A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Every to live in the wild free

Kids who dream of feeding the giraffes and who stare in awe at the sight of the actual size of elephants are seeing a layer of what a zoo consists of. There are around 10, 000 zoos in the United States, and still what people fail to see beyond the smiles on their kids faces β†’

Ann leases an office in ted’s building essay sample

At the end of the period specified in the lease, the lease ends without notice, and possession of the office returns to Ted. In any event at the expiration of the lease term, the leased property automatically reverts to landlord.

Court history and purpose

That encompasses the national court system and the state courts system found in each and every of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Development of courts Some of the criminal codes applied in the criminal court system, in America, are traceable back to some of the early legal codes used in different places, β†’

My last duchess

It forces the reader to understand the complex nature of man that is blinded by jealousy and makes him so cruel that he can put an end to the life of a woman who disobeys him and does not act according to her social status. He refers to the painting as his personal belonging and β†’

Government regulations – propose regulation change

Government Regulations - Propose Regulation Change The industry that is currently the of a regulatory change is in the business to business e-marketing sector. PDF The Proposed Change From the Federal Register The Fax Ban Coalition has asserted that California's recent change in its Business and Professions Code has lifted the exemption of the Existing β†’

Antebellum families and women generally(base on the book i list in details)

Antebellum families and women generally In his book Celia a Slave, Melton McLaurin details a true story of a female slave who killed her master and got rid of his body by burning it on June 23, 1855. He notes that the Celias defense questioned the role of the white man as the protector of β†’

Leadership question 4

Office Etiquette Behavior in the workplace contributes largely to the success of the person and the organization. Democratic style of leadership is the best for me because I trust in people's contributions to my leadership development.

Ancient greek political thought

Through the said goal to achieve goodness and happiness, one of the main concerns is the subjectivity of the views of the people. For that matter, it can be considered that in the quest for one's happiness, it is important to consider the needs of other people.

Discussion board

The Parable of the Workers The Parable of the Workers The parable of the workers talks about employees in a vineyard. In the end, he paid the workers equally irrespective of the time one started to labor based on previous agreement before they started.

Cocconut production essay

355 million MAT The productivity level of coconut still remains low due mainly to the lack of resources of farmers to sufficiently buy agricultural inputs, tenure problems, limited access to credit, lack of irrigation facilities, inadequate farm to market roads and posthaste and processing facilities, the instructive cutting of productive trees and the increasing trend β†’

Raleigh’s diary essay

These trenches are not like I thought they would be, I thought guns would be blazing all the time, it's so quiet up here, every now and then you hear some rifle fire, a bit like the range a Bisley. Well tomorrow our company's got to do a raid on the Germany front-line and Dennis β†’

Fashion design analysis

Design in fashion means to have a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or works of building the garment. Distribution fits into the marketing side of it, to supply to retailers in fashion this means selecting the items from the designer or design manufacturing company and selling or distributing them to β†’

Aerobic vs anaerobic exercise essay

One of the things that I have learned is that in order for a high performance runner to reach a level that is desired to help max out their run time for military standards, the individual needs to have a focused training, training with an objective. I will discuss the differences between aerobic and anaerobic β†’

My college experience: the first speech

I have my method of speech writing that I need to be more fluid with because I will not be doing the same type of speech that will be best applicable to my preferred method. It usually would help to visualize how I would like my speech to go and to work it into the β†’

Non-violent protest: dr. martin luther king

This morning, I woke up to turn on the 7 o clock news and listened to the reporter to inform America ofviolencearound the world. I would like to use this section of the paper to establish who and what inspired the practices and ideas of Dr.King.

