A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Psycological view of the movie groundhog day

The very skeptical weatherman regretfully accepts the assignment and travel to the town. Once he makes his report he proceeds to his hotel and goes to bed looking forward to returning home the next day. In an effort to leave the town and anymemoriesrelating to the town the weatherman is forced to →

The impact of the increased use of technology and social media

The research also shows that up to 90 percent of university students use social media sites like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, being the most accessed. Over the years, the increased use of social media sites has turned into an international phenomenon. How do students use social media sites? According to research done by Akhtar →

The first film the elevator

He is scared so he leaves the elevator in fear of it falling due to the weight of the people inside. So, he leaves and goes into the next elevator which is filled with patients of swine flu. It also added a little bit of story to the and his motivations.

Dead man walking vs the green mile: movie analysis

The deeper he digs, the more he becomes emotionally involved, risking his career for the life of this friendless woman he has learned to care for. At the center of the film are two quite selfish people Cindy Liggett is awaiting execution for bloodily beating to death two teenagers a dozen years before. →

Drawbacks of hybrid and electric autos

Hybrid and electric vehicles are less popular to consumers because of the price of investment compared to ethanol, but the negative aspects of the car's existence are evident. Cars are the largest polluter in most cities within the United States, and release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, →

Tolerance, acceptance, and understanding in the movie breakfast club

Nowhere is this more evident than in " The Breakfast Club". Hughes portrayed his characters in five types: the brain, the jock, the princess, the misfit and the criminal. During the course of the movie, the characters spend time talking and relating to one another.

The use of paul wells concept in spirited away, the movie

This essay will analyze the characters and a few of the themes, motifs, and symbols in the animated film Spirited Away while incorporating three major concepts that Paul Wells addresses in his novel Understanding Animation: realism, acting and performing, and choreography. Unlike live-action film, animation is created through drawings from the imagination. The normalization of →

Drawbacks and benefits of the drawbridge

The drawbridge can is usually implemented on bodies of water and can provide a spawning location for the local marine life. Drawbridges tend to be smaller than the average bridge as it is very costly the bigger it gets as they have to lift the leaf, so the negative impacts are greatly reduced. Unfortunately the →

The details of the film maleficent: mistress of evil

While we eagerly anticipate the release of Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, lets critically examine its background details, characters, and who the villain in the movie is. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil Background Details Following the success of Disney 2014 masterpiece Maleficent; which received widespread acceptance from viewers and movie critics for its uniqueness, intensity and →

Randle mcmurphy: one flew over the cuckoo’s nest character analysis

His state of anxiety is directly attributed to his life in the military which followed a dishonorable discharge Personal History Murphy is a dirty, loud, sexual and confident individual who relates to all irrespective of the social class. According to the admission sheet that is read to him by the nurse in the →

Oskar schindler

The greed of earning money overpowered him and drove him into the world of illegal trade. While enjoying his life in luxury, he realized how the Jews were suffering. Schindler, with the help of his assistant, reached to a conclusion that he would use the money to buy as many Jews as he can from →

Rita hayworth and shawshank redemption (stephen king)

In the movie we can observe with clarity the 40'senvironment, old fashion car, the shoes of Andy, and his custom is related at that time. Even though in the movie no date appears in the beginning we can infer the time, later Red speaks the date in what Andy arrives at the prison. Like I →

The hit musical “singin’ in the

The opening scene set the role of sarcasm in the movie and gave the movie an immediate sense of humor. The opening of Singin' in the Rain takes place at the opening of the new movie " The Royal Rascal" starring Don Lockwood and Lena Lamont.

