AbstractNow a dayWorld Wide Web is one of the main sources of information and communicationmedium. One can retrieve all kind of information though web. Informationretrieval through web is a difficult as it provides thousands of informationfor a single query. To find relevant information from these results is a hurdletask now. So in this paper I have discussed how to retrieve information fromthe web KeywordsWeb, Information retrieval IntroductionInformationretrieval does not begin with the internet.
Though last decades onwards websearch engines came into the scenario and search has become more integrated tothe desktop and mobile operating systems. Web IRsystem searches in the collection of unstructured data i. e. web pages, documents, images and videos.
The main goal of the information retrievalsystemsNow a day’sInformation retrieval is an essential activity. We need to retrieve informationfor learning, communicating, moving, navigating, having fun, informing andmaking a decision. Informationretrieval is a process of identify information from a large collections ofdocuments which are relevant to the query.
Web enables more personalizedapproach to gain information rather than print sources. It also provides morecurrent and up-to-date information. Theauthenticity and quality of the web based information is very important in theacademic field. Today mostsearch systems are deal with internetWebinformation retrieval is a search within the world’s largest and linkeddocument collection. Evaluating web resourcesInformationavailable on the web is not regulated for quality or accuracy as informationfound in newspapers or television broadcasts therefore it is very important forthe web users to evaluate the resource or information. Anyone can publishanything they wish on the web. It is very difficult to determine the authorshipof the web sources so the responsibility is on the user to evaluate resourceseffectively.
Before using web resources it is important to check the followinginformation: Author: tofind the relevant information about the author, check personal homepages on theweb, or the domain name or URL reveal about the source of information, ifanything. If the information is a part of a journal or other online publicationyou should try t establishes the authority of the publication. Audience/ Purpose: Knowing themotive behind the page’s creation can help us to judge its content. Try tocheck the intended audience whether they are scholarly audience or expert. Atthe same time go through the intention of the author. Objectivity: Does theauthor present objective arguments or make it clear when he is expressingbiased opinion.
Accuracy: Informationhas been reviewed or referred is the information free of grammatical, spellingor typographical errors? Reliability and credibility: Does theinformation appear to be valid and well researched, or is it unsupported byevidence? Should anyone believe information from this site? Currency: Good websitewill shows when it was last updated or give clear indication of the timelinessof the information, working links indicate the website is being maintained andupdated regularly. So check is it kept up-to-date? Is there an indication ofwhen the site was last updated? URL: Check at theURL (web address) of the website. The domain name helps you to know if theinformation has been published by a credible source.
For example . ac. ukmeans it is published by a UK university, . edu means it is published byan American university. Apply the above mentioned criteria to establishreliability and for to check the information is up-to-date.
Links: Are links related to the topics are useful to the purpose of the site? Are links are still currentAre the links evaluated or annotated in any way Be very critical to theinformation’s find on the web and carefully examine each site. Web pages aresusceptible to both accidental and deliberate alteration, and may move ordisappear with no notice. Web-based learning: Web-based learning is also known ase-learning or online learning. It includes learning for online courses, emails, live lectures, video conferencing and all others are possible through internet.
Most of the web pages have hyperlinks they will lead us to another page andthus open up a vast reading about a particular topic. E-learning promotesactive and independent learning from anywhere and at any time. The authenticityof the information available through web is one of the main problems.