A-Grade Essay Samples for Free

Reality bites an the english patient essay sample

The contrast used at the beginning, and the omniscient narrator in the restaurant scene allows us to see the characters from different perspective and gives us, the audience background information to their lives hence developing narrative. Mise en scene in The English Patient, an example of this is when the shot is in the present.

Locus of control :

Internal control is the term used to describe the conviction that control of future outcomes exist in mainly in self while external control refers to the probability that control is outside of oneself, either in the hands of outside forces like other people or due to destiny/chance. Those with a high internal locus of control β†’

Biography project for black history month

It was the day that an African American lady, Rosa Parks refused to leave her seat in the Montgomery bus for a white person. Rosa Parks is a source of inspiration for people who want racial equality in the society.IV.

Dysfunctional families: how children are affected

These relationships develop because one of the family members has a serious problem that impacts the rest of the family, and each member of the family feels constrained to adapt atypical roles within the family to allow the family as a whole to survive. When a family fails to provide for the emotional and physical β†’

Automated sales and inventory system

The term MIS or Management Information System refers to an organized approach to the study of the information needs of an organization's management at every level in making operational, tactical, and strategic decisions. An Automated Sales and Inventory System, as the name implies, effectively automates procedures, processes and routines with the use of computers and β†’

How far did napoleon maintain the aims of the french revolution till 1815

This type of ' dictatorship of divine right' and the will to rid France of it was the major cause of the French Revolution in the first place. However it must be said, as Napoleon did say; was that he only took control of France to help ' further' the nation and The Revolution.

School uniforms

The school uniforms are the basic need of the present day society and every school must make compulsory to wear the uniform in the domain of school. Everybody in the same dress is the practical and moral lesson of equality, and it is the lesson of homogenization in the domain of a school.

Weaknesses npv

Databases provide a convenient means of storing vast amounts of information, allowing the information to be sorted, searched, viewed, and manipulated according to the business needs andgoals. Political The system should not act to operate in a political interest.

Essay on philosophy of counseling

I allow various theoretical models to grow on me and as I applied them to clients and tested them out, I was able to make them my own. I like who I am and what I do and that gives me the confidence to be efficient to my client, I could never be a therapist β†’

Caterpillar sales and marketing in japan assignment

Caterpillar Sales and Marketing in Japan Caterpillar should concentrate more resources and efforts to expand the sales and marketing in Japan. Though Komatsu is a strong competitor against Caterpillar and has a bigger market share, Caterpillar's future sale will still increasing and the profits will soar in the Japan market.

History of the terminology dishonest assistance law equity essay

The facts of the case are, the Royal Brunei airline contracted an agency agreement with a travel agency, BLT, which under the agreement BLT was to sell tickets for the airlines. The issue arose was whether the breach of trust which is a prerequisite to accessory liability must itself be a dishonest and fraudulent breach β†’

Nietzche: a bundle of contradictions

Nietzsche exhibits the same type of attacks that he accuses the Judeo-Christian tradition of in his discussion. However, his own work seems to support the opposite of what he argues: that suffering is universal rather than a problem of the weak.

The pragmatic theory of truth william james

The Pragmatic theory of truth is made up of the accounts, definitions, and theories of the concept truth that distinguish the philosophies of pragmatism and pragmaticism. A classical conception of truth is that it is the good of logic, in a case in which logic is a normative science that is an examination into a β†’

Breastfeeding self-efficacy scale-short form (bses-sf)

Sample Size For the sample size, the study needed 38 of respondents to validate the questionnaire base on the internal consistency of the items from previous study. The original BSES-SF, the Cronbach's alpha coefficient for internal consistency of the items is 0.89.

Report on setting up a mcdonalds franchise in uk

The fast food business is fast growing business in the UK and when talking about fast food most often the first name comes to the mind is the McDonald's. This report discusses about setting up a franchise of McDonald's in UK and the pro and cons of owning a McDonald franchise.

