Quality Sociology Essay Examples for Your Learning

Equality of women in the united states

In her article, " For Women in America, Equality is Still an Illusion", Jessica Valenti subject matter is to describe the discrepancies between what is perceived as gender equality to what is really occurring in America in hopes of ending the mistreatment and injustices of women. One of the strongest of β†’

Example of culture difference among boys and girls article review

Arguably, boys and girls have different ways of expressing aggression and conflicts, they both have varying goals and posses' explicitly different values, generally boys, and girls live in two different worlds. Notably, due to complications, there is a great need to define what Deborah Tanren implies by stating that boys and

Free saudi arabian way of life essay sample

It is not only in infrastructure that the countries is rich in but also culturally it is rich too. In Saudi Arabia one of the major highlights is the holy month of Hajj and Ramadan.

Marital lessons from ibsen’s a doll’s house argumentative essay

With regard to these qualities, it is of my opinion that the marriage between Torvald and Nora in Ibsen are A Doll's House does not meet the threshold of a good marriage. A Doll's House which is a play by Henrik Ibsen is a good example of a marriage that did β†’

Free essay on solution of earth overpopulation problem

Today, in the beginning of the second decade of the XXI century, humanity is acutely feeling the pressure of the global challenges. One of the most pressing social problems that mankind if facing is the overpopulation of the planet. The number of people on the planet is growing rapidly.

Good answeing question essay example

He argued that people dream and think that they are dreaming but in the real sense their dream is a reality. He said that vice is art of leading other people.

Ethical dilemma assignment

There are so many situation that occur in medical profession there is no way to have a protocol for all, instead the code of ethics have provision that guide nurses on how to act in accordance. The provisions that apply to the current nurse patient situation are 2.1, 2. Related principles Of ANA β†’

The ethical imperative – contrarieties

The article dissects the different characteristics attributed to those optimistic and pessimistic. It describes the institutional pessimism of business, and explains how it is a product of fear the fear of making mistake and of trying something new. He develops on five core fallacies that ground the pessimists' antipathy and prevent correction.

The ethics of belief

Furthermore, I will show that the primary issue is not the belief but the results of the belief that is important and that all judgment and interpretation should be based upon said results. Clifford introduces his argument by using the example of a shipbuilder who allows his ship to be used on a transoceanic voyage β†’

Myths that hide the american indian essay sample

The reason that this myth was even created was to justify the slaughtering of thousands of Native Americans at the hands of the Europeans, with the justification being that they were inferior beings, which is another myth brought up. Once the Europeans had conquered the Native Americans, this myth was altered, now proclaiming that β†’

Functions of research to health and social care essay sample

The information which are being collected help the professional to make correct decisions about treatment or care to meet the individuals need. The main needs of an individual can be the same to those of others but, before a new treatment or care plane is being introduced for everyone, it is very important to β†’

Discrimination within the navy essay sample

The American people put their trust in us and none of us can betray that trust".Discrimination is one of the ethical dilemmas that plague the Navy. The Navy as a whole is also penalized for the actions of individual sailors.

Ethics and law

The reason this patient is refusing to have blood transfusion is because of his cultural differences and beliefs, the health care professionals should respect his cultural differences, beliefs and his own values towards this treatment. The NMC Code of Conduct states that the health care professionals should listen to the individuals and respond β†’

Importance of ethics and social responsibility in the business world essay sample

A business' economic responsibilities are to produce goods and services that society needs and wants at a price that can perpetrate the business and satisfy its obligation to investors. Business ethics relates to rules and principles that guide individual and work group decisions, whereas social responsibility concerns the effect of organizational decisions on society. β†’

A kept person/therapeutic cloning essay

Most religions hold the human body to be sacred and profiteering through it (the performance of such expensive procedures by medical professionals is seen as profiteering) is sinful in the eyes of God. Furthermore, the human body has been ordained on us by the Divine Being and meddling in the workings of the higher order β†’

Business ethics – the enron scandal

The scandal developed over time and it came to the public knowledge in October 2001 when the company was restating its financial statements to correct accounting errors. The environment was that of failed board to carry out its oversight board as well as auditors who had conflict of interest in the company.

The the violent conflict in afghanistan, through

This novel centers around the coming of age of a boy named Amir. Amir witnesses many injustices, that form him into the man he is by the end of the novel. Baba was born into a family that belonged to the Sunni branch of Islam, and as a result Baba is a Sunni Muslim.

