Quality Sociology Essay Examples for Your Learning

How supreme court and jim crow laws affected on black americans life

It was the Supreme Court that was responsible for the worsening social and political condition of black Americans in the southern states in the period 1883 1900: how far do you agree w the statement The Supreme Court can be seen as vital in the worsening of social and political conditions of black Americans in β†’


In the success of Lincoln's attempt to preserve the Union and free the slaves, Booth took matters into his own hands by killing Lincoln. This is what Tunisia needed to get their selves to stop the corrupt government, and thus the revolution started.

Booker t. washington essay

In Washington's view work and education were the key factors to the success of the newly freed slaves. White critics thought that an educated black would not work in the field but they also opposed Dubois's vision of racial equality.

Hemingway’s view of women is a source of constant controversy essay sample

Catherine then asks, What would you like me to do now that youre all ready and Henry replies Come to the bed again and Catherine answers, All right. Catherine is stupid and na ve enough to accept her role in this position and to acknowledge that she does not possess a mind of her own.

Tituba, black witch of salem: oppression and feminism

Hester is a strong minder of the hardships that women have to face and the consequences of not abiding by the rules that the men have set up for them. Unfortunately throughout this novel that is what happened to almost every woman, starting with Bean, then Hester, then the women of the witch trials, and β†’

Civil war effects on present american society essay sample

The four-year siege between the eleven rebellious Southerners and the Federal government of America led the outbreak of the Civil War starting from 1861 up to 1865. In the South, however, demand for cotton and tobacco increased and the planters needed more slaves to do the heavy work of cultivating the fields.

Free the declaration of independence essay sample

Thomas Jefferson is regarded as the father of American constitution since he pioneered the drafting of the original declaration of independence. Joseph Ellis comes to know of Thomas Jefferson during the declaration of independence when he arrived in Philadelphia as Virginias delegate and drafter of the constitution.

Why huck finn shouldnt be banned essay sample

The idea of banning a book and not teaching it to others is selfish and subjective in itself. Although he is shown to be this way, Twain shows the irony and hypocrisy of treating a mature man like simple property.

Sex trafficking

According to Interpol, it includes " the recruitment, transportation, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, or deception.[Also used is] the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to β†’

Slavery and political systems of the romans essay examples

The Roman Empire was a creation of the people of Rome, and it was centered in the city of Rome. Inclusive in this history, is the nature of the political systems of the empire, the social-cultural system and the economic system of the empire.

Informative essay on american anti slavery

As we saw In the previous lecture, many Americans In the nineteenth century believed that slavery was justified by the Bible. The abolitionists explained that getting rid of slavery would stop the theft that was going on between slaves and slaveholders and actually increase profit, which would help the economy.

African slavery

The following essay will describe the historicalcase studyof African Slavery and also the basichuman rightsthat were exploited from the African people between the 17th and 19th centuries. Disease was common aboard the ship in the unhealthy conditions where people were unable to go to the toilet.

Gary nash essay sample

The economic influences, impact of the stages of transport on the slave ships especially that of the " middle passage", and the impact on white or the Europeans society as African slavery became not only more prominent but also more institutionalized in the Americas. With the demand for these products came the demand for more β†’

Caribbean history

Madeirans in Guyana * In 1834 the fisrt 40 Madeirans came to Guyana to work as indentured labourers on a ship called " Louisa Belle." * By the end of 1835, 553 Madeirans came on another trip to Guyana * In the time period 1836-1839 no Madeirans came to Guyana came to Guyana * Things β†’

Minerals critical thinking

Optical properties of minerals play a significant role in the identification of minerals and hence making the basis of mineralogy. The color of the mineral is due to the constituent minerals that form it.

Convince your principal letter essay sample

I think there is a great play our school can have about Robert Smalls, an African-American slave who disguised himself as a Confederate ship captain and dodge heavy cannon-fire to escape to the Northern states. He got himself, his family, and an entire crew of slaves into the Northern states, and they were all declared β†’

Compromises leading to the civil war essay sample

Little did the people who made the compromise and the citizens of the United States know that an era of 41 years of compromising was to follow. The main reasons the tensions were increased after the making of the Missouri Compromise were due to shortcomings in the compromise, and the failure of agreement between the β†’

Sample research paper on the reconstruction of the south; post civil war

The tension between the North and antebellum South sparked during the boom of the cotton industry in the agricultural South. After the civil war, the Union prepared for the reconstruction of the South and used different means to reintegrate the region as part of the United States.

