A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Sample argumentative essay on parliamentarism vs presidentialism

This question is considered to be critical for the set of the issues - such as the major reasons for democratic collapse, whether democratic consolidation is more likely to be promoted by certain institutions or not and whether regime type matters for governability and policy output. While conducting an analysis of the

Erp solutions in healthcare essay

Production Lines versus Patient Care A comparison of the chief characteristics of the manufacturing and patient care processes discloses several important differences between these processes that shed light on how an ERP system needs to be adapted for use in health care. The basic focus of the manufacturing process is to transform raw materials into β†’

Incorporating appropriate games in trainings essay

The group's mindset was simply to create a game. In the scenario, Helen noticed that the other 11 attendees were not at the advanced stage of process consultation. Helen's group upon hearing the professor's comment for the first group was somehow confident for Helen and two others were able to make a connection between the β†’

Role of information systems in thomas cook essay

The report also considers the benefits like customer data management, effective coordination of several marketing campaigns, lead management and quick decision making and processing cycle gained by the firm after the installation of the system. The report after an analysis of the system also throws light on the several conclusions. The report also provides recommendations β†’

Problem solving and visionary leadership

The writer strongly has experienced the work of WCA's administration to be involved parents, teachers, community, church and staff in achieving the goal of WCA's vision. It is a blessing to see how God has blessed the school in that sense because the writer has experienced the feeling of union and caring among the teachers, β†’

Predictably irrational critical thinking example

The first year students would prefer the restaurant which is full than the empty restaurant. Make it simple The less demanding or simpler first year students prepare something, higher are the chances other students will join in. However, when others were offered a lower wage they declined the offer as they looked at the β†’

Decision making and decision support systems in healthcare case study samples

As a matter of fact, the utilization of these systems displays the provision of care as the responsibility of a compact health society rather than independent health facilities. Healthcare is a vital part of the society that needs to be managed carefully in every aspect. Morgan, in his work, The Next Generation of Clinical Decision β†’

Essay on teacher leader- data decision making

Furthermore, in the system of DDDM, the key elements that characterise it are: instructional aims that are attainable and can be measured; baseline data that is excellent; focused instructional involvements; specialized learning communities; and frequent decisive assessments. Knowledge based decision making is a system that is based on strategic thinking β†’

Alzheimer’s disease essay

I was unaware that there was more than one form of AD and scientists believe that early-onset may be more of a hereditary cause. " Scientists are finding increasing evidence that some of the risk factors for heart disease and stroke, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and low levels of the vitamin folate, may β†’

Diamonds are forever in botswana essay

The company's business consists of overseeing the mining of diamonds and then selling them throughout the rest of the world. Even though De Beers is the dominant force in Botswana, they approached their venture in the country by having an equal relationship with the government split down the middle 50-50. From a socially responsible aspect, β†’

Organizational structure paper essay

Cox, H, MBA September 13, 2009 Abstract The purpose of this essay is to present the concept of structure, explaining the roles and relationships of organizational culture, and to illustrate how that structure can direct the behavior of teams. In the medical insurance company that I worked for, the organizational structure definitely affected the behavior β†’

Reflection journal

W What you Want to know List two things you want to know about driving.1. When a vehicle is traveling downhill, gravity is one of the forces pulling it down How will this information affect you as a driver now and in the future? The information given to me in this module will β†’

Politics in the military essay examples

Politics influence military decisions in the floor of the parliament; this occurs in making and amending laws. As a matter of fact, we cannot dispute the influence of politics in military decisions.

Youth in politics essay

It was first identified in the American Politics with the formation of the American Youth Congress in the 1930s. Omar Abdullah's recent speech in parliament on the confidence motion started with, " I am an INDIAN first and Muslim second"; and brought the focus on the importance of the Youth in bringing new ideas, freshness β†’

Analytical decision support system for business flow essay

The company manages various functions such as, the details regarding the various companies it provides solutions/products to, the channel partners, the expected price quotations, the revenue generated and the inventory levels. The customer, employee, product, and proposal details can be entered in to the application. All the inputs are integrated and reports are generated.

The or addictive. when the price goes up,

Knowledge of the basic law of demand is notenough to decide about final price of the product or service. It is important tool to measuresensitivity of the price change in national and international scale.