A study of human flesh search and its social and ethical issues

It is defined as a Chinese internet phenomenon that uses massive computer mediated participation to purify the information from search engines and internet media. What is revolutionary is the way that humans, instead of machines, actually deal with the search questions and therefore there is increasing accuracy in the search results. Studying the advantages and β†’

Sample essay on end of life alternatives; physician assisted suicide and continue sedation

The determination of which term to use between the two is a debate topic. Various arguments emerge regarding the ethics of PAS and CS. However, the main challenge to this notion and allusion to the Hippocratic Oath is that it goes against the values and goals of the medical profession which include the alleviation of β†’

The relationship between creativity, ethics and environment issues essay sample

Of late, the issue of ethics within the UK advertising industry has gained a lot of prominence. To explain the changes that have taken place, Willis introduces the concept of the " triple bottom-line". In addition to the interests of the investors, the firm now has to satisfy the interests of employees, β†’

Personal ethics vs professional ethics

My Perception of Personal Ethics and Professional Ethics: Ethics plays a vital role in shaping moralhealthof a person, a society, a government, or a corporate. Yet, the standards of conduct in personal and professional life can be different for some people. A person who givesrespectto his acquaintances may not give respect to his peers β†’

Code of ethics essay example

In the application of social science, such a code would be beneficial as it would act as a yardstick in measuring the performance of any ethical code that claims to be applied fairly. If a decision is made, it must try to favour the majority and the ones in need most even if it boils β†’

Moral leadership essay sample

What is in question is the following: the source of the behaviours and the conceptualization of reasoning. In writing this paper one hopes to establish what makes a moral leader and identify ethical systems that help to govern moral leadership. The making of a moral leader is established through β†’

Ethical issues in using prisoners in research essay example

Recommendations of the commission were later published in the Journal of American Medical Association which then was one of the leading medical journals in the country hence consequently sealing the fate of prisoners as far as clinical trial are concerned. This thesis will not in any way try to dispute the fact that β†’

Vioxx decisions – were they ethical? essay sample

The drug, Vioxx, acquired the approval of the Food and Drug Administration in May 2009. In addition, the FDA was also affected by the actions of Merck.

Bus ethics

The industry is not responsible for the amounts of sodas consumers drink; the consumers are! All businesses strive to gain profit and target markets where sales will be higher through advertising and marketing; however, consumers are important. Coca Cola is one of the giants in the soda industry.

Good essay about have integrity the better of the person you are, the better of an image you

Be kind to people and it will return to you. You should give people the attitude and attention that you would like to receive in return. Trust- trust is the building block of relationships we create in our lives. All people have relationships in their lives and they will be worthless without the trust.

Ethical behavior

It may not be harming any individual, but more than likely the consensus would be that It Is improper use of company property. In this instance, the improper use of the company vehicle was the individual's poor and unethical decision. All in all, the deciding factors in ethical behavior can be a tough β†’

Practical, ethical and legal implications of astroturfing for public relations practitioners essay sample

Organisations and individuals can still be held liable under the Australian consumer protection laws if they are not careful. The legality of astroturfing could change if the public relations culture in Australia jeopardises the rights of consumers and the general public. However, before evaluating the effects of astroturfing and its ethical, legal and β†’

Redefining sexual perversion

Redefining Sexual Perversion In this essay I hope to establish a new definition of sexual perversion, one that will solve many of the conceptual problems which arise from the work of Thomas Nagel and Sara Ruddick. For example, a particular act may be described as sexual in so far as it relates to the β†’

“semiotics for beginners” and “a rhetorical approach to understanding images in the new β€˜visual age’” essay sample

The signifier is the form that the sign takes, and the signified is a reaction of the signifier. The indexical mode is one where the signifier is directly connected to the signified. One similarity of these two articles is the use of the sign in daily life.

Possession of knowledge tok

How can one know when they are ethically responsible? How do you know how big the impact of the knowledge you are giving will have on the recipient? You use reason to decide how the knowledge you have will affect the recipient and if it is ethically responsible to do this.oEmotion Emotion β†’

Cross cultural ethical perspectives

Consequently, these organizations have to consider cultural perspectives of the country in which that plan to operate. McDonald's, established in 1954 by Ray Kroc in conjunction with the McDonalds brothers and with over 30, 000 restaurants in more than 120 countries, is one of the world's biggestfast foodrestaurant chains employing 1. This β†’

Is routine circumcision of infants ethical?

