Quality Finance Essay Examples for Your Learning

Timberlands: generally accepted accounting principles and fair value essay sample

If the fair value of standing timber changed during the accounting period, several differences will incur between the treatment under US GAAP and IFRS. I might decide to invest more in forestland when the fair value is high and the income is considerably positive, or, on the other hand, decide to pull back some of β†’

Museum of contemporary art

To get the museum back in the black there are several recommendations that the museum must implement. In addition to the determination if the present leadership has any criminal liability in the manner it handled the museum's finances, it will also show the financial lapses of the institution and from there, the root of the β†’

The financier alwaleed bin talal

Al Waleed Talal's personal initiatives over his career According to the book written by Khan, he describes Al Waleed Talal as a Saudi Arabian businessperson and investor who comes from the privileged Saudi royal family that is equally known to be wealthy. According to Khan, the military training hardened him as a person and hence β†’

Educational philosophy

Sensing potential conflict I will use appropriate methods to calm the worried student and to help him change his tone of voice Another very important element in a classroom management is the classroom arrangement: accessibility of the teaching/learning aids, are they easy to observe, accurately set and available for teachers and students. In a student-centered β†’

2 questions

Below are the three critical internal control practices for safeguarding the integrity of the payroll register: Separation of Duties The first key step to safeguard the integrity of the payroll register is to ensure that the organizations payroll system is processed by different people. In additionally, the management must ensure that the confidentiality of the β†’

Security analysis

The valuation of the companies give a very sharp contrast to their ratio analysis as the intrinsic value per share for Capital First far outweighs that of Carnival Corp. With this said, it can be seen that the margin of safety for Capital First is only 1% whiles that of Carnival is also 1%.

Fin 352

The duration gap for a financial institution is a way given as the duration of the earning assets less the product of the duration of the paying liabilities and the quotient of paying liabilities and earning assets. VAR does not fully relate to the normal distribution as it is determined only up to a certain β†’

Analysis of myer holdings limited essay sample

The purpose of this research report is to understand of two important concepts from the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting -the objective of general purpose financial reporting and qualitative characteristics of useful financial information. This report includes the analysis on whether the disclosure of PPE from Myer Holdings Ltd meets the requirements of AASB 116, β†’

Writing an abstract and finding related referencing

The result of the above and the major concern globally today is the lack of electricity around the world. It will lead to the production of clean energy and at the same will be a solution to the electricity crisis around the world.

Advanced cost analysis and systems

Assignment, Finance and Accounting al affiliation Sales return process Sales processcycle Cash receipt cycle The treasury cycle This cycle ensures that all processes are maintained in accordance to the processes of the bank. Cash receipt cycle This is the process involved with customer receipts paid as a means of goods shipped and received.

The adjusting process discussion

Task The Adjusting Process discussion The adjusting process can be regarded as the scrutinizing and bringing up to financial records at the interlude before financial statements is organized. The accounts are often adjusted after transaction so as to reveal the accurate balance at the closing stages of the period.


For the month of December, the company planned for activity of 12 snow-days, but the actual level of activity was 14 snow-days. For the month of November, the company planned for activity of 14 snow-days, but the actual level of activity was 19 snow-days.

Kmart & sears essay essay sample

Provide a brief historical background of the problems facing Kmart and the characteristics of the distressed debt market, including factors that influence an investment in a distressed company. A: Lampert saw synergistic opportunities with the M&A of Sears and Kmart.

Basic concepts of merger and acquisitions finance essay

Further the recent industrial recession and economic meltdown faced by the world wide economies has necessitated the eagerness of corporate houses and economists to look into the alternate route of merger and acquisition for growth, expansion, economic restructuring and business overhaul in order to be competitive and making their felt in the market. Due to β†’

Examine the stock returns for both pfizer and astrazeneca during the bid process and provide possible reasons for changes in price on key dates

Analysis of stock returns for both Pfizer and AstraZeneca during the bid process and possible reasons for change in price on key dates Common stock price and return, for a given entity, varies with time and depend on many factors, key to which is investors' perception on expected returns. Pfizer's bid to take over AstraZeneca β†’

Three stages of financial crisis within the us

Moreover, credit flows to the private sector also stopped causing US economy and other economies to slow down. Later in the winter season of FY09, US and other G20 countries started to cut dwon interest rates, so it could stop economy going into slump.

