A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

William ii, line 141) antony is trying

The second time Antony shows that he is manipulative when he wants to change Caesars will. The loving side of Antony that allows him to give recognition where it is deserved is shown a few times.

1 it will still do so as

1 PatelAnd this I am Especially Proud of- QIntroduction Throughout the years, the weapons and gadgets that have come from the hands of the Q Branch, has never turned James Bond down, they are the coolest and are the best in spy paraphernalia.I. Throughout the years, the weapons and gadgets that have come from the β†’

Rhetorical analysis of the jungle rhetorical analysis of the jungle

Sinclair's use of descriptive, in depth diction serves to promote a reaction out of the reader, by depicting as thorough as possible his evidence and reasoning, similar to the purpose of his intense tone. After analysis of the different devices used in Upton Sinclair's The Jungle, it is obvious that Sinclair's masterful use of intense β†’

The family of woodstock essay sample

In this paper I will identify the factors that led to the creation of the family of Woodstock, I will list how the family of Woodstock specialized to meet the needs of the community, how the values, attitudes, and beliefs of the Woodstock organization developed and changed over a 40 year period, and how these β†’


Nevertheless, the company should maintain its hiring policy in relation to child labor regardless of the environment the business is operating in. In every entity, the extent to which a business can make profits is limited by the ethical framework in which the business is operating in.

Persuasive paper part 3: possible disadvantages, answers, with visuals

Disadvantages of Stem Cell Research Although it is believed that stem cell research will result in a breakthrough in treatment of human diseases, it is faced with very many limitations. According to Sorensen and Mikkel, one of the major disadvantages of stem cell research is that it is inconclusive.

Experimental study

The study participants also completed the Patients' Evaluation of the Quality of Diabetes Care for their assessment about the quality of diabetes care they received over the past 12 months Type, Frequency and Duration of Follow-Up There were a total of 3 follow-ups during the duration of the study. In summary, periodic monitoring and discussion β†’

How to remain in boxes

Professional settings should have to be open and should have better landscapes around them as there should be a natural environment there. For examples, there should be plants and trees in offices and there should be attached lunching places that are outside the offices.

Successful management unit 4

Strategic Planning is an instrument of management that aids a corporation in concentrating its energy on warranting that members of the corporation are steering towards the same objectives, to evaluate and regulate the corporations course in according to the prevailing economic climate. In a nutshell, strategic planning is a methodical effort to yield essential resolutions β†’

Planning of instruction in a systematic way

In designing this instructional Plan, I will focus on the goals, the strategy and medium of instruction as well as the ways through which I will revise and review the instructional materials [Mar84] Goal The goal is to offer counseling, mentoring and guidance services to students before they enroll and after they have enrolled. I β†’

Ap english exam free response essay

This major difference separates the essay in terms of the approaches each of the writers took and this more than anything is very likely to land one man in the happy seat of a bridegroom and the other in the onely seat of a bachelor.Mr. Collins, the writer of the first passage, is far from β†’

Estimate the benefits of potential projects essay

The steadfast invests hard currency now in the hope of having returns in a greater sum in the hereafter. In add-on information must be provided on an incremental bases so that we analyze merely the difference between the hard currency flow the house with and without the undertaking for illustration if a house contemplates a β†’

Aldo leopold and his land ethic

He was actively involved in the management and conservation of wildlife and in the wilderness system. He was involved in the formation of the Wilderness Society that was mainly involved in the expansion and protection of these areas.

Abstract art

Abstract art uses a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction of imagery in art.