All or nothing

I took the velvet container and letter and put them onto the table in front of me, I opened the container to reveal a matching necklace and earring set, they were 18 carat gold and had one small diamond in each, the necklace was a heart at the end of a chain and the earrings β†’

The shifting family dynamic in john updike’s “separating”

While the separation of a married couple is often a necessary and beneficial development for the mental health and happiness of one or both members of the union, the effects on the other half of the kin equation, the children of the couple, tend to be mixed and many. In his disclosure of his separation β†’

Compassion empowered psychospiritual care

Kirby et al.emphasizes that " compassion is the highest ethics" and it focus on the preparedness and wish to sensitively attend to suffering and the needs of others, and also to do something to help reduce that suffering. The key differences among sympathy, empathy and compassion are: sympathy is the ability to feel pity and β†’

Reflection on care of surgical drains nursing essay

During the first week of the adaptation program, I started my quest for knowledge by doing a literature review about the indications, importance of drains, the different types and the risks & complications involved with drains. I gathered information from my mentor about the hospital's protocol and procedures for the care of drains as well β†’

Purpose of economics and price mechanisms

Adam Smith is one of the Founding Fathers of economics described the " invisible hand of the price mechanism" in which the hidden-hand of the market operating in a competitive market through the pursuit of self-interest allocated resources in society's best interest. The second step is the argument that the sum of these unintended consequences β†’

Parasite-induced changes in host behaviour

More recently, the idea of parasitic manipulation has come under criticism, due to the lack of supporting evidence demonstrating that these behavioural changes provide parasites with a fitness benefit, either in the form of increased transmission or survival and has therefore been suggested that the observed changes may just be an inevitable consequence of infection, β†’

Project report for mba banking and finance

Retail means sale of goods in small quantities, it is concerned with buying of goods in small quantities from the wholesaler and selling them in small quantities to the ultimate consumers as per their requirements. In retail trade goods are sold to the ultimate consumers for personal use and for the use of the business β†’

Us health care reform

US health care reform dates back in the medieval ages, with the most recent changes being enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that was signed in march 2010 and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. This year saw the enactment of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that provided β†’

A prohibited books

It is important that teens be exposed to some of the ideas in these books, not to promote inappropriate behavior, but to educate teens about what is going on in the world. The majority of books that I read on that list I read in middle school, and some of the content is a bit β†’

Assessement marketing octo assignment

Core Learning Outcomes for this assessment Core Learning Outcome On completion of this assessment you should be able to: Threshold Standards To achieve the learning outcome you must demonstrate the ability to: Core Learning Outcome 2 Appraise and contrast marketing theories and related information/data to enable the placement of effective marketing mix planning for a β†’

Dead poets society assignment

At the end of the film, he is the first student to stand on his desk in support of Mr. He emphasizes the mortality and asks his students to seize the day.

Wmba 514 financial statement critique assignment

The three claims in the statement? great product, strong business, and better world are clearly stated and substantiated. For example, the first claim of ' great products' is directly followed by explicit and powerful data on the growth of the new vehicles models, market share percentage, and investment amount in each brand.

Combining stories essay

Die inside a machines -Broad We are thus not at the end but at the beginning of the beginning, and even with the best of tools, our task of negotiating the new healthcare may be much more complex and multifaceted than initially realized.-Michael Cohen It would be very useful for humanity if Tibetan and Western β†’

How to stop playing dota essay sample

Most of the youths today or even the average normal human adult gamers would say that there's no way that a certain DOTA player can stop playing it. They said these majestic words because they are already addicted to the game and they also they think that playing DOTA hardcore would make them a famous β†’

Principles of finance essay sample

Solution: PV = FV n {[1/ n} Where PV = the present value of the future sum of money FV n = the future value of the investment at the end of n years n = the number of years until the payment will be received i = the annual discount or interest rate in β†’

The bet personality essay sample

A good word to describe the banker is arrogance, which fades away to some extent at the end of the story. In the text it states, " The banker, spoiled and frivolous, with millions beyond his reckoning, was delighted at the bet".


