A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

The cultivated and vernacular music in america

Cultivated music is type of music that is imported to another place or country, whereas Vernacular music is type of music that originally comes from the country. The African brought various of traditions to America because African music was formed from numerous ethnic group that often being associated with daily activity and dance.

Community general hospital

With the advent of the desegregation movement in the 1960's, the hospital experienced several threats as black physicians gained the ability to admit patients to the large and better equipped traditionally ' white' hospitals in the area. The civic organization that governed the hospital began to be concerned for the hospital's survival.

Is going to college in an attempt to get a degree worth it?

The benefits of a college education include an increased yearly wage in a futurecareer, the opportunity to learn and gather experience, and it opens doors for a variety of career opportunities. For a lot of students, the ability to turn college degrees into more money is the main factor in going to college.

Constitutional law and european integration

The scope of the change to the UK constitution that has been instigated by it and other European Court of Justice decisions has been conceptualised as ranging from a ' legal evolution' to ' revolution'. This is important considering that the UK is a modern democracy and intrinsically different to the state it was in →

Corruption as social problem

The challenge is to distinguish between systemic and individual corruption; petty and grand corruption; moral and legal corruption; and rumors and reality of corruption. It refers not so much to the amount of money involved as to the level in which it takes place: grand corruption is at the top levels of the public sphere, →

Frigidaire appliance – marketing strategy assignment

Information collected from a sample of customers and potential customers about perceptions of the product on the determinant attributes showed the following: 1 -Features A 1993 Market Research Focus on the front loading washer indicated consumer concerns about water leakage, cleaning performance and the difficulty of loading and unloading the washer.2. For Frigidaire to compete →

Class conflict in the house of the spirits and madame bovary

Despite the different settings of Allende's The House of the Spirits and Flaubert's Madame Bovary, the distinctions between social classes in each novel produce the same problematic results for the characters; the problematic results demonstrate the negative effect of vast distinctions between social classes. Allende depicts the differences between the social classes in The House →

Self assessment of capacity for working with others nursing essay

I would be a beneficial addition to the team since I scored relatively high in the areas of being impressionable, animated, and contentious. I also learned that I possess the ability to discipline others and handle conflict among members of a team.

Key success factors of the ford motor company

This is where a good brand image is required by companies to stay in the market, to win the trust of users and be the car of choice, unless you do not win the trust of consumers, you can stay in the market; it's critical and vital to have a good and positive brand image →

The development of british overseas trade over the period 1740-1830

However, after the boom in trade in the beginning of the 1800s, because of the French Revolutionary wars and Napoleonic Wars the country went through a post-war economic depression, and massive unemployment was everywhere. Britain had the lead in re-export trade, and was very crucial to the British economy.

Marks and spencer corporate social responsibility

European Commission Corporate Social Responsibilities is where the companies exploit the market to survive in the long term success, the practice and policies it is operating not only Food and clothing retailers sector is chosen due to the excessive capacity to expand in enterprise. M&S expedition regarding bringing about awareness in CSR activities only began →

9/11 terrorist attack

And the words and actions of some of the victims on that terrible day are in conflict with the Commission Report. Listed on the website below are statements by more than 200+ 9/11 survivors, victims and family members that contradict or are critical of the 9/11 Commission Report.

Rapid prototyping

With additive manufacturing, the machine reads in data from a CAD drawing and lays down successive layers of liquid, powder, or sheet material, and in this way builds up the model from a series of cross sections. The technology of rapid prototyping is easy to access and simple to understand.

Abstract hybrid film leads to number density

The crumpled structures allow enhancement ofphotoresponsivity which results from the increase of optical absorption byareal densification of graphene. The crumpling of graphene-AuNPs hybrid film leads tonumber density increase of AuNPs and increases optical absorption by theplasmonic enhancement.

The that homer grew up in an

The movie Cider House Rules involves many different characters that one can focus on, but the main character I want to focus on is Homer Wells, who is also the main character of the film. Now, I understand that Homer grew up in an orphanage, and does not have access to the Tommy Hilfiger, or →

In parts have not been so good. though

The lack of job growth has beenimportant for the United States and has lost millions of jobs to Mexico andother countries since NAFTA has been in place. S has but the quality of the jobs in the U.S.has gonedown dramatically.

