Essay, 5 pages (1100 words)

There interlinked and worked together in order

There are 4 main areas in the music industry, namely; record labels/companies, live performance companies, music publishingcompanies and artist management all of which are interlinked and workedtogether in order to help an artist to become successful. Live performanceLive performancecompanies work to; ·      Promote live performances- putting dates of shows online, through ads on social media, making posters and flyers etc.·      Setting up for shows- hiring workers, designing sets, building sets etc.·      Health and safety- making sure that everything is safe, that all the necessarypermits are acquired. Live show companies have to ensure the safety of thepeople that come to their shows. They have to plan/check their set designs toensure the safety of the performer to make sure that they are safe. They alsohave to know and be able to follow fire safety protocols that in the case of anincident people would be able to get to safety.

It’s important for them to beable to communicate with and manage the crowed if necessary in all thedifferent types of arenas. Purple guide health and safety has been written byThe Events Industry Forum in consultation with the aim to help organizers whoare duty holders to manage health and safety, particularly at a large-scalemusic event. The health and safety executive were also consulted. ·       Tour/event management- retailing tickets; backstage passes; front ofhouse; performing rights etc.

The Berklee College of Music found thatindividual concert promoters can earn up $1 million per year depending on thesize of the venues they book; the popularity of the music acts they promote andhow many shows per year they produce. Front of house: Front of house managers are in charge ofmaking sure that shows run smoothly and is in charge of making sure that thestage sound levels are correct. There are different types of for example BrianGaynair is a front of house for Broadway shows. He is responsible for the dayto day functions of the Broadway production they are working for and makingsure the audience is happy. On the other hand, you have Jim Ebon who is the FOHmanager for Maroon 5.

Jim is in charge of making sure that the bands show setup is all in order, he has to lead and direct all the tech workers and ensurethat they are doing everything right. Recording companiesRecord labels are the companies that market recorded music and musicvideos. Music publishers are often linked to record labels however they shouldnot be mistaken to be the same thing. Music labels main priority is thedevelopment of artists and not the promotion of artists as well as A. Record labels engage in a wide range of functions in the music industryincluding new artist recruitment and development (known as A), music publishingand copyright enforcement. Marketing is one of a record label’s most importantfunctions seeing as public awareness is the only way for them to make theirmoney. There are many record companies in the UK, and big record labels oftenjoin forces with good studios, some of the majors being; ·      Universal & Polygram·      Warner, Virgin & EMI·      Sony SME & ColumbiaHowever, this is only representative of the stock ownership seeing asmany sublabels operate in different genre.

Most major labels, such as Sony andUniversal Music Group, own their distribution networks which put the music ofthe artists signed to them exclusive contracts in the hands of the millions ofconsumers in a matter of hours or days. Major record labels may also ownsub-labels that specialize in publishing, recording and promoting a wider rangeof genres. However major companies have their artist sign a range of agreements(including licensing and distribution agreements) which give the labelssignificant cuts of the artists earnings worldwide, this means that it would bequite some time before the artist saw any profit. As a result of this manyartists prefer to join independent labels as the threat of being ‘ cheated’ outof their earnings may be diminished. Independent labels account for approximately 15% of the market and arenot to be underestimated, independent companies have contributed to the successand development; of many successful artists such as Adele who up until lastyear was signed to XL (XL also has Jack White). Examples of some independent record companies:·      Mad decent·      Matador records·      Rhymeasayers Entertainment·      ATP recordings·      XL recordings·      Abbey road·      Sarm music village·      Trident students Artists and repertoire (A&R)is the division of a record label or music publishing company that isresponsible for talent scouting and overseeing the artistic development ofrecording artists and songwriters.

Music publishing companiesIn the music industry, a music producer, publisher (or publishingcompany) is responsible for ensuring that the songwriters and composers receivepayment when they are used commercially. There are many companies that arededicated to making sure that musicians are protected; The Musicians Union, MCPS (Mechanical- copyright protection society).  The Music PublishingAssociation believe in ‘ Creating, protecting and promoting music’There are a few things that musicpublishing companies have to take into consideration when planning shows; theweather (if it’s outside.), popularity of the artist(s), location, time of sale(do fans have enough time to buy tickets before the show), promotion (do fansknow about the show) and accessibility (will fans be able to get to the show).

What does a publisher do? A publisher puts in time, passion, creativity and money, they are incharge of royalty commissioning (they hunt down income for songwriters), theyare advocates for the artist and try to get people to believe in them, in chargeof business infrastructure and they are also in charge of record sales, the useof sheet music; radio; synch; T. V; film; games and websites.  Publishers are also in charge of thesynchronization of a piece of music (basically anyway there is that many can bemade from as piece of music. It is very common that an album is replicated and transcribed toguitar, and sold online or on highstreets or used in production music in themetunes, adverts, ringtones, feature films and trailers. Publishers also support and nurture, resource, provide editorialservices for composers and creates individual parts for musicians to play from. Artist management Managers are in charge of running all aspects of the business side ofthe artist’s or the band’s career. This allows the talent to focus entirely oncreating music.

A manager’s job is to articulate the vision of the artist, tooversee each component of business operation, PR and touring. In small labels the roles of manager can be varied. A manager can beresponsible for an unsigned band of musicians, or, if they’re signed to a smalllabel (such as 4AD, matador records or XL) often has a lot of roles; promotor, agent, accountant, or any other kind of professional so that the artists canperform and have a viable career.

whereas a manager for an artist signed by abig label (such as warner music group, EMI or Sony) functions in more of amanagerial capacity and supervises the other people that are employed by themusician. These managers have oversight and ensure that essentials such asadvertising and PR campaigns are running smoothly, tours are being booked andartists get paid.

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'There interlinked and worked together in order'. 17 November.


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AssignBuster. 2021. "There interlinked and worked together in order." November 17, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/there-interlinked-and-worked-together-in-order/.

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"There interlinked and worked together in order." AssignBuster, 17 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/there-interlinked-and-worked-together-in-order/.

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