A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Contrasts in the great gatsby

One of them was the contrasting of the concept of the OldMoneylife style and the New Money life style. Among other things, Daisy is very statuesque and " up-in-the-air" where as Myrtle s pragmatic and " down-to-earth." Fitzgerald uses the concept of Old and New Money to contrast lifestyles and characters in the novel. Tom →

Good essay about an enquiry concerning human understanding

The book has an argumentative series that has incremental steps, with each chapter containing its logistics and succeeds the previous chapter. The book shows the reader on how to implement some of the principles to impressions and ideas. Hume starts off the book by defining the difference between impressions and ideas. →

The morality in the selfish giant by oscar wilde

He uses many characteristics of fairytales to create a conscious fairytale about the problem that is to this day the reason why the world is the way it is. Last of the examples of symbols there is the little boy who could not reach the branches of the tree. It is a test to give →

Siddhartha climax apotheosis and ultimate boon

The climax of Siddhartha occurs in the chapter entitled " By the River," when Siddhartha hears the word Om while standing at the river as he considers drowning himself. One day Siddhartha's pain becomes too much and Siddhartha sets off in a desperate search of his son, but stops as he hears the river laughing →

Native son: a tale of race, psychology and skewed morality

Bigger's experience, for the most part, is visceral, a life wherein the strongest escape proves an escape he forges with his own strength; the most exhilarating, fulfilling world he inhabits during at least the first portion of the story is one in which he, via shattering his world's convention and will for stability through two →

Example of literature review on lit413

Historical Essay: The Diary of Anne Frank As the title of the book suggests, Anne Frank's diary is the published diary of the titular Jewish girl in the 1940s. This paper analyses the book in question as well as the circumstances leading to it being written and the world's reaction to its publication →

Raymond carver’s idea of personal views of love

The idea of personal views of love is the main topic of Raymond Carver's short story " What We Talk About When We Talk About Love". In the earlier example of the man reaching for the check, he is defining his love as his actions.

Example of beginnings: unwanted child to great scientist essay

Gleick does not dwell much on Newton's childhood since it is unimportant in the grand scheme of things, we are only afforded a foretaste of what was to come later when the perseverance of the child was to come into the equation especially when he had to face the traditionalist element at Cambridge University. James →

Power is a theme widely explored throughout the play macbeth

Reinforcing the idea of power is Macbeth, " I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition, that o'erleaps itself and falls on the other," through the use of personification, Macbeth's ambitious need for power is represented as something great enough to overthrow Duncan. Macbeth describes his ambition as →

Cry the beloved country, inherit the wind, julius caesar

It's a consequence of his choice to teach such a controversial subject and because of it his life is greatly impacted. In Julius Caesar, Julius' fate was definitely not of his own choice. He may have made the decision to look for his son and sister to protect hisfamily, but is not →

Bombing of hiroshima

A community that carried about as if the war was elsewhere became the center of attention as a mushroom cloud rose above the city on that unforgettable morning. As an American, I am unsure of my thoughts concerning this matter, but as ahuman being, the destruction and devastation that the atomic bomb, →

The time machine novel: how should people understand time

Wells and his novel The Time Machine, which is partly a warning to his contemporaries in the 1890s, but it also poses question to modern readers of the novel and that is what the future holds for humanity, and how should people understand time. First of all, the novel implies that the time is unstable →

Representation of coffin in moby dick

A few allusions are made to characters who have the last name " Coffin", near Ishmael's neighborhood is a coffin warehouse, and a carpenter constructs a coffin aboard the whaling vessel. At the end, only Ishmael survives the voyage, clinging on to a coffin." Ishmael now understands and accepts mortality as the absence →

Beowulf: the film vs. the text

The portrayal of both King Hrothgar's and Grendel's appearance and personalities are different in the film than in the text. In the motion picture version, he was portrayed as being an unstable alcoholic. In the film King Hrothgar is also portrayed as being a disgrace to his wife, in the written version →

The tragedy of war in johnny got his gun

War Is also seen to provide a source of patriotism and togetherness as the entire nation gather to fight the war, nationalism is increased because the love for the country increases." Put the guns into our hands and we will use them. Paranoia became a constant feeling as young boys are visibly losing their sense →

