Essay, 5 pages (1100 words)

What i ask you, and where are

What is a value? A value is something that very person should have, it’s what define us as personas and also it tells all about us.

It can tell who you are in the exact word is our behavior that allows to do thing right, what guide us with the other people and with ourselves. In Mexico there are approximately one million abortions per year, 88 kidnappings a day occur and approximately 6, 000 people commit suicide. Our country reached the highest homicide levels of the last two years. In February 2016, an average of 55 people are murder every day.

Two out of 3 women have suffered from family violence. In addition, here in Mexico, a rape occurs every 4 minutes. As if not all this were enough, abortion is legal in more than 60 countries of the world, Mexico our country being one of them. After all the above mentioned, you will ask yourself what is happening not only in Mexico, but also in the whole world? Why have things changed so much and are they still changing? What are we thinking and why is there people that think like this.

After all this and all the questions I just ask, I did not come to mention all the negative aspects of our country, enough with the news that every day we present a negative version of the world. Today I came to let them see that we are still on time and every day is an opportunity to make a change in our country and in the world, create the best version that you can and make things right. What happens in society? Why the war? Why so many kidnappings, abuses and suicides? I disagree with this kind of society we are leaving in, what about young people today. Phrases and questions that we commonly hear every day from the people around us, but now I ask you, and where are the values? Where is all the good behavior we used to have before all happened all I mentioned and ruined all this. As I already said that values are the principles that allow us to guide our behavior to perform as people, to prefer, appreciate and choose some things instead of others.

If we re-analyze the negative things and start thinking, the only answer is that we are mistakenly choosing those principles that define us and we are building a person without values. Maybe you think it’s too late, that nothing can be done to save it, but I want you to know that the only thing that happens is that we have our eyes closed, we don’t see the reality and we are just seeing only the things we what to see. Of course, values exist also we can bring them back, maybe you’re asking yourself why and I can tell you why, because there are more films of love than ofwar; and because according to statistics, 73% of men give flowers on Valentine’s Day. If we can make a change in our country and our world, I can also tell you why, because any Internet search engine yields more results for the word “ Love” than for the word “ Fear”. Because the word “ Happiness” projects almost twice as many images as the word “ Sadness”. Also because for each book published that carries in its name the word “ Death”, three are published with the word “ Life”.

We cannot give up; we are almost there, because for every prisoner in the world, there are 10 thousand children riding a bicycle; because there are more teachers than soldiers do; and more moms cooing than hitting. The world is not lost, because for each blow there are 50 hugs; for each insult, 100 kisses are given; and for each tear, 1 million smiles. Even if you do not believe it, the best book in the world is the Bible. And there is more value things like this that prove us right and that values do exist and convince us that they are just lost somewhere and we can get them out of thereOf course we can, precisely because these examples present values, and because all of us gathered here are convinced that if we want we can. After having mentioned some negative things and other positive things, to you who are sitting I want to ask you how do you prefer your world, with values or without values. Today we have created a world where the values are so much need for each one of us, where seeing a disabled person in the street does not worry us or make us feel something, or seeing a sick person fighting for his life and get thru it we do not consider it important and we see the things that happen around us without a value or meaning and that ig going to affect us more than anything.” Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.

“ Christie BrinkleyAfter all this I also what to talk not just about values I what to talk about peace and all that comes with it. And let’s star what is it. Peace is a certain quality of existence, which has been sought after, yet seldom found in a long enduring form, since time immemorial.

In a behavioral sense, peace is generally understood to be a lack of conflict and freedom from fear of violence between heterogeneous social groups. Values and peace are together, as a friendship quote said: better together. That is how I see it, they are just better together, but like I just said, they are lost and we need the back. Going back to the better together, I what you to think about it, analyze the quote and just think about a world with both of theme. ace can be back first in our country and then we can spread them in the wor 311t the change has to begging with all the people and with you that you are  this. I invite you to be different, to demonstrate to others that values exist.’o show respect to an older person, tell the truth in every situation even if it hurts, le loyal to your friends and family, help and be generous with the people who teed it most, smile and be happy in any situation or difficulty that comes to your ife.

Never forget that love is the only necessary value to achieve any other. So love, and love unconditionally, do not limit yourself and do not mind if that person is not important to you because in the end that does not matter, the important thing is to help each other and always want the other to be happy, that’s how you will be happy. Also we can make pace and put them together to bring them back.

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AssignBuster. 2022. "What i ask you, and where are." September 30, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/what-i-ask-you-and-where-are/.

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"What i ask you, and where are." AssignBuster, 30 Sept. 2022, assignbuster.com/what-i-ask-you-and-where-are/.

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