High remarks for hybrid cars

While there are many different kinds of hybrid cars, they all share one common trait: a traditional, gasoline-powered motor and a new electric, battery-powered motor are both found within the vehicles. These vehicles use both motors at different times when on the go: the electric motor powers the vehicle when going less →

“into the wild” by jon krakauer

If Chris McCandless were to look back at his inspirational journey and see the grief and pain he caused his family, he would have still went on this journey because it was the only way for him to find his independence and find himself. McCandless has been living in Atlanta for a while and was →

Free realism essay example

According to Werner Herzog, realism seek to demonstrate the relationship of the film to reality and the specific role that a film plays in helping us understand our society and the world as a whole. The two ancient films by the Lumi re brothers have demonstrated the use of realism. →

Male friendships and female friendships essay

They would tell the other what they would do in that situation, or what they should do. We also hang out a lot, by going out to eat, shopping, or to the movies. Because they do not talk about their feelings as much they are less likely to trust each other.

The sixth sense essay sample

The mise en scene is used when the director wants to give an impression of the characters or the situation without having the characters articulating it through the framework of spoken dialogue, and typically does not represent a realistic setting. One of the most dramatic scenes in the film is when Cole states, " →

Lieutenant henry’s moment of illumination

This realization opens the door for Henry to live the life he truly wants to live, and not to only go through the motions doing something he does not love. He sees that Catherine is who he wants to be with, he has to sometimes put himself first, and that he does not belong in →

12 angry men by talita e. sigillo

After reasonable doubt to the testimony is applied, juror number three used the above quotes as his reasons to support his claim that it was the boy that the woman saw, concluding with evidence that do not follow through with his claim and thus being " non sequitor". For Juror number three the boy was →

Film and box office essay sample

By extension, the term is frequently used, especially in the context of the film industry, as a synonym for the amount of business a particular production, such as a film or theatre show, receives. The projection and analysis of these earnings is very important for the creative industries and often a source of interest for →

Antz movie – sociology

What are the life chances of the ants in the movie? What are the lifestyle differences of the ants in the movie?

Ready player one: ernest cline on how his gamer fantasy became a spielberg film

Wade enters the hunt, kicking into gear a breathless nerd empowerment fantasy. " Wade is the embodiment of me as a teenager," Cline admits." The structure of Ready Player One was a fun way for me to take all of the useless movie and video-game trivia you amass if you are a geek and somehow make →

Into the wild by jon krakauer essay

This paper focuses on covering the characters of the book, especially Christopher McCandless, and studying the central theme the search for personal freedom in times of modernity. The book describes the details of real-life Christopher McCandless, a young man who decides to abandon past life. However, he took McCandless' advice against a passive lifestyle and →

Big movie

Toward the end of the film, one realizes that the young boy was not dreaming at all when he slowly turns back into the thirteen year old boy right before the eyes of his girlfriend Susan whom he met at the toy company. In spite of it being a fantasy film, the →

Admission essay

If there is one universal incident that occurs in every person's life in the diverse student body at my high school, it was that I developed much faster when I enrolled at the boarding school. As the first person to reach college in my family, I see this opportunity as a significant phase of my →

The movie “high noon” essay sample

In the end the bad guys ended up as dead dogs thanks to the bravery and gunfighting prowess of the lawman, Will Kane , and the unexpected last-minute armed intervention of his girlfriend, Quaker Amy. He assessed how coward the townspeople were and left town with his wife as a response. In addition →

Indian film production

The Industry had a lot of potential to grow with its wide acceptance globally.but the independent production houses had neglected this aspect, so when the corporate entered the industry they took complete advantage by using the unexploited resources of reach of the films and its growth possibilities steps. To exploit the resources of growth prospective, →

Genius hollywood movies of the 40s movie review samples

In the movie, the camera moves with the actors, and the deep focus is used. The American comedy musical " Singin' in the Rain" by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen is one of the best musicals of all times. The spectator enjoys the movie on the normal widescreen, that is to say side masking pulled →

An analysis of the opening scenes of thrillers

The follow shot is used to keep the subject, Cady in view, tracking the man as he casually walks, suggesting he will be central to the film. The eye level shot is then used, this suggests that the man is no higher or lower in status than any other person and makes him more real →

My favorite movies

I like to watch movies very much; especially I like foreign films lots than Japanese films, because I like to study foreign languages. The story is human drama, and I can see the love between father and the son.