Slavery used legal, religious, and economic arguments to defend the institution essay sample

The only compensation the Southerners could think of was colonizing the slaves in Africa, because then they would not have to worry about the slaves thinking they were the same as whites. This was a smart tactic to use in protecting slavery because both the North and the South had to comply with the Constitution, β†’

Comparison of booker t. washington’s up from slavery and web dubois’ the souls of black folk

A deeper examination of these texts can be done by a comparison of chapter fourteen of Washington's work, entitled " The Atlanta Exposition Address," and chapter three of Dubois' The Souls of Black Folk " Of Mr. Dubois organizes the text in a way that maximizes the effectiveness of his message, which was to point β†’

African american vernacular essay sample

The African American vernacular has aided the development of a distinct culture in terms of what African Americans were subjected to from the installation of slavery. The African American vernacular was used as a way to expose the atrocities that African Americans were imperiled to through songs and language." Go down Moses," a spiritual and β†’

Roman class system

Children born into the noble class would eventually strive for a senate seat or to progress their wealth, while being born into the lower class, for the most part, were stuck there even though there was the ability for upward mobility it was extremely uncommon if not impossible in some cases. The Equestrian Class was β†’

Racism in history of the united states

While Eric Fone argues that white Englishmen in Jamestown and the Chesapeake area had varying degrees of " liberty," the fact is that true liberty depended on the ownership of land. The answer was to pursue a strategy of " divide and conquer".

Slavery and red stick creeks

Tale of Angola: Free Blacks, Red Stick Creeks, and International Intrigue in Spanish Southwest Florida, 1812-1821 by Canter Brown Jr.talks about the relationship between free blacks of Florida who were also known as the maroon people fighting a long with Red Stick Creeks Indians and international help against European men to keep the black people β†’

Understanding internalized oppression

She asserts that people of color organizing often assumes a static framework surrounding liberation and oppression, and that this fallacious assumption transforms potentially-liberating work into self-consuming " oppression Olympics," while keeping activists complicit in multiple forms of oppression. She argues for a framework which multiply addresses the logic of " Slavery/Capitalism," " Genocide/Colonialism," and " β†’

A people’s history of the united states essay sample

It was there that Europeans and Native Americans first came into contact; the Arawak natives came out to greet the whites, and the whites were only interested in finding the gold." They...brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they owned... To ignore the plight of the conquered and β†’

Slave narratives

They allowed the white people to go to church in the morning and the black people were allowed to go at night. The slaves were never taught to read and write, the only gossip they had was the stories they heard during church about slaves being mistreated.

Example of essay on abraham lincoln and stephen douglas

Abraham Lincoln debates are today thought to be the fiercest war of words that has ever existed in the history of the US. The 1858 debates marked a major milestone in the history of the US leading to the genesis of major antislavery movements that saw slavery later abolished in the US.

Free economic, social and political differences that led to the civil war essay example

This paper aims to explore some the economic, social and political differences between the North and the South that eventually led to the Civil war. In addition, the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854, which gave the states above Missouri the right to determine the slavery issue through popular sovereignty, was a further source of division β†’

Free critical thinking on the colonial brazil

The principle Sugarloaf Mountain ranges especially in the city of Rio de Janeiro acted as some of the greatest shields. They acted as the hub for trading of the Portuguese and the Brazilians.

Abraham lincoln vs. freeing slavery

Politically, President Lincoln tried to convince the political groups that abolishing slavery would help preserve the Union; intellectually, he gave the idea of ending slavery to the citizens through speeches; and socially, after Lincoln freed the slaves, they were pursued to join the war for the Union's cause. In order for Lincoln to save the β†’

The theme of oppression in the fire next time

The effect of the second world war was not seems very dominated in Baldwin's idea, it do bring him, actually to most of the people who experienced the war that how serious grieved the extreme violence could cause. To reach to his audience, Baldwin first discussed the " innocent white" was the culprit of pushing β†’

Good critical thinking on critical analysis of bloodchild by octavia butler

This paper critically analyzes the story Bloodchild by Octavia Butler showing various elements of the short story that changed the view of the readers in the story. The story is a dystopian story that shows the human perceptions of space and the view of the author that the things that happen in space resemble the β†’

“a troublesome property: master-slave relations in florida 1821-1865” by larry e. rivers essay sample

In return, they reaped consequences of slave rebellion, slave wittiness, and overall the come up of the black race. Unhappy with their uncomfortable living situations, slaves helped the masters " reap what they sold" by doing those witty things that led to consequences.