Case study

4% interest By comparing the prices above, it is evident that buying a second hand high speed printer is more cost effective/cheaper than buying a new high speed printer. It is evident from the two illustrations above that both buying a brand new and a second hand high speed digital printer will make the company β†’

Accounting for decision makers -discussion question

The 2010 sales revenue is $4, 000, 000 and the 2014 sales revenue is $5, 100, 000. The continuous increase in sales revenue illustrates that the company is very competitive in the market.

Guarantees make pensions more appealing

The poor performance of the stock market has reduced the returns of investors on their savings and the declining interest rates mean that a large pension pot would be required to generate a certain retirement income. According to the author, the British Institute and Faculty of Actuaries have examined whether there are possibilities of offering β†’

Corporate finance essay sample

Net of the cost of the service contract, the machine would then produce cash flows of $4, 500 per year in perpetuity. For example, at the end of year one, 20% of the $5, 000 cost savings is reinvested in the machine; the net cash flow is thus $4, 000.

Current issue project

The impact of countries leaving the euro on other euro zone economies such as Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain could severely affect the financial stability of the global economy. Effects of weak currency on consumers and businesses The economic and financial problems in the Euro zone can be attributed to the weakening of euro β†’

Financial accountants vs managerial accountants

Financial accounting can be stated as the reporting of the position of the financial position of the firm as well as the performance through financial statements across time. Financial accounting is of more importance to potential investors while the importance of management accounting lies to the managers of the organizations.

The role of the european central bank, spanish and italian bond market in the pan-european debt crisis

Euro has been the center of global financial attention since last year and this year, predictions are that the bond market of Spain and Italy will play a very crucial role in the whole European debt crisis. The article talks about financial plans in the bond sector of Italy and Spain, and how the overall β†’

United way case analysis essay sample

The problems that lie within this organization is that there is a lack of trust on how the funds are spent and the lack there of financial accountability & best practice models of management. I would also advise of a restructuring of management at all levels; locally and nationally and it would require all chapters β†’

ο»Ώfiscal policy paper essay sample

Taxpayers When it comes to the United States deficit, surplus, and debt have an important impact on taxpayers including the current state of our economy and the large deficit we continue to run in the first place one of the first things that seem to be brought up by the government assistance is through unfair β†’

Williamson mortgage inc

The most significant aspect in the variation of the money is the interest rate. The fact that the president has accepted to buy the mortgage at the market price that will prevail at that time exposes Jennifer to risk of losing if the interest rate at that time goes beyond 5.5%.


The funds that are needed to run the country are paid to the country by us, in the form of income tax. The amount of money that is circularised people to people by the country is the money that is collected in the shape of income tax, which is paid by the citizens.

The role of accounting on business and our society

The Role of Accounting on Business and Society The Role of Accounting on Business and Society Question 1 Financial statements are summary statements of results of business activities for an accounting period and balances at a given date. The balance sheet reveals the financial position of a business and reports the assets, liabilities, and owner's β†’

Essential of investments

However, based on what the investors expect after the lenders and the firm agreed to lower the payments the YTM became 1.80%. The price of the lower convexity bond will be low with a high YTM, which means that the higher yield is to compensate the investor for investing in a lower convextiy bond.

Petrolera zuata case analysis essay sample

POLITICAL RISK: the political risk associated with the downfall of the Venezuelan government and the unpredictability of the Venezuelan government to abruptly change the tax rate or the royalty posed a big risk for the investors.2. This would increase the expenses and tax liability of the project relative to the sale income which would be β†’

Case study: making information systems investments

Analysis of current and future environment, including business, information technology, and user information A particular planning framework must include a master IS plan that entails the identification of the strategic issues of the school as well as the development of the infrastructure necessary for planning to cater for the future. W, & Perkins, W.C.

