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Example of essay on classic cars

Classic cars, in other words, an antique car or a vintage car, is one that exists from the early years of 1919 and 1930. These cars are old fashioned and very different to the cars that exist in the world today. Since these cars dawned over the world between the peaceful period that existed before World War2 and after World War 1, these cars are rare to find and have valuable history inside them.
Classic cars are not only about what they look like and how smooth they are while someone drives them. These cars are more like an image of mankind, mankind’s intuitive methodology to face growing measures of technology and adapt to such measures as well as reveal as much as they can over a period. These classic cars also show the changes of generations that have existed in the last century and how equipment, as well as designs and fashion, changed over the transition f newer generations. What is even more astonishing about classic cars is the history that these cars carry on with the world. They give a replica of how life sued to be back in these cars’ era and how life has transformed into today’s world. The lives of people who drove such classic cars have been described through the luxury and designs of these cars, and this is what describes the persona of the car itself. One cannot feverishly look at a classic car and disregard it as some car that needs to be divided into pieces, smashed up like rubble and then left to rot in a scrapyard as junk and undesired material. No, these classic cars are the reason generations of today still have that fear of war and hatred that always prevails after an era of peace. Just like these cars were torn and ravaged in a war, these cars also exuberate the sheer class of their honour and how they did not fear anything that came in their way .
There are a lot of reasons as to why Classic cars are worth a lot of money and most of these reasons have to do with how old the cars actually are and how remarkably functional they still maintain to be. Moreover, these cars were built and owned in the era of the Great depression and since cars were seen as a luxury back in that era, it is highly understandable that only the rich and wealthy could afford cars. Truly, these cars were highly priced back in their era, enabling only the rich to be able to buy such cars and use them for their comfort and bragging. Therefore, it is no surprise that these cars were bound to be even more expensive in today’s world, not only because they were expensive back in their original days but because these cars are seen as heirlooms to some of the biggest and wealthiest families in the world. What is more to offer in this regard is the fact that these cars are still kept with their generational owners, most of these cars at least. The ones that have been sold are travelling around the world ever since this concept of buying classic cars became prominent. Just like people buy classic paintings from the early centuries of this millennium, why wouldn’t people buy cars that were the first ones ever to roam on this Earth? It makes even more sense when people learn about the awareness that classic cars have for car enthusiasts. Auction prices for some of these rare classic and vintage cars begin at one million or over so that their value of significance and price remains intact while the consumer gets his satisfaction of boasting a an expensive classic car as well. These reasons accumulate to make sense about why classic cars are expensive and the significance each price contains for the classic car. After all, someone who bought the first car that henry Ford built would be very happy with his achievement in the same manner someone would be happy who achieved a masterpiece from Leonardo Di Vinci’s art collection .
Old people love classic cars more than anyone else because classic cars remind them of their lifetime and how untouched it was from the digital world. Classic cars remind old people of their early ages and how satisfying everything seemed to be back then. These stories and dilemmas are the reason old people love classic cars more than anyone and will do all they can to get their hands on one of these classics. Having said that, it is also worthy of note that old people who are war veterans are reminded of the peace that existed before the wars began when they lay their eyes on such cars and this is notably why old people cherish the serenity of such classic cars .
At the end of the day, it becomes very clear that classic cars are still prominent in holding their position because they carry a lot of wealth and history as well as different cultures over time with them. They remain to be one of the most expensive assets a company or family could hold themselves close to.

Work Cited

Berger, Michael L. The Automobile in American History and Culture: A Reference Guide. Greenwood Publishing Group, 2001.
DK Publishing, Inc. Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile. DK Publishing, 2011.

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AssignBuster. 2021. "Example of essay on classic cars." November 13, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-essay-on-classic-cars/.

1. AssignBuster. "Example of essay on classic cars." November 13, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-essay-on-classic-cars/.


AssignBuster. "Example of essay on classic cars." November 13, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/example-of-essay-on-classic-cars/.

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"Example of essay on classic cars." AssignBuster, 13 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/example-of-essay-on-classic-cars/.

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