcohol addiction essay sample

The paper also opts to discuss the causes of alcohol addiction, its risk factors, prevalence and treatment methods. Causes of Addiction The main cause of alcohol addiction is not universally known although there are factors which are considered to lead to this brain disorder. Researchers are focusing on the study about the alteration of →

Research paper on the book of jubilees

What is the Book of Jubilees? The Book of Jubilees is an ancient religious text which is not part of the Bible but which is deemed to be an apocryphal text which actually covers most of the Ground of the Genesis book in the Bible. A typical example would be the incestuous relationship that →

Good research paper on alcohol and drug abuse

The sociological strategy toward social problems varies from other approaches in that the sociological strategy has a focus on self-consciousness and building attention that causes outside of the single person's control or area of command can frequently influence the interaction with community. Other sociologists establish that, conditions might exist, they might hurt individuals, but →

Principles of economics report example

The paper has been written with the view to make the audience aware of the principles of economics and how they are implemented in a cross section of market. For example when there is a short supply of a popular product, its price rises and the manufacturer increases output in order to meet the demand.

Leaving for las vegas essay example

In the movie alcohol is his everything. The second dimension that goes wrong in Ben's life is social health this is because he lost his family and lost his friends and moves in Las Vegas to drink till death. The fourth dimension is emotional health, Ben does not put in →

Good essay on evaluate its products and marketing channels

According to the report, very little has been done by the company in the recent past in advertising its products and by the time management realizes its market share is shaky. In which region of the world would you recommend V&S Absolut Spirits to allocate more marketing resources? Where the business is of →

Essay on opposing positions legalization of marijuana

This type of consumption of marijuana tends to be both slower and more efficient than smoking, completely eliminating the noxious effects of consuming heated smoke. The debate as to whether to legalize Marijuana or not has raged on for quite some time now and it's not about to end in the near future. As for →

Cause and effects of drugs and alcohol abuse during the vietnam war essay

Such effects raised concerns to the effects of drug abuse and dependence on soldiers during and after the Vietnam War. The main reason for heavy drug usage and alcohol abuse in the military during the war was its acceptance as a norm and tradition in the military service. Uncomfortable weather and the dangerous environment with →

Development of the drinking water standard research paper

In its report, the NRC had concluded the studies for required for improving the validity of arsenic water, and provided these recommendations to EPA. The standards proposed by EPA were meant to apply to community water systems in an attempt to reduce the levels of arsenic compounds in tapped water. 5% of the →

Good alcohol consumption patterns effect on consumer behavior research proposal example

Besharov identifies the formation of sub-groups follow 1) inconsistent organizational identities and values or 2) individual differences of what values are important. The research question follows: How does the location of an individual's alcohol consumption affect the development of mutually exclusive household values influence medical, diet, and housing consumption behavior? The outcome of →

Freedom of press and media regulations

These restricts stem from English common law regarding libel and defamation and from the attempts of the United States government to keep up with ever changing modern times. The initial restrictions on the freedom of the press were only in regards to libel and defamation. It's not libel or defamation if it →


For example, behavior that is violent is identified with alcohol consumption in different parts of the world, while drinking behavior is described as " peaceful and harmonious" in the Mediterranean and South African countries. Also they feel that a set of social norms identifies the appropriate use of drug and alcohol.

Advertising and young people essay samples

Are there measures that can be taken to avert or promote the effects of these ads, especially for the children? Ads tend to subject children's brains and their behavior to measures of success that are incompatible and in contrast, with the ones, the community upholds. Parents should seek awareness of →

Essay on the coca cola story

As a result of his efforts, Coca Cola opened a second manufacturing plant in Texas in 1894 and two more the following year. Today, Coca Cola has become the public organization, The Coca Cola Company. The Coca Cola company employees over 71, 000 people of which approximately 58, 000 are located in countries other than →

Companies should not be allowed to advertise products that can negatively affect essays example

Companies should be banned from advertising products that can negatively affect adults and children in order to avoid worsening the health of people, their productivity, and the general socio-economic status of a given society. Authorities should ban companies from advertising products such as fast foods because children and adults are not adequately knowledgeable on the →

Cirrhosis of the liver: etiology, diagnosis and management research papers examples

Cirrhosis is one of the stages of chronic liver disease that, usually, commences with a benign fatty liver condition, progressing slowly to cirrhosis and leading to liver failure or liver cancer and death. Even though, cirrhosis is the 12th leading cause of death, the rate of mortality has decreased considerably in the past four decades. →

