A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Concept analysis

Therefore, concept analysis enables a researcher to identify attributes related to a concept in the nursing area such as diagnosis of a disease and enables a proper approach to situations. 2 Emanicipatory knowledge pertains addressing the social and political perspective of nursing and recognizes the social barriers to health, elaborating how nurses should administer β†’

Fundamental duties of nurses

Fundamental Duties of Nurses Fundamental Duties of Nurses Nurses are charged with the duty of assisting the physician to ensure that the welfare of all patients are well taken care of and maintained in the right manner. To be able to execute their duties as expected, nurses are required to swear a Hippocratic Oath; the β†’

Response 1

Youhave rightly emphasized upon the importance and usefulness of health informatics technology in improving the quality of interaction between the nurses and the patients and improving the quality of care in particular. Health informatics technology is particularly important in reducing the time it takes to draw accurate information from the patients and consequently, making the β†’

Neutropenia in the chemotherapy patient

Evidently, one of the main goals of cancer treatment is to try to ensure that the patient is as healthy as possible throughout the treatment, and therefore the problem of neutropenia in the chemotherapy patient should be addressed to try and reduce incidences of the problem as well as complications that may arise from the β†’

Issues with end-of-life care in nursing essay sample

It is the facility's responsibility to ensure that there are training programs on caring for the dying readily available for health care professionals, and to provide support for these staff members; death requires a great deal of attention to be paid to the patient and the family. Being aware of what patients face when dying β†’

Develop a clinical question in a pico format that will yield the best and most relevant evidence

Additionally, the effectiveness of the treatment forms the basis of the patients' selection and decision to continue in that treatment. The purpose of conducting clinical trials is to ascertain the efficacy of each treatment and its combination, and determine which preventive or management strategy best facilitates in reducing ventilator-acquired pneumonia.

Nursing research

Overall, the aim of using human subjects in research is to ascertain the safety of patients by developing interventions that were safe and promoting quality care. Importantly, nursing education institutions realize the effects of these changes in provision of care and provide opportunities for nurses to update their educational competencies.


These concerns are both ethical and legal. The nurse failed to follow the 6 rights prior to the administration of a medication. The consequence of this act put the patient's life at risk because the patient had a negative effect from the dosage administered.

What makes a difference in bereavement and grief

The essay aims to address a two-fold objective, to wit: to reflect on the assigned reading; and to identify and explain your understanding of three of the five principal variables in the text that appear to make a difference in the ways in which bereavement and grief are experienced. What Makes a β†’

Environment as a phenomenon in nursing

Creating an environment that is culturally acceptable for a patient will lead to a better experience in the hospital. One of the most important landmarks in the profession of nursing was the establishment of theories to guide the nursing profession and provide the framework for this profession. The concept of ' care' as put forth β†’

What is expected of the adn/diploma rn, bsn, msn, dnp, and phd as regards nursing in other words, how does each level of education participate in nursing (data collection, study design, etc.)

What is expected of the ADN/diploma RN, BSN, MSN, DNP, and PhD as regards nursing In other words, how does each level of education participate in nursing (data collection, study design, etc). How Each Level of Education Participate In Nursing Research Affiliation] How Each Level of Education Participate in Nursing Research Various questions β†’

Root cause analysis of a sentinel event essay sample

The decision was made to perform a closed reduction of the shoulder with moderate sedation. There is a policy for moderate sedation that requires the patient be continuously monitored throughout the procedure and until discharge criteria are met. The addition of the full dose of an opioid analgesic, in this case Dilaudid, was enough β†’

Chronic physical health problem

Chronic physical health problem: With the vast amount of research done on the history of many chronic physical illnesses, there remains no ambiguityin the claim that financially unfortunate people who also happen to live in an unhygienic place are more exposed to severe health problems than the financially stable people are. The incidence of chronic β†’

What are the causes and/or prevention of type 1 diabetes

Souto and Miranda conducted a research on the effect of using physical activity and glycemic controls as means of preventing the occurrence of diabetes type, I. At the end of the study, the researchers found out that people living in areas with POP contaminated waste had a significant number of type I diabetes β†’

Bloom’s taxonomy of education and it’s use in nursing education

In order to achieve this goal, nursing learners need to acquire high amount of knowledge for using it in actual nursing practice. As Su and Osisek states, " Educators can facilitate knowledge transfer by developing instructional designs that incorporate subject content and cognitive processes related to the use of the subject content". Let β†’

Understanding the diagnosis of diabetes nursing essay

It will demonstrate the author's understanding of diabetes and its complications, and highlight the importance of providing high quality information to empower the patient to manage the disease. Type 1 diabetes is a result of an autoimmune destruction of the beta cells of the islets of langerhans in the pancreas.