Acquisition engine comprises of several important elements, the most important element is the HR team and they should stick around for long, retaining them is extremely important and it is always important to have the core of the company stick around for long so that they can help the company achieve short term and long β†’

Deming’s 14 points

Following this, in the Study stage of the SDSA Cycle, the efficacy of the best practice methods are evaluated through an analysis of key parameters. Finally, in the Act stage of the cycle, managers attempt to ' formalize' the best practice methods that have stood the scrutiny of trials.

Law report review

Law Review Schwartz: In the matter of Babybelle Pty Ltd [2007] FCA 1469 In the case of Schwartz: In the matter of Babybelle Pty Ltd, the Federal Court of Australia makes a decision over the application Mr. Schwartz to serve as director of the corporation.

Marriage for the indians

It is the strong belief among the poor Indian villagers that the wedding between two frogs pleases the Rain God and he opens the door of his heaven to let the raindrop on the earth. They might have taken the interviews of the people from both the bride and groom parties.

Four different special journals essay

To avoid passing entries all time of transactions of same nature, they are recorded in special journal. All sales on credit and all purchases on credit are recorded in control account of account receivable and account payable and also to individual account in subsidiary ledger.

Privilege, power, and difference

The Forest and the Trees' is one sociologist's response to the hypothetical the core insight with the greatest potential to change how people see the world and themselves in relation to it. In addition, I imagine that Johnson's books are helpful to inflexible people and it works that way with the good things that come β†’

Gender and ethnic in construction industry sociology

These are a contemplation of the barriers to adult females ' s engagement in the industry bespeaking the exclusionary nature of the industry to anyone who does non suit the white and male stereotype. This reappraisal of the employment issues related to the underrepresentation of adult females and cultural minorities in the building industry.

6 barriers to intercultural communication

Barna, the developer of the list of sixbarriers, actual difficulties are mostly related to people with different cultures. The style of living was absolutely dissimilar, that is whysometimes I did not how to behave.

Relationship between planning & controlling functions

Planning is deciding what is to be done, where and how the work is to be done and who will do the particular task. It is responsible for co-ordinating the three main resources required to provide the flight services, which are the schedule, the aircraft and the crew.

Ikea case study

In the case it is mentioned that IKEA is not for the rich and flamboyant but for the smart and practical people. In the above ways IKEA brings higher benefits at lower costs to the consumer and therefore is a hybrid strategy.2.

Utopian societies in the shakers and oneidans

Most of the original utopias were created for religious purposes, like the Shakers and the Oneidans. Oneidan Community member Harriet Worden recalled, " the building of a home was the first enterprise that enlisted the whole Community; and it was one in which all were equally interested.

Philosophy and personal identity philosophy essay

John Locker was born into the stage in Europe which was called the Enlightenment in which he helped find the identity of Thomas Jefferson to the idea of the Declaration Of Independence by stating this " men are " endowed with certain inalienable rights, and that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of β†’

Strengths and weaknesses at best buy corporation

In addition to identifying the success factors, the report includes a budget and forecasted financials along with a risk management plan to address the best and worst case scenarios that Best Buy Co, Incorporated may encounter. To ensure that the company is still moving in the intended direction, an internal and environmental analysis of Best β†’

Strategic business management and planning bentley security company marketing essay

In this case study we will learn how process models and other tools help to analyze the situation of any business and how companies can effectively use these analysis tools to help them in bad situation as in this case study Bentley Security Company is facing. In final question we will answer analyze the expected β†’

Efficiency and economies of scale

Cost efficiency Introduction Banking sectors around the world have established in very different ways.[1]However, regardless of the diversity of backgrounds the structure of the modern banking sectors is somehow similar among major countries.[2]Naturally there only a few of large banks and a large number of medium and small financial institutions.[3]The large banks tend to dominate β†’

The national development of the philippines commerce essay

6" According to Ruttan, Schumpeter's definition of innovation is in terms of a change in the form of the production function". In this paper we attempt to analyze innovation, as defined in Ruttan's 1959 study, and technological change of Philippine local invention in the year 1900-2010.