Part ii, unit iv:1750-1914

Did women's status improve, or did gender inequality grow? - Political revolutions and independence movements; new political ideas - Absolutism was challenged in many parts of the globe, and democracy took root as a result of economic and social change and Enlightenment philosophies that began in the 17th century." Nations" arose as political entities that β†’

Harriet beecher stowe: uncle tom defies simon legree

The follow up A key to Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1853, was an attempt to silence such criticism In this particular event from the book, I see that the focus is not only on the effect of slavery on slaves but also on its effect on the slaves' owners. Through the story of the Legree β†’

Outline for history essay

Status is ambiguous since slavery as a legal institution does not exist in England or English The Northwest Ordinance, 1787 Township System, 60, 000 people req b4statehood Northwest Ordinance ArticlesFreedom Religion Trial by Jury State EqualityBan on Slavery possesions The Kansas ' Nebraska Act and the Birth of the Republican Party Douglass introduced Kansas Nebraska β†’

Article review on rhetorical analysis

The theme of the narrative revolves around this issue and to a large extent, Douglass seeks to portray the negative impact that slavery has to the development of the society. Douglass thinks slaveholding has a damaging effect to both the slaves and to the slave owners.

Good example of race students name essay

Du Bois who championed for abolition of slavery and the global recognition of the rights of the black race. Understanding the long-term history of race can inform policy decisions today by invoking the need to have systems and structures that safeguard equality in the society.

Hesitant emancipator- lincoln essay sample

In the late 1850's, Lincoln was known to have a similar theme in his speeches, where he made it clear to the people that he did not consider the blacks to be an equal race. Lincoln understood that the only way to save the union was to take a final stand of slavery in the β†’

Kansas & nebraska act resolved

This would be better because if the government just said that the land was a free state the people who had slaves would have to move out of their state and travel to a slave state, so they could keep their slaves and not have to sell them. It would be good because the people β†’

The relationship between slavery, race, and citizenship essay sample

The book by Walker takes the reader through the American history, under which racial slavery is treated as a necessary transaction in the course of the American development and democracy. One of the most interesting concepts in the racially motivated slavery is that the child of the Negro female was to assume the status of β†’

Good research paper about capuchin monkeys

Deemed to be one of the most clever of primate species, the capuchins fascinate human researchers with their apparent high intelligence, tool use and behaviors in their group environments all speak to getting the most vivid and full picture of the capuchin species. The best and most appropriate locale for capuchins to live is, of β†’

United states history

United States History Advanced Placement-2 Jacksonian Democracy; 1828-1848 1.A 2.E 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.D 19.C 20.A 21.E 22.A 23.C 24.A 25.E 26.E 27.D 28.D 29.D 30.E 31.A 32.B 33.B 34.B 35.A 36.C 37.A 38.B 39.B 40.A 1. The Whigs of the 1830s and β†’

Example of frederick douglass article review

According to his literature work, Douglass reacted to the slavery issue with sympathy to the slaves and anger to the cruelty of their masters. Therefore, the aim of the book was to agitate for the abolition of slavery in that era.

Good essay about declaration of independence

In the speech, he claimed that the Fourth of July was meant for the white people and not for him and his people. In that speech he made sure, to tell people who were listening to him that when the declaration of independence was being signed most of the black people in the United States β†’

Free biography on history

She played a very instrumental role in the movement of women rights of the 19th century in America leading to the introduction of the women suffrage in the US. She engaged in the activities and movements in order to push for the abolition of slavery in the US.

Critical thinking on reconstruction period in the united states

It occurred into two stages the first period covered the whole nation after the civil war in 1865 to 1877, while the other covers the revolution of the Southern United States. The blacks were hoping to acquire large acres of land but unfortunately did not allow and hence this lead to conflict.

