A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

How to write your name in assignment

The assignments have a range of characteristics, among which are: An assignment is usually structured as follows: The name in assignment is usually written on the first page, where the title of the work is placed. If there are more than 2 authors of the paper, you should write the name of the first one β†’

Endurance in a thousand splendid suns assignment

By Miriam telling Jail she never wants to see him again reveals that she is very mad at him for having to endure everything like leaving her to live with Nana in the kola, her mother's death, and being abandoned by Jail himself, and now he is sending her away. By beating Rehashed with a β†’

Pollution caused by urbanization and its solutions assignment

It is true that the irking offices or central business districts are located in the downtown area of the city and a large number of people crowded into the center of the city for work or for entertainment. As a result, citizens can take practical measures to relieve the serious situation of water and air β†’

Academic performance of political science students of wmsu essay sample

Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study will focus on the effects of studying away from home on the academic performance of the AB Political Science students, the difficulties that these students encounter in their studies and how they manage it. The research study is to be conducted in one of the universities in β†’

Virginia state and local government

The General assembly passed a bill stating the delegation of the functions of imposing and collecting taxes, to the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority. Thus, the transportation bill of Northern Virginia turned out to be an unconstitutional one, declared null and void by the Supreme Court.

Junking junk food

The government cannot, therefore, change the specific eating habits of their population without addressing their way of life and changing their food culture. For the initiative to succeed, the government should make their citizens to freely choose healthy eating habits as their new culture.

Competency based education in terms of its suitability to respriatory care education

The competency-based education is well known to provide this kind of characteristics to a learning process and thus it can play a fundamental role in the sustainability of this kind of education. Competency based education can also assist in the selection of the kind of assessment that is suitable for the kind of competency that β†’

Itm 104 tia t/f essay

At the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, researchers use a desktop printer to create human organs? true You cannot be computer literate unless you have knowledge of higher level computer skills, such as computer programming.false Cognitive surplus is the combination of leisure time and creativity tools.true Data mining is the process of searching huge β†’

Gym routine

In relation to the overload principle, the weight you choose must be heavy enough that the last few reps must be a struggle, and you may not be able to complete all the reps, therefore if you are able to complete the full amount of reps quite easily then the weight is to light. But β†’

A force more powerful: a century of nonviolent conflict

The principal argument of the book is that " nonviolent sanctions, if used effectively, can end oppression and liberate nations and peoples, and they can do so with less risk and more certainty than resorting to violent revolt on terror". Any person interested in the achievements of historical figures and movements will find this book β†’

Cola wars continue

According to the 5-forces model, each industry's profitability can be assessed considering the five forces that influence the market The rivalry among existing competitors, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of new entrants, and threat of substitute products or services. Among national concentrate producers, Coke and Pepsi claimed a combined 72% of β†’

Architectural & bim technology

A background on the history of the college edifice is carried out and from here the chief legal issues that will originate in such a undertaking will be outlined and three of these issues will be examined in more item. The chief elements of plants to the protected constructions will be the fix and renovation β†’

Equality, differentiation and inclusivity in education

I therefore would ensure that all students are treated equally regardless of these factors. Inclusivity Within the classroom it is important that all learners are made to feel and are actively included in the subject material that i am teaching.

Creating a secure password

What is the purpose of this presentation The Purpose of my presentation is to stress the need of anyone who uses the internet, computers, or other electrical devices, the importance of having a secure password to protect their personal privacy from cyber thieves. The language and that I will be using for my presentation should β†’


He had been retired for 6 years now from the Orlando FBI special victims unit, at the age of 52 after becoming obsessed with his last case until it interfered with his work and effected his decisions and judgment and now spent most of his time in his study going over and over his last β†’

English in advertising assignment

This often causes interpretation difficulties and because of that, the advertisers need to ensure that the choice of the visual images must be easily comprehended by the viewer of the advertisement. As it happened in the previous analysis the language is simple and direct, serving s anchorage of the headline and the image.

A new, better bet: rescuing and revising basic emotion theory

Section " Reasons to BET On BET" shows that, once that distinction is understood in terms of non-basic emotions having an additional ingredient, it is possible to provide a plausible account of how non-basic emotions arise and how they relate to basic emotions. For this reason, it is possible to have a crisp, clean and β†’

Editorial: bioprospecting and biotechnology of extremophiles

In a similar context, epoxide hydrolases found in the metagenomes from hot springs have also been proposed for use in the detoxication of xenobiotics, and as a defense against pathogen attack and stress response in plants. MJ conceived of the idea for the Research Topic: Bioprospecting and Biotechnology of Extremophiles and served as editor.

