Essay, 3 pages (600 words)

Your sat preparation for your college application

Throughout the school year as kids sit in their homerooms casually conversing with their peers the principle talks on the intercom about SAT’s. But what is SAT’s? What’s so important about this test? -SAT also known as scholastic aptitude test is a nationwide test that determines a student’s academic placement. They are one of the major requirements for getting into most colleges.

Many kids all over high school are scrambling to register by the test date before it’s too late. Ok! then how do i register? -There are many ways to register for the SAT. mailing in a registration form or going online through collegeboard. com. However, before you go and just register there are some things that might be beneficial to you.

Go to Guidance! Set up an appointment with your guidance counselor as soon as you decide to take the SAT. This is very important for new test takers because they might not understand the online form at collegeboard. com and usually the online registration form requires a registration number. In visiting guidance ask about the form and anything you do not understand about it, the form can be a bit complicated but it’s very important to fill in all the requirements or they will not let you take the test. you should also request a fee waiver. Fee waivers are for students who qualify for free or reduced lunch, these fee waivers exempt students for paying the regular SAT registration fee of $47 (fee waivers can not be used for late registration, and an additional late fee of $24 is added).

Students are only allowed two fee waivers so it’s best to make sure if you receive one you use it properly and not waste it. Anything else? -SAT’s are not limited to only juniors and seniors alone. Mr. Guidone, the SAT supervisor of Crosby High School said, “ SAT’s can be taken at any age. However, it’s good to have done geometry and/or algebra 2.

” That means it’s best to start early in your junior year but not limited to. College applications are usually sent out October for early decision and November/December for the regular deadline. The SAT is offered six times throughout the year at Crosby High school, so there is no time to waste. What about the test? -The test has three portions: writing, reading comprehension, and math. The test last the minimum four hours with two minute breaks in between sections so that the test takers can eat, drink or use the bathroom.

Calculators are encouraged to assist with any math problems but, they must be put away for the other sections of the test. It’s best to go in comfortable clothes so that you can relax and take the test calmly. One female senior said, “ i just went in my PJ’s, i was there to pass not to flirt.” Don’t worry there is no dress code. The whole test is out of a total of 2400 which means you can get a maximum of 800 points for each portion. If you manage to answer the question correctly you get one point.

If you manage to answer the question incorrectly you subtract 1/4 point. If you decide not to answer it you receive no points. So, that’s it? -Don’t forget! Waiting until the last minute never helped anyone. For a test as big and as hard as this the best way to study is to start a month in advance. There are many online sites to help prep you such as: www. grockit. com/SAT www. testprepreview. com/sat majortest. com/sat/ and etc. Also collegeboard. com offers a wide variety from SAT prep to college assistance So when should I start? -Immediately! SAT’s are going on as we speak, so get started

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'Your sat preparation for your college application'. 28 December.


AssignBuster. (2021, December 28). Your sat preparation for your college application. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/your-sat-preparation-for-your-college-application/


AssignBuster. 2021. "Your sat preparation for your college application." December 28, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/your-sat-preparation-for-your-college-application/.

1. AssignBuster. "Your sat preparation for your college application." December 28, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/your-sat-preparation-for-your-college-application/.


AssignBuster. "Your sat preparation for your college application." December 28, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/your-sat-preparation-for-your-college-application/.

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"Your sat preparation for your college application." AssignBuster, 28 Dec. 2021, assignbuster.com/your-sat-preparation-for-your-college-application/.

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