A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

I would like you to conduct image searches to find examples of all of the types of images listed below

Additionally, other items with that were aesthetic were added to these books with care and keenness thus making these books the most imperative possessions. Victorian greeting cards and scrapbooks seemed to document private mementoes, poetic writings, religious depictions, texts, and other family-related content. In view of the depictions from the greeting cards and scrapbooks, poverty β†’

Free motown research paper sample

The music that Gordy created and produced changed the sound of the American music. The company and studio was located in a house on Grand Boulevard in Detroit, eventually the company would buy seven houses where the Motown magic was created. The Music Market in the Late 1950's and Early 1960's The musical landscape β†’

Gallery review

The second picture in the same row indicates both the lady and the gentleman holding on their cheeks as they focus keenly on the object before them. In the second row, there is the side view of the same lady, but now with very thick layer of side beards and the beards are also all β†’

Boiler room movie

T Marlin activities are revealed, as a result of selling stock to non-existing companies, legal actions are to be taken to provide justice for those who have been manipulated. Different claims in the movie can be understood basing on the legal principles. T Marlin Company knew what its action would do but continued to pursue β†’

Urijah faber – an american mixed martial artist and actor

Urijah Faber has earned for himself so many awards for his expertise in the world of wrestling and even while he retires, the memory of those wonderful skills sill lingers in the hearts of his fans. Ryan Faber and Michaella Tasted are the only siblings of Urijah. A graduate of the University of California, Urijah β†’

History and theory of new media

The documentary explores how a combination of talent and agony runs in all the arts displayed in the Crazy Horse. The beautiful women at Crazy Horse work so hard to present the best artistic talent possible to the public visiting the club but in the process of exhibiting the typical " French blend of vulgarity β†’

Haiti’s future tourism prospects grim essay

Some of the historical uniqueness associated with the country includes the fact that it was the first nation in Latin America to gain independence and also that it was the first independent black led republic in the world (Federal research Division, 2010). Political instability has been a hallmark in the country's struggle to development with β†’

Jade figure of a hound

I chose this work because it is symbolic of the artist's artistic creativity and the rich heritage of Asian Art. The artwork is in three dimensional, and it is in the form of a small sculpture. The next element in the artwork is the dog's body, and the same is symbolic of the importance of β†’

Race and gender roles

It's a perfect follow up to the independent attitude of B'Day and lays the groundwork for another exploration of what it means to be a woman in the world today. While, on the other hand, it portrays the role of a typical wife clearly taken with her husband and getting hurt and jealous in the β†’

My neighbor totoro, tonari no totoro

They show how Japan used to be a holy place back then. Question 3 Some of the crucial themes incorporated in Miyazaki's film are Environmentalism, Flight, Children and childhood, as well as Water. Water is also a constant theme in antagonism to the Ascension representation of flight. Question 4 Critics, after the film β†’

Final exam praperation

In the later stages of materiality, there was a general acceptance of the schemes the contributed most in the later phases of the early Christian art. It also resulted in the production of the remarkable legacy of artists. 2) How was monasticism involved in the production of early medieval art and architecture? Monastic influence contributed β†’

Audience idea of experiencing and supporting the

A vast variety ofactivities is needed to develop audiences such as: Examiningcommunity demographics to develop lists of community leaders; Gatheringinterviews and concentrate on groups from different communities to debate theirinterests in the arts and access points and barriers; Buildingconnections with different communities through relationships with communityleaders and organizations; Findout partners and work with them. Partners β†’

The emperor’s club

The three obligations that I find difficult for the professional to provide are do are diligence, fairness and competence. An appropriate example, in this case, is a doctor. The four different types of people by Aristotle are: I).the continent person: the one who always want to do the right thing.

Scholarly blogs

In his paintings, for one to settle on a single, most likely message in the engraved cans has to dissect it, synthesize and understand. It is possible to forget the message in the picture, and ponder on the sanity of the artist.

Background truly successful commercial game of today. since

After developing thestoryline, the company needs to do a storyboard, which is a visualrepresentation of the plot, including sketches, concepts, and text to explainwhat is going on in every section or scene of the game. When the game is created on theoriginal concept, the authors of the scripts, artists and designers have thefreedom to create.

