A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Love and relationship in the mayor of casterbridge

Michael Henchard's attitudes to women and to social class are typical of Victorian times and, therefore, should not cause us to react negatively towards the character. With reference to appropriately selected parts of the first 12 Chapters of the novel and relevant external contextual information on Victorian attitudes to woman and to social class, →

The crucible: elizabeth proctor

Elizabeth is taken to court due to her accusation and is then taken to jail. After months in jail, Elizabeth Proctor was called into the courtroom to answer a series of questions that could determine the fate of her husband, herself, and Abigail Williams. This is what happened in the Proctor's situation. John and Elizabeth →

The relationship between machbeth and lady macbeth

The relationship betweenMacbethand Lady Macbeth By Myra Civilly Macbeth, the play written by William Shakespeare in 1606, shows us the relationship that exists between the characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth and how it creates most of the actions, reactions, moods, feelings and attitudes. When she sees that he had not left the →

Love is greater than hate (tale of two cities)

After living a life of hatred and despair for 18 years, Lucie bringsDoctorManette love. The first glimpse we see of this love that will save Doctor Manette from himself is when Dickens writes, " His cold white hair mingled with her radiant hair, which warmed and lighted it as though it were →

Growing up issue in house on mango street

Gene Forrester starts to realize, as his mind grows older, that Finny might have been trying to sabotage him which gets him to do things he would never think of doing before. Esperanza knows the world is not an easy place to live in, but as she starts to grow older, she realizes it was →

Sleeping freshmen never lie review

The book is well written and is fun to read as the main character, Scott Hudson employs literary uses while he writes in his journal to his unborn sibling, who he calls Smelly of his high school experiences. Every teenager faces problems while in high school and some of them are addressed →

The curious ncident of the dog in the night time

Mark Haddon's novel The Curious incident of the Dog in the Night-time which is written from the view of a fifteen year old boy Christopher who has Asperger's syndrome, not only does this book demonstrate how challenging life is for the disabled, but also for everyone. Having the main character Christopher narrate →

the kite runner compare and contrast essay essay sample

The novel and the film are different in the depiction of Hassan, omitted or changed scenes, and in their use of flashbacks. To start, a drastic difference in the movie was that Hassan did not have a harelip. By omitting the harelip, the movie did not show Hassan's character development as strongly as in →

Narrative of the life of frederick douglass, an american slave

The purpose of the narrative is to inform the reader of the circumstances that the slaves had to deal with on a day to day basis and also as a public argument against slavery. I feel that he book is an exceptional piece of literature that by all standards envelops the reader into the world →

Influence of ultima in bless me ultima

Ultima influences Tony's life by escorting him through the process of growing-up, showing him the importance of doing what is morally right and teaching him the meaning of nature. First, Ultima purposely let Tony witness the death of Lupito to teach him the reality and the horrors of life. Tony now understands that when a →

Brave new world of digital intimacy

Twitter appeared to be one of the most popular new tools. Twitter is a web-site that gives its users an excellent opportunity to communicate online with their friends. However, the popularity of Twitter can be hardly disputed. Thompson argues that weak ties are a very good thing as they →

Report on friday night lights

There are, of course, the Pepettes, but what else from this text is either explicitly or implicitly about sex or gender performance? Friday Night Lights is a book that is mostly in part about a football team in a small town, Odessa Texas, that is faced with many struggles and trials, the guys on the →

Writers voice and style

The reader may feel disengaged by several nameless characters: the girl, a cleaner, an elderly priest (a pivotal character and narrator), and his brother. While " the novel may not be a dialogue with the author" , readers could find their " quest for the origin of the text", and " interactional →

Childhood in never let me go

This is similar to ' Never Let Me Go' as Kathy H and her friends at HailshamBoarding Schoolwere clones, and their purpose in life is to donate organs to their ' possible'(the person that they have been assigned), meaning that they have a specific person that they have to donate their organs to. Kathy deals →

A question of beauty in beauty and the beast

While the characters of Beast and Beauty may seem completely opposite at first glance, they are in fact quite similar in the way they can perceive people's beauty both physically and characteristically. Beauty and Beast both are first described in connection to physical beauty. Beast came to understand the value of Beauty's character and wanted →

The bean trees- outsider

Taylor is an outsider because she is just not a typical girl. For the first half of The Bean Trees, Turtle is silent. She cannot communicate with others, as her own words are trapped inside of her body, causing her to be an outsider from the ones who love and surround her.

