Quality Sociology Essay Examples for Your Learning

The issue of illegal immigration

Some of the accolades awarded to CNN have been the Short Industry Award for best news in 2012, 2013 and 2017. CNN has been known during the Clinton and Trump presidential election as the " Clinton News Network".

Good example of essay on argument : immigration laws

The issue of illegal and undocumented aliens in the United has run the gambit of being perceived as a threat to the economic well being of the United States to undermining the national security of the country. The refusal of the Court is another defeat to Arizona in defending the immigration law enacted by the β†’

Immigration in lebanon

For a great period of time emigrants from Lebanon have been establishing communities throughout the world, and have been talking a lot about migration, until the number of Lebanese people outside Lebanon became greater than the double the number of Lebanese citizens. The first one is the economic causes, the second one is the social β†’

Obedience of murder: migration in progress

However, as Luke started to walk Alexander Chaskel caught the eye of Luke walking towards the door and said to Luke " Do not go down there so you might be killed". Now, Luke finally wakes up to a massive stampede of Human bulls trying to migrate to the US and is eager to join β†’

They have nine hypotheses as follows essay

Also Asians will have the most positive college identities, followed by blacks and then by whites, especially on the dimensions of academics, confidence and meaningfulness 2. Self-Esteem and efficacy will be the highest in immigrants, then second-generation and lowest in third-generation.8.

Dominican republic immigration to new york economic implications research paper

The other event that resulted to the migration of the Dominicans was the overthrowing of the government of president elected Juan Bosch in 1963. This has made both the New York and the Dominican Republic to pay attention to the migration due to the massive transfer of people from the Dominican.

Generality and reality

Particularly, thecase studyapproach and the identification of the relevance to the current crisis in Lebanon and Jordan will allow for the exploration of why specific positive or negative effects may be magnified in some cases and not others. I hope to examine past case studies and research in order to bridge the gap between generality β†’

Economy, healthcare and immigration issues business plan

The main aim of the plan was to create over 3 million new jobs, improve the infrastructure and relieve the Americans on the tax. For the purpose of the next elections, the president's strategies should put into account the current economic constraints.

Thesis on risks of illegal migrants illegally entering a country

One of the risks that illegal migrants face when they illegally cross the border is that they risk being apprehended by the country they are migrating to. If the immigrants are going to the new country for better paying jobs, which is the case in most situations, the coyotes will hike the prices which will β†’

The immigration reform circa from 2001 to present research paper examples

The hypothesis is of relevance as it will enable the government and the enforcement agencies to answer various analytical questions relating to the efficiency and effectiveness of the legislation. By comparative study, it means that the researcher will have to describe the security situation prior to the legislation and the security situation after the implementation β†’

Information technology acts

The two acts being discussed in this paper are the Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000 and the Children's Online Protection Act of 1998. The Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000 and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 is a product of advances in information technologies.

Protection of refugees in india

The instable social, political and economic condition in the neighboring countries had led to the settlement of natives of these countries in India, as India is considered to be a very easy destination to live in illegally. The lack of strict vigil of the bordering states is one the reason for the settlement of refugees β†’

Living the american dream argumentative essay examples

This phrase was first applied to the hopes of immigrants and the phrase nowadays applies to all the people of America with the exception of extremely reach individual in the society. The rhetorical devices used by the narrator in 'Living the American Dream' crafts the American Dream and this is not common with other narratives.

Paper style: mla; subject of paper: second lives by daniel alarcon research proposal samples

Kinds of Sources Useful for the Paper - The article by Jim Lockwood for The Times-Tribune explains the reason why the American Dream remains popular among immigrants: http://thetimes-tribune.com/news/business/immigrants-continue-to-pursue-american-dream-1. 1458384 - This blog by Jumoke Balogun for the Service Employees International Union provides insights into the life of an immigrant in the US and her fight β†’

Fear of gang-related violence among hispanic high school youths critical thinking example

The current paper proposes discussion on the issue of gangs and gang-related violence among Hispanic high school students in Brownsville, Texas. My recommendation is to improve the situation of acculturation in Hispanic community of high school students.

