A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Summary of 2008 vice presidential debate

The initial part of the discussion was dedicated to the financial crisis in the US. In the debate, Joe Biden claimed that the then oncoming election was the most vital in many previous years since the economy was deteriorating and that the US needed substantial changes to its politics system.

Production of quality goods

However, the cutthroat competition among competitors have forced production engineers and supervisors to come up with new and innovative technologies to produce customized products on a mass scale. Mass customization is not only a concept but also a widely held belief of the new industry.

Assignment 3

The product that the first mover had in this category was a roadmap to the largest roadway network in the world. A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of First-Mover Advantage in the Internet Economy.

Discussion- ch5

In equity financing, the entrepreneur uses the real assets of an individual instead of borrowing money from outside sources to start a new business. The basic advantage of loan is that they are based on the business value and its ability to repay the loan in full.

Violence in the school system

Violence in the School System Part one Violence in the school system is a broad topic that had confused many researchers, a factor that compels any research into this field to identify a research topic that can be addressed I research. Part two The mixed method research, which is a preferred approach by many researchers β†’

Twelve angry men and pessimistic views

Is Juror 8 " Infallible" or Is he Just more aware of his CIVIC duty and his responsibility Careful deliberation was required and despite the flawed beginning, it is the The decision that the Jury initially comes to is FLAWED, although they do not recognize this until Juror 8 challenges their beliefs with his belief β†’

Gcse geographical investigation

Is the area managed in order to conserve the environment in the Upper Derwent Valley? By answering these questions I will gather evidence and information about the Upper Derwent Valley, I will then be able to decide whether there is a need for management or stewardship in certain areas of the Upper Derwent Valley.

Involving undergraduates in publishable international research: experiences in latin america

Challenges specific to international research, like working in unfamiliar locations and avoiding specific cultural and ethical pitfalls, can be managed by focusing on five issues: establish local collaborations, avoid " safari" research, understand students' cultural and research skills, get official institutional support for students' travel and work, and model international research ethics. While working with β†’

Functionalism behaviorism and evolutionary psychology

In this paper, the context of development, rise and demise, as well as contributions to the specialization of developmental psychopathology of the functionalist, behaviorist, and evolutionary psychology schools of thought is analyzed. Table of Contents Functionalism 4 Behaviorism 5 Evolutionary Psychology 7 Conclusion 8 Functionalism, Behaviorism, and Evolutionary Psychology: Rise, fall, and contributions to developmental β†’

External and internal impacts on a hotel

Price is the sum of the values consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service and is the only marketing element that produce revenue. Analyzing the price-demand relationship: the higher the price for a product or service is, the lower the demand for this product.

Is profit maximization consistent with wealth maximization finance essay

In this respect, the maximization of the shareholder's wealth is enhanced by the acquiring of maximum profits at the lowest level of expenditure. On the other hand, wealth maximization, which is also known as the net present worth of a firm can be used to evaluate the performance of the firm.

Family of origin literature review, critical genogram, and reflection

The messages I have received are that I am not a good daughter and that I am a disappointment to my mother. I have been in therapy since childhood and I have had a lifetime of conversations surrounding the abuse in my family and the impacts on our family dynamics.

International tax havens and money laundering

This is because a country with tax evasion policies, the normal tax rate has to be high in order to generate the same level of income as a country with no tax evasion policy. Obama tax reforms have faced a lot of criticism from critics and the leaders in senate but the only purpose of β†’

The performance measurement in business logistics commerce essay

One of the best examples is the framework where physical distribution effectiveness is defined as the extent to which distribution programmes satisfy customers [Rhea Shrock, International Journal of Logistics Management, 5, p.3.supply chain management encompasses the logistics management which plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services β†’

The difference between a mission statement and aΒ vision statement

The purpose of such a review is to make sure that the factors important for competitive success in the market can be discovered so that the management can identify their own strengths and weaknesses as well as their competitors' strengths and weaknesses. Competitive Rivalry: What is important here is the number and capability of your β†’

The controversy of jon stewart: an analysis of jon stewarts use of satire

Johanna Hartelius' " The Political Sins of Jon Stewart", Robert Harriman's " In Defense of Jon Stewart", and Lisa Colletta's " Political Satire and Postmodern Irony in the Age of Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart" I feel that Jon Stewart's use of satire on The Daily Show is constructive for democracy. Much of what makes β†’

