Essay, 23 pages (6000 words)

The role of ecology marketing essay

Industrialization and technological advances made ​​since the early twentieth century were made ​​to the detriment of our environment. Much of our natural resources are endangered. Our increasing consumption actually leaves enough time to renew these resources so that they can meet the needs of future generations. According to the researchers, this growth that we know will collapse before 2100 and the experts who participated in the development of the Global Environment Outlook established by the United Nations, concluded that 70% of the surface of our planet suffer significant environmental degradation by 2032. Firms play a very important role in our society. Some corporations are more powerful than some states. But their activities are often responsible for the disappearance of our resources. This is why it is essential that companies integrate sustainable development strategy and in particular their marketing strategy, because it has a strong influence on the evolution of consumption patterns. That is why consumers are increasingly concerned about the consequences of their lifestyles on the environment, which changes gradually habits. Awareness is gradually spreading to all stakeholders: consumers, but also NGOs, governments, and businesses. However, business practices, lead us to question ourselves whether green marketing has a real eco-efficiency or is it just a final selling point to differentiate itself from its competitors and thereby increase its market share and turnover?

1. 2 – The purpose of the study

The aim of the study is to show what is the role of ecology in the marketing in France, various environmental strategies adopted well as its influence to the behavior of customers. This study is in the context of demonstrating the interest that businesses and individuals adopt within sustainable development. Of whether the general public thinks about the future of the planet and future generations. This study was chosen because the author calls into question the mentality of French people on the protection of the environment. The main objectives of this research are:- Show the origins of green marketing- Show what are the green marketing strategies- Show the green washing- Show the greens consumer behavior in France

1. 3 – Outline

The analysis begins from reviewing the literature review on the origin of green marketing. It is characterized by the implementation of various laws to protect the environment, and through the creation of various associations as well as its developments. Without forgetting the green washing and the green consumer behavior. The second chapter describes the methodology chosen to examine the role of green marketing in France. But it also highlights the main advantages and disadvantages of this method and why it was chosen. In addition, he explains how the search tool was used and describes the data for collection process. At the end of the chapter, it shows the limitations of the study. The following chapters present the results and analysis of research. The fifth chapter consists of discussion of the research findings and recommendations. To finish with a conclusion.

I – Definition and Origin

The goal of each state and each population is to increase the quality of life of each and if possible satisfy the various needs identified by Maslow’s pyramid. However, people can not adopt the same modes of consumption. Indeed, we can not compare the needs of European and needs an African. Resources and inequality are not the same.

Definition of ” Green marketing”