Surgery clinical guidelines and protocols

Clinical protocols, on the other hand, give specific details about the treatment and procedure that should be employed by the surgical team. To clearly distinguish between clinical guidelines and protocols, it is important to point out that as much as clinical guidelines are detailed and extensive documents, the lack detailed recommendations about how to carry β†’

Literature review matrix

Retrieved February 24, 2015, from American Nurse Today: http://www.americannursetoday.com/special-supplement-to-american-nurse-today-best-practices-for-falls-reduction-a-practical-guide/ Clinical Review. Review of 30 articles Data collected from peer reviewed studies Multidisciplinary approach to data analysis A combined approach of technology, people and and processes would reduce incidence of patient falls. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing.. Retrieved February 24, 2015, β†’

What do the aacn/ccne standards and guidelines state should be the goals of every undergraduate program what specifically should be included in all undergraduate programs do an evaluation of the fep curriculum based on the these documents and make 3 re

What do the AACN/CCNE standards and guidelines state should be the goals of every undergraduate program What specifically should be included in all undergraduate programs Do an evaluation of the FEP curriculum based on the these documents and make 3 re AACN/CCNE standards and guidelines What do the AACN/CCNE standards and guidelines should β†’

Positive and negative effects of the role of caregivers essay sample

If the caregiver is a relative then the service is free, otherwise a professional caregiver receives a monthly salary just like other professions. A caregiver has to perform some basic services irrespective of the fact that he or she is related to the care recipient or not. A caregiver should take care of the β†’


USE OF HONEY AND SILVER SULFADIAZINE IN MANAGEMENT OF WOUNDS affiliation Use of honey and silver sulfadiazine in management of wounds In management of healing, honey and silver sulfadiazine can be used to enhance the healing process. Lastly, the use of silver sulfadiazine possess much worse side effects as compared β†’


The use of randomized quasi-experimental research design decreased the reliability of the results due to a lack of control group, but the results are still significant due to the additional data generated with regards to the effect of additional intervention programs to HF patients. There were reports of the role of family members in helping β†’

The pico question

These can include avoiding sweet or sugary food such as ice cream and cakes , stop smoking, and engage in more physical activities like walking daily or go jogging at least once a week?" Moreover, a collateral question is: " What happens if the patient is given another kind of diabetes medication and undertakes β†’

Research critique, part 1 research paper example

This paper critiques a study conducted by Karavasiliadou and Athanasakis , which sought to evaluate causative factors at the individual and organizational levels. Problem Statement In this study, the researchers sought to review the organizational and individual that contribute to medication errors. These aspects have been clearly spelt β†’

Conflict management

Conflict Management al Affiliation Conflict Management Summary of the Article The article written by Brinkert en d " Conflict coaching training for nurse managers: a case study of a two-hospital health system" and published in the Journal of Nursing Management presented and analyzed the application of a Comprehensive Conflict Coaching Model as a β†’

Nursing image analysis

Though nurses are often lonely this detail is not usually very well highlighted in order to make the image free for other author's objects. As to the characteristics of a nurse as a woman it must be said that the usage of the nurse's image in the world wide sex industry is β†’

Professional nursing (7th ed.) st.lois,mo: elsevier saunders. isbn: 9781455702701

The paper necessitate a selection and analysis of one issue picked from the table and chart. US Health Care The book talks about four main categories of health care services in the United States. S health care services categorized and there are plenty of agencies t manages the health system.

