Man Gain and Shills Meta 85 Mobile Devices and Social Networking Security Solution Abstract: Nowadays almost everyone is using smart phones. They are becoming an essential tool in human beings everyday life. They are not only used for mere communication such as calling or sending text messages; however, they are also used in applications such as for accessing internet, receiving and sending emails and storing documents. As a result of this, not only phone numbers and addresses are stored in the mobile device but also financial information and business details which definitely should be kept private.
And if the device is being stolen, each and every information is in the hands of the new owner. That’s why; the biggest challenge is the security. When it is necessary to confirm the user identity on systems to perform a given operation, the term User Authentication is used. Traditionally, people prove their identity by providing passwords. The average person today has about 25 password protected accounts (according to Microsoft study), more passwords than they can reasonably be expected to remember. People compensate by using the same password for multiple accounts, and by choosing passwords that are easy to member.
But, unfortunately easy to remember meaner easy to guess. Other user select difficult passwords but then write them down where unauthorized eyes can find them. That’s why, identity based on what you know (login and password) and what you have (ID cards) can be easily stolen. As we want trust (security), the notion what you are is a new opportunity to user authentication. Biometric Authentication is answer for that. Biometric is a characteristic of human being that distinguishes one person from another. For example, finger prints, retina, face recognition, etc.