Essay, 22 pages (5000 words)

The states role in economic development economics


  • Decision

In this chapter will seek to throw visible radiation on some keys issues from many bookmans in the context of theory it related to this research. It is utile for locating the survey for charting out what sort of theoretical deduction the determination of this survey are likely to offer. Therefore in this chapter we discuss the function of province in economic development and the fight in the term of fight in the universe market by utilizing revealed comparative advantage and in conclusion are short brief about the electronics industry.

2. 1. The Role of the State in Economic Development

The function of province in economic development is tremendous non merely as regulator but besides in jurisprudence enforcement, the proviso of instruction, equal substructure until on wellness. The accomplishment of all the authorities ‘ s function in economic development is depends on the preparedness and the authorities itself. In East Asia has been stated that in the function of province has played in economic development in the part. This can be seen from the many surveies about the success of the function of province in East Asia by many writers such as World Bank, 1993, Johnson, 1982, Wade and White, 1984, Amsden, 1989 and Castell, 1992.

In this session we will discourse about the perceptual experience of the function of province development in East Asia, with accent on the relationship between public policy and economic sciences. There are 3 theoretical accounts of the province which we will discourse is the market led theoretical account, the province led concern theoretical account and toward the province mutuality.

The Market Led-Model

Major institutional ground tackle market and East Asian development theoretical account is a symbol and development schemes, as already stated in the 1980s. by World Bank. In a universe development study 1987, the World Bank has been systematically to supply some insight heterosexual from the neo classic from Alfred Marshall ‘ s point of position that emphasizes the positive effects of limitless market in the optimum allotment of resources in order to back up free trade and free market development theoretical account. In the policy, the World Bank gave some suggestions that the development of the state to follow a more market development plans such as doing links with international organic structures like the International Monetary Fund. The narrative of East Asian development emphasizes the importance of market forces that have been written by Little, 1981, Balassa 1982 and Balassa et. al, 1988.

In position of the market-leading theoretical account, the function of the province has a limited map as a accelerator and corrector of market failure. Harmonizing to Little ( 1981 ) said that export success in East Asia NIEs stresses because the positive effects of free trade conditions. In this epoch, the East Asiatic NIEs have been the passage to industrial capitalist economy, such as Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. In this instance, the stableness of authorities is indispensable to supply stable conditions for long-run concern conditions and besides the regulative model and substructure capacity excessively.

Balassa comments in his survey of the ‘ lessons ‘ of East Asian development:

“ The chief Contribution of authorities in the Far Eastern NIEs has been to make a modem infrastructurei?? to supply a stable inducement system, and to guarantee that authorities bureaucratism will assist instead than impede exportsaˆ¦More by and large less usage has been made of authorities ordinance and bureaucratic controls in East Asia than elsewhere in the underdeveloped universe. Finallyi?? there have been fewer policy-imposed deformations in labour and capital markets, and greater trust has been placed on private endeavor ” . ( Balassa, 1988 ; . 286-8 )

Its antonym with Paul W. Kuznets positions. Kuznets took a different position of the Balassa by comparing the diametric in Japan, Taiwan and South Korea and terminal with a diametrically different position of the province of the Balassa. Kuznets states, in three states, “ Government intercession, although limited by the demand to maintain exports competitory, had penetrated ‘ ( Kuznets, 1988 ; 36 ) .

Latin America vsi?? East Asia: the secret of export-led growing

Harmonizing to Balassa, ( 1988 ; 271-288 ) stated that the East Asiatic NIEs ( including Hong Kong ) have adopted the first stage of import-replacing industrialisation ( the primary local market and import of consumer merchandises are replaced by labour-intensive local production ) and is opposite with Latin America NIEs by following the 2nd stage of import-substituting industrialisation ( local production as a manufacturer of goods, capital-intensive import replacement ) .

Balassa ( 1988 ) said that export growing in East Asia NIEs which they recorded the highest GDP growing rates among developing states. Factors act uponing this are:

Export carried out in conformity with comparative advantage by lending to the allotment of resources. This status is an advantage of the new, improved efficiency based on the excellence of each industry and the state concerned. ( Balassa, 1988 ; 280-1 )

East Asia NIEs exports provide to get the better of the limited domestic market with to maximalist usage of resources and harvest the benefits of large-scale production.