Short story shooting an elephant

Orwell was a police officer for the British, located in Lower Burma, and tensions between the Natives and the British ran high. Over the first half of the 19th century, the British colonized independent Indian territories until the last independent territory, the Punjab region, was seized in 1849.

Fantasy and fear: examining the narrator’s reality

Mustafa's looming presence as a mental personification of hostility and violence feared by the narrator is a necessary haunting of the mind that challenges his false idealizations of the village with a pungent dose of reality. The narrator's decision to reveal the disturbing image later on is likely related to his frustration with the corruptness β†’

Greeks: the cornerstone of intellectualism

The Greeks abided largely by the ideals of democracy in their government systems and societies, which then gave shape to the Western thought of valuing the voice of the people. The Roman Empire and the Greek colonists fought viciously prior to the takeover, giving many of the Greek colonists a negative impression of their new β†’

The human development index: enlarging peoples choices

In the later part of twentieth century the concept of Human development has gained great importance, and it has enhanced the need of research and develpoment on the the topic. Please note that the HDI is designed to capture long-term progress in human development, rather than short-term changes.[2] Due to revisions to the data series β†’

A suitable function of construction industry

Ironically, the response to this was the introduction of the American type of construction system. As a result, the collapse of this building was brought from a flaw in design, unreliable construction work, and maintenance problems interacting with each other for long term.

Seung-hui cho: man-made monster

Though he was both a victim and a victimizer, Cho was victimized by society around him and his mental illnesses that went untreated long before he carried out any victimizing of his own. After being ruled potentially dangerous to himself and others by the court, he was let go after a night's detainment.

North west case

North West Company B Introduction The North West Company is a leading retailer of food and everyday needs to rural and urban neighborhoods across Canada, Alaska, the South Pacific islands and the Caribbean. With the " pull" strategy, store managers would become the local market experts, determining which stock-keeping units to carry and in what β†’

My romeo: hamlet

My Romeo: Hamlet As I lay my head upon my pillow, when the sun goes down, and the day has come to an end, nothing but my charismatic Hamlet crosses my mind. Here is where I wait in the vacant spider-filled third floor for the dashing Lord Hamlet to bound into the library with heavy β†’

What the flag represents

The American flag is substantially more than just a flag it's part of the American idea, and it's part of the freedom that brings this country together. I love living in a country that no matter what race or religion we are we can live and do whatever it is we want.

Is there a one-size fits all sample marketing plan?

But there is not a one-size fits all sample marketing plan to use, and here's why. The important takeaway A sample marketing plan highlights key problems and strengths related directly to the business.

Elements of information theory assignment

The solutions to the problems were generated by the teaching assistants and readers for the weekly homework assignments and handed back with the graded homework in the class immediately following the date the assignment was due. What is the inequality relationship Of H and ) if Y = XX?

Red bull marketingassignment assignment

Red Bull as a company owe their success to the marketing strategies used to communicate with their target customer base and not on the quality of the product inside the can.' Red Bull would never have made it out of the initial testing stage. As with one of my other pieces of literature: Market-Led Strategic β†’

Most each ?l???r t?k?? turns to thr?w 3

Th? bj? tiv? is to b? th? fir? t? l? r t? reduce th? r? t? x? tl? z? r. S? n th? last turn, it is n? t n? r? to thr? w all 3 d? rt? a? l? r? n win with th? fir? t? r second d? rt? f th? turn.

How to escape from a bad date by piven et al (297-302)patterns 11th ed

The need to socialize with others becomes a particular recommendation on the ideal growth that a person needs to be socially absorbed in the community that they are living along with. The writers of the book were likely able to find better approaches to provide essential guidelines and points of important issues that need to β†’

U.s. history i

The Vietnam War The Vietnam War was fought from 1959 to 1975 and involved the North Viet se and the National Liberation Front in military conflict with the United States and the South Vietnamese army. South Vietnam came under the rule of the Vietnamese who had cooperated with the French in the past.

Iso 9000

The ways in which they can enhance the management and working procedures of an organization through which it can achieve its objectives efficiently. ISO standards reflect the ways through which an organization can turn its management into a premium quality management system.