Let’s talk about sex

In the United States, the parents emphasize on the danger of sex and fail to discuss the subject with the teens. On the contrary, the Americans are strict and vigilant in matters involving sex, and curtail the freedom of the adolescents to decide about the issues of sexuality.

The protestant reformation

The shift in the emphases of Protestant art was influential in dictating the works of art that emerged after the Reformation. Protestant Reformation art involved the use of ordinary daily scenes and showed a significant downplaying of previously significant mysteries of faith. The Sistine Chapel ceiling painting was part of the High Renaissance art and β†’

Okeeffes success in the world of the men’s powers research paper example

Finally, in 1916, O'Keeffe first came into the attention of the New York art community and was able to maintain her independence and resist the artistic trends. Additionally, her works depicted the real distinctive landmarks and a source of inspiration to many artists and people in general in the contemporary β†’

Graves of the fireflies

The Grave of the Fireflies is described to be one of very powerful, moving, touching movie, an allegory of human failings and a quiet but unflinching look at two children caught in the peripheral effects of a war. Although an animated, having simple actions and scenes yet full of the great beauty β†’

Mau maus olympic clown

The inscription of Coke on what is supposed to be the Olympic torch signifies the dominance of the corporations on Olympics. The banning of the graffiti follows the use of the protected copyright of the five Olympic rings and colors.

Immersive of multimedia. essay

2012 IMMERSIVE OF MULTIMEDIA IN BUSINESS: These terms refer to computer-generated simulation of reality with physical, spatial and visual dimensions. This interactive technology is used by architects, science and engineering researchers, and the arts, entertainment and video games industry. Virtual reality systems can simulate everything from a walk-through of a building prior to construction to β†’

Paul gauguin, the father of modern primitivism

By taking a look at both high fine art such as that produced by Paul Gauguin and the ' primitive' cultural products of the Inuit tribes, we can see that what we have traditionally defined as primitive is not necessarily an accurate term, or perhaps is a term that needs redefinition. In terms of discussing β†’

Culture’s influence on social and developmental processes

These two prevailing influences are in a constant interaction state to the extent that is nearly impossible to ascertain that nature is only responsible for a particular aspect of an individual and nurture is the only cause of another aspect. The particular psychological makeup of any person is the outcome of both culture transmission β†’

Campus museum 2

5 Phillip Stearns created the artwork in which is a binary blanket. The process that Stearns used in creating this art is complex since he translated digital data from program that are familiar such as Microsoft word.

Gaming war: medievalism in virtual worlds

One particular rule in Augustine that was changed in the World of Warcraft is the concept of civilized conduct of warfare or specifically the objective of the warfare. For instance in World of Warcraft, the goal of the players or the game is not to attain peace as " they choose to engage in combat β†’

About art criticism

It is easy to point out the successful connections of subject matter and the expression achieved; the intended interpretation to be deciphered by the audience. This of course contributes to the stereotype behind the profile of the critic as that of constantly belittling the interpretive expression of art and offering no positive reinforcement of ideas β†’

Broke back mountain and titanic

In Titanic's case, it is the necklace " Heart of the Ocean" and the nude picture of Kate Winslet which Leonardo De Caprio sketches as a symbol of his love. Both are portrayals of tragedies in a time when people were judged by their wealth and social status.


Another key incident in the movie is the episode where her arrogant boss, Miranda, asks Andy to steal the manuscripts of Harry Potter, which is yet to be published. Andy is the protagonist, who plays a key role in the development of the plot.

What is art

Art and Visual Elements of Art There is no universal definition of art. Color as a visual element of art has three properties that include the name of the color, intensity or the purity and strength of the color, value, or the lightness or darkness of the color.

Slumdog millionaire

There are sufficient twists and turns in the story to keep the audience glued to the narrative. The suspense built up in the initial stages of the plot is successfully resolved in favor of the hero.

