A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Basic human needs

However, from the knowledge that I had gained over the years has taught me that despite the differences in culture and upbringing the basic human needs of a person will always remain the same. Over the many years of observation and interaction, I have come to the conclusion that culture does in no way change →

Engineering ethics

Engineering ethics is the rights and responsibilities of engineers and personal commitments and desirable ideals in engineering. Codes of ethics are the moral responsibilities of engineers as observed by the profession and presented in a professional society.

Fathers and their families

Absence of father from home affects families' social and economic welfare. a) When fathers are not at home, the economic welfare of the family is adversely affected because mothers bear all the family financial burdens. b) Fathers are usually a sense of security to their families, thus their absence exposes the family to potential risks →

Characteristics of civilized societies and civilization

A shared system of religious belief, whose officials or priests often play a significant role in community affairs. How was national unity maintained in ancient Egypt, despite the differences between the regions of the Upper and Lower Nile? " National unity was maintained by a strong central government firmly controlled by the Pharaoh who was regarded →

Week 6 bus

WEEK 6 BUS Distinctions among the real e contract, a deed, and a mortgage, and how these legal concepts played a leading role in the real estate crisis in the United States A real estate contract is a contractual agreement between two parties in the sale and purchase of a real estate. Conversely, a →

Employee motivation

The three authors discuss related matters of human behavior in comparison to the immediate effect on company performance. The article Employee Motivation by Nohria, Groysberg and Lee is a projection of the authors' opinion with regards to organizational performance. The authors have failed to provide alternatives to extended institutions. Conclusion In my →

Letter to the senator concerning various ethnic and racial groups

In this case, we have a feeling that the strands that the US has made in terms of law enactment are yet to reach a threshold that guarantee safety of life and property of the black. As such, we are forced to believe that native are more important that the black in the eyes of →

A powerful tool and protector of the citizens of the us

President, to reconsider and amend the National Defense Authorization Act because it is unconstitutional and is, therefore, contradicting the constitution of the United States of America which holds great meaning to the citizens of this nation. With these facts in mind, I, therefore, find some of the sections in the National Defense Authorization Act unconstitutional →

Avoiding telephone spam

Spam costs the sender very little to send - most of the costs are paid for by the recipient or the carriers rather than by the sender". Spam is taking a serious toll on several businesses worldwide, companies in the US and other parts of the world have suffered whopping losses because of the people →

Mexico economy

Based on this classification, the Mexican current situation demonstrates an undershot expectation with a fairly positive and difficult economic environment for economic competitiveness and economic growth. Looking out over the next year, what is the key issue to watch? The key issues to be watched out for the next year by the Mexican economists are →

The airplane is the safest transport

The Airplane is the Safest Transport Introduction Air transport is the movement of passengers and goods from the point of origin to the point of destination by the use of airplanes. The following reasons, explains why airplane transport is the best. Crash Rate Crash rate is in reference to the established →

Importance of trainning and education. is it important yes or no why

18 April The Importance of Training and Education Education and training are indispensable requirements for any individual, be it for a good career or a good life. Although educational institutions and training institutes have formalized the very process of learning, the fact is that an individual undergoes education and training right from his infancy, when →

Persian gulf today

The empire expanded into the Iraq region, which used to form part of the Persian Empire. The period was refereed to s the golden age of the civilization in the entire Muslim world.

Is collective violence on the decline across the world

Besides many people killed annually in violent conflicts, there is a huge number of people who are physically injured, permanently mutilated or disabled. The genocide was at a high rate that millions of people died in it.

Dis post poll 211 7

Many of the nations were looking for an effective model of development that could help them promote the economic growth and the advancement of the political independence. Modernization Science: The Principles and Methods of National Advancement.

Planning your graduation party

Capsule Studio - http://www.nyeventspace.com/nyeventspace/pages/amenities.php The place is spacious and cozy at the same time, I think, because of the high ceilings. I think laughter would be a good way to end the party.

