A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The art of life

Sun Tzu is the name of the person widely considered the most influential military strategist in history. The Art of War holds the key to success, whether the situation is war, politics, or business.

The economic costs of sugar on human health

Sugar is one of the biggest contributors to healthcare costs because of how cheap sugary the foods are and how much the foods are advertised. While many may claim that the direct and indirect costs of sugar consumption do not have adverse effects on the economy as a whole, sugar costs become problematic depending on →

Smart homes

Finally, three, to be a smart home, is it the contents of the home or the home itself? Is it really on a " house to house basis", or as you add on more to the house, building more into the house, does that not in turn become the smart home itself?

Hamlet: pro or anit-revenge?

In support of the pro-vengeance view, characters who took revenge or supported it were, with the exception of Claudius, apparently honorable men Hamlet, Laertes, Fortinbras, and the Ghost. Also, in the eyes of the people just named, avenging the death of a father was a very respectable endeavor, indeed if the dead was not satisfied →

Analysis of martin luther king’s why can’t we wait assignment

In the excerpt King uses emotive imagery, rhetorical questions, and historical allusion to persuade the audience to accept his point of view and to take action instead o f waiting aimlessly for someone else to take initiative, hints the title Why Ca not We Wait. The drunk, jobless, the junkie sees are shadow figures of →

Water pollution levels turning deadly in punjab.docx assignment

Due to this, drinking water sources have become polluted and resulted in widespread prevalence of diseases like cancer in the Malta region and the adjoining areas in Restaurant. Water Pollution: Shocking Levels of Uranium Content in Water in Punjab Do not be shocked by the information given on water pollution in Punjab as there is →

The u.s. supreme court powers

ACS U2IP In its capa as the highest court of the land, the Supreme Court of the United s confers, on lower courts, the mandate and authority to hear cases. Finally, jurisdiction quasi in rem is the legal reference to legal jurisdiction of court over property rights of an individual that is absent from the →

The story of an hour

A young frail woman with a weak heart hears of the death of her husband and it appears that she may grieve herself to death because of her heart condition and her self-imposed isolation. She experiences grief: " She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair...motionless...except when a sob came →

Ethic reflection

Therefore, when organizations are confronted with hard decisions, they need to know that coming up with decisions will not only affect the employees and the corporation, but it has an impact on the stakeholders of the company and the public communities. Ethics and social responsibility facilitates the organization to realize less wasteful and innovative methods →

Unit 6

Lastly, Rao, Rao & Sivaramakrishna indicate that developing plans to counter the warning signs if appropriate for contingency planning. If these steps are adhered to, it is expected that contingency planning will succeed and prove useful for the organization.

Harmful effects health-wise of sugar

It is hard to control the amount of sugar someone takes in a day. The effects of sugar on the liver is the same as the effects of alcohol on the liver.

Philosophy of education

We have been introduced to legislation, curriculum and instruction, standardized testing, and the history of education. To its credit, the education system in the United States has extended literacy and math skills to several generations of students.

Dangerous jobs essay

For instance, on considering globalisation, the potential for harm and particularly the exploitation of the vulnerable and the weak, then we see that this is also not a valid decision to make on the basis of business ethics. It is with this in mind that we can say that it is unethical to make a →

Slavery in the north american colonies

The slaves were required to build the new settlement, but rules regarding their servitude were not as harsh as they would become in the future under British rule. As mentioned, this was probably an unpleasant and unwelcome encroachmnt, to say the least, into the lives of existing Africans in New York, especially those who enjoyed →

How does frayn present young stephen in the first three chapters of “spies”? essay

Frayn appears to use many different techniques in order to ensure that he is able to manipulate the reader's feelings towards Stephen, a main one of these being the use of the character of Keith throughout the book. I believe that this a main technique because it is brought into the book almost immediately after →

Charity begins at home essay

The dictionary definition shows charity to be the giving of help, money etc.to those in need; organization for doing this; the money etc.given; love, kindness; disposition to think kindly of others. Selling their possessions and goods they gave to anyone as he had need" This is showing charity through the giving of possessions and money.