Import permutation and protection are frequently monopolies ; export-oriented industrialisation is more towards the competition with a alteration toward more modern engineering in order to better their place in universe markets.

Harmonizing to Balassa ( 1988 ; 268-8 ) that four determiners of economic public presentation of East Asiatic NIEs are good are:

Stability of an inducement system.

History of East Asiatic states shows that the system is to promote exports by puting up inducements, extinguishing administrative barriers ‘ and make a favourable environment for exporters with a comparatively stable status. These conditions contrast with Latin America NIEs. Where East Asia NIES states are more inclined to avoid any additions or fluctuations in exchange rates, and exporters can normally anticipate that the inducements they receive will be maintained in the period, while states in Latin American NIEs with fluctuating exchange rates and pay additions in exports, so it is cut down the profitableness of exporters.

Limited authorities intercession.

States in East Asia have implemented the administrative system is far more limited than in Latin America. This status is meant by East Asiatic states to make a positive environment for economic growing with free markets working.

Well map labour and capital markets.

The being of the policy of East Asiatic states has instituted in deformation imposed on labour and capital markets. Where labour markets are by and large free in East Asia Niles is different with the ordinance in Latin America NIEs. These conditions non merely on the labour market but besides more free capital markets in East Asia NIEs than in Latin America NIEs. Another factor is the involvement rate in line with market monetary values to supply inducements for domestic nest eggs and to forestall capital escape, while in Latin America NIEs, unnaturally low involvement rates affect currency values is considered excessively high to promote abroad capital.

Dependence on private capital.

Comparing the being of dependance of the private sector in East Asia NIEs is greater than in Latin America NIEs. In East Asia NIEs private companies to take an of import function in doing the necessary investings, and through the relationship of international competition to makes efficient and profitable. While in Latin America NIEs, the public companies tend to play a more of import function than in the East Asiatic NIEs.

The State-led theoretical accounts

State led theoretical account is really opposite position with the neo classical. The narrative of the revised mentality from East Asia to the position of the market led to a province theoretical account of development led to the construct of province has been expressed by Johnson, 1987, Castell, 1992, every bit good as success in industrialisation on late development in the context of province as the biggest agent in the transmutation has been expressed by Gerscenkron, 1962.

Harmonizing to Wade and White observe that:

“ If we turn to Japan, South Koreai?? and Taiwan, among the most dramatic and just Cases in the history of Capitalist development, industrialisation has in each instance been accompanied by aggressive authorities intercession. The governments have acted to steer markets and chair the competitory procedure in a manner that neo classical economic sciences says public functionaries can non acquire right ” . ( Wade and White, 1984 ; 1 )

Other bookmans such as Deyo said about proposed capacity theoretical account strategic, stressing the new industrialism East Asia:

“ [ the ] province ‘ s committedness to economic enlargement and, more of import, its capacity to implement happy development schemes differentiates these NIEs from other developing States better endowed in natural resources, graduated table of domestic markets, and other economic assets ” . ( Deyo, 1987 ; 228 )

Harmonizing to the inactive position, Stephen W. K. Chiu and Tai-Lok Lui ( 1998 ; 144 ) said that province intercession is required for successful late industrialisation. This is consistent with Gerschenkron position which said that the importance of strong province to get the better of the deficiency of defects, and deficiency of smooth industrial markets. ( Gerschenkron, 1962 ; Rueschemeyer and Evans, 1985 ) .

By following Gerschenkron, Amsden ( 1989 ) stated that the industrialisation of East Asia is characterized by ‘ Late ‘ alternatively of ‘ Newly ‘ of his ( such as the economic system in new industries ) . As a fledgling to East Asiatic companies must be able to vie with Western companies in footings of engineering.

In other words, Wade, 1992 said that the magnitude of jobs faced by latecomers from the developmental province is to countervail the failing that is frequently faced by companies in East Asia into International Competition and the transportation of its industrial construction to a more dynamic activity engineering.

The capitalist developmental province

Talking about development capitalist economy province directs us to the sentiment of Johnson ( 1987 ) province that capitalist economy development does non try to replace the market mechanism and private determination, but neither does it renounce to private profit-seeking Behaviors in the development procedure.

