A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Quantitative glucose test essay sample

Finally when all of the results of the controls were recorded the test was repeated on the samples A, B and C and compared to that of the controls to obtain how much sugar was present within the samples. The time taken for the loss of colour from a standardised solution of permanganate is directly →

Cai in chemistry

There is no significant difference between the students' achievement scores in Chemistry of the control group and experimental group at Pre-test level.2. There is no significant difference between the students' achievement scores in Chemistry of control group and experimental group at Post-test level.3. This implies that the difference in the achievement of →

Analysis of soda ash and carbonate-bicarbonate mixture essay sample

The first endpoint determines the half-neutralization of the carbonate and the second determines that of the bicarbonate. The standardized HCl solution was used as titrant for both the analysis of the soda ash and the analysis of the carbonate-bicarbonate mixture. Determination of Alkalinity of the Soda Ash The unknown soda ash sample was →

Gene cloning (the construction of a cdna library…)

The Construction of a cDNA Library from an Extract of Human Brain Cells 909 words The Construction of a cDNALibrary from an Extract of Human Brain Cells A complementary DNA library refers to a blend of reverse transcribed mRNA pieces inserted into a group of host cells.cDNA is made from wholly transcribed mRNA →

Reducing transport carbon emissions in the uk environmental sciences essay

8 MtCO2- accounted for a one-fourth of all CO2 emanations in the UK ( Department of Energy andclimate change, 2010 ) This shows that conveyance remains one of the major users of energy and emitter of C, non merely in the universe or European Union in general but besides UK in specific. In position of →

Extraction of organic compounds from natural sources essay sample

This is the type of extraction we performed in our experiment. Nature of the Experiment Our goal was to extract a triglyceride called trimyristin from solid nutmeg. Trimyristin in the major triglyceride found in nutmeg, representing 20-25% of the dried weight of ground nutmeg. To extract the trimyristin we performed a →

Responses of enzyme activity from ph and concentration essay sample

The objective of this exercise is to learn the relationship of enzyme activity and the enzymes environmental conditions The hypothesis tested in exercise A was that the enzymes function will be affected if the pH of its environment is altered. For this reaction, a pH of 7 is the best to use.

Abiotic factors affecting organisms – revision notes

Knot Factor Light Light is important to both animals and plants as it is the main source of living organisms energy on earth. However plants need co2 for energy. Factor-Wind Wind effects seed dispersal and aids the production of pollen needed for pollination which is important because it leads to the production →

Why magnesium is used in grignard reactions?

In the extreme case of complete polarization, the covalent bond ceases to exit and is replaced by electrostatic attractions between ions of opposite charge. The reactivity of the carbonyl groups is due to the polarization of the carbon-oxygen bond toward the more electronegative oxygen. For e.g. In organolithium compounds and Grignard reagents, the key bond →

Carbon dioxide emissions essay

3 % per twelvemonth while entire primary energy supply is turning at a smaller rate of about 2 % per twelvemonth. Taking into history the appropriate efficiency and capacity factors* the Numberss in Table I can be converted into the entire primary energy part from renewables and Figure 6. An extrapolation of the →


This paper discusses some of the physical and chemical properties of benzene, its uses and hazards. The Chemical and Physical Properties of Benzene Benzene is a nonpolar molecule with a molecular weight of 78. Petroleum products are the major contributors of benzene in the environment. Other aromatic chemicals such as phenol and toluene, are →

Prevention of calcium carbonate precipitation in synthetic formation waters

The chief grounds of deposition of salts are altering of thermobaric conditions in the procedure of production and the mutual exclusiveness of injected and formation Waterss [ 2 ]. Inorganic salts deposition on the interior surface of oilfield equipment takes topographic point in the procedure of field development of production of moire oil. Dose into →

Environmental health and safety/ interaction of hazardous materials

For eachof the following compounds: 1) give an acceptable name; 2) identify the functional group; and 3) discuss general key chemical properties of the chemical that a fire, environmental, health or safety personnel should know. Acceptable Name: butyl ethyl ether or 1 - ethoxy butane Functional Group: Ether Acceptable Name: 3 →

Arsenic delivery recommendation

59kgs net weight safely and abiding by the guidelines set forth by the Code of Federal Regulations under Title 49: Transportation, the following are the recommendations to maintain the integrity of the shipment, mitigate the effects of accidents causing the spillage of the hazardous chemical to the environment, and prevent the personnel from accidentally inhaling →

Observation of chemical change essay sample

That yellow stayed concentrated at the top segregated. F / A7 NaOCI and KI Automatically turned brown and when the starch was added it turned black. G / A11 KI and Pb Automatically turned a cloudy yellow color and became more solidified than the other experiments. The →

Carolina perez

In order for sickle cell anemia to occur is when a sickle cell gene have, been inherited from both the mother and the father, so that the child has two sickle cell gene. Pain is cause by the lack of oxygen to the organs and the sickle cells that eventually block blood vessels due to →

Chemistry project: acids and bases & the ph scale essay sample

The pH scale was developed because the concentration of the solution can vary by many factors over time, and a pH scale was the easiest way to express the variation of the solution. Results: The pH of a solution measures the hydrogen ion concentration in that solution.