Capital budgeting

Capital budgeting Capital budgeting EEC calculation for NPV, IRR, and Pay Back for the investment opportunity YEAR CASHFLOW RATE OF DISCOUNTING= 14%=-n NPV 0 1 1 $500, 000 0. P, & Fabozzi, F.J.

Informative essay on finance

Horizontal and Vertical Integration of Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers that are of a large scale may have been introduced in order to occupy a large share of the market, whereas acquisitions may have been formed in order to eliminate the competition. In a share purchase the buyer buys the shares of the target company from β†’

Financial statement analysis fundamental analysis and valuation

Moreover, taxation Abercrombie & Fitch Company was higher in the year 2015 as compared to year 2014 depicting that the company had relatively higher sales in the present financial year. The shares of Abercrombie & Fitch Company have reduced from 51.


Lower interest rates imply higher volatility of the price of a bond. When considering the yield of a bond, the higher the yield the lower the price volatility.

Removal of exchange controls

Also, investors can get higher risk-adjusted rates of return by diversification With higher rates of return, people are encouraged to save more and hence invest more which eventually leads to the growth of the country Increases the output of the nation It generates greater efficiency by exposing the financial sector to global competition. To reap β†’

Sabmiller sources of finance

Before lending the firm money, banks would look at SABMiller's characters, ability to pay back, purpose of the loan, the amount of the loan, the repayment terms of the loan and secutity. If the firm has nice reputation and work well, it will motivate more shareholders to buy the shares, so SABMiller could raise a β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of job order costing system

The computerized approach to organization cost management provides the need to have a system that records all the costs as they occur compared to the old system that provides a record at the end of the job. A manufacturing company holds different departments that need an effective allocation of costs to ensure that the costing β†’

Capstone: hr module

The recruiting cost has been justifiable over the period to increase the employees' skills in their working in production process. This increase in wage increases the cost of production.

Accounting analysis

Accounting case study analysis Topic: c) Identify the relevant ethical issues of the above case study and scenario and relate them back to the major principles, rules and values. F, Duska, B.

Financial management essay sample

Smarter Financial education enables our children and young people to gain the skills they require as individuals and to contribute to the wider economy. Having financial management training and education in high schools will also benefit the individual families and the entire communities in many ways such as: All children and young people develop the β†’

Part time position in a reputed accounting firm – resume/cv example

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet you to discuss my qualifications and the opportunity for a position in your company. I am confident that I have the accounting savvy necessary to ensure that I will be a productive and profitable accountant at -.

Financial services and products

This paper will look at some of the ways financial institutions are expanding, and at the same time, helping low-income entrepreneurs with capital to do business. Some products financial institutions offer are for the benefit of those investing in the institution.

The business aspect of the firm

The Firm Affiliation: The struggle by Amalgamated Manufacturing to make profit shows that the business aspect of the firm is not doing well. In expounding the business aspect, the firm may need to conduct consumer research in a bid to identify the loopholes characteristic of its products in the market.

Measurement of intellectual capital

The paper is a graphical representation of the relationship of the coded data of the interview. The relationship of the financial gap between the business assets and the value of the business is difficult to understand because its measurement lacks standard.

Auditing smackey’s dog foods inc

The audit firm assesses whether it would be in the best interest to associate itself with the new client or whether the benefits associated with the existing client outweighs the challenges. Last step in accepting the engagement involves the drafting of the engagement letter, which serves as the contractual agreement between the auditor and the β†’

Accounting:goals and importance in the world

Different areas of the world follow different accounting standards with the US businesses following the GAAP under the FASB and many countries of the world, particularly in Europe opting for the IFRS that are moderated by the IASB. Another point in the news which highlights the major role accounting plays in the world economy relates β†’

The compounding effect in financing, the npv value technique

DQ1 The compounding effect is one of the oldest concepts in the financial world. Discounting is used to determine the time value of money of a fixed amount of money or expected cash flow; for instance, if a person has $500 that money will be worthless in the future because money depreciates due to the β†’

Cathys clothing case study

Concurrently, the expected impact on the concerned managers and financial issues of the District are critical. Expected impact on managers' behavior under the proposed bonus structure I expect the proposed bonus structures to influence the store managers' performances positively in the realms of sales and accountability.