For some time now, we can see the prefix appear ” green” or ” sustainable” before the name of many industries: green tourism, sustainable economy, sustainable energy, green architecture … Green marketing is constituted of all activities designed to use environmentally friendly positioning of a brand or product to increase sales and improve the image of the company. Green marketing can be based on the environmental characteristics of a product (raw green, recyclable or biodegradable..) on green promotions (tree planted for a purchase) or the company’s environmental promises (foundation, ecological actions). But why it is important to have a Green marketing ? The action of man on nature is more visible. Besides its activities industrial, scientific, etc … Demography is also a threat. In the current situation, natural resources are being used at a rate much higher than that to which they are renewed. But it has not always been a matter of concern. Indeed, it is estimated that at the beginning of our era, the population had only 250 million people (Herodote. net). The first billion was reached only two centuries ago, that to say in 1800 (Statistiques-mondiales. com). He had to wait thousands of years to reach a billion people when he only took 200 years more to accommodate 6 billion people on the planet. This explosive growth is expected to continue: experts estimate that by 2030, we should be 8 billion people and 9 billion people in 2050 (Terresacree. org). In this demography adds another threat to Nature: increase the standard of living of developed countries, and if no policy change is initiated, the efforts of developing countries are to achieve the standard of living Westerners will be added to the observation what our lifestyles on the environment. Indeed, these lifestyles are clearly at the origin of most environmental problems we face. Accidents such as Chernobyl, Erika, etc. .. there are other threats for which the responsibility of the human being is undeniable :- Global warming: the average temperature increased by 4 ° C in 20 years in parts of northern Canada, Alaska and in Siberia. Another threat that is attracting more and more attention from media and people is the decrease glaciers in these regions. The thickness of the ice covering the oceans has decreased by 40% and area of ​​6% ​​since 1980.- Biodiversity issues: floods, cyclones, drought is mainly due to the destruction of vegetation. And the deforestation, for example, is the cause of the extinction of thousands of plant and animal species.- The overconsumption and resource depletion: Examples: deforestation and fishing. According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), 13 million hectares of forest are lost annually, equivalent to the territory of England. In addition, deforestation is responsible for 20% of greenhouse gas emissions, which are themselves responsible for global warming. Since 1950, annual fish catch increased from 19 million tonnes to 91 million today, or 4. 8 times more, knowing that the world population was only 2 billion- Pollution: greenhouse gas emissions are responsible for global warming and part of the decrease in the thickness of the ozone layer. The CO2 emissions for example increased from 1. 6 million tonnes to 7 million in less than 60 years. Companies are primarily responsible for emissions of this gas. They are indeed the three quarters against emissions quarter for households. At this rate, experts estimate that between now 2032, 70% of the Earth’s surface has suffered significant environmental degradationThese threats to the environment and the human species raise consumer awareness and encourage them to adopt new purchasing behavior more respectful of the environment. But to achieve this, it is important that businesses get involved. This is why governments, non-governmental organizations and associations try to guide the companies in their ” produce different and better.”

Chapter 2 – Literature review

2. 1) Introduction

The purpose of this literature review was the following is to examine and consider what is known about the role of ecology in the marketing in France. This chapter first examines the origin of green marketing and its evolution. Followed by some examples of business that adopt this idea or not. Then he shows the different strategies of green marketing. After that, it focuses on the green washing. Then, it will analyze the behavior of greens consumer. Finally, it discusses the importance of green marketing on customer behavior in France.