A comparison between disney movie pocahontas

Also another difference is that the men in the colony have come for gold rather than a new life like they did in the journal. These are some of the many differences between the movie Pocahontas and the journal by John Smith. In both the book and movie there is a man →

Stan brakhage’smetaphors on vision essay samples

Response to Stan Brakhage's Metaphors on Vision The viewer of the film the Metaphors of vision in most cases find it more daunting and more to it a little puzzling. The visual approach that Brakhage makes the understanding a little difficult to the audience and thus it is a big obstacle toward the →

A movie critique of midnight in paris by woody allen essay example

In the beginning the film incorporates a montage of various shots from the colorful streets and shops of Paris to inform the audience about the location of significance of the entire film. Therefore, the movie did not aim to sell the idea of living in a dream and escaping reality.

Evaluating the plot in the book the white man’s burden by d jordan

The man of Africa was seen as very peculiar to the white man and due to the mindset of the time, they were seen as dark or evil, simply because the color of their skin. The enslavement of the Negroes in the West Indies was the reason slavery was brought into New England. The need →

Racism and world essay

The movies Crash and Do the right thing illustrate different scenarios that consist of racial stereotyping, and depict how the lives of people of multiple races are affected by racism. His wife Christine was the passenger. The police ordered them to get out of the car and they gave the two a pat down.

The newsies in historical context

The west not only had lots of farm land which was great, but what put the icing on the cake was the railroads which was a way for farmers to get their goods to market. The second connection is the labor unions that are forming causing some unrest in the labor arena. Between the fantasy →

The ending of 1984

They both knew that it would be hard mission to accomplish and that they would need more than just the two of them. They had found an abandoned building out in the middle of no where and they thinking up some kind of plan to overthrow the Party.

Finding nemo lens paper

The prime examples of this are unveiled throw GHz the characters of Marlin, the sharks, including the humans who intrude and disturb the depths of the sea, of which they have not been summoned to. One could argue that Marlin is the representation of the minority class , as they are always acquainted with the →

Pride in antigone and in whale rider

Although both Creon and Koro discount women throughout their respective stories, their differing attitudes at the end of both stories develop from their distinct ways of acknowledging their pride; Creon is unable to overcome his pride, leading to Antigone's death, and Koro overcomes his pride to accept Pai as the new leader of the tribe. →

The fault in our stars

This is there love story Hazel Grace and Gus meet at a support group in the heart of Jesus. It can be assumed, of course that the cancer finally kills the girl or she gets to sick to right but what Hazel Grace wants to know is what happens to the mother and her dutch →

“journey, north coast” by robert gray essay sample

The intriguing self discovery brings a refreshing feeling towards the persona who had the country surroundings concealed whilst living in the city." it's the train that booms and cracks,/ it tears the wind apart" sets the mood of the poem, as the viewer senses the excitement of the persona towards discovering the country side. The →

Film viewer opinion paper

There are a few things that a person should consider before choosing a film.* First, you need to analyze the person or people that are going to watch the film with you.* The relationship between you and those watching is important. If a movie was * enjoyable people will quote the scripts for days or →

Nietzsche and the superman

It is important to know and to understand first these themes so as to comprehend the value of Nietzsche proclaiming the struggle to be a superman. Nietzsche perceives nihilism as the product of an accelerating corrosion of religious and cultural beliefs at the heart of European civilization at the end of the 19th century. He →

The film trailers essay sample

The trailer is device designed to sell the cast and concept of the film which will stir up immediate interest." Trailers provide unique and specific rhetorical structures that fold visual and auditory evidence of the film production industry's assessment of its actual audience (as well as its desires for potential audience) into a one- to →

Nash v. auburn university

Landry maintains that the dean of students is biased against him because of statements the dean has made to the effect that Landry is a menace and should be removed from the university. This is kind of a throwback to the in loco parentis view of higher education.

Reel bad arabs: how hollywood vilifies a people

I truly believe that this was a crucial learning process for myself and I will be very cautious of any future stereotyping of the Arabic people. I truly believe that this was a crucial learning process for myself and I will be very cautious of any future stereotyping of the Arabic people.