Johnson argued about capitalist development is the ‘ logic of the system comes from the interaction of two sub-systems, one populace and directed to other development aims and the private sector and aimed at maximising net incomes ‘ ( Johnson, 1987 ; 141-2 )

State of development, harmonizing to Johnson, 1987 construct ‘ have the undermentioned characteristics:

‘ Elite Development produced and come to the bow because of a desire to go out the stagnancy of dependance and retardation, that truly understand that they need to successfully market to keep efficiency, actuate the people in the long term, and serves as a cheque on institutionalised corruptness as they struggle against underdevelopment ‘ ( Johnson, 1987 ; 140 ) .

Because non a socialist state, province development house committed to private belongings and markets. The market system is really closely with the authorities to explicate a strategic industrial policy to advance development. While the development of elect province economic intercession non merely on the market.

In the province bureaucratism, the pilot bureaus ( such as MITI in Japan ) plays an of import function in the preparation and execution of strategic policy. The bureau is given sufficient range to take enterprise and run efficaciously, and pull off the best people. Johnson showed that a good enlisting in the civil bureaucratism will give good consequences but besides produces a sense of integrity and common individuality on the portion of the elect bureaucratism.

Another narrative about how the province promotes late industrialisation has been expressed by Amsden ( 1989 ) in which the Korean accent on subsidy policy for the revolution industry and disciplined in protecting the new industry grow. Subsidies have given because Korean Integration can non contend with Nipponese companies. Subsidies are given to entrepreneurs to construct industry. Korea in the hereafter so that finally became the major industrialised states. The subject Policy, firmly Korean authorities made a regulation that companies that have good public presentation was the company will be able to present a direction and bad public presentation will acquire a punishment. This suggests that province intercession is in demand when Korea in the industry slowdown

It is required in province bureaucratism that has been selected to acquire a bureaucratism meritocracy have capable and competent in running the authorities both in footings of policy and ordinance.

Harmonizing to Stephen W. K. Chiu and Tai-Lok Lui ( 1998 ; 147 ) bureaucratic liberty was besides guarded by the politicization of the major economic determinations, or what Johnson calls the separation between “ reigning and governing ” :

Otherwise, Johnson said that

“ the politicians set wide ends, protect the technocratic bureaucratism from political force per unit areas perform “ safety valve ” maps when the bureaucratism makes errors, and take the heat when corruptness dirts are uncoveredaˆ¦the official bureaucratism does the existent planning, interveningaˆ? and guiding of the economic system ” . ( Johnson, 1987 ; 152 ) .

All this is a portrayal of the importance of the relationship between province development, pudding stones private sector, Bankss and other establishment in economic development. So the bureaucratism and public-private sector can work together in conveying a strong independent provinces that are non merely able to explicate strategic development aims, but besides able to interpret national ends into wide effectual policy steps to advance late industrialisation in East Asia.

Towards state-business mutuality?

Harmonizing to Stephen W. K. Chiu and Tai-Lok Lui ( 1998, 149 ) provinces in-state theory emphasizes province liberty in doing determinations and transporting capacity to rule the market. In East Asia, the theory Gilbert and Howe said:

“ We argue that state-cent ruddy theoreticians disregard the interrelationi?? on of province and society ; in sing the province as an independent entity, they fail to see how it is related to the wider society. Further, they oversimplify & amp ; social forces and disregard category struggle within and beyond the province. State and society are mutualist, and must be analyzed as such ” . ( Gilbert and Howe, 1991 ; 205 )

Writer such as Weiss argued the ‘ governed mutuality theory ‘ , premised on the proposition that

“ The ability of East Asiatic houses and industry more by and large to accommodate rapidly to economic alteration is based on a system that socializes hazard and thereby co-ordinates change across a wide array of organisations – both public and private ” . ( Weiss, 1995 ; 594 ) .

On the other manus, Weiss argues non merely about liberty is emphasized in state-led theoretical account but besides the properties of institutional capacity for coordination with the appropriate type of relationship industrialised states. Weiss said that

“ in Korea, Taiwan and Japan, the complex matrix of establishments have been established between province establishments and the private sector such as policy webs provides an of import mechanism to obtain information and to organize cooperation with the private sector with illustrations of MITI in Japan ” ( Weiss, 1995 ; 600 ) .

