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To communicate is to convey a message english language essay

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To communicate is to convey a message between people. This could be just between two people or could expand to an entire group of people. This message can go directly to the intended recipient without any disturbances and therefore they get a clear message. The message however can be interfered with by noise. Noise is anything that is an obstacle in the messages way, being physical, psychological or semantic noise. In a basic communication model there are certain key elements that are necessary in order for a message to be decoded correctly . The key elements are: Sender (communicator)A sender is the person who is transmitting the message. MessageThe message is a reason for communication to take place. Without a message to transmit, there would be no reason for communication to occur. A message is either a physical or verbal method of communication. A message is the pathway of communication; it goes from a sender (communicator) to a receiver (decoder). Receiver (decoder)The receiver is the person who decodes the message that is sent to them, however the message can be interpreted differently compared to what the sender originally intended it to be portrayed as. For example: a sender could say to her friend ” you look pretty today”. Her intended meaning was that her friend looked very nice that day, not to say that she doesn’t always look nice. Her friend (receiver) however could interpret this message as her friend meaning she only looks nice today and not any other day. The word ” today” can be seen as semantic noise and could be the main reason for the misinterpretation of the message. The receiver of a message is the person in which the message is directed towards. As we research more about communication models we can see that the more in depth we go the more complex the models get. Each model differs because they have different aspects that make them unique. As they get more complex we start bringing in the different channels that a message travels and the feedback of the receiver. There are many complex models, such as: Cubic communication modelFractional communication modelShannon communication modelNewcomb’s communication modelWilbur Schramm communication modelIn this assignment we chose to elaborate on the Shannon communication model, Newcomb’s communication model and Wilbur Schramm’s communication model. Shannon communication model includes a sender, encoder, message, channel, decoder, noise, receiver and feedback. Having all these different components makes it very complex. Newcomb’s communication model also sometimes known as the ABX model is more to do with society and social communication. This is complex because when working with a lot of people such as a community the messages get harder to convey properly and effectively. Wilbur Schramm’s communication model also known as the circular communication model is more based on feedback so that the sender can see how the receiver has interpreted the message.


2. 1) Shannon communication modelThe Shannon-Weaver ModelThe Shannon-Weaver model is a communication model which was once established by two men by the names of Claude E. Shannon and Warren Weaver. Claude E Shannon was a research mathematician who worked for the Bells Lab. Shannon created the theory of communication, which he designed to facilitate information from over telephone lines. Weaver after some time that Shannon had come up with his theory he came up with the components of feedback to add to the Linear Model of Shannon. The Shannon-Weaver Communication Model is made up of 8 key elements that are most required for people to be able to communicate and the message or information to be understood. The elements of the Shannon-weaver modelSourceEncoderMessageChannelDecoderNoiseReceiverFeedbackSourceAccording to this model the source of the communication process is extremely important. This is because without the source the communication process would not be in any action. The source refers to a group of people or an individual wanting to send a message with the reason of communicating with others. With this model the source expects the message to be delivered to the person which they wish to contact. Encoder (TRANSMITTER)Under the encoder the source must have already decided on what they wish to send to the other person in order for the encoder to be able to put the words or the message of source in correct format. Basically the encoder is there to put things in order from the source to the other elementsmessageIn terms of the message we mean, the idea or information which the source wishes the person on the other side to receive. With the message the human communication puts it (message) in a distinct meaning that both humans can understand. Both the men, Shannon and Weaver were focussed on the transmitting of the message rather than the message having substance. channelIn simple words to channel means where the signal is being carried. So the channel is responsible for transporting the message which it has selected. The message may be in different ways such as electronic, verbal or be written, but the work of the channel will be the route that the message will travel through. noise” Noise” was the aspect in which Shannon stressed mostly on as he knew that noise would be an interference regarding the signal and how the message would be portrayed. Noise becomes to the distortion that can ruin or change the initial message from the source regarding the electronic side. The communication between the two people can never be effective if noise is not reduced. decoderThe decoder is responsible for the message sent by the source to be able to reach the person on the other side (the receiver). The message must be decoded or interpreted from the original state that it was sent by the source for the receiver to understand what the source was sayingreceiverThe receiver is the second person in the Shannon-Weaver model that will be receiving the message which was sent by the source. The receiver is just responsible to receive the message that has been sent to them by means of replying back to the source. feedbackThis step is very important as it acts as the middle man between the source and the receiver. For the communication to become meaningful, feedback has to be provided to the source. Feedback acts as an indication to the source as to whether the receiver has received the message or not. So basically without the feedback the communication process.