Critique of thomas hobbes’s leviathan

Considering that all are naturally equal, and all naturally desire the same things, the nature of man, according to Hobbes, is war: " So that in the nature of man, we find three principal causes of quarrel. So, if there must be a fear of death to survive, and all men have a natural fear β†’

Effect of pornography on violence against women

Anti-pornography writers, such as Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon -authors of the famous ' Minneapolis and Indianapolis ordinances'[2] advocated the censorship of pornographic material, on account of its role as ' a practice that is central to the subordination of women'[3]. Dworkin understands pornography as the platform where sexist ideology thrives by exhibiting male supremacy, β†’

Effect of globalisation on social welfare

And it also brought a decrease in the role of the state and led to the emergence and proliferation of a number of NGOs and non-state actors in the economic, political and social sectors which operated and had implications on the global and the local arena. Glocalization in terms of the social aspect basically refers β†’

Image analysis of cleopatra

A selection of ancient sources in translation; Goudchaux's 2001 essay entitled Cleopatra's subtle religious strategy, found in Higgs' and Walker's Cleopatra of Egypt: from history to myth, which is also a source; Holbl's History of the Ptolemaic Empire; Howgego's Ancient history from coins and Pollitt's Art in the Hellenistic Age. In this essay, Goudchaux makes β†’

Challenges and benefits of telemedicine

The future is bright with the technological advancements of mobile health and telemedicine. According to the Telemedicine Toolkit from the Journal of AHIMA, telemedicine has evolved into a " hot topic" in the healthcare industry and is spreading at a rapid rate.

Impact of technology on the family

From an anthropological viewpoint, technology has affected the family dynamic as it is creating a lack of respect between children and parents regarding their intelligence and skill level within technology, creating secrecy and lack of communication.Dr. The sociological impact on how technology is creating a family divide can be seen as the incredibly different environments β†’

Outline and rationale of educational philosophy

I feel that my teaching methods and beliefs will be in line to what the premise of constructivism is based; learning is the result of mental construction. My desire is to have my students learn how to be motivated, to challenge themselves, want to explore and continue on the path of lifelong learning.

Physics and philosophy

I would like to leave my options open in terms of possible career and I feel that by developing a number of different skills this will give me the best possible knowledge base. I would like to use the opportunity of higher education to strengthen my mathematical and science related abilities such as investigation and β†’

Brooklife church helping with the aftermath of hurricane harvey

They are at the scene almost anytime there is a big disaster and people need help. The volunteers are now in Houston helping sort donations for the victims, trying to locate things in the wreckage, & giving the victims hope for the future.

Love and mental health in cosi by louis nowra assignment

The emotive language used in this speech and the increase in henrys stutter shows the amount of anger he feels towards the subject and the betrayal he feels to find out that nick and Lewis support the Vietnamese in a war against their own country.[Banging chair on the floor] " Traitors! You are traitors" The β†’

Compare the matrix to plato’s republic assignment

The shadows on the wall, which are reflective, are to keep the prisoners in the Cave unaware of the fact that they are prisoners, that they are under bondage and have never truly seen life outside of the Cave. The source of the Matrix exists in the real world and the light is the people β†’

Marketingassignment assignment

Secondly, the social trend in Singapore is that the locals do not want to work in the retail industry because of the long work hours and low wages; hence the retail industry employs a lot of foreign labor. The brand is known for bringing apparels seen on the runway n the fashion shows into their β†’

Critically assess the limitations of β€˜self-defence’ in international

Critically assess the limitations of'self-defence' in International conflict, with reference to the influence ofnon-state actorsFollowing the terrorist attacks in TheUnited States on September 11 2001, there was an increased demand for thenecessity of a state to be able to use force in an act of self-defence whenfaced with acts of aggression. The purpose of this β†’

Credit crunch

There is a need to address the issues that the credit crunch has brought with it since these have magnanimous effects on the world, and not just financial institutions alone. The financial companies have a responsibility to meet the needs of the people and to regulate the banking sector and the government cannot be allowed β†’

English 101

Following the Battle of Bull Run near the beginning of the Civil War, Barton began her work as a nurse, organizing the collection and distribution of necessary medical supplies and gaining permission to ride behind the lines and in the mobile ambulance wagons to provide medical assistance to wounded soldiers on the field. Her tireless β†’


How does Club-Med respond to expected tourism demands' Club Med is classified as a hotel with products of travel and tourism. It responds to the expected increase of tourism thru its marketing strategies in holiday packages in Club Med villages and realty business of luxury villas.