2. 2) The origin of Green marketing

The majority of developed countries have already joined the ” Green marketing” in their modes of communication. However, today, the French have not yet this mentality, or do not adapt it all the time despite efforts by companies. The first signs of the emergence of environmental issues in the marketing date back to 80s with first packaging recyclables, phosphate-free lye and car with low fuel consumptionBut already, at the time, the combination of ecology and marketing wasstrongly criticized and looked more like what we knowtoday known as greenwashing. It was towards the end of the 90s, with the crises of food security, energy prices, technological progress and stricter environmental legislation, that appears really green marketing. The sphere of the products concerned by this new marketing is enlarged organic food, cars, laundry, clothing, paintings, furniture … Thus, environmental issues are increasingly discussed and are put at the center of debate since the early 90s (climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, toxic components, excessive use of natural resources …) explain the appearance a green marketing. Many laws, regulations, decrees and European directives regarding the protection of the environment have been instored since 1960. These texts concern sometimes creating organizations such as the Environment Agency and Energy Management (EAEM), established in 1990 or the National Observatory on the effects of climate warming created in 2001 or else the much larger institutions such as the Ministries of the Environment was created in France January 27, 1971. At the time the French policy environment was to establish regulations concerning the removing and recovering of waste, air quality, control energy, wildlife and the flora with the creation of national parks … and laws for the protection of threatened species. Since the end of 1980, interest in the global environment intensifies. One of the first rallies for sustainable development policy was the World Commission on Environment and Development with the Brundtland Report entitled ” Our Common Future”, held in 1987. This report has clearly defined and for the first time the term ” sustainable development” as ” development that present generations to meet their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same” (Hardelot-opal-environnement. fr). This expression is then broadcast around the world and many summits (Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the Johannesburg Summit in 2002) and protocols (Montreal Protocol signed in 1987, the Kyoto Protocol in 1998) take place. The Charter EnvironmentalIn February 2005 adopted a constitutional defended by Jacques Chirac (President of France from 1995 to 2007) under the impulse of Nicolas Hulot. This text is called the Environmental Charter. She is interested in human rights and society in its environment. And it puts the future of the environment at the same level as the Human Rights in 1789. The Charter consists of 10 articles and requires two assumptions: first, every citizen should be able to flourish in a favorable environment for their health. And secondly, each one with have the obligation to contribute to the preservation of the environment. The 10 articles are:- Artcie 1: Everyone has the right to live in a balanced and respect environment health- Articles 2, 3, 4: These articles define the obligations of the population to the preservation, improvement and repair of damage to the environment.- Articles 5, 6, 10: These articles are intended for public authorities to respect the environment. They also have a duty to highlight a behavior ” responsible”.- Section 7: This section allows any person ” to access information on the environment held by public authorities and to participate in public decisions affecting the environment.”- Articles 8 and 9: These two items define the role that education and scientific research in the preservation and enhancement of the environment. All texts are not saving existing individuals. Just as businesses, they must attend. Since 15 November 2006, following a decree on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), an eco-participation is imposed in the price of equipment such as microwaves, televisions, refrigerators, etc. . This participation is to fund the recycling of these products that pose problems. Its price is already fixed and dealers can not change it. The application of the decree was done in several stages: the first application dated 13 August 2005, which prohibits companies and individuals to discard their WEEE to the discharge or trash. The distributors who now must deal free collection of these products when they sell a new one to a customer. Then, since 1 July 2006, producers are responsible to decrease or eliminate the presence of hazardous substances in WEEE. Finally, they must participate in the organization and financing of the disposal of WEEE. The improvement and preservation of our environment is the focus of interest and this, in the world. Major changes have been made over the past twenty years. Overall, governments, NGOs and environmental