Essay, 4 pages (1000 words)

Why should we eat breakfast everyday?

Train Professor Courtney Anderson public speaking TITHE 4: 00 22, April 2014 Persuasive Speech- Why Should We Eat Breakfast Every Day? Specific purpose: Significant changes need to be implemented to benefit our health. Thesis: In order to address this topic we will examine first, what exactly the problem is, second, it effects, and finally, what we can do to make this change to our lifestyle. L.

Introduction: Attention Getter: How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Some of you may say really tired; others may say that they feel pretty cranky, or most of you probably say that you are hungry.

That hungry you get is your body telling you that you need some sources of foods to keep your body going well for the day. According to a 2011 survey of about 27, 000 In two- month period, approximately 31 million Americans or 10% of the US population skip breakfast each day. These people are not getting a nutrition breakfast everyday which can cause a lack of energy and low performance throughout the day. Many people mentioned various reasons for skipping breakfast, including not being hungry or Just not having enough time.

Significant statement: Because this is a problem that has an impact on our lives, we just explore this issue with some urgency.

Preview: Today, I will be discussing the health risk of skipping breakfast, and second the benefits of eating breakfast, and finally how we can solve the problem of skipping breakfast. L. The health risk of skipping breakfast I. Skipping breakfast has pretty consistently been linked to health risks such as: high blood pressure, chance of diabetes, and heart disease. 1.

The new study out of Harvard looked at the health records of nearly 27, 000 men shows that Men who skipped breakfast were 27% more likely to experience heart attack or to die as the result of coronary heart disease. Walton, 201 3) 2. Another study from Harvard university School of Public Health published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who skip breakfast have a 20% higher risk tot being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes than those who eat breakfast daily. ‘ I.

Skipping breakfast leads to health and cognitive struggles for teenagers and college students. . Teenagers and college students are more likely to skip healthy breakfast when rushing to school. I.

Several studies, including one published in a 2008 issue of the journal “ pediatrics,” have confirmed a link between skipping breakfast and higher dates of obesity in teen These young people normally choose to snacking, and they reach for high- fat, high- sodium snacks that deliver a quick boost but also pack on pounds. Iii. When skipping breakfast, they are lacking in nutrients that their body needs to function.

Therefore, they are often tired and more easily distracted, and result in changing behavior and performance.

IL Benefits of eating breakfast every day a. Breakfasts provide much- needed nutrients to your body after you haven’t ‘ Off sharpen your focus, boost metabolism, prevent starvation, keep you from overeating, and lower bad cholesterol. (Cannon, 2011) b. Eating breakfast is important for everyone, but is especially so for children and adolescents. Eating breakfast can improve cognitive performance, test scores and achievement scores in students.

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According to a study published in the Journal “ Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,” children who increased their participation in school breakfast programs had significantly higher math scores than children who skipped or rarely ate breakfast. (Borers, 2014) c. Eating breakfast also improves the memory skills, fewer signs of frustration when working on school tasks, and maintains a healthy weight. .

A research published in “ Physiology and Behavior” shows that students given a low- glycerin breakfast were able to sustain attention longer than students given a high- glycerin breakfast. . According to another study published in “ Public Health Nutrition,” people who skipped breakfast in the morning were more likely to overeat and have a lower overall diet quality than people who ate breakfast every day. Transition: I have discussed first, the health risk of skipping breakfast and then benefits of eating breakfast, now I will discuss how to start your day off right by eating healthy breakfast. Ill.

After hearing all these studies and statistics perform, you may be asking yourself “ what am I supposed to eat? ” a.

Eating in the morning and what you eat is important for setting your blood-sugar pattern for the rest of the day. I. If you eat something that is whole grain and has some fat and protein to it, your blood sugar is going to rise slowly and go down slowly. If you eat something refined, like an overly sweet cinnamon roll, that’s the worst thing you can eat. (Suffering, 2013) b.

Breakfasts with fruits, vegetables, low- or non-fat dairy, lean protein, and whole rains are the best options. I. Oat milk is a great source of grain which lowers your cholesterol. It. Almost any fruit is a great breakfast for students.

Such a great fruit which is helpful for hydrating your body after going hours and hours without drinking enough water and also good for immune system. If you are fastening up to go, an apple or banana is a quick fruit that has many benefits to start your day such as raising your potassium level, providing fiber and essential vitamins. 1 . Studies have shown that eating apples may lead to a decreased risk of stroke, and may lower ad cholesterol.

Iii. Non- fat yogurt is a great dairy product which gets your body calcium and fiber to help your body wake up after a long period without food. V. Eating meat, you must be very careful because process meat can be harmful for your body and increase a risk of collateral cancer, heart diseases, and type to diabetes.

You can go for lean meat such as turkey, bacon, and egg white v. Last but not least is drinking some coffee. Coffee has been linked to reduce the risk of several diseases such as diabetes and …

Cancer, and which also has improved to help you live longer. . Believe it or not, a study of 2005 showed that coffee is number one source of antioxidants in the U. S. Diet.

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AssignBuster. 2022. "Why should we eat breakfast everyday?" January 10, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/why-should-we-eat-breakfast-everyday/.

1. AssignBuster. "Why should we eat breakfast everyday?" January 10, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/why-should-we-eat-breakfast-everyday/.


AssignBuster. "Why should we eat breakfast everyday?" January 10, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/why-should-we-eat-breakfast-everyday/.

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"Why should we eat breakfast everyday?" AssignBuster, 10 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/why-should-we-eat-breakfast-everyday/.

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