Life of a slave – life for enslaved men and women

There was no promise that the family would be able to stay together because slaveholders would sell and trade slaves. If one slave was educated they would read the bible to the rest of the slaves.

Ronald wilson research paper sample

Discrimination in the American society was in manner that the whites were superior to the blacks and the women were inferior to men. Sojourner truth theory of realism was instrumental in shaping the American society.

Slavery and sectional attitudes, 1820-1860 essay sample

Basically the majority of the people living in the north were against slavery, and the white southerners were proslavery. He said that the factories in the north had conditions that were even worse than those of slavery.

Kansas & nebraska act

He did not really care too much about slavery because he was looking toward the development of the new Western country between the Missouri River and California. The south, on the other hand, wanted it to go to the Pacific coast by way of Texas and New Mexico.

Sample essay on what led the southern states to secede from the union in 1860 and 1861

The northern states wanted to abolish the institution of slavery while the southern states headed by the plantation owners though that the northern states were infringing on their rights by forcing them to abolish slavery. The institutions and industries of the northern states were different from that of the southern states and they could no β†’

Free essay on abolition, john brown and rebellion

Abolitionists in the North sought to end the practice of slavery, stating that it degraded the human rights of African-Americans, which placed the Southern economy in direct jeopardy - one of the factors that would lead to civil war and secession later in the century. In 1861, Texas officially seceded from the Union, a move β†’

Free option one: historical vacation essay example

I hope to see the resilience of Martin Luther King Jr.as he leads the emancipated slaves to confront the men with the muskets. In Ohio the segregation of the blacks by the whites seems not to be enough as the whites insult, oppose, and occasionally attack the setup of the private schools that teach black β†’

Free essay on briefly identify examples of following issues in e cabets voyage in icarie of 1842

The city was to have orderly workshops, residential unites according to class, a properly planned sewage system and a number of public monuments, spaces and gardens to ensure the proper recreation of the people. The connection between the interests of slave-holders and the U.S.government's foreign policy of conquests and occupations in North America during the β†’

Example of essay on log writing

This article claims to solve the mysteries of the first African slaves in the Jamestown settlement. It would be interesting to know what the slaves' lives were like in their homeland.

Sex slaves

The girls from these countries are highly wanted into the business as they have the looks that people will want for high amounts of money and are the easiest to access. As hard as it was for not only the girls who were sold into slavery, but the ones trying to get them out, they β†’

The rhetoric of henry highland garnet in his “address to the slaves of the united states” essay sample

The Rhetoric of Henry Highland Garnet in his " Address to the Slaves of the United States" Henry Highland Garnet exerted powerful rhetorical strategies to the abolition and Civil Rights Movements during the nineteenth century. The captivating rhetoric of Garnet and his ability to form new alternatives and redefine elements of contention signifies the rhetoric β†’

Should christoher columbus day be recognized essay sample

I now feel that there should not be just a Christopher Columbus Day, but instead a day that recognizes Christopher Columbus's long journey and the Native Americans great history and accomplishments before he arrived, including the battles they suffered after his arrival. Included in this should have always been from the start the fact that β†’

Is racism a permanent feature of american society? essay sample

Dinesh D'Souza argues that this is because blacks are busy blaming whites as being racists for not providing the material needed for them to excel in their studies, which is why the government does not see the need to invest in people who will not contribute positively to the building up of our society. If β†’

Example of nietzsches on the genealogy of morality essay

In his third essay of the genealogy of morality, Nietzsche combined slave revolt, the feeling of ressentiment and the resurgence of modern reality to develop ascetic ideals. The society disregards the ascetic ideal by ignoring the rights of the slave and they continue suffer.

The american political system 1790-1840 research paper examples

During the Early American Republic from the 1790s to the 1830s, the first two political party systems were divided along regional, ethnics and social class lines, particularly the commercial and industrial interests led by the Federalists and Whigs in the Northeast versus the Southern planters who controlled the Democratic Party. Thomas Jefferson and most of β†’

A look at the ideas surrounding the end of slavery in america

The abolition movement, began in the late 1600 s where years has gone by to 1861-1865, that finally brought up the Militant stages in to the Civil War s climax. Prince Hall was born in Barbados in 1735, he was one of the signers of the first black petition to the government against slavery.