Security issues in nosql databases

In this paper we analyze the security problems of two of the most popular NoSQL databases, namely: Cassandra and MongoDB. In this paper we review the main security features and problems of these two database systems.

Overseas education: opportunities, experience and quality

The results of the research highlighted four factors of service quality: recognition; quality of instruction and interaction with faculty; sufficiency of resources; and aspects of physical quality. Methodology Having reached a point of identifying from the literature the ingredients of and preliminary structure for service quality in higher education, the research strategy was developed to →

Red balloons

This was one of the songs in the 'ass to make the point about how the war really affected the citizens and the countries themselves. The meaning of this whole song Is that during the cold war, the Soviet union and the united States were always at the brink of a nuclear war.

Construction industry is expanding regularly construction essay

The research methodology employs to achieve the research objects through the complete literature Survey to eexplore type of variations and identify the causes for occurrence of variations & mitigation actions and Collect and Study data of Dubai based project that involved in variations work to identify causes to Project delays due to variations. Identify key →

Predictive memory and the surprising gap

First, as Anderson and Milson remarked, given the multiplicity of elements present in a retrieval context, the likelihood ratio representing the context factor is best understood as the multiplicative product of all the likelihood ratios for every element of the context given H i 1. R, and Schooler, L.J." The adaptive nature of memory," in →

Neuromodulatory systems

This has become a fertile concept for characterizing the complex and reciprocal patterns of interactions between astrocytes and neurons, reviewed by Araque and Navarrete and Halassa and Haydon. 1: 12.doi: 10.

Editorial: telomeres and epigenetics in endocrinology

For example, it is not clear if some biomarkers of endocrinology, such as vitamin D, peptides, insulin, and diabetes, and other glycemic traits are associated with telomeres and what the potential implications of these biomarkers and telomeres in the clinics of endocrinology and other clinical departments are. In the first article, Yang et al.reported a →

Editorial: electrochemical sensors and biosensors in medical and pharmaceutical bioanalysis

Editorial on the Research Topic Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors in Medical and Pharmaceutical Bioanalysis This Research Topic collects different contributions in the emerging field of bioanalysis, highlighting the most relevant advances reported in the literature as well as some original research studies in medical and pharmaceutical bioanalysis. In this context, the exploitation of electrochemical paper-based →

Editorial: nano-bio interactions: ecotoxicology and cytotoxicity of nanomaterials

It has always been a challenging task to grasp the full picture of nanotoxicology and nanoecotoxicology, as multiple parameters should be taken into consideration for assessments simultaneously, including the physicochemical properties of ENMs, the migration and transformation of ENMs in the environment and organisms, and the physiological and pathological conditions of the testing organisms. The →

Cambridge analytica and the trump campaign

For this, in 2014, Facebook just " asked" Kogan to delete all the data but didnot follow up.[iv] In 2016, during the U.S.presidential election, Cambridge Analytica took advantage of Facebook users' personality by helping the Trump campaign invest heavily and purposefully in Facebook fake ads. And Facebook, which received the money, was equivalent to the →

Reflection on a clinical experience on staffing challenge

Feelings As the report was being read, I was wondering how the two of us were meant to handle all the patients efficiently and effectively in relation to patient care outcome, not mentioning that we were also meant to admit those who would present during the day. Here I felt that the nurse manager had →

Radiographic quality of root canal treatments

Summary: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the quality of root canal treatments performed by students of Isfahan University School of Dentistry between 2013 and 2015. Evaluation of quality of RCTs was accomplished by examining radiographic quality of root fillings and detection of the procedural errors.


In particular, the imperfection of the system of higher education, what the author vividly highlights by the use of irony in the description of the University Martin, the protagonist, studies at, expressly making it look like an advertisement, with all the impudence and vainglory typical of the educational establishments of renown. But the whole point →

Social media and sports

Sports teams and athletes are becoming more and more efficient at using social media to create a positive impact on their team and their fan's. One of the positive impacts of social media on professional sports is the ability to share news and information with fans through it.