What wasted resources or wasted efforts have you seen/heard about in health care today

What Wasted Resources or Wasted Efforts have You Seen/Heard about in Health Care Today The health care is one of the most important areas that should be taken care of, however, the quality of it should be improved. However, many of these resources are wasted, because the diagnosis put during the first admission β†’

Nursing shortage

They found most of these studies agreeing on the point that " the delay between people's choice of the nursing profession and the time they are licensed as nurses is a central reason for these recurrent shortages". Poor working conditions also account for the shortage of RNs, and this includes wage and benefits β†’

Aacn synergy model for patient care

The portrayal of the traits provides nurses with a way of caring for the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of the patients. As such, the method ensures effectiveness of the nursing services. While the synergy model is effective in providing care to critical patients, the model is vital in other areas of the specialty such β†’

Management of selected adverse effect of chemotherapy nursing essay

Homogeneity between group was maintained on the basis of level of need , gender and position held in the ward. DEVELOPMENT AND DESCRIPTION OF TOOL After an extensive review of literature, discussion with the experts and with the investigator's personal and professional experience, a structured questionnaire was developed to assess the knowledge and an β†’

Example of case study on leadership and management

Additionally, the nurse has to fulfill the expectations of the colleagues and peers. If the nurse feels that lack of appreciation from the administration for the work done, morale goes down and this causes powerlessness. The type of workload that a nurse is involved in may also be a major cause of powerlessness.

Discussion board post response

In so doing, the manager in my organization is able to guide employees in dealing with their problems and give them the support they need to be able to concentrate on their work. Kelly Leonard, my organizations approach is analogous to yours in that trust, communication, respect, and support are the key elements that support β†’

Research paper on standardized coding system

A major problem of electronic health records is standardizing the language used in nursing documentation. If these non-standard languages are used, the application of electronic health records would be limited to the specialty field that understands the language used.

Domestic violence

These statistics are a reflection of the seriousness of incidences of domestic violence in the country. Some people also prefer hiding domestic violence incidences from the authorities out of fear. Most of the domestic violence cases happen between intimate partners although some cases affect children and elders directly.

Free essay on nursing image petition

The Office of Diversion Control cites as a crime the prescription of controlled substances without a real physician-patient relationship. It discourages people from wanting to pursue nursing which can make current efforts to promote nursing as a career path less successful, a situation that will not alleviate the nursing shortage or enhance the β†’

Position paper (health law m7)

A Position Paper on Resolving the Balance between Patient Rights and Practical Needs of the Medical Community Striking a balance between patients' rights and the practical needs of the medical community presents one major challenge for practitioners. As such the phrase " human rights in patient care" has been coined in response and is increasingly β†’

Coad (coronary obstructive airway disease)

Be keen on noting the characteristics of the cough and the sputum produced. An oximeter is sometimes used to assess the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the patient's blood.

Discussion post

This enables the IRB to review a proposed research on the basis of community, legal and professional acceptability. Discussion two I agree with Katherine Johnson about ' Protecting Human Research Participants'. The fundamental role of IRB is to safeguard the wellbeing and welfare of human subjects. At my workplace After going through ' β†’

Gibbs nursing model on reflection

The process can be broken down into six key steps: Description: this step explores the context of the event and covers fine details such as who was present at the event, where it happened and what happened. Feelings: this step encourages the reflector to explore their thoughts and feelings at the time of the event. β†’

Healthcare ethics discussion forum

Each day nurses continue to face issues that call for the application of the set ethical and legal principles of nursing, but even at those times choosing to save life by applying the best perceived action might contradict the prevailing code of practice or legal rights of the patient. According to the nursing code of β†’

Free nursing proposal research proposal sample

However, past studies have shown that a number of issues arising from both the patient and the nurses always hinder discharge planning. Statement of the Problem Despite the fact that discharge planning is indeed essential in ensuring full recovery of the patient, various barriers hinder it. Therefore, the research will analyze the various barriers, β†’

Personal health risk

Well water contains Arsenic compounds that pose a health risk to people who consume water from the well. To identify arsenic in drinking water as a hazard, I followed EPA risk assessment module that included establishing the magnitude of arsenic present in water where arsenic is the dominant public-health problem for drinking water in America.