The advantages of the model

To many people the Shannon-Weaver model is said to be the ” mother of all communications”, this is because of the good changes the communication has brought to people. The advantages of this model are straight to the point and simple. This model has made communication to be in an easy understandable way and also simple when compared to the other models. This is because when the two men came up with this model they had an idea of coming up with a communication process which was going to be effective to people. With that, people of the past generation and new generation were given a chance to communicate with one another from different paces of the world through the Shannon-Weaver model. Some other models have strength in particular aspects, while there is weakness for others. The strength of the Shannon-weaver model is its simplicity, generality and quantity. Hence the popularity of the model world widely was due to the advantages, which also caused it to be in the academic world

The disadvantages of the model

As for the disadvantages of the model they are quite many as compared to the advantages.•The first problem is that the communication process is not active, but just in a passive form despite the different stages in the model. The source is the only one in control of the communication process rather than both the receiver and the source being in control of the communication. With this communication model it does not consider the fact that communication is a two-way process. With people especially of the new generation prefer communication to be in an active form where they will be able to hear and respond to the other person’s words.•The second problem is that the receiver has to interpret the message sent to them in a way which they can understand. This is because the transmission models are linear and with that it ignores the active and constructive role of the receiver which is an important part of the human communication process.•The third problem is the time factor: With the time factor we mean that the source sends a message with an idea, intention or hope that the receiver will immediately get it, but because of the time and the different stages of the model the communication will be delayed and the receiver will receive the message after some time. This is also a problem because humans are humans and they have different emotions and at different times, so as the message or communication gets delayed the emotions of the human also change ruining the original intention of the communication.•The forth problem is that the communication model does not have a contextual frame. This starts to be a problem due to the fact that in order for people to understand or make sense of the message that has been sent to them for communication reasons there should be a contextual frame to the message itself or how people communicate. We tend to not understand each other simply because in the stages of the communication model in the communication can break down. So contextual frame in the communication process is really important because with it we can communicate with each other in a manner which is suitable for the things we are talking about.•The firth problem is that there is the medium in the Shannon-Weaver model which is responsible for transporting the message sent by the source to the receiver, as it tells the receiver al the intentions that the source had when sending the message. sometimes times the medium that is between the source and the receiver is not appropriate in the manner of that it might not send the message to the receiver in the manner of which the source had intendedSo in other words communication is very important, whether it has its advantages and disadvantages. The main point is how we communicate through this communication process, using the model in a good way or just misusing it. The disadvantages are mostly there, but the way we humans use this model is what is mostly criticized on. 2. 2) Newcomb’s communication modelThe Newcomb’s model of communication was invented by a man called Theodore M Newcomb, who studied at the University of Michigan in 1953. Mr Newcomb was a great pioneer in the study field of social psychology. As the years went by he then worked for the improvement of human motivation, perception and learning about the understanding of social processes. In Mr Theodore’s model the ” New Comb’s model of communication” he suggests different ways on how to approach the communication process. The main idea of this of this model was to introduce communication to asocial relationship (society) and to also maintain a social balance within the social system. The message is not included as a separate entity in his diagram, imply is only by the use of directional arrows. He concentrated on the purpose of communication socially, displaying all communication as a way of sustaining relationship between people. It is sometimes called as the ” ABX” model of communication. Message ReceiverTopic