History paper

Well let me portray the real facts in the beginning of the essay that today's America is not developed and civilized in true sense at all. Speaking of social differences between old America and the new one, reasons and circumstances are a lot in numbers.

Accounting system checklists – lab report example

The selection of the best accounting system software requires a lot of proper research and studies in order for the organization to work effectively. Steps Involved in the Selection of the Right Accounting System Software 1.

Good and effective leadership

Effective leadership on the contrary entails influencing individuals to achieve the objectives of the leader. Conclusion Good leadership is the influence of authority that brings out good results while effective leadership may yield either good or bad results.

Whe i want to study at uta

This was just the first step for me; I now want to transfer to the University of Texas in Austin so that I can expand my knowledge. I am looking forward to this with great excitement because I have been informed that there are many deaf students attending UTA, so I will be able to β†’

University 101 mid semester reflective

College courses are different in their initial scheduling, the fast paced learning of the material, the size of the sections, and the availability of the professors. In college the student is required to learn the same amount of material in half the time, since classes last for a semester and not a full year.

Atticus finch and john proctor as men of conscience

Proctor is aware that he has sinned against the morals of the time, due to his affair with Abigail, a devious and dissembling girl of 17." He is a sinner, a sinner not only against the moral fashion but against his own vision of decent conduct". This shows that he is a man of principle β†’

Gender college essay

Most of the research to date on the effects of gender-role images in the media has focused primarily on the female gender role. However, this influence may be moderated by the gender role attitudes of the participants and the demographic similarity of the media models to the viewers.

Bahrain bay case study

Communicate a wide range of messages to the broadest range of audiences, such is the example of taking a risky marketing move to go to Cannes and advertise themselves there to a wide range of people.2. Support the brand name of Bahrain Bay as a vision of the business future: for example helping their surroundings β†’

The migration of people to cities

The migration of people to cities is one the biggest problems facing the world's cities today. One of the possible answers is to improve the quality of life in the countryside.

Planning and enabling learning

In the first part of this assignment, I will describe two principle learning strategies that can be used by students and two teaching strategies that can be used to help develop learning. The surface learning method develops a short term approach to learning which is goal orientated and is depicted by the student passively accepting β†’

The history of the theory of constructivism education essay

I did not simply prepare a number of presentations that could help in transferring the knowledge to the students, because, explained by Piaget and Stanley and Jones, such an approach does not lead to fruitful learning, as for learning to occur, students need to construct their own knowledge. My role in these lessons to be, β†’

Cardiovascular disease eating habits and food health essay

Although, choices and habits have been the cause of some diseases and diverse varieties of foods have also helped in managing the prevention of chronic health diseases. Hu raises concerns and confirms that a diet high in nuts and vegetable oil are responsible in weight gain due to the high energy density these foods comprise β†’

Non-human primate: an essential building brick in the discovery of the subthalamic deep brain stimulation therapy

Furthermore, despite possible adverse events, deep brain stimulation in patients contributed in large part to the understanding of the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease and opened the way to the treatment of a number of chronic and disabling neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Bilateral deep brain stimulation of the pedunculopontine and subthalamic nuclei in severe Parkinson's disease.

Common psychological factors in chronic diseases

The development of therapeutic interventions able to fuse different perspectives into a tailor-made interdisciplinary management approach in a single patient and the development of a quality body of research on the topic are future challenges in order to improve QoL and the subjective well-being of patients with CPD and psychopathological signs and symptoms. Quality of β†’

Impact of self concept on self image development

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to verify whether Academic performance of students is a suitable mediator between self concept of the students and the self image of the students in the current Indian education context. A holistic development perspective is seen in the students in the western countries and thus the self image β†’

Human urinary system parts and functions

It is then carried into the bloodstream to the kidneys by the renal arteries. The location of the right kidney is usually lower than the left kidney because of the liver position.