The omnivore’s dilemma: a natural history of four meals book review sample

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals: Book Review Introduction ' The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals' is a highly acclaimed book by American author, Michael Pollan. This paper intends to discuss the book, ' The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals' and further focuses on →

Daniel’s seventy weeks of prophecy essay sample

As he prayed, Gabriel an angel of the Lord appeared to him and shared with him the prophecy for the Israelites and the city of Jerusalem as recorded in Daniel 9: 24-27. The Seventy Weeks This verse , shows that seventy weeks is the set period of time when the people →

Analysis of literary elements in pride and prejudice

The main purpose of a loose sentence is to create a informal and relaxed tone in a passage. This use of a loose sentence makes the reader feel more unforgettable as they get to know the characters and establishes the book as being a conversational piece. In this case, the book Force's Sermon's →

Motherhood, the value of labor, marginalization, and race in under the feet of jesus

With the scene of the nurse, the nurses look and behavior can trigger her of her own poverty and therefore shows the gulf between her and the conservative society the girl represents. In this case, Estrella is categorized as a woman of color and the majority of her family are not citizens of the U.S.

Review of james joyce’s book, a portrait of the artist as a young man

He states that he " cared little that he was in mortal sin, that his life had grown to be a tissue of subterfuges and falsehood".Stephen fantasizes about both the Virgin Mary and prostitutes in the ending of this chapter, showing again the confusion in his mind. The ending of this chapter continues to define →

Use of weather in in the time of the butterflies novel

The use of weather, whether rainy or sunny, has been used throughout the novel in order to establish an atmosphere for the story's tone, as had the geography in developing the characters, their conflicts and the advancement of the plot. One instance of the use of weather to create an atmosphere to suit the story's →

Chapter 1

The fast phased of technology attributed a lot to the improvement of the library system. To implement the system efficiency to the student SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The study was about the Computerized Library System for the Holy Infant Academy.

The children of darkness by stephen b. oates essay sample

It talks of the mystic, prophetic Nat Turner of Virginia's Southampton County..." an isolated, impoverished neighborhood located along the border in the southeastern part of the state".[1] Sure that he was ' divinely appointed', he made use of illegal religious meetings, getting astounding support from the local Negroes that he was truly appointed by Jehovah →

Literary analysis of a doll’s house by henrik ibsen

Lindke, he will be sure to tell Nora's secret to herfamily. Realizing what this would do to the wonderful life to come after the New Year, she begs Torvald to find a place for Mr. I must try and educate myself- you are not the man to help me in that.

Segregation and inequality in native son

Through the upbringings and internal conflicts of the characters, a racist society can drive degraded beings to acts of aggression out of fear, eventually creating a rival. Through Bigger's internal conflicts about being subservient in his society, anger slowly builds up inside of him due to the oppression that he experiences. In the beginning of →

How the theme of kinship is dealt with in macbeth

Macbeth is not fit for the task: with his Scotland is " bleeding." The tyranny is reflected by the weather and bizarre supernatural events. He adopts thepersonalityof a man who is " not fit to govern and not even to live." Malcolm makes sure to not jeopardise his own life and the welfare of Scotland →

Odyssey by homer and the aeneid by virgil: a comparison piece on both literary works

Virgil, the author of the Aeneid, undoubtedly influenced by Homer's, the author of the Odyssey, works and Virgil seems to draw themes and events into his story throughout his epic. The cultures around the two authors, although extremely different, had underlying themes that helped in the similarity of these two literary works. Virgil's Aeneid and →

The great gatsby from daisy’s point of view

Myrtle then leaves the house to Join Tom and Nick on their trip to the city. The way he denied it and got flushed, it was worth to be seen and remembered when I want a laugh on a miserable day.