Analyzing and identifying news paper articles

The author recognizes that America needs a well strategic defense plan that commensurate that of the Russian-along time political enemy that traces back to the onset of the cold war, with this, he is quick to note that is not in preparation to go to war with the communist republic but to ensure that the β†’

Environmental impact

To start with, Italy through corporate partnership has called for the preservation of her historical sites that include the famous Roman monuments where people perceive to be the origin of the western culture. Case in point, the Italian government needs to educate its citizens on the importance of preserving their historical sites such as the β†’

Monitoring and evaluation new programs

Monitoring and Evaluation New Programs Monitoring and evaluation new programs al portfolios An al portfolio is a compilation of a number of facts that act as evidence that the institution is committed to achieving its mission and vision. One of the crucial uses of institutional portfolio is its ability to give the institution a chance β†’

Understanding and minimizing sexual harassment in the workplace

Before going further into the subject of sexual harassment, it is important that we first understand what constitutes sexual harassment, the development of sexual harassment laws, and what implications it has in the workplace. That still leaves the question of whether banning workplace relationships is a solution to minimizing sexual harassment claims.

Why personal management is important to firms flashcard

The aims of this study are to, Explain What is Personal Management and what is Human Resource Management Identify the factors which influenced the alteration Explain The importance of switching from Personal Management to SHRM Present existent universe examples to turn out the importance of the alteration This study will be concentrating on the secondary β†’

Personal development

Using the MARS model, as well as your knowledge of absenteeism, discuss some of the possible reasons for absenteeism and how to reduce it. Every organization is unique and absenteeism reduction strategies should be customized to the particular work environment.

Case 3

The survey results will be used to help the magazine choose articles of interest and provide advertisers with a profile of subscribers. As a new employee of the magazine, you have been asked to help analyze the survey results.

What is an interest group?

Different types of Interest Groups There are a variety of interest groups such as business/trade organization, agricultural groups, professional groups, labor groups, promote causes groups, promote the welfare groups, religious groups and last but definitely not leads public interest groups. Religious groups are interest that try to persuade policy in the favor of religious matters.


I believe that Rudolph Giuliani is somewhat biased in the fact that he was directly involved in the 9/11 attacks, and sides with the victims. The people in the ads were smiling and happy, and the problems that these people were facing were solved by the products from this company.

Tom’s bugs

We will examine with an entomologist's precise eye the star bugs: the fly and the beetle in church, the doodlebug in the field, the tick at school, and Tom's equation of man to insect. It is a significant commentary that the house fly, one of the simplest of all creatures, is more intriguing to Tom β†’

Gender inequality in family

According to Daly and Lewis the relationship between family and state has used to be defined in terms of level of contribution of individual to the labour market. Although this definition would probably more likely correspond to the definition traditional society of industrial era, residues do persist in Western countries persist in form of assigning β†’

Reflective essay on coping with stress

With regard to my life, I can say that I am satisfied with my subjective well-being. I am able to adjust to different contexts effectively and for that case; everything I think, say, and do is often colored by where I come from, whom I am with, and what is happening at the moment.

Comparison of theories for violence

I can not agree and believe it is an appropriate way of reducing deviance and crime, but if parents can choose the traits they want their child to obtain, this could be a way to scale down the amount of violence in society. It also shows the Social Learning approach is a significant theory when β†’

Is australia multicultural?

Their views of the land and how to use it have disregarded and have not always had the same social rights as the rest of Australia. People are given limited chance to improve their life and the rights of those from different cultures are not always accepted.

Cost-volume-profit analysis benefits and limitations

The paper intends to display Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis' starting point is to show the relationship between the cost of goods, the activity's volume and the profit of the company. The study of Cost Volume Profit Analysis provides that the importance of Cost Volume Profit Analysis in companies, the requirements of an effective CVP Analysis, and the β†’

For into the unknown. indians who have studied

There are several reasons why students feel the need to leave the motherland and pursue education abroad, the first being-the loss of faith in the educational system in India itself. Perhaps like the fad it is, it will one day pass away and very soon students from abroad will be travelling to study in India.

Case study sap establishing a research center over china

2006 Along with SAP Germany, SAP Austria, SAP Chile, SAP Indiana y del Carrie, SAP Mexico, and SAP Region Sure win SAP Labs India receives the distinction " Recruiting and Staffing Best in Class" Software revenue of ERR 1. Results Guiana Long history in China First mover advantage R&D less barrier to entry SAP Labs β†’

Critique of racial/cultural for the man who was almost a man

The dialogue of the characters gives away important information like exactly what time period it is, the location and the education of the people talking. To Dave the gun meant that he was a man and he thought he had to act like a man when he had it.