The immigration debate

Rather, the illegal immigrants are doing us a favor by accomplishing the tasks that Americans find to menial for their tastes. In the overall scheme of things, illegal immigrants actually provide a larger benefit to the American economic system by adding at least $10 billion a year to our GDP. So rather than debating the →

Constitutional ethic

Constitutional Ethic Application of the concept of constitutional ethics to all public services The concept of constitutional ethics in public service is a form of government reform that has gained focus in the recent past. Assess the roles of Neutral competency and expertise in Public administration Neutral competence involves the capacity of the public →

Ethical philosophy in lives of the people

In this paper I will provide an account of my ethical philosophy, utilizing Kant's moral philosophy. The first aspect that should be mentioned with this regard is that I act in a manner that if my actions become universal law, this would not harm anyone. This means that lying should not be made a universal →

Article response

However, the pickle did not stop; Americans started to use it as diet reforms declined, and nowadays pickles are enjoyed as normal food. This story shows that one can eat any kind of food and speak any language and still be an American. In a similar case, Pickles has been accepted due to its convenience →

Refusal for a future life-sustaining treatment

The symptoms of Huntington's disease are evident for patients in their 30's or 40's. The only thing that they can do for now is to avail for genetic counseling to ease their level of discomfort and anxiety. John is a lawyer in his 30's.

Couch surfing website

Couch surfing is is a website that enables a surfer to meet new and different people while on the move. The vision of the website is to see a world where everyone can explore and create friendships and connections with anyone that they encounter.

Disscusion 7

Schoendorff sued the society of New York Hospital for taking her to surgery, without her consent. Therefore, even if a patient is dying, and he or she is of the right mind, a medical practitioner must seek their consents, before carrying out a treatment. References: Law, Science and Public Health." Basic Right to Consent to →

Sampling assignment

The student were hand-picked to constitute a team of 20 students without condition or any other consideration (be it a student of any level, of any particular gender or age). The list of the first sample is: Student Days ID Absent 10 21 33 41 51 64 →

Congress and state legislatures policy communication

Impacts of Vague Policies of Outline Introduction Advantages and Disadvantages of Vague Public Policies Conclusion Impacts of Vague Policies Introduction Public policies contain laws and regulations used to govern a nation. The public policy is built on the base of rules and regulations of a nation's constitution. Disadvantages of Vague Public Policies →

Use of cell phones while driving

Human brain is not capable of doing multi-tasking to perfection, all are not Leonardo da Vinci to write with one hand and to paint with the other. Most of these accidents are caused by ignorance and one of the most important causes of accidents is the use of mobile phone while driving.


They can in fact balance themselves to make it a workable and realistic ethical guideline that could be useful in our lives. For example, we can balance virtue ethics with utilitarianism. Being good and finding its good use will surely make a good pair of ethics. Moreover when we add deontological ethics to utilitarianism and →

Ethics journaljournal

In this case, taking care of the patient is the right thing to do. In the above situation, intentions are important in a moral life because actions are not just based on their outcomes but on the intentions. In this case, the intention of the nurse is to make the patient comfortable and treat him →

Challenges in the path to self-actualization

I can relate to her difficulties of feeling isolated, while striving to attain self-actualization; furthermore, Abeel helps me become a more sensitive and responsive teacher in the classroom. Abeel is a gifted student, but because of her learning disability, she is filled with panic and anxiety; but through her determination and social support, she deals →

The world 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years from now

Wars continue to influence the future of the world as countries continue to invest in their militaries in readiness of a hypothetical war. Despite such preparations, I believe the possibility of global war is unlikely in the near future given the patterns of diplomatic relations in contemporary society. Among the conspicuous results of the first →

The not so silent majority: uyghur resistance to han rule in xinjiang

Bovingdon asserts that the utilization of the nonconventional accounts in this context is bound to aid significantly in the ' understanding of ethno national politics and the character of Chinese rule'. There is a historical explanation of how the current conflict that has resulted in a buildup of discontentedness that has elicited continued resistance by →

An epidemic of fear

An Epidemic of Fear From the first reading it can be concluded that Wakefield and his colleagues rigged the results by altering facts about the patients in the study. He took the risk of giving his teen children the flu-vaccine even before it was recommended for children of their age group.

The positive, beneficial functions of ir law

The losses suffered from World War I and World War II caused the international community to review international laws and this brought about the creation of the United Nations, a body that is charged with upholding international laws and preventing such conflicts from reoccurring. International laws recognize that a states sovereignty does not necessarily translate →

Black americans

Who is the audience? The audience in this article is the American people. The people represented by the president, the normal citizens and the slaves, who after 76 years of independence are enjoying the fruits of liberty. 3.

Hearing child of a deaf parent and a deaf child of a hearing parent

At a tender age, she would receive calls with her parents' telephone, and her deaf parents would ask her to interpret what it was about. She was vibrant in using the sign language, and understood her bilingual and bicultural identity.