According to the governing doctrinal resource for Catholics worldwide, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the explanation for Old Testament circumcision is in section 1150. The Church sees in these signs a prefiguring of the sacraments of the New Covenant." The circumcision of Jesus in the New Testament explains that when Jesus came, as the β†’

Free case study on medical ethics

The moral dilemma in this case arises when the physician faces a conflict of interest between maintaining his patient's confidentiality and revealing an honest report to the organ allocation organization for the good of the general public. It is essential to learn if Barbie has undergone proper rehabilitation and if she has any counselors who β†’

The moral judgement

The Moral Judgement The Moral Judgement is essentially the end product of cognitive process resultant to the development of an attitude towards the right way of living. Moral Judgement is a blend of both Morality and the factors weighing the evidence in the practices of the Morality.

What according to socrates is a just city essay sample

As a result, both wealth and poverty cause bad work and workmen, and it should be the duty of the guardians to prevent these from coming into the city. Then the men begin to discuss what is justice, and injustice. Socrates and Glaucon find that the people in the city who exhibit this courageous β†’


How did the introduction of higher-level programming languages change computing? *The motivation for the creation of higher-level programming languages was because people were looking for ways to make coding faster, less error-prone and resemble human grammar and syntax more closely, and are often portable to different operating systems and machines. * The introduction β†’

Integrity, morality, ethics and the law essay sample

Society is already over-critical of law enforcement as a whole and being the person at the top of the chain of command unfortunately places the burden of responsibility of any and all actions on him/her. The reason that the police chief and county sheriff must maintain such a high level of integrity is because we β†’

The complexity of methodology essay sample

One of the ways to analyze the validity of certain research and compatibility with another is through the framework of the applied methodology and research design. In this regard, attention is paid to methodology, validity, strategies of inquiry and type of research design. Although both articles are in the field of psychology, they use different β†’

Compare and contrast religious ethics with one other ethical theory

This clearly is denouncing adultery, as no one would find adultery a norm within a marriage. The Old Testament also condemns adultery comparing it to theft and therefore is punishable by stoning. When taking the view of a catholic, using natural law, the primary purpose of sex is for procreation and procreation alone. The main β†’

Personal ethics in everyday life

We learn values or the things that are important to us from our families or other people that may be influential to us. As this author reflects upon her own personal ethics, morals and values it is important to know what brought me to the place that I am now. Our own β†’

Stealing: morality and modern moral philosophy essay sample

The assistant of Bill Belichick, the super-star head coach of the New England Patriots, was caught videotaping defensive signals of the opposing team, against the rules of the National Football League. However the reality in sports, as well as in many organizations, is that nudging the balance between the right thing to do and winning β†’

Ethics in psychological research essay sample

Many of the scientists, researchers and people that are for animal testing do not think that the practice of animal testing is unethical because the animals cannot speak or verbally express if they are in pain or feel poorly about what is going on. The debate as to whether animal testing is unethical and β†’

Unethical practices

Despite the fact that technology has led to high productivity and efficiency during task performances, it has had negative impacts on the privacy of the workers, customers as well as the businesses which have been as a result of dwindling and degrading business ethics. Businesses have become more reluctant to enforce ethics β†’

Example of defining ethical terms essay

Consequentially, the action of the driver is right for sacrificing the life of one person to save the lives of many passengers in that vehicle. On the other hand, a non-consequentialist is the person who judges whether action is right or wrong depending on the intrinsic virtues and not the results of the action. Therefore, β†’

Ethics of observation

By doing this, we are able to make their first years within a learning environment proceed to their best potential. Read on to learn about Ethical Issues Ethical Issues Before carrying out an observation on any child, make sure you have received permission from β†’

The ethical dilemma

The case study presented identified that I am friends of someone within my command who has asked me to withhold information while the relationship with the accused is displeasing. Whether it is a moral obligation or the duties and right to aspect the rights of people, the obligation in the relationship are affected β†’

Ethical analysis

In my opinion the fact that Kent realized that producing the Lucky video game with full nudity and graphic violence will upset some people and that they should not go through with the product demonstrates ethical behavior on the part of Broadway Corporation. However, the Joint venture with the Taiwanese group, selling of β†’