“desiree’s baby” essay sample

First published in the year 1893, the story captures with vivid detail, the societal attitudes that prevailed during the dawning years of that century. The half nakedness of the quadroon boy, the burn wounds of Negrillon, and the mention about the part of Satan in his dealing with the slaves, all are symbolic representation of β†’

Example of abraham lincoln essay

He got elected to the House of Representatives in 1847 where he championed for the abolition of slavery and opposed the Mexican War. Even in his involvement in the war, he took caution not to alienate his constituents, the Western and Northern states of the Union.

Advocating the abolitionism through the passionate views of thoreaus and alcott’s writings

An example of his work in slavery his essay " Slavery in Massachusetts," where Thoreau wrote about Simms case in 1851 and Anthony case in the 1854 the slaves who had escaped from the North and sent back to the South. Thoreau expressed that people are living in heedless and think in a way far β†’

Did slavery destroy the black family? essay sample

Dunaway clearly proves that due to the harsh living conditions, the inevitable separation between families and the absolute lack of freedom of slaves, destroyed the black family. Despite the idea that the oppression that slaves lived through made them together as a whole, harsh living conditions and the separation that these slaves underwent created an β†’

Clash of cultures essay sample

John Mason was an English who was appointed the commander of the colonial military at the time of the war. It was simply a way for Mason and his troops to whip the Native American population away so that the success of the colonies could be present in the native's areas.

Beloved: modern african american storytelling essay samples

Morrison's Beloved is not " a story to pass on" on because it is a personal and individual psychological reading experience, not the kind of story you tell around the campfire or to children as they go to sleep. Beloved is a ghost of the past, and represents the darkness of the past and slavery β†’

Analysis of still i rise

The purpose of this research is to focus on the poem, " Still I Rise" to analyze the significance of Angelou's twofold strategy: the impact of the question she poses to the public; and her assertion of her heritage as a foundation for her perpetual advancement. The first way that Angelou used it was as β†’

Document analysis of john brown’s address to the virginia court

John Brown's address to the Virginia Court Origin: The address given by John Brown to the Virginia court was his final words before execution on charges of treason. Brown's goal was to seize the federal arsenal, arm the local slaves, and fight a way into the North as described in this primary source in court.

“bondage in roselily” by alice walker essay sample

The subject of the robe and the veil persist through the story which connects to the Muslim religion, the first sign of bandage.*The cars whizzing past shows signs of mobility that Roselily desires, that she wants to have the freedom of going wherever she pleases she wants to move on in life and escape the β†’

Free essay on religion and gender before the 1500s

The role of gender structure and religion in terms of examining the pre and post Swahili ports town under the lenses of wealth in people is the subject of this discussion. Among the most influential religion in the world, which was also embraced by the coastal people of Swahili is Islam brought by the Arab β†’

Emancipation proclamation- lincoln’s end of slavery in america

Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation is still, to date, one of the most debated, revolutionary acts of the any of the Presidents of the United States. In the end it was even difficult for Lincoln's most radical abolitionist critics to remain skeptical of the President's personal conviction and determination regarding his motives with his Emancipation Proclamation.

Plantation slavery in the middle east

The Structure of Slavery in Indian Ocean Africa and Asia. Slaving and Slavery in the Indian Ocean.

Life aboard a slave ship essay sample

The slaves were packed aboard a slave ship then taken across the Atlantic to the Caribbean. Slaves were taken on decks once a day to exercise to enable the circulation of the blood.

Essay on emancipation and the first reconstruction 1863-77

Mark Twain was a member of the Anti-Imperialist League and strongly opposed the annexation of the new colonies and the war in the Philippines. One of the key events in the U.S.during this era was the failure of Reconstruction and the restoration of the old order in the South after 1877.