Text analysis of the discussion on kalw, local public radio 91.7 fm

In summary, police and community relationship improvement can only work better if poverty issues among the youths are addressed, and economic injustices solved. Evaluation of the Text The text is useful because it presents opportunity and resolutions for the improvement of police and community relations. Besides, economic justice among various people in the community →

Rhetorical sources

Rhetorical sources The generous attitude that people of American society had towards the mentally ill changed at the beginning of the 20th Century and was replaced by stout feeling that the mentally ill were carriers of defective germ plasma. The authors are trying to present the changing view of the society towards the mentally ill →

Language awareness: the n-word in african american history

For the word to have no sting, it has to be used in the scope of a black-only community, or a neutral community with a mutual understanding on the terms. Suppressing the word and restraining it in the confines of racist conduct continues to give the word social significance and a place in history from →

Distinguishing between inferences and assumption

African Americans retained what they assume to be the correct accent and grammar of the everyday language and do not care at all whether they correctly construct and pronounce the English language or not. God may have disguised himself as a human person to enlighten and inspire a person who's in the midst of sufferings.III.a.

Two party system

For instance, the two party system limits the choice and options of the American voters in the process of selecting their leaders. The constitution of United States recognizes the two-party systems as the legal and governing political system in the country.

Discussion responce

Our generation will be remembered for those who complained but never stood up to say enough is enough or " stop let me show you how it's supposed to be done" in favor or everyone. Reply to response 2 Just as you have emphasized, our actions have consequences and it is unfortunate that we →

Son’s room

The bed I gave him was a wooden framed futon with a full-sized black mattress but all one can see of this is one side of the wooden frame closest to the wall where an inexplicable and largely inaccessible hole exists in the mess reaching all the way to the floor only a few wrappers →

About helping others

I have realized teaching French in the primary school will help many children to understand other cultures and enable them to communicate with others effectively. This means that the children will be in capable hands, as I will work effectively to ensure that they obtain a quality education.

The arab israel

It is because of this reason that there are a total of 5 million Palestinian refugees in the world. I would like to agree that the Palestinian refugees in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza Strip and the West Bank have a right to be allowed by the Israeli government to return to their original home and →

Contemporary moral problems

The first part of the chapter is devoted to a detailed examination of the phenomenon of poverty. While the former is an irreplaceable part of an economic system of country and depends on the standard of living in a particular state, the latter is a much more serious problem that should be dealt with.

Week june 2

A Change is Gonna Come as well as to those of Pete Seegar's, " Turn, Turn, Turn".(Find both of these videos in the Videos folder in Course Materials) Also, be sure to include examples from other readings and music from the class and from any outside examples you can find. West expression of San Cooke's →

The ethics of lying

The Ethics of Lying Table of Contents The Ethics of Lying References 2 The Ethics of Lying Bullet Point On whether lying is ever permissible morally, the answer lies in whether the ethics of lying is absolute or relative to some mitigating circumstances. From a Kantian perspective this is morally wrong, but a utilitarian perspective, →

Education: a blessing or dictatorship

It's a sense of security to succeed in the job industry. It does not take years in a constructed facility away from the outside world to receive it.

Quality assurance and the demand for accountability

Concept of Quality and Quality Assurance The term ' quality' has been at the core of the motivating forces for reforms in education. Supervision of Primary School Teachers and Programmes The essence of supervision is to control education for quality in order to maintain desired standard.

Death at an early age: the review

This piece of literature provides the reader with an in-depth, personable account of schools of the 1960's and the corruption that had flourished. Throughout the year Kozol was replaced and sent off to different schools in the area.

Special education major court cases

| Student | The Problem | The Ruling | The Bottom Line | Board of Education of Hendrick Hudson Central School District vs. School provided speech and language services, services of a teacher of the deaf, and amplification systemParents wanted sign language interpreter; school denied | Rowleys invoked due process; hearing officer ruled in →

Assessing teachers by the quality of results they attain

This was besides when the authorities started to supply free instruction for all kids, nevertheless, with free instruction for all came the authorities saw that there needed to be a manner to turn out to the people of England that theremoneywas being spent sagely: hence methods of proving the kids was instigated to demo that →

My ideal teacher

She was the Head Teacher and she was the one who invited me to work with her as her assistant since I do not have work at that time. So I try to apply in that preschool, been a trainee then a regular employee. I never met a teacher like her that →

To use or not to use singlish “aiyah! so headache!”

