1st Fridaydeadline to move off course waitlist2nd Fridaydeadline to add course with instructors permission ON1100 SURVEY FINAL SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. 90/PAGEOrder Now3rd FridayISE major application due and data analytics and supply chain tracks due4th Fridaydeadline to drop course without receiving a ” W” and last day to submit grade forgiveness petition10th Fridaydeadline to drop course and get a ” W” Application to Majorapply by 3rd Friday, have necessary courses, based ephr, cphr, and a personal statementcphrcumulative point hour ratio; all grades taken at osuephreligibility point hour ratio; pre-ise major coursesephr courses needed completed/enrolled inengr 1181 and , physics 1250 and 1251, English 1110, math 1151 and 1172/ cse 1223
engr 1182, engr 1100, math 2568, stat 3470 = not calculated into ephr
registration for classesbuckeyelink, enrollment appointment, schedule planner, financial responsibility statement, course enrollment permission form, waitlist polices, deadlinesWaitlist policeschem/math/physics: go to lecture for 1st week, check buckeyelink daily for any openings, waitlist becomes inactive after 1st Friday, must go to department on following Monday 1st come 1st serve basis
other: during 2nd week, can add course with the instructor’s permission, need form and give to advisorGrade Forgivness2nd attempt must be same course at OSU, up to 3 courses, petition submitted no later than 4th FridayMath and Stats Learning CenterCockins HallPhysics TutoringSmith LabsYounkin Success Centermath, physics, chem, 7p-9p in YounkinDennis Learning CenterYounkin Success CenterCounseling and Consultation Services4th floor younkin success center, Lincoln towerEngineering Career Services199 HitchcockAdvising AppointmentsWalk-in: 5-min questions like dropping course, getting signature, submitting form
appointments: more in depth like course planning, exploring majors, probation information (advising connect)Walk- in hours8: 30-11: 30 and 1: 30-4: 00; first two weeks, every Thursday, 4th Friday, 10th FridayLean and Six Sigmalean: eliminates waste
six sigma: eliminates variation/defects