Researching business data

Data presentation in a better wayWe first of all come up with a table of the results and then us it to design the appropriate presentation format which in our case is a plot of bar graphs for ease of comparison and analysisLooking at the data given here, there is a clear indication that for β†’

A review of a good man is hard to find

On the way to the house, the grandmother leads the family down a dirt path and they get into a car accident and end up in a ditch, stranded. A possible theme for this story would be society and class because the grandmother makes many references in the dialogue on how to be lady-like and β†’

America’s loneliness

The others in the farm did not want it there because it started to smell and it was too old. The Characters in Of Mice and Men experience loneliness and are not all successful to overcome it.

Wasted characters

You are seen only as what you thought you wanted, but not who you are. You are not the only one.

Comparison between cisc and risc technologies essay sample

The CPU can be thought of as the brain of the computer. This was not unique to complex instructions as the presence of these complex instructions also slowed down the execution of the simpler instructions.

Materialism in the novel the great gatsby essay sample

All that he accomplished was just for the sole purpose of being good enough for Daisy and at the end she decided to stay with her husband. Gatsby did not understand this, he thought that things will were the same when in fact things were very different because now Daisy was not only attached to β†’

The market essay sample

Although she is thin and agile, she is unable to avoid the certain delinquents who think they are in a game of bumper cars. Elsewhere in the crowds of people, a woman is frantically searching for her young infant.

Interventions for the working stage

The abject power of psychological acceptance in a work group can impact the performance and stress levels of individuals, as Grinder and Bandler emphasized the degree of distortion each person are prone to develop, despite the level of control and efficiency they may project. To correct identified cognitive and psychosocial barriers in highly-functioning work groups, β†’

Randy pausch – the last lecture reprised

He addressed to his students for a different and a very clear picture of life, a picture that can lead any human being to the heights of humanity. He discussed the dreams of his childhood and stressed upon working hard and continous try to mold the dream into reality.

Business leader:microsoft

The heads of business divisions report to the chairman and the CEO. From the inception of Microsoft, Bill Gates was very open to new ideas.

The prince by machiavelli niccolo di bernado

The objective of this paper is to illustrate how Machiavelli's book revolutionized change for the citizens of Florentine, the evolution of the expression of discourses and its relevance to the current political state. History of " The prince"" The Prince" in the XIV Century, was a devotion to belief and empowerment of nations to advocate β†’

Long way home by david laskin

Their experiences in World War I from the training camps to their service on the battlefield transformed their views about America. The war demonstrated to the immigrants, that America was built through hard work, unity, and struggles.

Key link to productivity

Supervision duties involve the management of people in order to realize the goals of the organization and therefore a good supervisor needs to be a good leader. Having helped in the establishment of the local union and teamsters demonstrate that he had good organizational skills.

Oil & gas essay

Of the factors that affect economic growth the Industry of 011 and gas Is one that holds a stronghold In the world's and America's economy today. Oil and gas should be used as helper of a country's economy and not the passion by which it is run.

Martin luther

The biographer ought to record all the known facts of a man's life, important the unimportant, pleasant and unpleasantand then it should be the task of the reader to form his own judgment on the character of the man who has been described to him. Satan become, in consequence, the dominating conception of his life"." β†’

Havoc during rainy season

A few days after ceaseless rain lashed the regions in Thane and stranded some localities, the risk of infectious diseases stares large at the residents. With a massive dumping ground right in front of the railways station at Vithalwadi and a sewer flowing in the rear, it seems like an open invitation to the various β†’

Strategy in global context

Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value became the motto of the company and the execution of the same is one of the primary reasons why McDonald's is what it is today. Other key external factor that forms an opportunity for the fast food industry as a whole and also for McDonald's is the fact that 30% β†’

Dave eggers and reality television

Eggers seems to be attempting to create an environment in which the performance and charade of social interaction and the act of writing a book are both combined with actual experiences and emotions, highlighting dramatic portions and exaggerating issues. While the exploitation may not be seen as an incredibly important or relevant theme in Eggers's β†’

Example of article review on international journal of advances in engineering & technology, 2013

The identified aim of the authors for writing the paper was explicitly noted as conducting a more in-depth investigation of relevant factors that could be contributory to work-related injuries; and to determine appropriate design of an ergonomics program which would address work-related injuries. In the introduction to ergonomics, for instance, the definition, goal and scope β†’

Love and desire in phaedrus

The soul is the charioteer and the choices are the horses. Coming back to the question, what is love and desire, one can get a good understanding of it by reading Phaedrus.

Analysis of the bangladesh chapter of unilever

The main purpose of the report is to find what strategies the company uses to market its world famous beauty soap, LUX, in Bangladesh; the positive and negative aspects of those strategies. The report further analyzes the position of Unilever Bangladesh Ltd.in the toiletry industry in comparison to its competitors.

