Essay, 2 pages (300 words)

Union strength within progressive era

“ UnionStrength Within Progressive Era” Union StrengthWithin Progressive Era The Progressive Era was a period in which Progressivessought to re-establish the marketplace amongst poor people. In effect theywould be able to consume more and elevate the strain of their dependency onboth the progressives and elitist. Though it was evident that their plight wasmainly for their own benefit it made people more aware that they could havesome kind of effect on the situation surrounding them. Many unionsbegan to form fighting for the amelioration of their working conditions. Themain thing that they were trying to establish was a basic economic freedom andstability for the lower class society.

One of the major issues fought to beimproved was the economic status of women in society. Single mothers, beinglooked down upon for going out and working, were forced to send their childrento go and work. However, laws prohibiting child labor led to the first form ofchild support. Women continued to lead the majority of unions during theperiod.

Race was integrated into arguments made by some unions in the form ofreferring the system of wages that they were working under, to slavery. Oneunion leader in particular, Mary (Mother) Jones, said, the black man knows whatliberty is (Foner, 142). Though not acomment of malice, it illustrates the incognizant manner in which white peoplerefer to the black man™s struggle.

How is it, that if low class whites cannotfully enjoy the liberties of being an American citizen, that a black man who issupposedly (at this time) below whites of any class can take pleasure in anyliberties. What started out as being an aided evolution of economic conditionended up as a basic want for freedom associated with American citizenship andinnate human rights. This era notonly showed that the people could accomplish goals for themselves but it alsocreated a more unified society in America. It portrayed capitalism as an entitythat could manifest itself resulting in the majority being failures and poorand the minority being rich and successful, and that the only way to regulateit is for the majority to coalesce against it.-M ;,?

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AssignBuster. (2022) 'Union strength within progressive era'. 5 January.


AssignBuster. (2022, January 5). Union strength within progressive era. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/union-strength-within-progressive-era/


AssignBuster. 2022. "Union strength within progressive era." January 5, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/union-strength-within-progressive-era/.

1. AssignBuster. "Union strength within progressive era." January 5, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/union-strength-within-progressive-era/.


AssignBuster. "Union strength within progressive era." January 5, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/union-strength-within-progressive-era/.

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"Union strength within progressive era." AssignBuster, 5 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/union-strength-within-progressive-era/.

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