Conflicts between stakeholders in basf se

The highly ranked position is the CEO, where he is in charge of the whole management in the organization. In the midst of achieving the goals of the organization, he guides employees and other people in the management team as well to go along with him.

Adolescent literacy & skill

Furthermore, to boost motivation and achieve improvements in reading outcomes among the adolescents, it is my urge to the stakeholders to use the preferred reading materials and instruction modes. The reading survey is purposed to ensure that the adolescents will be at ease in the reading and literacy language.

Evolution antarctic continent completely surrounded by an ocean.

Another major influence in the evolution of penguins is likely to have been the availability of vast amounts of food in the ocean. The black and white suit of a penguin helps them to hide from their predators when they are swimming in the ocean.

Operations management project improvement plan

In week one of the recorded data no changes to how the testing cycle is conducted were changed. This change consisted of three of the six members per group testing at a time versus the normal one member to one tester ratio, therefore cutting down the time the strength assessment portion of the test takes β†’

Comparisons between the hobbit and beowulf essay sample

One is a story that was once a simple bed time story for the author's children and the other is a poem that is the oldest English literature that we have today. The famous swords that appeared in the poem and story was Naegling which was Beowulf's Sword, Hrunting was Unferth's sword and the two β†’

The arab spring

The Arab Spring is the series of events, which happened and is still happening in the Arab world when the people of the various Arab nations started mass protests and open revolts against the autocratic regimes ruling over them. In this paper, we will discuss some of the events which led to the Arab Spring β†’

Interview report

The man is interested in artistry and seems to enjoy his work at the pub. To me, I view him as a perfect example and a living demonstration that age is just but a number.

Art and fahrenheit 451

The second point is that he lived the aftermaths of WWII and the on-setting Red Scare that occurred within the United States. That is the most important aspect of a novel.

Sex and the youth essay

Although the sexual revolution was intended to become a " revolution for the adults," the late 1960's and early parts of 70's witnessed the changes in the patterns of sexual behavior of everyone, including the teenagers. In this sense, the sexual revolution spearheaded a trend that became a benchmark in other aspects of adolescent life, β†’

Ignorance of america’s youth essay

This is believed to be the most serious problem in society at the moment because the current youth of America are essentially hitting rock bottom, and they show no sign of improvement rather they display signals of ignorance and soon the ignorant teens will become ignorant adults. It suggests that ignorance of the American teens β†’

Society and writers

Emerson's use of his persuasive style of rhetoric to convey his transcendental ideas is matched by his use of literary devices to convey his theory of the importance of life. Thoreau wrote a book titled Walden in which the theme of it was the relationship to the order and beauty of nature in the human β†’

How do octavio paz and albert camus convey their respective views on death

Camus presents a similar concept in The Outsider; as he articulates the idea that the only certain thing in life is the inevitability of death, and, because all humans will eventually meet death, all lives are all equally meaningless. This is a regularly used symbol of death, and the notion that the 'bird flies in β†’

Allegory of the cave related to the media assignment

The Allegory of the Cave Compare elements of your own life to the imagery in the Allegory of the Cave. The Allegory of the Cave by Plato represents an exaggerated metaphor that is contrasted in the way we perceive and believe what reality really is.

Compulsory psychiatric admission in a patient with metastatic breast cancer: from palliative care to assisted suicide

Due to the psychiatric symptoms, adequate palliative care could not be provided at home and the patient was readmitted to the general hospital palliative care ward. To the first question, if psychiatry is the right place to perform palliative care for patients that have both palliative care needs and psychiatric symptoms that interfere with care: β†’

Anti-bribery convention and oecd

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development And the Anti-Bribery Convention The International Initiative The Anti-Bribery Convention was originally conceived in 1989, it has under gone many changes since its conception, to begin with the group was designed to enable the review in to national legislations and the bribery of officials, in 1994 the review β†’

Assessing the value of ansoff matrix grid

Both the companies had made number of Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances which are as follows: The following is the list of main Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances for Google: Google has partnered with NASA Ames Research Centre in 2005. The following is the list of main Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances for Dell: The β†’

Vark analysis paper

This is great to have and it shows this writer is well prepared to sit in college classrooms and live forums and be able to interact with presenters and others with live discussions. In looking at the summary of this writer's current positions that the writer holds and participate in, it is very evident that β†’

Mass prince unit 4

The internet moved into the mass medium phase of development with the invention of. 1930s and 1940s Television became a mass medium in the.