A good man is hard to find – selfish grandmother

She did not want to be left alone at home and wanted to keep the kids company on the ride to Florida. Throughout the whole story, the family experienced certain events that the grandmother is to blame for the family's fate and tragic ending. Her stories were far from the normal because →

A comparison between romeo and juliet, and much ado about nothing

The first act of dishonesty happened when Romeo and Benvolio tried to deceive the Capulet's by attending their feast, uninvited. As a result, Romeo met Juliet, and instantly fell in love, which was the beginning of the play. Because of the rivalry the Montague's and Capulet's maintained, Romeo and Juliet were prohibited from being seen →

A modest proposal: cannibalism

They also did not have the amount of import and export trade that we have on our side. Swift constantly throughout his story states that selling the children to the rich is the only solution to the countries hard economic times. He proclaims that children at the age of one can be sold to meat →

Ballet don quixote

His first public presentation of ballet music was an e notracte included into a Moscow performance of Adam's Orfa. In1861 Minkus worked in the Bolshoi Theater, first as violin soloist, later he became a composer of the theatre and in 1864 he was became a ballet composer at the Bolshoi. Though the →

Tragic truth on how white people consider their supremacy over the blacks

As the book entails more of African-American history rather than just a pure literature ofsciencefiction since it deals slavery in the nineteenth century Antebellum South which unleashes the issue of slavery, its causes, effects and its evidences on a more modernized method and language to capture the interest of the reader →

The difficulty of defining (based on sister carrie by dreiser)

I would say, as many eyes, so many opinions, so no wonder there are different approaches and interpretations towards the novel which is influenced not just by the readers reading or personal experience, but also by their particular philosophy of life as well as knowledge about the historical background. Sister Carrie can be read as →

The winner-take-all society essay sample

Cook, titled ' Winner-Take-All Markets,' ' How Winner-Take-All Markets Arise,' ' The Growth of Winner-Take-All Markets,' ' Runaway Incomes at the Top,' and ' Minor-League Superstars,' investigate how the structure of certain markets results in striking income disparities between the richest and the poorest segments of market participants. While free market and economic liberalism →

Harrison and maggie in harrison bergeron: a truly opposite characters

Harrison and Maggie show opposite qualities: Harrison is independent while Maggie is a rule follower, Harrison uses his disabled appearance to become stronger while Maggie lets it bring her down, and Harrison is logical while Maggie is slow. The ability to follow authority differs in Harrison and Maggie; Harrison prefers to be independent while Maggie →

The struggle of prisoners in survival in auschwitz by primo levi

It seems obvious that the card is a joke, ' they' know that we are dying of thirst and they put us in a room, and there is a tap, and Wassertrinken Verboten. I drink and I incite my companions to do likewise, but I have to spit it out, the water is tepid and →

An essay on the sky is gray by ernest gaines essay sample

Ernest Gaines' The Sky is Gray towered the heights of fame in the years 1930 to 1940 that it had been accepted by the contemporary masses as one by which introduces the African-American scene in prose. For whatever reason Gaines may have wanted to convey in his book, what only remains evident →

The hollow men by t s elliot analysis

We know those things exist; we simply do not want to hear them, because, as we have all heard at one time or another, ignorance is bliss." Eyes I dare not meet indreams" As we move further into the journey of life, we begin to understand that something is missing. We begin to come to →

The phenomenon of american dream in the great gatsby

Some people say that Gatsby did achieve the American Dream, but despite his wealth, he was unable to live a happy, successful lifestyle as Fitzgerald shows how this dream is full of materialism. The American Dream is a lot of things. Gatsby says to Tom, " Ca not repeat the past?" he cried incredulously." Why →

A man for all seasons: analysis of unfair trial in the film

Finally, when the King realized that More could not accept the divorce, he promised to exempt More from any decisions pertaining to the divorce. The leader of the divorce campaign was Thomas Cromwell, who was next in line for the chancellor's position. More said that while he did not necessarily object to the King's divorce, →

King lear and a thousand acres

To highlight the actions undertaken by the main characters, both authors also develop a subplot focusing on a friend of the respective fathers and how he deals with his two sons. In King Lear, Lear's friend, Gloucester, debates upon the merits of his two sons, Edmund and Edgar, wavering in his decision →

A raisin in the sun – 2

Ruth has the determination to keep herfamilyin check, and to do what is best for them. Because of this determination to keep the family from fighting, and to keep them together, she goes out and buys a house with her insurance money that is in Clybourne Park.

