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Week #7

Bring It To The Table “ Bring It To The Table” by Wendell Berry is indeed a book that has greatly shaped how our society is today, especially when it comes to our eating lifestyle. I would say that the book has opened readers’ minds on the importance of knowing the origin of what one allows into their bodies through their food intake because it can prevent illnesses and also explain the imminence of diseases our generation is facing.
One of the greatest insights from the book would be Berry’s principle of “ Nature as Measure” where he said that “ agriculture needs to emulate nature. Nature’s standards include productivity, but also require that the land be used well and that people are willing and able to use it well” (Bring It To The table, p. 3). I strongly agree with Berry’s core belief towards being responsible caretakers of Mother Nature so as it will also be kind to us humans. This is especially relevant today, highlighting the need for humans to be more educated towards how to treat and use our natural resources well because of the many natural disasters that have taken many lives and livelihood from people.
“ Bring It To The Table” & “ Jorge Luis Borgers: Funes, His Memory” for me has a lot of correlated ideas. In the line of the narrator to Funes that said “ this rhapsody of unconnected terms was precisely the contrary of a system of enumeration. Funes did not understand me, or did not wish to understand me” (Jorge Luis Borgers: Funes, His Memory, p. 113). Just like how we have a tendency to just take from the world or Mother Nature and disregard the proper processes such as in agriculture, in the end, nature will take its toll on us in such a way, perhaps, that it produces harmful produce that through years of intake would cause our bodies serious harm. Therefore, based on these two readings, I would say that there are no exemptions to the Golden Rule. “ Do not do unto others, what you do not want others to do unto you.”
Berry, Wendell . Bring It To The table. Berkeley, CA: ISBN, 2009. Print.
Hurley, Andrew. Jorge Luis Borgers: Funes, His Memory. USA. Penguin Books, 1988. Print.

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"Week #7." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/week-7/.

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