Biomass energy and biofuels essay sample

Currently, crop-based bioethanol and biodiesel are the most widely used biomass-derived fuels, and they have been successfully implemented in the transportation sector as alternatives to petrol-based gasoline and diesel. Bioethanol and biodiesel, referred to as first-generation biofuels, are both produced from commodities that are also used for food; the difference is that biodiesel is →

Lab report on chemical testing of water sample for contaminants

A little amount of the solvents was poured into beakers and some of the substance in its solid form was added in and the beaker was swirled for a couple of seconds and either the substance dissolved or did not. The tests resulted in the substance being soluble in water only and insoluble in both →

Molecular modeling

All the valence-shell electron pairs of the central atom are considered both the pairs that form covalent bonds and the pairs that are unshared (called nonbonding pairs or lone pairs). The nonbonding pairs help to determine the position of the atoms in the molecule or ion.

Christine otieno

6M | Final weight | 1. 36 | % change in weight | 1.

Soil concentration

The salt concentration found in soil solutions is measured in form of its salinity. The amount of Cl- present in a given soil solution determines its salinity, which is required for proper plant life.


Entropy: Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system. Entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system, and systems tend to favor a more disordered system.

Research paper example

Biopolymers and their application Biopolymers are the polymer materials that can be obtained from renewable sources. Most of the biopolymers and some polymers obtained from the fossil fuels are biodegradable.

Lab write up for separation by filtration and crystallization essay sample

Filter the mixture and collect the filtrate in a 100 mL beaker as shown in Figure 1.1. #3 Wash the solid with a further 5 mL of water but do not add this to the filtrate. Note and record the appearance of the solid#4 Add a boiling chip to the filtrate. Both of these →

Chemical reaction paper

The most common type of bleach used in the world today is made of chlorine compounds. The chemical bond in the chromophore is broken which converts it to a compound that has no color or cannot reflect color in the normal spectrum.

Comparison between cyclohexane and cyclohexene essay sample

Majority of the reactions including the addition reactions involve the rupture of the pi bond to form new single bond in which the unsaturated carbon atoms become saturated. The equation for combustion of cyclohexene in excess oxygen is shown below: [Equation] In a process named halogenation, halogens such as bromine and chlorine, readily add →

The atomic mass of beanium essay sample

How are they the same? The isotopes of an element have the same amount of protons, but a different amount of neutrons, so they vary in size. 2. The mass number is the sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom while the atomic mass is the total of protons and →

Effect of carbon chain on equilidruim and rate constants of esterification

Very little data is available on how does the carbon chain length of carboxylic acid and alcohol affects the rate constant and equilibrium constant of esterification. Thus, the research topic of this investigation is: How does the carbon chain length of the alcohols and carboxylic acids affect the rate constants of the →

Chlorine and magnesium lab introduction

Introduction The purpose of this lab experiment is to determine the atomic weight of magnesium by measuring the amount of hydrogen gas evolved when hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium. H2 + Mg2+ + 2Cl- In this experiment there is a one to one relationship between the number of moles of hydrogen →

C60 metal ions, although there’s no evidence to

Instead, the structure was confirmed byobserving the structure of the first fullerene derivative synthesised C60 1. This derivative has also been used to determine the ratio of 13C: 12Cwithin C60 when the C60 has beenpartially enriched with 13C. The scientific community was eager to investigatethe structure and properties of the molecule further; however, they →

How much gas is preduced

The Ideal Gas Law states that; where P is the pressure , V is the volume , n is the number of moles of gas in the system, T is the temperature and R is the ideal gas constant, given as 0. Therefore, the mass of magnesium used in the reaction →

Analyze the chemistry experiment essay

Accuracy refers to a standard whereas precision does not. Solve the following problems and record the answers to the proper number of gures. a.21. 47 g/cm3 The density of the coins is 8.