Living with reform: china since 1989 – a review

Living With Reform: China Since 1989, written by Timothy Cheek, a professor and the Louis Cha Chair in Chinese Research at the Institute of Asian Research at the University of British Columbia, offers a stunningly vivid account of Chinese history in the post-Maoist era. It sketches the challenging economic reclamations adopted →

Essay summary of their eyes were watching god

They got tuh go tuh God, and they got tuh find out about livin' fuh theyselves." The significance of this passage is that it basically sums of the spiritual journey Janie had to go through to find a place for her that is filled with love and understanding in herself. Tthroughout the →

Response – life of pi

In the midst of the journey, a storm lashed the ship and Pi's parents, brother and most of the animals did not survive. Pi managed to escape in a life boat and initially did not realize that he had company and who was it? Richard Parker is very cunning and so Pi →

Lying on the couch by irvin yalom: a critical examination

With this in mind, the subsequent discussion addresses several of the ethical violations presented in Yalom's book, and how they relate to ACA guidelines. Ethical Struggles The first is the maxim presented by Dr. In this way, the maxim essentially violates the first section of the ACA code: A.1.a states that " the primary →

”a simple heart” by gustave flaubert essay sample

This is evident in the beginning of the story since it begins with an overview of the working life of F licit , most of which she spent working for a middle-class widow by the name of Madam Aubain. This is why the author tries to use his capacity and that of the readers' understanding →

Pride and prejudice; a post modern irish dichotomy

Gold, he inferred, was mixed with souls of natural leaders, silver with the souls of their soldiers and assistants, and bronze or iron in the souls of natural workers and according to the divine oracle, the city would be in ruin if ruled by one who did not possess gold in his soul. In the →

Ejlert lovborg and hedda gabler direction and casting

I would direct the actor playing Hedda to show her boredom with Brack and Tesman just before L vborg enters. He also calls her " dearest Hedda" and " darling Hedda," the actor would show how he wishes the best for her, and his desire to be loved by Hedda. When Mrs.

Love in the time of cholera by gabriel garcía márquez: comprehensive analysis

After this, M rquez moved back to the coast in Cartagena where he wrote Love in the Time of Cholera. Love in the Time of Cholera is set between the late 1870s and early 1930s-the time in which Columbia transitions from the colonial to modern era. Luisa Santiago M rquez was the daughter of Tranquilina →

Book report: death comes for the archbishop

Father Jean Marie Latour, the protagonist in the story describes the faces of life in and out of priesthood. Cather makes a significant attack in discussing both sides of the frame the believers and the follower of God or the priests. The author does not only want to illustrate the characters of →

A process of growing up in the perks of being a wallflower

With all of these events going on, it is clear to see that everyone goes through life stages quicker than others, however, Charlie is the epitome of humanity by showing all of the phases that people must go through to become who they are tomorrow. Friendship is one of those things that Perks of Being →

Representation of michael henchard in the mayor of casterbridge

Eighteen years later, he gained the status of mayor through determination and self-will but lives a life of agony in his inability to move on from the past. Much of Henchard's characterization is formed through the juxtaposition of him and a fellow businessman named Donald Farfrae. Living his life through professionalism and intellect, Farfrae is →

The narrator of the tell-tale heart

Furthermore, this narrative situation allows for the reader to get a glimpse inside of the protagonist's head, in addition to being exposed to all the emotions flowing through him. What can be said about the narrator of " The Tell-Tale Heart" and his depiction of the chain of events, particularly the ending? The narrator of →

“the boston photographs” by nora ephron

The Boston Photographs In " The Boston Photographs" by Nora Ephron, Ephron used most of the time writing about the reactions of the many readers all over the nation and world whom were shocked by the pictures that were published in their local newspapers. Ephron dedicates a large amount of writing telling the reactions →

Compare and contrast a raisin in the sun

The setting in the play is on a Saturday morning, and house cleaning is in process at the Youngers. In the film, the setting is the same as play, with lighting and costumes. The plot in the play is when Mrs.

Allegories in dr. jekyll and mr. hyde

First, there is the religious allegory of the devil and the lower self as well as the " hiding" aspect of Hyde. Jekyll is complex, and struggles with the evil part of hispersonality.