In cyntoia was being moved from foster home

While others argue that since she was not an adult she was not supposed to be tried as an adult and some believe that trying her as an adult was unconstitutional. So trying Cyntoia as an adult is not justified not only because she was only 16 but because she has a history of mental →

Petal providers corporation essay sample

Estimate the average sales growth rate for Petal Providers for next year. Sales with rapid growth = 1, 000, 000 x = 1, 500, 000 Sales with average growth = 1, 000, 000 x = 1, 300, 000 Sales with slow growth = 1, 000, 000 x = 1, 100, 000 Expected value sales = →

Tafsir: the key to qur’an interpretation essay sample

Introduction There was no other field of Islamic scholarship that received the amount of the attention, as that of the exegesis of the Qur'an. The highest level of interpretation and the best method of tafsir was the interpretation of the Qur'an by the Qur'an.

Speech of a running treasurer essay sample

Being of service to my school and to the society is one of the reasons why I decided to run for treasurer. And as an accounting student in this school, I would like to be able to help by, if given the chance, performing the best of my abilities as a trustworthy, dependable and responsible →

Francis bacon analysis essay sample

The supports of the chair he's sitting on have been extended to the sides of the painting. The painting shows that the Pope is screaming, yet it seems that his voice is drowned out by the dark drapes of colours that have covered the painting; this also lends a nightmarish and grotesque tone to it.

Choose one example of clearly propagandistic communication and analyze it in historical context using communication theories and tools to unpack its structure and meaning

The Propaganda During the intense battle of Germans and the Allied Forces in 1914, the British government published a written report about its accomplishments in the war. In some instances, the corollary effect of propaganda endures for a long time and is actually passed on from generation to generation.

Student organization reflection

The student overall leader is the chairperson and as well he or she chairs all the meeting besides he or she gives out the agendas and reminds the other members their purpose or reasons of being in the meeting. Besides he or she should be at ease with the agenda as well as the other →

Nasa rubber division

In this report, I will discuss the performance of NASA Division for the past 9 months during the fiscal year with special attention to the meaning and accuracy of the volume variance. Therefore, the uncertainty of the inner company transfer would weaken the accuracy of the production estimates, and in turn affect the determination of →

Travel and tourism industry of pakistan tourism

The sector in Pakistan has besides been a victim of deficiency of support by the authorities despite the turning figure of travel direction companies in Pakistan. The 3rd and the most popular section in Pakistan at the minute is the spiritual section, this would include people going for the intent of spiritual pilgrim's journeies There →

The cow of barricades

The red soldiers got surprised looking at Gauri and thought to be the token of victory of Mahatma. Children played on her body and the Master thought Gauri was waiting in the Middle of Heavens to be born.

Do you agree that yeats creates a scene of tragic intensity in purgatory?

This tension and the compactness of the play help to increase the intensity as well as invoke fear in the audience, which contributes to the final catharsis Yeats uses cyclical chronology within the play to illustrate the idea of time being a continual concept that cannot be stopped. The brevity of Purgatory ensures a 'scene →

The legalization of marijuana from the non-smokers perspective

Even though study after study has proven over and over again that the majority of his claims about the evil effects of marijuana are unsubstantiated, unreliable, and just plain untrue, these myths are deeply ingrained in the minds of many Americans, particularly the older generations. If even a fourth of the remaining 49 states legalized, →

Symbolism in english literature assignment

The purpose of the present essay will be to identify such archetypal characters and situations and their impact in the reader's psyche.[4] It is possible to recognize in Nicholas' behavior elements that match with the archetype of the " Trickster". New World Library.2003.p.23.[4] C.G.Jung." Phenomenology of the Self" in The Portable Jung.

The geography of enlightenment and equality in perfume: the story of a murder

In the novel, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, by Patrick S skind, the geographical landmarks of Paris and Grasse symbolize 18th century societal values, particularly the emphasis on equality and meritocracy. Despite the Enlightenment's equalizing effect underscored by the narrator's opening assertion, class is suggested through neighborhoods, and while everything in Paris stank, different →

Shannon’s life saver: restorative justice

With the help of restorative justice, Shannon is able to stop always thinking about Jason, and is able to restart her life on the right track. Another example, that proves the benefit of restorative justice is that it will help Shannon to overcome Jason's crimes easier.

Sex and power: the sun also rises and giovanni’s room

With impotence, and without the ability to please Brett, Jake is utterly powerless to the aura of sex within his life. David realizes that he is a homosexual, yet the literal act of sex has led him to conclude that by conceding to his homosexual desires he has lost his manhood, and in turn is →

Management issues at apple

However, In 2010 Apple showing conflict results of what they claim about their concern of labour and human rights.the media has criticized Apple aggressively regarding workers conditions in term of workplaces, health, and safety at the suppliers in China. Apple, Samsung and Sony have been accused of ' ignoring' child labour in mines.[online] The Independent.