Message Sender

The Newcomb’s Model

The Newcomb’s model works in a triangle format or A-B-X system. A-SenderB-receiverX-Matter of concern” The relationship between A and B is like students and teachers, government and public or newspaper and readers. Sender and Receiver may work in the same flow but the same time some factor like X may affect their flow of relationship. ” X” it may be third persons, issue, topic or policy.” For example: To increase the college timing from 6 to 8 hours, teachers introduce a new policy. A-teacher B-students X-Policy or issue. The communication will than maintain its equilibrium status between them if both the students and teachers are satisfied with this policy. Or else the communication between the A and B becomes trouble in the social system. The social system will be affected if A and B are not ready to accept the policy and the equilibrium status will not be maintained. So student B must be convinced by teacher A as much as possible. Other wise they both need to make some adjustment in the policy X and convince them in the same direction as the policy. Function of the modelA great pioneer in the field of social psychology called by the name of Theodore M. Newcomb (July 24 1963) published the Newcomb’s model. He approaches the communication process in different ways. His main purpose for this theory is to introduce the role of communication in a social relationship (society) and to also maintain social equilibrium in the social system. His messages are included as separate entities in his diagram. He focuses on social purposes of communication, expressing all communication as a way of sustaining relationships between people. Shannon and other pioneers have constructed the consistency to the approach of theory as far as the most rational and experimental. Approaches like this tend to employ the structural rigours of logic rather than the looser syntaxes, grammars and the vocabularies of common languages with their symbolic, poetic and inferential aspects of meaning. Cybernetic theory and computer technology need strict but straightforward languages to allow translation into nonambigous, for statistical manipulation special symbols must be stored and utilised. The closed system for formal logic proved ideal for this need . As long as the communicating parties share the rational premises employed by the particular system than the premises and conclusions drawn from syllogisms according to logical rules may be easily tested in a consistent, scientific manner. The logic of the ancient Greeks was unavoidable and this logical mode of communication came from this frame of discourse. Translated into an Aristotelian manner of discourse, meaning of discourse, individuals can have meaningful interactions transferred to an equally rational closed system of mathematics; an arithmetic for simple transactions, an algebra for solving certain well-delimited puzzles of illustration and stimulate changes , rates and flows and for the purpose of illustrations and model construction, geometry is used. Those limited classes of communication has proved quite useful for handling after this progression, those rational operations that arise out of certain structures, like those in economics, inductively orientated sociology, experimental psychology and other behaviour, social sciences as well as most of the natural sciences. IdentityCommunication helps us as humans to know and understand who we are, in other words, it is how we communicate and interact with others that helps us understand our identity . When speaking to people, are u honest or u always sarcastic? Do you acknowledge other people when you speak or diss them by walking away from a conversation when you do not like the way a conversation is going. These are the certain needs researchers have identified through communication: affection, inclusion, escape, relaxation and control. Only communication with others can satisfy these needs that need to be filled. Anthropologist Walter Godldschmidt terms the communication drive as the ” human career” Practical needsIn order to accomplish daily tasks communication is needed. Most employers agree that in order to be successful one need to have increased communication skills, because its one of the single most necessary skill needed for success. It is very important for college students to develop effective communication skills. Goals of the modelThe main goal for informational activity is to communicate knowledge. A piece of information can be from knowledge but provided that it is communicated, if it goes through any act of communication. Some acts can be expressed graphically and that’s if it goes through any process of communication (KONIGOVA. 1981). Via modelling, such processes can be graphically expressed. One of he main ways to study the complicated phenomena of the real world is by modelling, where it is impossible to offer a complete and exact description and where all phenomena are inter-connected. A models allows us to capture the parts that we perceive as important and in the simplest way, which means that those that are close to the purpose are going to be fulfilled by the model. Unavoidable, a certain idealization is sure of a specific model is happening and it should not be mistaken for creating a copy of the object or phenomenon. Or its tautology (BERKA1967) Doc RNDr. Milan Berka CSc calls the art of modelling and creating models ” an art of searching for the compromise between simplicity and exactness. A model can be defined as a simplified conscious part of reality which is presented in graphical form. This is depicted in the main parts of a process and their relationships between their single parts. These communication models have been used though out history as a way of analysing the components of effective communication, as well as exploring methods on how to improve communication on many levels. ” the process of communication ” by David Berlo quoted Aristotle, saying that ” the prime goal of communication was persuasion, an attempt sway other men to the speaker’s point of view” (Bernlo, 1960, p. 8) Before addressing his communication model, Berlo’s work focuses on the purpose and goals of communication. The purpose of communication is four fold it is: 1.) Not logically contradictory or inconsistent with itself2.) Bahaviour-cenetre that is expressed in terms of human behaviour3.) Specific enough for us to be able to relate it to actual communication behaviour4.) Consistent with the ways in which people do communicate (Berlo, p10)It is very necessary to concept of levels of interdependence once the purpose of communication is defined. Berlo writes, ” In any communication situation the source and the receiver are interdependent” (Berlo, p106-120) . There are four levels of interdependence, starting from the most basic to the most sophisticated and effective. He notes that all the levels of interdependent are used to some degree. The levels are as follows: Definition-physical interdependence, which is the receiver and the source talking at each other, and not listening or reacting to each others message. The only function that each of them serve is to have a physical presence with which to communicate. Action-reaction interdependence, in which the source has a purpose, encodes a message and the receiver processes it and performs the task, and the source provides feedback. Interdependence of expectations (empathy), is explained as the communication relying on the source anticipating the receiver response, following adjusting the message and channel so that the message will be decoded accurately and reach the receiver the source intends. Intention, is the goal of interdependence, where the source and receiver can not be independent and provide successful communicationBerlo’s theory is not unique in using compartmentalizing communication as a way to understand and facilitate communication . According to Berlo there are three ingredients to communication, 1.) The speaker2.) The speech which he produces3.) The person who listens