My visit to philadelphia’s museum of art

My Visit to Philadelphias Museum of Art al affiliation My Visit to Philadelphias Museum of Art Philadelphia's Museum of Art is one of the art museums that I have always wanted to visit in my life. Undoubtedly, it's a perfect museum which is known for its magnificent structure and the art housed in β†’

Early graphic design

It was actually an attempt to revive an art that was considered more superior to the newer style which some thought lacked artistry and depth compared to the old Gothic style of the late medieval period and prior to Renaissance. Artistic Factors the Gothic style in architecture and design was thought to be a bit β†’

Thoughts: native americans and social protests essay

Of course, it is quite common to see Tobacco brands depicting Native Americans as a symbol of quality; at times, casinos are even associated with the culture of Native Americans making it seem that they are all experts in such unproductive spending activities. Eventually though, I realized that such thoughts about Native Americans are mostly β†’

Chapter 7: the lives and works of masters in visual arts

He worked with Verrocchio on the painting of the " Baptism of Christ " In 1492, Leonardo went to Milan, where he remained in the service of the court of Ludovico Sforza until 1499, painting portraits, inventing machines of war, staging theatrical pageants and designing town plans and architecture. The Virgin of the Rocks of β†’

Still-life photography

It is a beautiful art captured in its entirety through the usage of various techniques for enhancing mood and light through breathtaking images of inanimate objects. Having a backdrop that matches the subject to the maximum extent has a lot of bearing on the success of the shots. In most cases, black velvet is mostly β†’

When 11th concerning september 2011.the responsible of principal

When we look into the ethical issues, with the development of with the development on information technology more than 30 years, the banking word has been revolutionized by means of the potential in imitation of e-banking. However there are number of issues that that problems come with e-banking, such as ethical issues. All international β†’

The station agent

The most distinct character of this independent film is the lack of sexual interest in any of these relationships. For example, the film shows the transformation of a physical disadvantage person's attitude toward life and other humans.

Learning to look

The advertisement also has simplicity, which allows the viewer to understand the exact and specific product that it seeks to market to consumers. The caption below the advert that states that it is unusual to drive the car you were conceived in is written in bold, pulling the consumer's attention and seeks to add on β†’

Discuss any one of the films listed in the module guide by adopting one of the approaches explored so far in the module essay

The argument Stephen Freares in 1980s was the forefront of the new generation of British shock artists. As one of the fist directors who started breaking the taboo of nationality, immigration and homosexual relationships in British cinema. The camera is located behind the driver which gives us the view of the person in the car β†’

The painter of light

ART2 The Painter of Light Looking at a variety of Rembrandt's canvases reproduced in books and on the internet, it is easy to see why he is knownas " The Painter of Light". As in Caravaggio, the painter uses light to enhance the drama of the moment captured on canvas: the lighting appears to come β†’

The movie story: racial insults and social problems

Farhad had a break-in at his shop, so he went with his daughter Dorri to buy a gun. Farhad had a break-in at his shop, so he went with his daughter Dorri to buy a gun.

Essay on the tennessee arts commission

National Endowment for the Arts Home Page.N.p., n.d.Web. National Endowment for the Arts Home Page.N.p., n.d.Web.

Native american art history

HISTORY Ordinarily, the field of Native American art history is wide; however the area has been considered narrow because of the exclusion of very American art due to barriers such as late recognision, failing to conform to theoretical model and other stereotypical views.' The period between 1931 and 1941 saw some other developments which may β†’

Music platform to unite all ethnic groups

The musical history shows how the artists have strived to create various sub genres such as the early minstrel, rock n roll, rock and rap that have made the likes of Eminem, Elvis Presley and Bob Dylan to be music icons. In the 1830s, the Minstrel Show gained popularity in America where it was served β†’

Picturing the perfect by tim bascom

The author has been able to creatively provide an insight to creative process through the aid of designed models. With the help of this written piece, I have been able to develop understanding regarding visual models that encompass our mindset of bringing abstract to words and expression. I would suggest my peers to make use β†’

Keywords:exotic storyteller. if you are one such passionate

If you are planning to visit India sometime soon, you can catch a glimpse of the diverse culture of the land, by opting for these products. If you are one such traveler who was left speechless by the magnanimous cultural diversities and rich philosophical experience of India, come and explore one of the most loved β†’

Book review on art and architecture

Griffith and the growth of facts of the image terms employed in movement pictures. Cubism realized as the appearance of worthlessness and illogicality demonstrated in the art of Duchamp and more others and it was outcome of the war. In this instance, the artwork of 20th and 20th century is one, which is crafted by β†’

Personal statement for universities

However, I would like to be exceptionally proficient in film and attain the world recognition. It is due to the above reasons among others that I would move to a bigger space for improvement. I understand that this is an international university that is fully developed, and equipments are up to the standards.