Essay on rational decision making process

It can be used to examine key programs so as to critically evaluate on the basis of cost-benefit whether they are worth of implementation or not. Any program that negatively influences the financial capability of a nation is thus considered as an ill option that will have devastating effects on the country's economy. Pron's of β†’

The impact of gender on moral decision-making essay

The methodology utilized in morality studies varies greatly, making comparability of the results garnered from unique protocols and data collection tools difficult. This likely affects the discrepancies in the findings of studies of gender and morality. A study of moral orientation among medical students was performed in order to determine if a scale could be β†’

Private job rather and government service

2 Areas of Research: This paper is based on some key areas based on the following research questions: The first question is what is the percentage of the graduates joining in private job and in government job? The third area to be focused is the acts of the society in its claim to meet the β†’

Essays on organizational decision making

The occurrence cannot be controlled but it affects the decision making. The Wisdom of Crowds It entails pooling diverse talents and knowledge in order make a better and dependable decision. Rational Choice in an Uncertain World: The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making.

Children’s training, such increase awareness of children’s individual

The role of parents in trialdecision making is complex and it is a challenge for researchers in discussingpediatric trials with parents to balance the tension surrounds them. Therefore, researchers are required to support parent's decision making appropriately andguard against the possibility of regret. As that, the parentimperative for treatment decision making compelled custodial parents to β†’

Methods of communication essay

One example of that would be when a team leader tells his group that they were picked because they were the best and the brightest. There may be some partial truth to this statement but to the people hearing it, it is a strong motivator. By definition all behaviors that are not verbal and that β†’

Vidsoft case analysis essay

What's more, Babatunde's trials failed to turn him around , then he sought to move to the other group where the group superintended is absent and the requirement for participation in team-related activity expected to be at its minimum with the absence of leadership roles. Moreover, he will not be required to provide feedback to β†’

Business decision making project essay sample

Our team is discussing ways to conduct a survey for employees in an attempt to understand and correct any problems to lower job turnovers and increase job satisfaction. We have determined that the survey should have no more than ten questions and they should be worded to be precise so we can get the answers β†’

Differentiation between traditional and online shopping

Additionally, I would get to spend much less in traditional shopping due to the delivery costs of online shopping. The future of shopping: Traditional and online. Basingstoke, Hampshire England: Macmillan Press.

Mpo – a firm can only function well

C may want to use Tannenbaum and Schmidt'scontinuum theory has simple scales that a leader can use to give a " thumbin the wind" assessment of what leadership style to use. It's alsoimportant to have an understanding of these theories as what you do in one leadershipsituation will not always work in another situation, eg β†’

Mgt narrative essay

Connection between the Readings The most common connection found in the works referenced in this paper is about the internal struggle of the writers and characters. It is also understood as the selection of certain words and phrases that become peculiar to the writer." In this story Languor's diction begins with hope, based on his β†’

The to all human endeavors. it helps us

An awareness to the situation is often influenced by the perception andthe stress one can find him/herself in, which is mainly referred to the conceptof " Theory of the Situation" that developed by Dr. Espoused Theory An individual's account or explanation of his/her behaviour Theory in Practice The set of skills, knowledge, and experience according β†’

Occupational psychology about team and teamwork

Positive Outcomes of Cohesion Team According to Carron, Brawley and Widmeyer , group cohesion could be defined as " a dynamic process that is indicated in the orientation of a group to stick together and persist in being united in its pursuit of instrumental objectives and/or for the satisfaction of member' affective needs". In β†’

Appendix f-psy 210 essay

Axia College Material Appendix F For each of three developmental domains: physical, cognitive, and social/personality, identify two major changes or challenges associated with that developmental stage (adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood). Stage of Development| Physical Development| Cognitive Development| Social/Personality Development| Adolescence| -Growth spurts, for two to three years they will grow β†’

Transformational leadership essay

The very dynamics of change are such that transformational leadership is the best style of leadership to adopt in order to implement a change successfully and effectively. Firstly, a change cannot be brought about successfully without gaining support, confidence and commitment from subordinates. Transformational leadership is said to be the most useful when changing the β†’

The the difference between the actual state

The desired state is theconsumer desire to satisfy their needs, whereas the actual state is the needsthat have to actually be met by the consumer. According to research, the recognition of a problem comesup in the situation where an individual understand the difference between the actual state of affairs and desired state of affairs. In β†’

