Essay, 3 pages (750 words)

"anyone jamie baulch said in an interview, "people

“ Anyone who goes out of their way to cheat should be completely banned from the sport”. This quote from Usain Bolt shows that even the greatest athletes agree that the men and women that use doping agents are not being penalized enough. The Jamaican athlete agrees that there should be a warning ban of two to three years, but, if they are caught again, the athlete who has broken the rules need to face more severe punishment. Because of doping, other athletes have not been able to get their time of glory. Jamie Baulch said in an interview, “ People like me lost out on being a hero for the day because of them.” Lastly, when an athlete who doped comes back on the field, like Justin Gatlin, a track, and field athlete, the crowd shows that they do not want athletes like him in the competition. Gatlin said “ I know that it’s kinda sad that my boos were a little lower than other people’s cheers” The crowd’s reaction shows that athletes who dope should get banned of the sport for life. What should be done when an athlete is caught doping should get a ban of the sport for at least two years to warn him/her of their mistake like this it will make them think of their cheating.

The rate of overall recidivism was 29. 6% in England and Wales in 2016 therefore as shown with a warning only 30 of the 100 will restart. On an anonymous survey done by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) shows that of the 3000 track and field athletes 29 percent of the athletes at the 2011 world championships used drugs. But only 2 percent of drug tests done by WADA laboratories in 2010 were positive. This shows that the tests need to be upped because more athletes are starting to dope and they are getting better at hiding it. When there will be a life ban for doping more athletes will stop doping because today you can be court doping get court again and still be able to participate.

The rules have to be harshened with a first two to three years and then a life ban. Many athletes that dope gets their titles removed but not all, one of the rare, Justin Gatlin Track and Field Athlete still has his titles after being found guilty of doping like the 24 others Olympic athletes of the 173 that won a medal and still have their title(s). Running or competing against a doper is a race very hard to win. The doper has the advantage as his performances are boosted. Runner Jamie Baulch says that he could not have the glory of an Olympic winner in the year 1996 because of the doping of the American relay team. But in 2010 the Olympic Committee gave his medal that he deserved to the winners the British relay team of 1996.

He says in an interview “ People like me lost out on being a hero for the day because of them.” When a doper is found using performance-enhancing drugs they usually lose their sponsor like when Floyd Landis a professional cyclist is found guilty of doping no one wanted to sponsor him because of the bad image he brought to the sport. The other athletes also do not appreciate the dopers because their actions brought a bad image of the sport, therefore, making the sport they train so hard to accomplish records look like a group of people all on steroids. The crowd also does not accept doppers an example would be when Justin Gatlin was running in London in 2017 the crowd booed him because of his victory in front of Usain Bolt. This shows that the crowd does not agree with him still competing today after two bans.

The statements of the paragraphs above shows that athletes who dope should get banned from the sport for life. The WADA is shown that they are not being strict enough because even with two bans athletes are still participating in sports. The first Ban of a minimum of two years will make the athletes think but if they start using performance-enhancing drugs again they must get banned for life. The athletes who doped will take the glory away from the clean winner for years. Of the 173 dopers that won an Olympic medal still, 24 of them have their medal(s) in their hands, therefore, the medals need to be given to the clear winner.

Finally, the crowd and sponsors do not like when an athlete is reported to dope this usually brings fame down on the athlete’s shoulders. What do you think about doping and what action should be taken?

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AssignBuster. ""anyone jamie baulch said in an interview, "people." December 12, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/anyone-jamie-baulch-said-in-an-interview-people/.

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""anyone jamie baulch said in an interview, "people." AssignBuster, 12 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/anyone-jamie-baulch-said-in-an-interview-people/.

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