The philosophy of nitzche and its orgins term paper

This essay endeavors to explore the development of Nietzche's ideas and the important place in philosophy they still hold to this day. The Influence of Emerson has been well documented on the evolution of Nietzsche Emerson. These volumes were, " crumbling" filled with " notes in the margins" and also →

A doll’s house: the subordinate woman

Nora's characteristics pertain to the stereotypical image of the subordinate woman. However, Nora's contradictory actions -such as her spendthrift nature and her attempt to buy the 'cheapest outfits', and her ineffectuality yet her ability to save her husband's life regardless of her methods- shed light on these characteristics and show that they are products of →

Noli me tangere and el filibusterismo

I somewhat forgot the story of the two popular novels of Rizal that is why I was so excited to watch the play of the Dulaang UP, Noli me Tangere: The Opera. It made me realized the importance and the role of the two novels, Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, in helping the Filipino →

Monsters lesson 02 literary background for beowulf

Celts filled the land with the language of Ceitic and the religion of Paganism. Barbarians were jealous of the Roman's system and try to take over, so the Emperor decide to build a great wall around the land and the wall worked for around 200 years.

A contrast of lockean liberty and utilitarian liberty

Locke attempts at establishing a straightforward historical substantiation of his claims in the opening parts of the Second Treatise. Among these include the role of man's consent in the account for the origins of government, the inevitable conclusion that it is the idea of consent that gave rise to most states and →

Guns germs and steel summary

They had the horses and the guns. Guns played a major role in the success of the Europeans.

Foreshadowing a good man is hard to find

During the visit at the diner, the family discusses the Misfit with the diner's owner. The grandmother screams hysterically and tells the Misfit to pray.

Research proposal on modern chinese prose

Traveling writing and sentiment of leisure Abstract The Chinese travelling and sentiment of leisure are available from the old recorded dynastic archives and the present novels. The motives of this essay are to determine the main influencers for Chinese writers in the ancient times, and the effect of travelling for leisure.

Cinderella story

Cinderella lived in the darkness of her stepmother and stepsisters. In the early morning, the prince asked his deputy and driver to look of the owner of the shoe. When they arrived at the house, Cinderella's stepmother tried not to let the Prince meet her.

A midsummer night`s dream critique essay

It tells the story of young Athenian lovers and their encounter with the Duke and Duchess of Athens and as well with fairies and actors of a play for the Duke's wedding. The story tells of how far someone would go in order to find themselves. It →

An idea of war in the killer angels novel

There are many quotes from Northern leaders that show clearly that the main purpose of the North was not the eradication of slavery, but subjugation of the southern people. This brought about the argument of States Rights and a weaker central government by the South. The main cause of the war was Lincolns rejection of →

Song of solomon: milkman dead character analysis

Milkman is alienated from others since his father's cruelty and desire formoneytransfers to him and drives people away. Thememoriesfrom his childhood contribute significantly to his disengaged character and inability to understand the feelings of others, including the ones close to him. Captivated by what Milkman discovers at his sister's house, his father pleads that he →

Frost’s views on society in mending wall

The wall is not something that is necessary to their survival as farmers, yet it is a symbol of the stubbornness his neighbor holds." The poems about nature by Frost make a delightful reading on account of their skillful handling of the poetic devices like images and personifications. The wall is Frost's way of expressing →

”mayflower” by nathaniel philbrick essay sample

In fact The Mayflower was a ship to freedom for the English settlers for freedom of religion. Some people thought that the Mayflower was a slave ship but it was a ship to freedom.

Review of a modest proposal and usage in society

The rich become even more greedy and neglect the ones who are inferior to them. Jonathan Swift employs pathos to appeal to the readers' emotions to hook them to listen to his strange proposal. Social welfare was disregarded and the lives of the poor did not matter to them. Swift uses another simile by comparing →

“to kill a mocking bird” by harper lee essay sample

The children imagine Boo as a ghoulish monster figure. ' Boo was six and a half feet tall...he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that's why his hands were blood stained...there was a long jagged scar that ran across his face...his eyes popped and he drooled most of the time' →

Comparison of the roles of woman in the iliad vs antigone

Women during the period of the Iliad were not as independent as the women during the time period of Antigone. In Antigone, the women had a little bit more liberation and enjoyed fairer treatment than that of the other epic. In the Iliad, a woman's role depended more on her rank in the society and →