Gallegos,et know whether to hit them or not

There are many factors that lead to physical punishment: parents were to young and not ready for children, parents are going trough a divorce and need to take out their anger on something or someone, or parents do not know another way to punish their children. If a child grows up to believe this negative β†’

Strategy and future: diversification.

The strong financial resources and the " story" of the brand that is needed to succeed are two elements that create a barrier. The ability to vertically/horizontally integrate and find synergies between he different sectors and the ability to maintain the energy and identity of each brand are two fundamental attributes of the future of β†’

The globalization of markets assignment

A thousand suggestive ways attest to the ubiquity of the desire for the most advanced things that the world makes and sells goods of the best quality and SUMMER 1984 reliability at the lowest price. The products and methods of the industrialized world play a single tune for all the world, and all the world β†’

Sociology assignment

An example is in a society where the percentage of employment is very high the pockets of people not in employment may be seen as not trying hard enough, but in a situation where the unemployment is high; the system will have to be looked into to see if there are opportunities and training for β†’

The of little value, he sold them

The Iguaz National Park covers an area of subtropical forest of the Argentine province of Misiones, on the border with Brazil. The climate of the area where the Iguaz National Park is located in subtropical without a dry season.the thermal amplitude is marked, so the nights are not usually too hot.

Adolf hitler essay sample

Adolf Hitler was the founder and leader of the Nazi Party and the most influential voice in the organization, implementation and execution of the Holocaust, the systematic extermination and ethnic cleansing of millions of European Jews. Hitler announced that the war was lost for Nazi Germany and that he would stay in Berlin until the β†’


I respect China and my Chinese heritage, but I also enjoy the friends I have made in San Francisco and I do not understand why my mother has to continue to question why I hang out with them, and why I listen to the music I do and complain about the clothes I want to β†’

Psychological risks of police work

For example, when Walker and another probationary officer respond to a bank robbery, Walker decides that they should go in and confront the criminal but the probationary officer gets shot in the leg in the process. In the case of Walker, the forensic psychologist would have conducted a therapy session and explained the nature of β†’

International relations

For the United States, Iran represents a serious security threat to the world order it has established. A lot of the rhetoric from Iran is poisonous and also suggests Iran is a threat.

Issues in diversity

To bring change in the society on homosexuality, I will teach the individuals on society norms and their importance. Teaching the society on the value of religion will also help in putting an end to homosexuality.

Significant turning point in my educational experience

The last thing they expect is to enter a classroom and have the teacher slam the door loudly as his introduction to the class, and immediately point at one of them at random and ask a question about global wars. Fortunately for me, the rest of his class was not as embarrassing as that first β†’

Gallipoli film essay

Before the war both Archy and Franks goal was to be the fastest runner in Australia and compete against the world. Before competing in the race and meeting Archy, Franks friends decide do join up for the war but Frank was not keen on the idea and leaves them.

Dubliners, counterparts essay

Tom is Farrington's son who, at the end of the story, is beaten by his drunken father.2." He had done for himself in the office, pawned his watch, spend all of his money; and he had not even got drunk". Alcohol plays a key part in his depression and is the highlight of his day, β†’

Race and class structure of south africa sociology

In Germany, it is the categorization between the Jews, Turks and the typical Germans; and in South Africa, it is the categorization and favoritism between the inkinesss and the white South Africans. The account of the jobs caused by race and category above will take me to my point of going and the focal point β†’

My adventure essay

I was so eager to get on the flight I was panicking out of my mind, when I stepped in my row of seats it was like a normal seat but it dint look like it, it could recline all the way back and it had PIP gift bag which I was most excited about. β†’

Free sex for teen: how to solve

Free-sex is one of wrong life style that chosen by teenagers but they do not know the effects of it. The effects of free-sex can damage the teenagers' life and future.