Greasy lake by t. coraghessan boyle

Its late at night when the boys arrive at the lake, they end up in trouble with a big greasy character, as they call him, and the whole lake is surrounded by death and decay. The boys from Greasy Lake met their match and learned that they really werent bad characters and Connie from Where →

Identifying strengths and weaknesses education essay

I searched for a job that could give me the chance to improve my skills and experience in my major. Creativity: I have a good level of creativity that could lead me to do amazing work in my career.

Factors explaining group behaviour education essay

Brief description of learning theories such as behaviorism and Classical conditioning, however the definition of styles and his conditions.also discusses the group work which defined types of group formal and informal group and the classification of it, the reasons of how do people joint groups, the stages of group structures which are forming, storming, morning, →

Should gun ownership be banned?

2 The habits of gun ownership The culture of the United States cultivates an attitude toward firearms and a right of the armed citizens. American are not allowed to carry or place a loaded handgun in any vehicle unless he has a license to permit him to do so, or the person with the concealed →

Interactions of tio2 nanoparticles with carotenoids

Light Irradiation of car molecules is studied by several researchers 6-8 and the photocatalyzed degradation of car on semiconductors such as TiO 2, CdS and ZnO are studied by, he revealed that a rapid photodegradation of car are occurred in the presence of the semiconductors. Photodegradation study of Car on TiO 2 coated and non-coated →

Bipedal hominid and quadrupedal apes: muscle and skeletons

Because this is one of the most important climbing-muscles, the longer the iliac crest is, the better aid is in climbing. Q2, Evolution of the early hominid foot The main characteristics of the human foot include the presence of the arches, the calcaneocuboid joint, the proportions of the major parts of the foot, the shape →

Adv. medical term – chapter 10


Netflix case study online free

This leads to the importance of marketing programs as previously mentioned that are geared to attract new subscribers and retain customers for a long-term period. Netflix should continue to partner with the movie studios and invest in revenue sharing for approximately half of their DVD purchases.

Court report assignment

You can attend the Magistrates' Court; the District Court; the Supreme Court; the Court of Appeal; the Queensland Murmur Court; or a drug court. If this happens while you are in court, you should decide if what you have already seen is sufficient for you to complete your report well.

Translations essay sample

The two conflicts of love Manus has with Maire and Sarah are not only personal problems of the characters in the play, but they are also universal problems which many people have to deal with every day. The second set of problems that arise in this play are the conflicts within Manus' family, namely that →

Upgrading cpu and gpu heatsinks and fans

Upgrading CPU and GPU Heatsinks and Fans Introduction Upgrading CPU and GPU heatsinks and fans are common to modern computer users where their primary concerns are the speed, power, and stability to increase performance of their computer equipments. The common reasons are: 1) to focus on the work or game, 2) not to worry about →

Counselling and psychotherapy

Once the affected individual assures the patient with depression of understanding what the patient is going through, the patient get the courage to confide in the individual on the worries and tribulations he or she is going through. It is better to ensure that the patient has an improvement in his or her life thus; →

Asian american history: prewar, wwll, postwar

Asian American History Asian American History in MLA form Asian American History 2 America is known as " The Melting Pot" because its citizens consist of many who migrated from different countries and nationalities. Asian-Nation: The Landscape of Asian America.

Self-reflection as an engineer

I would like to incorporate transformational leadership, in which I would like to set such trends in the chosen field with the help of which many will try to follow me in my footsteps. I would create such a vision for myself and for those working under me that would help explain the importance of →

The sniper: a short story analysis

The sniper in the story is going through war and through the text it is shown that he is cautious and patient in his work. The sniper opposing to the main character was not unlike the main sniper, he too, was cautious and took time in his work.

Environmental issues in issyk kul lake, kyrgyzstan

Biodiversity of the Issyk Kul area consist of 1500 species of plants, 30 species out of it are important wild medical plants; wide variety of mammals, birds and 28 species of fish, 11 out of it are indigenous and 7 full species and 1 subspecies are endemic to the lake. The agriculture activities were done →

Animals have rights too – short

Definition of animal rights-the belief that non-human animals have interests and rights similar to humans and deserve the same respectB. The discussion of animal rights and whether or not animals deserve the same rights as humans has been prevalent in society since the early 1800s, but animals do reserve the same rights to a life →

Ethical conduct and behaviour commerce essay

This Code of Business Ethics is a contemplation of the company ' s value, mission and scheme, committedness and duties to ethical concern patterns and regulative conformity, and guides the interaction with all its stakeholders including employees, clients, sellers, market place, stockholders and the communities and authoritiess in states where they conduct concern. With this, →

French tourism

Paris is called the " City of Light"; the lighting of monuments and buildings emphasizes the beauty of the architecture in the city. It is one of the most known monuments in the entire world, and definitely one of the most photographed.