The aim of this essay is to discuss why behaviourists explain the maladaptive behaviours in terms of the learning principles that sustain and maintain it. We are required to make a comparison between the approach of the behaviourists and the psychoanalytic by demonstrating both approaches and positions of the theories.

Bomb: the race to build-and-steal the world’s most dangerous weapon

There were 40 barrels of heavy water on it the Germans needed to make an atomic bombWho was the US considering kidnapping in the atomic bomb race? He was furious- the balance of power between US and Soviet Union was destroyedThe second atomic bomb was dropped on which Japanese city?

Is electronic medications a good idea?

The medication- dispensing phase is a typical place for medication errors and the bar code administration perpetuates these errors by verification of the medications, right drug, right dose, and right patient. By increasing the availability of the technology of the bar codes and implementing this technology will leverage the industry to decrease the number of β†’

Capitalism: strengths and weaknesses assignment

Capitalism Perhaps that greatest strength of capitalism is that collective individuals within the capitalist economy, the consumers, drive the marketplace; which in turn leads to a consumer oriented marketplace. One weakness of capitalism is that if you do not have the meaner you will not be able to reap the benefits of the economy.

Chain of command assignment

According to Army Regulation six hundred dash twenty, chapter two, paragraph two dash one, subsection: " the chain of command assists commanders at all levels to achieve their primary function of accomplishing the unit's assigned mission while caring for personnel and property in their charge." What that means is that the chain of command facilitates β†’

Union pacific corporation

It is also true that the demographic environment of UNP is diverse due to its global strategy penetration evident from the operations of the company in Canada and domestically. Further, I concur with him that the better technology adopted by the company makes it the largest railroad company in the USA even though it faces β†’

Trans atlantic slave trade and the middle passage

The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade stated in the 16th century, went up to the 19th century; was carried out across the Atlantic Ocean transporting slaves from Africa to America and some of them were taken to some European countries like Portugal, France and others so as to complete the triangular trade. This was appositive implication β†’

Ap biology study reading guide chapter 6

The atomic lamina is the lacy array of protein fibrils that maintains the form of the karyon by automatically back uping the atomic envelope. Because the ER membrane is uninterrupted within the atomic envelope.the infinite between the two membranes of the envelope is uninterrupted with the lms of the ER.

Ice skating in asia essay

It is located in the centre of the chest, under the breastbone above the sternum, but it is slanted slightly to the left, giving people the impression that their heart is on the left side of their chest. The right coronary artery circles the right side and goes to the back of the heart.

The economic and social impact of colonial rule in india

As the civil service was ultimately subject to the control of the British parliament, and the British community in India was subject to close mutual surveillance, the administration was virtually incorruptible. After the Mutiny in 1857, the size of the British contingent was raised to a third of the total strength and all officers were β†’

Can brazil become a global competitor in the information

An example of a comparative advantage between the united States and Brazil would be how the US has an advantage in computers, while Brazil has an advantage in shoes. Many companies worldwide have made the decision to outsource this industry to offshore companies.

The european works council law european essay

In 1989 the Community adopted the Charter of Fundamental Social Rights of Workers, which, although not a binding document on the Member States, promoted, inter alia, the information, consultation and participation of workers concept. The draft Directive on " The establishment of a European Works Council in Community undertakings or groups of undertakings for the β†’

Cytomegalovirus infection may contribute to the reduced immune function, growth, development, and health of hiv-exposed, uninfected african children

In the long term, a vaccine that effectively prevents both congenital and early CMV transmission may have a major impact on the health of infants born to HIV-infected mothers in sub-Saharan Africa. Evidence for the potential importance of early CMV infection as a contributor to poorer outcomes in HEU infants is increasing but is not β†’

Functionalism, emile durkheim 1858-1917

Marxism Karl Marx Marxism theory is known in sociology as a Structural Conflict theory like the functionalist theory it looks at society as a whole and the structure of society such as the institutions that keep society stable. This is the aim of Marxist sociology; to exploit and show society for what it really is, β†’