The manchurian candidate research paper examples

THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE Introduction This report is going to look at the ethical dilemmas and theory used to address public concerns as referring to the movie The Manchurian candidate as a reference form of entertainment. At the end the social responsibilities of the society will be put to light on the basis →

Into the wild and its character

Or did he finally leave a life a life that was built for him, that he did not want, and finally fulfill his dreams of living a life of adventure? Not only did this impact the people he met, but he was a genuine guy, and pleasant to be around, the complete opposite of what →

A study on schizophrenia disorder as depicted by ron howard in, a beautiful mind

Schizophrenia and A Beautiful Mind The movie, A Beautiful Mind, is a biographical piece that portrays the life of John Nash, a man with schizophrenia. His acute symptoms begin at college and become more severe when he graduates and begins his work. Once his colleagues recognize his abnormal behavior, he is taken to →

Essay on comparing the pantheon to los angeles city hall

The building itself has also been featured in a number of movies and television shows, memorializing it and immortalizing it as a formidable piece of modern architecture that still stands strong to this day. The use of the Pantheon as a symbol of Rome's might as an empire, and the ability of Los Angeles City →

A class divided documentary review

The people with brown eyes were able to go in and sit when the training was scheduled to start, where the blue eyed people had to stand out in the hall. They had to sit in the back, and some people did not even have a seat. During the meeting Jane talked →

Free movie review on maya lin

Lin from her viewpoint explains the implication of her work and attempts to explain to the audience the criteria and motivation behind developing her design and structures. How Maya Lin's Design can be Considered Courageous Maya Lin's design and structures can be considered courageous because she confidently confronted and challenged →

By referring in detail to 8 mile, discuss some of the ways

The 8 Mile film has been sold on look as the film posters have the main image of Eminem, the star of the film and a well-known musician. The title of the film is in bright yellow writing, which would catch the eye of a passer by and hook them into reading more of the →

Reaction paper on cinema rehiyon films essay sample

I was fortunate to watch the two movies from Baguio and Sulu; these movies were Anac Ti Pating and Taguri: The Kites of Sulu, respectively. The first movie that I watched was Anac Ti Pating from Baguio. The film exposes the life of the Sulu people in making the Taguri which is a →

The movie beastly

The film denotes that your character is more important than your physical appearance and it also denotes that do not look up to yourself too high. Kyle is a rich, handsome guy and a very popular boy in the school in the start of the movie I already saw the arrogant side of Kyle. The →

Concussions in the nfl

Concussions in the NFL have become much more prevalent, and the effects of these concussions appear to have become more severe, as this is a direct result of the development of player training systems. Over the same period of time concussions have also systematically became more frequent as well.

Blood diamond study note

Maddy and Archer meet and Archer gets straight to the point about helping Solomon out, Maddy says " your using him" archer replies " I am using him your using me this is how it works, is not it? " SCENE 23 Maddy, Solomon and Archer are flying to the refugee camp to find Solomon's →

“steel magnolias” directed by herbert ross essay sample

Directors are ultimately responsible for a film's artistic and commercial success or failure. The director in this film uses the Hollywood style of directing." Hollywood style" is that it strives to make the reader forget the medium of film altogether. Film criticism is the analysis and evaluation of films.

Poster culture of bollywood essay sample

These artistes attempted to capture the essence of the plot of the film and used to potray certain characters with specific colours and hues, for example:-pink was the colour of love and was used liberally on the leading couple, whereas blue was the colour given to the villain. Later, when the hindi cinema was drifting →

little miss sunshine

Uncle Frank is a gay Proust scholar.his genuine anguish at the loss of love and the need to redefine his identity is touching. Sheryl the mother of olive takes the opportunity to poke fun at the harried American housewife with her endless round of obligations, and her helplessness in the face of →

The summary of the film whale rider by niki caro

The movie, on paper and fixed via Niki Caro and she is encouraged through a novel which is written thru Witi Ihimaera. The film happens in the community of Whangara which is in New Zealand. In this procedure, he pushes Paikea further far to help their family which is an important part of the film.