groups are still looking and always new opportunities to achieve a behavior more respectful of the environment. Their goal is also to sensitize businesses that have an important role in this context. Many groups offer recommendations on this subject, including the Grenelle Environment and the Office of Verification of the Advertising. The Authority of Professional Regulation of the Publicity – APRPThe mission of advertising self-regulation exists in France since 1935. Indeed, the Control Office Announcements (COA) ensures the honesty of advertising. It also has the role of advising professionals who so request it. It was in 1953 that became the COA the Office Advertising Verification, a private association of 1901. Since that day, his responsibilities and role in the world of advertising is increasing. Today, the mission of the APRP are numerous. Its overall objective is to ” take action in favor of a publicity honest, truthful and healthy in the interest of advertising professionals, consumers and the public” (Arpp-pub. org). To achieve this, the APRP initially established moral rules or good practices that it publishes and makes available to any person, whether individuals or professionals. Regarding the environmental and sustainable development in general, APRP published in 1998 the first code of ethics is entitled Arguments ecological completed in 2003 with the code for Sustainable Development. These two codes forbid misleading advertising and the staging by elements that degrade the environment. According to these codes, all advertising must respect three principles: the principles of honesty, loyalty and objectivity. In a second step, the APRP checks the establishment of ethical rules by advertising professionals and advertisers. She advises and gives its opinion on advertising campaigns whether it be print, television, billboard, radio, film and / or internet. In addition, since 1992, all television commercials are required to be submitted to the APRP. After studying it, it will give a ” favorable opinion”, ” modify” or ” not to disclose.” In addition, on 1 November 2007, a new idea is introduced: the commercials starring a motorized vehicle in the wilderness are now prohibited. All vehicles should appear only on authorized channels. In partnership with the Environment Agency and Energy Management (EAEM), APRP published in June 2007, a study called ” advertising is it respectful of sustainable development?”. In this study, the two organizations have studied about 15, 000 advertising (billboards, newspapers, television, etc.). broadcast the second half of 2006. They found that 181 ads (508 next year) had a ratio with ecology. It was found that the majority of advertisers and advertising professionals are ultimately respectful of rules. In fact, about 65% of the 181 advertisements analyzed respect standards, about 29% have been classified ” reserves” and 6% ranking ” failure” for flagrant non-compliance and serious. Here is a summary of the analysis of the EAEM and APRP : PHOTOBut today? According to the report dating from the 19 March 2012, for the year 2011 ” 89% of visually related to the environment are consistent with the ethical guidelines for sustainable development of the Professional Regulatory Authority Publicity (APRP) a result that remained stable compared to last year “(Arpp-pub. org). However, they also found that advertisers and advertising embark on a new field that is sustainable marketing. ” Of the 23, 943 studied advertising in 2011, the share of campaigns on environment decreased (3% against 5% of the total volume of campaigns studied), but the number of visually related to the environment is clearly increasing (707 against 548 visual media and on the Internet), reaching a wider audience “(Arpp-pub. org). http://www. arpp-pub. org/IMG/png/2-2-2. pngFollowing these studies and negotiations of Grenelle Environment, APRP issued a set of recommendations for a more responsible advertising in relation to the environment. It offers a project based around three axes: the rules, control and sanctions.- Rules: The APRP is planning to change its moral code on Sustainable Development in collaboration with the Stakeholder Council. In addition, it wishes, as proposed by the Grenelle, a framing advertising oriented co-regulation, that is to say a APRP integrate all stakeholders and all professionals.- Control: The APRP recommends the creation of a Stakeholder Council. It is to cooperate with associations and environmental NGOs such as the WWF (World Wide Fund). The Council participate with APRP, the development of ethical and verify to respect of these by professionals. The audit would not only on advertising films but also on all media.