The issue of legalising homosexuality and prostitution philosophy essay

There is disintegration when no common morality is observed and history shows that the loosening of moral bonds is often the first stage of disintegration, so that society is justified in taking the same steps to preserve its moral code as it does to preserve its government...the suppression of vice is as much the law's β†’

Case study of a man with parkinsons disease

The nurse should also make sure that all members of the multidisciplinary team are aware of Mr Henderson's condition and if they are not aware of the importance of getting medication on time out with ' normal' drug rounds then they should be informed of its importance and understand the significant consequences resulting from not β†’

Introduction to the moroccan agriculture history essay

The first area of early production of the country is in the Souss valley, in the Souss-Massa-Draa region, which produces 685. The useful Morocco extends throughout the Atlantic coast from Tangier to Oualidia, this part of the country that has fertile land and important agricultural yields; the rest of the country has not benefited from β†’

Political environment of south africa

Generally, the purpose of this report is to show the current small business environment in South Africa. Overall, The transparency and freedom of business in South Africa is relatively high.

Preventing deterioration of archival materials

Unfortunately, the condition of collections tends to deteriorate due to a combination of elements such as: inadequate and careless use and handling of the documents; badly controlled environmental conditions; and inappropriate storage. Because of the interdependence of temperature and relative humidity it is imperative to always control both parameters simultaneously.

Childhood development and sexual behavior

During adolescents a few have experienced same sex sexual experiences among g their peers, and in most cases it's just during the transition period from adolescent to adult sexual behavior. Adolescences who are gay or lesbian tend to struggle more during this stage, than those who are heterosexual, because of judgment of peers In conclusion β†’

Introduction to achieve the success. transformational leadership

Whereas the potential of groups and teams is monumental and crucial, and as such indispensible to the organization, sometimes the leadership ability of an individual is responsible for turning a failing organization around. This paper will analyze the success of the Cub Scout Pack 81: an organization which was on the verge of disbanding six β†’

Pat parker case study

In the interview Parker stated that no Republican group to the date of the case had contacted the company. Parker put the financial concerns of the Rim above the concerns to the customers to the company.

Strategy manager

There was a growing consensus that the water crisis facing the world was not so much one of availability of water, but rather, in the management of water, especially in the cities of the world. THE COMPANY IN 2009 In 2009, Hyflux was one of Asia's leading environmental and water companies with operations and projects β†’

Role of religion in undeveloped countries

In the context of undeveloped countries, religion can serve as a means of alleviating social injustices such as corruption, inequality and crime. Even though religion is meant to enhance peace and prosperity in the society, it can also be a source of misery.

Instructional communication assignment

The contexts that are most relevant to my career are teacher to teacher communication, teacher to student communication, comprehension of information, and technology used in the setting. Instructional communication is very important to the field of communication.

Ethics and globalization

" Ethics and Globalization" Globalization has affected the business and dealings across the world, this has not only influenced the culture and customs of the nation but also the ethics and morals. Globalization empowers an apparition for the entire world setting ethics and norms for the organizations running globally, which is beyond the local marketing β†’

Case study example

Consequently, the following discussion looks at how the company can make a choice about the available growth strategies, factors to consider, as well as the likely future of Graze. On the other hand, the analysis would help Gaze to identify the potential threats that it would face by choosing any of the options.