Prpperties of an element

You will submit the softcopy to [email protected] The project must contain in the order listed: 1)A cover sheet with the element name or formula and your name. 2)The hardcopy must include this original page (duplication of this page will result in no credit for the project). 3)All the data listed in the →

Partnership with one’s soul-mate essay sample

Thus, people come in and out of relationships in search for their soul-mates becoming involved with a partner that one hopes to turn out to be his soul-mate and then wanting to be out of the relationship when it is clear that it does not work, which can also only mean that the other person →

Chayenne georges

Here Athena is trying to get Telemachus to realize that it's time for his father to come to Ithaca, and he has to get the suitors out of his home. In The Odyssey Telemachus is portrayed as a boy who has to grow up, he needs to find the courage and guidance to find his →

Doll’s house and pygmalion comparative essay sample

In the end of the play, Nora tells Torvald how she feels about the way he treats her." I mean that I was simply handed over from Papa to you".Torvald treats her exactly as her father did, and now that he is not around, Torvald finds it necessary to act as a father figure instead →

A strange day essay sample

This can be of assistance in motivating employees to visualize and align their personal aspirations with the demands of the organization they serve. The purpose of the study is to recommend implementation of succession planning to the Office of Accountant General in Botswana which to this end does not have any succession planning →

Comparative federalism: the united states of america vs canada essay

The federalism system of governments in the United States and Canada are basically the same in that both are governments that have a constitution and divide power between central and regional governments. The officials elected are responsible to the citizens that have elected them in that they must dutifully represent the wishes of the →

Portia(merchant of venice)

She is a beautiful and rich lady who is living on the will of her dead father, the person who wanted to marry her have to try his luck to choose one of the three caskets and in one casket is a portrait of Portia and if the suitors fail he cannot marry a woman →

The six marriages in “pride and prejudice” essay sample

It is apparent to the readers that he has no interest in his wife and what she has to say. We are lead to believe by Elizabeth that Mrs Bennet was attractive in her youth." her father, captivated by youth and beauty and that appearance of good humour with youth and beauty generally gives, →

For as long as the institution of marriage has bee

Homosexual relationships are more than just sex with someone of the same gender. Homosexual relationships include feelings and being able to share those feelings with the person you love." People have become used to the idea of defining gay people solely in terms of sexual acts," says Gregory Herek, a research psychologist at →

Qualitative design-analysis interpretation

Therefore, in order to assess data arising from such qualitative inquiries, one of the methodologies for this task involves the use of the Grounded Theory. The approach of Grounded Theory implies the use of a thematic analysis. As such, the Grounded Theory approach is a collection of repetitious techniques used for the analysis of qualitative →

October 24, 2012

She is also aware of the passionate and warm feelings that the female contains for her lover. The fact that she is even speculating the possibility of killing her lover makes her capable of taking action.

Family the focus is now on how to

The pressure to provide a special court wasalways present as this would help in the speedy settlement of family relateddispute. This is where the need for an alternate forum comes in. As we progress further in this project we will see howcounseling is aimed to be a more humane approach to the idea of divorce.

Gay marriage should be illegal

True as that may be, and as widely accepted as it was and still is, homosexual marriage was condemned. That is because gay marriage will change the way future generations think about homosexuality and marriage itself.

Maria victoria henao’s marriage to pablo escobar

Irrespective of the fact that her marriage to the Colombian drug lord was very distressing, with the narco-terrorist having open affairs with several mistresses, Maria remained loyal to her husband until his demise in 1993. Maria would later reveal that she grew fond of the man because of his smile, the attention he accorded to →

A doll’s house acts essay

Linde that when her husband was ill, she did " odds and ends, needlework, crotchet-work, embroidery, and that kind of thing" to make the ends meet. The fact that her husband is not aware of this predicts that this secret would come to light and there would be trouble for her. Initially he assures her →

The importance of discussing sexual desires within a marriage

I get that it's out there and we may be the extreme end of the spectrum but it worked for us and we never had any doubt what we were getting ourselves in to. We do not encourage or condone them engaging in sexual activity at this age, as we believe they are not yet →

Anup, a dinner party in new york,

Like Anup and Keerthi, there are millions of couples out there who use contraceptive pills as a birth control option. Before going further on the lab to life story of our hero that is pills, let us have a view in general that what birth control is, what are its types and what are its →

What love is for shakespeare essay

He thinks that it is permanent and does not yield to heavy toil and suffering. He said, " Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove:" This is actually common to everyone, particularly those who are new to such intense feeling and have not yet experienced →

Abstinence: to chose or not to choose?