The derived demand through advertising marketing essay

This current assignment intends to contribute to the understanding of the role of advertising of Intel in economics and how Intel creates derived demand through advertising. Derived demand is the demand for the factor of production depends on the demand for the good which uses it.

Talent management for competitive advantage management essay

The aim of this report is to undertake a critical appraisal of competitive advantage through talent management with special focus on the hospitality industry in general and Hilton Worldwide in particular. This report will cover: A survey of Hilton Worldwide and its place in the hospitality industry A definition of Competitive Advantage and critical consideration β†’

Best practice of suturing wounds within pre-hospital setting

In consideration of this subject, this essay will consider suturing in the context of the suturing of wounds in an Accident and Emergency Dept.or the pre-hospital setting as opposed to other considerations of suturing that are possible. Associated Infection risks to suturing in the pre hospital setting and the emergency department There is a considerable β†’

Mark of the thief book talk

GENRE Action Adventure Fiction set in time of Ancient Romans NIC Protagonist Slave who has lived in the mines his whole life goes into cave and finds amulet known as a bulla traits: rebellious, brave, sarcastic I am dressed as Nic AURELIA Plebian girl Plebian = lower class Roman citizen skilled with weapons assists Nic β†’

Manage business document design & development

Provide details of the types of documents which you will produce and how you will ensure that they will be suitable for requirements. Therefore due to the number of documents that will be introduced will be templates or have macros for ease of completion.

Case study about cervical plexus

Types of Cervical Distant There are several types of cervical distant depending on which nerves and muscles are involved: I Tortillas is the most common form where both head and neck twist and turn sideways and may result in the chin pointing to one shoulder I I Altercations is Inhere the neck turns, flexes or β†’

Earthquakes and volcanoes assignment

Observations: The graph below depicts the GAP rate before and after the earthquake occurred In a country. Japan a country with a high GAP was able to gain some strength after the 2011 earthquake and even showed growth in their GAP rate.

Pillarisation in the netherlands essay

The foundation of pillarisation can be traced to a collection of different events throughout the history of Holland, but one event in particular set everything in motion: the " Doleantie" in 1886.Dr. Kuyper however, had a distinct vision of what was necessary to keep the Christian religion alive and worthy: a ' zuil', and this β†’

Bonifacio and katipunan essay sample

The Katipunan Assembly > composed of members of the Supreme Council and the presidents of the Provincial and Popular Councils. First flag of KKKSecond Flag of KKKBonifacio's Flag The Teachings of the Katipunan > in order to guide the Katipuneros in leading a highly moral life.> 10 " commandments" Kartilla > Emilio Jacinto wrote the β†’

Career goal statement for nursing program

Career Goal ment in Nursing Who am I and what I would like to achieve in life I am a prospective intending tojoin the generic nursing program. Expectations to achieving from the nursing career in the long run I would like to hone my nursing skills and attain a top nurse status in the state.


I chose the Engineering program to equip myself with the proper knowledge to deal with the advancement of technology and the new inventions. One of my long-term professional and personal goals is to have my engineering program become my window for most of the advancements and to feed my interests in the science behind the β†’

1968 students demonstrations

1968 Demonstrations 1968 Demonstrations Clearly, 1968 was a unique year in world history.protest movements contributed to increased students' demonstrations that made 1968 a unique year in world history. The American student movement and Students for a Democratic Society are student protest movements that made a great impact in 1968.

The effects of step dance on physical self-perception

Thus, the research detailed in the article focuses on the psychological effect of exercise on male and female students. The effects of step dance on physical self-perception of female and male university students.

Tax return problem

Primarily to obtain the various tax that the Deckers' were collectively going to pay, their current situation was compared to the situation that the tax organization took into consideration. For instance, the capsizing of Paul's boat is not exempted from the tax imposed on his income, but his sale of shares and the profits that β†’

The rate of interest

An increase in the purchasing by the central bank in the security market increases the amount of money that people has and it increases the money supply in the economy. By funding, we mean that the central bank changes the composition of the national debt in order to alter the money supply in the economy.