Village panchayat

The second is to relieve the Government from the details of the local affairs. Conclusion: The system of Village Panchayat is a good thing.

Buddhism, reach nirvana and follow the four noble

There is a similar bond between the Confucians and the Tao in the category rules and behavior. The Buddhists had a totally different idea for this though...they believe that you just need to follow behavior in the ways of the eightfold path and the nine precepts.

Case study on sales management

Sales managementis the complex of actions and rules used for the high-quality management of the sales process. A successful sales management case study is an interesting and informative analysis of the problem, related to the system of sales management.

Public speaking assignment

It was a great way to read the chapters and understand it to answer the questions. It helped a lot to read the chapters in the book because it was connected to the questions found in the exams.

In fruit drinks to keep the solid and

Pectinase is the enzyme, and pectin is the substrate. Pectin is used mainly as a gelling agent for the production of jams and jellies.

Act and rule utilitarianism essay sample

This is because Act Utilitarianism refers to Laws as rules of thumb that can be disregarded if the circumstance will result in the greatest good for the greatest number. Rule Utilitarianism argues that moral rules deriving from the principle of utility, should be kept by everyone for a society to prosper and be happy.

The lord of the flies essay sample

I will talk about some of the events on the island and I will build upon the two pivotal personalities of Jack and Ralph. He weeps for the end of innocence and the darkness of man's heart and for the fall of Piggy.

Bio-terrorism preparedness and response module 3 slp mhe 507

Of Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response: An Attempt for a Resolution The program involving bio-terrorism is a direct response of the U.S.ities to the 2001 anthrax attack; shortly after the attack, clinicians in particular and the public health officials in general " were overwhelmed" by the numerous requests for suspicious powders to be evaluated in the →

Compare tom’s narrative funtion in

In the beginning the Chorus portrays the horrors of the plague and tells of the message of the oracle of Delphi. On the other hand, Tom represents another form of narrative in " The Glass Menagerie" and he can be seen as narrating such that his inner thoughts and feelings are reflected along with the →

Relationship between cordelia and king lear, and edgar and gloucester

When Cordelia mentioned that she can not profess her love in words, Lear disowns and renounces his daughter as he does not receive the same public acclamation and flattery that he received from Regan and Goneril. Act I, Scene I, Lines 82-90)" However Cordelia is the only daughter that does not betray her father, unlike →

European union essay

America's former Ambassador to the UK, Ray Seitz, said: " There is a simple observation that if Britain's voice is less influential in Paris or Bonn, it is likely to be less influential in Washington." Thousands of American firms have based themselves in Britain because we are a member of the EU and therefore a →

Billiards – the game and its types essay

The objective of ensuring a strike of the balls with the stick is to facilitate their movement on the billiards table which is generally covered by a cloth. Thus, in UK and Australia, this term is mainly used to define the game of English billiards; while in America and Canada, the term is used to →

The lymphatic system

There are many ' components' in the lymphatic system, including; lymph fluid, lymphatic vessels, the lymphatic duct, lymph nodes, lacteals and the spleen. The lymphatic system plays a large part in the immunity of the human body, It aids in resisting the spread of disease.

Stock market is a main pillar finance essay

The purpose of this study is to examine impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market performance by using the Stock Exchange of Mauritius as a case study. In the recent economic setup, the part of financial system is significant to the economic planning and development of an economy.

Editorial: vestibular migraine

The International Headache Society and the International Barany Society for Neurootology together have developed a consensus document with diagnostic criteria for VM, but the existence and the relation to migraine is still disputed by some clinicians and researchers alike. 9% in the general population and accounts for about 7% of patients seen in dizziness clinics →

Critical evaluation of ethnography and grounded theory

Any group of persons prisoners, primitives, pilots or patients develops a life of their own that becomes meaningful, reasonable, and normal once you get close to it, and a good way to learn about any of these worlds is to submit oneself in the company of the members to the daily round of petty contingencies →

Does homosexual parenting have negative effects?