Sexuality in bram stokers dracula

The other female vampires appear to the reader to be even more sexual and the male characters are strongly attracted to them despite the ever-present realization that the vampires are foul beings. Sexuality in the novel There are many scenes in the novel which despite Bram Stokers →

Chivalric code in beowulf

In the passage fromBeowulf, the poet's interest in the duties of a loyal retainer and the duties of a great king are evident in the specific language he uses to describe Beowulf's encounter with the dragon. In one specific passage of this poem, Beowulf is portrayed as an ideal retainer by theloyalty, courage and fealty →

Questions about justice in a jury of her peers

The transformation of the real case into fiction is really interesting, the way she liberally supplies the missing evidence and motive in the story, and as a result, it with the characters, the search for evidence, the crime and the judgement gives a different way of viewing the situation. For instance, the idea of women →

The trial by franz kafka. novel critique

The Sixth Amendment in the Bill of Rights ensures that any American citizen accused of a crime has the right to a fair trial; in other words, they must be informed of the crime they are accused of, and are given the opportunity to prove their innocence. The fraudulent regime inculcates K.to believe he →

Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban by j. k. rowling: literary analysis

Book Analysis of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban The title of my book is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. In Prisoner of Azkaban, the third book about the young wizard Harry Potter, is about Harry's third year at the magical school Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry.

The things they carried by tim o’brien

In the short story " The Things They Carried," Tim O'Brien shows us the hell that our soldiers suffered. While the title relates to the story about things carried, but the soldiers carry more than just the physical burdens-in many cases, they are weighed down by emotional baggage.

Anaphora as a main literary device in looking for alaska

Logic & Logos Appeals Green begins his argument with the illuminating aphorism " Text is meaningless without context," and continues to deconstruct the rationale behind the challenging and banning of novels in general."[W]hat usually happens with Looking for Alaska is that a parent chose one particular page of the novel to an administrator →

Room by emma donoghue. hermeneutic interpretation

In the book, Jack is in harmony with the room in regards to having the questioning to distinguish the real from the fake in his mind along with what Ma tells him. With the above observations in mind, it can be determine that the point of view of the book Room is " inside the →

Life of pi: ang lee’s movie

In the case of Ang Lee's adaptation of " Life of Pi" the film is beautiful in its scope, and does not necessarily fail as a film itself, yet it suffers because for being just loosely tied to the book's original point and characterization. First and foremost, Pi's character is not terrible in the film →

Challenge overcoming in ‘the book thief’ by markus zusak

Liesel prevails throughout the story by appreciating the little things, chasing after what she loves, and everyone around Liesel is trying to chase their big dreams and are only looking out for the big joys like money a new house etc., but Liesel was only looking for the little things that matter in life which →

Passage to india analysis

1][2] The preferred object of stylistic studies is literature, but not exclusively " high literature" but also other forms of written texts such as text from the domains of advertising, popculture, politics or religion.[3] Stylistics also attempts to establish principles capable of explaining the particular choices made by individuals and social groups in their use →

Book journal book review examples

Interestingly, an outer side of an organization can be quite presentable showing growth of sales and profits while it may contain the seeds of decay inside of it due to the lack of ability to accumulate new knowledge. The main stress made by Senge was the importance of cultivation of a learning organization. When I →

Stylistic devices in to an athlete dying young

The inclusion of " man and boy...cheering boy" represents the overall attitude towards death of the athlete, which is one of optimism and positivity. Housman utilizes metaphors as a method of revealing the hidden dangers that accompany the extended life of an athlete. Housman's " To an Athlete Dying Young" is an elegy honoring the →

The monkey’s paw: a true example of horror genre

Thus, it is evident that the literary devices present and cultural factors in " the Monkey's Paw" help contribute to the creation of anxiety for not only the reader but to the story as a whole. Pathetic fallacy when done correctly has the effect to change a story entirely. Jacobs does just that as well →

Free essay on progressive versus traditional

The duty of educators in traditional education was to communicate skills and knowledge and to instill rules of conduct to a new generation. He viewed progressive education as a system that criticizes traditional education in a way that it attaches subject matter adult, standards and methods upon a younger generation. For as long as the →