Gallery review

The images' visual impression attracted a deeper insight into the artwork. After skimming through the pictures, I had a slight idea of what the artist was trying to communicate. The seamless documentary-style images try to bring about a sense of addiction and sex.

Art movements in the twentieth century

It is this, therefore, that triggered their art movements in order to have these people liberated from the harsh hands and in turn bring better social and political conditions; which is our main focus in the essay. Apart from his using art for beauty purposes, Picasso had a great concern for the political wellbeing of β†’

Disinterestedness is a necessary condition of sound aesthetic judgement

Colors, shapes and techniques used to create art need to be analyzed to assess the uniqueness of art as it is. Weak disinterestedness is useful for art interpretations because it sets necessary limits between personal experience and objective perception of beauty.


Is graffiti a real culture and can affluent in art categories or it only is a kind of vandalism and always effect people's life? Although, most people misunderstand graffiti, absolutely, it is a form of art, and it can affluent in art categories.

Role of the artist: sonny’s blues and pleasantville

The two artists have focused on the situations facing people in the contemporary society which has come out not only interesting but also educational. The two pieces narrate the societal problems and how the characters are trying to fit in. The role of the artist in coping with the problem is the society, in this β†’

Impressionism vs. post-impressionism essay

The stylistic developments of impressionism included the use of short and broken brushstrokes that hardly convey forms, use of pure unmixed colors, and emphasis on the effect of light. Post-impressionism, on the other hand, was a style or movement of painting that sought to break away from the naturalism of impressionism and used color in β†’

Movie review about the descendants

The movie is a perfect blend of talent and script where the character of the father Matt King is displayed in a different manner, how a transition occurs in his nature to establish harmonious relationship with his daughters, Alexandra, a teenager of 17 years and Scottie, younger of 10 years β†’

Free essay on humanities 20th century

This is the reason why it is harder to be better able to understand life for a person who has studied humanities or arts. On the other hand, many artists create their own worlds and people who enjoy looking at their paintings get a chance to visit these worlds. However, this ability to create a β†’

Are the colder months in which the

For romantic getaways, you can, take a MegaQuest tour on the challengingroped walkways in the cavern; try the zip line in the underground parts of thecavern as never experienced before; or take a Jeep-drawn ride on the magnificenthalls and caves in the MegaTram tour. The top of the hill is accessiblethroughout the year and this β†’

Incident at oglala

Michael Apted, the director, and Robert Redford, the producer of the film, show the audience a corrupt series of events that took place on behalf of the government in order to arrest and successfully imprison Peltier. Not only does the film describe the events directly, but it also provides the audience with a sense of β†’

The justification of love as a tool that can unite the world

VISUAL ARTS The topic I chose for the art project is the justification of love as a tool that can unite the world. The earliest expressions of love can be found in the Biblical stories and the ancient Empires of the world.

Political heroism as depicted in the man who shot liberty valance

This essay explores the characters, actions, and controversies of the three characters; Valence, Stoddard, and Doniphon, in John Ford's film The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence as a critique of political heroism and an examination of the value, relevance, scope, and limitations of the written law. In the contemporary society, heroism is quite fragile and β†’

Animation question

Upon hitting and reaching the ground, the ball flattens out because of the gravitational pull on it. The principles of stretch and squash would make the scene appear more appealing to the audience.

Peplos kore, from the acropolis,athens,greeece,ca.530 bce/ aphrodite of knidos

530 BCE/ Aphrodite of Knidos PEPLOS KORE AND APHRODITE OF KNIDOS Objectives differences Aphrodite of Knidos has a naked body and she is taking a birth in the bathroom while Peplos Kore is fully dressed in a long robe. As a result, some body features of Peplos Kore are not evident such as the β†’

Sample essay on music and the influence on the society

This analysis shows that music has an influence on the society in that it allow societal members to identify themselves depending on the content of music genres developed and played at any given societal contexts. In addition, music has been used a medium of expressing the thoughts and perceptions that people have regarding certain matters.