Principles of professional development

Part of the paper was focused again on the skills and status of the workforce in social care and how improvements to the training and development of the staff can lead to improvements in the social care sector as a whole. When working in social care, to be effective and to provide the best possible →

Life with brother phil

When something happened and adults needed to get to the " bottom" of the story, they turned to Philip knowing he would tell them the truth despite any consequences. The object of the game was to tag each other and then send them to the " nuthouse" set up in our yard.

Origins and significance

Sceno: graphy, a theatre design website, expounds on costumes in theatre as " the final jigsaw in a complex character," further detailing that it " is the personal expression of a character and within the world of a story it can also be used to create the collage that becomes theatrical design. In the different →

Write feature story

In hard news stories, often referred to as inverted pyramid style, the reporter makes the point, sets the tone, and frames the issue in the first paragraph or two. In a feature story, on the other hand, the writer has the time and space to develop the theme, but sometimes postpones the main point until →

Critical essay on cadbury

The reason for child labour in the cocoa production is because of the prices that are set on the cocoa beans is very low when it is sold. The stakeholders that are mostly affected would be the children that are forced to work at the farms to harvest the cocoa beans.

Multimedia assignment

They are used for the following reasons: Show the placements of elements Provide a rough plan for the client such as text, graphics, links, headers, footers and banners Layouts and Sketches can be for the Web, Flash and Animations. If the user can control the access and the order of the content then it is →

Algorithm for modified particle swarm optimization economics essay

The major consideration of this modification is to avoid premature convergence in the early stages of the search and to enhance convergence to the global optimum solution during the later stages of the search. The objective of this development is to enhance the global search in the early part of the optimization and to encourage →

Power and control in the family

Survey on housework and child care suggest that men today are more involved in domestic task than their fathers and grandfathers, women also have to do the majority of the housework and child care even when they have a full time job that cannot be neglected because of the society view on power and control →

Goals of internship training objectives management essay

It was really a big challenge for me as I have to come out with a brochure that is suitable for parents and at the same time the brochure must also be able to attract the kid's attention to have the interest to attend the camp. To assist the trainer, I would need to understand →

A brief review of petronas

From managing the sharing contractors of the foreign production, it has been changed into developing its own capabilities in the upstream sector allow it to take the lead in the exploration and production of the nation's oil and gas resources. It is the bond and process of specialization that has led to the success of →

Catcher in the rye character analysis of holden

John Aldrige remarked that both novels are " study in the spiritual picaresque, the joinery that for the young is all one way, from holy innocence to such knowledge as the world offers, from the reality which illusion demands and thinks it sees to the illusion which reality insists, at the point of madness, we →

Family dollar case study

History Family Dollar Stores, Inc, hereinafter referred to as Family Dollar, Is a discount store in 43 states, mostly based in the northeastern, southeastern, southwestern and northwestern areas of the united States. Family Dollar Growing When Family Dollar decided to expand geographically, they were financially able to do so due to the fact that the →

Contract law assignment

However, the Miles' subsequently decided not to proceed with the negotiations for the sale and eventually sold to a third party. However as stated in the case of Wallboard v Miles [1992] 2 AC 128, such an agreement is a negative agreement or Albert which does not lock Becky and Albert into negotiations.

Computers privacy problems essay

Remember, any Information viewed on a mobile device is stored on that mobile device's cookies and the public Wi-If's IP address. If the cookies are not deleted before the mobile device connects on a public WI-IF, then any previously viewed Information on that mobile device can be access by someone sharing that Wi-If.

Summary paper

Summary paper Who are the Akans? is a detailed article that investigates the history of the Akans thus explaining the evolution of the Ghanaian community. The article explains that the live in central Ghana and speak the Akan language which is a collection of various dialects.

Kubler-ross model

This is the stage that is replete of the " If only..".or the " What if..".statements. The fourth stage of the grief cycle is the depression stage.


According to the article, Fiat's intention to adapt to flexibility by splitting group to develop a division on non-car assets and merge economies upon integration with Chrysler and other huge manufacturing firms altogether reflect the author's agreement to the position that places globalization on the necessity of interdependence. As a giant on the verge of →

Buddhist discourses

Buddha says that the anxiety about something non-existent externally can be overcome by the realization that the possession of things is impermanent. Finally it is difficult to find a logical answer to Buddha's contention that there is no such thing as the permanent self.

Reaction paper combining two related internet stories

One was a declaration of war against Germany by Judea while the other is a shocking speech of how politically motivated where the Jews to declare such war. The Jewish Declaration of War on Germany.