This differs with the sentiment Samuels in his survey of Japan ‘ s energy policy ( Samuel, 1987 ; 8 ) says that it is an iterative procedure of assurance among market participants and public functionaries, which works better where the cakes are stable and dialogues where establishments compacts that guarantee their endurance. Samuels suggests that Nipponese subjects wishing to prosecute an energy policy that aims to keep a stable private market instead than be used to vie or replace private entrepreneurship.

Another illustration, Okimoto argument about the close relationship of authorities concern:

It has served as the chief instrument for consensus edifice, the vehicle for information exchange and public-private communicating. Close authorities concern dealingss would be difficult to conceive of in its absence. Indeed the whole system of Consensus, on which Japan ‘ s political economic system relies, would be difficult to keep without industrial policy as an integrative mechanism. ( Okimoto, 1989 ; 231 )

Besides like Okimoto, Calder said about

“ the fiscal industry in Japan and the preparation of the ‘ strategic capitalist economy ‘ besides emphasizes the public-private intercrossed system, ‘ pushed in front in the computation of market-oriented private sector, but with the active engagement of the populace sector to promote public animation and long-run vision “ ( Calder, 1993 ; 16 ) .

Finally, Evans besides highlighted the fact that states the successful development can non merely be independent, they are besides ’embedded in a concrete set of societal ties that bind the province to society and supply institutionalised channels for continual dialogue and re-negotiation aims and policies ‘ ( Evans, 1995 ; 12 ) .


Competitiveness is the ability to vie in international term between industries non between states ( Krugman, 1996 ) . In winning the fight, the company has its ain scheme, such as lower costs, better merchandise quality and looking for web selling. However, sometimes the company still needs authorities support for companies already in several contexts proved to be an of import constituent of the procedure of accomplishing fight.

The kernel of fight scheme are: to better in-company acquisition, accomplishments development and engineering attempts, to increase the supply of information, accomplishments and engineering from around the markets and establishments, and to organize corporate acquisition processes that affect different companies in the same industry or in related industries ( popularly known as ‘ clusters ‘ such as, geographic or activity-wise, see Porter, 1990 ) .

To win the fight of companies on occasion develop their accomplishments in the ‘ market ‘ is different for illustration associating to physical substructure, human, fiscal, engineering, capital, and the bunch consequence. Competitiveness policy demands originate when one of the ‘ markets ‘ fails to work expeditiously. The experience of East Asiatic states in accomplishing the triumph proved that the policy required a coherent and carefully both from the authorities and the company itself.

In order for companies to win in international competition, so the measuring of fight demands to be done. One method that can be used in mensurating industrial fight in the international country by looking at the fight of industrial merchandises is an international market. One method frequently used is the RCA ( Revealed Comparative Advantage ) .

Revealed Comparative Advantage

Get downing of comparative advantage was pioneered by David Ricardo ‘ s that had opposed the theory of absolute advantage by Adam Smith in The wealth of Nations. In the theory of comparative advantage, David Ricardo states that the state must bring forth and export goods and services that are comparatively more productive than other states and imports of goods and services that other states are comparatively more productive ( Mahoney et al 1998 ) . This theory refers to the productiveness based on technological differences in each state.

In the literature several techniques used to mensurate a state ‘ s fight by utilizing comparative advantage. There are a figure of ways to analyze the comparative advantage of the state. One common method is to find merely how particular of a state in the production both through edifice ‘ Balassa index ‘ or revealed comparative advantage index. This cheque is good proportion of manufactured or exported, or the Numberss working in each industry, compared with other states.

Revealed comparative advantage ( RCA ) ” was developed by Balassa ( 1965 ) . RCA basically measures normalized export portions, in connexion with the same industrial exports in the mention province. RCA index used to find the place of international fight in footings of trade. RCA Approach, which was pioneered by Balassa, ( 1965, 1977, 1979 and 1986 ) have been widely used to prove industrial excellence in exports in international market.

RCA index is defined as the ratio of a state ‘ s portion in universe exports of a given industry divided by the portion of overall universe trade. RCA is still a valid step of comparative advantage in industries across the state. This is besides true by definition still reflects the comparative export public presentation in states, industries and clip and therefore still utile for the analysis of the province.

Several surveies have been done utilizing the construct of RCA by utilizing export and import informations. Balassa ( 1977 ) have performed an analysis of forms of comparative advantage of industrialised states for the period 1953-1971. This method has been used besides by the bookman to cognize the place of industrial fight in international markets such as UNIDO ; 1986 ; World Bank ; 1994, Aquino ; 1981 ; Crafts and Thomas ; 1986 ; van Hulst et Al ; 1991 and. Lim ; 1997.