- The sanctions: up to now, ads are submitted voluntarily to APRP, with the exception of television commercials whose projection to the APRP is mandatory to have an objective opinion on their campaign. However, APRP may not require their recommendations. That is why, he asks what sanction system should be strengthened in order to make its decisions binding. In the vast majority of cases, the recommendations made by the APRP to advertisers are taken into consideration by them. Many companies have changed their campaigns after studying the comments of APRP:- ” Gaz de France” replaced his signature ” sustainable energy between us” by ” new energy between us.” PHOTO- The automotive industry is certainly the area that causes the most problems in his choice of campaign. In fact, many manufacturers put in scene their car in a natural landscape, which could encourage consumers to use their cars outside authorized routes. Moreover, it is after advertising for Landrover Freelander that the Board of Directors has established the new standard on the presentation of the vehicles ” only authorized channels.” PHOTOHowever, not all companies are also involvedand receptive in this process of communication manager. Indeed, advertisements studied by APRP and ADEME did not respect the predefined moral rules. The most striking example was the advertisement for bottled water Cristaline who compared his water bottle from the tap. The advertising campaign had solicited the opinion of the APRP. But after an opinion unfavorable Cristaline still decided to launch the campaign. PHOTOThis shows the limits of the power of APRP to enforce the moral standards and to educate businesses on the subject. That’s why he plans to strengthen its system of sanctions for misbehavior. Thus, the APRP adds the implementation of the recommendation APRP. The new organization is drawn as below: PHOTOThe recommendations of the APRP have been taken into account. However, it remains to verify the effectiveness of these changes: the rules going to be more restrictive, the sanctions be applied, the companies be more attentive and respectful? There will obviously be some time before to be able to rule on the results. The issue of sustainable development is thus in central to the concerns. For years, our modes of consumption deplete our natural resources. Many actions have been carried out for over 40 years to catch up with our past mistakes: laws are established in the context of the protection of biodiversity, organizations and institutions are increasingly created to protect our environment or orient companies in their efforts. All businesses have a very important role in the safeguarding of the environment. To carry out their activity, they draw in natural resources and consume this in large quantities. It is therefore essential that companies today involve and integrate a sustainable development policy in their overall strategy. This policy must then be extended to all departments of the company and especially the marketing department. The stakeholders increasingly demandingThe stakeholders are all groups that interact with companies, that is to say who are affected by corporate activity but can also influence it. These NGOs, consumers through consumer associations, associations, utility companies, etc.. Today, companies are not only forced to answer for their actions to the shareholders, but increasingly, it seems inevitable to do likewise for stakeholders. In the year 2000, the movements of opinion was that business leaders feared most European leaders saw them as THE threat to the financial panic and judicial attacks. As the population, the number of companies including the number of multinationals is increasing. in 1975, there were about 7, 000 multinational corporations. In 1994, there were more than 37, 000, five times more in 20 years. Today, there are 70 000 (CCFD terresolidaire. org). Obviously, the number of messages increases as well: it is estimated that today, a French daily exposed to a number of advertisements which varies between 1200 and 2200, be it or signs stores, logos on t-shirts or trucks, posters, television and radio, etc (Politique. eu. org). Companies and their messages are present pro consumption wherever we go. Many groups have wanted to react to counter the excesses of certain marketing practices and inculcate responsible consumption. These groups take different forms:- The most important in terms of ecology are NGOs and associations of environmental protection such as WWF, Greenpeace Alliance for the planet, etc.. These institutions come increasingly to be heard and to impose their views. Their weight in society is such that they end up getting the support of public opinion, which in turn is perceived as a threat by the leaders. Some even participate in the development of laws that affect business activity. Termination of their actions result in various ways: they instituted legal actions or campaigns to termination, such as Greenpeace against Coca-Cola Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000.- Then there are groups like uncommercial ” Paysage de France.” Their actions are limited to Internet and denunciations on the field as with tags in the subway.- Exists also groups of activist lawyers who bring collective actions, or lawsuits (most developed in the United States). It is thus obvious that these groups represent a threat for companies that try to conduct a marketing campaign too aggressive and especially do not conform to social or environmental ethics. Firms may in case of lawsuits to pay substantial damages.

