According to Dundes (1994) cockfighting avery old sport and some may claimed “ the oldest”. Thus, this kind of gamblingis a widely known sport especially for those persons exercising it. Personsinvolved in cockfighting are called cockfights. Many researchers said that mostof the victims in cockfighting are the men specifically the fathers that have drawnto the called sport. In United States cockfighting is illegal inall fifty states and in the District of Columbia.
The Gambling in cockfightinginvolves money and may become the source of family problems. Eventually, LouisianaState is the last state to implement a state law banning of cockfighting andnow banned since June 2007 and the ban took effect until August 2008(“ Cockfight,” 2014). Researchers have pointed out, cockfightsattract people from all stratification system. The data show that people fromhigh-end hierarchy are underrepresented: rural poor, construction workers andagriculturists predominate at most cockfights (Bryant & Capel, 1974). Hence, in the Philippines cockfight is legalin some ways and was locally termed “ sabong”. In Managok, Malaybay City Bukidnon most of the men’s populations are cockfightsspecifically the fathers.
Fathers drawn into cockfighting should already knowthe risks and consequences that being a cockfight may affect the family. Instead of securing the safety and providing the needs of their family, somefathers tend to go cockfight and spend the money to be gambled duringcockfighting or even so. Researchers in the study suggested thatgambling vs parenting should be studied in assessing the families in thecommunity.
It has been reported that in the other country ten percent of thosewho gamble have experienced serious family problems related directly togambling behavior (Abbot & Cramer, 1993). Its importance is to secure thefeeling of loneliness in the family to consider the risks and consequences ofbeing a gambler. The study could also be a useful instrument for futureresearchers.