Shell directional policy market for portfolio analysis

SHELL DIRECTIONAL POLICY MARKET FOR PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS Strategic Implications Unlike the Boston Matrix in which one is looking for a balance of business opportunities spread amongst growth and maturing markets, in the Directional Policy Matrix the concentration of business opportunities should be focused around the ' Leader' domain, i.e.the top left hand area of the β†’

Bring on the lights

For this reason it is the job of performers to preserve their genre through time so that it is not rejected by the public. It is time for Classical musicians to adapt their performances so that Classical music will not be dug any deeper into the grave.

International hrm, globalization effects and national business systems assignment

From the view of political scientists globalisation is a process that leads to the undermining of the nation state and the emergence of new forms of governance. From the sociologists viewpoint globalisation is seen in terms of the rise of a global culture and the domination of the media by global companies.

The appeal of the limited partnership assignment

The following is a list of some of the significant characteristics of a general partnership, which characteristics are modified by the limited partnership: all partners may take part in the management of the partnership and its business; each of the partners has the authority to bind the partnership or act as its agent; and the β†’

The history of supply chain business essay

The aim of the supply concatenation is to do it profitable and this can be done by cognizing the cardinal values of supply concatenation. The supply concatenation involves the motion of merchandise from the providers to the makers to the distributers so to retail merchants and eventually at the terminal to the client.

Dell – swot analysis

SWOT ANALYSIS WALT DISNEY About the Company The Walt Disney Company was funded in 1922, and it went onto become one of the biggest s in animationand motion pictures. The customer, in this kind of an industry, is needed for the success of such a company.

Caring for a loved one with dementia

Caring for a loved one with Dementia 08/27 Caring for a loved one with Dementia Dementia is described by The National Institute of Neurological Stroke and Disorders as, " It is one word for a number of symptoms which are created by disorders that affect human brain. Day programs and activities should be specially designed β†’


In the sector of online infringement, piracy as a result of file sharing had in turn affected the sale of CD's to decrease. In addition to the above effects of piracy, it also cost physical and psychological damage to humans.

Enterprise zones

Evaluation of enterprise zones Evaluation of enterprise zones Enterprise zone is a term that refers to a well-defined geographic area within which it is aligned or set aside for purposes of boosting economic activities for businesses within borders of the zone. The states' enterprise zones present a compelling opportunity to explore the spread of ideas β†’

I’ll attach it

Business ethics Possible actions The first possible action is to follow the advice of the supervisor and ignore the results of the 5% of the samples that have been found to be ineffective. Supervisor The supervisor will be praised by the company for the success of the project as the results will indicates that the β†’


This form of puffery is designed to send the perception to consumers that the product benefits of Folgers, or psychological benefits, can be achieved through consumption. This is a blatant form of deception, however it seems to be widely-accepted throughout the industry for vanity-inspired products.

A jury of her peers by susan glaspell

Therefore, not surprisingly, the short story has stirred hornet's nest when the author has used women's perspectives and tried to interpret a supposedly clear cut murder case, in a manner that has clearly put the whole justice system into a question; whether the evidence of ' crime' is the sole criteria of declaring guilty of β†’

Manningham bus service review: a public relations plan

In view of the Manningham Bus Service Review, several problems posed questions about the capability and capacity of Manningham to maintain a better image in the eyes of the public. Commuters view that although a new roadmap to improving Manningham's public transport system is in place, the government is not fully supporting and backing up β†’

The way to deal with environment pollution

The greater the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, the greater amount of heat energy is absorbed, which results in global warming". In the end, the cheaper way for companies to produce good is by pollution.

Wedding in saudi arabia

A contract is based on the negotiation of the groom and a male representative from the bride's family. The goal of marriage in Saudi Arabia is to establish a family that is stable and happy.