Us immigration reform policy circa 2001 to present research paper

The presence of a large number of illegal people in the nation has led to what is referred to as " immigration reform". What are some of the major reforms in the immigration sector that have been implemented since 2001?

Resource summary 2 on immigration in usa research paper

The study by Stuart Anderson explores the impact of the immigrants on the economy of the U.S. The author argues that the immigrants provide labor for the expansion businesses and industries in the U.S.

Raising the level of tough and complicated immigration standards

The Nation of Immigrants The fundamentals of our country began with immigrants from England seeking a new life in the New World. There should not be stricter immigration laws in the United States due to the economic advantages of immigration, people escaping as refugees, and unjust immigrations laws that would be in place instead.

Example of report on meeting with jason kenney, minister of citizenship, immigration and multiculturalism

Kenney has a very tight schedule and has to combine several full-time positions at the time, he managed to devote an hour of his time to our group and share his political experience and some insights on Canadian Immigration Policy. Kenney has been named one of Canada's " 100 Leaders of the Future" by Maclean's β†’

Canadian immigration: why does quebec ignore the central canadian immigration policies?

However Canada has theresponsibilityfor establishing the levels of immigration by taking Quebec's advice and it also has the control of the admission of the immigration to central Canada and Quebec areas. Quebec is a French-speaking province, therefore in Quebec, most of the people speak French and the culture and life style in Quebec is tends β†’

Immigration policy essay example

Neither side of the political fence has been able to craft a solution that fits the best interest of the nation, shows compassion to the plight of immigrants desperately trying to escape the abject poverty of third-world counties and is acceptable to the other political faction. Some maintain it's the immigrants who are the real β†’

Immigration research proposal essay sample

In the documentary film, Undocumented: a film by an undocumented American, Jose Antonio Vargas states that their mission is to " heighten awareness and increase understanding of the plight of undocumented immigrants, achieve political consensus that undocumented immigrants are inexorably part of America's future; and secure a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants". Now that β†’

Free research paper on immigration laws and their effects

Introduction - Statement of the Problem - Immigration laws, past and present, and the effects that it has on different states and individuals.- Definition of Terms:- LPR - Lawful Permanent Resident - CSPA Child Status Protection Act - EUI Entry Without Inspection - USCIS United States Citizenship and Immigration Services - DHS Department of Homeland β†’

Example of problem statement research proposal

This is important in that it helps the managements of the country to know the foreigners visiting a country. Still, it will be able to use immigration policies and regulations based on this study to address security matters in the country.

Article critique article reviews example

One of the main reasons of the conflict also resides in the diversity of the ethnicities. In contrast to the State Governments not finding takers for the menial and undesirable jobs, in some states the people have welcomed the Law for the sheer nature of its relation with increasing openings in employment opportunities.

Americans are immigrants!

They come here for the opportunities, the jobs, and for the pleasures of all the freedom America has to offer. Immigrants were able to live in a home, if they had the money.

Free argumentative essay on wet foot dry foot policy

The amendment, passed by Congress in 1995, was intended to provide a solution to the immigration issues between Cuba and the United States of America. In order to contain escalation of immigrants from Cuba to United States of America, the piece of law was amended so that Cubans intercepted enroot to America could be returned β†’

Misplaced talent sandra bullock in the proposal movie review examples

Sandra Bullock is inarguably one of the greatest film stars in the world, for which she has the accolades to show. She is always the character that brings comic relief in a film.

Free emails and internet scams essay sample

Always ensure that the browser's address is the same that you typed. Moreover, you should be very careful while handling emails that show up without expectation, is sent from a free mail address and requires your personal information.

Example of essay on settlement of california from 1865- 1895

Economy The California Gold Rush, which started in the discovery of gold in 1848, has an important role in the massive migration of people from diverse culture in the Golden State in the remaining half of the 19th century. The construction of the transcontinental road in the 1860s connected the economically developing California to the β†’

What the chicano studies course can teach you

In brief, Chicanos can be defined as the formulation of the new culture that is linked to the American cultures as well as the Mexican custom. In particular, the exhibition of the Chicanos studies due to the broad exploration and extensive investigation of the Latino culture as well as the ethnic studies that involved the β†’

Example of research paper on multiculturalism in canada

Canadian " multiculturalism" in the initial sagacity, is a depiction of the numerous different traditions in religion, and influences in culture that are in unison and coexistence in the makeup of the culture. In understanding the multiculturalism in the Canadians, past, the affiliation between the French and the British is significant in Canada's history.

