When information for research is collectedsystematically, organized and recorded for interpretation it is considereddata. Data is not random, but gives answers to questions a researcher needs toanswer. If a researcher understands that data is not fixed but can bereconfigured in different ways, then questions asked can be answered comprehensively. Antonius (2003) and Schostak & Schostak (2013) identified two methods usedto analyse data, qualitative and quantitative.
In this study the quantitativedata is based on interpretations made by observers, which gives the study aqualitative nature. A qualitative action study involves a veryclose connection between data collection and data analysis in order to developa clear interpretation of study (Veal, 2006; Schurink et al., 2011; Atkins &Wallace, 2012; Tuckman & Harper, 2012). An assumption for qualitativeresearchers is people are always open to change to improve themselves so dataneeds to be presented in the most productive way for understanding. Morgan& Krueger (1998) revisit the importance that analysis of qualitativemethods must be systematic, consecutive, provable and on a continuum. In thisstudy, data collection became limited by the timeframe and number of studentteacher available but fills the criteria of Morgan and Krueger. The study isreliant on the understanding of the student teachers.
At this point, it is necessary to mention the limitationsof the study. The sample size is small, therefore far-reaching conclusions arenot possible and the results are only a reflection on this case. The data is ina way self-reported, since the student teachers are part of our schoolcommunity and work with the teachers involved in the study. Self-reported datais always limited because it is almost impossible to be independently verified. This causes the data to be selective and telescoping1(Hermam & Edwards, 2014).
Despite the shortcomings, the article could bringabout interest in discussion and further research. At the conclusion of the first week of thestudy, the researchers met with the student teachers and teachers to discussthe reports and data. Five student teachers had been following the lessons ofseven teachers from grades 2 to 5 daily. Altogether, one-hundred twenty threelessons were observed and monitored. 1 Selective: remembering or not remembering experiencesor events that occurred at some point in the past.
Telescoping: recallingevents that occurred at one time as if they occurred at another time.