The castle creative writing

Eventually I got to the end of the lane and as I turned the corner I could see the park in the distance. I do not know if the others felt the same but I definitely did not want them to think I was scared so I just kept my feelings to myself and kept β†’

Problems with theories that equate consciousness with information or information processing

Chalmers takes information theory as his starting point, but immediately generalizes Shannon's two-state " bit" of information to the concept of a multi-state " information space," defined as an abstract space consisting of a number of information states and a structure of " difference relations" between them. But the only potentially testable prediction of theories β†’

Corrigendum: coping with brief periods of food restriction: mindfulness matters

An ROI analysis revealed that global efficiency in the insula/auditory cortex was significantly greater in the Low MAAS group compared to the High MAAS group for BOOST and NO BOOST conditions. However, an ROI analysis revealed that the average global efficiency in the insula/auditory cortex was significantly greater in the High MAAS group compared to β†’

The runaway slave at pilgrim’s point analysis

The narrator of this poem recounts the details and circumstances under which she murders her child; the speaker depicts the extent to which slavery has dehumanized and deprived her of her maternal instincts. The emphasis on the baby's feet and the adjective ' little,' is a generic and a common description for a mother to β†’

Attaining the harmonious vision through the natural world

Essentially, in the hopes of becoming a unified self, the Romantics envisioned an emotional and intellectual union with following: the divine, his physical environment both of which are classified under the " centre outside" of an individual, as well as his inner self the " centre within". On the contrary, Joanna Baillie's " London" documents β†’

Hy-fy hitch- zygomatico-hyoid suspension for dysphagia

Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a more anatomically restricted term referred to alterations in the transfer of the bolus from the mouth to the esophagus preparatory oral phase, 2) oral phase and the last 3) pharyngeal and oesophageal phase.mechanically, several closely coordinated actions are involved: elevation and retraction of the soft palate with closure of oropharynx, UES β†’

Case study of eruption cysts

Eruption cyst not uncommon: A series of three cases Abstract Aim: Presentation of three clinical cases with an eruption cyst Background: Eruption cysts are rarely seen benign cysts most commonly encountered on the mucosa before the tooth eruption Case description: In two patients, eruption cyst occurred in the maxillary arch and in one patient it β†’

A study on theoretical perspectives in maladaptive behavior

This perspective assumes that our bodily maladaptive behavior is due to a problem in our body." Behavior genetics is known as a study of the effects of our genetic inheritance of behavior"." Psychodynamic Perspective is the idea that thoughts and emotions are important causes of behavior". In most cases biological factors are important in the β†’

Non-profit firms as an alternative to government organizations

The introduction of the article points out that failure in a democratic society initiates the emergence of non-profit organizations due to the majority rule on the decisions of public expenditures. If the government has residents vote to improve the local education and the government disapproves the emergence of private education is possible and likely.

Echinacea in the treatment and prevention of common colds and influenza

The Use of Echinacea in the Treatment and Prevention of Common Colds and Influenza Echinacea is an indigenous wildflower of the United States. Literature Review Ross researched Echinacea in the prevention of the common cold, in addition to the safety and efficacy of using Echinacea.

Political aspects of hosting mega sporting management essay

Secondly, this paper will analyze economic aspects of hosting mega sporting event by examining the total commercial activity within the country and by weighing the effects of the construction of infrastructure for the mega sporting event. It allows people in the host country to share their experiences of living in the country and demonstrate values β†’

The history of emperor constantine

As Mary Boatwright, the Professor of Ancient History at Duke University, accurately states, the disparity between primary sources' recounts and the opinions offered by secondary historians is so great that " much discussion has centred on the question of [Constantine's] religious beliefs", particularly relating to his conversion to Christianity, the official propaganda of the time, β†’

I top of the mounΒ­tain. it was small,

On both the sides of the road the scenery and the views of hill were very pleasant. We enjoyed the breeze and the beautiful sight of the lake.

Zurich case study creating quality customer care

The group has more than 130 years experience and Is one of the world's largest insurance groups Page 1: Introduction Zurich Insurance Group provides insurance and other financial services to both individuals and businesses. The group has more than 130 years experience and is one of the world's largest insurance groups.


CO US did a poor job in selecting the employees that were sent to China. CO US did a poor Job in selecting the for the difficult work that he is doing in China, work that is not reflected in level of oils should be set differently, according to the particularly circumstances in each the β†’

Grand rally essay

I am not going to convinve you that I am the best for this position. I am ready to work with for your benefit and for the success of this council.