The great keystone pipeline debate exercise

Sur s Name Task Date of Submission The Keystone Pipeline is a Legitimate Issue and Should Be Approved Introduction The Keystone XL Pipeline is an oil and gas project that the US government wants to extend the present Keystone pipeline that carries an enormous amount of heavy crude oil from the sand oils that passes β†’

Go global- or no? essay

To guarantee its sustainable fight in the domestic market and to counterstrike the possible menaces from planetary rivals is the major concern of the company. Whether to come in planetary market or non and how: There is a high grade of quandary whether the company should come in into planetary market or non.

Tenzo kyokun

On the other hand, the tenzo starts the day with a prayer and consults with the officers of the community with regard the food to be prepared for the day and the week. In the process of cooking, the tenzo has the duty to harmonize the six flavors of food and the three virtues light, β†’

Are expectations the missing link between life history strategies and psychopathology?

We propose that some of the symptoms of psychopathology are a result of a discrepancy between how we expect our environment to be, based on our current life history strategy, and our current environment. This expectancy mismatch results in a series of behaviors and cognitions in an attempt to reduce the discrepancy that are not β†’

Editorial: models and theories of speech production

An understanding of the principles that apply to speech movements is key to defining the somewhat elusive concept of speech motor skill and to assessing and interpreting different levels of that skill in populations with and without diagnosed speech disorders. In this special issue, we present a variety of theoretical and empirical contributions which explore β†’

Case study of ethnic disharmony in sri lanka politics essay

It needs to identify the sources of conflict to address the roots of the problem in order to obviate or preventing violence. HYPOTHESIS Human Needs Theory effectively establish new insights as a source of reducing ethnic tensions between the Sinhalese and the Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Comparison of available psoriasis treatments

The severity of the condition, health and fitness of the sufferer, age, and other factors affect the extent of the needed treatment. It is important to consult with your doctor first to select the right topical treatment for your psoriasis.

Swot analysis of manor house country club hotel

The climate of Singapore is pleasant for the full year, that makes more no of visitors to this country which indicates the growth of hotel industries. The collection of information to measure and analyze the changes in environment is environmental scanning.

Philosophy unit 5

Hard Determinismthis Determinism is true and there is no free will -what i choose to do is determined by prior events, or biologies or other forces -Either determined or I have free will -we are not morally responsible since we are not free -have no problem with mental illness go, should not be held responsible β†’

Database projects in ms access

The problem will be of a substantial nature and is intended to integrate the various skills and concepts developed during the course. The solution is likely to involve the appropriate use of a range of advanced features and functionalities.

Pacific healthcare case study

Rubble can utilize is to continue his relationship with Kodak because they are palpable of performing at a high standard, however, if there were something that needed to be addressed and fixed within the medical department about Soda's high cost or the services that they have provided.Mr. Rubble might not choose the other options is β†’


In a nutshell, an investment will refer to the direct investments made in agreement with the laws and regulations in the territory of the contracting country where the investments are carried out. The article articulates the following in both cases: the investments in each of the contracting countries must follow the country's laws and regulations, β†’

No child gets ahead

Instead of intensifying the amount of tests, there should be an increase in the amount of projects and group work because the way to really understand something is to practice it and to learn from others. The mission of this initiative is to " provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to β†’

Australian live theatre analysis assignment

In fact through the thorough analysis of three different levels of productions: Wicked, Summer and Smoke and Lying Cheating Bastard this essay will attempt to prove that through the manipulation of the elements of tension and relationships within each of these plays, dramatic meaning is created and the quality of theatre is heightened. When it β†’

Social psychology vocab and notes assignment

Normative social influence conformity that occurs because of the desire to be correct versus conformity that occurs because of the desire to be liked and accepted Social Facilitation The tendency for people to do better on simple tasks when in the presence of other people. Identification is a concept in social psychology that is generally β†’

Cost accounting question paper

The following materials standards have been established for a particular product: Standard quantity per unit of output = 7. The following materials standards have been established for a particular product: Standard quantity per unit of output = 4.