The expression to mensurate a state ‘ s revealed comparative advantage ( RCA ) is given by:

xij / xj

Index RCA = — — — — — —

xiw / xw


Xij = value exports trade good i state J

Xj = entire value exports state J

Xiw = value exports trade good i universe

Xw = entire value exports universe

Several surveies by utilizing RCA method

Table 2. 1.

Previous Research on Revealed Comparative Advantage ( RCA )


Research worker




( Utku Utkulu and Dilek Seymen ( Turkey, 2004 ) ) .

Revealed Comparative Advantage And Competitiveness: Evidence For Turkey Vis-A-Vis The Eu/15

All seven indices show that Turkey has revealed comparative advantages for seven of the 63 merchandise groups: vesture and vesture accoutrements ; veggies and fruit ; sugar, sugar readyings, honey ; baccy ; oil seeds and buttery fruits ; rubber industries ; fabric narration, cloths and related merchandises.


( Amita Batra and Zeba Khan ( India, 2005 ) )

Revealed Comparative Advantage: An Analysis for India and China

The analysis of the grade of competition reveals that there is no correlativity between the fabricating sectors of India and China in the planetary economic system.


( Naseem Akhtar, Nadia Zakir and Ejaz Ghani ) ( 2007 )

Changing Revealed Comparative Advantage: a instance survey of Footwear Industry of Pakistan

The altering revealed comparative advantage in Pakistan ‘ s footwear industry i. e. , its displacement from disadvantage state of affairs to comparative advantage indicates that there is a possible in this sector for higher growing and the industry can go a beginning of higher exports net incomes.


( Diarmaid Addison-Smyth in 2005 )

Ireland ‘ s Revealed Comparative Advantage

The research worker stated that that Ireland has a RCA in the nutrient and drinks, chemicals and IT sectors.


( L. G. Burange and Sheetal J. Chaddha in 2008 )

India ‘ s Revealed Comparative Advantage In Merchandise Trade

Consequences suggest that India enjoys a comparative advantage in the exports of Ricardo and HO goods. The class of ‘ Other goods ‘ is besides heightening its presence on the list of points offering comparative advantage. All production of goods necessitating standard engineering is switching to developing economic systems like India as reflected in the absence of RCA in imports of HO goods.

Electronicss Industry

Electronicss fabrication is a trade good that is turning quickly. In 2005, the planetary electronics industry has achieved the production of U. S. $ 1. 338 trillion, the largest fabrication industry in the universe. The biggest portion of universe electronics industry is Asia Pacific for 36. 8 % and America by 25. 54 % followed by Europe and Japan at 21: 35 % 15: 11 % . While for the period 2002-2005 the growing rate, the universe ‘ s electronics industry is able to make 8. 2 % ( table 2. 2 ) .

Table 2. 2

Electronicss Production in The World 2002-2005


Value ( US $ Billion )

Growth ( % )

Share ( % )






220. 4


279. 1

285. 8


21. 35

United states

317. 6

314. 1

334. 3

341. 9

2. 5

25. 54


162. 4

180. 2

197. 8

202. 3

7. 6

15. 11

Asia Pacific

343. 1

386. 9

448. 8

492. 7

12. 8

36. 8

Rest Universe

13. 2

14. 3

15. 7

16. 2

7. 2

1. 21


1, 056. 80

1, 143. 00

1, 275. 60

1, 338. 90

8. 2


Beginning: Reed Research, 2005 in Satiago ( 2007 )

Today electronics industry seeks to do alterations or traveling from the high cost industry to the low cost industry. Based on informations refering the motion of high-cost industries to low cost in head that fabricating companies located the United States, Canada, Japan and the West have been migrated and set up their production workss in Asia Pacific states. This is due to take down costs so that the chance to gain much higher net incomes of fabricating net incomes ( see figure 2. 1 ) .

Figure 2. 1

Migration to Low-Cost Locations

Beginning: Reed Research, 2005 in Satiago ( 2007 )

Today, with rapid technological progresss that have occurred shift cleavage of electronic merchandise with a inclination to electronic networking in the Asia Pacific part including China amounted to 2 / 3 electronic merchandises ( see figure 2. 2 ) .