2. 3) The greens Consumers

In 1999, only 9% of French people know the term ” Sustainable Development”. Today, one study found that 91% of French people are familiar with this concept, and 68% of the French population believes that sustainable development is necessary to study after Ethicity (Fun-ethic. fr). Since the early 2000s, many studies are emerging on the consumer behavior and sustainable development in the role of business in this mission of saving the planet: Credoc Carat Madia Marketing, TNS, Ipsos, have all conducted surveys on the subject. These polls show a growing interest on the part of consumers for products and services respectful of the environment and ethics. This interest is obviously reflected in purchasing behavior. According to a study by TNS Secodip, French people trust companies and 67% of them consider that a company can combine completely pursuit of profit with respect to the environment. Also, they wish they invest more in this perspective, and 91. 3% are demanding more transparency from the brands. Environmental concern remains high and more than ever French people are aware that they are acting through their purchases and actions become more systematic. They are both in their interests, but also the impacts of their choices. In search of greater well-being and balance, request otherwise, including the various types of consumers most committed from 40 to 47% of the population. Family of consumers in the ” denial”, less sensitive and will not change, represents ” more than” 29% of the population (compared to 35% in 2011). PHOTOIn their profile: More men and youth. There is a clear masculinization of the most involved. Scouts 55% are men, and they represent 46% of good conduct. In addition, each of the groups involved was relatively younger (+4. 4 pts – 15-30 years among green builders).- Values : more exemplary and solidarity. Consumers expect businesses and policy lead by example on the path of sustainable development and ethics. And 49. 6% and 42. 9% Scouts of Conduct are quite agree that companies should have an exemplary role for their consumers. We also note that the social dimension of sustainable development is at the heart of the sensitivities of each of the four groups: 57% of Beautiful Organic and Green Builders are routinely donate their used clothing, 29% of Scouts regularly devote time to the associations, 52 % of Conduct will favor products km 0.- In lifestyle: greater integration of daily practices. Of all the groups ‘change’, there is a generalization practices contributing to better manage daily consumption. And 55. 4% of those Good Conduct declares that systematic attention to the control of their water consumption, and 56. 6% were careful to limit their energy consumption. French people are 79. 3% reported always sort their waste. Our groups of change are again more numerous to be: 89. 3% and 88. 2% of Scouts Green Builders say systematically waste.- In his way of eating: less and better! The enlargement of the responsible offer, awareness campaigns, integration issues, such as energy and local crisis have generally developed a more reasoned and smart consumption. Many developments that have enhanced the understanding of what change and therefore the perception of opportunities for change. These realizations have wider spread means acting through its consumption.- A consumption more in line with the beliefs of each : less waste, less superfluous more ethical and value sharing … This expansion requirements in consumer choice leads to a growing need for information, whether environmental or social. Although in decline, yet nearly one third of French people do not feel concerned by the responsible consumption. The Consophages and Minimizers, rooted in denial and skepticism of the value of individual action, have not really aware of the link between environmental issues and their consumption. Their behaviors have not changed, they are rooted in a need to consume ” as before”. A study was conducted by the Ethicity 20/02 to 16/03 2012 on a sample of 4, 005 French people aged 15 to 75 years. The typology offers 8 profiles. Within each profile, consumers have homogeneous behavior and attitudes with respect to issues ” sustainable”. The interest of this type is for companies to mobilize action levers adapted to each profile and optimize marketing activities. Whether the product policy, strategy or digital communication. It is also understood that we can not send a single message to all sustainable development, in the same way. Between a ” scout” very concerned informed of transparency and accuracy and a ” permeable” who wants to do well but feels lost in the mass of information, do not get the wrong message. This typology is listed in tabular form: Typo ethicity axesTypo ethicity evolution- The Scouts : 10% (stable) The unconditional and more engaged. They are in a reasoned and reasonable consumption. They will seek to validate and disseminate information. These are more aware of the impact of their consumption choices, including social level. Levers of change: They especially want transparency and credibility. The involvement of brands in social issues becomes a criterion for the selection of products This target is influential in all networks: business, voluntary and public (via the digital and especially blogs). Brands can therefore rely on their commitment to relay information efficiently.