Personal ethics

I will present how I have developed my own values, what the values are and the sources I have developed those ethics I was born in St. Growing up as a child I can remember my aunt Esther who is my father sister that lived downstairs' from my family; also she was very close β†’

Although capable of influencing positively the consumer perception

They identified that certaincharacteristics of the flyer are capable of influencing positively the consumerperception about a greater assortment variety and the image of theestablishment (Mimouni Chaabane, Sabri, & Parguel, 2010), in the intention of visiting andbuying products offered (Gijsbrechts, Campo, & Goossens, 2003) and, even, in those that are notoffered and arranged on the flyer. β†’

Law fengrossment person. i have a broad interest

I have always been a determined and fengrossment person. I have a broadinterest in law subject. I haveimproved my understanding of the law by taking Economics, Law and Mathematicsin A-Level.

Different policing eras in the u.s

These developments have been categorized into the political era, the reform era and the community problem-solving era. The political era ranging from 1840 to the 1920s was characterized by the presence of close ties between the policing and political institutions. Community and public services such as street sweeping and housing the homeless were also tasks β†’

The social landscape: reasoning on the social behavior spectrum essay examples

In addition, it provides design principles which guide the creation of agents that are capable of behaviors that reflect the entire spectrum. This source covers the topics of The Social Behavior Spectrum; Social Reasoning; decision-making on group membership and the relationship of social behavior to Boolean games and other BDI-Based Models. This is to increase β†’

Fuzzy topsis method

Then the importance of the criteria and the rating of alternatives with respect to each criterion and the aggregated rating Xij under criteria C j can be calculated as: Wj= 1K[Wj1+Wj2+...+Wjk] xij= 1K[xij1+xij2+...+xijk] Wjk is the importance weight of the kth decision maker.xijk is the rating of the kth decision maker. A case study The β†’

Example of essay on name

A nurse should - Practice the profession faithfully - Serve with compassion and loyalty to her patients - Not administer any harmful substances - Give complete assistance to physician and - Give total dedication to the care of the patients. The foremost importance of such guidelines is to, aid in ethical decision making process and β†’

Uses and functions of mass media

Hence the uses of the mass media can be said to be: Staying Informed The media cannot be surpassed as a window on the world. Building Relationships Some people use the media as a way to build relationships, both with themselves and with others.

Positron emission tomography (pet)

PET has also contributed in monitoring primary Chemotherapy in Breast cancer, detection of recurrent Prostate cancer.4. CLINICAL APPLICATIONS OF PET IN ONCOLOGY: For the diagnosis of unknown primary tumours and detection of metastasis, whole body PET scans are commonly used which demonstrate an overview of radioactivity in the body which can be possible after a β†’

Decision making, planning, and strategic planning essay sample

Of course, not with the same wording, but we can translate that to choosing the best option or options from all available alternatives. The reason why everyone does not come up with the same or similar definitions is because not everyone thinks these subjects are of much importance. We are about to find β†’

Managerial accounting essay sample

1-Introduction A good understanding of the relationship between cost and activities in a company is necessary for managers in every type of organization and this clothing manufacturing company is concerned because they do not have this understanding and what benefits it has for guiding managers to understand the changes and effects different β†’

Has managerial enterprise contributed to the success of leading economies

Countries that ignored the logic[3]were doomed to moderate performance and low competitiveness. Hence, Chandler's thesis was twofold: first, he stressed the relative economic consequences of the multi-divisional structure and second, he argued that the strategies and thus structures of advanced economies are converging towards those adopted in the US of the early 19th century. COUNTRY β†’

The roles and responsibilities of a project manager essay sample

Project managers are the backbone of resourcefulness, applying knowledge, skills, and tools, enabling them to meet the project requirements in the most efficient and proficient way. The project manager is the point man or leader, they are in charge of the whole project from the beginning to the end, identifying, and resolving issues to β†’

Steve jobs successful manager management essay

The latest introduction to Apple's impressive list of products is iAd, an outlet for ads that will completely revolutionize the marketing world.iAd will deliver interaction and emotion by deliver web ads through the use of video in ads while consumers are using applications. Jobs seems to have a knack for determining when products should be β†’