Figure 2. 2

Sections by Product Output in 1982 and 2004

Beginning: Santiago, 2007

Based on informations on the automotive electronics section have besides been due to assorted electronic constituents and parts which have been widely used in automotive. The study said that current industrial electronics industry contributes about 30 % of the cost of autos and is expected to lift continue in the hereafter.

In footings of market size of electronic constituents, from the figure 2. 3 indicated that the major Asiatic states contribute to 43 % , excepting Japan 19 % , conveying the sum of Asia now contributes 62 % of the entire market and Western states such as Americas and European ) to lend merely 38 % . Over the last few old ages, Asiatic states besides have penetrated Electronics Manufacturing Services ( EMS ) concern in the universe and are expected to harvest 67 % of the planetary EMS gross in 2009.

Figure 2. 3

Electronicss Components Market

Beginning: European Electronic Components Manufacturers Association, 2005 in in Satiago ( 2007 )

Based on the tendency growing rate of the primary and so the electronics industry can be divided into 4 parts electronics industry, viz. ( Santiago, 2007 ) :

Consumer Merchandises: Television level panel, high definition TVs, iPods, digital cameras and put top box.

Communicationss merchandises: 3G French telephone, Television response on French telephones, nomadic services.

Electronic Industry: Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) , green electronics, optical acknowledgment

Automotive electronics: merchandises such as planetary placement systems ( GPS ) , intercrossed autos and electronics for safety intents.

Electronic games for casinos.

Indonesia Electronicss Industry

Indonesian electronics industry is one of strategic industries and of import function in the Indonesian economic system. The part of electronics industry in Indonesia ‘ s fabrication exports in 2005 reached 8 % , the 3rd largest non-oil exports in the industrial sector ( figure 2. 4 ) .

Figure 2. 4

Share of the Electronics Exports of the Entire Manufacturing Exports ( in per centum ) Period 2005-2009

Note: * ) Time period of January-October.

Beginning: BPS ( 2010 )

Electronicss industry in Indonesia is divided into 3 parts ( Ministry of Industry, 2007 ) , viz. :

Consumer electronics industry, which is a map of their usage of electronic merchandise is intended for family demands, such as wireless, telecasting, picture cassette recording equipments, iceboxs, rinsing machines.

Industrial electronics concern / industry, ie electronics merchandises that use the map intended for concern or industrial demands such as computing machines, reckoners, medical equipment.

Industry electronics constituent that is portion of an electronics merchandise such as telecasting tubings, integrated circuits, resistances, capacitance, motherboard.

Of the three classs, consumer electronics industry is comparatively developed industry in Indonesia because it uses engineering that is easy to utilize machines like most in other fabrication industries ( eg, injection-molding machines, infixing machines, dunking machine, imperativeness machine, roll-formed steel equipment, machine tools, etc. ) . Another factor is engineering that is comparatively simple, so easy in the company relocating from chief to Indonesia. Industrial electronics industry has undergone important developments supported by dining communications and telecommunications sectors.

Weakest section in the electronics industry is an industry constituent. Component industry is still developing compared to both other electronics industries. So the electronics industry is still a high dependance Indonesia with imported constituents. This is due in add-on to limited local constituent industry besides collided in footings of merchandise invention. The bulk of the domestic constituent industry produces low-tech constituents, such as plastics, gum elastic, and metal parts, inactive constituents, mechanical parts, such as talkers, transformers, heat sinks, overseas telegram connexion, flyback transformer, and printed circuit board ( PCB ) .

When we compare in footings of figure of houses, end product, and work with other industries in Indonesia such as the fabric industry, the electronics industry in Indonesia is comparatively little. Harmonizing to the study of medium and big fabrication houses conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics, Industrial electronics assembly industry is still dominated by the degree of invention and simple alteration and limited-production capablenesss. Merely a minority of companies have the ability to modify the basic, design, and technology invention. Viewed from the point of production construction, most electronics companies are really dependent on imported constituents from chief.

Base on study conducted by the Ministry of Trade in 2008 found that the Indonesian electronics industry is still concentrated in the parts of West Java and Banten, Riau Island, Jakarta and East Java with a per centum of the industry amounted to 59. 70 per centum, 17: 14 per centum, 12: 05 per centum, and 8: 10 per from the above states such as in Central Java, DI. Yogyakarta and North Sumatra is still far smaller than the 4th part. Based on the information, the Indonesian electronics industry is still concentrated in merely four parts. These conditions really facilitate Indonesian to constructing installations and substructure that can back up Indonesia ‘ s fight in electronic merchandises.