Probation and intermediate sanctions

Secondly, it facilitates the reduction of recidivism by aiming the behaviors of the defendants that led to the committing of the crime. The condition number eight sets out one of the ordinary Conditions of Juvenile Probation which was permitted in 1995 by the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Tartuffe in literature

Tartuffe wants to deceive Orgon's wife and have some fun and Elmire is playing before her husband who is hiding under the table in order to prove that Tartuffe is a rascal. It is not a parody, but a scene from a real-life that can be met every day".

Utah valley university

Education is the most essential, fundamental and a must to any person for education is the source of knowledge and can improve one ultimately as you step up in each stage that is prepared for a long time and for future. The students are the basic unit of the Utah university and they should be β†’

Nature vs. nurture: a biblical perspective essay

As we learn about the psychological and biological composition of human beings and the affecting environment, I am compelled to ask the following questions: 1. He directed the foster mothers to suckle the children, bathe and wash them, but not to speak to the children.

The role of students in pakistan movement

THE ROLE OF STUDENTS IN PAKISTAN MOVEMENT PAKISTAN STUDIES ASSIGNEMENT The Pakistan Movement or Tehrik-e-Pakistan refers to the movement to have an independent individual muslim state created within the region of Indian Subcontinent from the British Indian Empire and its emergence as a sovereign country, to be named as Pakistan. However, the rising popularity of β†’

Substantive grounds of review: unreasonableness

In the cases of Minister of immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Eshetu and Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs v Betkhoshabeh, the Court established strict constraints for unreasonableness, insisting that it is only to be used in the most extreme of cases and that the review should only extend to the legality of the decision. β†’

ο»Ώproduction of chalks out of seashells

And to support this, we need some facilities and materials for us to make it easier and clearer. Significance of the Study This study opens another way for people to be able to save and make chalks that is much durable and long-lasting use that will take part in this study.

Stakeholders of carrefour in oman

Carrefour is committed to provide part time jobs for young Omanis, in order to mate the needs of its customers, perform its business activities and gives its employees the chance to finish their own daily needs. Moreover, employees in Carrefour expect from the group their jobs and to appreciate their inputs for the group and β†’

Critical review of reappraising cognitive styles

The study is supposed to examine three cognitive styles; therefore without the data of the verbal group, the study is incomplete. The computer test which distributed students into cognitive groups should employ details and examples of the test and the scoring system to clarify the fairness of the test.

The current nedgroup life environment business essay

As the life assurance division of Nedbank, Nedgroup Life is a critical part of the bancassurancelegof the bank. Before venturing on to the topic of knowledge management, we need to take a brief look at the definition of knowledge.

The rhetorical triangle in discourse analysis essay examples

One way I analyze a text in this context is to evaluate the manner that the language appears conversational as well as the academic dimension of the language. King advocates that of importance to the text explication is the need to evaluate a text for singular and multiple themes in the labyrinth of complexities.

Job design and the job characteristics model

Secondly, using job design as certain measurement makes it easier to identify a certain problem by description of the job design, diagnose a certain job design and eventually resolve the problem by measuring up to the requirements of the job design. Example based on job characteristics model, skill variety; job design gives us the possibility β†’

Looking for alaska

Miles is used to a totally different environment, and the Colonel, his roommate, and Alaska is a big contrast to that. Almost all the foreshadowing's in this book is a hint to that.

According policies that will assist in managing

According to Mohammad Bakhtazmai in the article, " A study of Globalization in International Business" is of the observation that the world is undergoing massive globalization; international trade has facilitated exchange of goods and services across borders. When operating in the global arenas, management is forced to have structures that fit the level of development β†’

Climate change assignment

The study begins by speaking about the earth's agricultural carbon sink capacity; which Is roughly sixty five percent of the notable carbon loss of forty to eighty gluttons of carbon. The study begins by speaking about the earth's agricultural carbon sink capacity; which is roughly sixty five percent of the notable carbon loss of forty β†’

History of the atom assignment

He was the first of the scientist studying the atom to use equipment for experiments such as a cathode ray." When a potential is placed between the cathode and the anode a " ray" of electric current passes from one plate to the other. In any event, it is possible to, in technology, see the β†’

“the shining houses” by alice munro essay sample

Fullerton's generation, and the younger one that she is a part of, as she felt as though she was going through barricades when going from Mrs. Because of the generation gap, Mary's neighbors and Mrs.