The book of the dead explained with vignettes and hieroglyphics

The Book of the Dead The Book of the Dead is an Egyptian funerary text which contains information which is intended to aid in the journey of the departed through the underworld. While the preservation of the mummy embodies a preservation of the physical form, The Book of the Dead similarly strives for →

Existentialism and film noir

To emphasize the existentialist attitude in film noir, various stylistic and thematic techniques are used. Common techniques or characteristics of film noir that we see in both The Maltese Falcon and The Killers include: unconventional or non-classical narrative patterns, opposition of light and shadow, disorientation of the viewer, incoherent plot lines, inversion →

Comparison of miss havisham and lady macbeth

When we are first introduced to her character she appears to be speaking in incantation which mirrors that of the witches: ' Come thick night, And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell' This suggests that the witches have some sort of influence over her, or are possessing her so that she can carry →

Main motives in i am legend

In the movie I am Legend , the Dark Seekers are shown to be the creation of a mutation apocalypse gone out of control. By humans having being the cause for the Dark Seekers to turn into what they are through the movie, it fueled the hatred for Dark Seekers for being forced into →

The bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki

The atomic bombings of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki occupy an important place among the most controversial events in the history of humanity. Second of all, I believe that the bombings actually helped save tens of housands of lives from both sides of the conflict by helping the US military to bypass the →

Lady macbeth character analysis essay

To elaborate, the fact that the audience are already expecting for Macbeth's ambition to lead to his downfall (due to the way in which his immoral intentions are presented in previous scenes), this illustrates the idea that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth's relationship is bound to fall apart, dragging Macbeth as well as Lady Macbeth to →

Example of essay on film study review – the help

It is a story brings out the vast cultural differences and the frustrations they cause during that period due to the separate lives that the white community led as compared to the life the black American community was forced to lead at the time. It is possible in such situations to facilitate a transformative change →

Knight templar

The Knights chose not to involve the church in the banking system to avoid complications, and specifically it did not involve the church directly in the building of the mortgaged assets. The banking system grew bigger and become more efficient, given that it took care and understood the needs of the communities →

Old mrs grey

Like many of her contemporaries in the Movement, she employed a vivid and descriptive stream-of-consciousness writing style that was rooted in the popular Freudian psychoanalytic theories of the day; and in fact, both of her brothers became psychoanalysts. Within her body of work, especially in her essay " Old Mrs. Grey", you →

Serious changes of jonathan lyte tremain in the novel

Some examples of his maturity were: When he learned to control his temper. When he learned to treat people (especially Cillwith respect. When he helped his country in the war against England. The first example of Johnny's maturity was when he learned to calm down and hold his temper. Johnny also went to the edge →

James joyce’s dubliners: an analysis of the exploration of the seven stages of grief

In addition to experiencing the strains of a conservative society on his own well-being, Joyce rather bluntly remarked that he blamed the death of his mother on the religious and nationalistic fervor of the time: " When I looked on her face as she lay in her coffin a face gray and wasted with cancer →

Primo levi’s personal experience in survival in auschwitz

Right from the beginning, when he was being transported to the camp or Lager, Levi was not picked as part of the group that goes to the death camp. The time he used to rest in the Ka-Be was the time needed to adjusted to life in the Lager.