Health behavior interview part 1

All children and adolescents are influenced by what they see in the behaviors of adults and their parents, so if episodic drinking occurs in the home or around the child it is increasing the probability of the child drinking at a young age or becoming a binge drinking in adulthood. I was both surprised and →

Advertisement and self-efficacy influence on tobacco and alcohol abuse research paper example

This is the influence of advertisement and self-efficacy on the tendency to abuse the two drugs. Although there are concerted efforts from the parents and government to fight off alcohol and tobacco use among the youths, a lot of investment in advertisement of the two drugs has a turnaround effect. The flamboyance in the advertisements →

Good alcohol, the individual, and the family research paper example

Binge drinking is typical in the 40 percent of US adults between 18 and 25 years old, making them more susceptible to alcohol problems (National institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism). Alcohol abuse, which can be the result of a variety of reasons, is a drinking pattern that leads to serious →

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder term paper example

From the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, to the physiological changes that occur within the mother's body as a response to stress and dietary deficiencies, the influence of such prenatal events can prove to be lifelong for the child. Alcohol can constrict the blood vessels within the placenta, thus hindering the delivery of vital →

Should the drinking age be lowered from 21 to a younger age term paper

Further in the introductory paragraph, the authors introduce the audience to the third issue of the article; the debate of reducing the minimum drinking age to 18. The flow of the article is as follows; drinking has several indicated health problems, drinking among the youth is high, increasing the availability of alcohol to the youth →

Alcoholics anonymous attending a meeting essay examples

The people and the conventions followed at the meeting led it to be a positive experience that can be recommended for anyone interested in dealing with alcoholisim. Alcoholics Anonymous: Attending a Meeting Before attending an Alcoholics Anonymous.meeting, I wanted to know a little bit about what to expect. It was important to find the →

Example of hacking as an addiction research paper

Hacking as an Addiction The rising number of computer addicts rise proportionally with the rising number of " computer hacking addicts". Of this number, around 25% engaged in computer hacking. Because several studies showed similarity of the symptoms of computer addicts compared to that of alcohol or drug addicts, computer addiction has been →

The secret life of the brain essay example

Affected patients start to hallucinate and experience very disturbing and bizarre visions of completely unreal objects and persons, which leads to a major loss of concentration and focus. During this stage, humans have the propensity to experience with a number of mind altering substances like hallucinogens and alcohol.

Good research paper about drug addiction, consequences and remedies

Drug addiction ruins the future of individuals by affecting their body, mind and spirit and it is important to detect the behavior in individuals at an earlier stage and rehabilitate them to secure their future. Drug Addiction Drug addiction is defined as a persistent and degenerating brain disease characterized by uncontrollable seeking and use →

Free order 210883862 article review example

Their own behavior could have been affected by the behavior they saw in others around them, as a result of their expectation of how they should themselves should react. - Twenty-two of the thirty six patients who took psilocybin described having a ' mystical experience,' and twenty-five stated at the end of the sessions that they →

Free essay on up to the writer

This is the reason as to why people with chronic pain take alcohol. They consume alcohol simply to control the physical pain. More often than not, many people drink simply to be merry.

Essay on halloween

Bonfires came in vogue to ward off the harmful power of the spirits. According to the Christian history, Halloween started evolving around 270 A.D.in Ireland where the night preceding the annual feast of ' Samhain' was celebrated. Even the Christian monks were convinced that this was a way to spread the →

Gustavo lopez

First of all, Loneliness caused by life changes, such as failing health, the death of loved ones or moving to a different home a family history of drinking or alcohol abuse or who spend time with others who drink may be more likely to drink alcohol. Alcohol and the Body * When you drink alcohol, →

Good example of essay on the measurement of classical conditioning can be performed by employing a number

It indicates the basic concept of classical conditioning and the response induced, after learning, by the conditioned stimulus is called Conditioned response. Eyeblink Conditioning: This is one of the commonly used methods to study classical conditioning. This method along with the eyeblink method is being treated as best the methods →

Criticism of the second and twentyfirst amendments of the constitution research paper

Two of the Amendments of the Constitution come under particular scrutiny the Second Amendment states that people have the right to bear arms, and the Twenty-First Amendment repealed Prohibition, also allowing states to set up their own drinking ages, most of them choosing 21. The Second and Twenty-first Amendments of →

Should the drinking age be raised to 21 essay sample

Drinking alcohol is so embedded in the culture, raising the legal age to 21, will make the majority of young people break the law. Will Raising the drinking age to 21 be effective? Raising the drinking age to 21 will reduce consumption amongst young people because it will be harder to buy alcohol.