Impact of immigration on uk nationals

By highlighting the numeric data of high number of British youth unemployment and EU employment, since 2004 till 2011, and showing the enormity of the problem, MigrationWatch UK suggests stopping anymore immigration and lowering the current number of immigrants as the only possible solution to minimize the negative effects of EU immigration on employment. However, β†’

Good research paper about capstones project

This method tends to calculate the number of illegal immigrants by calculating the difference in total number of immigrants residing in United States and the amount of legal immigrants living in the country. The Economics and Policy of Illegal Immigration in the United States.

Refugees and forced displacement

This topic has always been discussed on humanitarian grounds that are most of the time sentimental to the affected; refugees and does not consider the economic effects of that the refugees have on the host economies and the lives of the natives. This paper will stick mainly to the economic effects of the refugees on β†’

The existence and common occurrence of xenophilia in migration

The issues faces by the receiving states tend to be generalised to migrants attraction to the receiving state being out of greed, that the migrants want what they do not have in the home space, but hope to be able to have in the receiving space, which natives of the receiving space see as being β†’

Essay on understanding bias in the media: academic analysis comparison

This paper will deal with two different pieces of research that focus on American media: the first, entitled " Selective Exposure to Cable News and Immigration in the US: The Relationship Between FOX News, CNN, and Attitudes Toward Mexican Immigrants" is a study on different cable news networks and their approach to the issue of β†’

History of ellis island

Ellis Island was the home to many new immigrants that came into the United States. Ellis Island was the little island of hope and new dreams that every immigrant dreamed of.

Sample essay on why america is special

The United States of America is one of the countries that have fought hard and relentlessly to achieve the success they are deemed to have. This essay aims at elaborating and giving a briefing of the American history and the manner in which the history proclaims the nation to be a great country.

Good essay about reaction paper

The main topic covered in the chapter dwells intensively about Globalization and Migration. The chapter extends to cover sub chapters cited as 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.

Mexico and narco-trafficking

The United States's demand has led Mexico to be one of the biggest drug distributers in the world. This visas are given to those who have a legal family member in the states, those who are the intelligent and can fill unwanted jobs, and to insure cultural diversity in the states.

An expliciation of “prospective immigrants please note” essay sample

Perhaps the difficulty of adapting to a dual perspective with the mother culture and the American ideals is a conflict." Things look at you doubly and you must look back and let them happen"." If you do not go through it is possible to live worthily", implies, it is not necessary to go through the β†’

Free essay on migration, identity and multiculturalism

As part of the negotiation process, of finding a place and an identity in the new country, while maintaining the place and the identity of the home country, migrants pass through various shifts and changes, which will affect their individuality, changing it into another individuality and identity, which encompasses the attributes of the new countries, β†’

Critical of japans reaction to the vancouver riot of 1907 article review

Due to this instantaneous response, the government of Japan was not seeking to express protest on the riot, but rather on showing its intention of leaving the matter to the government of Canada. This was thought as a trusted institution to make good of the loss in the absence of the formalities that the Japanese β†’

Good example of essay on secondary social studies program lesson plan template

Students will also be told what changes have been taken to stop the entry of illegal immigrants into the U.S.- Individuals, Groups, and Institutions: This theme will also include the plight of individuals and groups from hostile environments in their respective countries. The students will be asked to note where most of the illegal immigrants β†’

Naturalization of undocumented immigrant

The statue was meant to be a beacon of hope for all immigrants that enter the U.S. Now I am going to tell you about two laws that I found alarming.A.