The secret life of bees analysis

This idea of her mother not loving her deeply disturbs Lily , causing a sense of doubt to brew up inside of her. She is exposed to new thoughts and ideas. The Secret Life of Bees is clearly based upon Lily and her formative years.

Example of film analysis: the visitor essay

His interactions with the Syrian immigrant couple who come to occupy his house with him Tarek and Zainab form the heart of the film, providing a very heartfelt look into the kinds of scenarios that come with the specter of illegal immigration and post-9/11 Islamophobia. I will always remember Richard Jenkin's perpetual look of abject →

It’s partner and having good cuddling watch increase

It's easy to confess toyour love in front of someone but to keep the spark in your relationship isdifficult to couple always try to find out the ways to please each other. Are you want someone toask out then nor can be great day rather than this valentines and have somehorror plan to make →

The castle essay sample

The film uses techniques like camera shots, language and the use of narration to develop conflict between a decent, old fashioned suburban family, the Kerrigan's and an unscrupulous corporation called Airline. There are far to many stereotypes in The Castle to mention although her are a few examples, the accents, the barbecues, the holiday →

Analysis of alice in wonderland

The character of the White Rabbit is the first symbol used to present the difficulty of becoming an adult. For example, the White Rabbit travels to the Queen of Hearts's garden, and eventually Alice arrives also. The White Rabbit acts as a guide for Alice as she goes on her journey.

Mangal pandey the indian movie essay sample

Plot The movie Mangal Pandey is partly based on the story of an Indian soldier, Mangal Pandey, in the army of the British East India Company who is said to have initiated the Indian movement for independence from British rule with what is known as the Sepoy Mutiny of 1957. →

Film ”koyaanisqatsi” essay sample

The film opens with of nature and the power it holds juxtaposed with the sometime destructive nature of man that eventually transitions into a more symbiotic relationship between man, nature, and technology. Martin Heidegger is never mentioned, but his musings on this relationship man has with nature and technology can be applied, although Heidegger →

Wyndor glass co. research paper

The issue is to find the most profitable mix of the two new products. A particular concern is to ascertain the appropriate objective for the problem from management's viewpoint. Bill points out that John Hill posed the issue as determining which mixture of the two products is going to be most profitable →

A clockwork orange

Due to Alex's obscene behaviors and crimes that he has committed, the state attempts to cure him with the controversial Ludovico's Technique, by forcefully " injecting" him with goodness and depriving him from human freedom at the same time. The novel debates on whether morality should be imposed by force or free will, and whether →

The discreet charm of the bourgeoisie(1972) movie review examples

They use it as a way of displaying wealth and power and manners but more importantly it is something to do, something to talk about as it becomes apparent that the Bourgeoisie actually do not have that much to talk about and more of which they wish to keep secret. Most of the jokes in →

Techniques of a director – ingmar bergman essay sample

The auteur theory holds that the " director is the primary person responsible for the creation of a motion picture and imbues it with his or her distinctive, recognizable style". Auteur theory came into existence after Second World War; it is the theory of filmmaking in which the director is viewed as →

Ethnic notions: sambo character analysis

Well into the twentieth century the " Mammy", the " Coon", and the "" Sambo"" were all terms used in reference to black Americans. In 1941 the cartoon was made and made its way into many of the homes of American culture. In the early 1900s the image of the " Sambo" spread and it →

The first contact in apocalypse now

The First Contact in Apocalypse Now andHeart of Darkness In Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola obviously modifies and embellishes the characters, scenes and dialogue of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. Aware of Marlow's potential peril at the hands of the natives, he advises him to keep the →

Good example of essay on hong kong films

The family of the 12th Master that dominated the business of the arena is used to portray how different people envy for love. The scenes and the plot of the film are captivating to the audience.

Associate program material

What are the positive aspects of stereotypes, if any? What are the negative aspects of stereotypes?