Work place ethical dilemma

As a project assistant one of my job responsibilities was to locate youth with disabilities and invite them to become part of the group. Part of our initial protocol was not to use the stipend as the initial incentive to join the group but rather to make the youth group more appealing β†’

Compare the skills between counselling and counselling essay sample

Added to the listening skills are active listening, which is " hearing without judging and not suggesting quick answers", reflecting what was said and the meaning, paraphrasing feelings to show understanding, summarizing content and affect and asking open and closed questions as appropriate. Counselling is the intentional use of a relationship to help and support β†’

Five ethical approaches for companies

The object of a business is to produce products that consumers have faith in and have confidence that they are getting the best deal with no hidden inconveniences. To more thoroughly detail these principles, Apple has drafted a code of business conduct that applies to all its operations, including those overseas". Enron, Aig, and Fannie β†’

Background of the ethical issue

Resolving the problem using the five ' I' format Identifying the problem From the report, the care and the management of the wounded men and women in uniform is underresponsibilityof unqualified people. S government as it is the sole agent for the care of the soldiers. Investigating the β†’

Three essays by george orwell the growth of political awareness critical thinking

By the time he comes to write ' Why I Write' he clearly believes in what he calls " democratic socialism", but his ability in ' Shooting an Elephant' and In ' The Hanging' to write with empathy about the owner of the elephant and the man who is about to be hanged show his β†’

Patterns of knowing

Chinn & Kramer mention an additional pattern of knowing labelled emancipatory knowing The fundamental reason for developing knowledge in nursing is for the purpose of creating expert and effective nursing practice. Chinn & Kramer statesfailureto develop knowledge integrated within all of the patterns of knowing leads to uncritical acceptance, narrow interpretation, and β†’

Belmont report

To develop the guidelines to be complied so as to assure the particular research study is being conducted in accordance with those principles. The commission was also directed to consider; ? The role of assessment of risk-benefit criteria in the determination of the appropriateness of research involving human subjects, ?

Outline readings

Outline Readings An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation Chapter I: Of the Principle of Utility I. To give a proof that the principle of utility works it has to be experienced directly.

Example of augustine’s vs thomas aquinas’ ethical principles essay

Knowing what to do in the present and doing it a matter of " is" and " ought". In the case of the doctor and the pilot, if the doctor decides to withhold information about the physical health of the pilot she is behaving unethically on many levels.

Ethical for carmine

This is not the proper way a company runs, Carmine should have shared the news about the company and its profits improving at the shareholder's meeting. Yes it is ethical for Carmine to let his relatives know that the company is doing well and that they will β†’

Just war/military ethics essay examples

The theoretical reasons are based on ethics and the principles of the war, whereas historical reasons are due to the rules and policies that were historically outlined. Just war depends on the philosophical goals of the war whereas the ethical limits the duties based on the biblical principles. One of the ethical principles of a β†’

Parable of the sadhu

The man who found the sickly sadhu grew irritated, as he wanted to continue on because he "[did] what he [could do]." He left soon afterward, leaving the sadhu in the hands of Buzz, Stephen and a few other hikers. We are all less likely to take charge of a situation if β†’

Research paper on epistemological metaphysics of plato

Greater knowledge is found through enlightenment and a comprehension that the objects of the world have a greater metaphysical component to them that cannot be discovered through the human senses. 2)a) The Theory of Forms is particularly interesting and evocative when you consider Plato's application of these principles to Man. The first is the Form β†’

Impressions of siddhartha based on another characters perspective essay sample

I felt that when I give him riches, he would stays with me and be the man everyone expected of him. Siddhartha wanted to leave the kingdom and embark on a journey to discover himself. I felt that my son had everything he needed in the kingdom, respect, honor and riches.