A comparison of the effects of lesbian and the gay men parenting and that of heterosexual parenting will also be brought about in order to bring about the positive or negative side of homosexual parenting. Within the last couple of years in the gay and lesbian communities, there has been increased awareness of the fact →

Declining trade and investment barriers economics essay

This refers to the sources of goods and services from locations around the world to take advantage of national differences in the cost and quality of factors of production. There were a number of rounds of negotiations between countries which ensued and these led to further reductions and also extended GATT to cover services, intellectual →

Values and ethical standards

I worked hard to be a great person, mother, friend, and active in my community. I look forward to making a difference and being the best in my career.

Hamlet analysis and summary: short guide

Soliloquy as the main literary device for presenting the message of the entire tragedy to the audience. The similarity of the plots between the Shakespeare's Macbeth and the prince of Denmark.

In the arctic regions the excessive cold seems

The dominant races are those who dwell in the temperate zones, where the climate, neither too hot nor too cold, is healthy and bracing, and where the struggle for existence is not so severe as to consume all a man's energies, and yet severe enough to demand constant thought and exertion. Most of the European →

Trinity of the miller: aggression, iconoclasm, and drinking

In knight's tale, Theseus is the personification allegory of Jupiter; he is the archetype for the king of the gods. This is Miller's way of attacking the Knight, his aggressiveness against the Knight, the first cornerstone of Miller.

A biography of the writer avi

One of the books he wrote under his pen name was the one that I read: Crispin, cross of lead. Crispin is a three part trilogy continued in Crispin: at the Edge of the World and concluded in Crispin: the End of Time.

Public policy assignment

SPN21 as an Education Policy in Brunei Darussalam The Ministry of Education in Brunei Darussalam is obligated in providing an educational system designed to diversify and broaden the provision of education as a package from primary to higher education to incorporating technical & vocational education, ensure a promising future for the country and prepare the →

The his essay dick talked about his

Dick, hisideal of his themes in his works, " How a Build a Universe That Does not FallApart Two Days Later," his speech laterpublished as an essay, Dick said the questions of " what is Reality?" " What Constitutes anAuthentic Human Begin?" He said theseare the two questions that interest him the most. In his →

Lifestyle or medication paper essay sample

Gastritis is a gastrointestinal disease of the stomach. Chronic Atrophic Gastritis is a degenerative condition where the lining of the stomach does not secrete intrinsic factor and hydrochloric acid.

Life in the later years

The third subcategory of the programmed aging theory is the immunological theory, which states that aging is because of the decline in the immune system ability to protect the body against diseases. The second major category of aging theories is the error theory, which is represented by the phenomenon of wear and tear.

The jungle by upton sinclair

The major opinion of Upton Sinclair in his book The Jungle is that workers, especially immigrants, were exploited at the workplace by their employers. One of the values of the author is that he believes in socialism which creates fairness and equity.

Analysis of othello tragedy by william shakespeare

As it is also apparent from his comment that, "" Rude am I in my speech, / And little blessed with the soft phrase of peace" It is a cliche that an individual's perception of the world is shaded with his personal experiences consequently a similar situation is also observed in the character of Othello →

African philosophy

A) As a result of the incestuous act, the jackal obtained the gift of speech by laying his hands on fibers of language. B) The incestuous act became the reason of the flow of menstrual blood.

Growing up in charlotte, nc essay

We stay there till I was in the 5th grade we then moved to Columbus Circle and then to Bruns Ave as you can see I moved around a lot but it did not matter everywhere we moved I was always the one who got picked on because of my clothes and hair, My hair →

Supply and demand argumentative

The recognition of order in any branch of natural phenomena is but the prelude to the formulation of a set of laws, the simpler as the order is more universal, which describe, and as we say, explain it. Thus the perception of the even, elliptical courses of the heavenly bodies led to the statement of →

Political harrow college overview

The needs of students from Harrow College to have fruits in the morning may influence their budget. Technological Harrow College may need new equipments in order to be the requirement standard.