Houston fearless 76, inc. essay sample

We see in the text in the first page that the CEO is not happy about the sale, we see that the company need revenue growth and a constant profitability, this can be explain by the fact that commission are based on sale, and not on the gross margin of the product. So to begin β†’

Expository essay – faith essay sample

It is defined by The American Heritage Student Dictionary that faith is " A loyalty, confidence, or trust in a person, thing, religion, or set of teachings, principals, or beliefs". It is therefore concluded that faith came before all else because only when faith exists can there be love, joy, bliss, sadness, anger, hate, peace, β†’

Civil war essay sample

Where in the Americas did each build their empire, and what were their differing goals?" The start of the European colonization of the Americas is typically dated to 1492.[1] However, L'Anse aux Meadows in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador is much older. From the beginning of Virginia's settlements in 1587 until the 1680s, β†’

Value chain analysis for starbucks in australia

Value chain analysis of Starbucks Australia The value chain analysis of Starbucks in Australia can also put light on the failure of the chain in the country. Operations: In the case of the Starbucks in Australia, the company operated as in the case of the other countries.

Marketing techniques

This suggests that of all the options which are available for the 15-inch LCD TV system, launching better advertising programs and sales promotions could work wonders for the company when it comes to exclusive sales for the 15-inch LCD TV system. This brings to light the aspect of understanding the potential which the 15-inch LCD β†’

Hearing sounds

The middle ear transmits sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The outer ear is composed of three parts which are the pinna, the external auditory canal, and the tympanic membrane.

The comparison between coca-cola and pepsi strategies

The relation between the amount of the decrease in income and the lower consumption as a consequence of soda products is not linear. Under the scenario that the population loses 30% of its income both Coca-Cola and Pepsi are prepared to economically for the effects of a recession.

Cultural event report

This is the only exceptional math museum in the country and the second museum in the country. This exhibits had a touch and fell arrays of mathematical impression capturing the attention of every visitor in the museum.

The context of anthony and cleopatra act 4 scene 15

Cleopatra's disintegration is apparent after Anthony's death as she to wishes to commit suicide " but resolution, and the briefest end". What is new in the case of Anthony is a touching concern for Cleopatra's safety and honour.

Chemistry titration- example

An investigation into the total acid content of assorted brands of lemon and lime soft drink Abstract: The aim of this experiment was to determine the total levels of carbonic acid concentration in 3 differing brands of lemon and Lime soft drinks. The purpose of this investigation is to calculate the total acid content within β†’

Dbqhansaandtheswahili essay

Takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors' points of view. What types of additional documentation would help explain the differences between the Hans and the Swahili?

Importance of diversification

The management of trade debtors is a very serious topic, because it holds a direct effect on the sales revenue of the company. Overdraft Facility encompasses a sum ofmoneygranted to a company by an authorized bank normally in order to finance the working capital of the organization.

The hotel sea glow in bulgaria tourism essay

The Company is the owner of the hotel and the yard on which the complex is built. Presentation of the hotel and servicesThe hotel " Sea Glow" Hotel " Sea Glow" is built in the central part of the eastern area of the resort Sunny Beach.

Arjun as as dynamic character in tusk and stone

The events that instigate Arjun's transformation include the loss of his family and the kidnapping of his younger sister Gauri, his becoming a legendary warrior, and ultimately his being captured and sold into slavery. Since Arjun knew that he was a legendary warrior, he hoped that by utilizing his military success and spreading the story β†’

An examination of sexual harrassment causes and effects

The advent of the term ' sexual harassment' can be looked back to the mid 1970s in North America, despite the fact that the first successful case in UK was when sexual harassment was contended to be a type of sexual discrimination in 1986, under the Employment Protection Act. The purpose of the research is β†’

Classical greece, war and ethics: an analysis

Greek colonization led to the spread of the Greek language and Greek culture, but it also resulted in tensions with the neighboring Persian empire, culminating in the Persian Wars. Lanni, Adriaan." The Laws of War in Ancient Greece".