While some consider Singapore Colloquial English or Singlish as an undeniable part of being a Singaporean, others including the Government, deem it inferior, even condemn it, and support the use of Singapore Standard English almost relentlessly. I will attempt to address the following question, " Should Singlish be accepted and used or →

Amy greene

In the articles " American Schools in Crisis" and " Tuning in to Dropping Out" and the image that is in the background all give out different messages as to why and how the American school system detracts students from proper knowledge and what its major downfalls are." As our society has changed, the schools →

The pro and cons of working

Main Purpose of the Job: To support access to learning and provide general support for the school in the management of pupils and resources, as directed by senior staff. To assist pupils in the hydrotherapy pool , lift, dress, and provide support to the pupils with the activities in the pool.9.

Budget assignment 2

As a leader in a school setting I believe in using the funds allocated to the school to improve student achievement. The principal meets with the grade chairs and them the information is disseminated to the teams.

Reflection paper on the ron clark story

He is given a class that includes what everyone considers to be the " losers and beyond help," the worst of the worst students in the school. He also applies another unorthodox approach to teaching American history to his students, helping them remember the presidents and the events during each presidency by singing and memorizing →

The man of destiny

The theme is probably " the influence oftechnologyon the process of teaching." The story is kind of utopian story, but from the perspective of the children who are the main characters of the story, it is a dystopia, since they thought there was so much more fun back in the days when there were classrooms...but →

Analysis of pre-school in three cultures

The focus of this theory is based on the students want and capability to learn the material being instructed. The teacher's approach to this problem was to refrain from intervening in the social conflict and ask the student to take care of it herself.

Why private schools are the best

Since there are a restricted number of students in the school, it provides an advantage to each and every one of them. It is like a dream come true because there is less of a population at private schools, everyone wears the same uniform and there's access to a better learning environment.

A critically reflective response to behaviour management issues in key stage 2

This practice of raising ones hand in the air to gain the attention of the class is something I would want to implement in my teaching practice in secondary school. The strategy of using non-verbal communication to gain a pupils attention and using positive language at the first sign of disruptive behaviour are the key →

All praise be to god


Excluding students

Excluding Students It has been argued that excluding students from school activities as punishment is unfair. Excluding students from school activities is a useful punishment.

Glc ib

We were also asked to recommend about the current infrastructure of the schools and required suggestions to be made for the development of the children and also the school, mainly infrastructure. It also included the health of students, the social class and also the teacher student ratio in the school.

Tda 2.5 2.1

Their responsibilities & powers have to have the backing & co-operation of the head teacher & staff. The Deputy Head would lead major projects within the school, plan the development/improvement of the schools environment, promote good behaviour within the school, help monitor teaching & learning within the school & give feedback to staff, promote good →

Pain and passion

The pain being a child's life was at risk due to the night of passion. I was not first to lead the class so I listened attentively to what criticism was put forward during the debrief. The good side of having or not having the abortion was to be shown through dream sequence and the →

Technology in education

In order for me to become a great teacher, I will need to be learn to be more patient, show a lot of compassion, kindness , ability to listen/reasoning and most importantly is to be loving and love what teaching is all about. I feel that I have the drive to be able to teach →

The physical education teacher’s role and evidence base for developing active lifestyles and lifelong participation (llp) for young people (5-16 years old)

Student Number: 105409997 | Programme: BA Physical Education and Sports Coaching | Module Tutor: Tony Gummerson | Module Code: 2ST110 | Module Title: Physical Education and Sports Coaching Pedagogy | Assignment Title: The Physical Education teacher's role and evidence base for developing active lifestyles and lifelong participation for young people →

Divine heidi g. cabiguin

It is very important for a teacher to teach his/her student on how to become effective and efficient in the future by looking back from their past life and to adapt and select the prior experiences that they had. To become a successful person in the future that has moral values, dignity, ethics, and with →

A teacher

At first, I was just planning to finish the first semester and then I would shift to another course but I never had the chance because they did not allow me to. I became friends to the parents and to the students and I started to love the job.

Students attendance system

Mainly teachers can monitor the student with in the short time and the parent to check their children status on the online itself whether college neither school. This tool contains the tables Management, teacher, parent, student, grade and attendance.

Edu 701 – four curriculum

However, a Christian teacher is not supposed to inject their beliefs in a public school without threats of legal action. A Christian teacher must live Holy and pray for God to open an opportunity for witness in this setting.

Policies introduced in the past 25 years related to education

This would result in schools upping their standards to gain pupils and ensure that parents would pick their school, funding was changed to be dependent on the amount of pupils a school had. Schools also started to exclude students that would affect their results in the league tables, this also created inequality.

«up the down staircase»

So, the fragment from the novel is represented in the form of letter. I can say that this is a piece of the exposition, where the writer supplies some information on the profession of the main character.