Book review on the town that started the civil war

With the division between the south and the north on the issue of slavery, the fugitive slave act was passed in 1850. Spectacular slave rescue missions by the northerners became the order of the day especially in Oberlin, a college town in Ohio which was said to be the most abolitionist town in America at β†’

Thomas jefferson on slavery and race

Jefferson on Slavery and Race The terms of the emancipation proposal considered by Virginia legislators were all slaves born after the act would go on with their parents to tillage, arts or sciences, until girls and boys would colonize to places that " render the most proper" out with arms and domestic animals to declare β†’

The 1850’s

Southerners favored the Compromise of 1850 because of the Fugitive Slave Act could help preserve slavery in the South and protects its economy, but Northerners on the other hand, gained the admission of California as a Free state which delighted the North, and upset the South. This Compromise of 1850 attempted to hold the Union β†’

Lasting effects slavery has had on african american culture

The white man was higher up than the black man in society at the time because of the color of his skin. African American Scholar Michael Eric Dyson once said " The effect of slavery continues to exert its brutal influence in the untold sufferings of millions of everyday folk." Basically Dyson is saying that β†’

Example of civil war research paper

The main difference between Zinn and Johnson in that their interpretation of the Civil War relates precisely to what is considered to be the central issue of the war, slavery. For me, where Johnson and Zinn differ the most in their interpretation of the Civil War is in their analysis of Lincoln.

Angela oakley

Angela Oakley Professor Deville Humanities 300 March 3rd, 2013 The Census of Ancient Rome The Census of Ancient Rome was of great importance to the Romans, molded the city into political and military community capable of collective action. First of all, the word census means " estimate." Meaning the census is a way to estimate β†’

Critical thinking on governing the nation

Declaration of American independence and formation of the articles of confederation and eventually the American constitution changed the lives of many people in many different ways. The aim of the government was to decentralize power to the states.

Apush 1993 dbq essay sample

Migrants came to the New World with distinct motives that, in effect made the regions develop differently; the New Englanders came in search of religious freedom while the Chesapeake settlers came in search of economic prosperity. The New Englanders search for religious freedom caused them to develop a diverse economy, societies with tightly bound communities β†’

The book of negroes

76 - Here I am, a broken-down old black woman who has crossed more water than I care to remember, and walked more leagues than a work horse, and the only things I dream of are the things I cannot have children and grandchildren to love, and parents to care for me. I vowed not β†’

Eighty-eight years’

Starting with a concise examination of the extension of European domains in the 1500s and the formation of the Atlantic ranch complex in the mid-1600s, the book centers around the century extending from the Imperial Crisis and theAmerican Revolutionin the 1770s toReconstructionin the 1870s. In like manner, while the subtitle references the 'long passing of β†’

Pedagogy of the oppressed argumentative essay examples

In this regard Freire contends that the teacher-student relationship is one in which the teacher forces down knowledge to the student. To this end, Freire is of the idea that in an ideal situation, the teacher should be able to teach the student and enable learning, similarly, in the same spirit, the student should as β†’

How slavery became the economic engine

Cotton was the cash crop of the south and the government was white. This trend continued until cotton was the main export of the south, even over tobacco and sugar.

Example of world literature thesis

Please type your instructor name here Reflection of Suicide in Kindred, Family, and Letter Family written by Joan California Cooper is the tale of an African slave girl named Clora, her children and the manner in which here blood flows from its African origins all-round the whole world, eventually mingling with that of other ethnicities, β†’

Example of term paper on survival and subversion: african-american resistance to jim crow

In the immediate aftermath of the Civil War, the Federal government enacted the 13th Amendment freeing the slaves and the 14th Amendment, which granted African Americans citizenship. The Federal government adopted a very political, largely hands-off stance on Jim Crow and the movement to integrate the South until the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s β†’

Good comparative : women rights activists; stanton and truth essay example

Truth's tireless fight for the abolition of slavery and the acknowledgement of women's' rights formed the hallmarks of her life. Although Stanton had never been a slave, she could relate the denial of women's rights to slavery especially those in unloving and disrespectful marriages.

The fires of jubilee essays examples

Stephen Oates' book The Fires of Jubilee tells the tale of the slave rebellion of Nat Turner, a moment that became one of the first shots across the bow for the American Civil War. The Fires of Jubilee combines a straightforward retelling of the events of the Nat Turner rebellion with real historical nonfiction, creating β†’

International migration

Flocking to this country by the thousands, immigrants past and present have journeyed to the land of the free in an attempt to obtain a lifestyle based upon the United States' concept of " life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." With more and more people entering the country, the United States quickly evolved into β†’

American immigrants

However there have been factors that have prompted the large number of U.S.foreigners to go back home to their native land and settle back there. The problem of accessing permanent visa to the immigrants has played a major role in encouraging U.S.immigrants go back to their countries.