Sexuality at different life stages

Ana is at the point in her life where she is at a fork in the road and is unsure of what she wants to do, and is feeling like she is being torn because of comments she is hearing from her mom. In the case of Bill he is at a point in his β†’

Finance analysis essay

The profitability of the firmThis is measured by the profitability ratios i.e.the gross profit/margin ratio and the net profit margin ratio. The current ratio was 2: 1, 3: 1, 2.

Fund investment and management in venture capital market

The most critical aspect is the management of the venture capital because it determines the success of the market that are also influenced by the status of the markets. Objectives The objectives of this research concerns the financial attributes that relate corporate to the market status and the competitors capabilities that influence the performances in β†’

Analyze the international trade and finance speech

The problem is that the oil produced in the U.S.is high-quality crude and the oil imported is heavy, sour oil. Since the refineries are currently equipped to refine the heavier oil the U.S.has a surplus of the high-quality crude.

The jesuit legacy in india

Thomas Christian Encyclopedia of India and the Indian Church History Classics writes in Volume III of the former publication: the " factor which has won the Society a lasting place in the minds of the people and in the history of the nation is the large number of spheres which it has penetrated and permeated," β†’

The accounts for a quarter of lending at

Given the decreasing usage of the scheme over time, the Financial Policy Committee judges that the closure of the scheme would be unlikely, in current market conditions, to affect significantly the provision of finance to prospective mortgagors, including high loan-to-value borrowers," he wrote. In its annual assessment the FPC said loans in the scheme only β†’

Unit 2-2 fm

94 billion Net incomeUS$ 2. 97% Walgreen has higher earnings attributable to its shareholders of 3.

When and why to think about retirement and estate planning

When and Why to Think about Retirement and E Planning Affiliation: When should you start to think about retirement and estate planning? Action should also be taken immediately because of the uncertainty of the future and what may happen to an individual's job and hence the retirement saving's may come in handy in case of β†’

Advanced managerial accounting report

Review of the Articles " The Control Function of Management" by Merchant and " Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work" by KohnSimilarities between the Articles The main similarity between the two articles is that they discuss various approaches used by management to oversee successful and effective leadership at an organization. Differences between the Articles The article β†’

In excel:

When a percentage rate of change is entered under the " Variations" column for either of the two parameters, say 105% if sales are projected to increase at a rate of 5% every quarter and 96% if the cost of sale is projected to reduce at 4% each quarter, the spreadsheet computes the effects of β†’

Revenue process

Although the recruitment is far from the revenue cycle, the CEO and CFO may collude and supply the company's trademark to the competitor. The method used to place orders has the potential to increase the inherent risk.

Of purpose

This qualification has given me a head start in many aspects of my academic life in the sense that I have had the opportunity to participate in practical situations in areas related to my accounting field. When it comes to my personal experience especially in the field of business and accounting, I feel privileged to β†’

Fin501 – strategic corporate finance mod 3 slp

Finance Module 3 SLP Assignment of the of the Finance Module 3 SLP Assignment The Cost of Equity Modern finance and investment books insist that the ultimate goal of all corporations is to maximize the wealth of their owners or shareholders. 43% Reflections on the Cost of Equity Given that the average cost of capital β†’

Advanced auditing case 2.3

The client's assertions that accounts receivable confirmation can effectively address are existence, rights, and valuation.b) When performing year-end sales cutoff tests, auditors hope to accomplish the objective of obtaining evidence from third parties to evaluate the client's assertions of sales recorded for the period under audit. Typically, in a company with proper internal controls and β†’

Research on the risks of intesa sanpaolo bank finance essay

This is a good for the credibility of the bank and gives positive sign for the market and its customers. The results of Intesa Sanpaolo's group also depends on how cleverly the effectively the assessment of credit risk and costs are determined in time by the bank.