The best way to remove oil from water

The first way to remove oil is A belt, hose or disc, moves through a layer of oil, which causes the oil to adhere to the surface and be carried off. The third way is where the three absorbents come in which is Gravity separation, which is a fancy way of saying the oil and β†’

Threats for uk businesses

The harmonisation of tariffs and taxes, this would mean that the UK will have to reduce its prices as VAT could fall. Bu the single market will mean to include VAT in the price, increasing the price and this is a threat as this would instantly mean a reduction in demand.

Gossip girls

The longtime employees were fired because one of the woman had used derogatory terms to describe the town administrator and because all of them had discussed a rumor that he was having an affair with a female subordinate. Despite an appeal of their dismissal by the four employees, the Hooksett council did not budge and β†’

Journal entry week one

There are many fascinating facets from the way Egyptians lived from the building of the pyramids to the burial of their leaders. The sun was an important part of their lives and even treated as a god.

Play: developmental psychology and toddlers assignment

When It comes to Infants and toddlers the Importance of play is very crucial to their growth and learning. Having a safe environment for infants and toddlers to play in gives them the freedom to explore and discover new things.

The leading cause of death health and social care essay

Therefore, to decrease the complication of hypertension and to improve the quality of life, the patients with hypertension should have knowledge and practical skill in controlling blood pressure and its complication. To associate the knowledge regarding management of self with selected demographic and variables among patients with hypertension.

Anthem vs. hunger games

In many different societies, for example the societies in The Hunger Games, and Anthem, the individuals that are living there are forced to listen to the ruler, or rulers, do not have an opinion in some of the choices that are made for them, and are also forced to accept the rule of selflessness. Based β†’

Life of pi: dramatic story

Pi's three beliefs were that: taming a tiger is too dangerous and impossible to do, that Pi would always be a vegetarian and would stick to his word, and that Pi would never have to be a leader and would always take the backseat to others. Those three beliefs that were modified on the lifeboat, β†’

The nature of pastoral care theology

Pastoral care is the foremost task of ministry by most pastors as well as a majority of congregants, yet, there is a difference relating to pastoral care and the professional discipline of counseling. When we do away with what is the ancient activities of pastoral care and engage in professional counseling methods without the necessary β†’

Business applications of artificial intelligence

The goal to understand machine language and achieve problem- solving using AI machine was closer to get idealized and the research on AI continues to take flight until the present age, despite the lack of government fund and public attention. Some of its use and benefits are such as: Organizations can leverage AI and ML β†’

The life and legacy of johann sebastian bach

His father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was the director of the town musicians and was skilled in the violin and harpsichord.J.S. Bach was appointed the position of court musician at the chapel of Duke Johann Ernst III in the city of Weimar but was unhappy with his work as he was often unsatisfied with the church β†’

Relationship between boh tea and consumer behavior

In the case of BOH tea, since it is the leading tea brand in Malaysia it is important to strengthen the brands leadership by creating awareness for their product through sales promotion and advertising. Above is the example of the catchy phrase that is place on the product of BOH tea that always remind people β†’

History of the dna and forensics criminology essay

The history of DNA fingerprinting, is even more recent, dating from 1985 with the paper " Hypervariable Minisatellite Regions in Human DNA" by Alex Jeffreys et-al In 1985, a routine investigation into the structure of a human gene led to a breakthrough discovery that portions of the DNA structure of certain genes are as unique β†’

Minority entrepreneurs and international strategy selection

The intent of this essay is to cast visible radiation on the degree of entrepreneurship among the minorities populating in a state and the international scheme they have to develop for their concerns. The scheme needs to be planned efficaciously because the ability of the concern to take hazards and endure failure is really β†’