An exploration of hrm devolution and the impact on line manager capabilities

The paper will then explore the changing shape of the HR function and HRM Devolution within theUK, and move on to present findings from this. This following chapter will look in brief at the background to the study including the change in role of HR and the new emphasis on partnership working. This study will β†’

Requirements of managers in contemporary business practices management essay

Contemporary business practices require that managers have knowledge and experience regarding the differences between management and leading as well, and how both activities must be integrated for business success. With the importance of International Business environment is raising, understanding the host country's culture can give managers a competitive advantage. The objective of this assignment is β†’

The practice of ethical behavior by managers marketing essay

The company considers the safety issues in a lot of terms such as the brake system and airbag system which have derived the company to be among the most ethical behaving firms. The launch of a publicity campaign in the last month by Toyota Company was to satisfy the customers that the company is addressing β†’

Role of professional and managerial skills management essay

Javed Here identify some professional and managerial skill or experience in following areas: Communicating with other people The great deal of manager and most of the time he spent to communication with internal and external all people and stuff. That are deadline is the part of every project. Co-ordinating Co-ordinating means β†’

Managerial finance exam study guide assignment

Review Chapter 1, up.5-8.Review the advantages and disadvantages of the three primary forms of business organization: sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation (liability, tax advantages, etc.) The threaded discussion from Week 1 will also serve as a review for this material.2. Objective multiple choice question related to the Security Market Line and risk aversion. β†’

Leadership effectiveness and personal managerial qualities

However, there is no right style of leadership, because it varies with the personality and situational needs. Thus, the author likes a mixture of working with others and working alone, in the form of management and leadership positions which can energise others to carry out the vision via the objectives and tries to motivate the β†’

Car industry managers ethical concerns

In the 21st century, business managers have lot of challenges for the business progress, while the main challenges that business managers have are, good use of human resources, about the marketing of the products, long range planning for better results, and better use of analysis towards the foundation for decision making, (Drucker, P.F., Classic β†’

Educating managers for promoting ethical behavior

Recent ethical misconduct such as Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby in Hollywood, as well as Facebook and googles privacy issues, and Samsung's bribery issues are clear examples of ethical misconduct.There is a myriad of reasons for unethical behavior, whether they be the individual, or the organizational structure.The purpose of this paper is for the researcher β†’

Techno managers: role of industry institute interface

Techno Managers of Tomorrow: Role of the Academy-Industry Interface Tippana Sreevani 9/19/2008 " The study of the scientific methods and principles underlying the practice of any handicraft, industry or profession; and the application of those methods and principles of the handicraft, industry, or profession in question. The first is the primary or β†’

Introduction as operation manager of amazin’ graze, her

The brand image bring out the fun, straightforward and passionate in making the goodness of healthy snack. She found that the eating behaviour inMalaysia are not so healthy and hard to get the healthy foods in public whenshe in Malaysia.

How a manager uses macroeconomics for decision making

It is concerned with the whole economy and studies the level and the growth of national income, the levels of employment, the level of private and government spending, the balance of payments, the consumption & the investment, saving functions and oscillations in business cycles. Future demand and investment depends upon the growth and the state β†’

Title: “with a point of departure from the managerial economics theory (ies) of your choice describe how managerial economics is applicable in your work place of your choice.” assignment

The knowledge of demand theory can, therefore, be helpful in making the choice of commodities, finding the optimum level of production and in determining the price of the product. Capital is the foundation of business. Its efficient allocation and management is one of the most important tasks of the managers and a determinant of the β†’

Manager’s perspective paper

Running Head: Aviation Security Insert His/her Aviation security is required to prevent the illegal and terrorist activities that may take place in the airports or in the airlines. An aviation security program helps us in setting up the security standards through which we can integrate different factors via which we can improve and enhance the β†’

Role and responsibilities of a line manager commerce essay

Both HRM and PM considered on people management, but there are many differences between them that which show on chart below. Personal Management HR Management PM includes supervising duties and they deals employees wage and laws. PM considered less important task. The significant stimulus in PM is recoupment, rewards and job simplify. From β†’

Basic managerial units for the operation – nypd case

A particular police precinct such as the 26th, in which Columbia University stands, may have 6 patrol cars in the field during the typical 8-to-4 tour. In New York about 1200 cartours are fielded on an average day - about 200 on the 12 to 8 tour, about 400 on the 8 β†’