Radiology procedures and applications (ct, mri, ultrasound, fluoroscopy)

Radiology procedures are essential to various branches of medicine including " surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, cancer-care, trauma-response, [and] emergency medicine" and allow physicians to quickly and accurately treat patients.. Computed Tomography A computed tomography scan, or CAT scan, involves the rotating of a thin x-ray beam around the patient and the use of small β†’

Incorporating theory

To date, the theory has been extensively used in healthcare to analyze elements that affect the quality of patient care. The theory involves takes a focus on three healthcare delivery categories ' structure,' ' process,' and ' outcomes' to assess information on the quality of care. The theory, in this case, will carry out a β†’

Role of nurses in patients concordance to compression therapy for venous leg ulcer

Role of Nurses in Patient's Concordance to Compression Therapy for Venous Leg Ulcer ROLE OF NURSES IN PATIENT'S CONCORDANCE TO COMPRESSION THERAPY FOR VENOUS LEG ULCER The healing of venous leg ulcers should be celebrated and is achieved through skill nurse input and significant patient effort. Another role for practicing nurse in concordance of compression β†’

Product design and development biography examples

As such, I anticipate some emotional, social and academic challenges and I have always found it enjoyable and interesting to study business; and together with the readily available employment opportunities in business related areas, this has been the key motivating factor towards my desire of focusing my career on product design and development. I want β†’


The study does not only focus on the after effects of acupuncture but the experiences of the patients during and after the treatments. When the nurse was calm, the women felt less discomfort and pain during the process of the needle insertion. However, the effectiveness of acupuncture to cure a migraine is not because of β†’

Human growth and developement summary

In addition, authoritarian parents maintain a certain emotional gap from the children which is good in that the children tend to give respect to the parents this way. In addition, authoritative parents are more like friends to the children.

Summarize research article

The researcher therefore seeks to investigate the measures employed in health facilities within the country. The researcher identifies several health facilities within the state. The researchers employ random sampling technique in the selection of both the hospitals and the specific health practitioners to investigate in the study.

The evils of a broken bone

At that moment I felt like my friend had betrayed me. I reached the nurse's office in the school, and soon my mom was there to rush me to the hospital. I still had not had any pain reliever to speak of, and the pain in my arm was dull, agonizing, and unrelenting.

Research analysis

Research Analysis and Hypothesis Significance of the study The of this article attempted to address the significance of self-care and quality of life among patients with heart failure and how it plays an integral role in nursing practice. Are there certain self-care deficits among individuals suffering from heart failure at the time of discharge from β†’

The link between life and death nursing essay

In addition, the EMS report would be permanently linked to a patient's Electronic Patient Record and therefore accessible to all of the hospital's doctors involved in the patient's care. The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, the current Minister of Health, is responsible for upholding the principles and vision of healthcare in Canada, overseeing any large-scale threats to β†’

Data collection techniques and funding opportunities

This will surely take some time for clearance but once the consent is received then it will be easier to carry on with the research work i.e.data analysis. Funding Opportunities There could be a number of health care institutions that can be approached considering the significance of the research. It is surely the need β†’

Igg deficiency

Pathophysiology of IgG, causes of the deficiency, and current treatment are discussed, with a 24 year old who has a recurrent sinusitis and has been diagnosed with the deficiency as the target audience. Pathophysiology of IgG IgG subclass deficiency alters the body's defense mechanism through their actions against protein antigens and polysaccharide. The recommended β†’

Health care provider

He is always patient and kind, and explains things well. He also always pulls my patient record whenever I come in, and makes sure that he has the most up to date files on me.

Free bulimia nervosa: causes, impacts and treatment research paper sample

At one end of the spectrum is anorexia nervosa, and at the other end, is binge eating, with bulimia nervosa located somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. In some cases, a mental health provider and a dietician who is adept in the treatment of eating illnesses.

Empowerment in health promotion

The role of nurses has always been associated with patient empowerment with which nurses have always been expected to have a shared responsibility with their patients. Informing patients with regards to the nature of their health condition, the available options for treatment, possible risks, and the recommendations of health care professionals is an important act β†’

Free case study about nursing

The interactions between the nurse and the patient during the time duration in which the patient had breakfast was sufficient for the nurse to make a full assessment on the level of awareness and alertness of the patient and come up with a viable conclusion on the general state of β†’

Nursing theory

This philosophy of health as expanding consciousness is founded on: 1) A unitary, ever changing view, 2) Pattern, as an identifier of wholeness, and, 3) Transformative developing as a process of change The theory has one assumption that life is a process of expanding consciousness. Consciousness is described as a unitary pattern of data β†’

Case study

Roberts story? Healthcare quality according to Mr. Moreover, lack of assertiveness and ignorance among patients is a factor that contributes to untimely death and worsening of medical conditions.