Dianna abdala

Abdala's Mistakes She should have used a richer channel ofcommunicationfor delivering her decision to not accept the job offer. For instance, she could have scheduled a day to go by and tell Korman in person.-Challenging his credibility as a lawyer -Accepting the job offer, if what Korman said is true, before putting careful thought into β†’

Risk and return, portfolio diversification and the capital asset pricing model; the cost of equity (starbucks co.)

Capital asset pricing model is one of the leading models for calculating cost of equity by taking into consideration the concept of risk and return. This paper will therefore provide computation and will also discuss the cost of equity of Starbucks besides computing the cost of equity for Nestle and McDonalds to make a comparison.

Extra credit #2

Film Review on Financial Crisis The CNBC Subprime Mortgage Special - House of Cards gives an explanation of the global financial crisis. The financial greed among investors is what led to the financial crisis.

Understanding the annual report and 10-k

There are three basic approaches for valuing inventory are; first in - First out, this approach involves basing the cost of goods sold upon the cost of material bought in earlier periods, while the cost of inventory is based on the cost of materials bought later in the year. The second approach is Last in β†’

For kemps llc

The ABC system defines a costing methodology where cost disbursement to services and products based on the events as well as the number of transactions unfolding in the provision of products and services. This discourse ignites a debate on whether to implement the ABC system wholly or to also include the decisions of the managerial β†’

Wwek2 dicussions

The option implies to the IRS that the taxpayer is sincere and may not recommend any audit process to unveil any undisclosed income information. Finally, the client may decide to take the risk and wait to be summoned by the IRS for non-disclosure.

The background in business and accounting, achieved through academic or professional experiences

I am proudly aware of the immeasurable worth of my academic credentials from such a reputed Business School as the W.P. I believe that the MACC Program will serve as my stepping stone to success and equip me with the skills I need to become a formidable player in the business world.

International financial reporting standers

Since inception, the IASB has issued eight standards from IFRS 1 to IFRS 8 and 14 interpretation of the standard IFRIC 1 to IFRIC 14. In IFRS, a principle-based accounting system, which records the transaction in a transparent manner, which shows the true nature of each transaction.

Business structures

Based on the laws that govern the establishment of general corporations, the shareholders exhibit protection from the creditors of the business. The liability of shareholders in S Corporation is limited.

Financial intermediaries

A drawback of the approach is that it is hard to observe bank conduct and that the approach excludes foreign banks in the determination of competition. The Lerner Index uses the relationship between a firm's price and marginal cost as a basis for the measurement of the firm's market power.

How apple raised its cash flows

The major source of financing cash flows arise out of the issuance of common stock so the improved performance of Apple Computers in terms of its cash flow has largely being from increase in its short term liabilities, investment into short term investments and issuance of common stock. The difference between the basic and diluted β†’

Assess the relationship between the balance of payments framework and exchange rate

The Relationship between Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates The Relationship between Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates Balance of payments accounts record the transactions of a country with the other countries around the globe. Balance of payments compares the monetary disparity of the amount of imports and exports of a country.

Coping with financial and ethical risks at american international group essay sample

It became one of the companies that once the curtain was pulled back, the signs of imminent disaster were evident, and substantial. The corporate culture at AIG was one with a poor management structure, combined with a lack of regulatory oversight.led AIG to accumulate staggering amounts of risk, especially in its subsidiary, AIG Financial Products.

Gcc central bank

Key findings will state that a GCC supranational monetary institution is required in order to conduct a singular monetary, as well as the exchange rate policy geared towards economic, financial and monetary conditions within the monetary union; Qatar, as well as the other GCC state members, have already achieved an incredible degree of monetary union, β†’

Letter of intent on an accounting position

In the existing case, the supervisor can report a bigger payroll to the accountant which is a situation we must avoid. However, it is mainly the management's responsibility to impose policies and set guidelines for its employees.