The role of the human resource manager business essay

Upon collecting, the secondary data derived from websites and article, careful analysis will be done in order to utilizing to prepare strength, weakness, opportunities and experience to analyze how to best customize the course to the target clients. Literature Review The role of the Human Resource Manager is evolving with the change β†’

Tanglewood case study-manager retention essay

The organization should not assume that employees are ' lifers' with a strong loyalty to the organization. Dissatisfaction with the organizational direction is not always avoidable, however, the psychological contract between employees leaving should be considered because it is an important element of employee perception. For example, if Tanglewood ascertains that the major life event β†’

Effective leadership of a manager

Controlling is a new task that this student deals with in minimal measure. This student is the contact person in the office because the office is in transition with management in our office. In the opinion of this student, the most important role for a health care manager isleadership.

Mgm600-0803b-02 applied managerial decision-making – phase 1 discussion board

A population data is a discrete data because it involves the count of people and including them into various categories. On the other hand, continuous data is the information that can be calculated using scale or continuum. This is a continuous data because the blood sugar level of diabetes can be measured and corresponding quantity β†’

Roles and responsibilities of the project manager construction essay

Hence the project managers must attempt to utilise the resources efficiently and effectively to meet the pre-defined standards of performance and to optimise the productivity of the resources. The aim of this assignment is to identify certain projects to achieve two main business objectives for the financial year of a large manufacturing organisation which has β†’

The nature of managerial economics economics essay

Managerial Economics is the intergration of/ bridges the gap between economic theory with/& business practice so as to facilitate decision making" Comment/ outline the nature and scope of Managerial Economics in light of this statement. Spencer and Siegelman have defined Managerial Economics as " the integration of economic theory with business practice for the β†’

Managers work is functions or roles management essay

To define what is the function of managers, Fayol proposed a concept about the classical function of managers: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling that have been known in management and still applicable and relevant to today's work of managers. In Mintzberg concept, the manager has to adapt quickly with the needs of the organisation β†’


The Environment of the Pleistocene The Pleistocene period was marked by a series of glaciations. It is said that there was much flooding in the area that is now Idaho, and that climate fluctuated during much of this time.

Visit museum

His role as a Senator is still remembered today, the panel of historians and Senate leaders still regard him as one of the greatest senators of all time. Mary Todd Lincoln House is a museum that was constructed to honor the wife of the wife of the 16th President of the U.S. I had the β†’

Choose two anthropology questions in this six questions and answer

In the Islamic religion, the hajj is considered to be of significant importance to both the person undertaking it and their religion. Hajj is also a rite of passage because it is a ritual worship that members of the Islamic faith are expected to fulfill. #4 The concept of the " one-and-the-many" can be said β†’

Sustainability of seafood farms

Distribution refers to the process of acquiring the fish from the production region and the various supply chain mechanisms implemented to bring the fish to market. One of the prominent affects fish farming has had on the ocean is through a process known as eutrophication.

Ju hoansi essay sample

The value of the object is not as important as the relationship built and maintained between the two of us. The mongongo is a highly nutritious fruit and nut that constitutes the main staple in the diet of the !

Chapter 1- introduction: the scope of medical anthropology

Chapter 1- Introduction: the scope of medical anthropology - Medical anthro: - How people in diff cultures explain the causes of ill health , types of treatment they believe in and whom they turn to when ill - Anthropology - " The study of man" 1) Physical Anthropology - Human biology - β†’

Short paper

It is evident in the commonality in the forms of discrimination manifested in institutions and across countries and even religions. Racism is dominant in the American society through social institutions such as University of Arizona.

Aqci #5

Woman is regarded as something that every culture diminishes....in this text; the author blames culture for the lower regard of women in the society. However, the text by Ortner dismisses culture for the negative presentation of the woman figure in society. Works cited Moberg, Mark.