Intensive mothering

Attachment parenting on the other hand means 'opening your mind and heart to the individual needs of your baby and letting your knowledge of your child be your guide to making on the spot decisions about what works best for both the mother and child, that is learning read the cues of your baby and →

Citizenship coursework- illegal downloading

Many people do not see the problem it causes and many do not realise the effect of what they are doing, some do not even seem to know that it is illegal. It is illegal and the consequences are real - for you and for the music.

Extradition state immunity torture and hostage act law general essay

Also, if there was apparent bias in the case of Senator Pinochet due to the links of Lord Hoffman, the two company AICL and AIWhether, Lord Hoffman was a judge in his own cause; nemo judex in sua causa[3]Whether Lord Hoffman had an " interest" in the case and also if his non-pecuniary interest make →

Front desk staff duties tourism essay

Therefore front office department has many types of example like, Telephone the hotel or switchboard and ask to speak to someone perhaps in the reservation department about room rates and availability, the facilities and location of the hotel and other information that will help them make the decision to book in the hotel. The important →

The department for education education essay

It is self-evident that the size of the class cannot be the only factor determining educational achievement; for example, poor teaching, with its clear relationship to the ability of pupils to make progress, will surely be of relevance regardless of the size of the class. It is evident that currently, in the United Kingdom, little →

Cross-presentation of cell-associated antigens by mhc class i in dendritic cell subsets

In summary, there is extensive in vivo evidence acquired in mouse models, and in vitro with human cells, supporting the relevance of cross-presentation by MHC-I for CD8 + T cell responses to cell-associated antigens. Finally, selective depletion of migrating langerin + cDC1s was shown to be required for the constitutive cross-presentation of keratinocyte antigens formally →

Studying the same-gender preference as a defining feature of cultural contexts

The study of the same-gender preference and of gender issues more generally, has received little attention in both the literature on peer relations and culture as well as on gender and culture. This emphasis on the rights, roles, and privileges that are ascribed to individuals as a function of their gender, fails to capture differences →

Editorial: designing self-organization in the physical realm

This paper presents how advanced we are in terms of autonomy of swarms of MAVs, and presents a roadmap to overcome the challenges in the near future. One of the main challenges for the design of self-organizing systems is the gap between the rules followed by individual system components and the desired collective behavior of →

The portrayal of war in ‘attack’ and ‘anthem for doomed youth’

Both scenes from the poems are sculpted by the expressive language; in ' Attack' the tone is harsher so the atmosphere of a battlefield is created by the strong terminology. The poet not only describes the weapons and brutality of the conditions, but he also captures some of the soldiers' pure emotions as they prepare →

Situational effects on human behaviour

The discussion of this experiment mentioned that the behaviour of the participants was attributed to human's obedience to authority, in this case the authority was the experimenter who pushed the participants to continue. To further prove that the actions of the participants was due to social factors present, Milgram then varied the social conditions such →

Psychology observational analysis

The overall behaviour of the man in the coffee shop is a result of his daily routine and natural response to the surroundings. He copes with stress ineffectively by smoking and his annoyance in noisy surroundings is a result of his sensitivity to noise.

Introduction of electronic industry in mexico marketing essay

In 2009, Mexico was ranked as the world's largest exporter of flat screen TVs in the world, above countries like China, Germany and the US. In 2011, the total production of Mexico's electronic industry reached a value of 62.

The predictions of nostradamus

Nostradamus Life and times of Nostradamus Educational background Work experiences Religion and beliefs The prophecies of Nostradamus The prophecies that were said to have happened exactly the way Nostradamus stated Century 1, Quatrain 35 prophecy and the Death of Henry II Century 2, Quatrain 51 prophecy and the Fire of London in 1566 Century 1, →

Australia’s aid programs with papua new guinea

Since then, Australia has diverted its main focus to the support of the public sector administration and economic management, on top of improving and developing a proper law and justice system the protect the rights and freedoms of the individual. Education and Health Australia contributes to the development of the Education program in PNG by →

It was my last year at san

It was a memorable time of my lifebecause I knew that I would graduate at the end of that year. I had always wanted to play tennis eversince I was a kid, but there was not enough time for me to join tennis team.