Movie review on gran torino

Movie Review of " Gran Torino" " Gran Torino" is one of the masterpieces of American actor and director Clint Eastwood. Kowalski. Metaphorically, one of the main characters in the movie is the car of Walter Ford Gran Torino that is greatly valued and adored by its owner." Gran Torino" is a symbol that reflects →

An evening on the beach

Soon the sun disappeared below the horizon and the sky turned dark but my two friends and I sat on the beach gazing at the place where the sun went down. We had the torchlight on and soon we were going to light a bonfire.

Recent stock market crash and government initiatives

And Government Initiatives for stabilizing the market Dear Sir Here is the report on " Analysis of Recent Stock Market Crash and Government Initiatives for stabilizing the market" which I have prepared as the requirement of completion of the ABA degree and the course BUS 498, Project Work. I have come to →

Film audience trailers | film studies dissertations

As the main function of a film trailer is to market the film and promote to a range of audiences film trailers are also a form of persuasive art and promotional narrative, they are designed to make you want to go and see the film being shown at the cinema. This is a different →

A horror story of algernon blackwood

How does Algernon Blackwood use the conventions of Gothic Horror to create a sense of fear and horror in " The Kit Bag"? INTRODUCTION Gothic Horror is a genre which tries to create a sense of fear and horror in the reader. In ' The Kit Bag' Blackwood writes ' There was not →

Movie response – oklahoma featuring hugh jackman

The central conflict of the musical ' Oklahoma' is concerned with the complicated love relationship of the two protagonists, Curly and Laurey. After it, the young couple goes on a honeymoon. While the relationship of Curly and Laurey is the central conflict of the musical, there is also another love story that contributes to the →

Conventional silver-based film cameras vs digital cameras

Silver-based film is the most durable storage medium as well, and is more readily available than video or digital storage media. Resolution quality, or the sharpness of detail, is one of the most significant advantages of silver-based film. The most notable disadvantage is that there is no way for the photographer to evaluate the image →

My favorite movie titanic essay

For scenes shot in the combustion chamber and the engine of the ship, filmmakers composited the engine footage of SS Jeremiah O'Brien with miniature models and actors in front of a blue screen. Additionally, one of the factors that make up the film's success is the theme song " Titanic". Personally, this is the best →

A film, analysis of akira kurosawa” rashomon

Also, this film has some symbolism for example the baby at the end of the film and when the rain ends. This narrative form allows us to see clearly the theme of the stories and how Kurosawa is criticizing humanity, the human conditions in the film. The narrative forms reflect the theme where a bright →

Sample essay on elements of design

Essentially, these patterns sprout from the director's vision of the film, production designer's creative contribution to it, and are supported by the work of the art director. Even taken a single short scene, " A Nightmare on the Elm Street", a 2010 remake of a classic, is a trustworthy example that shows the highlighted elements →

practice analysis of ‘pleasantville’ movie

Bill's coloured skin contrasted with his white clothing demonstrates an alternate approach to achieving a ' coloured' world to David, for he remains fairly impartial throughout the court case, emphasising his desire for compromise. The attention to detail of the use of colour throughout the film highlights the racial discrimination and thecivil →

Chicago 2002 questions movie review

It does not raise any evocative political questions, but it is a nice piece of spectacle that I would highly recommend. 3. I decided to watch the very opening sequence of the film, in which the first shot is of Roxie's eyeball, which is zoomed into to form the second C of 'CHICAGO.' Suddenly, a →

Storytelling in the film smoke signals by chris eyre

To simply put this means that Thoma's attitude and passion that he puts into each of his stories even if they are not completely true at the end of the day they leave a positive impact on people's lives. One of the main components of tale-telling is according to Priwan is the Tell- tellers. This →

Darkest before dawn

From shuffling corpses to gallons of fake blood, the 1978 " Dawn of the Dead" and its 2004 counterpart, demonstrate the vast difference in horror films of today and those of the 1970's. While the original was a catalyst for a paradigm shift in the world of horror cinema, the 2004 remake is a bold →