Explain the main principles of the classical forms of utilitarianism essay sample

He said ' an action is right if it produces the greatest good for the greatest number' this is where the greatest good is the greatest pleasure or happiness and the least pain or sadness, and the greatest number are the majority of people. The balance of pleasures and pains is compared with those of β†’

Organizational storytelling, ethics, and morality

Poulton Abstract In this article it is argued that codes of conduct may be a starting point in examining the ethics of a business organization, but a deeper understanding of the ethics and morality of a firm may be found in the stories that circulate from employee to employee and, more specifically, from one generation β†’

Example of essay on the adaptability of virtue ancient greece and the setting of moral value

The evolution of moral values follows the arc of ancient Greek society, from its martial antecedents in the Homeric age through the blossoming of high culture that immortalized the Athenians to the subjective meditations of the Stoics. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle reinvented the meaning of morality, orienting it within the context of the state, β†’

Enthymeme argumentative essay example

The philosophical and universal interpretation of an enthymeme should be such that it justifies the claim that tries to justify it. Thus philosophical thinking is so critical that one has to involve creative thinking in order to make a claim in this case syllogism and make it an enthymeme. Thus critics of the same should β†’

Essay on on inspiration and plagiarism

In this paper, we will examine the differences between the two, as well as the perspective of important philosophers such as Kant and Aristotle on the subject of plagiarism and inspiration. In the case of Dorothy Lewis in Malcolm Gladwell's article " The Picture Problem," the issue is whether the playwright of the acclaimed

Evaluation of theo chocolate

They pride themselves on being the only Organic, Fair Trade, Fair for Life certified, Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Factory in North America. They are passionate about their product and about preserving the naturalenvironmentwhere the cacao bean grows in order to keep the industry strong and profitable, all the while making the customers healthy and β†’

Ethical computing

Intrusive software such as " worms" and " viruses" which are destructive to the computer system is also illegal.Congesting somebody's system with a lot of unwanted information is also unethical. Hacking a system to break and bypass the authorization is unethical 4

Essay on ethical dilemmas: responses to posts

Overall, the six step process was used according to the scenario's needs. In response to Sheena's post: I strongly believe that you used the six step process of ethical inquiry. There are areas of improvement that could be made, specifically in terms of structuring the response according to explicitly indicated steps β†’

Ancient law and codes

These laws or codes were The Code of Hammurabi , The Covenant and the Law: The Book of Exodus, and The Tweleve Tables. The Covenant and the Law: The Book of Exodus Of the three laws within this research The Covenant and the Law of the Israelites is the best example of religious beliefs and β†’

Philosophy essay deontology

Utilitarianism is a theory holding that the proper course of action is one which maximizeshappinessfor the majority.[2]It is considered a ' consequentialist' philosophical view because it holds the belief that outcomes can be predicted based on the course of actions. Utilitarianism is another way of stating ' the end justifying the means.' β†’

The details of three potential contracts are set out below case study examples

However, in this contract, the searcher is not obliged to find the lost property, but the property owner is obliged to pay the compensation in case the latter finds the lost property. - Expressed and Implied contracts Express contracts consist of agreement in which the parties to the contracts state the terms of their contractual β†’

Ethical and legal issues in nursing

Throughout the ethics code it explains how a nurse who does not abide by the standards would be handled. The American Nurses Association Code of Ethics states that respecting a patient at the end of life" extends to all who require the services of the nurse for the promotion of health , β†’

Do animals have rights

For example, if animals are used for research purposes that may help human beings fight a disease then this research work is justified because of the moral significance of our actions. But at the same time, the use of animals for reasons that are not morally significant must be stopped. His argument is that animals β†’

Ethics in criminal justice essay sample

This code of silence, which is especially prominent on the west coast, is easily prevented as long as correctional officers follow the code of ethics and take fault for whatever mistakes have been made. This is one of the simplest ethical problems within prisons, and is just as simple to solve. Drug abuse can β†’

Ethical framework in practice essay sample

These instances include: when the patient gives consent, sharing information with other medical staff to help in better management of the patient and in the case of a communicable disease where the doctor ought to report to the local authority. A medical professional may be required to inform the family members if the disease is β†’

Overview used to split mixtures of constituents

BIOCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES CHROMATOGRAPHYELECTROPHORESISSPECTROSCOPYCENTRIFUGATIONPHOTOMETRYELISA CHROMATOGRAPHYChromatography is a technique used to split mixturesof constituents and converted in components. All methods of chromatography basedon the similar principle. HIGH PERFORMANCELIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY To separate constituents of mixture by chemicalexchanges between analyzed substance and column of chromatography. PrincipleIt is a versatile technique based on severalchromatography techniques.