The the estate. this is the first

On the contrary, the confusion is also seen as another tragic flaw of the characters contributing to the downfall of the estate and its orchard. The family continues to ignore the future for the estate as personalities are developed in each of the characters.

Sumit the performance of initial public offering. apeejay

The study alsoevaluated the performance of IPOs on the 30th day from the day of listing whichreported only 45. The main objectivewas to find out the performance of Indian IPOs for short period, i.e.from thedate of offer to the public to the date of their first day of trading afterlisting on stock exchange.

Lou gehrig analysis

In his Farwell Address to baseball, Lou Gehrig uses parallel structure to emphasize the statements that are truly important to him." When the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa, sends you a gift that's something". To receive a gift from this team when he retired, →

The american dream free essay

Many people come to America thinking that they will without a doubt live the American Dream. For George and Lennie it was Lennie's lack of intelligence that caused them the American Dream.

Forensic accountant assignment

Being in the courtroom is very important ot only to the accountant but to the attorney as well, their task is to assist the attorney by identifying and providing needed information and helping the attorney to prepare for testimony, by reviewing various of documents and presenting truthful information to the court, though the adviser's thoughts →

The health insurance portability and accountability act

John asked the Medical Assistant, Sally, to contact him on his cell phone to discuss the results of the lab tests. Match the procedural step for the HIPAA rules in regards to the privacy/release of information to the purpose of the procedural step.

Internship at the passaic court house

The only thing that I could change about my internship experience is the discriminative tendencies in which the organization uses in selecting the employees to train. The problem is that I used to take almost an hour before I began working on my work, and this made me constrain a lot, with the purpose of →

Colon cancer

Colon cancer is a short form for colorectal cancer which occurs in rectum or anus; the colon is the large intestine or large bowel, the rectum is the passageway that connects the colon to the anus. According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in the →

The dilemma of jehovah’s witness children who need blood to survive

Based on this belief, this paper is going to analyze the dilemma of the case of a child of Jehovah's Witness whose life was in danger and was subjected to blood transfusion against the will of his parents. The dilemma of Jehovah's Witness children who need blood to survive.

Central vigilance commission essay

It has the status of an autonomous body, free of control from any executive authority, charged with monitoring all vigilance activity under the Central Government of India, and advising various authorities in central Government organizations in planning, executing, reviewing and reforming their vigilance work. Commissioners for Departmental Inquiries There are fifteen posts of Commissioners for →

Automobile industry in bangldesh

How they manage all the merchandising procedure.what services it is supplying to the client and how agents are acquiring benefit from it and eventually what is the addition for pragoti from this undertaking.in short how it is run intoing up the demands of the three stakeholders of the company. To cognize the selling and pricing →

My philosophy of education persuasive essay

Instead of planning lessons that were teacher centred, I began to make the focus of my lessons be the students; as it rightfully should. From the moment that I began to plan lessons that were more student centred, I noticed a drastic change in my students' behaviour, demeanour and their general response as the lesson →

Interpreting deactivations in neuroimaging

Deciphering the precise activity of the brain, in normal and pathological conditions, is of paramount importance; both neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques will likely be crucial in this regard. They questioned whether the relationship between neuronal activity and fMRI signals would be similar for the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures, such as the caudate putamen and →

Chronic disease self-management program: insights from the eye of the storm

Insight: the design process accounted for many of the things that enabled the CDSMP to be a success. There were five potentially competing interests, the legal interests of the University, the need to keep the workshops affordable for adopting agencies, the need to sustain a training technical-assistance infrastructure, the financial interests of the program developers, →