Leadership and the art of change by lee roy beach flashcard

Culture; the leader's ability to work with others in the organization to understand the organizational culture and determine if change in that area is necessary; if so, working with others to act accordingly. Within his matrix are eight cells that identify the type of organization, size of the organization, and role of a leader trying →

‘slavery in the chocolate industry’

Lastly, there are some individual ethical issues whereby the Cocoa farmers are affected the most of the issue because it is illegal to use child slavery labor. But the groups that can drive the greatest change to eliminate the use of slavery to harvest cocoa bean are the American Chocolate Companies, Distributors and Consumer who →


George Washington served as the first President of the United States from 1789 to 1797 and as the comd of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783. The second was the Revolutionary War in which he fought as the Comd in Chief of the Continental Army; what would eventually be →

World figure skating championships in tokyo essay

He explained that the decision to postpone the championships was not a surprise, but rather the appropriate thing to do, as holding the championships in the midst of so many lost lives did not seem proper. He explained that the championships were the culmination of the season, and he was not sure how much allowance →

The beattles

To get an idea of how much the Beatles helped shape the following generations' lifestyles, one must look at the lifestyle and the music before the Beatles. The emergence of the Beatles' popularity can be traced to the help of two people: the determination of Brian Epstein, their manager, and the foresight of George Martin, →

The 4p’s (product, price, promotion, place)

We have to be aware that our product is fashionable among the community and the customers so the products we sell are what the customers want. So as we are a small business we have to lower our prices to a relatively low price than our competitors to catch customers' attention and try to persuade →

Week 1 business trends assignment

The communication with in the office must stay a flow along with all lines of the process. Identifying trends and solving the issue of the trend is a team effort.

The day i learn to ride a bicycle

The Day I Learn to ride a bicycleLearning to ride a bicycle is probably one of the earliest opportunities for children to experienceA true sense of accomplishment. And I learn to ride a bicycle completely on every road but now also I am afraid of speed of other vehicles coming behind, forward or along with →

Sexism in the turn of the screw

Intrinsic to a feminist reading of the novella is the question, as Peter Biedler puts it: ' would a male narrator of the story have been so easily moulded to fit so many different critical interpretations, and would he have been considered ' hysterical' in so many of them?' There is certainly structural and textual →

Organizational structure of cadbury | cadbury business analysis

Dunedin is a major centre for Cadbury Schweppes in the region, with the site playing host to ' Cadbury World' and being a major production and distribution centre. The Cadbury factories all work independently and the company as a hole is decentralized as each factory uses the resources of the country they are in.

Models of age and disability

The main objective of this model is to analysis the health problems and issues of a client, support to a person in an appropriate way, find the needs of a client and the weaknesses of a client. The weakness of the strength based model is that existing and potential abilities became the basis of classification →

The juvenile boot camps for offenders criminology essay

Experts in the juvenile justice field believe that this may be a result of the lack of uniformity among the many boot camp programs. A third criticism of juvenile boot camps is that not all juveniles are suited mentally enough to handle the environment of a military style boot camp.

Barriers to sustainable construction contractors

It is anticipated that the result of this enquiry will help the construction industry to support more medium and small construction firms in the implementation of sustainable techniques and principles suggested by the UK government. To recognize exactly the current level of understanding and implementation, of sustainable construction at the production and construction phase of →

Success essays

Writers can also use any of the essays that are already written as long as all of the credit is given to the proper people or creators of the initial essay. Success essays are very common and most of the time students are given this topic in order to broaden their horizons as well as →

Case study

Assignment: Case study - Management at Southwest Airlines Judging on the basis of information in the case, describe the managerial skills that Southwest managers such as Colleen Barrett and Jim Parker use in their jobs at Southwest. Thirdly, Jim Parker and Colleen Barrett, and the rest of the team of Southwest Airlines made use of →

Girl in hyacinth blue

1717-18: from the floodwaters of Delfzijl, scholar Adriaan Kuypers flees with the painting to Oling where he relinquishes it to the farmer's wife, Saskia, who sells it to a dealer in Amsterdam. The Hyacinth Blue chapter is written in the first person and in a vastly different style from that of the other chapters.

Instead, also substantially differ from each other. (e)

Protecting Economic Interests of Home Economy: A modern government is expected to protect the domestic economy from the possible ill-effects of disturbances originating in other countries. In addition, there is also the risk of retaliatory measures by other countries.

Personal essay – people have become overly dependent on technology

The availability of transport has pushed housing so far from peoples' places of work that people are forced to rely on technology such as cars and public transport in order to get to work. The use of transportation other than walking a cycling has led to homes being further away from work so that people →