Essay, 3 pages (650 words)

The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th

Jerry Ciacho May 17, The Decline of the Roman Empire and Its Relation to the United s The decline and fall of societies and civilizations are expected and certain. It has occurred throughout history, dating back to the very first empires of the East and the West. There are different causes as to why and how societies fall societies and for most, the reasons are similar. The common factors that set off the decline of a civilization are environmental, economic, political, social and cultural aspects. Some happen instantaneously and others, gradual. Some reasons are definite and some remains a mystery. Among the greatest empires known is the Roman Empire and just like any other empire, it also experienced its rise, peak as well as its decline and fall. The Roman Empire began in 27 BC, coming after the Roman Republic which lasted for about five hundred years. It experienced great expansion and a burst of a rich culture. After many great years of rising to greatness in name and number, the Roman Empire began to decline. There were also a number of different grounds of its disintegration and eventually, its collapse and end. One of the supposed main reasons was the coming apart of the Roman Empire, separating and dividing the West and the East, which is also known as the Byzantium Empire. During its time, there were also more than a few civil wars that occurred repeatedly and frequently which caused disarray and unruliness in the people. Some of the Roman emperors like Commodus indulged in the life filled with immorality. He also practiced violence, which brought about his murder and assassination. This resulted in the beginning of the collapse of the empire. The Roman people in the end lost their power and rule as barbaric groups and rebels in the North often assaulted and attacked. The Roman army started to become unfaithful and disloyal to the empire. The roads and rail networks such as bridges and pathways were not upheld, causing trade and communication to bring to an end. Christians were greatly persecuted and people gathered in crowds and shouted approval as people were killed publicly and died violent deaths. The declining economy and the financial system caused the lack of food supply in the community. With all these plight and problems, the Roman Empire eventually collapsed and fell. Currently, one of the waning empires and societies that are beginning to become evident is the United States of America. Following the trend of the past empires in history and just like the several kingdoms that ruled in the distant past, the American empire was great. In fact, it was one of, if not the greatest societies throughout the centuries up to the 21st century. However, recently in the past years, all have noticed its decline in the economy as well as in the environment. America is showing an economic meltdown, just like what happened in the Roman Empire. USA has about 630 billion trade deficit. The never-ending exhaust of the economy that is on shaky ground has caused the dollar to drop its value in other nations. Several environmental concerns have been increasingly getting worse such as the deforestation and depletion in natural environments and the pollution of freshwater, air, and the food supply as well. The reduction of minerals and of oil supply has also been happening more and more. The military overextension and the internal mutiny and turmoil are also one of the causes. The causes of the falling of the American Empire shows a similar pattern and way in which the Roman Empire also declined. Works Cited Coyote Prime. ” Imperial Entropy: The Collapse of the American Empire.” Running ‘Cause I Can’t Fly. Blogspot, n. d. Web. 3 May 2011. ” Causes for the Fall of the Roman Empire.” Roman Colosseum. N. p., n. d. Web. 17 May 2011.

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The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th. Page 1
The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th. Page 2
The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th. Page 3
The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th. Page 4

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AssignBuster. (2021) 'The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th'. 14 November.


AssignBuster. (2021, November 14). The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/the-roman-empire-experienced-a-period-of-greatness-before-it-eventually-declined-and-fell-in-476-ad-discuss-the-reasons-for-th/


AssignBuster. 2021. "The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-roman-empire-experienced-a-period-of-greatness-before-it-eventually-declined-and-fell-in-476-ad-discuss-the-reasons-for-th/.

1. AssignBuster. "The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-roman-empire-experienced-a-period-of-greatness-before-it-eventually-declined-and-fell-in-476-ad-discuss-the-reasons-for-th/.


AssignBuster. "The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th." November 14, 2021. https://assignbuster.com/the-roman-empire-experienced-a-period-of-greatness-before-it-eventually-declined-and-fell-in-476-ad-discuss-the-reasons-for-th/.

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"The roman empire experienced a period of greatness before it eventually declined and fell in 476 a.d. discuss the reasons for th." AssignBuster, 14 Nov. 2021, assignbuster.com/the-roman-empire-experienced-a-period-of-greatness-before-it-eventually-declined-and-fell-in-476-ad-discuss-the-reasons-for-th/.

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