German and irish immigration comparison essay sample

German and Irish immigrants, native of Europe, fled across the Atlantic Ocean to the heartland of the United States for different reasons, causing numerous different effects on the people and the land they came to inhabit. In Germany, the collapse of many of the crops bringing money and food to the Germans brought them across β†’

Good urbanization essay example

One of the reasons as to why the immigrants moved to America is because of the gold discovery at the pacific. The other reason as to why people decided to move to America is because of the high demand for cheap labor that was required in the process of railway expansion.

Effects of globalization on migration essay sample

Secondly, the transformalists have three groups of defining globalisation; the first group refer it with the alteration in the political positions what Held & et al have called the hyperglobalists, this also emphasis on the transformation of economics with the disappearance of the national state as the natural consequence of the process through networks of β†’

Essay on religious studies

Islam is also a religion in America that over time has undergone changes in terms of the population of its believers, Islamic culture in America, and the factors that fuel this changes. Resultantly, this led to an increase in the population of Muslims in America that led to a growth of Islam in the country.

Youth migration

With the opening up of the world economy resulting in free movement of youth, both within their countries & across the nations for bettereducation, better jobs, better quality of life, migration, both internal and international, has emerged as a burning issue. At the International level, free movement of youth for education & employment has meant β†’

An examination of two ethnic groups in early america creative writing examples

The Native Americans obviously were treated very differently than the Irish, for example, and the Chinese were particularly singled out for treatment which included banning them from attaining citizenship at all in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. The difference in treatment of Chinese and German immigrants is an interesting one.

Should states be required to educate the children of illegal immigrants argumentative essay example

The fact that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes should not be a rationale behind the failure of the states' authorities to bar children of undocumented aliens from acquiring education. Therefore, to lessen this economic burden, states are not required to educate children of illegal immigrants and instead invest the funds in other developmental programs.

Young immigrants and children of immigrants in two kinds and in the american essay

There is a certain anxiety that develops in the relationship between parents and children of immigrant cultures; the younger generation is eager to shuck the exotic, alienating traditions of their parent's host nation in order to fit in, while the older generation fears the ending of the traditions that helped define who they are and β†’

Good essay on analytical memo

As an expert in the sector of immigration in the country, I realized various reasons that have led to a big increase in the people who come to the American land in the recent past. Since the start of 2014, both the government and the economy have topped the list, but the mentions of immigration β†’

A discussion of immigration reform at 99th congress

With this impediment, each committee created their own version of the bill and reported to the next, leaving the Rules committee to attempt to facilitate negotiations amongst the panels, which failed, and, then, to attempt to reconcile the competing interests on their own. However, the Rules Committee, perhaps to thwart efforts of the opposition attempting β†’

A history of immigration in america

The nature of the opposition to the immigrants depends on a number of factors that affect the daily lives of the inhabitants. For instance, the conflict in the South is evident by the transformation that the South had after the Civil War.

The recession and public tolerance to immigrants essay

Therefore, it is not surprising to connect the recession to one of the most influential processes in the American society building, meaning the process of migration. According to the general economic model, described by Chris Tilly, the main impact of the recession on the immigration in the USA was supposed to be a decline.

Border petrol essays examples

United States border patrol has a long history of guarding America's border and today the force is determined to foil terrorists from entering on American soil, prevent illegal destructive weapons and drugs on American territory. US border patrol also cooperates with other agencies inside United States of American and the agency has given wide authority β†’

The roots of immigration legislation argumentative essays examples

The immigration legislation in the U.S.today is the product of decades worth of political wrangling and public anger on both sides of the debate. The Clinton Administration had to address the brewing anti-immigration sentiment and decided to emphasize interdiction of illegal border crossers and enforcement of immigration law by increasing the number of Border Patrol β†’

Trump’s protectionist policy and its implication on rights of refugees

The United States is known to be the top receiving country for legal immigrants, however, behind this noble gesture is there a side that is not as appealing and apparent to the public sphere? This policy paper aims to tackle the question that is overlooked by most, which is that despite the great gesture of β†’

Hk immigration department essay sample

Referring to your question about the multiple entries, it will allow you to leave and return to the host country multiple times and any time you spend out of the country will not be added to the time the work visa is valid for. In response to the subsidies for applicants, there is no any β†’

Good research paper about other

Today, the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which share the same island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean are vastly different. The living conditions of the countries are distinctly different with the Dominican republic being relatively well off and the island nation of Haiti in new poverty conditions.