J.p. morgan chase & co project failure

Among the reasons for the perceived failure according to the report include; Firstly, the company allocated inadequate resources to the development of the model. In addition, it is always necessary that the management forms an evaluation and risks assessment team to carry out regular assessment of the project.

Introduction such behaviors. unfortunately, it is hard to

Given that cases of hate crimes such as rape, domestic battery, murder, and human trafficking are increasing exponentially, the perpetrators of these violence acts need stricter penalties to deter them from perpetuating hate crimes in the society. Enforcing stiffer hate crime laws is one of the strategies that national governments should address to scrap hate β†’

New century health clinic case study.

How coherent is the current system being compared with the productivity of the employees? N. Essentially, the scope of function and performance is allocated to the technical aspects of the proposed system.

Vyaderm case study – harvard

With such a sizable increase to profit margins in 2000, the company significantly exceeded their EVA target. With this one-time anomaly, Waders had to decide whether to keep their target bonus the same or adjust the target bonus to reflect the change in profit margins.

Sordid hands of the human temper

Decedents of these ruckus-making men and women are now doctors, or teachers perhaps, and the heave of violence their ancestors showed has now begun to ebb.unfortunately it is not out of view. Since the park bench, I have tried desperately to ban violence from my life.

Fly cheap airlines essay sample

Why does inflation make nominal GDP a poor measure of the increase in total production? -Nominal GDP is the value of final goods and services evaluated at current-year prices and are calculated by summing the current values of final goods and services. In the other hand, the real GDP is and services in the base β†’

Jonah and the whale essay sample

He was able to use Jonah to deliver a message despite Jonah's unwillingness and complete distaste for the message. Jonah and the whale The story of Jonah and the whale is too important to be left as just a children's story.

Arnold friend: a dream friend

Arnold Friend talks and behaves in mysterious, even devious ways; and some readers have taken him to be a representation of the wouldevil.' This paper puts forward the view that 'Arnold Friend' is a wouldream friend' in Connie's fantasy life, emerging after her chance encounter with a strange young man, who had " wagged a β†’

Business law

In terms of policies, a company should put in place a code of conduct that guides the managers, the employees and even the customers of a company. There should also be policies that ensure that the participants of a company are sensitive to all the illegal and unethical behaviors that could arise.

The future of children

The author thus provides a case that adds to the credibility of the information provided in the article about the effectiveness of evidence-based programs. When implementing blueprint models, the author recommends that the proper choice of a program model that focuses on the needs of clients and the agency.


The S&P 500 was, for the first time since early April, down for three succeeding sessions while the Dow Jones Industrial average encountered a loss of more than 100 units for the second day in a row. 73 while the S&P and the Nasdaq fell to a session low at 1, 925.

Jang brand audit essay

Kamran Siddiqui INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVE The purpose of this brand audit is to analyze the brand Jang Newspaper and determine the true personality of the newspaper. The brand extensions from the Newspaper in the form of the online newspaper, GEO television and MKRF have given it immense publicity and are widely acclaimed as the most credible β†’

Supply chain differences

Business to consumer supply chain consist of all activities of electronic business between the businesses and the final user of the products, that is the consumer. For a business to business supply chain the volume of transaction is always very high as compared to the volume of transactions in a business to consumer supply chain.

Branch in chicago

In a move top correct that perception, in 2005 Wal-Mart contracted the services of Margaret Garner, a head of a construction company to offer the services of constructing the 5, 402nd store in Chicago. Wal-Mart has lost some bids to set up stores in a number of towns.

Six examples of essays about newspaper in english

Newspaper brings us each and every news and views to us from every corner of the world. A newspaper is a publication of the news which gets printed on the paper and distributed to everyone at their home.

Wine history

Income Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Revenues $ 79280 Expenses $ 2460 14216 3281 41007 Total Expenses 60964 Net Income / $ 18316 Attempts: 1 of 5 used * Your answer is correct. DEER TRACK PARK Retained Earnings Statement For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 Retained Earnings, January 1 $ 6167 β†’

Limitations of new media

So openness and freedom of the online platform provided by new media technologies reinforce the sense of citizenship and democracy but also have potential to disrupt social order and democracy. 2, Digital divide: Disadvantaged groups- (the poor, the elder, the undereducated, and thous In rural areas-continued to lag behind in their access to and use β†’

Letter of recommendation for a student

During his coursework in department of electronic and telecommunication engineering and Management I had the opportunity to closely interact with him in the semesters that I have taught him. Academically he is an intelligent and hardworking student, which is clearly reflected in the excellent marks that he has consistently achieved.