So many feelings can be hurt if the break up happens after engaging in sex because it is such an intimate experience that people share with the ones they love.Many teenagers also think that sex is a way to gain intimacy but " Genital sex is an expression of intimacy, not the means to intimacy. →

Character sketch of okonkwo in “things fall apart” essay sample

He had accomplished his goal to become rich and famous and committed suicide after things in his life was not going all right. Okonkwo was a farmer and he was well know throughout the nine villages and even beyond. Okonkwo was a strong believer in his tradition and he upheld the work the Christian →

The end of dating: what i learned about marriage essay

In his opinion, the core of this problem is the fact that people get married thinking that it is the solution to all life's problem. When compared with arranged marriages that grow in progression, the idea of passionate love from the beginning to the end is a myth.

Entertainment + engagement: the key to getting an audience on mobile

This shift of attention from mass traditional media to smaller screens in the palm of your hands is dramatic, and account almost 40% of marketing budgets going to digital campaigns. From billboards to mobile display banners, and from television to mobile video, branded online content, click-on ads on YouTube, and mobile apps are shifting customer →

Arranged marriage is not relevant in today’s society

Thus, the technology plays a major rule in our life's today. Besides that, educated is one of the reasons why arranged marriage is not relevant in today's society. In a nutshell, arranged marriage is not relevant in today's society because of several reasons.

Gay marriage and the constitution essay

Gay Marriage and the Constitution Amberlee Ozment Axia College of University of Phoenix Gay Marriage and the Constitution Is it okay to not believe in gay marriage, yet at the same time support the constitutional rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for homosexual couples? But, given that the government backs the rights →

Gay marriage sources

Cruz, David B." 'Just Do not Call It Marriage': the First Amendment and Marriage as an Expressive Resource," Southern California Law Review, 74: 925-1026 Culhane, John G., " Uprooting the Arguments Against Same-Sex Marriage," Cardozo Law Review, 20: 1119-1211 Donovan, James, " Rock-Salting the Slippery Slope: Why Same-Sex Marriage is Not →

Same sex marriage “a matter of justice”

Yet the concept of same sex marriage is still not considered a right the American people should extend to homosexuals. The gay community is simply fighting to be free from religion in determining the laws of the country.

The importance of marriage

The first section of this paper examines the importance of marriage from male and female perspectives. Research from the National Survey of Families and Households suggested the following trends: Men and women both feel that marriage is more important to men; women view marriage as optional for both men and women for having a satisfying →

Process to get married essay sample

Others are more informal but original such as those who go hiking with his girlfriend and they propose in the middle of the mountain. Once the girl say yes, the fianc has to talk with the parents of the bride and ask for permission to marry with their daughter. After the parents of the →

Stakeholder engagement

From a corporate governance perspective, we ensure that we meet our regulatory requirements and are compliant with external rules and codes that include the listing rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange, the recommendations of the Combined Code (to the extent practicable in the context of our diverse businesses and business unit risk profiles) and all →

Heart of the matter

She's harried but content with her choice, perhaps because her husband, Nick, is the spousal ideal: a hunky pediatric plastic surgeon who loves kids. While a nice butt and a compassionate bedside manner are a plus, they are not enough to show why he's worth all the fuss.

An analysis of “true love” by judith viorst essay sample

In the end, she knows he loves her but she still has doubts about her husband's loyalty. The setting of the poem is one of a typical family home. The wife recalls times that her husband has upset her and the tests they have went through in their marriage, yet, beyond all of this, →

Naqiya months. this shows cohabiting can be very

Living together before marriage is a tradition in the United States. As people think it is a good way to save expenses. Whereas if you are cohabiting, and have a feeling of not being suited to each other. They can just say goodbye and go in the direction they want.

Destiny taylor

Urdan" The gay right movement kicked off during the Stonewall Riots of 1969 this was a movement that started; because " the police raided a gay bar" Craig Rodwell a gay activist and remove the heterosexuals out the bar as they proceeded to trash the place. Gannon said, " that marriage is a civil right →

Employee engagement issues in multinational companies

Based on this and amidst other reasons, the aim and objectives of this research is therefore itemised below: To closely examine the concept of employee engagement To seek to differentiate employee engagement from other similar constructs To examine the view point of critics and advocates of the concept To investigate reasons for →

To what extent did the reformation transform europe? essay

Some of the development which preceded revolution were, Leadership vacuum by the Roman Catholic leadership system, development of printing press, outbreak of Bubonic plague famously known as the Black Death resulting to death of a third of the population, influx of pagan literature and finally raid of Muslim Turks conquering Balkans[1]. According to Luther all →

Running head: gay marriage outline

Gays and the destruction of the traditional heterosexual marriage: Another argument the homosexual opponents make is that gay marriage would one way or another abolish the holiness of the traditional heterosexual marriage A. Gays and the adoption: The opponents of gay marriage argue that it is corrupt for a child to be raised by a →