The life and seal art achievement of one famous qing dynasty seal artitst

This research aims to give a brief historical background on Wu Changshuo as a famous Qing Dynasty seal artist and consequently highlight some of his seals and the general concept of Chinese seal art. Wu Changshuo: Chinese Seal Artist. Introduction. General Chinese history can be dated back to the various dynasties that ruled China during β†’

Death of a saleman-producer

The plot of the play is well planned and the literature keys and functions of the play are divided among the production group. The production crew can be the music producers, character analysts, cast managers and many more. In the production roles and responsibilities in the play, the production crew who are the board of β†’

How dslr cinematography is affecting the aesthetics of motion picture for cinema

Topic: How DSLR cinematography is affecting the aesthetics of motion picturefor cinema The main aim of the research is to investigate how DSLR has changed the nature of movies and has revolutionized the film industry. The research questions will include; How the affordability and portability of DSLR cameras has led to the emergence of β†’

The martial arts film

The Martial Arts Film This review paper is on an article written by Stephen Teo entitled " The Martial Arts Film in Chinese Cinema: Historicism and the National" where he advances or posits his idea that Chinese filmmakers use the cinema as a way to promote Chinese nationalism, particularly by depicting specific genre β†’

Beauty people are craving to be part of

In the ancient Greek, beauty had a bond between " beauty and sexuality, beauty and class, and beauty and metaphysics" ( The ancient Origins of modern beauty, wnyc), it is simply saying that beauty can be connected to a lot of senses and topics. Appreciating is the key to beauty and being able to express β†’

The movie: death and the maiden

Movie Review The Movie: Death and the Maiden The movie Death and the Maiden directed by Roman Polanski in 1994 has been made on the basis of the famous play by the same name written by Chilean playwright Ariel Dorfman in the year 1990. The theme of the movie reflects the trauma undergone by the β†’

Rosie the riveter

Ultimately this is significant because it represents that the government officially recognized that women were important not only for domestic roles but also for industrial and other commercial roles. The next scene follows the same trend as the last scene in which the War guide in September 1943 recommended that all magazines write about women β†’

Ciara favorite artist music

It's a song that Deejays would play in clubs and at parties; because people can actually feel the beat of this song and turn it into one of their own. The artist of the song is a very well known artist. This is my favorite song because Ciara really puts joy and a β†’

Ancient art forms

Ancient art forms from the great civilizations such as the Greek and the Roman empires have been preserved in some of the world's largest museums such as the Louvre museum, the Smithsonian Institution Freer Gallery and Sackler Gallery, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. These work and other " Herculaneum Maiden" works represents the way β†’

The remake of the horror movie texas chainsaw

For my case, I missed to watch the trailer of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre but I still made it to cinemas since the original by Tobe Hooper. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an all time great, a classic that is not always imitated, every moment of the film from camera, to the creak woodwork, β†’

In a family studies perspective: my big fat greek wedding

In a Family Studies Perspective: My Big Fat Greek Wedding The movie " My Big Fat Greek Wedding" is a comedy film about the comparison of the typical American family, and of another ancestry, in this case, from Greece. In a nutshell, the movie " My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding" was able to show a β†’

Utilitarian objects as art

In its utilitarian condition the object functions as a means of keeping time; it also includes a digital function that records the day of the week and the date. Internally the Clock is battery operated and contains a motor mechanism, as well as digital functionality. Throughout the 20th century the Clock functioned as an essential β†’

My goal essay

I feel that the level of technical difficulty is extremely high due to complexity of rendering perspective and human anatomy. Whenever I become frustrated, I strongly wish to overcome this feeling instead of discontinuing my effort. Recently I have discovered a new field of art that is of interest to me, namely entertainment illustration. It β†’

Character transformations in film stories

CHARACTER TRANSFORMATION: THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT by [Insert Here] [Insert and Number Here] [Insert Here] [Insert Institution's Name Here] [Insert City and State of Institution Here] December 10, 2011 Character Transformation: The Long Kiss Goodnight Over the years, many films have been produced centring on character transformations. As the film progresses, the character transforms β†’

Film review: the simpsons movie: a mixed blessing

Ostracized by their neighbors because of Homer's idiocy, the Simpsons find their way to Alaska, only to return to save their town from destruction. Lexically-rendered movie field: The family patriarch inadvertently sparks an environmental disaster. The environmental disaster causes the government to lower a giant dome over the town.