The complexity of the illegal immigration issue in america as told through the devils essay examples

By using detail and objectivity in telling the harrowing story of 26 Mexicans who crossed the border between Mexico and the United States, Urrea offers a unique perspective on the hardships that many illegals face for just the chance to work and make it in America - something that I, for one thing, did not β†’

Example of religious background of germany and how it has impacted immigration, migration or research paper

A developed country is combination of diverse cultures, races and ethnic backgrounds because in its past a lot of people belonging to different areas of the world had migrated to this country and so had influenced it in one way or another. Earlier there used to be a lot of racism and conflicts among the β†’

Decriminalization of illegal immigration argumentative essay examples

The fact that a man is trying to search for a better life for his family is nothing wrong and if he does not have the means to travel to another country then at least if it is a genuine case of economic migration then the law should look kindly on such individuals. There is β†’

The chicanos and the spanglish essay

The Mexican immigrants and the Mexican Americans form a fairly big proportion of the total immigrants occupying the United States. As of 2008, the population of the Mexican immigrants and the Mexican Americans was estimated at 11.

Book review on almost all aliens by paul spickard

The Johnson-Reed Act was the Act of 1924 which gave origin to the National Origins Formula. McCarran-Walter Act is the Nationality and Immigration Act of 1965 which as enacted to restrict the immigration of people into the United States.

Low fertility rate

Ageing population refers to a situation where an increase in number of elderly, and a decrease in number of newborn babies lead to a shift in the median age distribution of a population. This might act as a deterrent for ouples to have children, and further exacerbate the issue of low fertility rates.


In the article, Zuckerman attempts to determine ways for the U.S.government to measure and reduce the immigrants, especially by safeguarding and protecting the boarders. The other main point that has been raised by Zuckerman is for the government to reduce the issuance of visa to the immigrants, allowing them to enter the U.S.

Good example of american immigrants essay

Immigrants who have moved to the US have given various reasons for their migration and why they preferred to move to the US and not any other county. Even in the modern world where the freedom of the people should be given priority by any government, there are nations which do not respect the freedom β†’

Good example of young immigrants and cultural traditions essay

The Ganguli family in The Namesake originate from India and they reside in Massachusetts, in the East Coast while the Mexican family in The Moths live in Los Angeles in the West Coast. The elderly women in these families occupy a very important role in the lives of the characters, for instance the privilege of β†’

Shanna thomas

What role did the police and the law play, in the success or lack of success, in the women's movement? She found that her trial was an example of the governments tyranny and decided that her mission for women's rights were fueled by a higher power and should not be ignored.

Bioethics: abortion

The " Pro life movements support the life of the child in the womb, with the understanding that life begins the moment the child is conceived. At the other end of the spectrum there are people who consider themselves Pro-Choice." Pro-choice abortion is the belief that women have the right to choose to abort a β†’

Freedom of speech

Dictionary defines Freedom of Speech as, " the right of people to express their opinions publicly without governmental interference, subject to the laws against libel, incitement to violence or rebellion, etc." Freedom of speech is also known as free speech or freedom of expression. Evolution of democracy is nothing but a history of the extension β†’

Violation of human right # 21 from the udhr, based on lack of this right currently research paper sample

Article 21 of the UDHR holds that citizens have the right participate in the governing of their country; Equivalent access to public services and the right to join in free and fair elections founded on universal suffrage. It is the Russians right to participate in the governing of their country.

Women’s rights are human rights

In the rhetoric context in presenting this famous speech, towards the directive to stop the abuse of women rights; silence had to be broken and now was the time, hence Hilary Rodman Clinton needed to convey her message in a strong and eloquent manner: " It is time to break the silence here in Beijing, β†’

Primary source analysis: the french revolution and human rights

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens was also established, which helped changed the social and political structure of the country. Additionally, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens not only grant these rights, but " trumpeted individual rights, the principle of equality and connected more closely the concept of the β†’

The ethical and legal status of the foetus

THE ETHICAL AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE FOETUS The difficult question of when life actually begins has often led to several complicated and controversial decisions worldwide. The question of whether the foetus is a person with rights and whether the foetus can feel pain has also often been related to the topic of abortion.