Management accounting —

In terms of implementing a new management accounting system or technique, contingency management must be taken into account because the business organisation may need to adapt its business operations depending what issues or challenges that come up. A business manager can use contingency management to listen to the respective complaints that employees may have over β†’

Finance director

Tel Impact of One.tel's collapse The collapse of One. Problems in the structure of One.tel One.

Income and balance

DUPONT ANALYSIS FORMULA The formula for calculating ROE using the DuPont Formula is elaborated below CALCULATING RETURN ON EQUITY The information extracted from the financials of Dell Inc.provided on Yahoo Finance has been used for the calculation of ratios. The ROE of Dell Inc.has fallen in 2013 as compared to 2012.

The great deformatin

Book review on the great deformation David Stockman in his book, " the great deformation" brilliantly analysis how United States of America got into the mess it is today by providing a list of all those who were involved. Stockman was a debatable director in the first Reagan administration which is in the office of β†’

Definitions connected to call-option

In the money is a situation where the strike price of a call option is below the market price of the underlying stock or its put option is above the market price. Out of the money is a situation where the strike price of a call option is higher than the market price of the β†’

The enterprise risk management finance essay

For call options, the options are on the share price is in the money strike price. Share price is below the strike of the put option is in the money price.

Auditing ethics

However, the extent and the nature of any audit coverage are critically determined by the management's degree of commitment to high ethical and integrity standards. This implies that the auditors must be well conversant with all the functional fields in an organization so as to identify activities and functions in which ethical implications would pose β†’

Would fall under.

With regards to exporting to Thailand, as the economy is still in its stages of infancy and the people Just beginning to open up to leisure sports such as Roller Balding, Blades may be able to gain the first-mover advantage by venturing In to Thailand at this point In time. In the long run, Blades β†’

Analysis of the case study “merit enterprise corp” essay sample

Should the chief financial officer recommend Merit to get the $4 billion from a loan through JPMorgan and keep the business private or should Merit go public and issue stock in the primary market. Analysis of the Case Study " Merit Enterprise Corp" The Chief Financial Officer of Merit Enterprise Corp has two options that β†’

Financial analysis

The operating net income of the company was higher in the year 2013 but least in the year 2014. The shareholders of the company enjoyed more earnings per share in the year 2013 than 2012 and 2014.

Personal financial plan – part iv

Savings and investments are impacted by the time value of money. The time value of money is a concept that quantifies the depreciation of money over time.

Accounting project

From the graph, the direct labor hours and total costs have a positive relationship since the coefficient of X is a positive value. The relationship between machine hours and total costs is positive since the coefficient of X is a positive value.

Case study

The major considerations is whether there exists a trade off in the amount of revenue that hospital earns and the speed up to which the revenue is collected. Journal of Healthcare Management: Solomon P, the State of Health Care Revenue Cycle.


With an owner's equity of $76, 840, the company meets the second criterion; it has owner's equity of more than $50, 000. Chan is eligible for the loan from the bank because the company meets all the requirements: it is profitable; has owner's equity of more than $50, 000; and has a current ratio of β†’

Contract and hire purchase act

Below the High Courts are the Subordinate Courts, the highest of which are the Sessions Courts, each of which is headed by a Sessions Court Judge. Under the Malaysian Law, explanation 2 to Section 26 of Contract Act 1950 provides that an agreement to which the consent of the promisor is not void merely because β†’

Identify any internal control weakness

May 6, Internal_control One of the internal control weaknesses is assigning only one department to take theorder of the customers as well as ship the orders to the customers. The proper internal control procedure is for one department focusing on taking orders and the shipping department sending the items to the customers.

Performance appraisal of mahindra finance

Beach has defined performance appraisal as the systematic evaluation of individual with regard to his/her performance on the job and his potential for development, Heyel observes " It is a process of evaluating the performance and qualifications of the employees of the employer in terms of the requirements of the job for which he is β†’