Picture 2. 1

Map of Electronic Industry in Indonesian

Beginning: Ministry of Trade ( 2008 )

Several surveies in Electronicss Industry

Table 2. 3

Previous Research in Electronics Industry


Research worker





Ken Togo* Musashi University and

Yasuhiro Arikawa

Yamagata University in 2002

Agglomeration Effects versus Policy Effectss: The Case of the Electronicss Industry in Malaysia

In the present paper, we examined houses ‘ location pick within the Malayan electronics industry, utilizing a conditional logit theoretical account.

We find that agglomeration and industrial estate have a positive consequence on location pick. In peculiar, agglomeration has much larger consequence on location-choice behaviour by houses than any other factor. Although the authorities establishes industrial estates in developing countries to pull new investing, their effectivity on location pick is really limited because of the deficiency of agglomeration effects.

From these consequences, we draw the undermentioned two policy deductions. First, set uping industrial estates is non an efficient scheme to get the better of the regional inequality of industry in a underdeveloped state. Other policy tools should be considered for this intent. Second, enlarging bing industrial estates and/or constructing new 1s will be a good policy tool to pull houses to parts that already hold plentiful houses.


Dieter Ernst in 2004

Late Invention Schemes in Electronics Industries: A Conceptual Framework and Illustrative Evidence

This paper has developed some of import conceptual building-blocks that we need to capture curious characteristics of Asia ‘ s “ late invention ” schemes in the electronics industry.

The paper has happening that Asiatic houses late have been able to introduce in industries that involve extremely complex technological cognition, despite the fact that they continue to dawdle well behind advanced states in the development of their R & A ; D and advanced capablenesss. In add-on to plan execution, this includes inventions in procedure engineering for electronic constituents and in the design of complex system architectures.


Show-Ling Jangaˆ National Taiwan University, Ming-Hung Weng State University of New York at Stony Brook and Yanzhi Wang National Taiwan University in 2005

Industrial Diversification and Its Impact on Productivity Growth in Taiwan ‘ s Electronicss Industry

The present survey has tested the significance of merchandise variegation as a determiner of plant-level productiveness growing in Taiwan ‘ s electronics industry.

Empirical consequences suggest that when all other control variables refering plant-specific and industry-specific features are neutralized, the productiveness growing rates within the electronics workss are greater, the higher the grade of variegation. It appears that Taiwan ‘ s electronics production workss have succeeded in doing the best usage of internally-generated proprietary production accomplishments, shared technological know-how and managerial expertness. As a consequence, range economic system has helped in significantly heightening the industry ‘ s competitory place worldwide.


Henry Wai-Chung Yeung in 2007

From followings to market leaders: Asiatic electronics houses in the planetary economic system

This paper has developed a triangular model to account for the rise of Asiatic electronics houses in the planetary economic system.

In this paper, I have shown how the successful development of an Asiatic house can non be understood independently of its wider industrial administration on the planetary graduated table and its place-specific concern systems.

In footings of policy deductions, two issues clearly stand out. First, while taking houses from the Asiatic NIEs have made a important presence in such planetary industries as electronics and vesture, the competitory public presentation of houses from these Asiatic NIEs in other planetary industries such as cars and chemicals remains to be seen. Second, in sectors and industries that are much more regulated ( e. g. public-service corporations, substructures, banking, telecommunications ) , Asiatic houses face formidable challenges to set up themselves as planetary market leaders.


Rajah Rasiah in 2009

Expansion and lag in Southeast Asiatic electronics fabrication

A This paper discussed the beginning and part of the electronics industry to fabrication, the province of the institutional environment necessary to excite upgrading and steadfast evel technological capablenesss achieved in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand.

The grounds produced shows that all four states lag significantly behind Korea and Taiwan both in footings of institutional support every bit good as firm-level technological capablenesss in accomplishment and R & A ; D strengths. The analysis above that all four states have to beef up the establishments for back uping upgrading for the industry to go on to play a major function in the fabrication procedure. Given the enabler belongingss of electronics attempts to back up its development will merely breed increasing returns to all four economic systems.

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