Violations of securities laws

Violations of Securities Laws Under Rule 10b-5 of the Securities Exchange Act that was implemented in 1934 makes it illegal for any person to make false statements of material fact or omit material facts that necessary in order to make the statement made, in light of the events under which they were made, not misleading β†’

Medical mistakes in the military

Topic: Medical Mistakes in the Military Thesis ment Some of the plausible reasons for the high number of errors in the army medical services are related to the motivation and morale of the personnel as well as to their work schedules. This thesis therefore asserts that the lack of appropriate HRM policies and undue protection β†’

The character of lulu

In research of the character of Lulu I read the debut from the drama Lulu adapted by Nicolas Wright and his penetration to the character of Lulu and Frank Wedekind ' s method research by holding sexual brushs with a figure of cocottes. Yet his remarks on adult females are full of penetration, and the β†’

International corporation

The first shopping store was opened in a rural area in Arkansas, but soon later, when Walton and his wife, Helen, noticed that Wal-mart had a lot of competition with other local and regional discount industries, they were merely convinced that they could take the lead into become the future's retailers of the decade, and β†’

Title 9 college essay

The only choices women have to play sports on the next level are the WNBA, the Olympics and overseas. Conclusion Title IX is a landmark in struggle for the equal treatment and opportunity of men and women.

Interview proposal

What type of education and training is required for this career? Do you feel this type of career has a good job outlook?

Western civilization

Developments in agriculture were not enough to feed the whole French nation, especially in the cities, because the poor has always sufferred. Despite the advancement in agriculture and the use of modern agricultural techniques and " expected" increase infoodsupply, the prices of the food was still going up.

Chapter 5 interest rates 5-1

To solve for X, recall that the PV of the remaining cash flows equals the outstanding balance when the loan interest rate is used as the discount rate: Solving for X gives. That is, we need to determine what length annuity with a monthly payment of $750 has the same present value as the loan β†’

As people rely more and more on technology to solve

Most of the Jobs that we have today were not known to our forefathers as early as the beginning of 20th century and they had this same equation with their forefathers going back another hundred years. In the 21 SST century we have ever Increased our reliance on technology to enable several aspects of our β†’

Integrating the gastrointestinal sciences

Our conventional approach to investigating the physiology and pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract most often focuses on specific pathways or functions of an organ often to the exclusion of the influences of other pathways, organs and even the intra-luminal contents of the gastrointestinal tract. Marshall and Warren received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine β†’

The (ir)responsibility of (under)estimating missing data

If data is not recorded due to issues related to the biological, psychological, social and/or cultural diversity of subjects, or for reasons arising from the effect of the treatment administered impeding the effective recording of the variable of interest, or impeding attending the appointment due to the deterioration of the necessary functions to issue the β†’

Positive relationship between physical attractiveness and intimate relationships

Single men and women might think that being physically attractive is one of the requirements to start a new intimate relationship. There is an important finding that when men are less attractive in a relationship, both of the partners tend to behave positively and have a greater satisfaction in their relationship.

The marketing of haier in europe

The Haier Group, with Haier Europe is a classic example that makes full use of the marketing strategy and marketing mix to achieve its marketing goals. The focus of this dissertation lay in the exploration of the marketing strategy and marketing mix of Haier Europe, of solutions to its current difficulties in launching their product β†’

The electrostatic energy harvesting engineering essay

C= Q/V Where C is capacitance of variable capacitor in farads, Q is the charge on the plate in coulombs and V is the voltage on the plates in volts C= Where A is the overlap area of the plates in and d is the distance between the plates in m. And the amount of β†’

Impact of noise and reverberation on a child’s speech perception

In fact, most communication and learning occurs in noisy and reverberant conditions, and children have more difficulty understanding speech in such conditions, compared to adults due to the incomplete development of auditory processes in children. The less-developed listening skill in children affects perception of speech in the presence of noise due to contamination of the β†’

Marcom objectives

The hierarchy framework reveals that the choice of Marcom objective depends on the target audience's degree of experience with the brand prior to commencing a Marcom campaign When first introduced to the market, consumers were initially unaware of Beano's existence and of its special features The initial " marcom imperative, therefore, is to make consumers β†’

Kelly services case study

On the other hand Kelly also has O debt but there forecasting for growth Is a lot lower then Volt the reason being because they do not have the financing to take on investments that can grow their company in the future. It says the pay out instance Olsten has O debt financing and as β†’