Reflection to values among cultures

C and I beliefs are different in that we practice different religious beliefs yet the moral aspect of both correspond with one another by analyzing the fundamentals of what is vital to our families culture.S. C and I also have a large age gap this provides many differences in the way we govern our daily β†’

Mgmt 368 business ethics

MGMT 368 Business Ethics 16 June 2012 Biography of Immanuel Kant's and His Ethical Contributions Born in Konigsberg, East Prussia in 1724, Immanuel Kant began school at the early age of eight years. In 1797 Kant furthered his writings in the Metaphysics of Ethics, where he writes that reason is the fundamental authority for β†’

Humanity and ethics essay example

Hitler is a prime example of how man can become egotistical, greedy, and self-centered if he rises to power and his left to his own resources. He is also an example of how man can misuse his power to murder his fellow man.

Ethical dilemmas can international psychologists

The medium of exchange for the host community is mainly English and say the immigrant is from a Chinese background. The children of most immigrants tend to adjust quickly in terms of linguistic abilities and therefore are most often interpreters for their parents. The dilemma here is the international psychologist is bound by β†’

What do you think is unethical?

The countrywide approved everyone to get their loans, no matter they have jobs or not, no matter they have income or not, no matter they have assets or not. They do not care whether the documents are valid, whether they can verify the income, whether the appraisal is any good.

Essay on ethical dilemma you have faced

I set aside the entire day, believing that I would leave the exam with dilated pupils and that like last time, I would not be seeing properly for a solid three hours, three hours that I would never have returned to me. It is this experience, a simple visit to the optometrist for an eye β†’

Good satire and mockery in the beggars opera by john gay essay example

Class boundaries in London at the time had caused major disintegration that became inevitable because of the nature of the problems that the disintegration caused. The placement of economical and gender based class structures show the struggles of the common folk and his basis of writing is identifying the strengths and β†’

Ethical norms that muslims are expected to uphold

The name of religion which we practice is " ISLAM" meaning " PEACE", but unfortunately this is one thing which is in a serious lack in our society , rather if I say that this is one thing which is lacked in almost every society of the world, I do not think that I would β†’

Tony blair: life in iraq 10 years on not as i hoped research paper

This lack of support from what may be regarded as the moral compass of the society attests the fact that the invasion was not morally just. The invasion of Iraq was not financially viable as the cost of the war has far exceeded the initial estimates. This is based on the fact that the invasion β†’

Aristotle on virtue ethics

The criticism is that there is more focus towards the character of the moral agent as opposed to how the agent ought to act, which in turn give virtue ethical theories lesser consideration. Virtue ethical theories stipulate the moral requirements by defining the desired human ' virtues' that every human should essentially strive to achieve. β†’

Provide leadership across the organisation essay sample

Assessment description Using the workplace scenario information provided, and following on from work completed in Assessment Task 2, you will lead and support a team of managers to implement a change strategy. Key outcomes of the strategy will be: development of an ethics charter for the business based on WHS responsibilities and REIV Code β†’

Case ethics

2D 226 Facts: McNeil PPC, Inc., the market leader and manufacturer of dental floss, is challenging Pfizer Corporation's claim in its marketing campaign that their new mouthwash Listerine is equally effective as floss in cleaning plaque and gingivitis present between the teeth. The studies conducted by Pfizer excluded people suffering β†’

Individuality in the bhagavad gita essay sample

According to the text, the self must be understood completely, in terms of its abilities and place in the universe, in order to understand the world around them and contribute to it in a meaningful way. This understanding of the self in Hindu is meant to create a more selfless, disciplined mind and body which β†’

Lack of motivation/ work ethic in american youth

To understand the cause of failure, the emotions that contributes and results to failure, entails a sense of lack of interest for the individual to pursue hisdreamsor aspirations in life. Or the absence of which defines the lack of motivation. The paper will explore the concept of motivation.

Personal ethics statement

Just by my personal ethics from my classmates, family, and co-workers perspective they probably would say I am a good all-around person as well as a good role model to help others with their personal ethics and goals. I also use my personal ethics to determine a course of action by understanding others around me.

Norman ethics case heads to florida senate case study examples

Jim Norman's acceptance of his guilt after committing an unethical thing through acceptance of a gift of $500, 000 and not disclosing when submitting the financial disclosure form in 2010 really meant a lot to me on the issue of ethics. Jim Norman was constantly haunted by that issue from all sides by the media β†’