Musical form and structure

To research the structures and forms of a piece, we have to know what the structure is as well as what the form is, when I was studying in schools, I thought the structure is the different themes and how they were connected to each other; the form would be sonata form, ternary or something β†’

The strategic options available to the harley davidson organization

Although in the past the company has experienced growth and continued success, attributed to its brand loyalty, in 2009 Harley Davidson had to shut down and consolidate factories due to the effects of the recession and the fall of the US housing market. 1 THE ENVIRONMENT In order to understand the environment which H-D operates β†’

Ethics and compliance – hewlett packard assignment

Hewlett Packard's Standard of Business Conduct embodies the fundamental principles that govern the ethical and legal obligations of Hewlett Packard. Financial Ratios In order to evaluate and analyze the financial performance of a company, the first thing to be done is to obtain a copy of the company's annual report and Security and Exchange Commission β†’

Genetic disorder

Therefore, in the case of hemophilia, the gene that controls the making of substances that cause blood clotting has a defect. There are two types of Hemophilia namely; hemophilia A and hemophilia B, which is the most common and both types result from a faulty gene that impedes the production of the clotting factors that β†’

Resolving conflict

The first conflict that I witnessed during the present week took place between a male driver and a female driver. In response to this action, the male driver hit the car of the female driver and made sure that the bumper of her car was badly damaged.

The mission of the united states park police

Furthermore, it provides excellent service to the public, the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service. Its inception was prior to that of the Department of the Interior and the National Park Service.

England from 1000-1200 intellectual

In 1096 Oxford University was founded, and this was the start of a new form of learning organization which was independent, and able to set its own academic standards. I had not quite appreciated how important Latin was in this period, since almost all of the important books and ideas were written in Latin.

Corporate social responsibility

The stakeholders and the company would be negatively affected in case the drug project failed since the money spent to start the business would go to waste and threaten the financial department. A company is bound to realize appreciable success and esteem by the populace through the maintenance of proper ethical conduct.

Science is value neutral

The paper " The Nature and Place of Science in the World" is a great version of an essay on science. People have myriad ways of understanding and thinking about science: to some, it is a golden child which will bring truth and beauty into the world, to others, it creates devilish monstrosities which should β†’

Psych 345 ch 7

Attitude change depends on factors that are central to the quality of the arguments the message contains. Attitude change depends on factors that are peripheral to the quality of the arguments.

Pest analysis of uk mobile network industry

The report examines the external and internal environment of the industry in order to ascertain how attractive in terms of competition and profitability, the industry is for business. The growth and expansion of the mobile phone industry has been one of the UK's greatest success stories.

Technology simplifies modern lifeexample

When we consider how much we rely on technology to lad us In our day to day lives, It Is hard to imagine a world without the technological advancements we have become so accustomed to. This type of learning uses computers to deliver training through electronic means such as multimedia and the Internet.

E-yantra gear design software

White Paper on E-Yantra Gear Overview: E-Yantra Gear E-Yantra Gear is a software for the design and optimization of gears. E-Yantra Gear includes design and analysis of the following gear types.

South carolina and the caribbean connection

Peter Wood, American historian and author of Black Majority: Negroes in Colonial South Carolina from 1670 through the Stono Rebellion, concisely sums up the role slaves played in South Carolina when he states " Negroes Played a significant and often determinative part in the evolution of the colony". The link with the Caribbean islands and β†’

Personal responsilbe

Even though going back to school can be stressful Personal responsibility mean is the key to life and college success, also I can be successful in college by using identifying goal for my education, A.1.personal responsibility mean managing your time in your life throughout your college.2. Personal responsibility also requires a person to take responsibility β†’

Great challenges in pediatrics

The research and development of drugs and devices for pediatric patients is complicated due to small patient populations, characteristics of pediatric physiology and pathophysiology, practical and ethical difficulties in designing pre-clinical and clinical trials. The development and validation of research tools to measure the results of medical and ambulatory care in pediatric patients are progressing.