Art is a part of my life essay sample

These are the ways people use to express themselves as a personality, and what is art if not expression? Art can be found in the way person sees the world. I do not think this is right but I respect their point of view as they contemplate their behavior to be proper and it can →

Community development and youth work analysis and the freirean framework

Formal education is classroom-based, provided by trained teachers and informal education happens outside the classroom and this is usually community development or youth work where it t becomes the ' practice of freedom', the way in which men and women deal judgmentally with reality and learn how to deal with conflict and how to contribute →

A critical review of pedagogy of the oppressed by paulo freire

The intention of this document is to provide a critical review of Freire's work by considering his assertions on humanization and dehumanization, and oppression in the context of education and sham generosity. Freire recognizes the importance of humanization to the human kind and believes that the concern for humanization culminates in acknowledgment of dehumanization as →

Literature analysis of a good man is hard to find by flannery o’connor

The author uses characterization, foreshadowing, and irony to illustrate the theme that the tendency to manipulate people's actions and thoughts may introduce tragic outcomes to the love ones. In the short story " A Good Man is Hard to Find" , the author applies both direct characterization and indirect characterization to exhibit →

Beowulf paper

Beowulf, for example does not use a sword in the midst of the battle between Grendel and he." He began to remove his iron breast-mail, took off the helmet and handed his attendant the patterned sword, a smith's masterpiece, ordering him to keep the equipment guarded. And before he bedded down, Beowulf, the prince of →

Araby symbols

With attention to, the priest became the symbol for the unknown narrator in the story. For the time being, the narrator is eradicating in the room and he finds books.

Chronicle of a death foretold by gabriel garcia

" It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife" (Pride and Prejudiceby Jane Austen) This essay will look at Gabriel Garcia's Chronicle of a Death Foretold and Mariama Ba's So Long a letter in relation to the topic 'Social and →

A night of suspense

I continued to walk, counting my steps, making sure I did not step on any cracks; believe me, I am not the superstitious kind, but, yet, I felt wary. I glanced back again, my rhythm faltering as I looked out into the haze that made the world shimmer and warp.'I am being paranoid' I told →

Most dangerous game

Suspense of in " The Most Dangerous Game" Suspense is when the reader anxiously want to know more but the author waits to give them further information. At the point when Rainsford understand the games being played on the island, he says, "'But you cannot mean - ' gasped Rainsford". The →

The gift of sex: book review examples

In addition to the Preface, the book has five sections, including A Biblical Perspective, The Physical Dimension, The Total Experience, When Sex Is not Working, and Enhancing the Sexual Experience. In the Preface, the mention of the authors' conservative Mennonite background sets the stage for readers by highlighting an important fact, that The Gift of →

Midterm review for book creating effective group

00What are the three basic needs that Schutz suggests motivate individuals to become members of a group, and what does each need entail? Inclusion: feel accepted into the group Control: feel some influence on the outcome Affection: feel needed and appreciated in the group 00What are the four phases of Fisher's model of group development, →

My lord the baby by rabindranath tagore

And so he thought that his son is the reincarnation of the young master. Raicharan gave everything and anything his son would want, he made his son live like a rich man up to the point that he is sturbing himself to death.

Review report sample

The topic of the lecture chosen for review is ' The Poetics and Politics of Dissociation' that was delivered on 15th January 2014 by her. In her lecture, she described the condition of dissociation as an emotional and physical condition in which a person gets detached from the surroundings particularly →

Schoolbooks and the female stereotype

Office ofEducationexpresses that because of a strong stereotype most girls think themselves as a servant who only does four jobs nurse, secretary, teacherand mother. Lenore Weitzman points out that different types of texts were examined and the result was the next: boys are shown in a good way with great qualities and the girls play →

Portrayal of ahab in moby dick novel

The rest of the crew do not form much of a bond with Ahab's personal crew and refer to one of the members, Fedallah, as a devil and menacing figure when near the captain. Despite Pip being a marginal character, he and Ahab complement each other: Ahab is white, Pip is not; Ahab is the →

A red, red, rose and so we’ll go no more a-roving: poetry comparison

Byron knows and accepts that he can no longer go out ' So late into the night' he shrugs of his wanting with the use of the word ' So' but the desire is still there even though it can no longer be achieved.' Though the heart still be as loving, And the →