Good drinking under the influence essay example

Introduction Drunk driving, or driving under the influence of alcohol is posing a great challenge on the roads because it is risking the lives of the drivers, their passengers, and other road users such as pedestrians and drivers of other vehicles on the road. Most of the drivers under the influence of toxic →

Lysergic acid diethylamide (lsd) research paper

A single dose of LSD in combination with other alcoholism treatment programs has been linked to a reduced alcohol abuse that may last for several months. Studies on the effectiveness of LSD as analgesia have shown positive results in the management of chronic pain resulting from cancer or other traumas. Use of LSD has not →

Effects of drug abuse and alcohol addiction research paper examples

This paper discusses those effects which are wide ranging, can affect the health and the safety of the subject and the subject's family and friends, and can lead to criminal activity and even the death of the subject. The Research - General definition of the problem. Excessive use of drugs and/or alcohol is collectively termed →

Adam nursing care study essay sample

In conclusion the different needs of patients in general hospital and mental health care settings is looked at. HOW ADAM CAME TO BE IN HOSPITAL Adam came to be in hospital as a result of his G.P.referring him to accident and emergency. His condition was deteriorating rapidly but he did not want →

Example of essay on police officer suicide

Therefore, shift work may only cause signs of depression if a police officer is working as if he is deprived of sleep. Cynicism is not just rampant in the field of police work and is widespread in every organization.

Free alcoholism and drugs in the workplace research paper sample

Other statistics deduced from the NCDD indicating the prevalence of the issue include the industrial fatalities that are recorded to be as high as 40% linked to alcoholism and drug consumption, over 60% of alcohol and drug related abuse result to work performance challenges, shortfalls of productivity and efficiency were mainly attributed to the consumption →

Causes of road accidents essays example

Interestingly, more blame falls on the drivers as many drivers fail to adhere to simple road codes, drive while under the influence of alcohol, and driving while tired. Arguably, one of the most common causes of an accident is the failure to adhere to the simple road codes that are →

Environmental disruption in the american west

The first part of The Recyclemania Service Learning was to talk about the environmental disruption, especially the water pollution and the disafforestation in the American West. They both have similar ideas and related to the environmental disruption of the American West.

Air pollution research paper examples

According to the report on the World's Worst Polluted Places that was done by the Blacksmith Institute in the year 2008, urban air quality and indoor air pollution are rated as the two of the worst toxic pollution problems. Pollutants Air pollutant is a substance in the air which →

environmental pollution

Also one of reasons that contributed to the spread of English that, it is the language of the modern era. It is one of the official languages, even in most of the countries of the third world.

Bridge at pelaw

Staying on the right side of the law Complete waste transfer notes before any waste leaves the site Ensure all waste carriers have a valid waste carriers registration certificate Ensure all wastes are disposed of at a correctly licensed site Complete notification for hazardous waste to SEPA [1] Classification and plans of safe →

Acid precipitation/acid rains research paper example

It started the Acid Rain Program that introduced limitations on the amount of the sulfur dioxide emissions and nitrogen oxides emissions from the power plants that can be released. Some of the plants are offered the allowances from the government aimed at reducing the chemical emissions (Acid Rain Students Site: What Is Being Done?).

Landfill situation in hong kong essay sample

But when the government expand a landfill, it means that the local citizens need to endure the refuse collection vehicles and unpleasant smell. The region's fresh air will be deprived. And then " Garbage juice" after the first layer of filter, it will vented in the gravel layer.

The impacts of improper solid waste management to our environment

And for the same thirty years we can generate about 70 million tons of solid waste, in which the collection of these wastes will require a line of waste trucks going three times around the earth and over half way to the moon and at a cost of over PHP 100 billion or →

Free essay about controlling air pollution

The impacts of air pollution in the environment are massive and hazardous especially to the future generation the human activities especially industrial emission and automotive emission has been the main source of air pollution (Ackerman and William 1468). The recent years have seen the threat of global warming in the →

Managing our solid waste

Managing our Solid Waste: An Overview of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act Much had been written about the worsening problem of solid waste in Metro Manila and other urban centers in the country. The NSWMC will be responsible in the formulation of the National Solid Waste Management Framework and other policies on solid →