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Tsunami essay

Tsunami 1 Tsunami I.  The TsunamiAfter the devastating 2004 tsunami that hit countries in South Asia, affected nations sought to rebuild the areas by providing funding to locals to construct houses and start livelihood projects.  The disaster was so devastating that nations from all over the world sent aids in goods and millions of dollars to the affected areas to facilitate the rebuilding of the devastated communities. Other disaster can be prevented but tsunamis, otherwise known as tidal waves, cannot be prevented.

There are however ways to lessen the extent of the destruction.  For tsunami-prone areas, building very tall walls could be done to protect the human dwellings near the sea from the gigantic waves.  The walls could also delay and lessen the impact of the waves.  Sophisticated monitoring systems can be employed to monitor wave movements in order to provide the residents with warnings well before the tsunamis hit.  Trees could also be planted along the shorelines to break the movements of the waves and considerably lessen the tsunamis height and impact when they reach the shores. Mangroves should be preserved and encouraged to grow to protect the residents (ADB, 2006). Clearly, there is no foolproof method in dealing with tsunamis but having a contingency plan and a disaster-coordinating agency can help prevent deaths to coastal dwellers.

II.   IndonesiaIndonesia is one of the countries that were hit hardest by the tsunami in December 2004. Some 250, 000 to 300, 000 people were killed by the tsunami of the coast of Sumatra.  A. Physical GeographyIndonesia’s geomorphology is primarily shaped by volcanic forces and is characterized by high mountain ranges and plains off its coast. The country is positioned near the Indian and Burmese tectonic plates.

Because of these characteristics, Indonesia is prone to tsunamis. Such disasters prevent the poor sections of Indonesia from prospering (Sentinel Security Assessment – Southeast Asia, 2009). B. Cultural GeographyIndonesia ranks fourth when it comes to population. It has 203 million people in a thousand islands. It has around 200 to 300 ethnic groups that speak their distinct language or dialect.

The Indonesia culture may be likened to that of India (Culture of Indonesia). References Asia Development Bank. (2006, March 3). Indonesia: Tsunami Summary. Retrieved January 25, 2008, fromhttp://www. adb.

org/media/Articles/2005/6618_tsunami_impact_Indonesia/default. asp? RegistrationID= guestCulture of Indonesia. Retrieved June 24, 2009, from http://www. everyculture.

com/Ge-It/Indonesia. htmlSentinel Security Assessment – Southeast Asia. (2009, January 15).

Jane’s Sentinel Country Risk Assessments. Retrieved June 24, 2009, from http://www. janes. com/articles/Janes-Sentinel-Security-Assessment-Southeast-Asia/Geography-Indonesia. html

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"Tsunami essay." AssignBuster, 13 Jan. 2022, assignbuster.com/tsunami-essay/.

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