Literature review on ewrt 2 65z

In " The Tale of Kieu," the author Nguyen Du describes a female named Kieu who suffers innumerable tragedies for paying back the sins she committed in her previous life. " The Tale of Kieu" narrates the life, trials and tribulations of Thuy Kieu, a beautiful and intelligent young woman, who sacrifices herself to save her →

Analytical essay on the wife’s story

The wife is recalling the events in her point of view from memory, and through her memory the audience receives a different take on the timeless tale of a werewolf romance, only this time the romance is from the other side, the wolf side. The wife is a wolf, while the husband is a werewolf, →

Same sex marriage – does it threaten the traditional definition of a amily?

Similarly, in the past generation the gay and lesbian population, individuals whose sexual preference is towards that of their own gender, has been struggling for their civil rights, and in the dawn of a new millennium the constitutional confines of marriage have to be reconsidered. A Baptist preacher from Kansas recently referred to Canada as →

Literature review on marriage

When you are reading " The Story of An Hour" you need to be able to understand that you are reading a story about a woman who experiences a lot of different emotions and experiences a great life trauma. Once you are capable of understanding this reading then you will be able →

Illustrated man notes essay sample

Hollis wishes he could have one last influence before he burns up in the atmosphere of Earth; where a boy see's a shooting star and makes a wish. Hollis, a crew member of the rocket who copes with his fat-approaching death. Hollis Astronaut thrown out of the exploding rocket Woode →

The crucible: elizabeth proctor

Clearly everyone in the town respects her to some noticeable degree, and she clearly had a good name amongst the town, since she has never lied. When she was called to have her word about Abigail and her husband, she could have told the truth about what happened between Abigail and John.

Cause-effect essay* causes of divorce

Lack of communication is one of the main causes of divorce. Now we know that lack of communication, financial problems, and violence are the main causes why people get divorce.

Civic engagement

Studies have shown that civic engagement and political awareness has declined, at all age levels, and yet there is evidence that the mass media can have a positive effect on cultivating social capital, especially in the interest of young voters in America. The issue at hand is not mass media, but how →

Introduction according to the canonical arrangement. the book

Hosea is one of books among the twelve minorprophets according to the canonical arrangement. The book is accredited to Hosea'son of Beeri' as the author. 7239 Fuhr, and Yates, TheMessage of the Twelve, p.

Pellissippi state community college

The subjective element of a social problem refers to the belief that a particular social condition is harmful to society, or to a segment of society, and it should and can be changed. I have come to understand the history of homosexuality and I, also understand how one social problem is affected by another.

The mustache

The mustache Several themes are used in the text " the mustache" by Robert Cormier, one of them is Love, which is a kind of clich , but it's is a different kind of love, because the grandmother " Nana" has this intense love which she gives to her grandson because she thinks it's →

Barefoot in the park: character summary

Her impetuosity is not shared, at first, by her mother or husband, and they are aghast when she cheers the crazy antics of Victor, a neighbor. He witnesses, to his mortification, a fight between Corie and Paul.

Child marriage

According to the Convention on the Elimination on all Forms of Discrimination Against Women - marriage before the age of 18 should not be allowed since children do not have the ' full maturity and capacity to act'. The1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that marriage should be ' →

Same-sex marriage equality essay

It is presently one of the most discussed reforms in law reviews and the American court systems. If legalized, it could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history of America, along with women's rights, interracial marriage, and slavery. With the issue of gay marriage, lines get blurred and religion rears its →

The yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman essay

In The Yellow Wallpaper, the setting of the story helps convey to the readers the plight of women in the 19th century. The setting of The Yellow Wallpaper was not indicated in the text. In the beginning of the story, the protagonist stated that she was temporarily staying in a " colonial mansion" for the →

Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments

Through this and the synecdoche " marriage of true minds" it is shown that the poet envisions truehappinessbut there is something about what is happening that is troubling him. The enjambment applied here by Shakespeare is especially effective as it conveys a feeling of importance of the supposedly unwelcome information he is →

The wife of bath feminist essay

The British Library explains women of the middle ages, " The two main alternatives for a medieval woman were to marry, or to ' take the veil' and become a nun. 2014) The wife of bath's additional marriages after the first were viewed as a taboo. Perhaps she just spoke and lived what every other →

Are movie stars’ weddings too extravagant?

Regardless of whether the wedding is huge or humble, so long as the two persons are faithful to and caring for each other, their marriage will always be graceful and memorable. In this era where divorce is no longer a taboo and divorce rate is shooting relentlessly worldwide, it seems grievously insensible and frankly wasteful →