Julee mcaleer

Sunitha Krishnan co-founder of Prajwala, or " eternal flame," a group in Hyderabad that rescues women and children from human trafficking, discusses how to look at human trafficking through the lenses of cause and effect to get to the real roots of the problem. Trafficking of women and children in the globalized world is an β†’


Pro-choice supporters argue that women have many reasons for wanting to get an abortion; firstly, they are not able to raise the child properly, secondly, they have the right over their body, and lastly they are not yet ready to become a parent. Therefore, before taking that step women should also take into consideration the β†’

Disrespect of human rights

I feel that this moral issue is central to many of the deepest interests of the American public. I feel that paying more attention to human rights abuses and the lack of human rights in many governments, including the United States itself must be a priority.

The importance of women’s right to vote

I say this because it has become especially apparent women need the chance to vote for reasons like how the power men have wielded has shown to corrupt them, women are not being shown the respect they deserve, and how the political parties are too busy fighting each other to focus on improving our great β†’

Writing an argumentative essay (a guideline)

An argumentative essay is a written form of an argument which has a typical organizational pattern consisting of an introduction which contains a thesis statement, a few paragraphs of supporting arguments which argue for the validity of the claim made, at least a paragraph of counter arguments with the appropriate refutation and a concluding paragraph β†’

Human trafficking: a transnational problem

According to Diaz, human trafficking is as follows: " the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of β†’

Freedom of speech

Evolution of democracy is nothing but a history of the extension of the right of freedom of speech from the limited group of privileged citizens to the universal right of every citizen granted by democratic regimes of the world. Freedom of speech is therefore enshrined in the constitutions of all civilized and democratic nations of β†’

A simple guide to the human rights act 1998

On the contrary, many of the rights, which have been included in the written constitution of other countries, such as the USA, were rights, which, at common law, existed in the UK through the form of freedoms. A Bill of Rights for the UK?

Christianity and understanding of different social issues

The Godhead of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost is all one, the Glory equal, the Majesty co-eternal". In the words of The Apostles' Creed, the One True God is the " Creator of Heaven and earth".

The creation of the united nations universal declaration of human rights essay sample

The creation and establishment of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights was a direct response to the horrific events and devastation of World War II and is a fundamental descendent of the ideas of The Enlightenment's humanistic political theories. The 1948 Declaration of Human Rights was the first significant Act of the young United β†’

Abortions should be kept legal

I believe that the female having the baby should be the one to decide if she wants to have the baby or not. First of all, who is to say that the baby will have a better life in an orphanage?

Is it always morally to break the law?

The main concern of the " Pro-Choice's" is not the guarded protection of the life in the uterus. Instead, the main concern is the rights of the mother over and against the rights of the child growing in her.

1.01 govt flvs notes

Americans follow the laws and policies within three levels of govt: Local state and federal The const guides us through the correct processes in the creation and implementation of a law laws place limitations on citizen behavior Most citezens agree with the laws bc the law benefit's the common good and protects most basic rights β†’


They suggested a parade to show women's and advocate for reform Jeanie Rogers started off the event with the point that as the cost of living is increasing, families need to make more money in order to be able to afford to up to the standards living that they always did. Rogers pointed that If β†’

Do human rights mechanisms have the capacity to provide environmental protection outcomes?

This is because, at present environmental human rights problems are being dealt with by the ECHR, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, the American Convention on Human Rights and the African Convention on Human and People's Rights. It is a prerequisite for the realization β†’

W.e.b. dubois and booker t. washington: rivalry and its impact on social equality

Du Bois, which in the late 19th to early 20th centuries changed the course of the quest for equality in American society, and in the process helped give birth to the modern Civil Rights Movement. Though Washington and Dubois were both born in the same era, both highly accomplished scholars and both committed to the β†’