Compare and contrast computers essay olivia lamond

The house fulfills the role of the children's parents, and the parents take no part in raising the children. When the parents eventually try to assert their parental authority, the children use the house to kill them. The children are so reliant on the technology in the house, they believe they are not able to →

On (not) getting by in america

If the author/authoress is willing to live through the life of the subject matter of the book, and possesses the writing skill, chances are that it becomes a great book. Some comforts and luxuries apart, the total effect of this civilization on the inner world of an individual is devastating. The standard of living has →

The chrysalids by john wyndham: literary analysis

Through the plot, voices, and tone of the author, the story is shown to be incredibly thought provoking and free from any negative motive. The plot, told through the eyes of a boy named David Strorm, is a key aspect to knowing the author's message. This continuous dystopia that is shown to the reader implies →

Nickel and dimed by barbara ehrenreich

However, upon reading Nickel and Dimed, a sad reality on the plight of the working poor or the low-wage workforce would wrenched anyone's heart thinking that if this one is happening in America what will happen to the rest of the other world for instance the poorer countries or we may say the fourth world? →

Pectoral’s eyes

These family experiences and situations all have a negative effect on Pectoral because she is not just the " ugly' girl now, she is the poor black girl who sees her father naked. As a member of a family that is part of the low society, Pectoral Overlooked, labeled as " ugly' trudges and fails →

Zeitoun: how americans treats muslims

He felt that he was unable to leave his business because he felt responsible for the damaged houses throughout the duration ofthe storm. Also, Zeitoun felt that his home was " worth fighting for" Zeitoun believed that by staying in New Orleans, he felt as if this opportunity was given →

“salvage the bones” novel review

Each looks to the women in Greek mythology for power and strength in her femininity and sexuality. These are things she is missing in her life. Each is always looking to the goddesses for help in defining the way she is feeling.

Darkwing – by kenneth oppel

Dusk kept his flying a secret, but in a tight colony the secret is out. Dusk and Sylph escaped the cave.

Dr. faustus as a tragic hero.

Now according to Aristotle's definition of a " tragic hero" it is time to elaborate on the clues in details in order to conclude that Dr. Faustus as his ultimate intention to illustrate the downfall of a tragic hero.

Good boston tea party book review example

The Boston Tea Party is a means of inspiration attainment for the innumerable Americans who recognize and acknowledge the Tea Party Patriots of the present times. This riveting and exciting book provides insight about the historical event that turned out to be the prompter for the foundation of a democratic republic. The book also offers →

Macbeth soliloquy

Macbeth's rhetorical questions share his lack of clarity and conviction to kill Duncan while the allusions represent his decision forming and becoming clear to him. At the beginning of Macbeth's soliloquy Shakespeare uses rhetorical questions to represent Macbeth's feelings about killing Duncan. Macbeth wonders if it is his fate to kill Duncan →

The novel intuition by allegra goodman literature review

This is a very key piece of information for the reader to pick up on, because it shows how even though Marion is detail oriented and rule abiding, she gets caught up in the whirlwind of Cliff's experiment and allows herself to overlook the possibility of error within Cliff's lab →

Twain’s attitude towards his characters

During this time, Twain provides insight on his attitude towards the characters and their ideas, specifically focusing on Huck's overconfidence despite his innocence, and lacking any specific thoughts about the morals of Tom Sawyer. First, Twain portrays Huck as a young boy with too much self confidence. Twain's attitude towards Tom shows that he does →

Paradoxical statements in the book of mormon

In fact, the Book of Mormon uses paradox strategically to help the reader further ponder the meaning of the scriptures in his or her life, and thus discover statements of deeper doctrine. In our theological dive into paradoxes found within the Book of Mormon, it is first important to understand what a →

A story of of socrates in the apology by plato

Socrates continues to search for someone who can contend with his wit and discuss more intellectual ideas. As Socrates continues talking with the citizens of Athens, he pesters many people and is eventually charged by the court saying that " Socrates is a doer of evil and corrupter of the youth, and he does not →

A conflict issue in the open boat novel

All of the characters had to overcome some type of conflict. In the short story " The Open Boat" the characters find them self in a life threatening problem. To sum up, all of the stories have one thing in common which is that they all have a central conflict.