Arts and culture essay sample

2) the characteristics of a creative/artistic person 4) Explain the importance of artistic excursion for the motivation of learners and their awareness 5) It is important that an art educator has a general idea of the different development phases of children. It can change people and children's lives, by allowing them to explore, to see β†’

Using a chosen organisation, identify how the role of pr contributes to the achievements of the organisations corporate mission and objectives

PR and Reflection Question The Role of PR at Google Google's primary is to provide all users with easy access to information on the internet. Google's PR policy, developed and implemented by some of the most dynamic practitioners in the US, has been influential in countering the negative press generated by its legal and ethical β†’

Letter assignment

And since Nell displays the ability to be tamed and comforted even when scared, and reacts appropriately and in a timely manner to basic human gestures of comforting and appeasing - which I firmly believe prove that her logic is working properly - I would conclude that Nell is very much worthy to be allowed β†’

Case study 1

Looking from the business point of view, I think that my proposed use of the warehouse is a sound idea as the activities that are intended to start are for the benefit of the public. The other three activities of the tenants would be in the nature of services for the sick and the needy β†’


According to Jens Pruessner of the Douglas Mental Health University, being born and raised in city increases the lifetime risk of certain psychiatric disorders like anxiety and mood disorders like depression and schizophrenia and this is mainly related to stress in city living. The researchers evaluated volunteers from rural and urban areas and found that β†’

Computerized accounting

The system calculates the sum of each account in special journals and posts it in the general ledger tab of the software for a given period of time. Where as, goods available for sale are the sum of beginning inventory and purchases.

Synopsis of the of psalms in the bible

Synopsis of the Book of Psalms in the Bible The book of Psalms is alleged to be the most widely read and valued book in the bible. The book of Psalms also contains the shortest and the longest verses in the bible and the verses that are at the center of the Bible.

Ideas of feminism and free love

The 19th century free love motion was a distinguishable reform tradition, running from the Utopian socialist minds of the 1820s and 1830s through the centre of American anarchism to the anti Comstock sex groups of the 1890s and 1900s and from at that place into the birth control motion of the 20th century."[ 4 ]The β†’

The psychology of athletic achievement flashcard

This survey found that all of the spheres in the ACSI-28 scored more than 70 % frequence on hapless header, bespeaking bulk of the athletics and conventional school jocks are holding hapless get bying accomplishments in with emphasis in their life. The ground for a better header of athleticss school jocks or elite jocks on β†’

Tymaine mcbee

The reasons why I have enrolled in OBT are to obtain my GED, get enrolled on a good college, and to get a good job. The third reason why I go enrolled in OBT was to get into a good college.

Compare and contrast the ideas of government between thomas hobbes and john locke

They also had very similar views in certain aspects of how the government and society should operate, Hobbes and Locke were passionate towards politics, they also believed in the state and laws of nature. Both agreed on people being equal and free, and that there should be a sort of government or sovereign but they β†’

Challenges faced by companies while entering a foreign business

The key question is " Who are the customers? " A market survey can be conducted to identify the market for the business to be started. If a business is in the nature of retail you will need to identify the cost of the store and furniture.

English proverb example

God helps those who help themselves." Do not just wait for good things to happen to you. One man's trash is another man's treasure." Different people have different ideas about what's valuable." There's no time like the present." If you need to do something, do not wait until later.

First date

I was going on my first date and that is all I could think about. Then mom told me it was time to go and I was so nervous I felt like i was going to be sick.