Emergency nursing and educational goals

Besides being able to sustain life in general as part of my job of being a firefighter, paramedic and a nurse at the same time, I see this as a crucial and serious task that must be continuously practiced and developed to uphold the effectiveness of the delivery of service. To be able to learn β†’

Opportunity to participate in international tour of the student of good samaritan school of nursing

I believe this opportunity will open the windows for me to excel in the professional requirements for the international exposure in the forthcoming years of my career. I humbly state that I am a philanthropist with considerable values of life which guide me along the path of spiritual perfection and professional excellence for a stable β†’

Instruction and target andience

Writing Instructions What do you now know about writing instructions that you do not know before The most important point to consider when writing instructions is the target audience as this will determine the language used, the font size and color, the explanation offered among other things. It is also important that when writing β†’


Evidence-based practice is concerned with the empirical means of focusing on, and knowing how to critically evaluate and apply existing research data in order to comprehend and enlighten clinical decision-making functions. From an ethical point of view, the strongest opinions in support of evidence-based practice are that it permits for the most esteemed techniques of β†’

Literature search

1001/jama.281.2.163. This is a qualitative study describing the quality of end of life care from the perspective of the patient. Music Therapy in Hospice and Palliative Care: a Review of the Empirical Data; Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 2005 print This qualitative study focuses on the effectiveness of music therapy in alleviating palliative associated β†’

Principles of autonomy

Principle of Autonomy Principle of Autonomy Bioethics is the backbone of modern day nursing practice. The practitioners state the alternatives for the patients to choose the best course of action. The principle of autonomy is based on the rationality of decisions.

Why i want to become a registered nurse

I am often asked the question of, " Why are you in nursing? " I tell people that I did not choose nursing, nursing chose me! I however was in a position to give rent allowances for those that were in that type of predicament.

Reflective journal

The clinical experience was positive in that it confirmed the need for knowledge and skills in conducting a blood transfusion. Nurses must understand different stages and medical personnel in blood transfusion and adhere to the key principles of the process. The nurse prepared the patient by informing them of the risks and benefits of the β†’

Workspace issue of nurse turnover

One of the issues that nurses experience due to a turnover of nurses is the increased amount of burden on nurses which results in negatively impacting the wellbeing of the nurses. In this research, the researchers figured out those nurse turnover even impacts patients in a negative manner. This is because nurse turnover results in β†’

Geriatric case management in nursing homes

Nonprofit nursing homes offer better quality services compared to their counterparts making the quality of care strength of the former but a weakness for the latter. Geriatric case management in nonprofit nursing homes is, therefore, more effective and results in the development of plans which guarantee patients and clients quality care compared to for-profit nursing β†’

The history of irritable bowel syndrome nursing essay

For those who want to self-medicate, it is essential to know the symptoms as well as the causes of IBS, to be able to take appropriate medications. Causes and Risk Factors of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Basically, the real causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are still unknown; nevertheless, medical experts are ruling out some triggering β†’

Philosophy of nursing

My philosophy of nursing extends to my community in whichhealthpromotion is something I will continually strive for. Personal Philosophy of Nursing For as long as I can remember I have been overwhelmed with a longing desire to care for those in need, and I feel this ultimately led β†’

Nursing informatics

For example, if the patient presses the button indicating the need for pain medicine; this call would be directed to the wireless phone of the nurse assigned to that patient. The barrier to this feature is that you have to be near the console to see who is calling for the nurse, and to use β†’

Problems of the nursing teamwork

Additionally, they felt that they have the right to defend others if they had seen them encountered with the problems. Given the observed NTW elements of the mutual trust dimension, the results of the study indicated that there were statistically significant differences between its elements during (pre, immediately post-program implementation and three months later) where β†’

Business plan

Business Plan Business Plan A business plan is a formal ment containing set goals, a plan on how to attain them, and the reasons for the belief that they will be attained. Banks, private investors or majority of the lending institutions depend on the business plan to understand the plans that an entrepreneur possesses in β†’


This means the employee is in a long term recovery programs with long term abstinence from drug use. The scenario In the case of the employee taking patients' medication for self-use, the first step would be to establish whether the employee is addicted. Confronting the employee to admit that he diverted the drug for β†’

Undergraduate nursing education admission questionnaire

That is why I came to McMaster University and that is why I will stay. As a student, I find that although I can understand the theories being discussed in class, there is something lacking in terms of knowledge transfer that can only be had through proper visual teaching alongside the theoretical approach. I realize β†’