- Beautiful Bio : 15. 4% (vs. 14% in 2011) They are a little more focused on themselves. They look for quality products and solutions for their well-being. They are the most hedonistic consumption and take pleasure and healthy contributing to their overall well live (they have not reduced their consumption but are more focused on sustainable products). Levers of change: Health benefits forever, without the fuss, simple (label) .. Strengthen the link with the history and benefits of the product for quality. Health through wellness and balance with easy decryption qualities of products (security label) and its impact on the living.- Greens Builders : 9. 8 (vs. 9, 4%) A stable group but more in action. Their majority behavior this year was to buy less but more sustainable products. Active urban very aware about the malaise and the limits of the current model. They are constructive and want to believe in a new model. Very open mind, they want to understand and are sensitive to issues of sustainable development in their consumption practices. Levers of change: Environmental and economic benefits (local employment). Accessibility prices. Facilitate mobility information. Help to define a new model of society including economic viability and social issues.- The Good Conduct : 11. 7% (vs. 6. 6% in 2011) A group that puts the increase sense of duty and ethical values ​​before the pursuit of pleasure. They even more changed their behavior with awareness campaigns and information. The exemplary guide their behavior and resulted in a daily consumption for the local purchase and proximity, of ethical, gestures sorting, saving raw materials, works with generosity. For them everything is important. Levers of change: Attentive to the values. Make available information and solutions (pedagogy and simple indicators) to help them to be even more exemplar.- Eco-restricted : 12. 4% (vs. 15. 6% in 2011) Aware of environmental issues including global warming concern, their involvement focuses on enabling them to spend less: too packed products, they make more things themselves. This group suffers the crisis and made ​​with the best financial constraints. It may be because radiacaliser think we totally revise our model of society. Levers of change: Explain clearly the potential savings in the evolution of behavior. Help them be active in society. Talk to them tricks, engage, exchange deals through social networking, forums.- The Permeable : 11. 8% (vs. 9. 4% in 2011) They do not have strong convictions and it is difficult for them to understand the information, which leads to a saturation (messages, product choice) with the consequence mistrust. However, they are more affected by awareness campaigns on sustainable development. They want to be reassured and have yet to be convinced of the importance of sustainable development issues. They are mainly sensitive to the local dimension / social sustainable development. Levers of change: Social Benefits. Provide them with information including simple (through product labels), and demonstrative.- The Consophages : 13. 6% (vs. 17. 1% in 2011) A group in reduction is difficult to compromise between the need to consume, to exist, to build himself and sustainable development issues, still seen as a fashion . For them, the products are not responsible for innovative and thus unattractive. Levers of change: Speaking of innovation, modernity. Use the digital levers (web and mobile). Boost by levers of belonging to a group in the movement.- The Minimizers : 15. 3% (vs. 17. 9% in 2011) are in the system and want to continue to enjoy. The major challenge for them is the resumption of economic growth. Sustainable development is seen more as a constraint. They are more skeptical about the quality and credibility of sustainable products. By a very ” short-termist”, this group does not prioritize responsible behavior. For reassurance themselves, they believe they have already changed their behavior. This group is however more concerned about health issues and be the envy of welfare. Levers of Change: Demonstrating the interest of sustainable growth in a rational manner. Integrate into the discourse of reasoning ” more of …” rather than ” less of …” (profits rather than sacrifices). The relevance of the typology having been found in 2011 is still valid in 2012, the choice was made to measure the actual state behavior of each type. So what are these évolution?- A positive evolution with a decrease of groups with a negative attitude with respect to the sustainable consumption and an increase of the groups involved. Groups limited by economic constraints are stable.- A significant increase of men in most groups. Age is no longer a discriminating criterion of commitment.- Rejuvenation of the groups involved.