Climate in groups assignment

Emotional climate is defined as being the atmosphere in a group or organization that is created by the tone or mood of individuals and the relationships that they have with each other. Com/blob/how-do-mementos-almanac-group-and- Individualistically climate in groups By savage Contemporary Assignment: Understanding Emotional Climate in Groups I think that being able to recognize the emotional β†’

Young adulthood is a period sociology essay

The " egalitarian" marriage tends to shift the traditional marriage which emphasize on husband as the authoritarian and primary economy source in the family away because " egalitarian" marriage focus on equality in partnership, openness in communication, flexible gender role and both husband and wife act as the bread owner in the family. Moreover, the β†’

He planned approaches to safety management system construction essay

Introduction and literature reviewThis study examine the planned approaches to safety management system of 20 selected workplaces, there formal and informal systems, their organization arrangement, and the border workplace culture and management systems which explain the nature, operation and performance of their health and safety management strategies. The aim is to explain the types of β†’

Should we treat aging as a disease? the consequences and dangers of miscategorisation

In this article the word " aging" is used specifically to describe the operation of processes within whole organisms or populations of such organisms that result in an exponential increase in the chance of both death and sickness with the passage of time. Thus it is perhaps unsurprisingly that at the first meeting of this β†’

Effects of acupuncture on neurological disease in clinical- and animal-based research

As for the safety of acupuncture in the treatment of AD, the analysis indicated that there were only two acupuncture-related adverse reactions in 141 clinical trials; only 7 of the 3, 416 subjects had acupuncture-related adverse reactions, so the study concluded that these reactions are within the allowable range and are not severe. The results β†’

Romanticism and the process of life

Hundreds of years passed with nothing except speculation to interpret your place in the world, but the spread of the Enlightenment and the idea of scientific reasoning brought a new wave of assumptions to Europe. This includes the process of aging and eventual death as, in a perfect relationship between man and nature, growing older β†’

The development of justice in death and the maiden

The literary tools being discussed are the motif of lights, repetition of pauses, motif of the gun, symbol of truth with the cassette player, and the theme of injustice. The motif of the gun Paulina carries throughout the play to keep Roberto as hostage challenges the Paulina's definition of justice.

The importance of intimacy and effective communication theology religion essay

The divorce rate in our country is greater than 60%, and research indicates that one of the biggest problems that lead to divorce is communication issues people's inability to talk with one another This chapter is designed to help you and your partner learn the art of successful communication, whether that partner is your spouse, β†’

Theories of aristotle and epicurus sociology essay

Aristotle argued that 'the objective of human life is happiness or well-being' and to achieve this happiness, was through 'Leisure well spent.' By making money a person was able to enjoy the finer things in life, so the more money that a person made, the more money they had to spend on leisure activities, therefore β†’

The hierarchy of evidence

The software also calculated the circumference of traced boundaries, the area inside the boundaries and the percentage of slough areas within the wound. The time horizon of the economic analysis was restricted to the duration of the trial and this could have limited the study.

Integrating disaster risk reduction in education education essay

The paper touches upon the ways and means of integrating DRR in formal and informal education and how the policy-makers in the ministry level set the guideline needed by school administrators and teachers to implement DRR strategies and practices in the classroom and other co-curricular activities. Disaster risk reduction is defined by the International Strategy β†’

Advantages of internal and external recruitment business essay

The shift from the industrial to service sector has had a great impact on the trend of the recruitment and selection process. Another disadvantage of external recruitment is that the process can be time consuming because it takes the new recruits some time to orientate themselves and adjust to the culture of the organisation.

Prsa lipoprotein promotes efficient extracytoplasmic protein

" PrsA Lipoprotein Promotes Efficient Extracytoplasmic Protein Secretion with Possible Beneficial Applications for Medicine and Industry" This paper explores the essential function of the PrsA-mediated system of influencing the amount and rate of protein secretion from Gram positive cells. During secretion, bacterial proteins face an obstacle course of extremes of charge, pH, unfolding and re-folding β†’

Example articles on texas allied petroleum

And as the name of the corporation suggests, it is runing in Austin, Texas but its natural gas and oil militias is strategically located in the Louisiana Gulf Coast country and Texas. It was incorporated in November of the twelvemonth 2005 and was formed to run a concern of geographic expedition, development and production of β†’

Hondros learning – ohio real estate – principles & practices

Resigned LicenseThe license status in which a license has been voluntarily and permanently surrendered to, or is otherwise in the possession of, the Division of Real Estate and Professional Licensing, is not renewed, and is not associated with a real estate broker. Voluntary Hold on LicenseThe license status in which a license is in the β†’