Consistence and Accuracy, as mentioned before this model allows clarification and complicated phenomena easy to understandGenerality Creates space for further questions and allows interpreting some theory.” the more complicated a the given object, the more chaotic and recoverable is its natural interference-and the more the possible benefit of the model being created”(MORTENSEN, 1972)The possibility of the further expanding of the theory The given theory Is easily quantified through the modelEasy verification of the hypotheses adopted Several mathematical exact methods can be used according to the character of the assumed relationships, especially with mathematical models. Future prognosis -Producing possible results or directions of events2. 3) Wilbur Schramm Communication modelWilbur Schramm was born on the 5th of August 1907 and died on the 27th of December 1987. He is known for creating the first PhD program in mass communication. He was involved in the World War II; this is where his vision for communication was developed. Wilbur also wrote a number of books which have become very popular in communication. This communication model was invented by Wilbur Schramm in 1954. It has derived from the Shannon-Weaver communication process. It is a transactional communication model. It is obvious that for people to understand any kind of information it needs to be put into words. This communication model does exactly that, it converts any kind of information or thought into reading content. The Schramm model is an interaction process which involves two parties that exchange meaningful messages. http://www. xtimeline. com/__UserPic_Large/46390/evt100502124100048. jpgAny linear communication model does not involve a feedback station therefore this is how this communication model is different to the others. Feedback is a very important component of this process. It helps the sender understand how the receiver has interpreted the message. This specific communication model, the Wilbur Schramm model, can also be known as the circular communication model. It consists of many important dimensions such as: Message, this is what exactly is trying to be communicated. Sender/Encoder, this is by whom this specific message is being sent. How the message is sent, meaning through which channel or medium is this message being sent. Receiver/Decoder, this is then to whom this message is being sent. This communication model involves two or more parties, that is why so many different components are used and they are a vital part of this process. Communication is a social interaction which involves interpersonal as well as intrapersonal communication. Wilbur Schramm made sure that his model of communication would be able to interpret these specific interactions correctly. Interpersonal communication is definitely one of the most important elements to communication as it is the main component in creating relationships; this is a kind of communication will take place between two or more people, such as a group discussion or public speaking. Intrapersonal communication is a very basic level of communication. People spend a lot of time thinking and this is where intrapersonal communication comes from, it is how you send and receive information within yourself. It involves our physical as well as our emotional sensations. This type of communication takes place every minute that we are alive. Wilbur Schramm understood that a message could be misinterpreted very often. There are connotative and denotative meanings to words and it is up to the receiver/decoder to decide which meaning he will be using. A connotative meaning of a word will refer to one’s personal experience, their emotions which are attached to that word. A denotative meaning of a word is its literal dictionary meaning, no experience or emotions are attached. Wilbur Schramm understood that no two people could ever have the same meaning of an exact word and a vital part of communication is receiving feedback from the person who is involved, he therefore wanted some kind of understanding between the sender and receiver so that nothing would be misinterpreted. He created a ” field of experience”. If the two people involved in the communication process have a common field experience which means that there is an understanding on a specific topic they will then have no problem communicating, having a field of experience is very important.

Wilbur Schramm’s feedback loop:

This is a simple feedback that the sender will receive from the receiver. Feedback in communication is very important; it allows the receiver to get back to the sender with what they have understood about the message. Allowing for feedback in a communication process allows for an open discussion or understanding of something. Feedback is also essential for the sender because it allows them to realise whether they have gotten the correct message across to the receiver. A feedback loop will then obviously be the feedback from the sender to the receiver and vice versa. This is a diagram of the feedback loop: http://www. uri. edu/personal/carson/kulveted/feedbackloop. gif

Wilbur Schramm’s field of experience:

This is a feedback based on a person’s beliefs or life experiences. As said before, the field of experience during communication has a big impact. Each individual will have their own field of experience; it is then their common experience field which will help the message which is trying to be delivered. http://www. uri. edu/personal/carson/kulveted/fieldofexperience. gif

Advantages of the Wilbur Schramm Communication Model:

Having a feedback loop will help the sender and receiver communicate to see if the message has been clearly understood. An effective feedback process allows for more communication between the sender and receiver and the communication will be more positive, with less misunderstandings. The field of experience can help a message get across to the receiver if there is common ground. In the making of this communication process, human behaviour was incorporated which means that it is to benefit communication in relationships as well as with any other people.

Disadvantages of the Wilbur Schramm Communication Model:

This model does not focus at all on communication noise and that is an important aspect in the communication field. Noise can influence a message a lot; it can have a negative as well as a positive effect on the message. Something can be completely misinterpreted due to noise which has interrupted the sender. People misunderstand each other even when the right symbol is used or even if they have a common experience field. A message still can be misinterpreted.


The Wilbur Schramm communication model which is also known as the circular model is definitely one of the best models as it is not just the usual linear shape. That helps the receiver understand the message that is being sent, it provides a feedback which not many other communication processes do. Wilbur Schramm related this communication model to human behaviour where as many of the other communication models are simply related to encoding and decoding and that is all. This process focuses on a two-part path which will help a sender to get the correct meaning of the message across without something being misinterpreted. The circular communication process is one of the more complex models but it definitely is better than the others.


Here you write your answer to the problem statement. Basically you can write what you have learned in this assignment. The conclusion must be formulated so that it can be directly drawn back to the problem statement.

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