The painting would be best placed in the entrance of the offices as it enhances the theme of togetherness and comfort in the company of people, which is identical to the office. Our organization could be identified as similar to the organizers of the event in that they were successful and driven by the need β†’

The arts and crafts movement

These are the guidelines that he considers fundamental to the practice of art. The author perception on an ideal book is because of the type of printing that existed in 1843 that was primarily for communication in adverts and was a practice of the unskilled people. According to him, the text designs during that period β†’

Free essay about art exhibition reflection

This is because the mental situation of the artist is more often than not reflected in the artwork developed. She added that some of the themes depicted in her artwork include the trauma of loss and the change of identity resulting from the trauma.

Answer the topic of this question

The light was used to symbolize the essence of God in these cathedrals. Palmettes and flowers were the major figures used in this style.

Fashion trend – prints

Now, you do not have to ask your fashion stylist if your floral blouse matches with your animal printed pants because the fashion world has gone crazy with PRINTS. The more prominent the clashing prints and colors on your wardrobe, the more trendy you are.

Reaction of the eye of the prize ( awakenings)

Reaction of the movie Eye of the prize The movie ' Awakenings' provides a touching experience of the struggles of the civil rights movement. The movie fails to capture what the situation was like for blacks in America prior to the start of the movement.

Real fashion marketing campaign

Just Do It advertising campaign launched by Nike gained immense popularity, the slogan just do it is the most recognized by consumers and this in itself shows the success of Nike. Aerobics was also gaining popularity and the top brass working for Nike was aware of it, the ad campaign never focused on the product, β†’

Art and aesthetics essay

That's what makes it artistic."- this quote I found on one of the websites that were complaining about the art work, however I think that it is a brilliant idea to fill the bag with air in stead of different rubbish. When he showed it to adults everyone said that it is a hat and β†’

Example of hip-hop performances essay

The billboard awards show focuses on rewarding the young and the upcoming artists in the music industry. In some parts of the performance, Nicki Minaj and one of her dancers are seen touching their private parts as a dance move.

Jacques-louis davids painting, the oath of the horatii

Jacques Louis David's Painting, the Oath of the Horatii al affiliation: Jacques-Louis David's Painting, the Oath of the Horatii Jacques-Louis David painted The Oath of the Horatii to demonstrate the period of war between Alba and Rome in 669 B.C. Instead of treating the denouement of the action, David's piece of artwork demonstrated the β†’

Burn your life down & prophets prey

Using a comparative analysis method, this paper seeks to offer a critical of review of two short films- Burn Your Life Down, and Prophet's Prey to be precise. The first similarity between the two films is the suspense that makes watching either film interesting. Additionally, the directors set the film in a dark room perhaps β†’

Only dali’s work remains a memorial of surrealism.

Her statement implies that disagreement leads to the discovery and development of knowledge. Indeed, both consensus and disagreement is vital in the process of refining knowledge and that criticism eventually produces robust knowledge.

Manets painting the ragpicker

Overall, these differences change my understanding of the piece in the sense that, little emotional perspective is evoked on the on-screen image as compared to the live one. A number of issues of class and Realism are presented by the readings: " The Eyes of the Poor" by Charles Baudelaire and also the manifesto of β†’

New york fashion week

New York Fashion week 2009 During the last year's show, the organizers promised to provide a bigger showcase to house the bi-annual New York Fashion week event. Starting from this September, New York Fashion Week moves to Damrosch Park at the Lincoln Center complex, home to the Metropolitan Opera house and American Ballet Theatre leaving β†’

What is an art? essay

It goes beyond its traditional definition as a product of human creativity in which materials are outlined and selected to convey visually interesting forms. Williams reveals the ongoing battle within the biodiversity human versus nature and equates human life to the characters in the wild to create a vivid description of Art. The increased level β†’