Australopithecus sediba

What kind of information was in the supplemental material? There is a lot of information about Australopithecus sediba among other pre-humans in the scientific article while the press articles emphasized on the key features of the fossils. Compare and contrast the take home message of the scientific paper to the popular press articles. The message β†’

Nanook of the north (youtube)

Through the life of Nanook, we get to know how the traditional society practiced fishing, hunting, frequent migrations of the group in search of food and trading in the Northern Canada. Assumptions in culture can also be made based on the Nanook movie. There is some lack of realism in the movie like during the β†’

Indigenous identity

African Americans derive their social and cultural values from the religion, and with the majority of them being the followers of Abrahamic religions, African American communities are generally more conservative in their stance on homosexuality and thus condemn gay marriages. According to Jones, the most significant changes in the traditional indigenous identity of the African β†’

Social movement

26 November Social Movement Hundreds of supporters of gay rights marched through India's capital city to celebrate the decriminalization of homosexuality in India and the newly found freedom. To make this decision, the court demanded the actual number of gays in India which was hard to ascertain since many gays in India tend to maintain β†’

Business administration (bscb) + (im)

This thesis is intended to examine the monetary policy in Iceland and how the Central Bank handled the collapse and to look into the causes that made the financial crisis to be so severe. This critic attracted the attention of the authors of this thesis and therefore it is relevant to examine the monetary policy β†’

ο»Ώrisk register for norvella investments essay sample

Risk Three- to reduce possible company damage, Norvella will need to prepare a contingency plan when partners/investors decide to buy out of the company or leave their positions and look for additional investors as soon as possible. 4. Risk Seven- to reduce possible company damage, company management has to put security measures β†’

Many itself is equal for all, then

Or is the value ofthe substance of life the experiences a consciousness has selected to be partof and those it has been subjected to? What is the value of life?

Brazil consumption essay

08%, while the Consumption of Brazil has grown at a CAGR of 2. 98%.[pic] Consumption FunctionOn the basis of regression carried out between National Income and Consumption of Brazil, the consumption function can be written as Consumption = Constant + MPC * National Income Consumption = 78299. Appendix Data Sheet | Country or Area | β†’

Pixonix case essay sample

In the early 1970s, the Canadian dollar was valued higher than the US dollar. In the past few years, the Canadian dollar has been showing strength compared to the US dollar.

The risk factor of diageo

Consequently, in the event of insolvency of Diageo, the claims of holders of notes guaranteed or issued by Diageo would be structurally subordinated to the prior claims of the creditors of subsidiaries of Diageo. You should consult your financial and legal advisors as to any specific risks entailed by an investment in debt securities that β†’

Euro-optimist hypothesis

This was the case up to the current sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone and presumably, if the euro does not break up, it will continue into the future. After being predicted in 2005 that the euro would possibly surpass the dollar in 2022 as the leading reserve currency, their latest econometric calculations in 2008 β†’

In the heart of darkness essay

As testament to the presence of the extraction of Ivory in colonial times.we have the Ivory Coast. The indigens would run the elephant for the tusk and so would merchandise it for shells.strings.rum etc with the European ' explorers.' Just as Kurtz' life revolves around the Hunt and addition for tusk.the cardinal intent of the β†’

Aristotle & mill on capital punishment

For example when he says, " every state of soul is naturally related to and about whatever naturally makes it better or worse; and pleasures and pains make people base, from pursuing and avoiding the wrong ones, at the wrong time, in the wrong ways, or whatever other distinctions of that sort are needed in β†’

The difference sentencing models

Deterrence is the act or process of discouraging and preventing an action from occurring. The individual actor is not the focus of the attempt at behavioural change, but rather receives punishment in public view in order to deter other individuals from deviance in the future.

Capital punishment california death penalty essay

The purpose of this paper is to firstly respond to the question of how two specific court cases impacted capital punishment in this country and in particular in California, and secondly, to review the evidence for and against the effectiveness of the death penalty being a crime deterrent in the U.S.

Maria hernandez case

At the start of the operations i.e. July 2nd, 2004 the amount in the company bank account was $12, 000; however on August 31st, 2004 (roughly two months of operations) the amount had declined to $6, 600. What can we say about the status of the business on August 31, 2004?

Death penalty

For this to change, the mindset of the United States needs to undergo a fundamental change from awarding the death penalty, to performing the punishment that was sentenced. If the intention of the deed is good then the deed is in and of itself good, thus ethical." Kant says that these beliefs should be based β†’

Death punishment /capital punishment

Following are the reasons for giving the capital punishment to criminals :- To stop such crime in future To set an example before the people To make people afraid about punishment. Otherwise Capital punishment is an good instrument to stop crime in society.