History of american education

In 1964, the Head Start Program was set up to help children 3 to 5 years of age who had a disadvantage educationally, to start school and get ready to start school in Kindergarten. The first was to stimulate the development and academic achievement of low-income pre-schoolers and second, was to educate and involve parents →

Literacy essay

It happens in natural setting which are meaningful and functional in the sense that the acquire knows that he needs to acquire the thing he is exposed to in order to function and the acquirer in fact wants to be so function. Delpit is an educator and scholar in her article, "The Politics of Teaching →

Unprofessional conduct persuasive essay

Well yes and no, she taught the children with this mishap that it was right to follow your feelings and to be a leader in society not a follower not to go with the norm, but she also showed that she had no disregard for the laws of the state she lived in by breaking →

Why we should respect our teachers

If we know all the rules in the school we should report it to the principal or someone that is a part of the school and is able to tell the teacher that he/she is doing something very, very, very, very, very wrong. Another thing is that when we want to go outside we should →


Satire How to Succeed in School Being a high school student with a fair amount of experience and observation in the field of achieving good grades with minimal effort, I should like to bestow upon current and future high school students some advice that may lead to their success. It is just observed that →

Richard rodriguez’s experiencei

Education is looked at in depth by both Richard Rodriguez in his essay, " The Achievement of Desire", and by Paulo Freire in his essay, " The " Banking Concept of Education". Freire would interpret Rodriguez is a classic student of the banking system: as a student, to the position he takes, and as the →


Teachers do not just advocate children in the classroom; they continue to do so in the community and the lives of people. Teachers advocate for children in the classroom." What students need to succeed in the twenty-first century is an education that is both academically rigorous and relevant to the real world".

Ololade haroun

They listen to the children's stories and even when it's not related to the current topic, they never cut them off.* Example 1: Every morning when the kids arrive, the teachers always engage in a conversation with them and their parents. Teacher's Interaction and Play Skills * As I stated above, the teachers are very →

Classroom management in public schools

For a teacher to have smooth transitions it is wise to give a basic outline of what is going to take place during the class period and to present that outline to the class at the start of the period. With understanding classroom management and applying it to a class the behavior problem can be →

Teacher of year essay

However, the teacher that I chose as deserving of the " My Favorite Teacher" earned this title due to the care she showed to each of her students through her teaching, personality, and the all the fun had in her class is Ms. Fleming is more than a teacher to me; she is a person →

Oppressing innovation, creativity, and originality

Paolo Freire, a Brazilian educator and philosopher, identifies his view on the type of learning known as the " banking system" of education style of education where the instructor lectures on a topic while the students quietly listen. Freire recognizes that the banking education emphasizes memorization, facts, formulas, and discipline; in which all do not →


These children are in a very low level of development and most of them feel that a school is just a place of passing time, chatting and playing. It is the way the teacher manages these incidents when they are manifested in the classroom that enables the children to experience a conducive learningenvironment, develop self-competence →

Mr lazarus kayazi

A new site, MyTeacherMyHero.com will help raise the status of teachers in our society, thank the teachers who have made a difference, and encourage more of the brightest and most passionate college graduates to consider a career in teaching. The site is a partnership of ClassWish.org, which helps teachers get the classroom supplies they need →

Catholic schools week. fun or fail?

A Tenth Grader had this to say." I Believe that it will be hard for mrs. Teacher Of The Month is........*Drum Roll* MRS.

Complete name of student essay samples

The purpose of such experiment is to measure the obedience level of the subjects in the context of learning research. It is conducted in the grounds of Yale University; by ordering two sets of subjects, the other a teacher and the other a student, done in pairs. The responses varied and some of the participants →

Good and bad of persuasive language

Report into the Proposal to allow all teachers a free supply of chocolate when teaching at Lakes Entrance Secondary College Example 1 The purpose of this report is to discuss a proposal which has recently been made by teachers to the Principal of Lakes Entrance Secondary College, requesting that free supplies of chocolate be →

Sample: autobiography

I am married to Floyd Snider, Jr., and we have three children.__________ is my oldest and he is 17, ________ is my middle child and he just turned 16, and _______ is my daughter and she's 11 years old. I have worked very closely with the special education teachers and the director at Wewoka Public →

Ramon avancena

I rated the NCPIE medium in this category, because it is not subject to the bureaucracy of the school district. The school district is focused on the result and outcomes, because it is taking the initiated to seek outside counsel from the Woodson Foundation.