Cat in the rain by ernest hemingway

Here he applies it to reveal the relationship of the protagonist to the old hotel owner. As the verb " to like" is not used to characterize relations of the wife to her husband, this contrast is full of the concealed but easily read meaning. We realize that little, as if meaningless, →

The essence of change in a person in johnny tremain

Every morning, Johnny is the one that urges Dove and Dusty out of bed he is the first one of the apprentices dressed and ready for work, and the first one at the shop each day. Another trait that proves Johnny is a dynamic and round character is loyalty although Paul Revere offers him a →

Jane eyre and a tale of two cities: love theme

It has the power to make any given person do extraordinary things, the ability to transform or destroy anybody completely all in one emotion, one thing is for sure, it gives people a greater purpose for existence, a reason to live and die for, something beyond themselves to devote their life to. You can read →

American pageant

Denied the true purpose of the plane at first, but was forced to when the U.S.S.R. Berlin Wall In 1961, the Soviet Union built a high barrier to seal off their sector of Berlin in order to stop the flow of refugees out of the Soviet zone of Germany.

Alice walker life and work research paper examples

In 2003, she was part of the Women for Peace movement and Code Pink, which was a group of women against America's war in Iraq. In her personal life, Walker was married in 1965 and amicably divorced in 1976. She tells the stories of the struggles and achievements of her people in the pages of →

Adultery in madame bovary vs story of zahra

Emma commits adultery in order to escape the boredom of married life with her husband Charles as well as to seek true love which can only be found in the fantasy novels she has read. Zahra, on the other hand, commits adultery in order to forget her turbulent years ofchildhood, to deal with the ongoing →

How concept of freedom is integral to a novel (1984) book review sample

The freedom to love and be left alone by the government is important to this novel - the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four is populated by characters who constantly have to weigh themselves or examine themselves against the rule of The Party, which shows the desire for freedom against a society that forbids it. The effects →

Hunter s. thompson’s fear and loathing in las vegas: hippie generation portrayal

The semi-fictional novel is a firsthand account of what the Hippie Generation was all about, and is an accurate story of the Hippie generation, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey into the Heart of the American Dream follows the life of journalist Raoul Duke and his Attorney Dr. The two's' trip to →

Review of “beloved” by toni morrison

Though as the role of becoming a mother ishard work, Sethe wants to find a way to take care of her children. Sethe, an independent mother who runs away from Sweet Home, a slave plantation to escape the pain of slavery, tries to cope with her past and gets haunted by her reincarnated daughter, Beloved. →

A good man is hard to find by flannery o`connor: overview

When a passing car stops to help the grandmother quickly recognizes one of the men as " The Misfit", a dangerous man who has escaped from prison. The grandmother confronts him and he tells her " It probably would have been better for your family if you had not recognized me at →

Ralph ellison’s battle royal: a look at the theme of racism

In his short story " Battle Royal," Ralph Ellison uses the fighters' experiences to illustrate the continued racism African Americans faced post-slavery. The history of racism after the abolition of slavery is imperative to understanding the experiences of the battle royal fighters. In " Battle Royal," the results of social and economic oppression of blacks →

Nickel and dimed: on (not) getting by in america

Achieving theAmerican Dreamcan be difficult, if not impossible for many people with stumbling blocks and obstacles along the way as portrayed in Nickel and Dimed, due to the cost of living in contrast to the wage of low or middle class earners. Nickel and Dimed is essentially a journal of the time spent by the →

Plot of the in the time of the butterflies novel

She realized that the whole time she was married to him, she was never able to make her own decisions. She would have to live the rest of her life with an empty heart that would always be longing for something more.

Hike snowman oryx and crake

Snowman finds the remains of a man in the bathroom, and the woman of the house lying in the king-sized bed. Before he had determined a solution to his plight, he was at the mercy of the pigoons.