Editorial: enzymes from extreme environments

The authors then focus on the characteristics of psychrophilic, thermophilic, and hyperthermophilic enzymes and discuss their current applications in research and industrial areas, the challenges of working with extremozymes, and highlight future trends in the discovery and production of extremozymes. Among the different classes of extremozymes, thermophilic and thermostable enzymes are the most extensively sought β†’

Editorial: chemoinformatics approaches to structure- and ligand-based drug design

The integration of these methodologies to the drug discovery enterprise has led to an exponential growth of chemical and biological data, in addition to a sharp increase in the complexity of the R&D process. As a result, current players in drug discovery have invested unprecedentedly in the development of computational methods to extract meaning from β†’

Customer service and store management techniques in retail to improve shopping experiences

Finally, I will demonstrate my understanding of the academic topic through providing a variety of examples to articulate my analysis.' Retailing is the last stage in the distribution process...that encompasses the business activities involved in selling goods and services to consumers for their personal, family or household use.' Customers are the heart of every business, β†’

Health gaps in the indigenous culture

The health issues of indigenous Australians will be reviewed in comparison with the non-indigenous population, which will include a discussion about how the European settlers are considered to have contributed to the current health and psychosocial concerns of indigenous people. The goal of the Closing the Gap Campaign is to close the health and life β†’

Introduction of the bajaj the three wheeler marketing essay

The late 1970's saw the introduction of the ' Bajaj' the three-wheeler to the Sri Lankan automotive market a move that was regarded with cynicism and considered an unwise business decision. Here in this, I started with the Company background, industry analysis, company analysis and then moved on to exploring the strategies adopted by NPMCo β†’

Annotated bibliography on sex estimation strategies

Overall, there are several ways to determine the sex of unknown remains in the field of forensic anthropology and depending on the specific case and funds available, a forensic anthropologist can choose their preferred method with regards to credibility. Throughout this study, the mean of the pubic angle, length of the symphysis pubis, width of β†’

Corporate finance course notes

Capital budgeting; Capital budgeting techniques; Payback period method, Accounting Rate of Return, Advantages and Disadvantages of Payback and ARR method for capital budgeting Making Capital Investment Decisions: Discounted capital budgeting techniques; Net present value method vs. Internal Rate of return method of capital budgeting; Questions and problems Making Capital Investment Decisions: Profitability Index; PI advantages β†’

One malaysia

In fact, he states that it is the goal of national unity envisioned by past prime ministers of this nation with a different approach and method according to the current condition of the world. Firstly, the definition of the application of solidarity is to unite all of the Malaysia citizen to become a single race, β†’

Criminal rewards, praises, as well as developing self

Therefore, according to the theory of the social learning, anyone has the capability of becoming a criminal as it is a learnt behaviour. Although the above discussed theories indicate that anyone can be a criminal since the development of the behaviour is determined greatly by the environmental factors, Eysenck's theory of crime indicate that there β†’

“the life of eminem”

On his journey to becoming big Eminem struggled physically and mentally, until he was finally able to capture the ears of music producers, and although Eminem was rejected at first because of his race he never let that stop him from being successful; he learned how to turn his unhappy childhood into fame and fortune β†’

Dramatic irony in oedipus rex assignment

Sophocles often wrote about ancient myths that were common knowledge to the people who viewed his plays." Oedipus The King" was written knowing that the audience is aware of the outcome of the play, and therefore utilizes that foreknowledge to create various situations in which irony plays a key role. Even though Oedipus was not β†’

Why geography matters and the return of history assignment

The main discussion topic in this essay will be why geography matters and the return of history. This essay will go in the order of the following subtopics: Defining geography and an illustration of my understanding of the spatial perspective.