Professional and academic goals

Response to Posting One From the first posting, the clearly indicates that hewants to study pathophysiology and treatment of the associated diseases merely because he does not want to follow the instructions of the doctors; that is, he/she does not want to be given orders and directions from doctors. Therefore, it would be inappropriate for β†’


She also claimed that his husband developed great vigilance such that when driving he was very cautious. Tessa, however, claimed that there are organizations which range from charity to fraternal and can be beneficial to the military community. According to Paulson et al., people who are in the military community that includes veterans, those who β†’

Taxonomy & nursing

of the of the Introduction Nursing knowledge acquisition can be generated using the hierarchy of cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of Bloom's taxonomy for the learners to attain experiential and evidential account for transformational healthcare (Bloom, Englehart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956). The conduct of research for instance is one of the methodological approaches to β†’

Analysis of registered nurse versus licensed practical nurse

However, it is important to note that there are some LPNs who earn more than RNs depending on the duties they carry out and the location of the hospital. This is because they are meant to ensure that the LPNs carry out their duties effectively. It is hence essential to note that the most important β†’

Why i want to work in critical care

I want to work in Critical Care because I believe that it is in the Intensive Care Unit that I will make the biggest difference in patient's lives. As a nurse, my profession matters the most in this situation because the patients needed me the most to save their lives. I am aware that working β†’

Family genetic history

Evaluation of family genetic history Evaluate the impact of the family's genetic history on your adult participant's health. Include what information you would provide to the adult participant regarding the results of the family genetic history. From the family's genetic history it has been found that the lineage is susceptible to contracting diabetes β†’

Management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Article Review - Management of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Schools Number and of Submission Article Review - Management of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Introduction The article, ' Management of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding', is written with the intention of offering an understanding of the management of Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding β†’

Select a grand nursing theory.explain how application of this theory by nurse leaders and nurse managers can influence outcomes from two of the following areas

This theory is grounded on the supposition that the founding principle of nursing is bound in caring as the root of nursing. Nurse leaders can use the theory of human caring in patient care delivery and increase patient satisfaction. This theory offers a structure that nurse leaders can use to reinstate the profession's vision of β†’

Legislator letter & outline summary (2 parts to assignment)

I am writing to support the healthcare bill on its suggested amendment pertinent to the Public Health Service Act intended to establish a balance between the registered nurse staffing ratios and the patients. For instance, when there are more health personnel to handle the patients' issues, it means more people will access the vital health β†’

Research paper on hygiene and infection in hospitals hand hygiene

Experimental design chosen The aim of the research proposal is to investigate the impacts of various hand hygiene techniques on transient flora and consequently, overall hospital hygiene and the reduction of infections in the hospital. Therefore, obtaining data from such a wide spectrum of subjects will help in comprehensively covering the research topic. β†’

Connecting assets and choosing your community

Connecting Community Assets to Fight Childhood Obesity in Delray Beach Affiliation Connecting Community Assets to Fight Childhood Obesity in Delray Beach Delray Beach is a coastal city in the state of Florida. The identified assets within the Delray Beach community include open spaces and play areas, holistic and sustainable food policies, healthcare expertise, diagnostic β†’


It occurs when a tissue similar to endometrium is found outside the lining of uterus, specifically in the abdomen on the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and the uterus ligaments supporting the uterus. If these do not work, the patient may expect a surgery. The surgical treatment may work well if the patient's endometriosis is extensive β†’

Critical appraisal-ebp

However, the article provides a description of the research method, which is a mixed method approach (Qualitative and quantitative methods), indicating a limited sense of its appropriateness in relation to validity of data. Ethical Issues The research does not indicate how ethical issues ascribed to access of a person's health records were managed: This β†’

The poor communication would initiate unpleasant transition.

Based on patient's condition he or she might receive care froma nurse in home setting. Each of these changes from hospital to home is definedas a care transition for continuity of health care. In thetransitional care, nurses work with patients and entire healthcare team to makesure that patient after discharge, patient receives continuity of care β†’

Why legal knowledge is important for nurses

" Nurses are expected to function within the legislation, legal policies, statutes relevant to the profession and practice setting, and professional standards. Nurses are now being, and will continue to be given increased responsibility, thereby increasing their exposure to lawsuits".(Why Legal Knowledge is Important for Nurses) Therefore, in my nursing practice, I will be greatly β†’