Psychological elements :

The study of IEM (Institute of Environmental Medicine), ranging from neuroscience to psychology, was used to analyze multiple dimensions including adaptability, tend to be ” addicted” blockages social , self confidence and in the others, etc.. This analysis allows us to better know who (target), how (marketing lever) and what (purchasing behavior) communicate. It appears that Sustainable Development is primarily a matter of open mind (curiosity, flexibility, rationality, personal opinion … These attitudes are those that affect the recycling, request info and behavior change . Scouts, the Greens Builders and Bio-Beautiful looking good this profile. Conversely, those who, as the Consophages, the Permeable and Minimizers have more rigid functioning due to: a mindset routine (” Automatic Mode Mind”) blocks social (complex, taboos, social discomfort .. .) a tendency to be ” addicted” (addictive behaviors) are worried by the the information ” alarmist” or overload. Thus, they expect the information clear, simple, reliable (such as displays mandatory energy performance of appliances …). They are also susceptible to ” social norms” it must therefore be ” moving lines” make it desirable and current Sustainable Development, belittle and expire attitude ” consophage!” It is also not activate the ” balance of power” (dominance / submission, trust / distrust) they are very sensitive and waterproof make to sustainable development. Finally, the Communication for Sustainable Development will: encourage, openness by promoting the recruitment of Mental Adaptive Mode, preventing addictive tendencies (instead of encourage!) Be customized playing, turn on the motivations of different personality profiles. French people better and better connect the different stakes: the economy, environment, health, employment … Hence the need for consumers to have information across the three pillars of sustainable development, consistent, transparent and comprehensive. If a few years ago we were still in a search for ” beneficial to yourself,” today is a multi-benefit setting. Concerns are spreading and intensifying: whereas 5 years ago, the local interest occurred only in one group, there are now four groups attach importance, and for health concern now five against two groups in 2007. It is becoming increasingly necessary to demonstrate the value chain of the product: the action and its benefits for themselves, the world and others. The strategy : Managers should ask themselves two questions relating to green marketing strategy. (See ” The Matrix Green Marketing Strategy.”) Firstly, how the consumer is significant for green business The company can increase its profits by improving its image? Are customers will judge that company is green enough? The Matrix Green Marketing StrategySee TableSecond question: the company can differentiate itself with the environment? Does the company have the resources? Understanding of green in its industry and its competitors beat on this dimension, or some are so entrenched in the green space? That competition will not follow environmental issues as would very expensive and frustrating? (Note that the answers to these two sets of questions will help determine how a company should emphasize ” green” as a marketing differentiation and not how much to invest in environmentally friendly practices. Depending on how these issues are addressed, companies should consider one of these strategies: Lean Green. Green Lean: try to be good citizens, but they are not focused on advertising or marketing their green initiatives. Instead, they are interested in improving efficiency and reducing costs through environmentally friendly activities, thus creating a competitive advantage at lower cost. They are usually looking for long-term solutions and want to adapt to the regulations, but they do not make money from green market segments. Lean Green often reluctant to promote their green activities or attributes of green products for fear of being held to a higher standard – and not always be able to be at or differentiate themselves from their competitors. Example: Coca-Cola can be characterized as a Lean Green. Most consumers do not know that the company has invested heavily in recycling activities. Although Coca-Cola is concerned about the environment, in most cases, he chose not to commercialize his efforts. One reason for this could be the target wide range of the brand. If Coca-Cola was directly related to its environmental efforts throughout the brand, it runs the risk that its products will be cataloged in green. In addition, publishing his efforts to green marketing, Coca-Cola could actually do himself more harm than good. And have exams that could lead to the unveiling of other issues that were hitherto unknown to the general public. Lean for the Greens, environmental issues closely linked to a brand is safer approach as Coca-Cola has done with its Odwalla brand. Green defensive. Green defensive generally use green marketing as a precautionary measure, a response to a crisis or a response to the actions of a competitor. They seek to improve the brand image and mitigate damage, recognizing that the green market is an important stakeholder and cost they can not afford to ignore. Their environmental initiatives can be sincere and lasting, but their efforts to highlight and promote these initiatives are irregular and temporary, as they generally do not have the ability to differentiate itself from its competitors on ecology. Aggressive communication of green would be unnecessary and could create expectations that are not met. Continue defensive actions such as sponsoring events more environmentally friendly and defend their environmental issues with the public relations and advertising efforts if they are attacked by activists, regulators or competitors. But unless they find they can obtain a sustainable competitive advantage thanks to the green, they did not launch a major campaign in green. The largest clothing retailer Gap Inc has often been cited as a socially responsible company that cares for the well-being of employees and customers of Gap, Banana Republic and Old Navy stores. On the environmental front, the company has long promoted energy conservation and waste reduction, and its headquarters was described as an excellent example of sustainable construction. The company says these activities on its website but does not publish outside too. In the 1990s, GAP has become the target of criticism because of militant involvement of its former CEO, Robert Fisher (son of the founder) and his parents with the Mendocino Redwood Co. Llc. This company had bought 350 square miles of forest land in Northern California, planning to preserve the most part, but also to some sustainable forestry in small portions of it. Their sustainability plans were not sufficient in the eyes of some activist groups (see www. gapsucks. org) and numerous events, press releases criticism from environmental groups have been set up …
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AssignBuster. (2022) 'The role of ecology marketing essay'. 7 June.


AssignBuster. (2022, June 7). The role of ecology marketing essay. Retrieved from https://assignbuster.com/the-role-of-ecology-marketing-essay/


AssignBuster. 2022. "The role of ecology marketing essay." June 7, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/the-role-of-ecology-marketing-essay/.

1. AssignBuster. "The role of ecology marketing essay." June 7, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/the-role-of-ecology-marketing-essay/.


AssignBuster. "The role of ecology marketing essay." June 7, 2022. https://assignbuster.com/the-role-of-ecology-marketing-essay/.

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"The role of ecology marketing essay." AssignBuster, 7 June 2022, assignbuster.com/the-role-of-ecology-marketing-essay/.

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