Literary criticism technique in “young goodman brown”

Given Hawthorne's style of writing and this short story in particular, a reader or critic can benefit from analyzing his work with the Reader Response literary criticism approach. The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms define reader response criticism as, " a type of literary criticism that focuses on reading as an active process →

The advancement: keeping faith in an evolutionary age essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to examine the main ideas and themes of this book and establish whether The Advancement serves its intended purpose. Summary of the Book The book starts With Bush coining the term advancement For the current era as an alternative to modernism and postmodernism as he states that " →

Example of newjack: guarding sing sing book review

This makes the prisoners view the wardens as bad guys thus triggering a crisis between the prisoners and the correctional officers. Plot of the book The book is set in the world most famous correctional facilities; Sing Sing that is located beside HudsonRiver in New York and the Alcatraz →

Depths of the human psyche in kafka on the shore

Kafka on the Shore is set in approximately 1995 and simultaneously tells the story of a young man who decides to run away from his home in the Nakano Ward of Tokyo, and the story of an elderly gentleman named Satoru. The odd numbered chapters tell the story of the young man who on the →

The old man and the sea: a man can be destroyed, but never defeated

In fact, Santiago and all these characters are Hemingway, or at least the public image Hemingway wanted to show the world. The Old Man and the Sea is a story about manhood as it was interpreted in the twentieth century. Santiago was a fisherman, just like Hemingway, and Santiago fished in the same sea than →

Fellowship of ring book

The hobbies run into several conflicts with nature on their journey through Middle Earth. For example, as they are preparing to go into the Old Forest, Merry Brandenburg tells the other hobbies about the Bonfire glade saying, " The hobbies came and cut down hundreds of trees, and made a retreat bonfire inthe →

Good essay about liberty and power: the politics of jacksonian america (new york: hill and wang

Due to this and other policies, this ostensibly liberal party was becoming more and more conservative in response to the sentiments of the people. In the first chapter and concluding two chapters, an overview of the work itself is provided for context and tone, with the intervening chapters taking a segment of the Jacksonian era →

The tempest- comparison and contrast of ferdinand

When Prosper sees that Ferdinand will take care of Miranda and is convinced the two are in love, he gives his blessing to the two lovers [under the one condition that Ferdinand is not to break Marinara's " virginity knot" until the wedding has been solemnizes ] Clinical is granted his →

Brave new world by aldous huxley

The event as a whole did not escaped the attention of Huxley, and all of this, no doubt, affected him, and resulted in one of the most powerful, thought provoking novels. His visualization of the world in the near future, maybe decades or centuries from the time he wrote his work, gave →

Disney’s movie beauty and the beast and angela carter’sthe tiger’s bride: what do they have in common?

Disney's Beauty and the Beast reinforces stereotypical gender roles and remains airtight with a storyline that dates back to the 1700's, while The Tiger's Bride moves forward, allowing the heroine to express herself and be viewed as not just an object of her obedience or purity, but as an autonomous individual. Disney's narratives continue to →

Racial segregation in brownies

The story is told in the perspective of Laurel, an African American girl who is known to the girls in her Brownie troop as ' Snot.' On the first day of camp the Brownie girls stumble upon a troop of white girls and claim one of their members had address them with a racial slur.

A sophisticated character of holden caulfield

As one of the most memorable and important novels of the 20th century, The Catcher in the Rye This is a unique and highly valued text that captures the distinctive voice of a young man:, Holden Caulfield, who is struggling with issues of both personal identity, his identity and his unresolved grief, as he transitions →

“the twilight” by stephenie meyer

Which Bella Swan represents the human and Edward Cullen represents the vampire. Where the human lives a good life and represents the good in life while the vampires symbolizes death, evil, and bad things in life. In the event that Forks is the place where there is the dull, Phoenix is the place that is →

Lord of the rings: return of the king. book analysis

The values and universal themes expressed in Lord of the Rings inspired people to overcome the challenges facing the world today because it strongly emphasizes friendship, perseverance, and responsibility. If there was not any friendship in Lord of the Rings, there would not be a good ending. Another character, Boromir, mentioned throughout the book, had →